Misc. Erotica The Story of Meera By: Indian Princes. (Completed)

Neil gave me some well-deserved punishment. He canned me, and humiliated me and recorded it all on video. He made me watch my older humiliation videos over and over again to remind me that I was a bad girl who deserves to be punished constantly. And when it was over, he held me in his arms and kissed me so passionately. He is such a sweetheart. I disappoint him all the time but still he finds it in his heart to love me.


Today is Neil's birthday! I'm so excited! I'm going to look gorgeous for him. I've picked out my favorite red dress and I'm gonna bake him his favorite plum cake with green raisins! I hope he likes my humble gift. He'll be sending a car to bring me to his villa. There's a private party at his villa. I hope this will be one of my most memorable nights.


That was the last entry of the diary.

Meera was tearful as she remembered so many moments spent with Naina. She remembered how Naina always talked about Neil. She was madly in love with him. She remembered Naina had once introduced her to Neil. Neil had brought a present for Meera and took her and Naina for a ride in his fancy car. That is when Naina showed Meera Neil's bungalow at Juhu. Neil had then dropped them home. Perhaps that is why Meera could remember the way from Neil's house to her own.

Meera entered the kitchen and knelt on the floor. The rug she used to sleep on was still lying on the kitchen floor. She lay down on the dust covered rug and cried her heart out.

"Are you tired Meenu?" a soft voice called out to her.

The next moment Meera felt a gentle hand running over her body. As she lifted her gaze, she saw a young girl smiling back at her. Meera instantly recognized her.

"Naina di!" she said and hugged the young girl.

"I'm sorry Meenu," Naina said, "I left you all alone. And I will never forgive myself for what you had to go through because I left you all alone. I was weak, Meenu, but you are so strong. You are a survivor. I'm so proud of you."

"I need you Naina di," Meera said weeping bitterly, "I always needed you..."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you," Naina said tearfully, "Will you ever forgive me for being so weak?"

Meera held Naina's face between her palms and wiped her tears with her thumbs. Naina's eyes were red and she looked weary. Her lip was bleeding. She was wearing the same red dress that she wore when Meera last saw her.

"What did he do to you di?" Meera asked with intense rage in her eyes, "You were so happy that night you left for his birthday party, you wore your favorite red dress and you baked him a cake...and returned like this in the morning - bleeding and broken! What happened that night?"

Naina didn't answer. She just closed her eyes and wept.

"It's all my fault di," Meera said, "I should have woken up that morning, I should have held you, I should have told you how much I love you and how much I needed you..."

"It's not your fault sweetheart," Naina said with a weak smile, "It doesn't matter now...it's a long lost story..."

"It DOES matter di! It fucking does!" Meera said bitterly, "Neil never loved you di...that sick manipulative bastard was only using you! That son of a bitch thinks he is going to get away with this cruelty and live happily ever after, I'm going to make his life a living hell, and I fucking mean it!"

"And as for you di," Meera said gently running her fingers through Naina's hair, "I'm buying this house for you. This is your house. I'm gonna make this place sparkling clean, like I used to, and then you can live in this beautiful house for as long as you wish..."

Naina smiled at her sweet gesture and her spirit faded away.


Meera got into her car and drove to Mithila's house.

Mithila was so happy to see Meera after a long time. She looked much stronger than when she had last seen her.

"I'm sorry, I am disturbing you at this hour," Meera said.

"No problem at all Meera," Mithila said, giving her a warm hug, "You are welcome anytime. How have you been? I've been worried about you."

Mithila noticed that Meera was visibly shaken.

"Are you ok Meera?" Mithila asked.

"I saw the blue-eyed man from my dreams today," Meera said softly, "He is real Mithila, his name is Neil. I remember him now, I remember everything..."

Mithila placed a hand on Meera's shoulder to comfort her.

"You said dreams are symbolic," Meera continued, "I had a dream about him killing you, ripping your heart out while you were still alive...because he did that to my Naina di..."

"Who is Naina?" Mithila asked, "I remember you once called me Naina, back when you were at the hospital."

"When I was a child, I lived with my mother. My father died when I was very young. I have no memory of him. My mother was a servant and we lived in the same house where we worked. This is my mom," Meera said fondly showing an old photo of herself and her mother to Mithila.

Mithila looked at the picture and smiled.

"I even found this," Meera said, handing over her birth certificate to Mithila, "According to this, I am 22 years old now. Meenakshi Joshi, that's my real name. But Naina di, she called me Meenu."

Mithila looked at the old wrinkled birth certificate.

"I have some vague memories about my childhood, about how I played within the walls of that house. I was however just the maid's child. I was still happy though, mom loved me and took care of me. The Patil family was a joint family, Naina and her parents lived with their uncle and his family. One day, Naina's parents and my mother left in their car early in the morning. Naina's mother was sick, and her father was rushing her to the hospital. And they met with a terrible accident, killing all three of them on the spot. Me and Naina, we both became orphans." Meera said.

"Everything changed after that," Meera continued, "The Patil family didn't treat either of us any good, they wanted to send me away, but Naina cared for me, she convinced them to keep me as a servant so that I'd have a roof over my head. She took care of me, made sure I got enough food, she spent time with me. It was like we were each other's family. She taught me to read and write, she taught me all I know. She tried to give me a good life. When I first met you Mithila, you were so kind to me, you always cared so much about me, perhaps I was subconsciously trying to find Naina in you..."

Meera couldn't hold back her tears as she spoke.

"Where is Naina now?" Mithila asked.

"She's dead," Meera said, "Neil killed her! He drained the life out of her slowly till she was broken completely...she loved him with all her heart, and when he was done taking her body, he took her life..."

"Did he kill her in front of you?" Mithila asked.

"Naina returned from his birthday party at odd hours in the morning. She looked devastated. I was tired from the day's work and I was fast asleep. She came to me for the last time, kissed me while I was still sleeping. And left me a suicide note. She wrote that she failed in love, and that she was completely broken. She wrote she was sorry for leaving me all alone in this world," Meera said, "Neil did something to her that night! He was always such a sweet-talking abusive bastard, but that night he did something that completely broke her...so much that she didn't want to live anymore. I don't know what it is that he did, Mithila, but I am sure they did something horrible that's why they tried to shut me up. Neil and that friend of his...I still don't know his name, but I can never forget his face...when I confronted them about Naina...both of them locked me in a car...and the next thing I remember is I was a slave in a place far far away from here!"

Mithila was moved to know the truth. She hugged Meera tightly trying to comfort her.

"I'm gonna find out about this other friend of Neil, Mithila," Meera spoke vengefully, "And whoever else that might be involved, and I am going to make them fucking pay! I won't kill them; I'll make their lives so miserable that they will be forced to kill themselves! Just like they did to my sweet Naina di..."

"And you know..." Meera said looking tearfully into Mithila's eyes, "The house where I lived with Naina di...I went inside and I saw her...she still lives there...I miss her Mithila...I'm gonna buy that house, so that Naina can live there forever, undisturbed. And I'll visit her when I miss her, or whenever she calls out to me..."

Mithila didn't know what to say. Meera had been through so much, and came out stronger each time, she could only admire her.

"Stay over tonight," Mithila insisted, "You've had a stressful day, I guess you could use some rest."

"Thank you, Mithila," Meera said, "For everything you've done for me."

End of Chapter 6....
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nice one
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Aryan, who is Saloni......?

Once Aryan had all the information Meera had requested, he knocked on her door.

Meera was dressed in a loose T shirt and denim shorts. Even in this casual outfit, she looked stunningly beautiful. Her confidence was making her glow.

She smiled on seeing Aryan and welcomed him inside.

"Care for a coffee?" she asked warmly.

"No, thanks," he said, "I'm good."

"So cold as always!" Meera sighed as she held his hand and led him to the couch gesturing him to sit down. Then she walked towards the coffee machine and said with a playful smile, "I don't know what your problem is Aryan, but you are in my house now and I order you to have a coffee with me. It'll warm your cold cold heart."

Aryan smiled back. "I'm a tea person Meera, but, if you insist, I'll have a coffee," he said with a smile.

Meera returned with two cups of coffee and placed them on the table before Aryan. Taking a sip from her cup, she asked, "So tell me what you've got."

"About Neil Pereira, age 38 years, he's the usual filthy rich guy. He lives with his wife Aditi and two daughters, Avni, age 8 years and Pihu, age 5 years. Parents both dead, no siblings.. He is an IT professional, working for a tech giant. He works from home most of the time though. He has enough riches to lead a comfortable life. Past looks clean, no criminal record, was quite the chocolate boy in college, a lot of girls were interested in him. He was known for a good singing voice and was a part of some band back in college days. But then he decided to marry Aditi, his college sweetheart. She belongs to one of the city's most reputed business families, this guy just got richer after marriage. Overall impression is pretty clean," he said. He placed pictures of his wife and 2 daughters on the table before Meera.

"Any idea about the properties he owns?" Meera asked.

"One bungalow in Juhu, the same address on which his BMW is registered, and he has one villa he inherited, it is located at Vasai. He has 2 other cars, one Mercedes and one Jeep compass. These are the pictures and the registration numbers of his cars," Aryan said, placing more photos on the table, "And this is the picture of the villa. The address is written behind the picture."

"His friends?" Meera asked.

"This guy is pretty social and has a lot of friends, people from college or workplace, or from club memberships. He attends many social events. But apart from the usual stuff he has 3 other close friends, but there is something strange about them..." Aryan said, "These friends seem to be nowhere connected to his life, apart from the fact that they hang out together quite often. They are a group of 4 guys, from totally different professional backgrounds. Not only that, neither are their families connected, nor do they live close to one another, it is just strange that 4 random guys just met and got along really well. I'm still trying to find a common connection between these four, but their friendship appears quite old and has run strong for over 15 years."

"Those three are precisely the people I am interested in. Tell me about them," Meera said.

"Aarav Mehra, age 38 years" he said, placing a picture on the table, "He is a surgeon, working at the Healthcare Hospital. He is quite skilled at his job, and has a practice that runs pretty well. His wife Avantika is a housewife, son Kiaan, age 4. Seems like a regular doctor on the outside. His medical record is also pretty clean."

"Isn't this the same hospital where Mithila works?" Meera asked.

"Yes," Aryan confirmed.

