Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Discussion is starting quarell is happening stopping , again same story continuing from last arround 9 pages. But author is still no updating ha ha ha ha
Author is in big confusion he had started with simple thinking way but current condition te imagination and expectations of readers had crossed all boundry. So he is not in situation to cater all needs. That's why author might be taking so much time to update. So don't comment too much such that author gets confused ha ha ha ha ha
[+] 1 user Likes The Last samurai's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
I am worried because the author might say the update will come on the weekend. Gone then
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it's like repeated episode of no..saint, where author almost left for months before posting final chapter.
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(10-11-2022, 06:19 PM)Antichrist12 Wrote: I am worried because the author might say the update will come on the weekend. Gone then

If it had to come, it would have come by now. I think that's postponed to weekend or don't know may be when author feels to post it. Got bored of anticipation and waiting let him post whenever he wants ha ha ha ha.
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Hey..give him time.. planning for the biggest one..let him take the time
[+] 1 user Likes Katrina666's post
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Take your time for a mind blowing erotic update with excellent build-up.
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What happend krish are you ok .
If you want break please inform us
Waiting for your magic writing
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Chapter 39

To say that I was devastated by my wife's betrayal would be an overstatement. Because I had no right to be devastated by such incidents in my life.

She hadn't done anything new. She had slept with a man who had already broken her chastity many times before. But the point of concern was that she had broken a promise she had given me.
As I lay in bed despondently, my mind flew back in time to the day it all began. It was the day when I found Meera on the brink of cheating on me with Sunny. It was the first time in my life when I had to face the thought of another man putting his hand on my wife. I was smart enough to stop them before it was too late. One of the most shocking moments of that incident was hearing the sound of Sunny closing the zipper of his pants. That soft sound was a reminder of how closer my wife had gone to the moment of gifting her chastity to another man. A reminder of how my wife had turned herself into a willing partner in a betrayal. I had, since then, lived many moments of my wife presenting her body to another man. Most of them were with my permission or at least my knowledge. To be honest, sex with other men had become so common. I had evolved into a willing cuckold who loved to shag while my wife's body was used for another man's pleasure. There was no need for any form of cheating. We were open. Like some thought, we had become a special couple.
But suddenly, the sound of Meera moaning with pleasure was taking me back to the very first day. It was not that my wife was having sex with another man. It was rather about the promise she made to me. She had told me she wouldn't do it.
But she had done it. I had heard her screaming, enjoying the orgasm gifted by a very skilful Desai. She had indeed broken the promise.
It was the moment I realised one thing; this was another phase of my life. I had been familiar with the feeling of my wife having sex with another man with my permission. But now I was getting to live the feeling when I was being cheated on. The last time Meera cheated on me was with Ashish. But she immediately regretted it and confessed to me. This time, I was sure she would not confess to me. And there would not be any form of remorse. And this would not be a one-time incident like she did with Ashish. It was more like a successfully carried-out theft. It would be repeated. Meera was going to have sex with Desai again and again.
Whenever she had cheated on me, let it be with Ashish or Sunny, the cuckold nature in me had erased the shock from my subconscious mind and replaced it with curiosity and then with fantasies. My biggest fear was that I would do the same this time too. Because I knew no other way. Perhaps it was an inbuilt mechanism of my mind to overcome the devastation associated with reality.
I was equally baffled by the thoughts on why Meera did what she did. She could have easily told me that she wanted to sleep with Desai. She had no reason to believe that I would stop her. But instead, she made a promise she couldn't keep. More than the event of cheating, the nature of it was more alarming. She had sneaked back to her room to have sex with him.
What was she thinking? Was she finding another way to have fun? Having sex with a different partner was indeed fun. But she had lived that pleasure many times. Was she trying to enter the next level?
Meera had many times mentioned to me her fear of me trying to enter the next level of cuckoldry. And now, she was entering the next level of unchasteness.
She was sleeping with another man behind her husband's back. Perhaps it would give her more pleasure. A sense of achievement. A secret sense of pleasure of having found a way to have fun without depending on the mercy of her cuckold husband.
After eating my head with my thoughts, I decided to leave my bed and check out Meera's bedroom. My injuries had improved a lot. It was my emotional side that had become weaker now. I walked slowly to Meera's bedroom with the help of crutches. As expected, the bedroom looked neat and the bed sheet was devoid of any spots. There was no visible evidence. Except for the familiar smell of his cum. Desai's cum, which my wife allowed to fill her pussy. It must have been a lot. I thought and further remembered Desai's words.
"I have fantasies about her. But I didn't shag. You know I'm saving it all for her; for the day she comes back to my bed."
And he had just turned his fantasy into reality. I sat on the bed and ran my palm on the smooth bed sheet. I could feel Meera's presence in the room. I looked up and saw the ceiling and tried to imagine how Meera would have looked at it while getting her pussy filled.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. I checked the time and guessed that it wouldn't be the caretaker.
The next moment, the phone in my room started ringing. It could be the person waiting at my door. The only face I could remember was that of Parvati. I discarded the thought to go to the room and check who it was and proceeded to the front door. My heart was still beating hard, this time for a different reason. I was praying that the visitor should be Parvati. I felt I was going to embrace her and kiss her. Not because I was unbearably horny. But because I required emotional support. I wanted the soft body and warmth of a woman to reduce the overflow of my emotions. Seeing me on the brink of an emotional breakdown, Parvati wouldn't mind helping me.
However, as I was rushing towards the door, I was hit with a thought. That I was becoming too desperate, even though I wouldn't admit that I was desperate for sex. I felt whatever happened half an hour ago was a consequence of what had happened last night. Both Meera and Desai were pushed to a point of no control and desperation. Morning. The morning's act - the betrayal - was only a logical end to it. It was I who insisted Meera talk to Desai and reconcile with him. Wasn't I pushing her to him?
I felt I shouldn't blame Meera. I only needed to let my anger go. I only needed to balance my thoughts which were coated with a sense of devastation.
As I stood at the door and began to unbolt it, I had subconsciously made up my mind.
Today, when Parvati put her hands on me, and help me walk to my bed, I was not going to let her walk away. I was sure she would be kind enough to read my feelings, and she would help me become calm.
But when the door was opened, I saw Nidhi standing there. Wearing a white shirt and black pants, she looked as if she was dressed for the office. The wrinkle-free thin fabric of her shirt revealed the trace of her bra cup and straps. Her lipstick shade matched with one of Meera's favourite brands that I was familiar with and it helped Nidhi look more beautiful than ever.
