Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
Fantasizing about Colin was one thing, but Priya wasn't certain what might happen if she were actually around him. She found herself wanting to add, 'has a much bigger penis' to the list of things that made Colin more attractive than Mark. The mere notion excited her to no end.

Priya was having trouble focusing and was agonizing over what to wear later. Upon hearing the doorbell, she realized that the time had gotten away from her and hastily dressed into the last outfit that she had been considering.

"Good evening, Colin. Please come in", Priya came out of the bedroom just in time to hear Mark warmly greet his boss at the door. Colin was the first to see what Priya was wearing since he was facing the inside of the house, while Mark's back was turned to bedroom at the time. Although Colin was speaking to Mark, all of his attention was on Priya as she approached the front door.

He smiled at her earnestly, never before having seen her wear something so revealing. Priya was sporting a turquoise satin mini dress with a V-neckline, which showed off just enough of her cleavage, and a wrapped skirt that put her absolutely gorgeous legs on display. The ruched bodice and criss-cross spaghetti straps also accentuated her curves and back nicely. It might have been a bit of a club dress, but could plausibly pass for a cocktail dress and thus, still felt appropriate for a dinner party. Priya had never worn it before and had originally bought it to wear exclusively for Mark. It wasn't overly revealing by any means, but was easily the least conservative outfit in her wardrobe. She felt a bit excited and shy at the same time that another man got to see her wearing it first.

Priya blushed and fidgeted around nervously when she realized that Colin was checking her out. She settled on holding her arms together, her new posture only drawing further attention to her already impressive cleavage.

"Hello, Priya", Colin greeted Priya as he usually would, with a short hug and brief peck on the cheeks, "You look lovely as usual." Priya's chest was pounding and she could barely make eye contact with Colin without blushing like crazy. Colin, on the other hand, was entirely composed and in his element, his focus solely on Priya. In that moment, the two almost forgot that Mark was there.

The group eventually made their way to the dining room, Mark only just now noticing Priya's exquisite outfit. He knew that Priya had been somewhat stressed lately and had gone out of his way to set the table and prepare everything beforehand. Mark insisted that Priya and Colin sit at the table while he go into the kitchen and pour drinks.

They were already quite familiar and Colin knew exactly how to put Priya at ease. He initiated most of the conversational points at first, but was able to cut through the awkwardness in no time. Most of Priya's nervousness was erased at this point and they were having a normal conversation, with Colin peppering in his usual charm from time to time.

By the time Mark had returned, the two were laughing wholeheartedly and just generally enjoying each other's company. Mark, as usual, didn't make anything of it and was just relieved that Priya was more relaxed. Colin was certainly the mood maker of the evening, actively engaging both Priya and Mark and ensuring everyone was having a good time. The alcohol was playing a part too. Priya wasn't drinking tonight, but Colin made sure that Mark was getting his fill, urging him to match him drink for drink. Colin had been reading Priya's body language from the start of the evening and was eager to see where things could go.

Whenever Mark left the table to get something from the kitchen or use the bathroom, Colin would compliment Priya in some way. Even when Mark was there, the conversation would sometimes become two sided between Priya and Colin.

"Priya...your dress really is stunning. It complements your beautiful skin perfectly," Colin commented, brushing her hand gently. Priya blushed and reciprocated Colin's light touch. She was in the moment and having a great time flirting with Colin behind her husband's back.

"Honestly, I'm surprised Mark can even keep his hands off of you. If I had a wife like you..." Colin trailed off before finishing. He was stirring up Priya's excitement and lust with his every word.

"I don't know if he told you, but Mark and I have actually been trying to have a baby for a while now," Priya felt comfortable enough with Colin to volunteer this information.

"Oh, I know that can be tough for some couples," Colin instantly empathized with her, "It will happen eventually...don't worry."

"If there's anything I can do for the two of you, please let me know," Colin concluded, holding Priya's hand to reassure her.

Colin, not knowing about Priya's cuckold impregnation fantasy, was actually making her hornier than he could ever imagine. Just then, Mark returned to the dining room table stumbling.

"Looks like you're done for the night," Colin chuckled. He proceeded to guide Mark to the bedroom. Once he got there, Mark plopped onto the bed without a care in the world, falling asleep almost instantly.

Priya thanked Colin and the two stayed up chatting well into the night, flirting all the while. She insisted that Colin stay over in the guestroom since it was already so late, to which Colin had absolutely no objection. Priya was finding it very hard to resist Colin's charm and the urge to cuck her husband, especially after Mark had just passed out. Colin, however, was reading Priya well and was about to make his move.