"Reyansh Samarth," Aryan said, placing another picture on the table, "Age 35 years, graphics designer, single, and quite the reckless party animal. He is into booze, drugs, and women, a lot of women actually."

"And the fourth one?" Meera asked.

"Armaan Mathur," Aryan said, handing over his picture to Meera, "He is the eldest in the group. Age 41 years, he runs a construction business, and actually the shadiest among the four. He's got...connections, with politicians, security officer, and criminals. Maybe it is what his work requires, but the other three, they don't have these kinds of resources."

When Meera saw Armaan's picture, her expression darkened. Aryan could see it. She suddenly remembered the dreams in which she had seen Neil. The other man who appeared alongside Neil in her dreams was Armaan.

"He is the one, he is the one who sold me off to the trafficking gang!" Meera spoke with intense rage in her eyes, "Tell me more about this guy Aryan."

"He belongs to a business family. His father has married twice, and worked abroad and earned a fortune. Armaan lived with his mother for most of this early life, till one day she mysteriously disappeared. Armaan himself was married to a woman named Shalini, and had a daughter, Priya. The daughter died of leukemia and the wife died in an accident. He remained single for a long time. This guy is just shady, he is often seen dealing with influential men as well as criminals. His bungalow at Pali Hill is no less than a fortress. I mean the other three, their houses have a security CCTV camera at the most, but this guy has some high-tech security systems, his house is practically impenetrable. He has a thing for girls like...you, Meera, I mean, he is quite the sadist. There is a prostitute named Anya, she used to be his regular, and the sex used to be quite...rough. Few other women that he was seen with just disappeared and no one's ever heard from them again. Women just disappear around this man, or just meet with accidents. He has a very dark aura about him. And then one day, this girl entered his life..." Aryan said, showing her the picture of a young girl.

Meera took the picture and observed it carefully. She was a beautiful young girl, with dark innocent eyes and a dusky complexion.

"Her name is Pankhudi," Aryan said, "Age 27, she hails from Raigad village in Maharashtra. She's been living and working in Mumbai to support her family. Works as a receptionist by the day, and studies commerce in night college. She aspires to be a chartered accountant and has been preparing for her exams. I really don't know how Armaan and Pankhudi met, but they have been seen hanging out often. Armaan takes her to fancy places in his expensive cars, and invites her over to his bungalow at Pali Hill, but he also visits her humble apartment quite often. They've known each other for the last 3 years. I really don't know if they are in a relationship, they are just a very odd couple. He is like 13 years elder to her, and they come from such different backgrounds..."

"So...sugar daddy, huh?" Meera asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Even I thought so for a while," Aryan said, "But this girl...she didn't get any richer after she met him. Her humble lifestyle continues, and she doesn't seem to accept any gifts. I mean, it is no big deal for Armaan to buy her a fancy car, but she still drives a second hand scooty that she most probably bought out of her own savings. I did a background check on her character as well. She is spotless and has never been seen with any man other than Armaan. And another notable thing is that Armaan is not interested in any other woman since he's been seeing her."

Meera looked at Pankhudi's picture again and smiled with a devilish spark in her eyes, "It looks like the big bad guy has fallen in love."

"Seems like it," Aryan said.

"Send me her address," Meera said, "I'm gonna have to meet this girl."

"Sure," Aryan said, "But, you know, these four, they have secrets, pretty dark secrets, I'm sure about it. Those secrets can be known only if we could infiltrate their personal lives, and get access to their devices, maybe read their messages..."

"Are you suggesting some kind of a honey trap?" Meera asked.

"Precisely," Aryan said, "And I think among the four, Reyansh is most susceptible. This guy, he is too proud of his looks, thinks of himself as some kind of chick magnet and can barely keep his dick in his pants."

"I'll speak to Adil, he'll have just the right person for the job," Meera said.

"Basically Meera," Aryan said, taking a sip of coffee, "These guys are unlike any you've encountered before. They are filthy rich sophisticated men from powerful families, and none of them have a criminal record. These guys play the game with different rules, they are intelligent and manipulative. You can't just deal with them with a couple of hitmen like the previous gang."

"I intend to do no such thing," Meera said with a smile, "I know these men, and I know how they play. And I am going to beat them in their own game. I've already met Neil and Armaan once. I know how crafty both of them are, and I am sure the other two are no less. Naina had mentioned Reyansh and Aarav in her diary. You know what these men have in common? All four of them are sick sadistic bastards! But they have no idea what nightmare is coming for them."

"I would never doubt what you are capable of Meera," Aryan said, giving her a hug.

"I am also capable of cooking dinner," she said, running her fingers through his hair, "And you are going to have dinner with me and spend the night. You are not accepting money for your awesome work, let me show you some hospitality. And it is not a request."

Aryan smiled at how authoritatively she ordered him to stay. He remembered the time when he had first seen her. She was a helpless girl who had managed to escape from her captors, just trying to survive under a poor shelter. And now she looked so much stronger, so much more confident.

"Come here," she said gently tugging on his arm, "I have a surprise for you."

He followed her into her bedroom and he ropes attached on all four corners.

"Meera.." he asked inquisitively, "What are you up to?"

Meera flashed him the brightest smile and pulled off his jacket and began to feel him. She hugged him, her hands feeling his back she reached for his belt. She found his gun and playfully pulled it out.

"You carry a gun to my house?" she said playfully aiming the firearm at him.

"I carry it all the time," Aryan said with a smile, "I am in a risky profession. But, would you put it down please? That thing is dangerous."

"No," Meera said with a playful smile, "Now do as I say or I'll shoot you."

"Okay," Aryan said with a smile as he tried to play along, "What would the lady have me do?"

"I want you to take off all your clothes and lie down on the bed," Meera said, smiling mischievously.

"What are you going to do to me Meera?," Aryan asked, as he smiled, flashing his dimples.

"Oh you'll love every bit of what I am about to do, so much that you'll beg for more," Meera said as Aryan slowly began to take off his clothes. He removed his shirt and jeans, but chose to keep his underwear on.

Meera pushed him onto the bed and began to tie his hands and feet in a spread-eagle position. She tied the ropes really tight.

"Ouch, you are serious!" he gasped when he noticed how strong the ropes were.

Meera just smiled at him and took off her denim shorts and T shirt and climbed on top of him in just her bra and panties and began to dry hump him. She bent over and locked lips with him and her beautiful silken locks tickled his cheek. He moaned as she began nibbling his neck.

Aryan closed his eyes and enjoyed the pampering she was giving. He felt his cock harden as her pussy covered with satin panties rubbed over his crotch. Meera kissed his lips and moved lower and began to lick his neck, she bit his neck hard enough to leave a mark.

Suddenly he felt a metal object touch his neck. He opened his eyes to see that Meera was holding his gun.

"Meera.." he said sternly, "Enough with the gun please, put it away."

"I'll be the only one giving orders here," Meera said, smiling confidently at him.

"Put. The. Gun. Away!" Aryan said sternly.

"Make me," she said, pointing the gun at his forehead.

Aryan struggled violently against his restraints. But the ropes were strong and held him in place. Meera smiled to see him panic and struggle violently as she still teased him by rubbing her crotch on his cock. Her eyes were gleaming with devilish pleasure as she had absolute control over Aryan.

"That thing is fucking loaded!" Aryan screamed, "If you don't know how to handle guns, don't play with it!"

"Loaded huh?" Meera said as she playfully cocked the gun.

Aryan was now sweating in fear. He was completely at her mercy. Meera placed her finger on the trigger. Aryan's heart skipped a beat as she pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. Meera rolled over to one side laughing uncontrollably. "Look at your face Aryan," she said as she laughed, "You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Okay Meera," Aryan said, breathing heavily, "This is not funny anymore. Untie me."

"I know how to handle guns Aryan," Meera said with a twinkle in her eyes as she showed him the magazine of his gun that she had removed before pulling the trigger, "I looked it up on YouTube."

"YouTube? Seriously?" he said, sounding pretty annoyed, "You could have killed me!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll put it away," Meera said, placing his gun on the table and holding his face in her arms, "But I won't let you go till I'm done with you today."

Aryan just looked away.

"Do you trust me Aryan?" she asked, looking straight into his eyes. She then pecked his lips as asked again, "Do you trust me? If you don't, I'll let you go right now."

Aryan took a deep breath and looked into her eyes and said, "I trust you, Meera."

"Then surrender yourself," Meera said, "Let me take control."

Aryan closed his eyes and stopped struggling. Meera began to shower him with kisses. She took off her bra and bent forward. She pressed her breasts against his face, burying his face in her soft flesh. She felt him breathing in her scent and trying to lick her nipples. She lowered one nipple into his mouth and let him suck it and she fondled his hair. She moaned as she felt her arousal building.

She ran her hands on his chest, lightly brushing his nipples. Aryan smiled. Meera poked both her index fingers into his dimples and laughed. "I always wanted to do this," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Aryan laughed. She licked every inch of his skin, on his chest and down his abdomen all the way up to his crotch. Then she ran to the kitchen and returned with a large kitchen knife. Aryan got apprehensive for a moment, but Meera smiled at him and started cutting off his underwear.

"What the hell, Meera!" he protested.

"You should have taken it off when you had the chance," she said with a wide grin, "I'm in a savage mood today. No one is going to save you from me today.."

She started playing with his cock. She held it in her gently between her fingers and started licking it. She coated it with her saliva and took the tip of his cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue over the head of his cock, and nibbled the glans softly, making him moan. With her free hand, she gently cupped his balls. She heard him moan as she could taste his precum. She sucked with soft movements, while she fondled his balls. She could feel him shudder. She then held his cock in both her hands and began to rub it as she took his balls in her mouth and began sucking them lightly. She stole a glance at Aryan's face, he was panting with closed eyes clearly wanting more.

She now took his cock in her mouth again and looked straight up at him and made eye contact. Aryan could see an emotion in her eyes he couldn't correctly read. Perhaps it was gratitude, fondness or love, but she was sucking him with complete devotion. She just wanted to make him feel good. She smiled as much as she could with his cock in her mouth and took the entire length inside her mouth. Meera was an expert cock sucker, she knew how to take it deep throat.

Aryan could feel the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat. If it wasn't for his amazing self-control, he would have exploded in the back of her throat. But he held on feeling the warmth of her throat and the ring of her lips sucking the base of his cock as she continuously played with his balls. Meera began to bob her head back and forth on his shaft, he could feel the softness of her tongue and lips and the warmth of the insides of her throat. As she moved back and forth, the throat muscles sensually gripped the head of his cock, bringing him close to orgasm. Meera could see it on this face that he was about to cum. With his cock still in her mouth, she winked at him and suddenly withdrew it from her mouth.

