Adultery Did I Cheat On My Husband?
That day was very special as well as very important for me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity because it could be the turning point of my career. So I have to give my best in every way, not only my presentation but also my outlook.
As like every day, I had a fight with my husband for some minor issues. He was a very frustrated guy, had no job then. Maybe his male ego hurt him every time as he had to live under his wife’s salary. He lost his job some time ago, that’s why I had to take the responsibility of my family. 

We have a daughter of 5 years old who makes our family complete, the three members’ nuclear family, husband-wife and a daughter. We have been married for 6 years. We met at our college days. We fell in love. We decided to marry after college. He got a decent job. 

I also wanted to do a job. But I didn’t want to hurt his male ego. He wanted to take all the responsibility and didn’t want me to work. I had always been a better student than him. So, if I did a job then I would earn more money than him. But I didn’t want him to feel insecure. 

I sacrificed my career for him at the beginning of our married life. At first, it all goes well around us. We enjoyed our married life. We loved each other. One year after getting married, I gave birth a sweet daughter as a symbol of our love. But suddenly everything changed when he lost his job. 

He didn’t find any other job. He tried and tried but failed to get any job. It made him frustrated. It affected our married life as well. He was always been irritated at home. The spark of our relationship was slowly going away. My family went through a financial crisis. 

I thought that I had to take the responsibility, kept his ego aside. I tried to explain to him about our situation. I told him that until you get a job, I had to work for overcoming the situation as quickly as possible. But he was adamant, not ready to agree with my opinion. 

He believes, in an IT sector, casting couch and sexual harassment are very common issues. If somehow the ‘pervert’ men of the authority come to know that the lady is going through a tough situation then they will take advantage of her. He gave the example of his former boss who tried his ‘luck’ on most of his female staff. 

I tried to convince him by saying that it’s all in his imaginations and all are not same. Nothing will happen like that. Nobody will come to know why I want to do a job. But he stuck to his point as he always does. We had a long fight regarding this. 

At last, I decided to ignore him as his words were so illogical. He was not aware of the situation we faced. His male ego didn’t allow him to think the matter practically. So, I stopped arguing with him and made my decision to find a job in the IT sector. I had also studied in IT like Amit. 

I didn’t know what the consequences will be. But at that time, it was necessary for me to find a job for the sake of my family. Amit was very offended by my decision. But that was the only way to save my family from financial instability. I had no other option left. 

I didn’t surrender myself in front of his dictatorship. I started to find a suitable job. After attempting many interviews in various companies finally, I got a job. I started my working life. Converting myself from a housewife to a working housewife. My personal life was going to be miserable. 

His frustration increased day by day. Our married life was in deep trouble. But I was helpless as my job was very important to me in that situation. I was worried about our future, my daughter’s future. So, I was in no mood to leave the job. I had two option. 

Either I would leave the job and be a good and obedient wife of Amit, leave the situation in the hand of destiny. Or be a practical woman and take all the responsibility of my family. I chose the second option as it was the right one. Day by day our bonding was becoming weak. 

He became narrow-minded as he always stayed in the house. Sometimes I had a night shift in my office. Whenever I used to come back in the morning, he taunted me as he thinks that I spoiled my modesty. I always suggested him to do some small job rather than staying 24 hours in the house like jobless people. 

An idle brain is a devil’s workshop. If he doesn’t try any job and is sitting in the house, then he will always think cheap things about me. But he was adamant. He didn’t listen to any good advice from me. He behaved like I am his enemy. Slowly I also lost interest in him because of his negativity and attitude towards me. 

I forgot when we were physically close the last time! My life was then filled with full of darkness and miseries. In the office, I got promoted to the P.A. post of my boss. My salary increased due to my promotion. Maybe it was good news from the point of the financial side. 

But I didn’t give the news to him as he will become more insecure after hearing this news. Especially if he comes to know that I became a P.A. of my boss. Then surely he will doubt me every time when I come back from the office. So I tried to hide the news of my promotion from him. 

But after some days, he came to know that news from his IT ‘source’. He burst out on me without any reason. He was getting jealous of my progress. I was very hurt by his offensive words. At last, I told him that I am his wife, not his competitor. So, to be a supportive husband instead of getting jealous. 

I started working on my new post very sincerely. From the beginning, I had a strong friendship bond with my boss as he was very helpful and supportive. I shared almost every official problem. He helped me to overcome those problems. Sometimes I shared my personal problems too with him. 

So, he knew and was aware of most of the things about me and my life. He was a very polite and kind man. I liked and respect him very much as a person. Later he was trying to become franker with me after I became his P.A. He also started sharing his personal problem with me. 

His personal life was also full of misery. His married life was not working anymore. His wife was very selfish and cruel towards him. According to his words, his wife was too selfish. She only thinks of herself. She didn’t take care of him. Her focus was always stuck in new sarees, jewelry, etc. 

Actually, his father-in-law was the real owner of the company. His wife is the only daughter and successor of him. My boss became the chief of the company by marrying her. I noticed from a few days that my boss was trying to flirt with me. I didn’t say anything to him because somehow, I felt sorry for him. 

He had a lot of personal problems in his life at the age of 55, and in that condition, it was very normal to stare in a lusty manner to a young beautiful woman like me when she is his P.A. I neither encouraged him nor warned him, if he became little happy to flirt with me then it’s alright. 

I didn’t give any importance to this petty matter. So, these little flirting-staring things continued without my recognition. One day Pravin Sir told me that there was a meeting arranged with a client in a five-star hotel on Friday night. We had to attend that meeting at 7 PM. 

