Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
If so many readers has mindset Desai as villain and Krish and Meera are happy couple but it's not look true throughout story what can do any writer of writer has also deside to make his mind Desai as villain by hook or crooke i think no need to continue this story though some more interesting fucking sessions between Meera and Desai or any other something is better rest in this site at this all going stories are totally useless. Still waiting for more interesting episodes.
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I read the story a few times more after the finishing and If a have to say what was wrong with the last part, I'd say it felt quite rushed,  like it was abruptly ended in a haste after a great long buildup. 

Now for the ending part, personally I am still conflicted. On one side I always thought Meera and Desai ending up together would be interesting, I mean the couple ended up together in part II so if the same thing happens again then where's the fun in that! Specially, after reading about the intial plot, there has been that curiosity of how them finally separating would be like. Exploration of a new direction could've given a better purpose for this part, although better is subjective . But on other side, one of the core parts of the story and what makes it so good,  is the bond between Krish and Meera, so from there, them staying together feels needed as well.It’s really conflicting and one of those moments where one feels glad to not be the author. 

But the biggest problem in details for the ending, I'd say, was desai leaving them just like that. Because things like this have happened in the past, i.e. the photo in moneybag incident where the couple sends him away and he leaves just for them to bring him back again. And He's always been devious, manipulative and still they've kept him in their life. The money incident comes to mind here. So, it's not a new thing and the forced affair with Nidhi didn’t feel like that far off from what he's always been capable of. Atleast not enough to end things definitively.  For things like these, it doesn’t feel like a proper ending when he could return just as he did in the past times.

Another thing, personally I felt like Desai deserved a lot more after such a long buildup. Even if they didn’t end up together, a bit more time for them as a couple would've been great. But adding things just for the sake of sex wouldn’t go well with story obviously but since things like shimoga trip and Desai's family or a vacation was meantioned many times. Maybe this could've been explored. Meera and Desai going off to a vacation as a couple or to Shimoga and meeting with Desai's family spending some time , internal issues and emotional aspects of this direction could've been explored more and maybe this could've been used as a buildup for the reconciliation. The current reconciliation's fast paced swinging felt a bit odd,  she was ready to meet Desai's family and then she ended everything and was with Krish just like that. A bit more buildup would've felt more natural I suppose.

On another note, I personally thought the pregnancy issue should've had a better outcome. After all it was teased so much and Krish might already have one with another woman (part II), so Meera being pregnant from Desai on part III could've given something more to the story. Otherwise things just fall right back to where it was in the beginning as if nothing happened. 

Finally, If I had to say one ending I wanted to see  without any logic or explanation, it'd be Desai and Meera finally being together with something similar to the initial plot. But I do see the problem with that cause Desai's character was supposed to fall from the beginning and them being together was never the intention. The only way to work it would be if Desai's incident with Nidhi was shown in a lighter way, the severity of the crime lessened and maybe Desai changes for the better from there.

For conclusion, it’s one thing to think about outsomes and another thing to building them up while doing justice to the story. I hope some of these points can be food for thought for the author.   Good luck and looking forward to it.
[+] 2 users Like Sad Ash Rafa's post
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In my view, last episode it felt like Meera wanted to settle down with Desai but then Desai is not good human so lets have whatever is left (Krish). Union of Krish and Meera was not because they love each other but its because Desai felt short. If Meera finds someone rich and loyal, she will definitely leave Krish.

Krish character was also a problem in Part-3. Till part-2 he was kind of unwilling cuck. He was always trying to save his wife from others but then situation and his dick was out of control. In part-3 he was taking pleasure and was a willing cuck. I was not able to connect Krish part-2 and part-3.

Krish was taking pleasure by allowing others to fuck Meera and Meera was planning to find a right partner and leave Krish. When they both have gone to that extent, they should have parted their ways and let life teach lessons. May be after few years when they meet again, they will know how incomplete they are without each other and start fresh and better.