She heard him moan in disappointment. Then she straddled his waist and stripped off her bra and panty. Her body looked beautiful, well toned and her degrading tattoos were now completely gone. Her skin had a healthy glow. She smiled and positioned her pussy over his cock and began to rub the tip of his cock against her waxed and polished pussy. Meera rubbed her wet pussy on his cock, coating his cock with her juices. She straddled his hips, made eye contact and smiled as she slid her pussy over his shaft impaling herself. She cherished the look of satisfaction on his face, only to take it away the next minute as she raised her hips till his cock was out of her pussy. She smiled at his frustration.

"Meera!" Aryan screamed, "Why do you have to be such a bitch?!"

She smiled at the desperate look in his eyes. She looked at his cock as it glistened with the coating of her juices. Aryan was thrusting his hips desperately trying to get back inside her pussy but she dodged him each time. She bent over gently, running a hand on his chest and stroking his nipples. She teased him for a long time till he got really desperate. She could see it in his eyes, they were begging her to let him fuck her.

"What would you do if I untied you right now Aryan?" she asked playfully rubbing her wet pussy on his cock.

"I'll fuck your brains out," he said desperately.

"Good," she said as she reached for the knife, "Remember that."

She crawled towards his feet and placed the knife between his foot and the rope. Before she cut off the rope, she wiggled her ass at him watching him get more and more desperate by the minute. Then with one swift movement, she cut off all the four ropes binding him. As soon as Aryan was free, he pounced on her and got on top of her. He rammed the entire length of his cock in her pussy and began to fuck her hard and deep. He roughly started biting into her flesh, leaving marks on her skin. Meera had never seen him so wild before. She felt triumphant, at how she had managed to make him drop his calm and composed demeanor and brought out the beast within him. She grabbed his neck to exercise her control over him as he continued fucking her like a hungry animal.

Aryan didn't last very long after that. He had lost control over himself, and all he wanted was to cum inside her. He closed his eyes and held on to Meera tightly as an orgasm hit him. It was the most intense orgasm he had in a long time. Meera could feel him explode inside her, his grip was so tight and passionate, she couldn't breathe for a while. She could hear his heavy breathing and felt his breath on her shoulder. And then she heard a name. He said, "Saloni..." and became very quiet. He collapsed onto her and lay motionless for a while with his eyes closed.

Then he rolled over to one side and lay on his back. His eyes were still closed and he was breathing quietly. Meera saw an expression on his face that she couldn't read. The name Saloni had upset her. So many questions started running in her mind. Aryan never mentioned that name before. He never talked about himself or the people in his life.

"Why am I feeling so upset?" she thought to herself, "He never committed to me. He never said he loves me. He was just being kind to me. But who is Saloni? Why did he never mention about her before? I am so upset...I feel something for him...I don't know...he could at least tell me...if there was someone else..."

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Meera wiped a tear as she got a hold of her feelings.

After some time, Aryan opened his eyes. Meera was lying next to him, looking at him with a faint smile.

"Are you OK?" she asked, lovingly touching his cheek.

Aryan nodded and turned towards her. He gently pulled her into an embrace.

"I hope I didn't hurt you," Meera asked, kissing his cheek.

Aryan kissed her back in return. "I am fine," he said, hugging her tightly, "Thank you."

"Thank you for?" Meera asked.

"Making me feel good," he said.

"Let me make you feel even better by cooking you a nice meal," she said cheerfully pulling his cheek, "What will you have?"

"Anything Meera," he said, pulling her closer and kissing her lips.

Suddenly, they heard the doorbell.

"Were you expecting visitors?" Aryan asked Meera looking at the clock. It was 8 pm.

"I usually don't have visitors," Meera said, sounding suspicious, "Lemme check."

She put on a gown and walked towards the door. She viewed through the peephole and found a man standing in a postman's uniform. She opened the door cautiously.

"There's a letter for you," the man said, handing over an envelope to Meera.

"Isn't this a weird time to deliver mail?" she asked the man.

"I'm sorry ma'am," he said, "There was a lot of mail to deliver so it couldn't come earlier. And there's this urgent stamp on this letter, so couldn't wait until tomorrow."

Meera received the letter.

"I need your signature ma'am, as an acknowledgement for the delivery," he said handing over a writing pad with some papers on it, "Initial on the first sheet and full signature on the next sheet."

Meera signed quickly and handed over the writing pad back to the man.

"May I please have a glass of water?" the man requested.

"OK," Meera said, "Wait here."

But the moment she turned to go towards the kitchen, the man grabbed her. He was strong and firmly placed one hand over the mouth so that she couldn't scream. Meera struggled with all her strength but couldn't break free. The man dragged her inside her apartment and began to drag her towards the balcony. Meera wished she could alert Aryan somehow, but the man's grip over her mouth was so strong that she could barely make a sound. As the man rapidly dragged her towards the balcony, she struggled violently to grab hold of some object to fight with or at least drop something that would make some sound enough to alert Aryan.

Aryan looked at the clock and realized that Meera hadn't returned for a whole 5 minutes. He sensed something was wrong. He reached for his gun and tiptoed into the living room. He was shocked to find a man trying to push Meera off the railing of her balcony. He aimed the gun at the man's shoulder and pulled the trigger. But the gun clicked and no shot was fired. He realized that Meera had unloaded his gun while they were in her bedroom. Suddenly, the man fell to his knees screaming. Aryan ran towards them and found Meera hanging on the railing with one hand. In her other hand she held a bloodied pen. Aryan immediately pulled her back to safety and then looked at the man. Meera had stabbed him in his right eye with a pen she could find in his pocket during the struggle. The man was writhing in pain. Aryan hit the man hard on his head with a butt of his gun, knocking him unconscious.

Meera was trembling in shock. Aryan helped her get up and sit on the couch.

"It's alright Meera," he said rubbing her back, "You are safe now."

"This was just so sudden," Meera said in a trembling voice, "I just received the mail and he attacked me..."

Aryan looked at the envelope that the mailman had handed over to her. Meera nodded and Aryan tore it open only to find that it was empty.

"Who would want me dead?" Meera said still struggling to recover from the shock.

"Someone who hates you, or someone who fears you, or someone who thinks you know something that's bad for them," Aryan said as he began to search the man's pockets for some kind of ID, but he didn't find any.

Meera started thinking of all the people who might have a grudge against her.

Aryan paced about thinking of a way to figure out the intention behind the attack on Meera's life. He noticed a writing pad that the man had placed on a table near the door before attacking Meera. He turned over the first sheet of paper on the writing pad. The second sheet of paper that had her full signature, he felt there's something off about it. He scbangd off its edge with a fingernail, and was able to lift off a drafting tape that had the name of the courier company and other details about the package. He was shocked to read what was concealed underneath that tape.

"Whoever hired this man, wanted the job done quietly...he literally made you sign a suicide note..." Aryan said, handing over the sheet of paper to Meera.

Meera's eyes shot wide open as she read what was written on the paper she had signed. It was a typed suicide note.

I've been very depressed lately, but there's no one I can share my problems with. The kind of work that I do, takes a toll on my mental health, when I am treated as nothing better than a piece of flesh. I have money, but I don't have friends or a family. I'll never have a family as I know that no man would ever want me. I've been going for therapy but nothing is helping. It's like I have no reason left to live for. I've decided to end my life. I alone am responsible for my death.

"What the hell?!" Meera said looking at Aryan in disbelief, "What bullshit is it?!"

"Well," Aryan said, "Looks like the plan was to throw you off the balcony of your 22nd floor apartment and plant this note so everyone thinks you killed yourself."

Meera was still in shock. She closed her eyes for a moment trying to process the events. "How could I not see this coming? How could I sign this without reading," she said, holding her head between her palms, taking a deep breath in regret.

"It's OK Meera," Aryan said rubbing her shoulder, "The best of us mess up. The suicide note was well concealed and would have been missed by anyone unsuspecting. But just remember to be more careful now on, OK?"

"You know, Aryan," she said, "I had a feeling I was being watched for the last few days. But I never thought it would come to this..."

"Why don't you tell me things Meera?" Aryan said, sounding angry.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I thought it was just a feeling, nothing serious."

Aryan just looked away. "Nothing is ever serious for you!" he said furiously.

Meera sat down on the couch next to him and held his hand. "I owe you my life Aryan, I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't here tonight," she said looking at him with tearful eyes, "I am sorry I didn't tell you that I sensed danger, I am sorry I unloaded your gun, I am sorry for signing that suicide note, I am sorry for being so stupid!"

Aryan hugged her and kissed her lips passionately. "Please don't cry Meera," he said, "You are a strong girl, and I just love that about you. The last thing I want to see is...your tears."

"What do we do now?" Meera asked.

Aryan smiled and said, "Just relax, Adil will know how to deal with this."

Aryan called up Adil and told him what happened. Shortly after, Adil arrived with a few men.

"What happened to his eye?" Adil asked, inspecting the unconscious killer.

"The fine lady here gouged it out with a ball pen," Aryan said.

"She never ceases to amaze me," Adil said, smiling at Meera fondly. "You OK?" he asked, cupping her face.

Meera nodded.

"I was tempted to put a bullet in his head," Aryan said, "But he is not dying till he gives us a name."

"He'll talk alright," Adil said signaling his men to carry the injured man away, "He'll be spilling his guts all over the place once we start asking questions."

"Any clients had any complaints about Meera?" Aryan asked, "Could any one of them be behind this?"

"No, never," Adil said, "Everyone loves her. She minds her own business and does her job well. I really don't know who would want to hurt her."

"What about that drug dealer gang she murdered?" Aryan asked.

"Well, they are all dead and no one misses a bunch of degenerates like them," Adil said, "In fact the rival gang was more than happy to take over their territory. Besides if someone from the underworld wanted her dead, they would have just shot her. This suicide note drama is an altogether different thing, this is the work of someone who doesn't want to get caught by the security officer, or alert Meera's associates. This person is someone who has something to lose."

Aryan took a deep breath making calculations in his mind.

"Thank you so much, both of you" Meera said, pulling them both into her embrace, "What would I do without you guys?"