He also said that I had to give my best at the meeting. My further promotion depended on my overall performance of that day. I felt nervous but he assured and guided me to how I should prepare for that meeting. He also advised me about what kind of dress I could wear at the meeting. 

Finally, that day had come. It was a very special day from the point of my career. If I succeeded to make the deal final then it could be a turning point of my career. Maybe it can turn my entire life! I could be promoted as one of the senior managers of the company if I successfully handle the deal. Pravin Sir assured me. 

I prepared for the meeting. Amit asked, “Where are you going?” 

Me: I told you yesterday that today is a very important meeting. I have to go. 

Amit: At night? 

Me: So what? Why are you always so insecure? Open your mind and do some constructive work if you can. 

Amit: So now you will teach me what should I do and what not? 

Me: If I could then it will be better for you. But I am your wife, not your teacher. 

Amit: You are crossing your limit now. 

Me: Please, Amit, at least not today. Today is a very important day for me. I am in no mood to argue with you. If you can’t wish me good luck then don’t spoil my mood also. I want to free my mind from all the stupid arguments and focus on the subject of the meeting. So, please don’t talk to me if you want to quarrel with me. 

Amit released his anger by giving a kick to the plastic chair and went to the room. I left for the office. I wore green colored silk chiffon saree with blue low neck cut blouse. Most of my male colleagues at the office stared at me with astonishment. Pravin sir was mesmerized when he saw me. 

“Sorry for being late, sir.” 

Pravin Sir: It’s ok. No need to say sorry. Don’t take it badly but today you are looking so hot and sexy. 

I smiled and said, “Thank you, sir.” 

Pravin Sir went into deep thought while keeping eyes on me. I felt shy and in a bit awkwardness. I said, “Sir, are you ok?” 

“Yeah, I am fine. So, shall we go now?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Ok, let’s go to the meeting.” 

He took me in his car. We went to the meeting which was arranged in a five-star hotel. Sir booked a room where we could talk to the clients. We entered the room and were waiting for the clients. In the meantime, I and Pravin sir discussed the agenda of the meeting. 

After some time, the clients had come. We welcomed them. The meeting was going for 1 hour and ended with a good remark. We got the deal. The clients left after signing the deal with Pravin Sir. The time was around 8:30 PM on the clock. So I wanted to leave to go home. 

But Pravin Sir told me to stay there for some time as he wanted to celebrate the moment with me. In his view, I took a major role to get the deal. I couldn’t refuse him as he is my boss and my promotion was in his hands. He ordered a whiskey bottle and offered me a peg. 
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At first, I refused it as I was a teetotaler. But he insisted me for just one peg as we cracked the deal. So I took a sip in the name of our success. I noticed that he looked at me in a very strange way. He took off his blazer and tie, remained in a white shirt and black suit pant.

I didn’t know how to react but my heart was started pounding. I thought maybe he was going to drink. I decided to leave at that time. But suddenly he caught my hand and pulled me towards him! I was scared of his move.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

“Oh, Amrita, don’t stop me.”

“This is not right sir. I can’t do this.”

Pravin sir was in no mood to leave me. I tried to be free from him but his grip was so strong that I was going to trapped in his arms. He took me to sit on the sofa. He slipped my pallu from my shoulder. My breast with the low cut blouse was almost exposed.

Due to a low cut blouse, my chest was almost open to him. S he tried to reach that open spaces with his lusty tongue. I felt so helpless at that time. I was trying to tell him that it was not right, please leave me. But he was in no mood to listen to a single word of mine.

He kept kissing my neck, licked and sucked it in a very horny way. Finally, I gathered my energy to stop him, adjusted my saree and said, “Please sir, you did enough, now stop it.”

“Why should I stop? Ask yourself, are you happy with Amit? Are we happy in our respective married life? Then why don’t you allow me? Today is very special day Amrita. I want to celebrate it in a different way. I love you, and I badly need you tonight.”

“Sir please, don’t be so mad, control yourself. We have a family. We can’t cheat our partners though we know that they don’t care about us.”

“What type of family are you talking about, ha? The base of a family is love. But this love is missing in both of our life. So if we find that love in each other’s arm then what’s the problem?”

“Sir, be practical. It’s a very illicit act.”

“Why did you call it an illicit act? My love for you is very genuine. In spite of having a family, I am still very alone from my inner side. Though I am your boss, still I am not forcing you. I just request you at least spend one night with me to fill my life with colors.”

“Please Amrita, I never want anything from you. Please, just for tonight I request you to stay here with me. I want you just for once. Don’t leave me now, because I need you.”

Pravin Sir had tears in his eyes. I didn’t know was it real or fake. But I couldn’t hold myself after saw that. There was silence in the room. I looked at him for some time. Then the pallu automatically fell down due to my casualness. Or maybe I wanted it from the back of the mind. I stood there like a statue.

Pravin sir stood up from the sofa and came close to me. My heart was beating like a bullet train. He took my hand and kissed it. Then he pushed me to the sofa. I leaned my head at the corner of the sofa. He came to my stomach. At first, slowly kissed in my navel, then licked around it.

I felt a tickling sensation. He started to untie my saree around my waist. He lifted me for untying my saree. Slowly, he could manage to remove my saree fully from my waist. After that, I was in a green petticoat and a blue low cut blouse. Without wasting any time, he also opened the knot of my petticoat.

He pulled my petticoat furiously and separated it from my body. I was amazed to see his act. Then my chastity was only covered by a small blue colored panty. He looked at it like a hungry dog. He started to lick it over the panty. I moaned. He caressed my thighs, rubbed his hand on my leg. He did it for some time.

