Fantasy The Doctor's Office
Hey everyone, my name is Rakesh. im 21 years old this year and studying to be an engineer in a reputable college. I would like to share a personal story with you today. This took place in a doctors office in Delhi. I was studying in 9th grade when this happened. Up until this point, my only experience regarding sex was watching porn and masturbating once or twice a day. 

I stayed with my parents at home. I had 2 siblings. My older brother had left for college recently and that left me with my little sister. My mother was a housewife and dad had a high position in a big law firm, he usually comes home late every night . Needless to say , we were a slightly above average Tamil family. During this time, my cousin elder sister Radhika akka was living with us as it was convenient for her to travel to college from our home. Radhika was 22 years old at the time, the daughter of my dads elder brother and she was indeed beautiful. Beautiful chocolate brown skin, a pretty face, thick luscious long hair, she had a decent pair of tits, and a juicy ass. She definitely grabbed attention of men whenever we went out as a family. I used to fantasize about her but I always felt bad about it as I thought of her as my elder sister and was pretty close to her. At home , as dad was not around most of the time , she would wear a thin shirt with no bra and short shorts that show off her thighs and legs. Probably not paying much attention as I was pretty young at the time and she probably thought of me as her innocent younger brother. Sometimes I can make out the outline of her tits and her nipples when she wears her low cut thin tops at home. I could see roughly see she had thick nipples from the bumps protruding off her shirt, the type of nipples you could spend the night nibbling and biting. Some nights I would fantasize about how her nipples would look like and what I would love to do to them while masturbating hard. 

Anyway, moving on with the story. 

I still remember this incident like it had happened just yesterday. It was a rainy Thursday, I had just finished playing cricket with my friends in a field nearby when it suddenly started to pour heavily. We said our goodbyes and I quickly made my way home. Thinking I would have my shower , have my dinner, watch some TV , and thought to myself secretly hoping Radhika akka will be wearing something a little bit more revealing tonight. As a young boy hitting puberty, the thought of sex was constant on my mind and I dying to see a woman naked for the first time, as I'm sure many readers would understand. I got home , threw my slippers aside and made my way to the bathroom to have my shower. Passing the hall , I could hear faint coughing coming from one of rooms. I didn't pay much attention to it. I washed myself off and was walking out in my towel when I heard a call from my mum. 

"Rakesh, Rakesh...aiya .Come here" 

I quickly put on my house shorts and a tshirt and came to the hall. Mum had her hand on Radhika akkas head. Occasionally she would let out a cough. 

"Akka isn't feeling too well. I made an appointment at Dr. Malika's Clinic. Can you follow akka to the doctors. Just let her do a check up, grab some medicine and come home. Ill have dinner ready for you both by the time you arrive" 

"Ok ma", I said. Akka smiled at me and I smiled back. In my head I was like damn. She will probably take her meds and sleep early tonight instead of watching TV with me. Oh well,hopefully she will feel better tomorrow. Radhika akka changed and we called for an auto and made our way to Dr. Malika's clinic. In the auto, i just realized, in my rush to come to the clinic, I had forgotten to slip on my underwear. Whatever ,I thought. We will be in and out in a couple of minutes anyway. 

We both entered the clinic .I knew my way around as I have been coming here since I was a child. Dr. Malika was basically our family doctor. We went up to the receptionist counter to register. 

"I'm sorry. Dr. Malika was called away on an emergency" , the 30 something male nurse said. "Dr. Raju is in today. Would you be ok with seeing him?" 

Seeing as we didn't really have much of a choice. We agreed. We proceeded to the waiting area to wait for wait for the call to come into the doctors room. 

"Thambi, please accompany me inside to see the doctor." Radhika akka said. 

"Ok ka" I nodded my head. Not thinking much of it. 

5 minutes later, The same male nurse opened the door. "Radhika, please come in. Dr. Raju will see you now." We entered the room. Dr. Raju was sitting in a big table in the middle of the room. There was a chair placed directly beside him for the patient and 2 chairs across the table. To the left of the room there was an examination bed and a few glass cabinets filled with various medicine. This was the first time I had ever seen Dr.Raju, I've only seen his name on the board outside that shows Dr.Raju as a interim doctor. He was a big sized man, as he got up to shake Radhika's hand, I could see his big tummy stand out. He looked to be touching 50 and bald with a clean shaved face. Again, I thought nothing of it and waiting patiently for the examination to be over. Radhika akka sat beside him and me beside her. 