But I still knew that I had opened the door to welcome Parvati, not her daughter.
I was too disappointed to smile at her, and at the same time, I was too impressed to look away. I kept staring at her to the point of making her nervous.
"You're staring at me, making me nervous, Krish sir," Nidhi said.
"You look different."
I said and watched her panicking further. I smiled. "In a good sense. You look hot, girl. I'd have loved to go on a date with you if I could walk properly. Come in."
"If you could walk properly," Nidhi laughed. "I'm praying for that to happen sooner, Krish sir."
I led her to the hall. I chose to walk with the help of crutches, without seeking help from Nidhi.
"I'm praying for your speedy recovery, sir. I miss you in the office."
She said.
While sitting on the couch, Nidhi grabbed my hand to help to keep me from falling into it. I felt her cheek rubbing with mine and as she bent forward to support me, I saw a glimpse of her breasts through the gap at the collar of her shirt. But I was far from the mindset to care about it. I asked her to help herself by having the drinks from the refrigerator. She poured the juice into two glasses and sat with me. We spoke for close to half an hour and in the end, I felt her visit was a blessing in disguise for me as it liberated me from my hopeless thoughts.
While leaving, she promised me she would visit again.
In the evening when Desai returned, he straightaway came to my room.
"I'm sorry Krish, for what happened yesterday." He said. He looked sad. "I shouldn't have kissed Meera like that, in front of you. I acted like an opportunist. It was a gesture of love between you and Meera but I turned it into an event of sex."
"Chill, Desai. It's okay." I said. "It looks like you were thinking about it the whole day."
"Yeah, I was," Desai admitted. "You know, I was frustrated that I was going back. Honestly speaking, I didn't want to go back. The thought was frustrating. I told you it's not sex that I'm here for. Many things are beyond sex. Things that can't be told or counted. It's a feeling. A feeling to be somewhere, with someone. Being in the present, at the moment. When Meera spoke to me this morning, all my anger evaporated. There's a reason why I treat her like a goddess, Krish. She can make you happy with a smile. A small touch. She asked me to stay and said you too wanted the same. My decision-making has no value in front of her." He laughed when he said that last sentence.
Yes, she could change your mind with a small touch. I thought. And she could make you move earth with what she did to you in the morning.
I forced a smile at him.
"I'm glad you've changed your decision, Desai."
In the night while having dinner I saw Meera behaving cheerfully with Desai. She was forcing him to eat more. Apparently, the quantity of the dish was slightly high and Meera wanted Desai to have a little more than usual.
"This is delicious food, I know baby. But I can't take extra calories."
"You have the option to work out a little more in the morning, haven't you?" Meera asked. "Why do you have to worry about extra calories?"
"Why don't you serve it to Krish instead?" Desai suggested.
"No, he cannot burn the extra calories."
Meera said and looked at me for validation. I nodded.
I wondered if they were having secret fun in front of me. I knew Meera would never do it, but there was this devil in my head who was telling me against my wish that it could be the case.
Is she inviting him to burn out a little more calories in her bed in the morning again?
Later when they went to the kitchen with the used crockery I heard them laughing aloud. Desai was telling some jokes that happened to him in the office during the day. And Meera was laughing her heart out. I wish I could also hear the joke and have a good laugh. For a moment I felt lonely again.
That night when the light went off, nobody came to my room. Not even my sleep.
The next day when Desai and Mera left, I found myself anticipating the door to open again. I was expecting them to sneak back in. Desai had found a way to get what he wanted.
Why would he stop having fun when he knew that he could have more of it? Why would Meera stop after living the kinky thrill of doing it behind me once? Maybe they were doing it for the thrill of being able to do it behind me. After all, it was also a form of adventure.
However, neither Meera nor Desai came back to the house. Nothing happened in the following days too. Every morning, after their departure I lay in my bed with great anticipation and when nothing happened I felt like I missed something. Eventually, I concluded one thing. That day was an isolated incident which happened because of me. I had asked Meera to talk to Desai that morning. I had asked her to apologize to Desai. In one way I was sending Meera that to him.
What I had forgotten while sending her to him was that she was intimate with me the previous night. She had given me a head for my pleasure. But what about her? She was also living a life without sex since my accident. That too, in the presence of a man who was capable of giving her insane pleasure. That night when she went to bed she would have longed for a man's warmth. Her inner thighs would have longed for a man's touch. And in the morning when she went to Desai he would have told her how much he wanted to hold her in his arms. And his desire for her was already expressed the previous night when he kissed her. I had witnessed how he had devoured her lips. He had kissed her very long and still, he was hesitating to let her go. When she went to him in the morning and asked to stop, he would have asked what she would do for him if he stopped. At first, she would have expressed her inability to give anything. But Desai would insist. At one of her weakest moments, she would have let him kiss. And she would have known the possibilities immediately. He would have asked to come back, and sneak back to her room with him. She would have even walked away at first, rejecting his offer. But desperation can make you do anything. Meera would have remembered all the moments she had spent with him. Those moments could make her knees weak. The memories of those moments would have turned her around. Once inside the house, he would have directed her to quietly walk to her room, while he checked that I was just lying down in my bed. And then pretending to be leaving, he would have walked back to the room. And he would have told Meera how much he had been waiting for this moment. She too would have whispered in his ears how much she had been missing him while getting her pussy stuffed by his cock. I had heard her screaming loud in a voice that no more belonged to her. I was sure she would struggle to contain all that pleasure.
The pleasure that she would have preferred to enjoy again and again but instead made it into a one-time incident. Maybe they would do it again after a few days. I knew I had to wait.
Every day I spend the morning with expectations of opening another chapter of my wife's cheating game. As soon as they left I used to get up and leave the door open by two inches. But no one came back and my disappointment began to increase day by day. The thought of my wife cheating on me was sad but at the same time, the thought of catching them in the act felt the opposite.
Saturday night Meera had a birthday party to attend at her colleague's house. Desai volunteered to drop her at the place. Meera said it was not needed. However, he kept on insisting and eventually, she gave in and left with him at six o'clock. By the time they returned, my mind had started wandering into a forest with insecure thoughts. Luckily they returned before ten o'clock.
One day Parvati visited again. It was in the morning, right after Desai left.
The moment I heard the doorbell, my phone too started ringing. I felt a sense of joy upon seeing Parvati's number on the screen as if I was waiting to see her for many days. I ended up rushing towards the door.
Parvati smiled at me, seeing me panting.
"What happened? Were you working out?" She asked.
I pointed to my crutches.
"Yeah, I was practising sword fighting with this."