"You are welcome, Meera," Adil said, "I had promised you that I'd do everything in my power to protect you."

Meera smiled.

"I'll take you leave now," Adil said, "I'll let you both know as soon as the man spills a name."

Adil left and Aryan stayed with Meera for the night, holding her, comforting her so that she could sleep peacefully.

Aryan was running his fingers gently through her hair, holding her close.

"You used to say that killing isn't your thing," Meera said, running her fingers through Aryan's hair, "And yet you were tempted to put a bullet in the man's head."

Aryan smiled and pulled her closer, "I don't know Meera, if someone tries to hurt you, they just make me...angry..."

Meera looked at him fondly, and they smiled at each other. "Aryan," she said touching his cheek, "May I ask you something?"

"Sure," he said with a smile, holding her close.

"Who is Saloni?" Meera asked.

Aryan's smile faded. He took a deep breath and turned over to lie down on his back. Meera realized that she had perhaps upset him.

"You said her name when we were...she must be very special," she said hugging him, "I understand if you don't want to tell me. I am sorry. Good night."

Aryan didn't respond. He was just lying with his eyes closed, as if a thousand thoughts were running through his head. She kissed his cheek and turned to one side and tried to sleep. After sometime Aryan turned towards her and held her in his arms. He kissed her forehead. She just snuggled deeper in his arms in response. Soon she fell fast asleep in his arms. He realized that his fondness for Meera was growing with each passing day. He lay awake thinking about who could be behind the attack on her life.

A thought occurred to him and he made a phone call, "I have a feeling Sharon is in this city. She will try to run but keep a close watch, do not let her escape."

End of Part 7....
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People use the word "innocent" as per their own convenience.....

This chapter contains forced incest and forced homosexuality. You might want to skip it if you are not into it.


Next morning, Adil called Meera and Aryan and asked them to meet him at the Emerald Palace.

"It's a woman," Adil said, "...who hired that assassin. He doesn't know the name though."

"Sharon," Aryan said calmly.

Meera looked at Aryan with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm not 100% sure, but that seems like the possibility, you are a threat to her, Meera," Aryan said, "I have a feeling she is around here somewhere and she is behind this."

"But Sharon..." Meera said in disbelief, "Would she really want me dead?"

"She conveniently sold you off Meera," Aryan said with a hint of anger on his face, "And destroyed everything you loved, and now you think she is going to wait around for you to kill her first?"

"Does she have the resources?" Adil asked.

"She used to be a drug peddler," Aryan said, "It is not impossible that she would have contacts with all sorts of criminals. I've asked my men to look for her. She is most likely in Mumbai currently."

"Send me her picture," Adil said, "Let me confirm this with that assassin. Also, Aryan, let me know once you find her. She needs to be dealt with."

"Adil," Meera said, "I'd like to deal with her myself."

"Sure," Adil said, "I'm assigning some men to shadow you and protect you from any attacks till this Sharon character is handled."

"Thank you," Meera said, "Adil, there's something else that I needed your help with. I need someone for a honey trap. There is a guy, and I want to view the contents of his laptop."

"I have a girl," Adil said after thinking for a while, "Her name is Alisha. She is good, very good in fact, but not so trustworthy. She'll do your job alright, but be careful with what you tell her."

"I will," Meera said, "Thanks."


Later that evening, Meera drove off and parked her car at a secluded spot and she waited for someone.

After some time, an attractive woman got into the passenger's seat.

"Adil sent me," she said.

"Hello Alisha," Meera said, passing a photograph to her.

"Reyansh Samarth," Meera said, "I need you to find his laptop. I need to access its contents."

"Sure, I'll find his device," Alisha said, "But I may not be able to access it, I am no tech expert."

"You don't need to be, just plug this in and make sure the WiFi is on," Meera said, handing over a pen drive to her, "My hacker will take care of it."

"Sure, anything else?" Alisha asked.

"Do you know how to inject into a vein?" Meera asked.

"Yeah," Alisha said, "I used to be a junkie, I've injected a lot of things into a lot of veins."

"Good then," Meera said, handing over a vial to her, "Carry this with you. Inject it into his vein only once I give you the nod. I'll let you know when and where to find this guy. Wait for my call."

"Sure," Alisha said, "Anything else?"

"Yeah...uh..." Meera spoke with hesitation, "This guy...he might be a bit of a sadist, there is no telling what he might do, but no matter what happens, keep a low profile and do not alert him, alright?"

"Whatever, I'll handle him," Alisha said nonchalantly, "You got the money?"

Meera nodded and handed over a stack of cash to Alisha. Alisha took the money and left.


After 3 days, Meera received a phone call.

"We've found Sharon, and her two siblings. She had confessed that she was behind the attack on your life," Adil said on the phone, "I'm sending you the location where my men are holding her. Do with her as you please."

"Thank you, Adil," Meera said.

She received the location on her phone. Meera had no second thoughts about what she was about to do. She was even excited at the thought. When it came to revenge, Meera knew no mercy.

She drove to the place where Sharon was held. It was an abandoned house in a deserted place. There was no other house nearby, no one who could hear their screams. Meera smiled to herself thinking about her devilish plans.

"Hello Sharon," Meera said entering the house.

Sharon and her two siblings were on their knees with their hands tied behind their back.

Sharon panicked on seeing Meera. She began to cry bitterly.

"I am sorry Meera," Sharon begged, "I really don't know what got into me that night...I needed the money for my family...and I..."

Meera just stared into her eyes without any expression.

"I felt guilty immediately...I even came back for you...I really came back to our apartment...but it was too late, the door was wide open and you were gone, I tried your phone, but it was switched off. I knew they would have taken you...I felt terrible Meera...but there was nothing I could have done..."

"How about returning the precious stuff they were after?" Meera asked with a sarcastic smile, "That didn't look like a good enough option for you?"

Sharon lowered her gaze. "I am really sorry Meera," she said

"Let me get this straight," Meera said, "You were sorry so you wanted me thrown off my balcony?

Sharon was tearful. "My informer told me that Asif's gang has disappeared, no one has heard from them for months. They were most likely murdered. No one found the bodies, but I knew they weren't a factor anymore. So, I thought it was safe to return to Mumbai. I have debts Meera," Sharon cried, "My mother's sickness drained all the money I had earned, I was just desperate...and then I saw you at a mall one day, and I knew you would be looking for me...I knew I would never be safe till you were alive...so...I am sorry..."

"Turns out you were right" Meera said with a wide grin, "You are not safe, neither is your precious family."

"Please, I am sorry...please don't hurt my family for what I did..." she begged.

Meera smiled. "Where are your manners, Sharon?" she said calmly, "Why don't you introduce your family to me?"

"Please Meera," Sharon begged, "They had nothing to do with what I did, they are innocent...please..."

"So, innocent people, what are your names?" Meera said, looking at the twins.

No one responded.

Meera was clearly annoyed and signaled one of the men. He walked up to the girl and held a knife to her throat.

"I am Emily," the girl said tearfully, "and he is my brother Chris."

"Good girl," Meera said, "How old are you both?"

"18," the girl said.

"Interesting," Meera said with a smile.

"Leave them alone Meera!" Sharon screamed, "Do whatever the fuck you want to me, but leave my family out of this! They had nothing to do with this!"

"Family...ah yes," Meera said, "Do you remember I had a family too Sharon?"

"I am really sorry about Kabir," Sharon said tearfully, "Believe me I really am."

"You are not sorry Sharon," Meera said bitterly looking at her siblings, "But you are about to be very sorry."

"No...please no," Sharon begged, "Please Meera, they are innocent."

"It is interesting how people use the word 'innocent' as per their own sweet convenience," Meera said gritting her teeth, "Do you know what happened to your innocent roommate after you threw her to the wolves?"

"I am sorry," Sharon apologized over and over again.

Meera smiled at her helplessness. "When I am done here," Meera said playfully tapping Sharon's cheek, I am going to say that I am sorry. And then we would be even, no?"

Meera had a devilish gleam in her eyes as she watched Sharon weep helplessly.

"Here's the thing, Emily and Chris," Meera said, "Your elder sister had been one hell of a bitch. I really feel like putting a bullet in her head right now. But I am a very kind hearted person, and I give you a chance to save her miserable life."

Emily and Chris looked at Meera with hope.

"I need you both to do a small task. It's not difficult, it's not violent, it is a task of...love," Meera said with an evil smile.

"Don't listen to her!" Sharon screamed, "Don't do a thing she says!"

"It is up to them to decide Sharon," Meera said, "Whether they want to save your pathetic life or not. Not that you deserve to be alive after what you did, but I am a very merciful woman, Sharon. I won't hurt your innocent siblings, and I am willing to spare your life too. Only if they are willing to perform a little act of love."

"Please...don't hurt our sister," Chris said, "We will do as you say."

"Good," Meera said, "So strip your sister naked and fuck her."

"What?!" the twins screamed in horror.

"You heard me," Meera said with a calm smile, "I want to see you both make love to each other and my men here are going to record it on camera."

"No..please..." they begged, "Anything but not this!"

"Meera you are a sick fuck!" Sharon screamed.

Meera scoffed. "Look who's talking!" she said. The she looked at one of her men and ordered, "Gag her, she doesn't need that filthy mouth for a while."

"Alright both of you," Meera said, "I'll give you 5 minutes to decide. If you don't give me an answer by the end of 5 minutes, we will just shoot the three of you and be done with it."

Meera just sat back on a chair and watched the misery of the whole family. She could see the conflict going on in the minds of the twins. They were crying helplessly, but they knew that they would have to give in to her demand eventually.

At the end of 5 minutes, one of the goons held a gun to Sharon's head.

"Alright, time's up!" Meera said.

"No!" Emily screamed, "We will do as you say. But please don't hurt her."

Meera nodded at one of the men. He poured some scotch in two glasses and dropped a pill in the glass. "Drink, it will make things easier for you," Meera said.

The twins slowly gulped down the drink. Meera's goons arranged a dirty mattress on the floor and set up cameras. By then, the drug had begun to work and the twins could feel their heads spinning. The goons pushed the twins on the mattress and signaled them to start.

"Remember, no crying," Meera said, "I want the best of your smiles in the video or we'll keep doing this over and over again."

The twins just stood in front of the camera not knowing what to do.

"Untie her hair and kiss her neck," Meera ordered Chris, "And Emily, smile!"