Suddenly he pulled my panty down and removed it totally. I was not prepared for this at that moment. I quickly moved my hand and tried to cover my crotch area. I felt very ashamed. But Pravin sir was very determined to take my modesty. No one could stop him or save me from him at that time.

He took my hand and keep aside, spread my legs and directly entered his mouth into my vagina. I felt an electric shock throughout my body. He was sucking my vagina like a beast. I couldn’t hold my breath as my excitement level was on high. After a long period, I felt something in my vagina.

After spending some time in my vagina, he steadily came to my stomach using his tongue onto my bare skin. He licked my whole stomach with his juicy tongue. He took off his white shirt and white inner vest. He was topless then. Again he has begun to lick my waist.

In the middle way of his licking, suddenly my phone rang. I quickly got up to see the phone. I took my saree to cover my waist area. I looked at the phone. It was Amit who called me. What happened after that? I will tell you all of that in the next part.
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Pravin Sir and I were in the hotel room, celebrating the successful deal that we had just closed. Things became hot and we got very close to each other.

In the middle way of his licking, suddenly my phone rang. I quickly got up to see the phone. I took my saree to cover my waist area. I looked at the phone. It was Amit who called me. Pravin sir reassured me to not to worry about anything and told me to take the call.

Sir also told me to activate the loudspeaker mode while talking with Amit. I received the call. Amit started abusing me in a very loud voice without listening to a single word from me. He was heavily drunk at that time.

“Bitch, don’t you have any time to see the clock? It’s almost 9:30, where are you now?”

“Don’t abuse me like this. Behave yourself, Amit.”

“Why should I? You are a slut, who is always looking for a chance to get satisfaction from multiple people. Every day you seduce your boss. That is why he promoted you as his P.A. What do you think? Am I stupid? I don’t know anything? I know everything about you.”

Amit continued, “I know you fuck your boss every day in the name of doing overtime. Sala, Bastard Pravin! What do you say about him, he is a good wisher of us. Does he want to be good wisher of yours by fucking you? He doesn’t know me. Tell him, if he crosses his limits then I will fuck his mother in front of him. Amit Chaubey is my name. I don’t care and I am not afraid of anybody.”

“Will you please shut your dirty mouth?”

“I have a dirty mouth, ha? Then what do you have? A dirty vagina which is always ready to be used and sold for the money.”

Silently I started crying. Pravin sir tried to console me. I lost my words after hearing this type of disrespectful words about me from the person whom I loved most. He continuously abused me in a very low and disgraceful manner.

At last, I got angry and told him directly, “I can’t come tonight. I have lots of work in the office after the meeting. So do whatever you want. I simply don’t care, and I have no time to waste on you.”

I cut the call and broke down into the tears. Pravin sir held me tightly and said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. See I told you, he has no ability to be your husband. Don’t waste your time to think about his nasty thoughts. By the way, where is your daughter now? Is she now at home with that scoundrel?”

“No, I took her to one of my friend’s house in the morning. She will stay there today.”

“What a relief! Because if she is now with his drunken dad then it will have a worse effect on her life.”

“I am sorry, sir.”

“Sorry for what?”

“On behalf of Amit.”

“Oh! You talk about Amit. I really don’t mind. He is a sick person, doesn’t know how to respect a girl, especially when the girl is his wife. Actually, I should say sorry to you because it all happened due to me. Maybe I interfered too much in your personal life. But believe me Amrita, I never want to spoil your married life. I always wish to help you in every possible way.”

“But why are you so caring about me?”

“Because I really love you Amrita. I know you don’t love this old guy as I don’t deserve your love. But still, I love you and will love you till my death. Because I never met any girl like you. You are special as well as a different one. Don’t judge yourself from the point of view of your husband.”

I remained silent as I didn’t find any word to reply to him.

“Amrita, you may think that I am a perverted person. Though having a wife, I still express my feelings to a girl who is also married. But you know how I am unhappy in my married life. In fact, you too seem to be unhappy with Amit. Your husband is always abusing you for no reason, and my wife has no time to think about me.”

Pravin Sir continued, “She engages herself in her materialistic life, having no time to spend with her family and husband. When a man comes home after office, he just wants a small hug from his wife. That hug shows the bonding and understanding between a couple.”

He sadly explained, “But I am so unlucky person that I am deprived of that little hug of my wife also. As a P.A., you are taking care of me more than my wife. Amrita, we both need love as we don’t find it from our respective partners.”

“I don’t know what to do. My mind and brain are too stuck to think about anything.”

“Ok, don’t worry. Take your time and think about it. Don’t take any decision under pressure. Remember one thing that if you reject me then also there will be no effect on your career. My love towards you will remain always be same as now.”

I was thinking that he is so kind and gentle. He doesn’t want to force me to do anything with him, also he didn’t even try to misuse his power and position to fulfill his wish on me. I was semi-naked then in front of him covering my body with the saree in an unorganized way.

But he didn’t take any advantage after the break of our little intimacy. After Amit’s call, I again went through a moral dilemma. What Pravin sir did with me, is that right? Is Amit really don’t deserve my loyalty? What Pravin Sir confessed to me about his feelings, is that true? What should I do now?

These questions were moving through my mind. I was in deep thought. Then Pravin sir told me to go to the washroom and be fresh, as he ordered our dinner. I went to the washroom and open the shower. Sir told me from outside the door that he was going to the lounge for some time.