I think this series is one of the best story in this forum.
[+] 1 user Likes hero123p's post
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Hi Krish welcome back , I think u had great time off and enjoyed lot. In readers case it was reverse effect , since it's long gap we are detached form the story , now story is like mist in our head. We know what happened but all minute details don't remember.
Regarding last chapter initially we felt that story was not ended properly but after reading few times we settled with that. Since u also didn't come back soon.
1. Desai was shown as changed man and nothing was there in story telling other wise untill last chapter where he became vilian suddenly.
2. We felt story ended abruptly meeta chose Desai in last but one part and last part this changed drastically. This could have been Meera and desai taking that vacation, going to shimoga also may be spend some time there. Then we see real face of Desai , when he finally gets meera. may be something that kind of ending.
Or Desai is good man only but Meera love towards krish is more when compared to Desai. This she realises only after she is seperated from krish. When the couple are exhausted from their routine sex and attraction is faded away. Then she goes back to krish.
3. Build up from chapter 1 to last was to see how Meera enjoys the sex with Desai and krish getting opportunity to see it. But that was shown in such humiliating manner that it looked like bang of krish. So that could have been better.
4. There are many possibile endings ... U know it better. It's ur decession to touch the story , modify last 2 chapters or change the ending or leave as it is. We are open for everything. It's left to u how u finish it. Request is better to have some more session between Meera and desai with krish in frame. Then end it.
Thank you and enjoy
[+] 1 user Likes The Last samurai's post
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The story could be continued further in part 4.
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Personally, I feel the story has ended here, and only the author can decide how it should end and he did that. That said I really want him to come back with a new story with different characters may be. We all deserve a fresh new story from him.

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Welcome back, Krish! 
I'm delighted to hear from you after so many months. Your response has rekindled hope for the return of this website. It has been incomplete without your presence. As much as you needed these last seven months to unwind, it was equally challenging for us, as we sorely missed your writings.

Due to this lengthy hiatus, we do retain the essence of the story but have forgotten some finer details. There are certain aspects of the story that should encourage you to resume writing:

1) This story is a masterpiece. Anyone who reads it in the future is bound to become a fan. However, there's a lingering question about the ending. It appears rushed and abrupt, as if you were in a hurry to conclude it. My suggestion is to add more chapters to ensure a more satisfying and realistic conclusion, leaving no room for questions.

2) There were multiple discussions about Meera visiting Shimoga or other vacation spots like Goa or a hill station with Desai. However, this never materialized due to the sudden ending of the story. It would make sense to include this subplot, but please don't forget to involve Krish in the trip. we're tired of listening Desai-Meera sex scene from Desai's POV. Hopefully, Krish can observe discreetly this time.

Perhaps bringing Dr. Maitree along on the trip would add excitement to the storyline. In this way, we would also get a chance to see how Meera behaves & if she gets jealous of Dr. Maitree. Moreover, how Meera would react if she somehow watches Desai getting intimate with with Dr. Maitree. Her behaviour would be something to look forward to.
Meera has always talked about Maitree and this name in the conversations have always excited us. 
It would be fascinating to see how Desai manages to be with Meera without letting Maitree know about them and may be even Desai seeking help from Krish for this. Quite intriguing situation it would turn out to be !!

3)The relationship between Meera and Krish has been the heart of this story. They seem destined for each other. However, towards the end, Meera's conversations hinted at her developing feelings for Desai, which was quite unexpected and raised questions about their love. While some emotional attachment in such situations is understandable, falling in love with someone else, especially when already committed to someone like Krish, seems to undermine the core of the story. How can MEERA start loving any guy other than Krish !! What's left in story then....