Parvati laughed. "I would like to know who you were fighting with," she quipped.
"I was practising myself but I am looking for someone else to join me."
I said and forwarded my hand to her. She grabbed it readily.
When she stood next to me and put her arm to hold around me I put my hand around her and smiled at her. Parvati was amused.
"You look different," she said.
"You are looking at me differently."
"Maybe you are looking different than I have seen you before."
"What happened to me?"
"Maybe that's what I am also looking for."
We started walking to my room. When we reached the door, I found her body pressing against me. My palm grip became tighter around her soft love handle. Our chests were pressing against each other. I could feel the softness of her breasts, and it made my body warm.
"You have improved a lot," Parvati said while helping me sit on the bed. "You were faster and lighter."
I smiled, "I could even walk without your help. But I felt good because you were holding me dearly."
Parvati's eyes shone.
"I knew you were faking it. You could walk."
We had a good laugh.
Parvati had bought some fruits the other day. But I didn't want to eat fruit. Parvati went to the kitchen and made fruit juice. I sat on the bed and she touched the juice glass to my lips. I could only drink half.
"Didn't it taste good?"
She was worried.
"No," I said. "I am full. You can have it."
Parvati drank the leftover juice from the same glass. As she finished, I noticed the line of juice over her upper lips. I felt the urge to wipe it with my fingers. But I didn't. Instead, I watched her lap it up with her tongue.
Parvati spent an hour with me. She spoke sitting next to my bed and I didn't even know how time was passing. When she decided to leave, I accompanied her to the door.
"I am quite happy to see you walking alone." She said.
"I am not happy with walking alone when you are here," I said with a wink.
Parvathi blossomed into a broad smile. "No one wants to walk alone," she said.
"That's true." I shook my head and we were staring at each other.
"Do you think we should hug?"
Her voice was slow, indicating hesitation.
"Are you reading my mind?" I asked.
She opened her arms and we hugged each other. I pressed my chin onto her shoulder and then turned it slightly right to touch her neck. My arms went around her arms to reach her back in circles. Her forehead was resting on my shoulder. Her body felt light. When I took my arms back I saw her eyes wet. I was surprised.
"What happened?" I asked. "Last time also I had noticed something like this."
Parvati's head was down.
"Last time I cried because it was the first time in a long time someone other than my daughter hugged me tight like that." She said and looked straight into my eyes. I could see an ocean of emotion in her eyes. Parvati was as lonely as I was. I wiped her tears rolling down her cheeks. And I slowly touched her cheek. Her lips parted and I felt the urge to kiss her.
I leaned forward and landed a kiss on her forehead.
Her voice was softer than ever.
"You are not alone, Parvati. Not alone."
I said.
Parvati shook her head slowly and smiled.
When she left I felt good. I felt good for doing nothing even though I wanted to hold her tight and kiss her. I was glad that I was able to control my emotions. I was sure Parvati too would have felt the same.
In the evening when Desai came home he brought some documents.
"Vickey security services is now yours, Krish. You are the sole owner of the company."
He forwarded the bundle of documents to me. I didn't want to take it.
"Come on Desai, this is not the time. It can't come for free. I didn't do anything."
I said.
"This is not for free, my friend. This is your hard work. I am merely returning it to you."
"But the investment was yours, Desai. I haven't spent anything."
Desai turned to Meera.
"Meera, please tell him to take it. He deserves it, doesn't he?"
Mera shook her head.
"Yes." She smiled at me. "Take it, Krish."
I was surprised that she decided immediately.
"You can take it too."
Desai told her and forwarded the documents to her.
Meera took the documents and ran her eyes through them.
"Krish, you'll have to throw a party now."
She said with a cheeky smile.
"I can't throw anything for now," I said. "But I will do that, later."
"Don't throw anything, Krish," Desai said. "I will bring the party here."
In the night he started slow music in the hall. And he invited me to come out of my room. I used my crutches and walked out. Meera helped me while sitting on the couch. As she bent forward I didn't miss the sight of her breasts through the neckline of her dress. For a moment the bra-clad melons were on complete display. Desai was arranging drinks and snacks on the coffee table.
"I doubt I'm ready to drink, Desai," I said. "I'm under medication."
Meera looked at him, with an expression on her face sharing the same opinion.
"You can drink soft drinks."
Desai said and poured whiskey into two glasses. He opened a bottle of Breezer for me. I accepted and we toasted soon. Desai sat on the couch facing me, and Meera sat on my left. We began chatting casually.
"Today marks a new beginning," Desai said later. "Krish and I are going separate ways. Different ways. He's got his own business to look after, and I've built a new one for me."
"Are you not going to his office tomorrow?"
Meera asked.
"I'm going. But I'm not the boss. No more."
"That's good. It won't feel like I'm going on a date with his boss when I go next time with you."
Meera said.
Her witty remark made me smile but then I wondered why she brought the dating matter to the otherwise neutral conversation. I was looking at her and she read my mind.
"Susheel has invited me for a date."
She revealed.
I was surprised for a moment and then quickly realised that there was nothing to be surprised about. There could be a lot of things happening without my knowledge. I thought.
I was staring at them alternately.
"Oh, you guys are planning dates now. What about me? Is there anything for me too?"
"Of course, you will... you will have fun too." Desai said.
"Susheel..." Meera's voice sounded like a warning, though a soft one. "Don't veer into your fantasy mode please."
"About fantasies," I began to speak, "I was wondering if you guys were sharing any fantasies in my absence."
Desai smiled at me.
"These days that I am getting to stay with you, they are beyond my fantasies, Krish. I shouldn't be saying this but I have to be honest. Your accident has helped me live a life that was not even my dream. I am grateful but I don't know who to be. If I say thank you to you then Meera would be very angry, she would say I am always looking to join her in bed. But... Like I already told you, our relationship, this friendship, has now become beyond sex."
"Beyond sex." Meera smiled at him. "I love what you said."
"No... don't be so happy," I said. "He is not going to leave without having sex with you baby."
Meera made a face at me.
"I have a feeling that he will do that to please you, mister."
"As if you don't have any pleasure in that."
I hit back.
"Don't blame each other guys." Desai interrupted. "I would like to credit myself for that."
"Yeah, you will do that I know. You are the Alpha male, aren't you?"
Meera asked.
"But I have never tried to dominate you, baby."
"Never?" Meera laughed a little. "I wonder what you would call what you have done in my bed many times."
"I was not trying to dominate you in any way baby. I was just expressing my love. I was just being honest with my emotions. With you, I cannot be anyone else but me. My feelings lead me."