Dr.Raju placed his hand on Radhika akka's exposed thighs. She was wearing loose house short shorts, leaving most of the thighs and legs exposed. "Tell me how I can help you today Radhika" Dr.Raju's said. I noticed his eyes. He was looking at Radhika from top to bottom , staring a little bit longer than he should at her tits. I could see a small smile creep on the side of his face. Radhika akka explained what was wrong, coughing slightly.

"Alright. Looks like there a flu going around. You're not the first patient to see me today with the same symptoms. I think I will do a proper examination of you. Just in case. I don't want you catching pneumonia". His hand gave her thigh a slight squeeze . He gently caressed her thigh before removing his hand. I still sat there quiet while all this was going on. 

Radhika akka nodded. 

He proceeded to take her blood pressure. Him strong hairy hands gently caressing Radhika akka's arm as he placed the strap around her arm. All the while creating small talk with Radhika akka and me. I paid no mind, but I was looking at his hands. He was pretty handsy, trying to touch her as much as he could. 

"Please turn around and lift your shirt." Radhika akka nodded. she lifted her shirt, just enough to cover the front of the bra with the shirt but exposing her back to Dr.Raju and me. This was my first time looking at her exposed back. Her slightly dark brown skin was smooth, not having seen much skin in my life, and in some ways, I found it kind of sexy.I could feel a slight twitch in my pants. Dr. Raju placed his hand just below her neck and slowly ran his fingers over her bra strap down the arch of her back. He rested his right hand on her hip, I could see him gently squeezing her hip. Radhika akka looked slighty uncomfortable with his hand there but said nothing. Dr. Raju proceeded to place his stethoscope on her back and told her to take deep breaths. I could see her chest rise and fall under her shirt. He moved his right hand away from her hip and in one swift action , unclasped the hook of her bra. Radhika akka gasped slightly. My eyes were wide open. Her bare back was facing Dr.Raju and me. He asked her to keep taking deep breaths while he placed his stethoscope where on the area where the bra strap was. 

" Turn around" 

Radhika akka turned her body back. She hadn't adjusted her shirt yet. As it was still slightly lifted, her naval was exposed. Without wasting a moment , he brought his stethoscope under her shirt and placed it on her chest. From the outline of her shirt, I could make out his hand being placed between her tits as he slowly move around under her shirt taking his sweet time. Radhika akka was obviously starting to get embarrassed and she was trying her hardest to avoid making any eye contact with any of us. 

"This is a little bit difficult for me to hear your heartbeat properly" Dr.Raju said. Before anybody could react, he pulled up her shirt. My eyes were wide now. I tried looking away but I could not help myself. By this time, the bra was pretty loose and barely handing onto her tits. They were slightly bigger than I had expected. I could see a little bit of her dark areola peeking out of her bra. Radhika akka tried to cover her face , but Dr.Raju pulled her hand back down. "Dont be embarrassed Radhika. This is normal. I'm a doctor. There is nothing to be shy about" Dr.Raju said. "You have beautiful breasts. Any man would be so lucky to have you. You should be proud of them. They are pretty big for a girl your age. Whats the size?" . Dr.Raju was smiling as he said that. I was struggling to remove my eyes away from her bra. 

"34DD doctor" ,she said

He place the stethoscope right on top of her left tit and told her to breathe normally. The bra was slowly coming loose, a little bit more of areola was exposed now. I could see it was a very very dark brown in color. And I was guessing her areolas were pretty big as well. I was trying hard to picture it in my mind. By this time, my cock was rock hard. If I had stood up at this moment , you would have seen a massive tent in my pants. That aside, this scene playing out in front of me was giving me a massive urge to masturbate. 

"Very nice" Dr.Raju said. I could see his eyes were also focused on the slightly exposed dark areola. Dr.Raju moved his chair closer to her. In a swift motion, he casually used both his hands to pull the bra up to her collar bone. I could hear a pap pap sound as Radhika akka's tits fell back onto her body. At once, she reacted by crossing her arms over her tits to cover them. 

