Adultery Seduction of Nisha, the happy Housewife by elder_ guy (COMPLETED)
Anjali: Tell me Rohit do you find me beautiful or attractive, she asked with a naughty smile.
Rohit now thought she is just a tease and teasing him as she suspected his relation with Nisha. So he thought Ok let me enjoy the tease.........

Rohit: I think you will have to ask Vijay for a reply to that. 
Anjali: Oh No Husbands find their wives not attractive a few years after marriage she said laughingly and so he cannot answer that.
Vijay on his part was observing that his wife is engaged in conversation with Rohit and he thought Anjali is good enough to handle it. In any case he only asked her to flirt but he somehow felt she may be moving a wee bit fast.

Anjali: Rohit,I asked you the question she calmly said.
Rohit: I think anyone will find you attractive
Anjali: Rohit I am sorry to say this but you are an expert in evading answers.
Rohit:  sometimes it better to be safe than regret later.
Anjali:  You have nothing to worry and I wanted just an honest opinion.

Rohit then smiled and said Ok if that is what you want you are surely very attractive and If I may add you are surely a hot woman. With that he was about to walk to join other colleagues as he knew any too much spending of time with this attractive lady will give chance to rumors and also Nisha may also be piqued. He glanced and Nisha in fact is checking out and looking at them.

Anjali: Hey Rohit one last question? Why do you think I am attractive and anything that you feel is attractive specifically???

Rohit was not too sure where this is leading and not sure whether Anjali is flirting openly or just teasing. He decided to play safe for the time being. Anjali in the meanwhile was adjusting her Pallu and that gave Rohit the chance to have a look at her lovely tits without being covered by pallu for few seconds. Again he was not sure whether this is intentional or casual.

Rohit: Anjali, You have a  beautiful face, an excellent smile and I think the last part of it I will leave as it is not good for me to say in such short interaction, When times comes I will tell you. But he let his eyes roam on her body and her tits for few seconds.

And he walked to join the others and was immediately in conversation with Anil.

Anjali on her part was happy that she flirted slightly with Rohit and possibly moved closer to him. She was also impressed by his confidence and charm and especially not getting carried away and say straight I like your tits or something like that.

The fun and frolic was going on and then drinks began and as is normal  Rohit, Anil, Hitesh and Avinash too joined. Rohit called Vijay too just to make him feel comfortable and not left out, though he would have joined other men in normal course. 

Winnie joined and sat by the side of her hubby and Ritu too joined. Avinash called his wife and Nisha too joined rather unwillingly. She has her reasons, she observed she gets exited post drinks and yes the thoughts of Rohit will disturb her whether she accepts it or not. It is a mind and heart games where her brain is sending caution signals but her heart is telling her go ahead and enjoy. 

Rohit looked at Vijay and soon Anjali too joined. Those not having drinks were given soft drinks. Men ordered scotch and so is Winnie, Ritu said she will go with Gin and took liberty to order Gin for Nisha too. Nisha said she will go with soft drink but Avinash said come on Nisha don’t be a spoil sport. 

This left Anjali and she was unable to decide. She was not willing to join for drinks at such an early stage, after all her hubby joined only recently and this was their first party, was not sure how men will react to the woman sipping a drink. Winnie sensed this and said hey Anjali no one here is so prude to think cheap, this is just time to be free and enjoy, have your drink. 

This assured Anjali that the men will not think badly of her and she was also happy Nisha joined any how with her Gin. The drinks too arrived and she calmly said give me a Gin. Winnie teasingly said Anjali I thought you will join me in scotch but Anjali replied no Winnie just a Gin for me. But not one to leave a chance to tease Winnie said, next time we will have scotch or Vodka together and in private not along with these women, why men alone should have parties? All laughed at the exchange and the mood set right in. 

stay tuned.....
 Pl read n comment 
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Smita n Janki

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RE: RANI LOOKS SEXY. Seduction of Nisha,the happy Housewife by elder guy - by twinciteeguy - 07-12-2020, 07:00 AM

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