"Uff," Meera scoffed. But her facial expression changed quickly as she spoke further. "Now comes the Romeo Desai."
"You are smiling..."
"Of course, I like that mister," Meera said quickly. "I like it when you behave like a Romeo."
"You can turn anyone into Romeo with a smile like that."
"My hubby is here. Let's stop it before we start flirting."
Meera said as if she cared. Desai was forced to turn his eyes to me.
"You are worrying like he doesn't enjoy it."
His eyes were on me but he was still talking to her.
"I am enjoying it," I said. "I was hoping that it would lead into a situation when one thing moves into another and eventually end up with a familiar climax."
My bold statement had Meera laughing aloud, "Now Krish is taking a dig at you, gentleman."
Desai looked at me and then joined her laughter.
Our conversation deviated afterwards to casual things. The night turned out to be a peaceful one. There was no sign of desperation among all of us. When I went to the bed after dinner, I felt very calm.
But at the midnight, I woke up after seeing a hot dream in my sleep. In the dream, I had seen myself lying in my bed. I was mentally relaxed despite being aware of what was happening in the other bedroom. In that room, Desai and my wife were making love. I was just waiting for it to be over. And it was very calm while it lasted, or until I woke up.
As I woke up I was astonished to think about what was happening in the other room. It felt like if I got up and checked the other room, I might find them having steamy sex.
My dick had started to ache.
I slowly got up and opened the door. There was no sound coming from Meera's room. But I wasn't sure about Desai's room. That room was still soundproof because I hadn't drilled holes on the door. I still stood at my door, wondering about the probability of Meera being in that room, in bed with Desai.
When I went back to bed I thought about drilling holes in that door too, but I decided against it as I knew I was not in a state to carry out such a physical task. I thought about buying a voice recorder online. As the idea came to my head, I felt I was a fool for not doing it long ago.
I spend the next half an hour browsing online to find the voice recorder that Desai had used to spy on us. I thought it was very good as I had used it for my hidden missions. I couldn't find the exact model but I was able to find a voice recorder which supported listening live through a synced phone and recording. I slept only after completing the online order.
In the morning when Meera left for her office, Desai walked into my room. He was dressed to leave for the office in a few minutes.
"My Mumbai business is almost set up, Krish," he said. "I will be heading back home soon."
"I hope I will be able to recover before the inauguration of your Mumbai office."
I said.
Desai had grand plans to inaugurate his new business venture.
"I'm really excited about the inauguration event. I'm thinking of a Bollywood celebrity. You and Meera both should be there with me in Mumbai."
Desai was going to spend the rest of the week in Mumbai.
"But I will come back on Saturday," he added. "Meera has asked me to come back on Sunday to go to a wedding."
Meera had told me about the wedding a few days ago.
"You must be enjoying a lot," I said. "Visiting the temple, going shopping, attending the wedding and all. These are the things that you mentioned as things beyond sex. You are living a dream life, aren't you?"
"Of course I am, my friend. In fact, I am not at all happy to go to Mumbai but what to do - it is a necessity."
"But you are happy."
"Yeah, I am happy there is a reason for that. Yesterday I saw you walking on crutches. You are fine, Krish. You're recovering faster than I expected."
I laughed.
"You are looking so forward to seeing me walking again and I know why."
Desai laughed too.
"I have never tried to make secrets about anything, dear. My heart is open to you. Yes, your recovery is my necessity, though I'm praying for that otherwise too. I am so desperate for Meera. You have no idea how many times I have dreamt about my reunion with her... you just have to get up and be intimate with her once, and then you will see me having my best time with her. You'll see all your dreams come true too."
He was blatantly speaking about how he would screw my wife and I was getting excited to hear it from him.
I let out a sigh.
"It now feels like your fantasy is not just about having sex with her again but doing it in my presence. It's stunning when we think how strange it is, isn't it?"
Desai nodded and pulled a chair close to my bed to sit down.
"You're right, Krish. But it is not just my dream. This is in fact your ultimate fantasy, Krish. Watching your beautiful wife getting fucked by me that too from a close POV; like a sofa where you could sit very close to us."
I leaned forward to correct my sitting posture before replying.
"How can you be so sure about my dreams?"
"You're more or less like me, Krish. All you want to witness is to see her have all the fun. You want to see her writhe in pain when her body welcomes my strength. I cherish the moment when she feels the heat of my desire enters her body, you know what I mean. And by now you are also aware that when it happens, her cries become a lot hotter than when you do the same to her. She loves you, I envy you for that. But I'm confident about the pleasure I’m capable of giving her. She enjoys having sex with me. You will love watching it. It will be a moment you'd never forget. We will celebrate together."
Desai's eyes were shining.
"You seem to have a complete fantasy with a lot of details."
I said.
"It thrills me a lot whenever I think of being watched by you, Krish. I have played out that fantasy many times. Starting from the kiss, I want you to witness every moment she spends with me. Be honest with me, Krish; are you not thrilled to watch her in action?"
I was.
"Yes," I smiled.
"Yes, you are. I know that. My fantasy would fascinate you. I have even decided on which dress I would ask her to wear for the big day. I mean, the big night."
"Which dress?"
"There's an off-shoulder top that she had worn during a dinner with me. You were there too. Do you remember?"
I shook my head negatively. "Not sure."
"It's a pink one, dude. She looks her hottest best in that. I remember that night when she wore that dress; she shone like pure gold."
I laughed, amazed by how he was remembering such trivial details about my wife.
It was now obvious that he was in the mood to talk about how he would love to fuck my wife on the 'big day'. And I felt he would be tempted to talk about how he had managed to fuck her behind my back already.
I wanted him to talk about it. I had no plan to confront him by revealing that I knew about it because I was sure it would only make him alert in the future. I rather wanted something to be slipped out of his mouth. For that, I wanted him to talk.
"No matter what she wears for the night, you're not gonna let her shine like that till the end of the day, are you?" I asked and went on, "I should be ashamed to admit this. But I'm equally thrilled to admit it, Desai. I have heard her crying with pleasure during sex but the thought that I'm going to witness her cry like that, just makes me crazy."
I had Desai's complete attention.
"Have you imagined how she's gonna cry with pleasure?" He asked.
"I can imagine how loud she would be. But I can't imagine how you would make love to her. The thought makes me wanna recover faster. Sometimes it makes me feel that I should ask her to start sleeping in your room."
Desai was stunned. Either by my boldness to admit it or by the possibility of him starting to sleep with Meera very soon. He spent a few seconds thinking about either of them. I felt he was a nudge away from opening up.