"Sorry Radhika. Don't cover them, I need to check your heart and lungs" she slowly moved her hands away. She was trying her hardest not to look at me. I on the other hand, couldn't look away. For the first time she was exposed , I was trying to take in everything with my mind. And from Dr.Raju's face. So was he. A beautiful pair of big tits now faced us. Radhika akka had really big dark wrinkly areolas, off hand, I would have given it about 5cm in diameter and fantastic thick rubbery nipples. They looked like Nutella toppings on top of her slightly dark skin. By this time I didnt bother hiding my excitement, I leaned forward to enjoy the view a little. Dr.Raju noticed the shift in my body and we crossed eyes for a second. Paying no more attention to me, he focused back to Radhika akka. 

"Deep breaths again please" He placed his left hand just under her left tit to grab her waist. slightly holding up the meat from her tits, with his thumb snuggled in between her under boob. With his right hand he placed the stethoscope on top of her chest. I was watching intensely as he moved the stethoscope around the top of her breasts , pretending to try listen to her heartbeat. I also noticed his right hand beginning to come up a little. he was using his forefinger to gently touch the areola on her right tit. The finger slowly creeping closer and closer to the nipple in the middle. I could see her nipples were rock hard by now, probably from the cold air conditioned room and the touch of a strange man. As his left hand moved the stethoscope on top of her left breast. I could see by now Dr.Raju had Radhika akka's right nipple pinched between his thumb and forefinger. He was gently caressing the nipple, slightly tugging at it and twirling it around with his fingers. The room was completely silent at this point. After placing the stethoscope all over the top of her tits, Dr. Raju let go of her right nipple, moved his hand to the left one, placing the nipple between his thumb and finger, pulled it up to expose the under side of her left breast and place the stethoscope there. I could see Radhika akka grimace in a bit of pain , but it looked like she was also feeling some pleasure. As this was happening, I was already crouched over as close to Radhika akka as I possibly could , hoping for an opportunity to touch just any part of her breasts. I was rock hard by now. And i'm pretty sure Dr.Raju was as well, but it was covered by his big stomach. Dr.Raju kept stealing glances at me, I think he could see the longing in my eye as I could not take my eyes off those big chocolate nipples. 

"Sorry Radhika, we are a bit understaffed today. I'm glad you brought your little cousin brother with you. If he could just help me a little bit" . I could see the shock in Radhika akka's eyes. Here she was . Already exposing her naked breasts to a complete stranger and a family member. Now this? 

"Rakesh, help to remove her shirt and bra" . His right hand cupping Radhika akka's left tit. He was teasing the nipple with his thumb, rubbing the tip. 

I stood up, afraid that Radhika akka would notice the massive tent in my pants .Quickly went behind her and pulled her shirt and bra off, folded them neatly and placed them on the examination bed and sat back down. Dr. Raju noticed this of course. I saw him trying his hardest to maintain a straight face at the massive erection I had. Radhika akka was now only in her shorts as she sat in front of Dr.Raju and me. 

"Rakesh, help to lift up her right breast so I can check her lungs" . I was ecstatic. I saw Radhika akka opening her mouth to protest but thought better of it. She kept quiet. 

As I was seated to her right, I arched my body to use my right hand and placed it under her right tit, slowly lifting it up. Feeling how soft it was, and the weight of it on the palm of my hand. This was the best day of my life right until not. 

"Not like that" Dr.Raju said . He demonstrated by grabbing Radhika akka's left tit by the nipple and slowly pulling it up with his thumb and forefinger. I could hear a soft moan escape her mouth. I understood. I let go of her tit and ran my finger until I reached the nipple. My god. It was really hard. I was a little distracted and started to gently flick and play with that dark brown nipple before coming to my senses. I then used my thumb and forefinger and gently lifted up her right tit. Dr.Raju placed the stethoscope under it and pretended to listen to it for a longer time than usual. While I was holding up her right tit, I could not help myself. I was gently pulling it and twisting the nipple. I looked at Radhika akka, only to notice her eyes were rolled back in pleasure with the attention her nipples were getting. 

