Adultery Simta n Janki. (completed)
(29-03-2022, 02:29 PM)twinciteeguy Wrote:
Thank you Kamuk Insaan. Janki will be back soon with Vijay. Then may be a three sum if there is interest in the story.

Are you planning to do a threesome of Janki, Smita and Vijay?
Oh... Man!!! Can't wait for that.
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S: Fantastic idea Vijay. Let us go and spend time there, Yes Book a room there for 2 days. Only we need a baby sitter too. Well you are seeing me naked now.
Vijay called the resort and they confirmed they can take care of the baby till 11pm. They even have a raddle and of course a spa and massage professionals too.......

So, they both dressed and drove to resort...............

As they reached, they checked in to the suite. As the baby sitter arrived Smita gave her mobile no and she took him away to the crèche. Smita is dressed in saree and Vijay is in shorts and T.

Vijay led Smita outside and in to the garden. It is already twilight and the two roamed around the garden, hand in hand. Smita is over joyed seeing the lovely flowers specially the tulips. She felt so happy with fresh breeze coming in and the smell coming from the flowers. She moved closer and Vijay smiled hugged her and kissed her and forgetting they are n pubic place in a garden she kissed back passionately. It is short and sweet. Smita blushed when she realized she kissed Vijay while others are seeing but a few of the couples gave thumbs up sign and one middle aged couple kissed. Seeing them a young couple kissed too. Smita led Vijay away and after a round of the garden and choose a place to sit.

The resort has put in efforts to see people can sit in inside and have their privacy, the walls are covered by creepers and so is the roof. Even the door is beautifully designed and inside is all small indoor plants and flower plants.  The place looked so good. Smita is thrilled and excited, she leaned on him, saying thank you Vijay you are right, this place is so fucking good. 

Vijay smiled and saw her already lifting his T and playing with the hairs on his chest. She said do not know Vijay, I am feeling so happy to be with you. Do not know, Draupadi had 5 husbands, I will be happy to have 2. Vijay responded, don’t get emotional, we are here to enjoy, yes would love to have you as my wife but Manoj is lucky bastard, he got you.

He ordered drinks and now they are sipping from one glass. Smita hugged Vijay and is  siting with her back on his chest. She once again felt she is feeling a bond developing between her and Vijay and she has fallen in love, not that she does not love Manoj, Manoj is still her top priority and if she has too choose, she will choose Manoj only. She sat there thinking before she turned and kissed Vijay. 

He responded with gentle kiss but with one hand ? he placed it on her navel and pulled her close. As they sipped, his hand roamed over her navel gently caressing her belly button. Smita again felt this guy is in no hurry and treats me as if I belong to him and he as all the time to make love and not just fuck as they say.

They became more intimate as the drinks progressed with him squeezing her boobs, in fact he removed her blouse and bra hooks and is freely kneading her lovely boobs and she gripped his hard cock, a gentle grip. They kissed too. As round one finished, she wanted to roam around the garden. 

They walked hand in hand and the crowd is thin. They could spot a few couple, clinging close and kissing. A few couples are sitting on the lawn and spouse is lying in the lap. Such public display of love she thought. Just as she is thinking, Vijay pulled her close, made her sit in the lawns in a slightly secluded place and then his face inside her pallu as he kissed her cleavage. Smita put only a few hooks back as she covered her boobs with her pallu but now she is stunned at the audacity of Vijay yet the same time she is excited at what he is doing. But Vijay quickly came out of pallu and simply lay in her lap and she could see love, lust, desire and happiness all over his face, she smiled, bent and kissed him, to hell with guys present she thought.

They spent some more time enjoying the garden before they returned and had another round of drinks. Smita put both her hands behind his back and kissed him deep, then her tongue met his and they tasted each other’s salvia. She is surprised she is so much passionate with Vijay. Then they moved to the dance floor. (Smita changed to skirt and top). Already songs are being played and they danced happily. They danced close but not too close to raise any suspicion.

stay tuned...........
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Smita n Janki

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An update is posted in ANJALI FINALLY SEDUCES ROHIT....Seduction of Nisha, the happy Housewife by elder_ guy (

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(30-03-2022, 04:10 AM)Blackdick11 Wrote: Are you planning to do a threesome of Janki, Smita and Vijay?
Oh... Man!!! Can't wait for that.

Thank you blackdick. I am just thinking of 3 sum, Janki, Manoj and Vijay or Rohit Janki and Smita or even Rohit, Smita and her mom.  Or no 3 sum at all and just close the story. Still fluid and depends on views and comments
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An update is posted Padmini, a middle aged beauty to hot wife. COMPLETED ( 

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Dear writer twinciteeguy,

The story till here is exllent and smoothly detailed explanation not at all borring,

From here it's upto you the writer how you want it, wether go on with threesom with Smitha, Vijay and Manoj or Smitha Vijay and Janaki or Manoj Vijay janaki or Vijay Smitha her mother or janaki Vijay with janaki's husband.
or one on one with janaki and Vijay.

Here I don't want Rohit to come in between Smitha and janaki's encounter with others, if you want to bring back Rohit add new people's here and continue.