I went on.
"That Meera has been out of action for so many weeks is making me crazy about the level of desire Meera must be possessing. I'm excited about being intimate with her, again. But more than that, I'm often thinking about you. I'm sure your presence in this house must be making her think about it too. I haven't discussed it with her, but I have a hunch that she must be having warm thoughts about you. Sometimes I feel she has the right to fantasize about you. A few days ago I saw a dream in my sleep in that I saw you with her. I thought you guys were meeting behind me. It excited me a lot."
"You're a little rascal, my friend. You'd make me things I would never do to you."
Desai said with a laugh.
"I wouldn't mind even if you do," I said. "I have my reasons to justify it."
"But Meera would never do it."
"I know. That's why that dream felt so hot. What we shouldn't do and what we wouldn't do are what we have done a lot of times, aren't they?"
Desai stared at me, his face lighting up further with every second. I thought he was contemplating opening up about having sex with my wife behind me already.
"I would love to see it happen..." Desai said. "But I'm sure Meera wouldn't do it."
He was determined to keep his secret.
Perhaps Meera would have made him promise not to open up at any cost, I thought. The future of his relationship with her might be dependent on that promise. He must be having a lot of fun which he was surely not ready to risk for anything.
He was not going to tell me. Unless I make him. I said myself.
"So you must be planning a big day - or night - for her. For me." I said. "I wonder what your fantasy is like."
Desai was quick to take the bite.
"I'm you'd be thrilled to know about it," he said.
"Tell me," I insisted.
"My fantasy is like," he said, "I would love the night to be very open. For all of us. It wouldn't be happening in the bedroom. It should happen in the hall. You would be sitting right next to her. You would sit there and have a close-up view of your Meera welcoming my tongue into her mouth and sucking it. I would undress her and fondle her breasts.
Then I will spread her legs and push my cock into her married pussy, which she would forget for a moment that it belonged to you in the first place. Her eyes would be fixed on my face while I enter her slowly. Then I will fuck her deep until she completely forgets her husband's presence in the house.
Then I will turn her around and enter from behind. Because that will make her turn to you and face you and show how she's being pleasured. You can watch her face.
She might not look you in the face because she's going to be shy about ignoring you for a while. But you can move closer and force her to face you and look at you in the eyes. I'll fuck deeper and make her moan. Then, while she's aware that you're watching her every move, I'll bring an orgasm to her. She will try to suppress a scream but she will fail like she always does. Once the orgasmic waves are settled, she'll forgo her qualms about your presence and give me a thanking kiss.
And then I'll fuck her for more and then pull out to give her a facial with my juice. She would sit down and look up at me while I'll shoot my load on her face. Or perhaps, I would prefer you to make a choice here, Krish. What do you want, should I cum inside her pussy or her mouth?"
I was getting lost in the blatant narration of his dirty fantasy. I couldn't respond immediately.
"Do you have a choice?" He asked again.
"What do you think Meera would love to do?"
I asked, passing on the choice.
"She always loved the taste of my cum. So..."
His smile was filled with a sense of satisfaction.
"And once I'm finished, she will lick me clean and blow my dick, making me hard again. That's gonna be the end of the show for you, my friend. I'd take the action to my bedroom after that."
"You will have all of her for you?"
"For the rest of the night. Yes."
There was no way he was going to talk about how he had fucked my wife behind my back. He was just interested in keeping me excited about the future. I was disappointed, but I was also content that he had no idea that I knew about it. I felt his confidence would surely make him seduce Meera again.
When Desai left for the office, my attention diverted back to my physical state. The explicit nature of his talking had given me a wave of blood rush. My body was weakened but my dick was hard like a rock. I tried to control it throughout there day but eventually, in the evening, I found myself shagging in my bed. I came soon and my cum drops were flying in the air. I cleaned the bedsheet but I missed a few drops on the floor. When Meera returned from the office she spotted it.
"Susheel was right, Krish. An idle mind is a devil's workshop." She said and warned me in a stiff voice. "Please don't do silly things, Krish. It's not healthy. I'm being serious."

Chapter to be cont'd
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Chapter 39 continues

The next day we went to the hospital and removed the plaster from my hand. The doctor said we could remove the leg's plaster after a week. When the doctor left, I hugged Meera tight.

"I can hug you with my both hands now. Wow!"
"Don't be silly, Krish," Meera said with a shy smile. A nurse was standing next to us and smiling at her.
Meera also arranged for a physiotherapist's service.
I was waiting for the voice recorder to arrive by courier. On the day of its expected delivery date, I heard a doorbell in the morning and I panicked. Meera was home and I didn't want her to receive the package. I rushed to the front door while thinking about answers in case Meera wonder about the content of the courier package. But I was relieved to see that the guest was Maithrei.
"I came to meet a person who's supposedly lying in bed," she said with an alluring smile. "But you look awesome. Thank God!"
Wearing a sleeveless pink kurti without a shawl, Maithrei looked her best. The fullness of her breasts was enhanced by the shape of her kurti.
I invited her inside and Meera greeted her.
Maithrei spent half an hour with us. She mentioned that her apartment complex in Pune was sold out.
"People have found the place very attractive. There had been a few queries about your apartment too. But I haven't given your contacts to anyone."
"You did the right thing, Maithrei," Meera said. "We have no plan to sell it."
I asked Maithrei if Desai was in touch with her.
"Oh, don't talk about him. He's been asking me to visit his new business setup there. He always taunts me, saying 'come and see what I've done to your building.' I'm tired of him."
Maithrei said.
"Then you should visit. He's already there."
"I know. We talked last night too. I'm thinking of a visit this weekend."
I looked at Meera to know her response. She was calm.
When Meera went to the kitchen, I found the opportunity to ask about her closeness with Desai.
"So it's gonna be a dinner night in Mumbai?"
"Come on," Maithrei pushed on my shoulder, lightly. "Don't try to make fun of me. Desai gave me the idea of you and me travelling to Mumbai. I was thinking about having our date there. But now this! The wait gets longer, doesn't it?"
I saw Meera coming back and limited my response to laughter.
When Maithrei left, I turned to Meera.
"She's going to meet Desai in Mumbai. He's gonna lose his virginity this weekend!"
Meera stared at me.
"Not funny, Krish."
"Ouch! It hurts when I talk about your boyfriend like that, doesn't it?"
I said.
"He's not my boyfriend, mister. He's my other husband." Meera said to stun me. "Don't you remember watching him put Sindoor on my forehead?"
