Adultery Who Watches The Watchmen? by aurelius1982
"What are you doing?" Menaka said in protest.

"Dara had his fun, now it's my turn." his right hand was tugging at the waist of her sari and a bulge was forming in his pants.

"No, please Banke, my son is in the next room." she pleaded.

Banke stopped and let go of her again.

"Great. when your son is home, I can't touch you. When he is at school, you're Dara's property. What about me?"

I felt bad for the guy. He had a point. He was the first one to have enticed my wife into actual intercourse and now Dara was having all the fun while he sat at the watchman's chair.

"Just go. Please, I beg you." Menaka folded her hands in front of him.

He glared at her for a few moments, and then left, slamming the door behind him.

Once Banke walked out, Menaka sat down on the couch with a loud sigh and started sobbing. I felt bad for her, but at the same time, also felt a little resentful. I was tempted to call her when I saw her reaching for the phone. I guess she was going to call me. She dialed a number and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello, Indu mausi? It's me, Menaka."

Huh? Why was she calling her aunt who lived in Thane?

"I am fine. Yes, Ayan is fine too. I just wanted to ask you for a favor. There is some maintenance work happening in our building for the next few days. And the work is very noisy. It keeps Ayan up all night. Could we stay with you until it gets done? I don't mean to be an inconvenience...oh thank you so much."

Well, this was an interesting turn of events. I know that Menaka was shook up by how much she had slid into depravity and under Dara's control. I thought she might take a break and try to pull things back a little. But I didn't expect her to just run away from the situation.

But that is exactly what happened. She rushed to the bedroom as if in a tearing hurry and started packing. In half an hour, she had woken up Ayan and was gone from the house.

I just stared at the empty rooms of my house for a while, wondering if she might change her mind and come back. But no. She was gone.

"What do you mean gone?"

I shifted my attention to the feed from the watchman's shack. The door opened and Dara walked in, followed by Banke.

"What do you think I mean? She is gone."

"Gone where? Shopping?"

"No, she had a suitcase and everything. Took her son, and left."

"Why didn't you stop her?" Dara thundered.

"I couldn't stop her. There were a lot of neighbors around. How would it look if I restrained her from leaving?"

Dara looked a little miffed, but then his face softened and he shrugged.

"I guess we pushed her a little too far. Maybe she just needs a break. But she'll be back. This is her home after all." he said.

"You killed the goose that lays the golden egg." Banke said in a surly voice.

"Not at all. She is hooked. A couple of days without a thick piece of meat inside her cooch and she'll come running back. I promise. I know these kind of women."

I admired Dara's confidence. I wasn't sure if it was over confidence or not. My wife did seem completely under his thumb, and not just sexually. She seemed to have some kind of deep emotional connection with him that I felt jealous of.

That night, I got a short email from my wife.

"Dearest Prakash

Ayan and I are going to be at Indu masi's place until you return. Things at home have gotten very complicated and I can't really deal with them anymore. I will tell you in more detail when we meet. When you get back, just take a cab to Indu masi's place so you can pick us up and take us home.

Love Menaka"

The next few days were quite boring. I kept an eye on all the feeds thinking that like Dara predicted, she might come back for a taste. But she diligently stayed away. I did get to see Dara and Banke fuck Vimla on the roof and in their shack a couple of times, but it really wasn't something I cared much for.

Watching all the action had made me horny, so after a couple of days of watching the feeds in vain, I contacted a fuck buddy of mine. She and I met for dinner at a fancy Juhu restaurant, and then I spent the night at her place, fucking her three times as I kept picturing Menaka in my head. My "official" return date was just a couple of days away, and I couldn't wait to finally bang my wife like I had never banged her before.

I returned from my fuck buddy's place to the hotel the next day a little before noon, prepared to disconnect all the equipment and return it.

As soon as I saw the screens, I stopped in my tracks.

The bedroom feed showed Menaka, naked except for her panties, asleep curled up. Also on the bed was a completely naked Vimla, curled up on the other side of the bed. But what made me stop in my tracks was who was between them. A dark skinned guy of medium built with a bush mustache, wearing just his underwear. I had no idea who this gentleman was!


The rest of the apartment was completely empty. I was relieved to see that Ayan was nowhere in the picture. My guess was that Menaka, unable to control her urges, had left our son at her aunt's place and come over for an all night fuck session. But who the hell was this guy? And where were Dara and Banke? I didn't see them on any of the feeds.

I immediately accessed the recorded files. I opened the one with the living room feeds and clicked at a random point. It went to a little before 9 PM. Menaka, dressed in a demure salwar kameez, was sweeping the floor with a broom. I clicked the forward button and the images quickly rushed through a sequence of Menaka cleaning the room, watching TV for a bit, taking clothes out of the bag, etc. Mundane stuff.

I pressed play at the 930 point when I saw her reach for the phone and answer it. It was clearly Dara. I could only hear what she was saying.