He will come back soon before the dinner is served by the hotel boy. Pravin sir left the room. After taking the bath, I felt relaxed. I wore the same saree as I didn’t have any other clothes. I was alone in the room, didn’t know what to do. So I was just waiting for Pravin sir to come.

I didn’t know what will happen to me in the upcoming hours. Will this night change the way of my life? I didn’t know. I was just blank, couldn’t think so much. My head started aching for thinking too many things. I sat on the sofa, closed my eyes, remained calm from thoughts which could burn me internally.

I was about to sleep, then suddenly the bell rang. I opened the door and saw Pravin sir stood there. He entered the room with some shopping bags. I asked him about the bags. He told me that he bought something for me. I said, “What?” He replied that he bought some night suits for me.

There was no other option than to spend the night at the hotel. It was then almost 10:30 PM. There was no public transport available at that time to go home. Sir explained the situation that if he dropped me home then Amit will again be virulent with me while seeing us together.

Sir also reminded me that, I already told Amit that I was not coming back tonight due to my official work. So then, there was no question for me to go back to my house that night. Sir told me to wear the night suit which he bought for me. I hesitated to take it.

It was very awkward to wear a night suit in front of the person other than your husband. But Pravin sir was very polite. He assured me that he will never do anything wrong with me. Not even touch me without my permission. I was too fascinated by him after hearing those words from him.

That time I realized, he did not only love me but also respected me a lot. I felt like a special one on the earth because of him. He again said, “Don’t worry Amrita. Feel free from anything. You will look gorgeous in this night suit, and don’t afraid of me. I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

He said, “Maybe you hesitate to wear this in front of me. But I request you to consider me as your close one for this night. I searched for another room at the reception desk but there is no other room left empty in the hotel. So, you have to adjust and share the room with me for tonight.”

He assured me, “So, feel free with me and be frank. Don’t be hesitant as I am also like a friend of yours. I am older than you. but still, you can consider me as your bosom friend for tonight. Now go to the room and wear this.”

I took the bags from him and went to the bedroom. I opened it. It was a complete set of maroon-colored sleeveless satin sleepwear with pajama. I liked it so much. I don’t remember the last time when Amit gifted me anything. I wore it and went out. Pravin sir’s mouth was open while seeing me in that nightwear.

“You look fabulous. Wish I could be your husband!”


“Then I can take the privilege of yours in this suit. Hahaha.”

We were talking like this when the bell rang. The hotel boy came with dinner. He served us. The boy was staring at me from the corner of his eyes. He left the room after taking the tip from sir.

“Look, the boy also stared at you. It proves that the dress properly suits you.”

“Have you noticed that the boy was looking at me constantly?”

“No one can hide their feelings from me, dear. I am a very experienced guy.”

We started to eat dinner and also kept talking to each other while eating.

“How is dinner? I ask you because all these are my favorite dishes, and I don’t know what are yours.”

“These are my favorite dishes too.”

“Wow! There are having too many similar choices between us!”

“Ya, you are right sir.”

“can I request you something?”

“Tell me.”

“Please don’t call me sir when no one around us. I told you that you can treat me as your friend. I want to be with you always and help you in every situation as a friend does, I don’t want to be your commanding boss.”

“Ok, your wish is granted.”

“Oh! Thank you, sweetheart. By the way, the dinner is a treat for cracking the deal.”

“Thank you, sir, for the treat.”

“Sir? is there anyone around us? So why you called me Sir now? I don’t see anyone here.”

“Oops. Sorry. Slip of tongue.”

“Your sorry is not granted. You have to be punished for it.”

“Ok, I am ready to get any punishment from you. But can I ask you what is my punishment?”

“Let me think about it, I will tell you later. But first, you should call me Pravin now.”

“I am a little bit hesitant to call you with your name.”

“Why? I am now your friend, not only boss. What is the problem?”

“Ok, I will call you as Pravin from now on.”

“That’s like a good girl. By the way, you sleep in the bedroom tonight, ok.”

“And you?”

“Amrita, don’t you forget that it’s a super deluxe room having an attached sitting room. So, I will sleep here on the sofa and you sleep in the bedroom.”

“But sir how can that happen? I will sleep here and you go to bed.”

“Again Sir?”

“Sorry, Pravin.”

“That sounds good.”

“See Pravin, I request you to sleep in the bed, I will manage here.”

“Now when you call me Pravin, that means you accept me as your friend. So no formalities with a friend. Ok, if you don’t want me to sleep here then I have a solution. We both can sleep on the bed. As the bed is king size, we will get enough space from each other. What say?”

“Ok. I have no problem.”
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After dinner, we went to bed. Pravin sir bought nightwear also for himself. He changed his dress, wore blue-colored pajama and white vest on the top. He came to the bed beside me. We leaned our back and started to talk. Then Amit called me again. I received it, and again he started.

“Where are you now? I will kill you, Randi. Sali bitch, never satisfied with a single man. Always wants more men for being satisfied. Who will fuck you tonight? Chutiya Pravin or your motherfucker colleague Mehta?”


I purposely said this because I couldn’t tolerate his abusing words anymore. He was going too far. Enough was enough! He forgot that I am his wife.

“Oh! That means tonight it is going to be Pravin’s night. Ah! You must be enjoyed when Pravin fucked you. That’s why you always fucked with Pravin.”

“Think whatever you want. I clearly told you that I can’t come tonight. You are heavily drunk now. So, go and sleep. I have some work. We will talk tomorrow.”

“No, talk to me right now.”