With a shaking hand, Chris undid Emily's braid letting her long black hair hang down her shoulders. Then he started kissing her neck as he was ordered to. Emily tried her best to smile at the camera.

"Now, take off all her clothes one by one till she is naked," Meera ordered.

Knowing they had no choice, Chris took off her top. Emily let him take it off. With a trembling hand, he reached for her jeans and pulled it down revealing her panties. Then he reached for her bra clasp and removed her bra. He was looking at his sister's breasts for the first time. He could feel a tingle in his cock. He then slid down her panties and her shaved pussy and perfect ass came into view. Emily stood completely naked in front of all the people in the room and the ruthless camera recording her humiliation.

Sharon squirmed and tried to scream through her gag. Meera just smiled as she enjoyed the plight of the family.

"Good, now get a good feel of your sister's body," Meera ordered Chris.

Chris touched her shoulders and brought his hand down to her breasts and gently cupped them. Then he moved his hands lower and touched her pussy and ass. Emily stood with her head lowered in shame. Tears escaped his eyes and he withdrew his hands.

"Cut it!" Meera said playfully as if she was a porn film director, "What did I tell you? No tears and shame, only smiles and happiness. After all, you are saving a life here! Now do it again. Feel your sweet sister's body Chris, and feel it with some passion. Maybe you guys need more drinks."

Meera's men forced the twins to have more drinks. As the twins gulped down the spiked drinks, they became more and more intoxicated.

"Good, start now all over again and remember, smiles and sunshine," Meera ordered.

Chris ran his hands over Emily's body once again. He was getting aroused by touching her soft skin. He got behind her and cupped her breasts. Her boobs were just the right size, not too small, not too large, just a handful. With great effort, Emily flashed a bright smile to the camera as her brother squeezed her breasts. A moan escaped her lips as his fingers touched her nipples. She involuntarily began to rub her body against his.

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Chris then ran his hands on her waist and cupped her pussy with one hand and grabbed her ass with another. He felt the wetness of her pussy and they both blushed a shade of deep red in embarrassment.

"Good," Meera said, "Now Emily, strip you brother naked. Chris, keep playing with your sister's nipples as she removes your clothes. And smile once again, both of you."

Emily unbuttoned her brother's shirt with trembling hands as he continuously teased her nipples arousing her. She removed his shirt and reached for his jeans. She unbuttoned the jeans and slid the zip down. She pulled the pants down. Everyone in the room could see Chris's erection tenting through his briefs. Emily pulled it down revealing a decent sized cock.

Now the twins stood naked before everyone in the room. A forced smile was plastered on their faces.

"Go ahead, Emily, feel your brother's cock," Meera said, "I am sure you want to kiss it too."

Emily understood the order and knelt before her brother. She started gently stroking her brother's cock and felt it harden more. She started kissing and licking his shaft, but her skin burned in shame.

"Wow, Chris, you are already hard," Meera said, "Looks like you really what to fuck your sister, don't you?"

Chris broke down in tears. He was losing the battle against his body arousal reinforced by the drugs.

"Wipe of you fucking tears and look into the camera with a smile, and tell everyone how badly you want to fuck your sister," Meera growled, "And you, Emily, beg him to fuck you."

Chris couldn't stop crying. But then he looked at the man holding a gun to Sharon's head and wiped his tears. He put on a smile and groped Emily's breasts and said, "I want to fuck you sister."

Emily too tried her best to smile and said, "I took want your cock deep inside me brother."

"Naaa...too plain," Meera said, "Say it again, with some more...passion. Be more descriptive, you know, and play with her boobs as you say it."

Chris understood that Meera wanted to hear a more vulgar remark. Chris grabbed Emily boobs and began to play with her nipples with his thumb. Emily's breathing became heaving and she moaned. "I want to put my hard cock inside your wet cunt and fuck you like that slut you are sister. You would like that, won't you? You loved to feel your brother's cock inside you, don't you slut?"

Emily grabbed his cock and begged, "Yes, please...fuck me with this, I want you to cum inside me..."

"Nice," Meera said, "Now make her lie down and have a good look at her holes before you fuck her."

"Are you virgins?"

"No," they said.

"Good," Meera said, "That makes it easier."

Chris made Emily lie down and opened her legs. One of the men zoomed the camera on her pussy capturing her engorged clit, and dripping wet pussy. Chris spread apart her pussy lips exposing her holes to the camera. He touched her clitoris and she moaned loudly.

Chris positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy and pushed slowly in. One camera captured a close view of the invasion and another camera captured Emily's expressions as she felt her brother enter her. Chris was highly aroused and started fucking her right away.

"Wait," Meera said with a chuckle, "What's such a hurry to thrust away your cum in her twat?"

Chris blushed and held still with his cock nestled in his sister's warm pussy. Emily was lying with her legs wide open with her brother's hard cock deep inside her.

"Play with her nipples as you describe to us how your sister's pussy feels," Meera ordered.

"She is..ahh.." Chris struggled to contain his arousal, "warm and tight, and extremely wet, I can feel her pussy gently squeezing my cock, I think her pussy really wants my seed."

"Isn't this the best pussy you have ever fucked?" Meera asked.

"Yes, my sister's pussy is the best and tightest pussy I have ever fucked," Chris replied humiliating himself.

"Your turn, Emily," Meera said, "Tell everyone how you are feeling to have your brother's cock inside your cunt."

"Good...aahh," she moaned as Chris played with her nipples driving her ecstatic with pleasure, "His cock is so hard...I want to be fucked please. I love how my brother's cock feels inside me." She began to thrust her hips upwards.

"Fine," Meera said, "If you both so desperately want to cum in each other, go ahead, and show us how happy you are with your smiles."

The twins again forced a smile on their faces and started fucking each other. Chris's cock going in and out of her wet pussy made Emily cum within seconds. She dug her fingernails in his back and heels in his buttocks and she instinctively pulled him closer, wanting him to penetrate deeper. Chris ejaculated deep inside her and fell aside panting due to the most needed release. Once the twins recovered from their orgasms, they sat up, their faces looked miserable in humiliation.

Meera smiled at their plight.

"Party's not over yet," she said, "Open your legs, Emily. And you, Chris, play with her clit."

Emily opened her legs and everyone could see the trail of cum leaking from her pussy.

"What is that thing coming out of your pussy, Emily?" Meera asked.

"It is my brother's cum," Emily said with a forced smile, although her eyes were visibly tearful.

"How did you feel using your sister as you cum dump?" she asked Chris.

"It felt good," Chris answered with a forced smile.

"Would you both like to do this more often?" Meera asked with a wicked grin.

"Yes," both of them replied, as they knew that was the answer Meera wanted.

"Good," Meera said, "You can keep fucking each other for the rest of your lives and keep sending us the videos."

The twins looked nervously at each other.

"What?" Meera said, "It's no big deal, you did it right now and enjoyed it, I am sure you will enjoy it again too. So now I keep my word and I let you both go."

The twins looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, I am going to let you go," she said, "I'm not a monster. I just wanted a little entertainment. But there's a problem...my men here have been watching your wonderful performance and now you gotta take care of those hard-ons they've been having. After all it was you fault that you wanted to fuck in front of all of us."

The twins felt deeply humiliated. Meera had forced them to fuck each other and now she was talking like they wanted this. They began to cry and beg Meera to let them go.

"I said I'll let you go right after all my men have ejaculated," she said, "Now stop whining or I change my mind."

The twins suddenly became quiet.

"Two men will cum in your mouth and two in your asses," Meera ordered.

Sharon tried to scream through her gag.

"Oh my," Meera said looking at Sharon, "You've been feeling ignored, haven't you darling? I'll let you be of some help to your siblings. Take his and lube up their asses while they suck cocks,"

Meera asked her men to untie Sharon and handed over a lube to her.

"You'll never make me do this bitch!" Sharon screamed.

"Cocks in their asses or bullets in their heads, what is it going to be?" Meera asked with a demonic grin.

"Please stop Meera," Sharon begged.

"Right after they get fucked in the ass," Meera said.

Sharon was completely helpless. She walked towards Emily and Chris. Both of them were on their knees with a cock stuffed in their face. Sharon took some lube and started applying it on Emily's ass.

"Put a finger or two inside and open it up nice and good," Meera said.

Sharon was in tears as she inserted one finger in her sister's asshole and wiggled it to open it up. Then she managed to put another finger inside and applied the lube inside her ass. Then she moved to Chris and applied some lube in his ass. She began to finger him too for a while to prepare for the inevitable invasion.

Meanwhile the men fucking their mouths ejaculated on their faces and laughed at how filthy they looked.

"Are their asses ready to be fucked?" Meera asked Sharon.

Sharon nodded tearfully.

"Then who the fuck is going to tell that to the men?" Meera shouted.

"The asses of my brother and sister are ready to be fucked," Sharon said tearfully.

"Good then make them get on all fours and hold their ass cheeks apart for the gentlemen to fuck them," Meera gave a cruel order.

Sharon first opened Emily's ass for one of the men. His cock was particularly big. Sharon helped Emily take it slowly till the whole length fit inside her. Emily felt so full like she had never felt before. Then Sharon moved towards Chris. She held his ass cheeks apart as another man slowly invaded him. Chris was emotionally devastated by his bang. He knew he would never be the same again after this. Both the men began thrusting inside the twins tight asses and Meera kept forcing them to keep a smile on their cum covered faces for camera that was capturing their anal bang.

"It's not fair!" Meera said with an evil giggle, "That Emily gets a big cock up her ass and Chris gets a smaller one. I think you should beg the men to interchange places so that you get a big cock too, don't you Chris? Don't you want a big cock up your ass?"

Chris broke down in tears.

"You know what happens when you cry, don't you Chris?" Meera said, "We do the whole thing over and over again till you can do this gracefully with a smile."

Chris quickly wiped his tears and begged with a smile, "Please I want a big cock too in my ass."

"Wiggle your ass to be a bit more convincing Chris," Meera said gleefully.

Chris felt crushed. But he knew he had no choice. He wiggled his ass and begged to be fucked.

The men laughed and interchanged places and now Chris and Emily were getting a good pounding in his ass. The men fucked their asses till they ejaculated and the cameras cruelly recorded the thorough degradation of the twins. Both of them knew that their lives were never going to be the same again.

"Now relax for a while both of you," Meera said, "Bask in the cum shower you've received."