"What is it????" "!" "Yeah, well, I won't open the door." "I told you, I just need a break. Can't you respect that?" "No, I did not come just to tease you. I need some books, toys, and clothes for my son." "Do whatever you want. I don't care. I DON'T care. Jump off the roof for all I care." "No, I probably won't even be here at midnight." "Goodbye. Go to hell."

Menaka threw the phone on the couch, and plonked herself next to it looking very annoyed. She then went to the bedroom and was there for a while. So I opened the bedroom file and dragged the cursor to the time she had left the living room. She was sitting in front of the computer, typing furiously. Maybe an email to me? As the clicking of the keyboard continued, I switched to the live feed. Still unchanged. The three of them fast asleep. The unknown dude was now snoring.

I forwarded the bedroom file for a long time as she just sat there and kept typing. I checked my email. There was nothing from her. Either she hadn't finished the email or she hadn't sent it.

Finally the time stamp was 10:53 when she got up. I had synced the living room file with the time stamps and saw her walking to the couch and pick up her phone. She dialed a number and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello masi. Is Ayan still awake?" "No no, let him sleep. I just wanted to call and say I will be back tomorrow. It's gotten really late. Yes. Okay. Thank you so much."

Interesting, I thought. Maybe typing details of all her escapades had made my wife horny again and she was reconsidering her earlier desire for a break. But who the hell was that guy?

She went back to the computer and continued typing. And typing. I jumped straight to midnight. She was still typing. A few minutes later, she looked at the time and sighed. She picked up her one and dialed a number. She kept the phone clasped to her ear. There was no answer.
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"Asshole!" she hissed under her breath. And dialed the number again. No answer.

Menaka sat staring at the screen with her hands on her chin, as if pondering her next move.

"Oh what the hell!" she finally said to herself and got up.

I saw her pick up her keys and phone and leave the apartment. I kept watching, waiting for her to return with Dara, and maybe this mystery dude still snoring on my bed. But nothing. I remembered her mentioning the roof in her earlier conversation. So I opened up the file from the roof feed. And dragged the cursor to around the time she left the living room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I sat up bolt upright at the sight that flashed on my screen.

Behind the water tank, I saw Dara, naked, on his knees, and with bruises on his face. His hands were tied behind his back. The guy still snoring on my bed was next to him, kicking him hard in the stomach while muttering a stream of profanities. A naked Vimla was on her knees too, but with her arms wrapped around the guy's legs, begging him to stop in Tamil.

A couple of feet away from there, stood a fully dressed Banke, and a fourth guy, a loutish thuggish looking type, was holding a knife to his neck. I had no idea what the hell was going on. And that's when I saw my wife walk through the roof door and towards where this deadly scene was unfolding.

The guy with the knife heard her footsteps and said something to Dara's tormentor in Tamil. He stopped and turned around.

Menaka reached the spot and froze as she saw what was happening.

"What the..." is all she could mutter, staring all around her.

The two guys did not seem to know her because they seemed taken aback at her appearing there after midnight. There was a sudden awkward silence.

"What's happening here?" Menaka asked in a voice that contained a mixture of fear and anger.

"Who are you?" the bed guy said gruffly in Hindi. He sounded drunk.

"Who am I? Who are you? Why are you beating up our watchman?"

"Your watchman is a fucking asshole who preys on other's wives. This slut here." he angrily spat at Vimla who still had her hands wrapped around his leg. "is my wife. She's been screwing him behind my back. I followed her today and caught them red-handed. I am just doing what any self-respecting husband would do. Kicking the shit of this guy."

He delivered another kick to Dara, who keeled over again.

Menaka seemed to grimace in sadness to see her lover being brutalized like this.

"'ve proved your point." Menaka said, trying to sound authoritative. "Just let him go."

"Memsaab, mind your own business. Let us sort out our problems our way. Go home and sleep. It's not safe being out on roofs this late at night."

Menaka stared at him, then Dara, and then Banke as if trying to make a decision.

"Please call the security officer, memsaab!" Vimla whined, bent over on the ground, looking pitiable in her naked state.

Menaka suddenly remembered that she was holding her phone in one hand. Backing away, she raised it. But the other guy guarding Banke was too fast. He rushed towards her and snatched the phone from her hand. He then grabbed my wife by her wrist and dragged her towards Vimla's husband.


Menaka tried to yell for help but the lout effortlessly covered her mouth.

"You think these idiots haven't thought of screaming?" he menacingly said, raising his knife. "Try screaming again and I'll cut your pinkie off."

He let go of my wife's mouth. She stood there, looking petrified, trembling with fear even in the Bombay heat.

"What should we do with her?" the lout asked. "If we let her go, she might call the cops."

"I promise I won't."

There was silence all around as the two guys looked at each other. That's when I noticed something. The knife man had moved towards Menaka and left Banke alone. If he wanted, he could have done something to rush the guys or fight them off. Instead he was just standing there with a bitter expression on his face, staring at Menaka.

"Ask her why she really came here." he finally said in a resentful voice.