For instance, Meera sharing her experience of the train incident with Desai but not with Krish was disappointing. Meera and Krish not only share a marital bond but also consider themselves best friends with whom they can share anything without shame. Meera's decision to confide only in Desai was perplexing and detracted from the strength of their relationship. May be it was important for Meera to make Krish realise her importance in life & that she is not permanent and he should remain in limits of fantasies and at least should raise his voice when needed but still Meera being so emotional about Desai was hard to digest and raised questions on their love. I'm sure Krish would have understood if Meera would have spoken her heart because hiding such a big thing from husband is not a good sign.
May we we should work on this in end parts if possible to maintain the love & trust element between couple?

4) Chapter 3 from the start itself has always been about how Meera in her true self would look like having sex with Desai which was never depicted till end of the story. This could have happened only and only if Meera was not aware that Krish is watching her but it never happened and readers and Krish both were left devoid of it. 
Moreover, to add to the frustration, when intimate scenes did occur between Desai and Krish, they were more akin to humiliation for Krish rather than enjoyment. So neither did we enjoy their sex the way it could be shown and more did Krish enjoy it.
It should definitely be written in a better way where Krish and us readers are not stuck in emotions and finally can simply enjoy raw sex between Meera and Krish. 
We want to experience Meera's pleasure and Krish's reactions in these moments.

Additionally, you could introduce more instances where Krish has the opportunity to secretly observe Meera adapting to Desai's big size, which is central to the story's theme. We want to get this feeling of content that how Meera enjoys sex with Desai and krish watching them secretly.
The intimate scenes in ending chapters should be re-written to ensure that they are enjoyable for both the readers and Krish.

5) Towards the story's conclusion, Desai's conversations gave the impression that Meera was never interested in physical relations with other men from the beginning, and it was Krish who coerced her into it. This portrayal of Meera as a passive character with double standards doesn't align with the earlier dynamics of their relationship & seems entirely false. Meera had actively participated in Krish's fantasies, which were a mutual source of excitement. 
It's important to address Meera's behavior and ensure that her character remains consistent throughout the story.
If Meera was against other men then how could she possibly get so turned on in their intimate conversations Their chemistry showed true passion but in later parts Desai depicting Meera like a sheep and Meera not saying anything against it was so wrong on Meera's character. I did not appreciate the fact that Meera never uttered a single word to save Krish on this thing.
              Agree, Krish was the one who always initiated the subject of other men but  Meera in her own smart ways used to give fuel to their conversations which led to things. So this kind of behaviour of Meera should be worked on because small things matter.
In summary, Meera's actions and emotions in the latter parts of the story have cast doubts on her love for Krish and have taken away from the story's core. 

I have a strong belief that Meera would become disenchanted with life alongside Desai if they were to adopt the mundane routines of an ordinary couple. Meera is far from ordinary, possessing qualities that any man would desire in a woman. She embodies care, independence, beauty, loyalty, love, sensuality, playfulness, intelligence, and a sharp wit. She even has a touch of the daring in her, with a hidden, provocative side. Despite all these admirable traits, she always sought those intimate conversations with Krish in their shared bed, where they explored fantasies involving other men. This, in my view, is perfectly acceptable, as long as it aligns with both their desires and doesn't harm their relationship. In fact, it has served to strengthen their connection as they've grown to understand each other better with each passing day.

For me, true betrayal isn't just about physical intimacy; it's when emotional bonds are formed with another person without your partner's knowledge. Towards the story's conclusion, it began to seem as though Meera was heading down this path, which started to detach me from the narrative. These situations made me question Meera's love for Krish and began to undermine Krish's character. He could never have imagined Meera developing deep emotional connections or falling in love with someone else, whether it be Desai or anyone else. The sexual encounters between Desai and Meera began to appear as a source of torment for Krish in the story's final chapters, which was far from enjoyable. Instead of pleasure, it turned into anguish for him.

Perhaps we could explore ways to rework these elements in the concluding chapters to ensure that both readers and Krish can find satisfaction and enjoyment in the story's intimate scenes.

Thank you. Hopefully you're reply soon and not keep readers hanging.
[+] 1 user Likes critic_honest's post
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You marry someone because you like and love everything about them (in all forms and situations). 
But if at certain times things start to go wrong and problems arise or gaps appear in the relationship, 
you start to think about separating, because this is the easiest and perhaps also the wisest and most 
fulfilling way at that moment.