"Ok Rakesh. I am done. You can stop now. Thank you" . I was a bit reluctant to stop touching her at this point. I gently let go of her nipples and moved to sit back properly on my seat, secretly hoping the doctor would ask for my help again. At this point , Radhika akka had slid down the chair a little bit, her legs were slightly spread , her exposed tits heaving up and down with her heavy breaths with those big brown nipples pointing straight up to the ceiling. At this point I had noticed and small wet patch in the middle of her shorts. 

Was she wearing panties? I could very obviously make out the outline of a pair of fat pussy lips. There is no way she isn't wearing any panties. The wet patch was pretty obvious. I thought to myself. Dr.Raju was very observant. He noticed this as well. 

He leaned in to her once again. I was patiently observing what was going to happen next. Hoping for a bit more tit action. He placed his left hand, this time a little more daring on Radhika akka's inner thigh. Very very close to the opening of her loose shorts. I could see him gently caressing her skin and pinching the meat of her thighs. I was still very much distracted by her tits but couldn't stop myself looking at where his hand was going. At this point, this was already way more than I had expected to see. My cock was dying for some attention. I really wanted to go home and wank one out. With his right hand , he paged the male nurse at the registration counter to bring him something. 

2 minutes later, the male nurse walked in holding a small tube of gel and a thermometer. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. There was a beautiful big titted girl half naked on the chair , the doctor with left hand still on her inner thighs,and a young boy seated beside the girl. His eyes immediately went to Radhika akka's dark nipples. They were still hard from the cold, and of course from the heavy groping that had just taken place. He passed the gel to Dr. Raju, took one last long look at Radhika akka and left. Probably to watch from the security camera.

"Radhika, i'm going to need to take your temperature" . At this point I noticed his forefinger had already entered the opening of her shorts on the right thigh. Me sitting on her right was getting the best view of the house. I saw Dr.Raju's finger gently running up and down a juicy pussy lip. The shorts was pulled aside a little bit. I could just make out the dark pussy lip, a little of of flap from her labia that was sticking out and a bit of pink. There was a little bit of 3 to 4 day old peach fuzz on her pussy lips from her recent shave. Fuck. She probably thought it was going to be a quick check up with a female doctor and decided to just leave home as she was. 

"Ok doctor." She said. Opening her mouth a little bit for Dr.Raju to put the thermometer in. His forefinger and thumb were playing with her labia flap. Gently twisting it between his fingers . By now the loose shorts were pulled aside enough to expose her dark brown pussy lips with slightly thick black and pink labia skin peeking out from both sides . I could see her pink clit poking out a little bit . What a view. 

"No my dear. This is a rectal thermometer" Dr.Raju said. I saw Radhika akka's face change. By this time, I was slowly rubbing my cock over my shorts under the table trying my best not to cum inside the office. Dr.Raju looked at her pussy lips and gave a smile. He stopped twirling her labia and just gently using one finger pushed one fat pussy lip aside and took one long look at her exposed pink hole. Of course with me by the side enjoying the view. He then proceeded to pull her shorts down to her knees. By this time,I think Radhika akka had just given up all hope of trying to cover up any part of her body from me. She slid the shorts out of her legs and passed them to me. I folded them and placed them on the empty chair beside me. Waiting to see what happens next. 

"Spread your legs a little Radhika" Dr .Raju said. He grabbed Radhika akka by the waist and pulled her down a little bit. At this point , her ass was practically off the chair. With the way her legs was spread, I could see the entrance of her dark asshole. Dr. Raju used the tip of his finger to gently poke her anus and smiled as she clenched it. He then removed the thermometer from its plastic cover. He then squeezed some gel out of the tube onto his forefinger . I also noticed that he had decided not to use gloves. I was already mentally preparing myself for what was coming next. Praying that I could get the opportunity to touch my cousin sister again. 

With his forefinger lubed up, Dr. Raju slowly began to push his finger into her asshole

"Radhika, i'm helping you to loosen your anus a little bit before putting the thermometer in. Try your best not to clench"  

I could see her grimace in pain a little bit but from the looks of it , the gel helped. He slowly had half his finger sticker up her butthole. I could see him moving his finger around inside, digging slowly. 

*Ding dong!*

The door from the receptionist counter opened again and the male nurse walked in. I could see him trying his hardest to hide his erection. Its obvious he was watching everything from the security camera in the office. 