"What?" both guys asked in unison.

"This posh chaste looking no different than your wife."

"Oh really?" the husband moved close to Menaka and traced his finger along her cheeks. She shivered.


"What do you mean by that exactly, Banke? Do you mean what I think you mean?"

"Of course." Banke said, bristling. "Her husband works in the navy, so he's away for months. And she gets fucked by Dara regularly."

I noticed that he conveniently left out the fact that he had also fucked my wife.

Vimla's husband looked Menaka up and down incredulously.

"Is this true?"

"No." my wife answered in a low voice.

"She is lying." Banke said. "Ask your wife if you like. In fact Dara has had them both together."

This seemed to surprise the guy. He looked at his naked wife who was know sitting on folded knees, tears streaming down her face. He bent down, lifted her face up towards him and asked her something in Tamil. Vimla looked at Menaka and then back to him and then nodded.
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"This is all rubbish." Menaka seemed to have finally found her voice and was trying to talk her way out. "I don't know why these people are dragging me into the situation."

Although Menaka tried to sound emphatic, it didn't take an interrogation expert to read her face. The husband smiled and looked at the other guy who smiled back.

"So you have nothing to do with Dara other than living in the building he works in."


"You don't care what happens to him."

"I don't."

"Then you won't mind if I do this." he kicked Dara hard between his legs. The semi-conscious form of the old gurkha convulsed piteously.

Instantly, tears welled up in Menaka's eyes. She wiped them away. Looking at her genuine distress at how her lover was being punished again made me realize with a pang how much she cared for him.

"I have never seen a memsaab cry at the sight of a lowly watchman being beaten up." the other lout said.

"Neither have I."

Except for the time when her phone was snatched and she was stopped for screaming, the two guys had generally kept their hands off Menaka. They still didn't seem to have fully come to terms with the situation of finding a gorgeous high class woman in their midst, that too one who was having an affair with a lowly watchman.

"How the fuck did you manage to seduce this tasty thing?" the husband looked down at Dara and kicked him hard in the head. The old watchman made a croaking noise and then his head limped to the side.

"You've killed him!" Vimla started crawling towards Dara crying.

Menaka seemed to have finally had enough of standing around and rushed to her lover as well. She squatted next to him and held her finger under his nose. A relieved look shone on her face, suggesting that he was still breathing. She then gently rubbed her lover's cheeks and head.

"Do you want to kill him? Is that what you are trying to do?" she angrily asked the husband.

"He certainly deserves it." the lout answered instead. "Going around screwing other men's wives."

Banke meanwhile was leaning against the wall with a smug expression on his face. It didn't seem to bother him at all that his friend Dara was being beaten up so badly or that two women he had also fucked, were being made to grovel like that.

Vimla's husband looked at the two women on their knees cooing over the old watchman. He reached down and tried to grab Menaka boobs, but she slapped his hand away instinctively.

"You bitch!" he felt a flash of anger and grabbed Menaka by the hair to pull her up.

That's when the lout actually intervened.

"What are you doing?" he said, pulling the husband away from Menaka. "Listen to me."

The two men walked a few feet away and started arguing in Tamil. The lout seemed to be trying to calm the husband down, who took out a bottle of hooch from his pocket and took a big swig. I don't know Tamil so couldn't exactly understand what they were saying, but based on a few words like "security officer" "warrant" "navy husband" "chargesheet", and "bang", it seemed like the lout was cautioning his friend about the consequences taking liberties with a high class woman like Menaka. The guy seemed to quiet down and see reason. He cast a wistful glance at my wife's clothed but gorgeous body.

Now I already knew that at present time, my nearly naked wife was on my bed with him, so clearly the matter had eventually escalated. But I hoped there wasn't any violence involved.

He took another swig from the whiskey bottle and then walked back to my wife. She looked up at him with a blank expression.

"Memsaab...what is your name?" he asked, slurring a little.


"Perfect are like an apsara. My name is Muthu. This here is my brother Senthil." he said.

Menaka just stared back, wondering if she was supposed to say "how do you do, pleased to meet you". But Muthu continued.

"Now please understand this. I am not a violent man by nature. I did what any man would do if he came to know that his wife was being fucked on the sly by someone else. Do you understand that?"

Menaka nodded.

"This man here has done me wrong. And I deserve my revenge. I am not a killer. But beating him up so badly that he'll be disabled for the rest of his wretched life is what I came here with the intention of doing."

"Please don't." my wife pleaded, putting her arms protectively around her lover.

"Then I need your cooperation." he said.

"What do you mean?" she asked in a quavering voice, although she was clearly aware of where this discussion was going.

"Dara wronged me by banging my woman. Justice demands that I bang his woman. And you seem to fit the bill."

Menaka inhaled sharply, looked at Muthu, and cringed. this seemed to annoy him.