But if you leave, you rob yourself of the chance to rediscover the attributes and all the good qualities that 
your partner had at the beginning and that is why you married him or her, or that they might come back...

* * *

I rather compare the marriage relationship between Meera and Krish with an iceberg, namely, 
what binds the two is the part that is under the water surface and this large part is the emotional level that 
welds the  two together "inseparably".
The sexual moments experienced by Meera with the different male partners as well as by Krish -as husband who 
sharing his wife with other/voyeur- are the "small" part, which is above the water surface...

... And none of the protonogists (both -male- with Meera, and -female- with Krish) have been able to come 
close to knocking at the emotional levels (hearts) of the two.

Meera and Krish were always connected in their hearts...

* * *

From the beginning, Desai tried to impress Meera with his money and manliness, (partly succeeding). 
To get her away from Krish, he threw all the weapons he had in his possession into the arena:

- Pretended to have changed (long hair on the outside, for example).
- Form a family with her (she was married to Krish and had no intention of filing for divorce).
- Gave Krish his company in advance to compensate him for taking his love and wife away from him.
  (So that he can show that he can buy Krish and then make him small and insignificant in Meera's eyes. 
  Easy to degrade)
- Brought his parents more and more into the picture so that Meera feels added to him...

Yet Desai had remained the same at the core, viz;
- runs behind every atracktive skirt
- angling for married women who have no marriage ambitions, but are more interested in sexual adventures. 
  So that he can get away at any time as soon as a new married woman is caught in his angling.
- Never able to form a family or promise fidelity to his wife and keep it. 
  (I have the feeling that Desai had a very bad experience with women in his younger years. Perhaps he 
  was   married and that marriage fell apart. And he is now taking revenge on "especially" married women!)
Maybe the author can say something about that!

* * *

In the last episode, Desai's real face came to light. 
It became clear once again that he cannot be faithful;
that he lied about Krish having hallucinations, imagining that he heard noises and voices;
that he is not at all averse (in case Meera moves in with him) to sharing Meera with others, but especially 
with his business partners.

All this finally contributed to Meera waking up from the rigidity she was in and making her decision against 
Desai and for her beloved husband Krish...

If I add up all the chapters of the story, I come to the same decision of the author, which I applaud here once again.
It was so right and irreconcilable, because both in the title of the story and in the emotional bond of Meera and Krish,
this path has been hidden...

I (like many other readers and fans) will be happy if the author describes in more detail in two or three chapters 
(from Meera's point of view, perhaps) her thought processes, her feelings, the sexual liaisons with Ashish and also 
the captain in the train and not least the experiences in the last episode that led to her deciding for Krish and 
against Desai.

A review from Meera's point of view, maybe ...

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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It would also be interesting if desai marries meera and ..share her with his buisness partners and call krish to come and see while meera had sex with them
Afterwards meera and krish faces each other and meera settle every thing with krish and they remarriage and live haplily 
It would be intersting krish brother Namaskar
[+] 1 user Likes Sagar s's post
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can some share the pdf of all 3 parts...
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(06-09-2023, 05:44 PM)Sad Ash Rafa Wrote: I read the story a few times more after the finishing and If a have to say what was wrong with the last part, I'd say it felt quite rushed,  like it was abruptly ended in a haste after a great long buildup. 

Now for the ending part, personally I am still conflicted. On one side I always thought Meera and Desai ending up together would be interesting, I mean the couple ended up together in part II so if the same thing happens again then where's the fun in that! Specially, after reading about the intial plot, there has been that curiosity of how them finally separating would be like. Exploration of a new direction could've given a better purpose for this part, although better is subjective . But on other side, one of the core parts of the story and what makes it so good,  is the bond between Krish and Meera, so from there, them staying together feels needed as well.It’s really conflicting and one of those moments where one feels glad to not be the author. 