"Doctor ,I need you to urgently take a look at these med reports and sign off on them. The runner is waiting outside" ,the nurse said. Not taking his eyes off Radhika akka's naked body. His eyes moving from her face to her tits, to her slim stomach then that dark fat pussy that was basically in front of Dr.Raju's face, glistening under the light from her cum. 

He slowly slid his finger out of her asshole. Wiped it with a cloth and told the nurse to put them on the table. "Ill take a quick look at it now. Wait at the counter" . I saw the disappointment in the nurse's eyes as he was hoping he could stay a little longer , took one last look at Radhika's body and left. 

"Bring your finger here Rakesh, I'm going to need you to help me loosen this hole while I check the reports" Dr. Raju looked at me with serious eyes. I looked at Radhika akka's face. She didn't say anything. She had one hand pinching and pulling her nipples. It was very obvious that she was very turned on. Dr.Raju squeezed some gel onto my right middle finger. Radhika akka readjusted her body so that she was facing me now. The scent coming from her wet pussy was starting to fill my nostrils. I bought my finger to the entrance of her asshole, gently circling her brown puckered hole. Slowly, I let my finger slide in. It was warm and very tight. Seeing as I had smaller fingers than Dr.Raju , it was a bit easier for me to get my finger deeper into her ass. I could feel the entrance of her hole trying it's best to clench around my finger. 

I could not stop myself from exploring a little more. With my right middle finger doing circular actions inside her asshole trying to dig in even deeper. I used my left hand to push her pussy lips meat aside so I could get a good look at her holes. I gently pinched her pink clit and started to rub it with a finger. Radhika akka started to moan again, this time a little heavily, both her hands on each tit pinching and kneading her thick nipples. Her pussy was flooded. Dr. Raju was looking at everything happening from the corner of his eyes. He pressed the call button and the male nurse entered almost at once. What a view. A young boy with his finger up a girls butthole while teasing her clit. The male nurse stood there for awhile, I saw his hand reach to adjust his erection in his pants. I was slowly sliding my finger in and out of Radhika akka's asshole. It felt pretty loose now. My left hand still playing with her pussy. 

"Thank you Anand". Dr. Raju passed the forms back to him. The nurse picked up the forms from Dr.Raju and slowly walked beside Radhika akka. I looked up at him and I could see the lust in his eyes. Dr. Raju did not say anything. Holding the forms with one hand, Anand couldn't stop himself. He placed his right hand on Radhika akka's stomach and slowly made his way down her pubic area until he had her pussy lips between his middle and fore finger and began to squeeze it together. I removed my left hand to give Anand more access. He seemed to be pinching and trying to fatten up her pussy lips a little bit more, then started to graze his fingers up and down the middle of her pussy. Radhika akka was breathing heavily, her tits moving up and down. Slowly, Anand came to his senses and took his hand away realizing the runner was waiting outside. Before he left ,he gently pulled Radhika's left nipple and made his way out. Dr. Raju just smiled as he made his exit. 

"I think that's enough Rakesh. Thank you for your help." . Fuck. I did not want to take my finger out of her asshole. It was really tight and warm in there. Dr. Raju then inserted the tip of the thermometer into Radhika akka's anus. 

"Just give it awhile" he said. He suddenly turned his attention to me. "How's school Rakesh?" , he was trying to create some small talk while waiting for the temperature reading. His right hand was gently playing and teasing Radhika akka's pussy lips. He would push them apart, then pinch them together, pinch and pull her labia ,playing with it with his fingers. "It's good uncle". I replied. Not really paying much attention to the conversation. He asked a few more senseless questions, all the while with his fingers teasing that dark chocolate pussy in front of us. He even asked Radhika a few questions which she was trying hard to answer in between moans. He then pulled out the thermometer from her ass , looked at the reading , and placed it on a tray. 