“What’s your problem Amit? Why don’t you want me to live freely? I need some space. I want nothing except peace in my life. Why don’t you allow me to live my life freely? Why are you so uncooperative? I always loved you. I do the job only for the sake of our family, our daughter’s future.”

I continued, “Why don’t you understand these simple things? If you get any job then I am ready to leave my job. But until that happens, I have to do the job for us. Please, be practical Amit. Don’t be so insecure baby.”

“Shut your mouth, bitch. You are a complete whore. I don’t trust you. Don’t give me any lecture, ok.”

“Then fuck off.”

I cut the call in anger. I was devasted. I started crying. Pravin sir came close to me and consoled me by keeping his hand on my hair and caressed it.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

“Nothing will be fine sir.”

“Again you call me sir. Now you have to be punished for that, and your punishment is a kiss. Can I have a kiss from this fairy’s lip? I want to feel the taste of your honey. You don’t know how much precious gem you are!”

I didn’t know how but I was literally been hypnotized by his words. His each and every word hit my heart so magically that I forgot everything and got lost in him. He knew that it was the right time to take me under his control, and he did it. He took me towards him and slowly plant his lip on mine.

He took my mouth with his hands and smooched me for a while. My feelings for Amit was going to fly away and began to generate a new feeling for a new person, Pravin.

His one hand was going to slip into my sleepwear. He reached to my breast and touched my right boob.  Oh! No! What a feeling! Current went through my body. It was the first time when someone other than my husband touched my boob.

He was nicely rubbing my boob with his hand. He held me from the back by another hand and kept sucking my lips. Pravin was a very busy man in the matter of doing sex. He knew that we both were very experienced in the case of sex. That was not the first time for both of us as we were married.

So, he didn’t go to explore each other one by one. He directly lifted my sleepwear up and removed it. I became topless in front of him. He was very hungry. He grabbed my boobs and sucked it one by one. He chewed both boobs very passionately.

He made me lie down on the bed. He got up and went to switch off all the lights. The whole room became dark. I covered myself with the blanket and remained in the bed. He came close to the bed, removed his white vest and became topless.

He came into the blanket and lie down beside me on the bed. He grabbed me with his arms and started kissing me all over the body. He kissed me everywhere madly. My neck, chest, breast, forearm, belly, all were wet by his lusty mouth.

He got down his mouth to my belly area inside the blanket. He twisted my navel by licking and sucking it vigorously. I did moan to express the feeling. He was excited after hearing my moan. His inner beast woke up then. He opened the knot of my pajama and pulled it down, detached it from my skin.

He finally succeeded to make me completely naked. The first time I became nude in front of another person. He didn’t delay to take off his pajamas too. We both became nude in front of each other. I couldn’t see his naked body clearly due to the darkness.

At that time, I didn’t know how much big his tool was. I didn’t know whether I could take it in me or not. He started to kiss me from the foot. He went up from the foot to my thighs by moving his tongue over my smooth bare skin. He licked both the thighs one by one.

He was there for some time, sucking it thoroughly. His licking on my thighs gave me tickling sensation. I became very excited due to his licking and sucking. After a long time, I could get a taste of intimacy. After spending time in my thighs, Pravin came to my crotch area.

At first, he moved his tongue all over my pussy, then started to suck my whole pussy like a vacuum cleaner. I grabbed his hair due to the excitement and moaned heavily. I couldn’t hold myself anymore and started to moan wildly. I was about to cum but then he took away his mouth from the vagina.

He wants more, didn’t want to finish so early. He stopped there for a while to take some breath. We both were heavily breathing at that time. Then he slowly came over me. With the help of his hand, his penis took the position and ready to enter the cave. My heart was beating very fast.

I felt nervous at that time and didn’t see his lower body. He was so close to me that I actually felt his warm breathing. Suddenly I felt something touching my hole. It was his erect penis. My heart was beating so fast that it could have given me a heart attack.

Pravin didn’t go rough with me. He inserted his penis very calmly into my hole. When he first entered me, I took a deep breath and felt myself at the top of the world. He was very large. He kept pushing into me. After some attempts in my pussy, he was able to adjust his penis in my hole.

Then he started to stroke me. At first, steadily then it increased slowly, slowly. The intensity of our intimacy was growing. He kept smooching me while stroking. He kissed my whole face. I also started to kiss him back by grabbing his hair with my hand. We both were high then.

He was pounding me. The bed was moving, it showed the intensity of our intercourse. He kept fucking and fucking, smooching my smooth skin like eating me. I came to my climax. After a while, coincidentally, we both cum at the same time.

He rested his body on me and grabbed me. I didn’t know why but I felt fresh after this sexual encounter. Maybe because it happened to me after a long time. My vagina got the taste of love again. Pravin was fully exhausted as he also did it after a long time. After a while, he rolled beside me and slept.

I was thinking about the whole scenario which happened with Pravin. Was I moved into an affair or it was just a one night stand? I looked at him beside me, he was in deep sleep. I just remained to lie on the bed and kept thinking about so many things which were related to that encounter.

What will be the consequences of that night? Will it change the way of my life? How much it will affect my married life? Thinking of those things, at one point in time, I also slept.
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The next morning, I woke up, saw him beside me. He was still in deep sleep. It was 6 AM at the clock. I got up from the bed. All my clothes were spreading haphazardly on the floor. I took those from the floor and kept on the rack. I went to the washroom and took a bath.

I dried my naked body with the white towel and wrapped myself in it. I got out of the washroom, saw Pravin lying naked on the bed. I took his pajama from the floor and kept it on the bed beside him. I sat on the chair in front of the window and was going into deep thought while looking at the outside view.