But the biggest problem in details for the ending, I'd say, was desai leaving them just like that. Because things like this have happened in the past, i.e. the photo in moneybag incident where the couple sends him away and he leaves just for them to bring him back again. And He's always been devious, manipulative and still they've kept him in their life. The money incident comes to mind here. So, it's not a new thing and the forced affair with Nidhi didn’t feel like that far off from what he's always been capable of. Atleast not enough to end things definitively.  For things like these, it doesn’t feel like a proper ending when he could return just as he did in the past times.

Another thing, personally I felt like Desai deserved a lot more after such a long buildup. Even if they didn’t end up together, a bit more time for them as a couple would've been great. But adding things just for the sake of sex wouldn’t go well with story obviously but since things like shimoga trip and Desai's family or a vacation was meantioned many times. Maybe this could've been explored. Meera and Desai going off to a vacation as a couple or to Shimoga and meeting with Desai's family spending some time , internal issues and emotional aspects of this direction could've been explored more and maybe this could've been used as a buildup for the reconciliation. The current reconciliation's fast paced swinging felt a bit odd,  she was ready to meet Desai's family and then she ended everything and was with Krish just like that. A bit more buildup would've felt more natural I suppose.

On another note, I personally thought the pregnancy issue should've had a better outcome. After all it was teased so much and Krish might already have one with another woman (part II), so Meera being pregnant from Desai on part III could've given something more to the story. Otherwise things just fall right back to where it was in the beginning as if nothing happened. 

Finally, If I had to say one ending I wanted to see  without any logic or explanation, it'd be Desai and Meera finally being together with something similar to the initial plot. But I do see the problem with that cause Desai's character was supposed to fall from the beginning and them being together was never the intention. The only way to work it would be if Desai's incident with Nidhi was shown in a lighter way, the severity of the crime lessened and maybe Desai changes for the better from there.

For conclusion, it’s one thing to think about outsomes and another thing to building them up while doing justice to the story. I hope some of these points can be food for thought for the author.   Good luck and looking forward to it.

Don’t feel bad bro ! Meera is just a slut and a whore - she will find some other guy for sure in future ! She can’t be with Desai for long she need new dick ! She knew her husband won’t mind and she was enjoying sex with Desai !
She is just like a gold digger ! 

She will find some other old guy who will fuck her ! 

In this story she is totally a whore n slut ! 

Why she is with krish - just for a social purpose! Not a love at all ! 

She will never get a husband like krish ! Where she can go get fuck anyone !
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(12-09-2023, 05:43 AM)Amit2021msm Wrote: Don’t feel bad bro ! Meera is just a slut and a whore -
Bro, How many dicks Meera taken in this part?
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Welcome back Krish!
Hardly remember details that are subtle and relevant for change now. Its been a long gap, this gap you took would have been lot better if you have finished it once and for all and readers has story fresh in their minds,now feel like that connection is there but faded so emotionally not that attached anymore.
Anyways I will add details that seem forced for me and a change in those scenarios could make story a better one.
1. Emotional episode between Meera and krish once Desai left is half baked pie. It needs depth and conversations that fill the readers heart again with the love shown between them and their unbreakable bond.

2. Meera leaves Krish because she thinks he will fall further into the dark path if he is with her but finally decides again that Krish will never leave her so her destiny is with him, so does that mean she is ok with him falling deeper into the path of cuckoldry? Not explained well. She simply says she cannot ask him to leave and reconciles with him but no further details on what she was thinking when she decides to come back to Krish.

3. Last but one episode is so intense with Meera’s acting as if she fell for Desai and ready to take his seed for pregnancy and the love she has shown for Desai seems so real, how does she justify that she only did that to make Krish believe that she is in love with Desai? The same intensity shown on that scene should be shown in the conversations between lead pair afte Desai leaves to justfiy proper ending.