He rested his palm on her thigh and caressed it gently. Once he saw that she was comfortable with that, he went even further. He gradually drew his face closer to hers and Priya leaned in to meet him. Their lips made contact and they shared their first kiss. It lasted briefly, as they parted when Priya looked away, her face red. She eventually looked back at Colin and they tried again, this time more passionately. Priya held the back of his neck and they had a long, deep kiss. Colin followed up with his tongue and Priya immediately responded in kind. They were now making out noisily in the middle of the kitchen, actively seeking out each other's tongues.

Priya felt like she was now fully immersed in one of her cuckold fantasies and was fully on board, looking to further escalate the situation. She held Colin's hand and without uttering a single word, seductively led him to the guestroom.

Once they were there, Colin broke the silence.

"So Priya...did you wear that dress just for me?" Colin teased as he rubbed her firm ass.

Priya chuckled flirtatiously, "I guess I did".

They joined back tongues and resumed kissing passionately as Colin fondled her all over through her sexy dress. Colin had surprisingly never slept with one of his employees' wives before and his dick was twitching in anticipation. Taking charge, Colin turned Priya around and proceeded to unzip her dress. Priya happily complied, raising her silky, long, jet black hair and removing the remainder of her outfit.

"Your husband never saw you in these either, right?" Colin enquired as he groped Priya's more exposed breasts roughly.

"No..", Priya moaned, the pleasure leaking through her voice.

He was referring to her lacy green and black underwear that she was going to wear for Mark as a surprise the next time they were together.

Priya couldn't take it anymore. She was ready to give Colin everything that was supposed to be for Mark only. Colin unhooked her bra and stuck his hand down her panties. His cock got even harder when he realized how wet Priya had been and proceeded to finger her pussy and tease her nipples.

They weren't even fucking yet and Colin was pleasuring Priya more than her husband ever did. Priya began stroking Colin's cock through his pants impatiently.

The two were really getting in sync as Colin pulled down his pants and whipped out his dick while Priya removed her underwear. Priya gasped upon seeing Colin's penis for the first time. It was well on par with the bulls from the cuckold porn she watched and far outclassed Mark. Priya had never been as horny as she was now, admiring Colin's massive erection.

She wasted no time getting on her knees and bringing her face towards his cock. Priya looked at it, dazed, before kissing the tip and then drawing it into her mouth. She never sucked on her husband's dick all too often, but was eager to do it for her bull, just like in the videos. Colin sat on the bed and smiled as he watched Priya completely enraptured by his cock and held her head in approval. Priya slurped up Colin's dick loudly. Everything about it had a manlier feel than Mark and Priya couldn't help but want to suck on it more. Never before had she enjoyed giving a blowjob as much as she did now.

After over 15 minutes of dedicating her mouth to his cock, Colin rewarded Priya's efforts with a powerful ejaculation. Priya savored the sensation of another man's semen in her mouth and carefully tried to swallow every last drop. There was no way she could though. The volume and thickness of Colin's ejaculation was spectacular and even though she managed to drink a lot of his cum, she received a sizable facial at the end.

Priya panted as she lusted over the idea of receiving an ejaculation of that magnitude in her womb.

It only took a few seconds for Colin's cock to get hard again. Priya was fixated on his massive length and girth the whole time. He took Priya by the hand, urging her to join him on the bed, where she laid on her back. Colin got on top and teased her a bit once more, rubbing his cock against the entrance of Priya's pussy and playing with her tits. She moaned and wriggled her hips impatiently, awaiting further pleasure. He finally began inserting his large member inside her. Priya's tight Indian pussy had never held anything bigger than 5 inches and clung to every bit of Colin's hard cock, which was a bit over twice that size.

Priya moaned uncontrollably as Colin's dick hit places that Mark could never reach. Once Colin was finally all the way inside, he propped Priya's legs up and began thrusting relentlessly. She screamed at the intense levels of pleasure, seeming not to care whether or not her husband would hear from the next room.

Priya was officially fucking her husband's boss and was loving every second of it. She kept shaking her waist, urging Colin to accelerate his thrusts.

"Oh god Colin!! Fuck me...fuck me harder!!" , she pleaded.

The bed creaked and rocked wildly as Colin met Priya's demands, his penis reaching the deepest parts of her pussy with each pelvic thrust.

After fucking nonstop for half an hour, Colin was about to climax. Priya had an orgasm within the first 10 minutes, but Colin had been holding his back. Priya too was approaching her limit once more.

"Where do you want my cum Priya?" Colin asked while still maintaining his pace.

"Finish inside Colinn! ", Priya moaned loudly, "Please finish inside!!"

"You want to get knocked up by your husband's boss, Priya?", Colin teased her.

"Oh god! Yeesss!", Priya was screaming in pleasure at this point, "Make me pregnant with your baby Colin!!"

stay tuned
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