Suddenly, a hand came from the back and hold my shoulder. It Pravin who stood behind me, wearing his Pyjama and remain topless. He came close to me and said, “What happened?”


“You seem to be worried.”

“No, nothing like that.”

“Thinking about Amit?”

“I don’t know how I will face him.”

“Why? You did nothing wrong. It’s his fault that he can’t understand your value. He always neglects you, wanted you to be his puppet. Amrita, you have a great future. It’s your life, live it your way. Do what your heart says. Why do you compromise yourself for that bastard?”

“Because he is my husband. I can’t forget that.”

“Then the choice is yours. What do you want? A prosperous and successful career or a suffocating and compromising life with a bloody stubborn husband.”

“I don’t know what I want to do.”

I started crying. Pravin Sir consoled me, took me in his arms and said, “Amrita, don’t worry. I am always with you no matter what the situation. But you have to decide today that what you want to do. I assure you that if you abide by my words then you will never get into trouble. Trust me.”

His words were always so fascinating to me. I fell weak in front of him every time when he spoke. That time was also not an exception. I didn’t know what happened to me. I just tightly hugged him and said, “Oh, Pravin! I want to live my life. I will follow your every word.”

He grabbed me with his strong arms, started to kiss me everywhere. That time, I was just cover by a white towel, nothing else. He opened the knot of the towel and the towel fell on the floor right away. I became naked. He lifted me into his arms and went to the bed. He had only his pajama to cover his nakedness.

He removed it. He literally jumped on me and started chewing my neck and breast with his lusty tongue. He pumped my breast roughly. He was going wild on me. He sucked my boobs vigorously. He grabbed my boobs with both hands, licked and chewed them together.

I was very horrified by his actions. His inner beast came out at that time. He was going out of control. He gave a bite on my soft flesh of the motherhood organ. I was scared. He became a fucking beast. He chewed my whole naked body so aggressively like a wolf eats his prey.

I became restless with his wildness. Suddenly, he rotated me 180 degrees and made me in freefall sleeping position. My back portion was in front of him. He guided to put my hair on one side. My bareback was then totally open to him. It was all set to explore by him.

At first, he kept his hand on my back and slowly moved throughout the skin. By doing this, he tickled me. After some time, I felt something wet on my back. Pravin spread his spit throughout my back. I thought, what the hell he was doing with me?

Was he going mad or was it the outcome of his sexual urge which he possessed inside for a long time? That time, I had no other option than to bear his madness. He gave me a massage through his sticky tongue. He did it for some time. My whole back became gummy by his saliva.

He held my waist and tried to spread my anus hole with his fingers of both hands. I quickly turned back to him and said, “What are you doing?”

“What happened? You never did anal?”


“What? Are you serious? Then how did you enjoy the sex with Amit? Why did you never try anal?”

“Because it’s very painful.”

“How do you know without trying it?”

“Please Pravin, do whatever you like but don’t ask me to do this.”

“Oh no! Amrita you don’t know the taste of anal sex. It’s my favorite position. I request you, please give me a chance to satisfy you through anal. I beg of you.”

“Please Pravin, I abide by your every word. Can’t you keep my single request? You told me that you never force me to do anything. I know you are a man of your words. So please, don’t request me to do anything which I dislike.”

Pravin took a deep breath and said, “Ok, if you don’t like it, then leave it.”

Pravin was very disappointed. He said, “At least allow me to adore your anus!”

“And how will you do that?”

“Don’t worry, I will just use my mouth and fingers, and my fingers are not so big that it can give you pain.”

I got a little laugh after hearing his words as it sounded very funny. Looking at his disappointed face, I agreed to allow him to adore my anus with his mouth and fingers. I turned myself and lie on the bed in freefall sleeping position. I was waiting for his creative lovemaking.

He pressed my bum. He kissed there. He tried to make my hole bigger by pulling the flesh from both sides. At first, he slightly entered his tongue into the hole. I got a tickling sensation. My body started shivering at that time. He slowly inserted his tongue into my anus and gently started to take the ‘honey’ from it.

I admit it shamelessly that he licked my virgin anus very nicely. After my hole became wet, he put his one finger at first. After moving his finger into the hole for some time, he put another one. Then it gave me little pain, but I didn’t complain, remain silent. He started anal fucking with his fingers.

He kept finger fucking for some time into my anus hole. The pain was slowly increasing because his finger movement into the hole was increasing. I thought, now it’s enough and it’s time to stop him.

I told him, “Please stop now. Remove your fingers. It’s paining now.”

He obeyed my words and removed his fingers. It was so nice of him that he kept his word. Didn’t try to penetrate me anymore after knowing that it was hurting me. In an excitement mood, he didn’t lose his control and gave priority to my feelings over his desire. That’s why again, I fell for him unknowingly.

He gained respect from me again. He proved that he not only loved me for fulfilling his lust and desire but also gave values to my feelings. After withdrawing his fingers from my anus, he sucked my anus for some time. My emotions for him was overpowering for his kind gesture.

I turned myself and hugged him tightly and said those magical words to him unexpectedly, “Oh Pravin! I love you.” I forgot everything and wished to drown myself in the sea of his love. Maybe Pravin got shocked after hearing those magical words from my mouth.

Maybe he couldn’t believe himself that I told him, “I love you.” He grabbed me tightly with his strong arms like he didn’t want to detach me ever from him.

“Oh! Amrita! I love you too.”