"Radhika, could you please stand up" . Radhika akka slowly moved her ass back onto the chair, using the table as support, she stood up. This was the first time she stood up from the time we came in. What a glorious view, her tits were pretty firm, those large dark areolas and firm nipples poking out to attention, her flat stomach with slightly thick hips and those fat pussy lips were sticking together because of the cum. What a sight to behold. She was facing the doctor. Dr. Raju placed both his hands on Radhika akka's butt cheeks and started to squeeze them hard. I was more focused on watching her tits jiggle as Dr.Raju pinched and squeezed her ass. Dr.Raju then stood up, I could see the underside of his belly sticking out from under the shirt.  

"Come over to the examination table Radhika , just a little bit more and we are done" . Dr. Raju stepped in front of Radhika, placed his right hand between her legs as if searching from something. He found her thick labia skin, and gently tugged the flaps to guide her towards the examination bed. I was still seated at the table and this scene was just too much for me. I could feel the precum already oozing out of my hard cock. Dr. Raju casually guided her towards the bed , I could see Radhika akka's black and pink labia skin being stretched to its maximum limit as she followed him along behind him like a dog on a leash towards the bed. I could see her biting her lip in a little bit of pain. I adjusted my chair so that I was facing the examination bed. "I need you to get on all fours on the bed please. Just a final check and we are done with the day" Dr. Raju smiled , his right thumb and fore finger still playing with her labia flaps, he was twisting and pinching it with his fingers and it looked like it was getting a little sore. He then moved his hand and casually grabbed her ass. Helping to lift her up onto the bed. 

Radhika akka was on all fours now, her face towards the wall beside the bed ,facing her ass towards us.Her tits dangling under the force of gravity and with her dark nipples sticking out looking like udders. Dr. Raju grabbed her tits and gently massaged them, teasing and pulling her hard nipples as they hung there. From the back , her butt was sticking up in the air, her asshole exposed to the world . Those dark juicy pussy lips looking snug between her ass cheeks. Her entire ass crack was wet with her cum and gel. Radhika akka had her eyes closed,enjoying Dr. Raju's hands exploring her body. 

Dr. Raju glanced over at me and saw me struggling with my erection. He tilted his head towards Radhika , acknowledging me to come to the examination bed. I got up and walked over ,sat down beside my cousin. I gently started to rub her thighs. Dr. Raju was standing in front of the bed , Radhika's ass staring him in the face. He pushed her pussy lips apart, looking at her pink hole. Slowly,he inserted a finger into her pussy.i could hear Radhika akka starting to moan. Wanting to get in on the action , I used both hands and spread her ass cheeks apart. Her gaping asshole was clenching and releasing as Dr .Raju began to finger her. Using my forefinger, I used the remaining gel and cum on her ass crack and slowly started to lube up the entrance to her asshole. 

Slowly,I pushed my finger into her ass, surprised at how easily it began to slide in. I dug deeper and deeper until the entire length of my finger was up Radhika akka's ass. By this time ,Dr. Raju already had 2 fingers inside her pussy , and he was pumping it vigorously. Radhika was already moaning loudly,her eyes rolled back in pleasure ,her tits swinging as Dr.Raju pumped harder and harder. I started to dig in my middle finger as well, giving Radhika akka a double penetration finger bang. I could feel Dr.Raju's fingers on the other side of her anal walls. I too kept pumping and pumping until eventually , Radhika akka let out a soft scream, and her body went numb. Dr.Raju slowly removed his fingers ,which was now coated with creamy liquid . I slowly removed my fingers from her butt. The hole remained open for awhile, her once virgin ass was gaping open and I could see the depths of her butt hole. Both her holes look like they have been well spent and sore. Radhika akka was still shivering a little bit from the intense pleasure she had just experienced. Dr. Raju took some tissue and wiped his fingers ,then gently cleaned up her pussy and asshole. Radhika akka slowly collapsed into the bed. Breathing heavily. Slowly she got up and sat on the edge of the bed ,her hands resting on her sides.she looked worn out from that intense orgasm she just had. Radhika akka didn't bother covering any part of her body. Her juicy tits dangling freely with those big dark areolas staring at us, her legs spread slightly exposing her puffy pussy lips. I adjusted my body and was sitting beside her, by this time ,I didn't bother hiding my erection. Radhika akka glanced at over and saw the tent in my shorts. Then looked up at Dr Raju. 

" Everything seems to be perfectly in order Radhika. We seem to have come to the end of the examination. I'm just going to need a pee sample from you " ,he said, holding a plastic container. 

