Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
Deepa had decided to take off her mangalsutra, the necklace her husband tied around her during their wedding symbolizing their marriage. She never took this off. But, had decided to do it for the weekend because she wanted to feel like she really belonged to Tom. But, she could not forget her sweet husband and the love of her life. So, she had left the small engagement ring on her finger to keep a part of her Raj on her body at all times, even when she was going to be fucked by his boss whose baby she carried.

Tom next unknotted her blouse. Deepa was wearing a blouse called choli that was tied like a bikini with no bra underneath. Once Tom opened her blouse she was left standing in front of him topless and blushing. Again, he could not believe how gorgeous and beautiful and sexy she was. He looked at her beautiful boobs and said, "I have such fond memories of these beautiful babes. I can never forget how sweet you tasted. Feeding from your breasts was by far, one of the most erotic experiences of my life."

Deepa was blushing hearing his erotic compliments. She said shyly, "Well I am glad I was still lactating and was able to feed you. I was weaning my son and soon after the night I stopped producing milk."

"Oh, that is so sad", said Tom. "I would have loved to taste your milk tonight. Never mind, I will still enjoy sucking on your pretty nipples." Her nipples were standing out hard and erect from all this sexy talk. Tom latched on to her right nipple and started sucking on it. He felt something sweet trickle down his throat catching him off guard. He looked at her in surprise.

Deepa started blushing while at the same time and lowered her eyes shyly. Tom put his hand on her chin and raised her head until she was looking at him tenderly with her doe-like, expressive eyes and said, "Yes, I just started producing milk again, this time to feed our baby." Tom was overwhelmed with tenderness and love for this gorgeous, sweet woman, who by some miraculous quirk of fate was carrying his child in her womb. Suddenly he wanted not a stick of cloth between them and quickly discarded his clothes and hers.

Tom lay her down on the bed and began to slowly insert his hard cock into her dripping wet pussy. He only inserted his cock a couple of inches before fucking her with shallow strokes. Deepa had waited too long for this. She was ready to couple with Tom. She grasped his buttocks and tried to pulled him in forcefully. But, Tom resisted.

He said, "This is enough. I do not want to hurt the baby by going any deeper."

Deepa was touched by his concern. But she wanted all of him. She said, "The baby is safe in my womb. Now I want the daddy all the way inside me as well. Please Tom fuck me hard and give me what I have been craving for so long. Ever since you made me pregnant, I have been feeling discontent. Please come into me and make me feel whole again as I feel our baby in my womb and the daddy deep in my pussy"

Tom realized that even though she was tight, he was soon buried balls deep in her. Deepa gave a sigh of pure contentment and enclosed him in her arms. Tom turned her on her side and slid back into her from behind while spooning her. He grasped her big boobs and began fucking her hard, slamming into her all the way. Soon he had built up a fast and hard pace. He was sweating while Deepa was wailing in ecstasy. Just as he was really building up steam and was taking them both towards a huge orgasm, they heard a hard knock on their locked bedroom door. Deepa was immediately distracted, and turned towards the door.

Tom said, "Ignore him. Whatever he needs can wait. My need for you cannot."

But, Deepa said, "Please Tom, we need to open the door. He would never knock if it was not important. Besides, he is my husband, and I cannot ignore his knock. Please open the door."

Tom was not happy. He got off her angrily with his hard cock swinging obscenely in front of him. With the same aggression he pulled open the door wide and demanded, "What?"

Raj took everything in within an instant. Deepa's sexually flushed and sweating nakedness that she hastily covered by pulling up the blanket. He frowned for a second wondering what that was about. She had just been fucking another man, but as soon as she sees her husband she cannot rush to cover herself up? Tom standing in front of him panting as though he had just run the marathon, but in reality had just been pounding into Raj's beautiful wife. Raj registered the anger on his face as well as the hardness of his cock glistening with their combined love juices and an engorged tip that also looked red and angry to have been pulled away from his lover's warm and sexy sheath.

Raj looked at Deepa and said in a apologetic voice, "I got a call from your mom."

Deepa immediately started getting up and asked, "Oh my god! Is our son OK?"

Raj said, "Yes he is fine. Your dad has come down with a fever. Your mom is having to care for him. She asked me to come and pick up our son. Besides, she does not want to expose the kid to whatever germs your dad is carrying."

Deepa said, "Give me 5 minutes and I will be ready to come with you."

Raj glanced quickly at Tom's still hard cock and Deepa's flushed face and said, "There is no need of that. I will pick him up and stay in our house in the city tonight and tomorrow. You and Tom stay here as planned." He saw Deepa blush at that statement. "I will see you tomorrow evening back home."

Deepa asked, "Are you sure?" Raj said, "Yes. I will take our son to the Zoo tomorrow. I am sure we will have a fun relaxing father-son day."

Deepa was convinced that her capable, loving husband will take care of their son, and her attention returned to her lover. Before Tom could shut the door on him, Raj saw his wife give Tom a sexy smile, and provocatively pulled back her blanket and said in a husky, lust filled voice, "Tom, please come back to bed."

Next day Raj spent time with his son. His mom called him in the evening to say that his dad was feeling much better and that she wanted to spend the remaining time with her grand son. So, Raj dropped off his son with his mom after dinner and headed home with mounting excitement and anticipation, not knowing what to expect. What he found was a silent house except for his bedroom. The door was closed but he could hear rhythmic thumping coming from behind it and low throaty moans from wife and the occasional "oh god! fuck me! Fuck me Tom!" He wondered whether they had been fucking all day. Anyway, he went into the guest room and the noise seemed louder here as the two rooms shared a wall. After almost an hour during which time the thumping varied in speed and Deepa's moans varied in intensity, the speed picked up to a furious pace.

Deepa began begging Tom, "Cum in me Tom. Give me your sperm. Come on Darling! I am ready for it. Give it to me. Yes! Yes! Yes!." Finally there were a few really loud thumps, followed by a guttural groan, which Raj assumed was Tom's, then silence. By then, Raj had his cock out and was masturbating. When Tom shot his cum into Raj's wife, Raj shot into a towel in his hands. Raj cleaned up and went to bed. He was woken up periodically by the thumping noise coming from the other room. He wondered at Tom's stamina to fuck and Deepa's stamina to take it for so long.

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Smita n Janki

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