4. Going back to Meera and Krish’s conversation on the day everything falls apart, Krish ask her if she is enoying her time with Desai and if she still love him and his games. Meera says she has learnt to enjoy this life since it has become part of their life and facts are established that she is willing to play them with Krish and Krish jokingly also mentions if Desai is not there he will find some one else. Meera laughs at his suggestion. Right after that morning couple separate because Meera thinks Krish wants her to sleep with Piyush so that separation truly did not impact as well as it should nor it was justified enough for separation as Meera herself mentioned she is game for strangers.

5. Readers need to know how Meera will justify her mistake of infedility with Ashish vs Krish’s mistake of pushing her towards infedility in train episode. Aren’t both same so how come one does not inflict guilt worth trauma while other one causes trauma for her that she chooses to not reveal the details to her husband but reveals it to Desai. So the explanation on the difference and why she chose to reveal to Desai need more details.

6. Proper endings for Desai,Maitreyi and other characters involved. Where did Desai go, he lost the game so there is no ending if he truly loved Meera or not. He might be weak to not having sex but might have loved Meera.

7. How is the issue resolved for Krish and his shortcomings in sex. Is it a physcological one or he is really not that great at bed? Story does not leave details on how those issues were resolved once and for all. Meera should not be left unsatisfied in future so this is important.

8. Biggest issue for me with the way story ended is the arc is not complete. Story will have happy ending only when Krish changes for good as Meera wanted or Meera acknowledging that the games they play are only physical and she is more active partner than a forced one and they discuss and set parameters in the game with a happy ending. Neither of those outcomes were not established before the ending.

Also as some people suggested continuing the story to Shimoga is not a bad idea, Meera realizing that she cannot live with out Krish should be better than simply because Krish won’t leave her, It only shows Krish side of love. To establish Meera’s side of love strongly she should leave Desai when she has everything including Desai as a fiance, His parents as new family and wealth. If she leaves all that then it would have established a fact that she would not leave Krish for anything in this world other than Krish not wanting her anymore just like how it is for Krish. So adding few more chapters will make this a cult story on this site.
[+] 1 user Likes RCF's post
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Thank you for the response and suggestions. You have certainly help me to get the idea. I can understand that you guys have also forgotten the details like I do, but still remember key turning points. I hope I can work out the rest from here.
Thanks again.
Find my stories here:

[+] 1 user Likes krish_999's post
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Also add one more thing to clarify..Its obvious from the story that Meera has always liked Desai's sex skills and craved for it all the time even before Desai entered their lives again..She knew she enjoyed thoroughly something she never expected with that one night with Desai before reconciling with Krish. She did hide all those details and pretended all the while that her experience is nothing short of a failure from Desai as he did not even made her cum but the fact is he gave her best night despite not getting orgasm. While she would have shared such details previously with other partners even though they were great than Krish in bed, why did she hide details related to Desai? Why did she not reveal these details to Krish when she was getting wet dreams thinking of Desai knowing Krish is meeting with Desai and might soon bring him into their world..does she secretly wish to experience with Desai one more time and Is she waiting for Krish to fulfill her desire? No clarity from her end anywhere. If she truly loved Krish she should not have kept all these secrets which is something new and a deviation on her character arc.
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(18-09-2023, 09:05 AM)कृष_999 Wrote: प्रतिक्रिया और सुझावों के लिए धन्यवाद. आपने निश्चित रूप से मुझे यह विचार प्राप्त करने में मदद की है। मैं समझ सकता हूं कि आप लोग भी मेरी तरह विवरण भूल गए हैं, लेकिन मुख्य मोड़ अभी भी याद हैं। मुझे आशा है कि मैं यहां से बाकी काम कर सकता हूं।
एक बार फिर धन्यवाद।
Please app 5,6 update continue karo please
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Author may be already penning down all the modifications. However, I feel not very late to emphasize my points.
As the story stands after deleting last two chapters, Meera could settle with Desai, Krish or any other man of her choice. She could even have poised to become a high class escort, if not (If the event luck does not give her support) becoming a road side prostitute. Its author’s choice and I have nothing to speculate.
Definitely, I have a request.