She had a smirk on her lips. She was now taunting me.
"I remember something else from that night."
I said.
"That's the problem with you, dear. You miss the small details."
Her reply had me scratching my head and wondering if she was serious or not.
The voice recorder arrived at noon. I put it on charge immediately. After syncing it with my phone, I went to Desai's room and hid it between the mattress and woodwork on the head side. It was a tedious task for me. I had to wait until Sunday to get any result though, as Desai was in Mumbai.
Friday when Parvati visited she was glad to see my hand free of plaster.
"Oh, this is great."
"But I'm losing, I can't hug you anymore," I said with an animated smile.
Parvati gave me a long stare with a smirk before we both broke into a burst of laughter.
As I began to walk back, she grabbed the crutches and put her hand around me.
"Hold around me, Krish."
She said, still laughing.
As I put my hand around her, my palm grip was hard.
"Ouch!" She made a sound. "Are you trying to provoke me?"
"Provoke?" I looked deep into her eyes. "Yes, if you are looking to be provoked."
Parvati had a tough time looking me in the eyes now. She started walking forward with me. I led her to the hall. She served fruit juice for us both and sat with me.
"How is Nidhi doing in your office?" She asked. It was a thing she used to ask me during her visit every time. I said Nidhi was doing great. When I said that, I made sure I didn't miss the satisfying smile on her face.
When we finished our drinks, she checked my injured hand to see if it was fine.
"It has recovered completely. So things are coming back." She commented.
I nodded.
"Meera must have come back to start sleeping in your room?"
She asked.
"No," I smiled. "I'm still sleeping in the desert."
Parvati burst into laughter.
"Desert...? Oh so sad! What is she waiting for?"
"She's waiting for my leg to heal. She thinks it's very important."
"Important in what?"
"Important in that. I hope we are talking about the same thing."
"We're talking about the same thing. But I don't understand what importance it has in that!"
She was laughing through the words.
"Maybe you're very conservative."
"I'm old school, yes. I wonder how creative would be your comeback game."
I was surprised to see her not trying to drop the subject.
"I will tell you. All the details. But later."
She giggled and asked, "First let it happen, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." I nodded. "First we must let it happen."
I looked down and didn't say anything for a few seconds.
"What are you thinking?"
She asked.
"I was wondering about your first night," I said with a cheeky smile. I saw her eyes fluttering.
"What about it?"
Her voice was softer.
"I was just wondering. No first night can be old school."
"It was long ago. I have even forgotten..."
"No, it can't be forgotten. Especially for women."
Parvati looked at me. I stared back at her.
"Are you waiting to hear about it?"
She asked.
I nodded, "yes."
"Come on... It would be boring."
"Why it would be boring?"
"Because it was boring."
Parvati's smile was making me believe otherwise.
"But it wouldn't have felt boring on the first day," I said.
"Yeah, that's true. But the repetition makes it feel so."
"Mmm... Details are coming."
I said.
Parvati was struggling to look away from me. A moment later, she began. "Initially, I was not looking forward to it. There were other things to worry about. We didn't have enough money to conduct the ceremony properly. So... I was kinda feeling guilty about getting married." She looked down and then smiled. "But there were friends who'd never leave an opportunity to tease you about it. So by the time it happened, I was pretty excited, to be honest. And it was like what you mentioned...old school. But it was what I thought it was. Not much to talk about."
"You mean he didn't entertain you?"
"Entertain!" Parvati exclaimed. "He used to ask me if I was entertained. And I used to say yes."
"But you weren't."
Parvati looked away and then slowly bobbed her head.
"I don't know." She said. "Maybe I should leave now."
Her reply surprised me.
"What happened?"
"Nothing. I don't feel right."
"Come on, you are my only company."
I said and took her right hand in my hands. She didn't try to take it back. I moved a bit closer and rubbed her wrist.
She turned to me. "This is not right, Krish. This is not the age to do this."
"I know." I smiled. "But I also know we won't cross the line. That's a promise "
Parvati stared deep into my eyes and then smiled.
"You have a beautiful wife. I forgot that. You can never cheat on her."
"True," I said.
"But why do you want to hear about my sex life?"
"Do you think sleeping together is the only way to have intimate fun?"
"So..." Parvati smiled. "You are having intimate fun with me."
"Only if you tell me."
"You have a disease, Krish. You look normal but you aren't normal. You should see a psychiatrist."
"I will," I said. "But later."
"Ok." She smiled again. "So my first was straightforward. The wooden cot was not sturdy but still, it didn't make any sound. You know, it was after the accident that I got the courage to touch my husband's thing with my hand for the first time. But still, all of those were in darkness. I still don't know how my husband, his - you know what I mean - actually looked like."
"Do you know how does it - you know what I mean - looks like?"
I asked.
"Yes... I've seen some videos. They frightened me though, initially."
She said and laughed a little.
"I'm talking about real," I said.
"It feels so awkward to sit with you and talk about this stuff..." Parvati began to get up.
But I held her hand to stop her. She sat back, only to end up sitting closer to me. I saw her chest moving as her breathing gained pace.
"I hope I'm not pissing you off. You should warn me before slapping me." I said.
Parvati giggled.
"I can't understand if you are serious or...just teasing me."
She said.
"I'm just listening."
"Are you asking any my experience with other men? I was faithful to my husband throughout my life. I was approached by a few, from time to time like anyone else, but nobody was given a chance."
"Very bad," I said.
"You are such a pervert!" Parvati pushed me away. "You should go to Meera tonight. You need it."
"But she is very busy. And she says she can't until I recover fully."
"Then you wait, my boy!" She said and grabbed my chin to shake my face.
"You know," she went on. "I have never talked like this, with anyone, in my entire life. I'm scared if I visit you again, you would make me sit on your lap... and I don't know what else. So I'm not going to visit you again."
Even though she said that I didn't think she was being serious. When she left I accompanied her to the door with help of crutches. She didn't try to grab it this time.
Saturday we were expecting Desai to come back. But he phoned me in the evening and told me he would return on Sunday only.
"Have you forgotten the wedding reception?" I reminded him. "Meera is expecting your company."
"How can I forget that, man?" He asked.
In the night, after dinner, I asked Meera to sleep with me. And she complied, against my expectation.
As she lay down next to me, I quickly put my hand around her and hugged her tightly.
"I have forgotten this feeling..." I whispered.
"But don't tell him. Promise me."
She warned.
"Why? Do you think he will force you?"
"No, it's not that."
"He will start trying to be intimate."