"Don't give me that disgusted look. It's not like you are some sati savitri that I want to dishonor." he thundered. "I am not going to do anything violent or forcibly or holding the knife to your throat. I am just offering you a deal. If you...cooperate...I won't touch your lover anymore. In fact I'll even take him to the hospital after we are done."
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Menaka looked at him with moist eyes and a sad expression on her face.

"And if I say no?"

"Then I will first break his fingers. Then his toes. Then his elbows. Then his..."

"Please." Menaka held up her hand.

"So what do you say?"

Menaka stared at Dara, who was still unconscious. She thought silently for a few seconds.

"I'll be gentle." Muthu added.

There was utter silence on the roof for about a minute. Then Menaka finally said,


"Yessss!" Muthu clapped his hands in delight. Senthil smiled. And Banke standing in the corner looked even surlier.

Muthu bent down and pulled my wife up in a standing position. He awkwardly hugged her and fondled her ass over her clothes. The look on Menaka's face was one of disgust and defeat. She stayed in his embrace, not fighting back, but not participating either as his grubby hands felt her body all over. He then opened his mouth wide and placed it over my wife's lips in an attempt to kiss her. It was a clumsy amateurish attempt but he slobbered all over her face.

He then took a step back. Menaka kept staring at the floor. Muthu hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, leaving his vest on. He took the bottle of booze out of his pocket and took a big swig, staring hungrily at my wife.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Strip!"

Menaka sighed and started pulling her kameez over head. As she did so, her huge bra covered tits came into view. Muthu as well as Senthil, watching from a few feet away, both murmurred in appreciation.

"Wow! They are so big!" Senthil said and rubbed the crotch of his pants as she took her bra off next.

Muthu lunged forward and started pressing her boobs and licking them like a horny teenager.

"Get up!" he said to Vimla who was sitting on the floor looking defeated.

He made her get up and stand right next to Menaka.

"These big ones are like mangoes...these small ones...are lemons."

Banke, who had been waiting and watching patiently with a bulge in his pants, stepped forward. He reached over to fondle Menaka's breasts but Muthu anrgily slapped him away.

"Who said you could join in?"

"Please, man. I am the one who told you about all this. Or you would have let her go."

"Hmmm..." Muthu considered this. "Well, maybe later. For now, here."

He grabbed Vimla by the arm and pushed her towards Banke.

"You can have my slutty wife till then. She is good."

Banke looked disappointed, but accepted the offering without mentioning that he had already fucked her many times before.

Muthu wrapped one arm around my wife's waist and pulled her into an embrace, making her naked tits mash against his dark hairy chest. He then took the bottle of booze out again. He bent lower to put Menaka's right nipple and the lower part of her boob in his mouth and then poured the booze on the top of the breast. Most of it flew into his mouth and he guzzled it up. Senthil laughed looking at this.

Meanwhile Vimla was on her knees sucking Banke's dick who kept staring at Menaka.

"Want some?" Muthu held the bottle by Menaka's mouth.

She shook her head.

"Come on! Have some. It will improve your mood."

And he pretty much thrust the neck of the bottle in her mouth and forced her to take a few swigs. My once demure wife, a stranger to alcohol, grimaced hard as the strong hooch went down her throat. As she coughed a little, Muthu opened the knot of her salwar. It dropped to the ground.

"Oh, look who's woken up!" Senthil said.

Everyone looked at Dara, whose eyes were half open and he was taking in the sight of his prize conquest getting mauled by Muthu. He wore a neutral defeated expression on his face.

"Oh good. I want you to see this, you bastard."

Muthu slipped off Menaka's last piece of clothing - her panties and made her get on the ground next to her lover. He positioned her such that she was lying down on her back, and her pussy was just inches from Dara's face. he looked at it wistfully.

"Yes you asshole. Look closely as I bang your precious memsaab."

Muthu pushed down his pants and underwear revealing a modestly sized dick. 5 inches, if that. Menaka didn't even look at it. She was bracing for what was to come with a calm expression and closed eyes.

A naked Muthu with his dick erect, go on the floor between my wife's legs. He took the bottle with him and took a big swig. He then took one look at his own wife, who was being bent over by the wall by Banke. He grabbed Menaka's knees and held them parted wide. And then he thrust forward to enter her just inches from Dara's sad face. But he fumbled a couple of times, not quite finding the opening. And then he was surprised and delighted when my wife reached down with her right hand and guided him in. I guess she was horny after days without sex.

She seemed wet, because the dick went in all the way at once. But then the dick wasn't very big anyway, and she was used to Dara's thick tool. her facial expression stayed neutral as Muthu started fucking her in randomly rapid strokes, showing no technique whatsoever. His hands just stayed lazily on her knees for a while, without trying to feel up her boobs or anything.

"How is she?" Senthil asked. I noticed that he had taken his dick out of his pants and was playing with it. It seemed similar to his brother's.

"Amazing!" Muthu grunted in response and while continuing to fuck my wife, took a big gulp of booze making his cheeks puff up.