Or u want to end it here with few more updates
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(01-04-2022, 08:35 AM)Indian11 Wrote: Dear writer twinciteeguy,

The story till here is exllent and smoothly detailed explanation not at all borring,

From here it's upto you the writer how you want it, wether go on with threesom with Smitha, Vijay and Manoj or Smitha Vijay and Janaki or Manoj Vijay janaki or Vijay Smitha her mother or janaki Vijay with janaki's husband.
or one on one with janaki and Vijay.

Here I don't want Rohit to come in between Smitha and janaki's encounter with others, if you want to bring back Rohit add new people's here and continue.

Or u want to end it here with few more updates

Thank you Indian. As of now Vijay will move from Smita to Janki. Then I have a 3 sum in mind as finale may be Manoj, Vijay and Smita or Pradeep, Vijay and Janki. Rohit will not be in 3sum at all and if at all it has to be Rohit, Smita and Janki. Still time to decide. meanwhile ideas are welcome.
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Janki soon to reenter.....

[Image: janki.jpg]
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She is surprised she is so much passionate with Vijay. Then they moved to the dance floor. (Smita changed to skirt and top). Already songs are being played and they danced happily. They danced close but not too close to raise any suspicion. 

Then came the slow dances and Smita danced merrily and she clung to Vijay but by now each is in his elements to bother of others. Some are groping the ass of his partner, while some other is crushing her tits on her man. They have an hour to go before it closes. Smita is quite surprised and excited at the way dances are on. 

They sat on table and after rest resumed and danced again. Now she danced to slow dances and this time she clung to him; her tits crashed on his chest.  She could sense his hardness and rubbed her pussy on his manhood. By now all are in mood, Smita could see a guy push his hands inside the skirt of his partner, a woman of 45 who is with a youngish guy is almost gripping his cock and some are drunk too.

Smita hinted to Vijay they can move, clearly, she is not relishing what she is seeing as she felt, few couples are crossing limits. Vijay understood her; he need not grope her on dance floor as she will be his for next 24 hours. So, they moved to restaurant to take dinner and moved back to the suite.
As he moved back, he invited her to join for a shower, she quickly joined and the loving duo soaped each other. Smita hugged Vijay as soon as she entered the room and he hugged her back, she caressed his back, pushed his face down and then kissed him. Vijay stood there drinking her beauty and he too caressed her back. He whispered to her I am indeed lucky to be able to spend time with you like this. Yes, Vijay you had your eyes on me for long time, assiduously seduced me and yes, I love being with you. 

He kissed her eyes as if to say he loved her. Then he turned her around, he soaped her neck and her shoulders and slowly moved to her neck. He soaped her boobs and skilfully pressed her boobs. She pulled his face down and kissed him on his cheek. He continued to squeeze her boobs. She moaned and said in all our married life Manoj has never spent this much time on my boobs. 

What to do I love your boobs is his response. He turned his attention to her navel, so smooth and sexy he thought and played with er belly button. Now he came in front of her, sat on a stool ad applied soap on er fair big thighs. He soaped well and now his focus is on her pussy. He applied soap and cleaned her pussy and then he kissed her pussy. As he kissed her pussy is hands went up to knead her boobs. Smita is shivering with joy. Water is flowing over her and then on to her lover boy ad through his hands on to her thighs. He continued to tongue her pussy pushing his tongue deep in to her pink folds. She moaned, her moans have become louder and he continued his work and now sucked her hard clit. 

He alternated it in sucking her clit and licking it. Smita could take no longer and with a big moan she hit her orgasmic pleasure. Vijay held her tight and then lapped up her juices. He stood now, hugged her, kissed her on her lips and said very tasty, your juices. She responded, idiot you have no shame. He smiled and hugged er tight, her tits are getting crushed on his chest. 

She responded, it's my pleasure and so she too applied soap and once she cleaned his chest, sucked his nip and bit them too. Then she soaped his belly. Finally, she focussed on his thighs and kissed all over his thighs. Now her eyes are on his hard cock. She applied soap and thoroughly cleaned his cock. She smelled and satisfied kissed is cock forehead. She licked his cock top to bottom and back before she took his cock in to her mouth. 

She took his cock inside her mouth slowly and she took almost 2/3 of his, she let her lips do the trick sucking his hard cock. He is pleased and he said darling you are a real good cock sucker. She smiled and now stood and hugged him and let the water touch their bodies and flow over them. She truly relished water flowing over them, giving them a very intimate touch. She is pleased and showered kisses all over his face.  Then she towelled him and he towelled her and they walked out stark naked in to the living room.

stay tuned............
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lt looks like both of them having their mini honeymoon.
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(05-04-2022, 01:12 PM)Lovecraft Wrote: lt looks like both of them having their mini honeymoon.

Thank you Lovecraft. Yes U r right but will reply in detail morrow 
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An update is posted Padmini, a middle aged beauty to hot wife. COMPLETED ( 

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An update is posted in my story BOSS SEDUCES MY WIFE IN FRONT OF ME bymdm1106 (+16 copied) (

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