"Come here Sharon," Meera ordered, "Crawl to me like a bitch."

Sharon crawled helplessly towards Meera hoping that she'd let her family go.

Meera held her lighter and heated a safety pin till it became red hot. "Do you agree that you've been a bitch, Sharon?" Meera asked.

"Yes, I have, I have wronged you Meera," Sharon said, "But please let my family go. Punish me as you please, but please don't hurt them anymore."

"Scream all you want but be very still," Meera said as she grabbed Sharon's hair.

Sharon closed her eyes as she realized what Meera was about to do. Meera touched the red-hot pin to her forehead and began writing. Sharon groaned in pain but didn't resist. Meera wrote the word BITCH across Sharon's forehead and smiled at her art. She knew that the skin burned by the hot metal was going to scar leaving a permanent mark.

"Come, smile for a selfie just like old times," Meera said, holding her close.

Sharon could see the degrading word written on her forehead and broke into tears. Meera happily captured her broken expression in the selfie.

"Alright," Meera said looking at Chris and Emily, "Party is over. I'm sending you back to your hostel as promised. You know what will happen if you talk, I suppose."

"We won't say anything to anyone," the twins begged, "Please let us go."

"Take them both back safely," Meera said to one of her men.

Sharon was relieved that Meera was finally letting her family go.

"What about Sharon?" Emily asked.

"She is going to be our guest for a while," Meera said.

Then she walked towards Sharon and looked into her eyes and smiled. "I am so sorry for everything I did to you and your family Sharon," Meera said in a teasing tone with a wide grin.

Sharon screamed and tried to pounce on Meera as two men grabbed her and took her away.

Meera took the camcorder and got into her car. She drove back to Emerald palace. Adil saw Meera and smiled.

"So, did you have fun?' Adil asked Meera with a wicked smile.

"You bet I did," Meera chirped, "Thank you Adil, thanks for everything."

"You are welcome darling," Adil said, "It was nothing really."

"Sharon...she is all yours now," Meera said.

"Ah well," Adil said, "My men told me you ruined her face so she ain't much use to me now. But yeah I know people who could use her. It's just...you've just ensured a double hell for her."

"Well," Meera said with a bright smile, "I don't have the slightest regret."

"I'm just glad you got what you wanted," Adil said.

Meera smiled and suddenly became very quiet.

"So hey..." she spoke after a brief silence, "I...uh...gotta quit the job like I discussed. I am sorry."

Adil cupped her face lovingly in his palms and kissed her forehead, "Don't be sorry, Meera. I promised you I'd let you go whenever you wish. You've risked your life for me so many times, taken so much pain and you've always been so graceful. If you want to quit, all I have to say is, I wish you all the best for your life. Go girl, live and be happy."

"I don't know if I'll ever be truly happy," Meera said, "It's just that, since I've found out about my childhood and some horrible things that some people did to someone I loved, it's not letting me sleep."

"I understand Meera," Adil said, "Do what you need to."

"So...I'll see you around," she said, hugging Adil. He hugged her back.

"Hey, I almost forgot," Meera said, handing over the camcorder to Adil, "A parting gift."

Adil played the video of the twins having sex that she had recorded and smiled. "You are a little she-devil, you know that?" he said.

"I know," she said as she winked at him.

"These two are what, 18?" Adil said as he enjoyed the contents of the video, "I could control them for their entire life with this."

"That's exactly the plan," Meera said with a smile.

"This boy with that cute ass," Adil said, "I have clients who love that kind of stuff."

"I'm sure these twins are going to love working with you," Meera said with a wicked grin, "That video is quite persuasive."

"Sure, it is," Adil said with a smile, "Thanks Meera."

Meera bent over and kissed his cheek.

"Call if you ever need anything," Adil said smiling at her, "And if you ever want your old job back, you know I'd love to have you back."

"Thanks, Adil," Meera said, waving at him and blowing him a goodbye kiss, "You are a darling."


Almost a week later, Aryan called Meera.

"Reyansh is going to attend a friend's birthday party tonight at Mariott, at around 10 pm," Aryan said.

"Thank you," Meera said, "Aryan...uh...could you come over tonight, please...I need you."

"Everything OK, Meera?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just getting a bad feeling about tonight," she said.

"I'll be there, don't worry," he said.

Meera hung up and called Alisha, "Mariott, at 10pm"

Alisha reached the party. She looked ravishing in a shimmering evening gown.

She walked up to the bar counter and ordered a drink. As she sipped her drink, scanned the bar for her target. And finally, she spotted Reyansh.

End of Chapter 8....
[+] 1 user Likes Blue Bull's post
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Wow wow..
Where are you bro all the time,I never read story like this It's awesome and it's like a Web series story
Some time I was reading this story so emotionally attached

Now on day I am your fan
yourock  congrats
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(11-01-2022, 12:32 AM)Muralimm Wrote: Wow  wow..
Where are you bro all the time,I never read story like this It's awesome and it's like a Web series story
Some time I was reading this story so emotionally attached  

Now on day I am your fan

Thx dear for ur nice compliments .... a nice plotting n good narration makes a story more romantic n tempted to read the story again n again .... just collecting such stories of different veterans and re-posting here for ur entertainment ..... but sorry to say these stories r not getting better attention here where as better rated n viewed in other forums ..... banghead Sad banghead
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I wish she had said something...anything...at least, goodbye...

When Alisha's eyes met Reyansh, she flashed an inviting smile at him as she sipped her drink.

Reyansh was having a drink with his friends. When he noticed Alisha smiling at him, he smiled back and walked up to her.

"Hey there," he said, "Would the lady like another drink?"

"Perhaps," Alisha said, taking a sip, "That depends..."

"Depends on?" he asked.

"Whether I like you or not," she said.

Reyansh raised an eyebrow and scanned Alisha from head to toe. Every curve of her body was deliciously alluring.

"Let's find out then," Reyansh said with a smile, "Would you like to take a drive?"

He loved challenges. He was now determined to fuck this woman. He started using all his charms. He led her to his expensive car and watched her expression.

"Wow!" she gasped as she saw his car.

"Well," he said as they got into the car and he drove off, "At least I know you like my car."

"She's pretty," Alisha said.

"So are you..." Reyansh said, running a hand over her exposed thigh. He smiled when she didn't resist.

"You better watch your hand," she said, "The stuff you are touching is expensive."

"Really?" Reyansh asked with a smile, "How much does this pretty set of holes cost for a night?"

He shoved his free hand up her dress and began to rub her crotch from over her panties. Alisha moaned but she still didn't push his hand away. Reyansh had a wicked smile on his lips and he pushed two fingers inside her panties and touched her pussy lips.

"50K," Alisha said.

"25," he replied as he continued rubbing her pussy.

"40," she replied, trying to control her moaning.

"25," he said, "Look at your cunt, it is dripping already, honestly, you are not even worth 5k but I have a class and 25 is a generous offer. Either that or I throw you out of my car right now."

"Okay, 25," she said in surrender.

Reyansh smiled and started driving towards his house. Once they reached, he led Alisha inside his bedroom.

"Strip whore," he ordered as he sat down on the bed.

Alisha slid the dress off her shoulders exposing her beautiful large breasts. She slid her panties down her perfectly toned thighs. Her skin was waxed, and was perfectly smooth.

"Make me a drink," Reyansh ordered.

Alisha picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured him a drink. She slipped a pill into the glass, so that he would fall asleep soon and she could complete her task. She walked towards him with the glass. He roughly grabbed her boobs and squeezed her nipples hard enough to make her squeal. He started twisting her nipples and Alisha struggled to maintain posture and hold the glass still. Reyansh relished the expression of pain on her face. He continued roughly handling her boobs till he saw tears of helplessness rolling down her cheek.

Then he took the glass from her hand and took a sip.

"Spread your legs," he ordered.

Alisha moved her feet slightly apart. Reyansh sighed in disappointment. "I should have been more specific. Spread your legs like a whore," he repeated his order.

Alisha moved her feet wider apart. Her pussy was spread open obscenely.

"Now you get the point, slut" he said with a smile as he casually inserted two fingers inside her pussy as he took another sip. Alisha moaned as she felt his fingers invade her most intimate parts.

"Drop the act slut," he said, "You are so loose, I could insert both my hands in there and clap. Show me your asshole, I hope you have some hole that is tight enough to be used."

Alisha felt very embarrassed at his humiliating remark. She quietly bent over and held her ass cheeks apart for him to see her asshole.

"Hmm, this one looks used too...whatever, just lube it up nice and good with those gushing juices," he said.

Alisha dipped her fingers in her wet pussy and started transferring her pussy juices to her asshole, preparing for anal sex. Reyansh looked at her humiliating display and smiled. He casually opened a drawer and tossed a huge vibrator at her.

"Put this inside your sloppy cunt," he said.

Alisha's eyes shot wide open seeing the size of that thing. "Please this is too big," she requested.

"It's the perfect size to fill up a loose whore like you," Reyansh said casually.

Alisha tried to obey his command. She tried to push the huge vibrator in her pussy, but it was indeed too large for her.

"Please, I can't," she begged tearfully.

"If I want it in, it goes in, you understand?" Reyansh said sternly, "Do it yourself or I'll come and give it a shove."

Alisha panicked. She knew if he were to do it, he would be very rough. She pushed it harder and slowly inch by inch her pussy began to stretch to accommodate the invading object. And finally she was able to fit the whole vibrator inside herself. She felt full and stretched like never before. Reyansh switched on the vibrator and the pain of stretching was now replaced by waves of pleasure. Alisha could barely keep her balance, and the sexual pleasure emanating from her pussy was making her lose tone. She fell to her knees panting. Her pussy juices were now running down her thighs.

"Don't cum on my floor you dirty whore," Reyansh growled, "Any of that stinking pussy juice falls on my floor, I'm going to make you lick it clean understand?"

Alisha whimpered helplessly trying to fight her orgasm.

"Look at you," he said, "How desperately you want to cum! What did I say, it would fit you just right. Why, I am sure you can take twice the size of that with just as much ease."

"No, please no," Alisha begged on her knees. Her breath was ragged as she was nearing her orgasm.

And just as she was about to cum, Reyansh turned off the vibrator. Alisha moaned in disappointment and looked at Reyansh, her eyes begging him to let her cum.

"Suck me," he ordered.