He then bent forward and making as if to kiss Menaka, poured the mixture of booze and his spit into my wife's mouth. She was taken aback at this and tried to cough or spit it out, but it was impossible laying down. he and Senthil both laughed.

"Get nice and drunk, memsaab. Then we can have even more fun."

Muthu put both his hands on my wife's boobs and suddenly started bucking his hips very fast. That made Menaka grimace a little. And then suddenly her eyes opened and widened, looking at Muthu with surprise.

He flopped down on top of her making her grunt, and I realized what had happened. Suddenly it had become clear why Vimla had looked for sex outside marriage. her husband had shot his jizz into my wife's cunt in barely 90 seconds.

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"Done already?" Banke who was banging a bent over Vimla asked Muthu.

"She is just too hot!" said Muthu, getting up from top of Menaka, who looked almost amused.

"Mind if I have a go?"

"Me first!"

Senthil said rushing to replace Muthu between my wife's legs.

Now this dude, while possessing the same modest dick as his brother, seemed considerably more skilled. He did not start by just penetrating Menaka and going at it. This was the first close look he was getting at my wife's divine naked body and he made the most of it.

He grabbed Menaka's ankles and brought them together in front of his face. He then raised her legs so her big round ass was off the ground and on display. Holding the ankles in one hand, he used his other hand to fondle her ass to his heart's satisfaction and poking and prodding her sopping cunt and her ass crack. I could see that the expression on Menaka's face had gone from bored to slightly aroused. This foreplay was getting her excited.

"Sit up memsaab." Senthil said, letting her legs go.

My wife sat up with some effort. I could see that the booze was already surging through her system and her movements were uncoordinated and sluggish. Senthil sat down on this ass with his legs bent in the knees, and beckoned Menaka to sit in his lap. Swaying a little, she put her legs over his thighs and sat down, her big juicy ass resting on his dark hairy legs, and her boobs rubbing his chest.

With Menaka in his lap facing him, Senthil then proceeded to lower his head and suck her nipples slowly, one by one. His hands went behind her and played with her ass cheeks. I am sure his erect dick was poking against her pussy mound. And he was tempted to just shove it in. But he played it slow.

"Oh wow, you are so sexy! I could not have thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever get to fuck someone like you."

Senthil said between licking and biting her nipples. It was clear from Menaka's body language that not only was she drunk, but she was also getting aroused. Muthu's forgettable quickie had been forgotten and she was actually starting to get enthusiastically involved in this session with Senthil, a man she didn't even know for 30 minutes.

The two of them were positioned such that Dara, lying on his side, was looking directly at Menaka's ass and below it, Senthil's balls. A look of intense jealousy flashed on the old watchman's face when he saw that after a few minutes, Menaka took one hand off Senthil's shoulder, reached down, and started playing with his dick. Senthil was delighted by this development. It was the first time that night Menaka had shown some initiative.

"Wow memsaab, you really are quite a slut, aren't you?"

"Yessss." Menaka said slurring and putting her forehead on his shoulder as she deftly jacked his erect dick.

While Menaka and Senthil played with each other locked in a sexual embrace, Banke finished pumping his seed into Vimla and withdrew. Muthu was just squatting on the floor, taking swigs from his bottle and staring at his brother fucking my wife. Banke joined him. The two of them watched as Menaka started getting more and more excited, moaning and shivering. She was making positively obscene noises like an animal in heat.

"Ready to fuck?" Senthil finally said in my wife's ears. She nodded.

He slid her off his lap.

"Turn around and get on your knees."

Menaka's big creamy ass jiggled as she did so. She looked at Dara with an expression of regret. Dara just stared back. Senthil stood up and got behind her.

"Bend forward."

Menaka got on all fours, making her ass cheeks part a little.

"No hands." Senthil said, lightly spanking her big ass. "Put your face and shoulder on the ground."

As Menaka followed his instructions, I got super hard looking at how trashy she seemed. On her knees, her big ass jutting in the air, and her face obediently flat on the ground sideways as she looked into Dara's eyes. She looked like a small white molehill.

Senthil stepped forward and put his legs on either side of her waist in front of her knees. Then, grabbing her waist for support, he bent his knees until his dick was behind her ass and positioned around her soppy gaping cunt. He bucked a couple of times, missing the mark, but his erect dick finally hit bullseye. And soon, Menaka's cunt was penetrated by the fourth new cock in just a few months. I wondered how many it would take to satisfy her.

"Oh yeah, that's an amazing cunt! Oh yes!"

Senthil said as he started fucking my wife in this obscene version of doggy style. His hairy ass obscured the view of her creamy divine ass, but the back of her quivering thighs and her pussy lips were visible.

"Nngggg!! Mmmmmm!!" Menaka started moaning as the loutish guy pounded my wife on the roof of our building in the middle of the night.

He went at it for about 5 minutes and then said.

"Give me your hands!"

Menaka stretched one hand at a time behind her. Senthil grabbed them and redoubled the pace at which he was fucking her, making her shoulder rise a few inches above the ground. All through, she maintained eye contact with Dara.

