Non-erotic Beauty Betrayed.
Waiting for update
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Super, continue please
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you stopped at important place. please continue and complete the story.
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Sorry dude(s)The thread is dropped due to lack of response ..... Sad
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Please continue bro
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Thread dropped ?? Thought climax is near. you could have finished it off
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(02-03-2022, 08:30 PM)Dumeelkumar Wrote: Thread dropped ?? Thought climax is near. you could have finished it off

Sorry Dude for the inconvenience ..... actually was not in favor of this sequel.... but on few readers request I have started this but sorry to say got not enough response as a non-erotic one .....

Started working on an erotica Me And My Friend Rehan. hut that also lacking eniugh response and planned to drop that also. But on constant persuasion of Eshwar P I will complete that any how....

Seriously lack of time.....
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Very nice story.
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Please complete this story.
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(02-03-2022, 11:01 PM)Blue Bull Wrote: Sorry Dude for the inconvenience ..... actually was not in favor of this sequel.... but on few readers request I have started this but sorry to say got not enough response as a non-erotic one .....

Started working on an erotica Me And My Friend Rehan. hut that also lacking eniugh response and planned to drop that also. But on constant persuasion of Eshwar P I will complete that any how....

Seriously lack of time.....
I've just started reading your stories.

PLEASE revive this thread and bring it to completion.

I am sure there are many more of us eagerly waiting for you to continue.......
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Please complete the story
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Please continue story
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