Alisha crawled towards him and undid his belt. Then she unzipped his pants and pulled them off. Then she began to kiss his cock from over his pants.

Reyansh roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her away. Then he pinched her nipple hard enough to make her scream, "No kissing, no cuddling, no romance, get it?" he said roughly, "You are a whore who is here to get her holes pounded for money so don't try to be anything more than that."

"I'm sorry," she begged tearfully.

Reyansh smiled and relaxed the grip over her hair. She pulled off his underwear and took his erect cock in her mouth. She ran her tongue over the entire length, and began to suck it gently. Reyansh threw his head back enjoying the feel of her warm mouth over his cock. She also started gently playing with his balls as his arousal grew. As more and more of his blood rushed into his cock, he became that much more animalistic.

"If I feel teeth, I'm gonna have you thrown on the street naked," he warned and he grabbed her hair and pushed his cock deep into her throat.

Alisha gagged for a moment and struggled, but eventually relaxed and accepted the invasion. He grabbed her hair and began to fuck her throat. She had no choice but to let him do what he wished. He turned on the vibrator, and Alisha began to move her hips rhythmically preparing for intercourse.

Reyansh pulled her head off his cock and ordered her to get on all fours. Alisha felt the tip of his cock pushing against her tight asshole. She felt a pain as the head of his cock made its was past her anal ring. And soon, the whole of his cock was in her ass. With the huge vibrator already in her pussy, Alisha felt so full, like she would explode. Reyansh enjoyed the silken feel of her insides as he withdrew slightly and rammed the whole length in, penetrating even deeper this time. Alisha moaned as he grabbed her hair and started moving in and out of her rhythmically. Her ass was incredibly tight. He loved how her rectal muscles gripped his invading cock. Her own orgasm was building from the subtle vibrations in the depth of the womb. Her pussy and ass were on fire.

As Reyansh pounded away in her ass, Alisha moaned loudly as her body convulsed in orgasm. Reyansh grabbed her hips and exploded deep inside her ass. Then he pulled out of her and made her lick him clean. He enjoyed the feeling of shame on her face, as he humiliated her to the core. Once she had finished licking him clean, he grabbed her hair and dragged her to the bathroom.

Reyansh cuffed her hands to a water faucet and made her kneel on the bathroom floor.

"Dirty things stay out of my bedroom. You are going to spend the night here," he said as he strapped a ball gag to the back of her head, "And this gag is because you are going to cum the whole night and I don't want your slutty moans disturbing my sleep."

Alisha's eyes shot wide open and she struggled with the restraints when she heard him. She could only make muffled sounds through her gag.

"What?" he said smiling at the miserable woman, "You think I share my bed with filthy whores like you?"

He turned off the lights and closed the door behind him, leaving Alisha handcuffed and gagged in the dark.

Alisha was utterly disgusted by the way he treated her. She sobbed helplessly for a while. He had left the vibrator on in her pussy. The gentle vibrations brought her close to another orgasm. His cum was leaking from her ass as she jerked her hips as another orgasm hit her.

She started thinking of a way to get free. She had a mission to complete and she didn't have all night. But the overwhelming sexual sensations were clouding her mind and it was difficult to think straight. Her hands were cuffed above her head and she was forced into a kneeling position. She tried to reach for the bobby pin in her hair. After some struggle, she managed to pull it out of her hair. She stuck one end of the pin the lock of the handcuffs and started picking the lock. She was an assassin trained in stealth and combat techniques, but it was dark and that didn't make her lock picking task any easier. After a lot of struggle, finally, she was free. She took off her gag and removed the vibrator from her pussy and gently placed it on the bathroom floor. She wiped herself clean with a tissue.

Then she walked towards the bathroom door and placed her ear against the door. She heard no movement. She opened the door without making a sound and entered the bedroom. Reyansh was asleep. She gently tapped his cheek to ensure that he was in deep sleep and would not wake up at the slightest sound. Then she quickly looked around to ensure that there were no pre-installed cameras.

She stealthily began to search for his laptop inside his bedroom. She made sure she doesn't disturb the objects in the room so that Reyansh doesn't get suspicious when he wakes up. Finally, she found his laptop and turned it on. She quickly removed the pen drive Meera had given her and plugged it in and ensured that the WiFi was on. Once everything was in place, she sent a coded text to Meera.


Meera was sitting in her apartment next to Aryan waiting for Alisha's text. As soon as Meera's phone chimed with Alisha's text, Meera texted the hacker and gave him the signal. The hacker got to work and within 20 minutes he had access to all the data. He started uploading the data on a cloud.

It was 2 am. Meera was visibly anxious. She lifted a cigarette and put it to her lips and lit it with her lighter. Her hands were trembling. Every minute she glanced at her laptop screen waiting for the hacker's email. As soon as her mail chimed with the hacker's link, she clicked on the download button.

Aryan gently pulled the cigarette from her lips and extinguished it in an ashtray. "You don't need that, just calm down." Aryan said.

Meera held her head between her palms trying to calm the terrible storm in her head and the videos began to download rapidly.

As soon as the download was complete, Meera anxiously opened it. There were a plethora of videos inside it. Meera clicked on the folder named Naina and found a huge collection of videos inside it.

"Are you sure you want to, Meera?" Aryan said.

Meera ignored Aryan and played all the videos one by one. Her expression was eerily cold as she watched Naina being systematically abused and degraded by Neil.

"Meera, I think you should stop..." Aryan said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Meera didn't respond. She didn't even look at Aryan. She kept her eyes fixed on the video. She sharply turned up the volume till the Naina screams echoed throughout the room.

"Meera please..." Aryan implored again.

Meera gave a very angry look to Aryan. Her gaze was so piercing it made him shudder. "Shut the fuck up! This is fucking personal," She spoke bitterly.

Aryan sat quietly and let Meera finish watching each and every one of the videos. And then she reached the last, most devastating video of Neil's birthday party. The last night that Naina was alive. Meera watched without blinking the full extent of Naina's suffering that caused her to end her life. She watched her go through unbearable pain that she couldn't bear the courage to even talk about. The last evening of Naina's life that shattered her heart into a million pieces such that she didn't want to live anymore.

(The events of Neil's birthday party have been described in detail in my story The Girl Next Door Ch. 03)

Once the video ended, Meera called up Alisha and said, "Inject that vial into his vein." Meera hung up the phone.


Alisha loaded a syringe that she was carrying in her purse and found a prominent vein on Reyansh's arm. She gently injected the vial's contents into his vein. Due to the drug that she had given him, he was too fast asleep to feel the needle prick.

Then Alisha placed everything back the way it was. She went back to the bathroom and cuffed herself just like he had left her, with the ball gag in her mouth and vibrator in her pussy.


Meera was visibly upset after seeing Naina's videos.

"What was in that vial Meera?" Aryan asked, "The one that Mithila gave you? What does it do exactly?"

"You'll see Aryan," Meera said bitterly, "The whole world will see."

Aryan held her in his arms, constantly comforting her.

"She loved him Aryan," Meera said as she broke down in his arms, "My sweet Naina di, she loved Neil with all her heart...and this is what he did to her...she begged him, and he didn't listen...she didn't deserve this! She was a good person...she was so sweet and kind, and this is what Neil did to her! And Armaan knew I'd expose Neil so he ruined my life too..."

"I'm sorry Meera," Aryan said comforting her, "I can understand how it feels to lose someone you love..."

Meera sobbed in his arms. Aryan was quiet for a long time. Finally, he spoke.

"You asked about Saloni the other day," Aryan said, stroking Meera's hair, "She was the woman I loved the most in the world."

Meera looked up at Aryan. She noticed his eyes were sad, almost tearful.

"I was an orphan Meera,, and I grew up in an orphanage," Aryan said, "Life was tough, but I was happy. When I grew up, I joined college. I used to do menial jobs in the evening to pay for my fees. I hoped to have a decent job once I finished my graduation. And then, Saloni came into my life. She was a beautiful girl, simple and innocent, she was...the quiet type. She wouldn't talk much, had few friends and spent most of her time at the library. We met and became friends, and soon fell in love. We had this beautiful relationship for almost three years..."

Meera noticed a hint of happiness on Aryan's face as he continued.

"I was in my final year of college and I was soon going to finish my graduation. Next step was to meet her parents and ask for her hand in marriage. She was going to introduce me to her parents, but before that..." Aryan choked in grief for a moment and continued, "She had gone to Goa for a trip with her friend. For the first 2 days, she sent me pictures, she was so happy. And then on the third day, she disappeared...both Saloni and her friend, they were gone. There was no trace at all. Her parents filed a missing report, and one of the things that came forth during the security officer investigation was our relationship...and it turned out that I was the person closest to her."

"Saloni's parents, they were just angry, and they blamed it on me," Aryan said, "They kept accusing me that I did something to her. They got me arrested on suspicion of her murder, I was tortured in security officer custody. They had some circumstantial evidence and I spent a few months in jail as an under trial. It was not easy to...survive there, but I learned eventually. Most of the other inmates were convicted criminals, and gradually I began to understand the world of crime. I was released finally as they could neither prove murder nor my guilt."

"I never cared if the world thinks Saloni was dead," Aryan said, "I wasn't going to give up. I kept looking for her. In jail, I met some people who knew things, they did this for a living, finding out information and then selling it for a living, they were called informers or snitches. I learned this work, and over years I became good at it. My network spread across the city and eventually around the country. I was good, and I knew most of the things that were happening in the underworld. But I still had no clue where my Saloni was. Only information I had was that perhaps she was taken by an organized trafficking gang and she was most likely in another country."

"When you and Kabir arrived in Mumbai," Aryan said, "Someone informed me that you both have escaped from traffickers. I had some hope that perhaps one of you could have seen Saloni. The chances were remote, but still I decided it was worth a shot. You had no memory, so I approached Kabir. I showed him a picture of Saloni and he recognized her! He had seen her, and he knew exactly where she was kept. Perhaps you don't know this Meera but, Kabir, he knew stuff and had his resources. He always tried to keep a low profile, but his looks and his accent gave away the fact that he was an Arab. And I doubt that he was a slave there, it is hard for a slave to have that kind of resources. Kabir was certainly a man of higher standing, considering that he really...knew things. He gave me some contacts in Dubai, I went looking for her and finally, I was able to find her! I still remember the first time I saw her after 5 years...she was still so beautiful...but she didn't recognize me. They did something to her...I don't know what, and I didn't care either, I just wanted my Saloni back."