"Damn, brother! That is quite a sight!" Muthu said, getting up with his bottle.

He stopped in front of Menaka's face and then squatted down. Her head was pointing upwards because of the way Senthil held her hands. Muthu calmly put the bottle to her lips and started emptying it. I noticed that my wife was gulping down the booze without any trouble now.

A few minutes later, Senthil proved that while he lasted much longer than his brother, he was no Dara when it came to staying power. He bucked his hips really hard and shot his wad into my wife's warm cooch. And then he stood up and backed away.

Menaka stayed like that with her ass in the air, cum oozing down the inside of her thighs, still staring at Dara. The other three were just watching everything in amazement.

"Hoislipal..." Menaka suddenly said sounding positively drunk.


She put her hands on the ground with some effort and raised her shoulder.

"Hos...pi...tal." she said concentrating hard and pointing at Dara, who I realized had passed out again.

Muthu and Senthil looked at each other.

"A deal is a deal." Muthu said and Senthil nodded. "You, Banke, get this asshole dressed up and take him to the hospital."

"But my turn with memsaab..." Banke said. I noticed he was furiously playing with his dick trying to get it hard again.

"Admit him to the hospital and then you can have your turn." Muthu said. "Looking at our slutty memsaab, I don't think she is done for the night. But look at her creamy knees and shoulders bruised because of the rough ground. Let's continue this in her home."

And that's when the scene on the roof started disbanding. Senthil helped Banke put Dara's clothes on. Vimla and Senthil first got dressed themselves, and then helped a drunk and imbalanced Menaka put her clothes on.

I switched back to the live feed and saw that Menaka was awake and in the bathroom.

I then went to the living room file from the previous night, and rushed through the remaining hours clicking along the taskbar. There had been a lot of action in the night. Muthu had fucked Menaka again, still not lasting more than a few minutes. Then he made Menaka and Vimla make out naked while he watched. Senthil and Banke came back and took turns fucking Menaka in various positions. But at no point did I see my wife have an orgasm.

After rushing through 8 hours of footage in 8 minutes, I switched back to the live feed. I saw that Muthu and Vimla were starting to stir too.

I decided that time had come to put an end to things before the next complication arose. I turned off the screens, disconnected all the equipment. And then I dialed my wife's number.

"Hi Prakash!" she answered, sounding groggy.

"Hi honey. Surprise! I just landed at Bombay airport. A full day in advance. I will be home in an hour, traffic permitting."


As I walked in the building gate with my bags, I noticed Banke sitting on the stool, looking half-asleep. His groggy eyes took a few seconds to register my presence and suddenly he sat up bolt upright.

"Namaste saab." he reverentially said in a voice with an edge of tension.

"Namaste Banke. How have you been?" I asked, feigning ignorance of the fact that he had been on my bed just a few hours ago.

"Good. Good." he said and was at a loss to say anything more. I walked to the elevator.

As the elevator started moving up, my heart started beating in anticipation of finally seeing my wife in person after all that had transpired. And a hurried montage of everything I had seen rushed in front of my eyes making my dick come to life. By the time I reached the door of my home, I was sporting a significant boner and was holding one of my bags in front of it in case I ran into any neighbors. I rang the bell.
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"Oh hey Pppppmmmmm..."

Menaka had opened the door with a welcoming smile but before she could even say my name, I had impatiently lunged at her, planting my lips on hers. I was already horny with the visual backlog of the past few months running through my brain, and she looked absolutely ravishing in a dark green sari. She seemed taken aback for a second, but then started responding enthusiastically to my kissing with her own tongue as I slammed the door shut behind me and pushed her towards the couch.

"Dara has taught you well." I said between kisses as I felt her hand skillfully feel the bulge in my pants.

"Shut up." she breathlessly responded and bit my lower lip seductively.

We made out like horny teenagers pressed against the back of the couch while slowly removing each others clothing. As Menaka unbuttoned my shirt, I quickly unwrapped her green sari and untied the knot of her petticoat leaving her in only her panties from the waist downwards. She moved on to my pants. Then, unable to control myself, I dug my fingers into the front of her blouse and pulled really hard. The tiny metallic hooks went flying all over as Menaka's bra covered boobs came into view.

"Hey, I liked this blouse!" she said in mock protest.

I reached for her pussy over her panties and was pleased to notice she was damp. I stuck my fingers inside the panties and two of them easily slid into her pussy. She had been up all night getting fucked over a half dozen times after all.

"Shut up!" it was my turn to say that. "And put your hands on the couch backrest."


My wife screeched in surprise as in one swift motion, I first slipped my pants and underwear down, and then lifted her legs by putting my hands behind each of her knees.

"What are you doing? I'll fall!" she said breathing heavily as her forearms on the top of the couch supported her weight in addition to her legs over my arms.

"No you won't. I have done this before." I said in a raspy voice.

And soon I was fucking my wife, as her body was suspended mid-air between the couch and my arms.