I expect due respect for all the characters as they are woven. Barring a few incidents, attributes as well as motives of all three protagonists are distinct. Without proper stimulation, any aberration of the characters looks odd. It also destroys the storyline and appears to be forced on the characters.
Characterization till last two chapters

He is socially, economically and physically powerful man with high libido. He is a self-created person of rock solid vision, mission and accomplishment. Being highly successful businessman, he plans his movements with utter precision and executes without much deviation to bring success. He is not distracted with apparent failures and have ability to turn the failures in his favour in due course. He has also been portrayed as a perfect mind reader. His weakness and appetite on sex is not a hidden fact.

She is not only beautiful but also have brain with her. Also she has strong personalities. She is nymphomaniac. She searches for her long term sexual partners who are rich and powerful bestowed with high sexual stamina and god gifted endowment. She shares herself only at her own will and not under any compulsion. Though apparently she displays her love and attachment towards Krish, constantly she is in search for a gold mine to dig. She has enormous confidence in her and to accomplish her goal, she is least concerned about marriage and social restrictions. We have never seen her supporting her husband emotionally to get cured. Rather she aptly utilised her brain to manipulate Krish to enjoy her nymphomaniac character.
Desai is definitely different from all her previous sexual partners. She has displayed her emotional attachment to Desai. Even she shares her secrets with him while keeping her intimate relationship with him secret. She enjoys dictating terms and conditions in her relationship with Desai. Monetary gifts to Krish in terms of business was brainchild of Meera. She has mostly elevated herself as wedded wife to Desai in terms of their relationship.

Though he has been graduated to a cuckold, for me it appears to be a forced one on him. Nonetheless, even accepting him as a cuckold, unlike all cuckolds, he is mentally strong. He is honest and intelligent and to some extent can read other’s mind. His love for Meera is beyond question and as such he ready to share his wife physically with almost anybody but emotionally with none. At times, he even agreed to make supreme sacrifice for Meera to make her happy. For example, during his separation with Meera, he advised her to settle the future terms and conditions with das.
With above backdrops :

While relentlessly persuading Meera, he understood her vulnerability. He wanted to win Meera completely for hooks and crooks. Even considering his evil motives (Though the same is not established), he invested a lot in terms of money and time for her. He made a lot of sacrifices and even pulled out of Pune business, possibly only to prove his devotion towards Meera.  He shared his past completely and apparently made sacrifices to win Meera’s heart and confidence.
While Meera abstained from sex with him, aftermath Krish’s accident, it should not have been difficult for him to analyse Meera. She was testing his devotion and Desai should have understood it..  Possibly Desai was frustrated and immediately needed carnal pleasure. Pune is surrounded with hill stations. Dresai could easily get escort services anywhere. His engagement with Nidhi at Krish’s house while Krish is next room, taking all the risk is not matching with Desai characteristics. He can’t be made such fool.
Krish, known for affinity for liquors while in mental distress is well-established. While being shown the door by Meera, he is visiting Nidhi’s mother instead of a bar not in line with his character.
So, in my opinion, the chronological events created to thwart Desai from Meera’s life and paving the way for reconciliation of Krish-Meera are ill-conceived. They do not glorify the characters as painted earlier.
To bring clarity, Meera need to expose herself about her motives which should justify her all previous actions.
In a nutshell, the characters of protagonists should not be forced to satisfy anybody (Even to the author himself) even if it calls for permanent separation of Krish-Meera.

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great story 
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any new thread planning dear krish ?
and when ?
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(25-09-2023, 06:24 PM)fasterboy Wrote: any new thread planning dear krish ?
and when ?

I have started a new thread. A small series called "The Startup". But it's in Malayalam story section.
Those who don't understand the language can try translated web page. Maybe it helps.

You can read the story here: The Startup
Find my stories here:

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