Aryan paused to wipe a tear off his cheek and continued, "I didn't have enough strength or resources to fight an organized trafficking gang or to run away with Saloni. But I had money that I had earned over the years. I spent every last rupee I owned to buy her freedom and bring her back safely. I even had to borrow money keeping my house mortgage, but Saloni was all that mattered to me. I brought her back to Mumbai. I took her to her parents, but she didn't recognize them. And they didn't want her either after knowing what happened to her. I brought her home. I took care of her. But she was completely broken. She would barely talk, she would barely eat, she just spent her time blankly gazing at a wall. Sometimes she would call out to me, and I used to see a hint of love for me in her eyes. But the very next moment, her gaze would turn blank. I was almost broke, but still I did everything I could to help her, to provide for her. I bought her gifts, cooked her food she liked, I spent time with her...I even took her to therapy, hoping to heal her. But nothing worked. She was like a living corpse. She was alive and breathing, but there was no soul in her body, no life in her eyes. I was fighting a losing battle."

"Then it was her birthday, 28th of December," Aryan said, "Almost a month after I brought her to Mumbai. I dressed her up and took her out to her favorite restaurant. For the first time in a month, I watched her smile. I was hopeful that she is going to be OK. I held her close, I told her I wanted to marry her, and that I would take care of her for the rest of my life, I put a ring on her..."

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Aryan could not talk anymore. Tears flowed from his eyes continuously. He just looked away. Meera hugged him, trying to comfort him.

"I held her in my arms that night," he said, "I told her over and over again how much I loved her, and that I needed her, and I would wait forever for her to...come back to me. And I would take care of her till my last breath. She smiled at me, and my heart felt peaceful. I felt everything was going to be OK...it will take time, but eventually, we would be alright. But when I woke up, I found myself in a pool of her blood. She had slit her wrists. I was devastated. I held her in my arms as I cried my heart out, but she was stiff and cold. She left me, just like that...she didn't leave me a note, she didn't say anything, she just...left. I wish she had said something...anything...that she loves me...or at least goodbye..."

Meera looked at Aryan. She had never seen him so broken. She hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. "I am so sorry, Aryan," she said.

Aryan hugged Meera and cried for a while. Then he composed himself and looked at her lovingly and said, "I admire you so much Meera, you've been through hell, but still look at you, you smile, you laugh, there is this beautiful shine in your eyes, you are just so full of life, girl! Knowing what happened to Saloni, I know it wouldn't have been easy. I can only imagine your strength Meera, how you hide your excruciating pain behind your mesmerizing smile. You are truly amazing. Please be this way forever. Thank you for bringing some light to my life."

Aryan kissed Meera deeply, "I really don't know if you need me, Meera, but if you do, I'll be there for you. I'll take care of you and do anything that you need me to."

"I need you Aryan," Meera said, hugging him with tearful eyes, "You've been my guiding light, you've been so kind to me, without you, I'd be so...lost."

"I am looking for your child Meera," Aryan said, "And I really hope I find her. I really want to do at least this much for you."

"I know you will find her someday," Meera said lovingly kissing his forehead, "I've thought of a name for her. I am going to call her Amairah, my little princess."

"That's a sweet name, Meera," Aryan said, pulling her into his embrace.

"Is your house still mortgaged?" Meera asked.

Aryan nodded. "She lived with me there for a month. Although she was barely alive, I can still feel her scent in that house everywhere..." he said, "I can't lose that house Meera, I still feel her presence there...my Saloni...perhaps that's why I was desperate and demanded exorbitant amounts from you in the beginning, I was just heartbroken...but when I saw what it was costing you...I just couldn't..."

Aryan wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

"You are a sweetheart, you know that, Aryan," Meera said, hugging him lovingly.

She held him till she felt him calm down. Both of them were very quiet in each other's embrace. They just felt the warmth of each other's bodies, and tried to fill that emptiness in their souls due to the loss of their partners.

Several hours passed by. The moon was throwing its silken light through the window. Meera lit a cigarette and took a puff. And then passed it to Aryan.

"So, what's the update on the tasks I had assigned?" she asked.

"Well, your social media profile and blog is ready as you had asked," Aryan said, "We have a GPS tracker on each one of their fancy cars so you can track their movements. About that house, the one next to Neil's house, we are trying to acquire it. Negotiations are on."

"That's great," Meera said, "I've taken Adil into confidence. He is way too powerful, and doesn't want to get directly involved. He said he'll ask one of his pawns to do the job. He says the guy's name is Bablu. Weird name, no?"

"Yeah I know this Bablu character," Aryan said, "He is a small-time pimp, his real name is Anuj. If Adil thinks he is competent enough to do the job, then he is."

"Adil always knows the best people for the job," Meera said, "Look at Alisha, she was like spot on! Handling a guy like Reyansh wouldn't have been easy."

"I agree, this kind of job takes more than just courage," Aryan said, "So, what about you Meera? You quit the job? Or are you going to continue working for Adil?"

"I've quit, for now," Meera said, "I discussed with Adil and he said he understands. He's a sweetheart."

"Yeah, he is way honorable for the profession he is in," Aryan said, "And I trust him. What about Mithila, how much does she know?"

"Not much actually," Meera said, "And I'd like to keep it that way. She is helping with some medical stuff, that's all. I haven't told her much."

"That's good," Aryan said, "Among all of us, she is the most susceptible. Too much information would put her in danger. Either way, you gotta watch over her, Meera."

"Of course, I will," Meera said, taking a puff and passing the cigarette to Aryan, "Reyansh has been dealt with. He is going to see the magic of that little needle prick very soon."

"Your doctor has her resources," Aryan said, taking a puff.

"Indeed! Mithila has her reasons," Meera said with a smile. "And I have a plan for that doctor friend of Neil, what's his name again?"

"Dr. Aarav," Aryan said.

"Yeah Aarav..." Meera said with a devilish gleam in her eyes as she smoked, "I've heard he's going to get a reward for expertise in microsurgery. He must have worked really hard for that..."

Aryan just smiled at her as he understood her intentions.

"I would be very careful with Armaan though, he is like their big brother and watches over the others," Aryan said, "You have just one shot at this Meera. Whatever you are planning, synchronize it such that all four of them are ambushed at the same time. These are intelligent and powerful men Meera, you cannot afford to alert them. Especially Armaan, he's got connections. Stay below his radar, coz if you give him the slightest hint, he'll crush you like an insect, he is powerful enough to do that."

Meera laughed. "You know what's my greatest strength Aryan?" she said with a smile, "I have nothing to lose."

"While Armaan..." she said smiling at Pankhudi's picture, "...has something very precious at stake. I have some very delicious plans for him Aryan, with Armaan, it is personal."

"Wait, are you planning to..." Aryan objected, "No...Meera, Pankhudi is a nice girl. She is sweet and innocent, and she has never hurt a soul."

Meera's expression suddenly darkened. "Naina was a nice girl too, Aryan. Sweet and innocent and she loved Neil with all her heart. And you saw what he did to her? You saw with your own fucking eyes, didn't you!" Meera screamed.

Then she broke down into tears and said, "And what about me Aryan? Did I deserve any of what happened to me? Armaan sold me off as a sex slave, I was bangd countless number of times...do you know how many men have...I feel so dirty...I've given birth to a child that I don't know is even alive or not, and then they did something to me and I'll never be a mother again, and I sleep with men and take their beatings for a living, all the pain and humiliation I took quietly just to survive...and...wasn't I innocent too? Did I really deserve all of that?"

Meera fell to her knees and cried bitterly. Aryan tried to hug her but she pushed him away violently.

After a while she wiped her tears and looked at Aryan with said gritting her teeth, "And if you think I shouldn't hurt the people they care about, because they are 'innocent', well, FUCK YOU! They are going to burn, and Neil and Armaan are going to helplessly watch their loved ones suffer! And I am doing this with or without you."

Aryan hugged Meera tightly and pacified her. She broke down in his arms and wept.

"I am sorry Meera," Aryan said, running his hand lovingly on her back as she wept, "I didn't mean it like that. I promised you my loyalty and I'll do everything you want me to whether I approve of it or not. And you know what, what I think doesn't even matter. After what you have been through, I have no right to judge you. This is your fight, and I will support you in every way I can. Just know that you are amazing and I truly admire you."

Meera smiled faintly.

"Do you have an exit plan?" Aryan asked Meera.

Meera just shook her head.

"When all this is over, you'll need an exit plan," Aryan said, running his hand through her hair as she hugged him, "Your plan will utterly devastate them and Armaan is going to rain hell on you if he finds you. He won't rest till you are dead. I'll plan an exit strategy for you so we can get you out of this mess safely once you are done."

"Thank you, Aryan," she said, snuggling deeper into his arms.

Aryan held her in his arms till she fell asleep.

Next morning Aryan received a phone call. He answered it and smiled.

"The deal is done," Aryan said, kissing Meera awake, "You can move into that house anytime now."

"I am sure Neil is going to love his new neighbor," Meera said with a smile.


Dear Readers,

This story ends here. To know what happened beyond this point, please proceed to read "The Girl Next Door" Series.

A Game of Chess is a sequel to The Girl Next Door. Although I have tried my level best to keep a consistency between the events, there maybe minor discrepancies between the stories as this prequel was not originally planned.

The reason I wrote this series is that I found Meera as a character truly fascinating, her strength and courage to do what she did in the sequels, and all the trauma she went through that made her a dark and twisted person. I've tried to paint different shades of sadism in this story. Do let me know your thoughts about this series through your comments and emails.

Also this series sets the stage for a sequel to "A Game of Chess". I will be coming up with a new series titled "The Search for Amairah".

=== Namaskar ===
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Please provide me the link
yourock  congrats
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(12-01-2022, 12:43 AM)Muralimm Wrote: Please provide me the link

Which link do u need dear ..... ?
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(12-01-2022, 11:44 AM)Blue Bull Wrote: Which link do u need dear ..... ?

A Game of Chess"
yourock  congrats
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(12-01-2022, 08:58 PM)Muralimm Wrote: A Game of Chess"

OK dear, but I think better to wait little...... I am going to post all the creations of Indian Princes n Indian exec here one after another n it will be better for u n others here .....
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(12-01-2022, 08:58 PM)Muralimm Wrote: A Game of Chess"

The Sequel....
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