He started to kiss me madly. He chewed my lip, rubbed his face over me, was going madly, sucking, kissing, licking my bare skin. He licked all the sweat from my body and swallowed it like nectar. Suddenly he entered into me with his tool. He started fucking my vagina very furiously.

He pushed and pushed into me rapidly. Within a few minutes, he unloaded all his cum into the hole of my pussy. I also got the orgasm just before his release. He felt tired and rotate himself beside me on the bed. We both kept lying on the bed for some time.


“For what?”

“For keeping my request to not doing anal.”

“Oh! It’s ok. You already give me a lot which I never expected from my life. My life almost ended before you come. I should say thanks to you.”

“What I have done? Just spend a night with you, that’s it. It can be done by any good looking girl for you if you want. If I was not there then maybe some other hot girl could take that place. What’s the big deal? You have money then why don’t you satisfied yourself by using your money to get a girl on your bed?”

“What do you think? Did I come close to you only for doing sex? What do you think of yourself? A whore? Why are you insulting yourself by saying these words?”

“No, I don’t mean that. I just said, why didn’t you fulfill your physical requirements by any call girl if you badly needed it for a long time?”

“I don’t need sex, I need someone who makes love to me through physically as well as from the heart. You can fuck anyone but you can do lovemaking only with your beloved one. I needed that beloved one badly. My life has not only lack of sex but also lack of love.”

“I don’t know whether I deserve it or not.”

“You deserve everything, Amrita. Rather I don’t know whether I deserve to get your love or not. Actually, we both are in the same situation. We both deserve a better and stress-free life.”

“I don’t know how I will face Amit today.”

“Why are you so scared to face Amit? You don’t do anything wrong. You have a right to live your life in your way, and you decide to do that, then what’s wrong with you? Be a brave my girl, face him firmly.”

“Do I confess to him what we did?”

“No, because he is a beast. He can harm you after hearing this. He will never give values to your honesty. Husbands like him don’t deserve your love and honesty. Don’t tell him for the sake of you and your daughter. He can do harm to your daughter also. We must not trust that person.”

I got worried, felt very tensed. Pravin understood that. He gave me courage by saying, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

“But how? I don’t get any hope from anywhere. Day by day, he is going to be more virulent. I don’t know how to take him back to a frustration-free normal life. I have always been scared of him for his rude behavior towards me. I fear that if someday he kills me then what will happen to my daughter? Who will take care of her? I am not worried about myself because he kills me mentally every day. I am just worried about my daughter’s future. I want to keep her safe from his anger.”

“Relax! Don’t be so afraid. Nothing will happen like that.”

“What if he comes to know about this incident which happened between us?”

“How will he know about this? I am not going to tell him.”

“Nevertheless, somehow if he will get know about this, then?”

“Amrita, you are thinking too much. Ok, let me reduce your tension and find the solution. The main cause of Amit’s frustration is being jobless. He feels insecure for you as you get a lucrative job with handsome money, paid by a higher multinational company. He treats you now as his competitor.”

Pravin continued explaining, “His male ego is overpowering on him. If I give him a job at my company, he will never take the job. He will always believe that the job comes from your recommendation. Also without any reason, he hates me so much that he will never agree to do work under me.”


“I have a solution. I will tell my friend Prashant to take Amit in his company. Like me, he is also a business tycoon. Amit had a good career graph, he is very experienced. So, I don’t think Prasant will refuse to take him to his company.”

“Will not Amit doubts if suddenly a job comes knocking at his door? He has already stopped looking for a job. He has lost his confidence totally.”

“Leave that matter to me, I will handle it in a planned way.”

“What if Prashant sir will not agree to take him in his company? After all, he is a hardcore businessman. You are also his rival. Why would he go to do listen to your words?”

“Well, I decided to make a deal with him for Amit. I will give a 2% share of my company to Prashant. In return, I want from him one of the CEO post of his office for Amit.”

“Really? Really you want to do it for Amit? Who abused you so roughly!”

“I will do that not for Amit, just for you. I told you, madam, that this old man can do anything for you. I am always at your service my highness.”

I was so infatuated by him that I had tears in my eyes. That time, I wanted to submit my everything to him. He came into my life as a blessing of an angel.

“Hey! Why are you crying? Did I say or do anything wrong?”

I couldn’t resist myself, not able to handle my emotions. I was so emotionally hypnotized by him that I straightaway hugged him without thinking anything! I began to kiss him all over his chest. He felt very satisfied at that time. I didn’t know why I behaved like this.

I felt so attracted to him that my senses stopped working. He became very excited when my hot spongy lips touched his little hairy chest. In that flow, being very excited suddenly he wanted a strange favor from me! I was shocked to hear that.

In a height of ecstasy, he may don’t even realize at first that what he had just asked me to do then! Consciously or unconsciously, he told me to give him a blowjob!
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“Oh! Amrita! Suck my penis.”

Suddenly I stopped kissing him on his chest after hearing this.

“What did you say?”

He then realized that he might be made a wrong statement in excitement.

“Well, I don’t really mean that. It was just a slip of tongue.”

“It’s ok.”

“Will you mind if I really told you to do that?”


“See Amrita, we both are very hungry for love. So let’s break all the barriers and taboos between us. I won’t force you. But I am burning now into my inner desire, so I request you.”

I remained silent. Again, he said in sarcastically, “Now don’t say that you never gave a blowjob to your husband.”

“No, I mean Yes.”

I was confused by his sarcastic words.

“Hey! Cooldown. Don’t be so shy in front of me. Feel free to share everything with me. We are now very close to each other. You can freely utter your words. Now frankly tell me, have you never sucked your husband’s cock?”