I was slightly annoyed. I remembered how she was screaming with pleasure the other day. For a moment I wondered if she would ever change her mind to tell me the truth.
"What if he starts trying to be intimate? Is there anything new?"
I asked.
Meera looked at me.
"It's different now, Krish. Don't you think so?"
"Maybe you are being stubborn. You're making it different."
"I won't let it happen... It's out of the question... When he's staying in this house like this... If I start sleeping with him... I mean there won't be an end to it. I will lose my grip over me, Krish. I'm your wife...I want to be yours only."
I smiled and hugged her tight.
"I know, baby," I said. I then added as an afterthought, "what if he hadn't chosen to stay with us? If he had visited us on weekly or fortnightly once?"
"Then," Meera smiled, "then it would have been different. I would have slept with him every time he visited. Like weekly once, or fortnightly once."
I was stunned. "Oh my God. If Desai heard this..."
"He knows." Meera interrupted me. "I had told him this."
"Really? What did he say?"
"He said he didn't choose to stay with us with the hope of having sex with me again. He was here to help you, that's it."
"That's wonderful. What did you say?"
"I too said it's wonderful."
I had to force myself to believe it though. Desai knew he had a chance but he had chosen to give it up. For helping me.
Or is he after something else?
"I think he deserved some fun. Like I had the other night."
I commented.
"Like that?" Meera giggled. "He wouldn't be happy with that."
"No, I mean to say, you sneaking into my room in the night. You could do it to him as well."
"And he will do the rest."
I quipped.
Meera scratched under my chin.
"You are a dirty animal, Krish. You are trying to push me to him."
"I meant to say I wouldn't mind it. I wouldn't consider it cheating. I'm very open about it."
"You are open because you will be happy to shag when I'm having sex with him."
"Not necessarily. You don't even have to tell me about it. Just sneak in. You and him. Don't involve me."
"But the other day you were saying something else."
"I still insist that. No other places."
"But what is the fun when you know nothing about it?"
"It's not for me. It's for him. For you. Or you could tell me afterwards. Like, after a few days you can come and tell me about how you had it a few days ago."
I thought I was allowing her to be guiltless and tell me the truth.
But she had other ideas.
"You are such a moron to talk me into this. I know you're having fun." She said and her hand moved over my crotch. The next moment I felt her fingers trying to wrap around my fully erect dick, over the clothes.
"He will have me only after you, I told you," Meera whispered.
I wanted to push her away and ask her who the hell she was fucking in her bed the other day. But I couldn't move an inch.
Meera lowered my boxer and freed my length. It jumped out and stood up in the air. I tried to put my arm around her. I pulled her head closer and kissed her on the lips.
"You're moving your hand too much, baby."
Meera warned.
"Then you take control," I insisted. "I know you can do it. I'm your slave, you are my queen. Please use me for your pleasure, my queen."
"My needs are difficult to be met."
She warned.
"Try using me."
I said.
Meera kissed me and put my arm straight on the bed. She removed my T-shirt and started kissing all over my body. When she kissed me again, I held her head still.
"Make me taste it again, Meera."
Meera looked into my eyes and I opened my mouth. She closed her mouth to gather saliva and spat it into my mouth. I swallowed it and started sucking her lips.
Meera soon broke the kiss and went down to my chest. She sucked my nipples before going further down. My stomach throbbed at the soft touch of her lips. I tried to touch her hair but she grabbed my hand to move it away from her head.
"Don't move your hand."
She warned and pulled down my boxer, revealing my dick. She caressed it with her hand.
"Mmm... Like a coconut tree without its head."
She commented and immediately started licking under it. I gasped. She sat up and removed her top, presenting me the view of her bra-clad upper body.
She soon went down and started sucking my dick. I moaned as I sensed the warmth of her mouth around it. When she pulled it out after a few seconds, she pressed it down to my lower belly and licked my balls. Her tongue started dancing around me. I was losing my grip. I begged her to kiss me and feed me with her breasts.
"Give me, baby," I gasped with my mouth open. Meera smiled at me and sat up to remove her panty without moving her skirt. And then she knelt at the right side of my face.
"I'm giving you, baby."
She smiled at me and put her right knee on the other side of my face. And she lifted her skirt and slowly sat on my throat.
And very soon, I had the taste of her pussy in my mouth. She was dripping wet.
I kept my mouth wide and swallowed it all. My tongue work made her moan with pleasure.
" God..."
I wanted to make her cum but Meera was not sure about it. As soon as I licked her close to dry, she moved off me and went back to my dick. This time she used her hands too. And it didn't take much before I was brought to ejaculation. The moment I let it go, Meera bent down and put it back into her mouth, and let me spurt it into her mouth. I watched her swallow it with utmost dedication. She jerked it a few more times to squeeze out the last drop of it, before sitting up.
"You make me think it's very yummy."
I said.
Meera smiled at me and nodded.
She leaned forward and brought her face just above mine.
"You can find it yourself."
She said and kissed me. I felt her tongue darting into my mouth and I didn't hesitate to welcome her. Our tongues kissed each other and I sucked the wetness from her mouth. I felt warmth only, with no strange taste.
"No, I couldn't find it."
I said.
"Because I swallowed it all. Sorry."
She giggled.
"I wish I could have put it in the right place."
I tilted my head downward to suggest that I meant to have proper sex with her.
"You could have sat on me. I could have lived the feeling again."
I added.
"Even I am longing for that, Krish," Meera said. "I have already started dreaming about us making out, properly and you inside me, loving me... But no. A few more days. After that, I'll be yours again. You can have me. I can have you. A little more patience, that's all we need to ensure your complete recovery."
Meera slept with me, with her hand around me. I slept like a child without any kind of worries about the future.
It was a calm night; I felt loved and completely at peace. Little did I know how short-lived it was going to be.
The next day, Desai arrived at four o'clock. He wasn't late, as Meera was just beginning to get ready for the wedding reception.
Desai went to his room to change clothes and came out wearing a white suit over a black shirt. With his signature style long hair shining like anything, he looked great. I was sitting in the hall.
Satisfied with his attire, Desai went to Meera's room. The door was open but I couldn't understand what they were talking about, as they were talking at a low volume. Eventually, I got up and walked up to the door.
Meera was in front of the mirror, doing some makeup on her face. Desai was standing next to her watching her work on her face delicately.
"It's a pleasure to watch you getting ready, especially when you are working on your eyes."
Desai was saying.
"My eyes..." Meera smiled. "When I put on mascara I hold my mouth open. It's a trick that I use so that my eyelashes get thicker and longer. I don't do it always but sometimes when I desire to. I know I'd look like a ghost when I stand in front of the mirror with my mouth open and my body still. But that's the trick."