"Oh wow!!" Menaka's eyes rolled halfway into the socket as I pounded her hard.

Soon the room was filled with the sound of her grunts in rhythm with my strokes. I had never heard these sounds in person before. Until this dalliance with Dara starte, Menaka had been sexually very reserved. And as much as I treated my other girlfriends like fuck toys, Menaka's pristine demeanor had made me be respectful and gentle with her. But now that I had seen her get banged by half of Bombay, I felt no need to hold back.

After about five minutes of that position, I said to her.

"Straighten your legs and put your shins on my shoulder."

As she complied, I moved my hands to under her body and placed them under her ass. I knew from experience that this angle made my dick rub against the g-spot even better. And my hands could use her ass for better maneuverability.

"OH FUCK!!" Menaka cried out as the pounding in the new position started. She shut her eyes really tight. I could see from her shivers that she was about to cum soon.

And it took only two more minutes before my wife erupted in a way I had never seen before, not even with Dara. She hollered like a banshee, her hips bucked up and down, making my dick inside her be even more effective, and her writhing feet actually slapped my face gently a couple of times. My arms started feeling the strain of her voluptuous body thrashing about like that, but they endured.

Once her orgasm subsided, she hung limply from the back of the couch. I had been watching her huge boobs covered by her bra heaving up and down like a blacksmith's bellows. I had slowed down the speed of my fucking by about half.

"That was...oh my god! Why haven't...why..." she said, but was too breathless to complete the sentence.

"Why haven't I done this before?" I asked, gently letting her down while my dick slipped out of her pussy.

She nodded.

"Because you were never a slut before." I said, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. "There's a lot more. Come."

I said, leading her to the bedroom.


"And then, you called saying you were coming over." my naked wife, with her head on my chest said. "The end."

It had been almost three hours since I had come back. I first spent about 45 minutes fucking my wife in 8 different positions I had never used with her, making her cum in every position. Once that was done, she started sobbing, saying she had done something horrible. I felt tempted to tell her I knew everything, but I thought that might create more problems. So I was very sympathetic, forgiving, encouraging, and had her tell me what she had done.

When she started describing the threesome with Vimla, I started getting hard again, and we had sex once more. This time I made her suck my dick first. It was my turn now. She then resumed her narration, and after one more break for sex, finished it. Having seen everything through the hidden cameras, I knew she had finally been completely honest. Not hidden anything.

I was silent for a while.

"So...again, I am so sorry. I never should have started this." she said.

"Will you stop apologizing?"

We were both silent for a while.

"Let me ask you this." I finally said. "I can understand you feeling guilt, shame, frustration because of these dramatic events. But sexually, do you feel satisfied? Renewed? Reborn?"

She nodded.

"Then don't apologize. Sure, you could have done some things differently. But I am not going to judge you for that. I have made some huge blunders in my sex life too."

"I love you so much." she said and started kissing me again.

A few minutes later, I asked her,

"Do you mind if I ask you something...uncomfortable?"


"What does Dara mean to you?"

Suddenly her face got very serious and she looked away.

"What do you mean?"

"I know this started off as just fun experimentation and self-exploration. But...and again, not judging let two random strangers have sex with you for the sake of his safety. I just want you to be honest to yourself and to me. What does he mean to you?"

She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. Her face wore a conflicted and troubled expression. Finally she put her head back on my chest.

"I don't know." she said. And I believed her.

We lay there in silence for a few minutes when her phone rang. She reached over and answered it.


And then she hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Vimla. From the hospital. Dara is awake."

"You want to go see him?"

"'s okay." she said. "The doctors are there."

I got up and started getting dressed.

"I'll take you to him."

Menaka looked at me and flashed me a sad smile first, then a wide schoolgirl-like grin.


She said, bouncing off the bed.

                                      THE END
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Ramesh garu

thank you.

Go for One more story.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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excellent story
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good story
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Some one please invite aurelius1982 also to participate and post his new stories in this forum.
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(21-01-2019, 03:23 PM)themaskeditor Wrote: Some one please invite aurelius1982 also to participate and post his new stories in this forum.

Is he still active?
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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This story originally  written by Mr.aurelius1982I'm a big fan of his stories.

[Image: anasuya-2.png]
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[Image: anasuya3.png]
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Very nice
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What are the stories of Aurelius..
Any one..please tell
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Aurelius is not active here... anyway few of his creations re-posted here from old xossip/exbii by Ramesh_Rocky......

Please chk here ...... Check....
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Very nice story
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An old classic
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Note: This pandemic gave me a chance to explore some new plot points in this story. So here's another part. It's a story about an open marriage and a slutwife. If that bothers you, skip this.