Radhika akka nodded slightly. She reached out to take the container,wanting to go to the toilet to relieve herself. Dr. Raju moved the container out if her reach. 

" It's ok my dear, you can do it here" . 

Still holding the container .He reached out with his free hand and grabbed her by the pussy,he pinched her thick labia skin and pulled her forward. I saw the flaps stretch again as Radhika got off the bed. Placing her arms behind her to use the mattress as a support , she spread her legs and bent her knees a little bit, sticking her pussy out towards Dr. Raju. 

Dr. Raju let go of her. Removed the cover from the container and held it couple of inches under her pussy. By this time I got off the bed and was standing beside the doctor facing my cousin,waiting to watch her pee. 

After waiting a couple if moments ,nothing was happening.

" Rakesh ,why don't you help her? " still holding the container with his left hand ,Dr. Raju gripped my shoulder with his right hand and was forcing me downward. 

I got down on my knees , Radhika akka's pussy was now staring me in the face . I could smell the cum and sweat coming from her. I used my thumb and middle finger to push her dark pussy lips apart,spreading it wide open. I could see the little pink pee hole just below her clit. The hole was opening and closing slightly,indicating that pee was coming. I used my fore finger to tap and rub the hole, playing with it a little bit. I stuck my tongue out and gave it a lick. I licked the hole once . Twice. Still pushing her pussy lips apart,the third time around ,I ran my tongue up and down the entire length of her pussy ,from the clit all the way down to the entrance of her asshole.Up and down a few times.She tasted so good. 

Suddenly,I felt her hand quickly push my head away. A long stream of water started gushing out of her pee hole. I was still holding her pussy lips apart and little sprays of pee was hitting my arm. I didn't mind. 

Dr. Raju was still holding the container under her pussy and it was starting to fill up fast. Little sprays of pee was hitting his hand and getting in the floor. Dr. Raju seemed to be enjoying this very much. He had a wide smile on his face. 

After she was done , Dr. Raju closed the lid and went over to the basin to wash his hands and the container. He grabbed some tissue and made his way back to us. I had let go of Radhika akka's pussy lips and was still on the floor. Dr. Raju used to tissue to wipe her slowly. 

I got up and made my way to the basin to wash off as well. I could see Dr. Raju was taking his own sweet time. His hand still cupping my cousin's pussy and moving it in a wiping motion. 

"Ok Radhika. We are done now. You may proceed to put your clothes back on" 

" Thank you doctor." She replied,looking relieved . 

Dr. Raju uncupped her pussy and sat back down at the table. He started to write down her prescriptions as Radhika quickly put her clothes back on. 

" Please take this and pass it on to the nurse in front. He will give you your medicine" Dr. Raju said . We both nodded . " I hope to see you again soon" , he smiled at us. 

We both left the room , picked up the medication. The male nurse kept looking at Radhika akka with a grin,still imagining her naked. We were both quiet as we exited the clinic. I just wanted to get home as quickly as I can and masterbate. Radhika akka looked worn out. 

" Please don't tell anybody about what happened here today" she said 

I nodded. " I won't ka. This stays between us" .I held my hand up to stop the auto that was making its way to us. If only the auto walla knew that 15 minutes ago,these same fingers were up my cousin's butt hole.


Hey guys,j hope you enjoyed this story. Do review my story in the comments on how I can improve and if you would like to read more .
[+] 4 users Like B1ryani's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Good start
[+] 1 user Likes Dinesh Raveendran's post
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Expected regular updates and a completed story ..... keep it up ......
[+] 1 user Likes Blue Bull's post
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Hot update.
[+] 1 user Likes NovelNavel's post
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Very good narration
[+] 1 user Likes xavierrxx's post
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Nice start
[+] 1 user Likes bobby's post
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waooo what a great start
[+] 1 user Likes blackdesk's post
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fucking fantastic n erotic story.. loved it
[+] 1 user Likes tweeny_fory's post
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Thank you for the feedback. I'm still thinking on how to continue this story. It was meant to end as it is.

In the meantime , do follow my other ongoing story . (The Train Ride)

Happy New Year!
[+] 1 user Likes B1ryani's post
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very hot story
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Nice hot story
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