"I thought you were trying to scare me away."
Desai said.
"I know you wouldn't go away even if I turn a ghost in real."
Desai laughed.
Wearing an elegant light pink saree with a white sleeveless blouse, Meera looked simply like a diva. The intricately-embroidered blouse and the shape of her breasts were quite a show thanks to the transparent saree. As she turned to face me, I even noticed the hint of her navel button behind the see-through saree. I was sure she was going to leave the guests at the wedding awestruck.
As she walked past me, I couldn't help but be enthralled by the beauty of her back.
I looked at Desai enviously. Suddenly his white suit looked even better. It was a match for Meera's blouse. I tried to convince myself that it was merely a coincidence.
Desai gave me his phone and told me to take a photo of them together.
As they posed together I noticed his left arm slowly going around her and resting at the side of her hip. Meera didn't seem to be aware of it.
I clicked the photo and returned the phone to Desai. He checked it and showed it to Meera.
"We look like a perfect couple, don't we?"
Meera smiled at him, validating his opinion.
When they left I felt the house lonelier than ever. Watching them leave the house like a couple suddenly felt tougher than watching them walking into a bedroom.
Meera's words from the previous night echoed in my head.
"He said he didn't choose to stay with us with the hope of having sex with me again. He was here to help you, that's it."
I wondered what kind of help was he giving me now.
He's helping himself.
I thought.
Fortunately for me, they returned before it was late. Meera said she was embarrassed when people started assuming Desai to be her husband.
"And this gentleman, he was telling me it's okay." Meera pushed Desai away as she accused him. But her soft push didn't move Desai's bulky body even by an inch. "He was like, let them think I'm your husband."
"They were meeting Meera's husband for the first time. I'm sure there won't be another chance. So what's the problem in playing a prank?"
"Ah ha! What a justification!"
Meera pushed him again, this time using her body. She managed to move his body but ended up pressing her breasts against him. Desai swiftly shifted his position to move behind her and had his arms around her belly.
Meera moved away quickly, throwing an angry face at him.
When she went to her room I followed her with help of crutches. She was taking off her saree. I pulled her towards me and kissed her on the lips. Meera was stunned and began to protest for a moment, before giving in and returning the kiss. We sucked each other's lips.
"I missed you a lot, baby."
I said when we ended the kiss.
Meera smiled.
"Will you come to my room?"
I asked. Meera took a step back and looked at my plastered leg.
"No. Not yet."
She said with a smile.
In the night I shagged in my bed. It started as I imagined Meera sneaking into my room. But as soon as I saw her lying in my bed with her legs parted and me showing my dick into her pussy, Desai's bulky frame took over my mind. I saw him pushing his dick harder into her pussy, making her moan. I didn't mind cleaning my bedsheet after I ejaculated a huge load. I wanted Meera to see it in the morning and learn how much a wanted her to join me.
I then remembered the voice recorder. I grabbed my mobile and tried to listen to the voice. But I heard nothing. I couldn't even understand whether it was working or not.
The next morning Meera left for the office earlier than usual. She mentioned having a conference in the early hours. And Desai showed up after half an hour to say bye.
"How was the Mumbai trip?" I asked, lying in the bed. "Yesterday I didn't get a chance to ask you."
"The next big thing is the inauguration, Krish. I'm so close." He said.
He left soon, closing the door.
A few minutes later, I decided to check the voice recorder. As I got up and opened the door I heard the sound of the front door opening. I was alert in a second and closed the door immediately. I carried the crutches to the bedside to avoid making any noise and quickly climbed onto the bed. I waited as I heard footsteps outside the room. There were no other sounds for a few seconds. But I knew someone was waiting outside my door. And then I heard the footsteps going away.
I knew who it was. My heart was pumping hard already. And I knew what was going to happen. My beautiful wife's saree-clad figure with all the perfectness of the curves flashed in my memory. I couldn't stop thinking about how Desai had put his hands around her in front of me. On her hip, around her belly. I remembered the perfect couple-moment I had clicked on his phone. I knew there was no way Desai would wait another day to extend that perfect couple moment to her bedroom.
I waited a few minutes and got up. My leg was in pain as I had rushed to the bed without the support of crutches earlier. I slowly made it to the door despite my heart rushing me to it and opened it quietly.
I was welcomed by the exact sound that I was excepting. The sound of sex. The sound my wife could not stop from escaping her throat while her married pussy was being penetrated by the man of her fantasy. It was now a secret fantasy. She was living the ultimate pleasure enhanced by the feel of doing it behind her husband. Her sound was on a rise and soon it peaked to become a scream. It was a sound I had never heard from my wife. I felt my Meera had become someone else. Desai had turned her into someone else.
I wanted to walk up to the door and listen to the voice clearly. But I knew walking with the crutches towards the room might spoil the secret. The sound from Meera's room was again raising. Desai had started fucking her again, after giving her a short break.
I closed the door and walked back to my bed. Lying down on my bed felt like a tedious job. But as soon as I lay on the bed, my attention was drawn towards the raised tent in my half trousers.
I had come to one conclusion. My wife had become so addicted to the pleasure her 'other husband' was providing her that she was willing to forget everything else, including her own standards set by her.
This is another phase of my life. I thought.
The sound from the other room was echoing inside my head. I had lost track of my surroundings to say whether it was real or my imagination. And I didn't know when my hand had crawled inside my trousers.

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A very big update of nothing.

Sorry Krish for the 1st time your update did not meet the expectations.

You are an awesome writer but something is missing this time.
[+] 2 users Like prashanthi's post
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[+] 1 user Likes Katrina666's post
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Krish saheb is it the way story is going tobe ended,salt less episode,sorry to comment
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In the end meera and Desai happily married and Krish will b cheif guest ?
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So we are back to square one . Same ending as last episode. With just 3 episodes remaining now ,this story will end abruptly like no one dies a saint . It seems the author has caught the writer's block ,and pressure from the readers is forcing him to churn out episodes even though he is not ready ,leading to lots of repetition .
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maajaa nahi aaya
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same ending like previous update,,No exposed,,, No action,
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at least parvati ke sath ho jata to bhi maajaa aata
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Big update, huge expectations. Big Disappointment as there were not much progress in the plot. Hoping to get next update soon with confrontation or sex adventures.
Seems Krish is going to loose Meera to Desai soon.
[+] 1 user Likes Emperor21's post
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always visited this story for some action
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