In the past, my stories generally ended soon after the wife breaks her marriage vows, because the tension leading up to it was what I enjoyed writing. Some other writers continued my stories about the aftermath. I myself did it with the Construction stories.
Here's a similar attempt to see what could be the possible fallouts of Menaka's transformation. You don't absolutely have to read previous parts, but it is recommended. Because this chapter is long but low on sexual details (compared to previous parts) and high on conversations. I'm trying to explore the characters and some taboos. And just exploring what love, marriage, companionship, loyalty exactly mean. In my small pervy way.
Remember, this is just a fictional erotic story so by definition, meant to titillate and provoke, far fetched and depraved. Also it was written in lockdown times so some parts might be darker than my usual stories. Just a heads up if you need trigger warnings. Smile
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The first real pang of insecurity I felt about my marriage was when Menaka came home from the hospital one day sporting a brand new nose ring.

Which in itself was not a red flag. Menaka often wore nose rings, but on her left nostril, as was traditional in our community. This ring was an ornate one in her septum. Something I had only seen in tribal documentaries.
"That looks like it was painful." I said.
"Yeah." She simply answered. And gave me that look which indicated that she preferred not to talk more about it.
That's how we had weathered the uncertainty of the month since I returned from the ship right after that eventful night on the roof for my wife. Menaka had asked me to respect her privacy and trust her to tell me things at her own pace. She herself was trying to come to terms with the massive changes in herself in the past few months.
Since I had been mostly kept in the loop by her, and had in fact encouraged her to seek other lovers like I did, I had no rationale to press her for more. Given that I had secretly installed cameras all over and kept tabs and could have stopped this whole chain of events with a single phone call.
And I still held that veto power. Menaka had said repeatedly that I had to just say the word and she will stop all sexual adventures and return to being the monogamous housewife she used to be. But I could sense that she did not really want it. She was in this now, and keen to continue this journey of self-exploration. And I could not bring myself to be the reason for her to stop, even if I had started worrying about my wife drifting away from me emotionally.
After she went for her regular post hospital shower, I googled Nepali nose rings. Sure enough, that's what she was wearing. A symbol of her dedication or maybe even love towards her older Nepali lover Dara. She had been utterly honest when I asked her, do you love him. She had said yes, but not in the same way as me. And her first priority was always me. And I had absolute veto power.
But having entered the marriage with a perpetual hall pass from her, I could see neither the justification nor the need to act possessive.
So I made my peace with the fact that my wife would be going to the hospital everyday to spend at least a couple of hours with this other man in her life. I dropped her off and picked her up the first few days. But then she said she'd feel more comfortable just taking a cab. I gave her space on the Dara time. I was sure she did some hanky panky there and occasionally gave me updates. But I largely left her be.
I did pick up on some rumblings among the neighbors though. Like the way they used to look at us and seemingly whisper something amongst themselves. And then a neighbor made a snide comment to me about how everyone appreciates Menaka visiting the watchman in hospital and helping out. The tone seemed to suggest that he thought my wife and the watchman were having an affair. I saw Banke also often talking to people. I wondered if he was spreading the word too. It was true after all so I didn't know what could be done about it. I myself didn't really care what other people thought or said. Menaka used to. But if she was fine with it, who was I to interfere?
"Listen, I'll be a little late. Have something to do." Menaka called me one evening after visiting hours at the hospital ended.
"Oh, what is it?"
"Nothing. I'll tell you later. Just pick up Ayan from tennis practice." There was a finality in her tone that suggested she was done talking.
I said. And then I heard faintly in the background, a male voice whisper right before the phone cut out,
"Kya jhanjhat bra hai" (what a complicated bra)
So my wife was being undressed right now by someone! It didn't sound like Dara. And I had just seen Banke in the building. So it had to be either the maid's husband and brother. Or maybe she had taken yet another lover.
For the first time in a while, I felt that strange nervousness of ignorance. Since installing the cameras, I had pretty much a ringside view of the action. And her emails and conversations would fill in the details. From far away.
But right now, maybe just a kilometer away from me, my wife was having her bra removed by some man whose identity I did not know. That gave me a strange kind of nervous chill and also turned me on. My wife the slut. Just casually telling me to pick up our son so she could bang someone. She was so much like me.
I picked Ayan up, fed him, got him showered etc. I was wondering if I should order food for dinner when the door opened and in walked Menaka with a couple of grocery bags.
She was in a T-shirt and a long skirt and looked very radiant. Her increasingly common just-fucked look with a pink hue on her cheeks.
"I'll start dinner." She said and headed to the kitchen. I followed her.
"So?" She replied washing the vegetables.
"Anything new to share? What were you up to?"
She was silent for a couple of minutes. I didn't press more. I knew my wife well enough to know that she would eventually share. At her own pace. She was having internal moral struggles of her own everyday.
"I was with a man. A new one. The hospital security guard. It wasn't my choice. More like blackmail."
Menaka waited as if to give me time to yell at her if I wanted. And a part of me did want to. Not about the sex. I didn't care if half the town humped my wife as long as it was just casual and consensual. But she seemed to suddenly be in a series of blackmail induced sexual encounters which are not good for personal safety. I held my tongue for now. She continued.
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