“No. He is not so adventurous in the matter of sex. But sometimes I took his shaft in my hand and gently caressed him to give him an erection and helping him to increase the size of the tool.”

“Then at least do me the same favor if you don’t mind. Can’t you?”

I again remained silent. Pravin got little angry on me. “Ok then leave it.” By saying that he started to get up from the bed. I realized that and quickly held his hand and said, “Don’t go.” He again took his place on the bed. He understood that I was somehow ready for his indecent proposal.

He reclined on the bed and spread his legs to give some open space for his tool. I realized that I had no option left except to follow his desire blindly. He was just lying on the bed, didn’t tell me anything to do. He wanted me to take initiative without keeping any pressure in mind.

His tool was become very thick and vertically stand like the Eiffel Tower. I became very nervous to see his giant tool closely. I moved forward my hand towards his tool and slowly grabbed it. When my hand touched his lower part, it became harder and a little bigger. I felt the hotness of the rod.

My heart was like drumming very fast. He was also getting excited when I touched his ‘middle leg’. He moaned. For me, it became difficult to grip his tool into my hand. It was very large, a king-size tool. I started to stroke his penis gently. Then after some time, he told me to increase the speed.

I obeyed his instruction and did whatever he wanted. I increased the speed of stroking. He became restless due to the heavy excitement. Then suddenly he ejected his semen like a fountain without giving any premonition. It’s (semen) intensity was so high that it came on my face and hair.

Semen was flowing from his penis and spread all over my hand and also on the bed. It was a very dirty experience for me. I just ran towards the washroom, took another shower, applied soap and shampoo on my body and hair to clear myself. I came out of the washroom and saw Pravin got dressed already.

“Take your saree and get ready. I’m waiting in the sitting room.”

He left the bedroom. I wore that saree which I wore on the previous day before came here. I was confused about what to do with those nightdresses which he bought for me. After getting dressed, I came into the sitting room. He saw me and said, “Ready? Now let’s go.”

“But these dresses?”

“What? I bought for you. Take these with you.”

“I can’t. If I take these to home then I will have to face a lot of questions from Amit. I am very thankful to you for buying these expensive night suits for me, but I can’t accept these. I hope you understand my situation.”

“Ok. I will keep these with me until you can accept these.”

I knew he was upset with me for not taking his gift, but I was also very helpless at that time.

“You have to understand why I can’t take it.”

“It’s ok Amrita. I know my limit. I have no right on you. Anyway, leave it. I am going to check-out. Come soon.”

He left the suite. I also went to the hotel lounge. He was waiting for me. After completing all the formalities to check out at the reception desk by him, we got into his car. He asked me where to drop me. I told him to drop me near my cousin’s house.

My daughter stayed there on the previous day. I told him about the location. He started his car. In the car, we didn’t talk to each other. He was very angry with me at that time. He dropped me at exact that location that I told him. I went to my cousin’s (maternal sister) house.

I took Ayesha, my lovely daughter, and from there, I came back home with my daughter. After I entered the house, I saw Amit stood angrily in front of me. Before I could say anything, he came close to me and directly slapped me on the cheek! He did this in front of my daughter, Ayesha.

I felt too insulted at that time. Ayesha was also scared by his father’s behavior. I told Ayesha to go to her room. After she went to her bedroom, we had a long fight. That might be one of the biggest fights ever happened between us. He became very brutal towards me.

I cried, fought, did everything which I didn’t expect. He abused me for spending last night outside the home. Before coming back home, I somehow felt guilty for cheating on him. I had a thought to confess to him about last night. But when he started to shout without listening to a single word from me, I decided to not to tell him anything.

I thought this man didn’t deserve my honesty. He was continuously beating me by his rough language. I couldn’t take that anymore. So I remain silent and didn’t give any remarks farther. After giving lots of offensive statements to me, he left frantically from the house.

Then I decided that enough is enough. I have also some rights to live my life in my way. That day, I was changed totally. After that, I started my affair with Pravin. Pravin kept his words and arranged a higher-ranking job with a lucrative salary for Amit.

He didn’t know that I and Pravin sir got him his new job. Slowly, Amit started changed when he entered again in his professional life. He allowed me also to do my job. I continued my relationship with Pravin. Now I become pregnant by him.  Amit thinks that it’s his baby which I carry in my womb.

What do you think? Did I really cheat my hubby?
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Written by Manali Basu (Me)
[+] 3 users Like Manali Basu's post
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Very nicely written....

Could you expanded it even more before the ending...But still good nonetheless
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Superb !!

clps yourock
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Please expand the story if possible
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Bro Please Expand It. Loving it
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Nicely written Manali

Simply amazing

Not lengthy n not smaller

Step by step narration

One of the good story

Felt like a real one
కథ రాసిన రైటర్స్ కి మన వంతు బాధ్యతగా ఒక లైక్ ఇవ్వటం, చిన్న కామెంట్ & అలాగే Reps add చెయ్యటం ఇద్దాము. పోయేదేముంది... ఫ్రీ నే కదా

అలా చేయటం వల్ల, మనకు మంచి అప్డేట్స్ వస్తాయి అని నా అభిప్రాయం.

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Superb.....expecting another blowing one ......... clps clps clps
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Wonderful bro
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(23-02-2023, 06:29 AM)Eswar P Wrote: Wonderful bro

She is sis not bro ... Smile
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Superb story
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Excellently narrated, excellent story,if possible plz continue,I know that it has been concluded,if possible plz continue
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