Adultery Seduction of Nisha, the happy Housewife by elder_ guy (COMPLETED)
(26-08-2021, 09:08 AM)Dreamybuzz Wrote: Every time we visit this story anticipating an update to the story. All we get is the information that there is an update on some other story.

Thank you Dreamybuzz. Your comment was made on 26/8/21 stating only info about other updates is there. The latest update is  posted on 25/8/21, just a day before your comment. Previous updates on 12/8. 17/8 and 21/8. Pl read the updates.
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An update is posted in my story WIFE MAKES HUSBAND A CUCKOLD BY rockpaperscissor8+12 (copied) (

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An update is posted in my story NEETU ,MODELS ON LINGERIE FOR RAJESH....Sexcapdes of RAJESH ( 

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This simple action of sitting together close their bodies touching each other and sipping drinks exited and thrilled her and yet the guilty feeling was there. Matter of fact this never happened earlier as the couple were never stark naked in their own bed room. Avi was more conservative and restricted his intimacy to bed room.............
He pulled her close kissed her p[passionately, told her he is immensely pleased she called him back and then adjusted himself on her lap. He began licking her tit, his other hand was gently squeezing her other tit. There is no hurry in his actions. He licked her entire tit with his tongue and repeated the same on the other tit.

He then kissed her navel and her belly button pushing his tongue in to her belly button. She became a silent spectator merely gripping his hard cock and caressing it while his actions sent shock waves of pleasure to every inch of her body. She is simply drowned in pleasure. He then pulled her close again kissed her passionately and then surprise for her he began licking her armpits and smelling them.  He then rose and sat by her side his hands on her shoulders pulling her close to him.
She then on impulse bent and kissed his dick and then licked his entire length, licking it too with her tongue and then kissed his one eyed head. She then took his cock in her mouth savoring that FEELING. This time he remained relaxed allowing her to please him and please herself and just caressed her head.
She then said should we move he said as you command Hun and they moved to her marital bed. He immediately started licking her lower thighs and alternated only reaching till her pussy lips but avoiding the sending her in to pleasure yet deep disappointment as she was expecting him to eat her pussy.  

So next time he came near her pussy she simply pushed his head towards her pussy, she has become bolder and demanding now. He obliged showing her with kisses all over her pussy. He then inserted his tongue and began exploring her inner pussy walls licking them and hitting them with his tongue.  He took her clit in his mouth and gently sucked the clit and pulled it, her clit is hard almost like a man’s cock. 

Then he inserted his index finger and he was finger fucking her. Well this was the limit and he said oh Hun,  what are uuuuuuuuuuuu doing to me, yes do not stop gooooo on and she had her orgasm, he lapped up her drinks and then as is his norm  transferred some of her own juices to her through a French kiss. State of passion and pleasure.

Enough Rohit, all this oral come fuck me she said, She herself is surprised she said this but then that  she is in sexual bliss, sort of submerged in sexual pleasures. He said as you command and asked her to ride. 

Why do you want a ride and he said, first it shows the lady is willing to experiment, second I can see your lovely tits as they swing up and down and dance in rhythm Oh yes it is beautiful sight and yes I can suck and lick them as she fucks me, what  more a man can ask for.  She was stunned in to disbelief as she realized he is so right as she rode him, her tits danced bouncing up and down and he merely smiled, happy to see his cock engulfed by her married pussy and here is she merrily riding him not caring anything. 

True love or true sex let the readers’ judge. They fucked like newly married one more time and Rohit decided to return after midnight as he has to go on tour next day. 
As he returned to his house late, he woke up somewhat late but quickly started his chores. He thought of his SPA but decided to use shower instead. He felt much better and quickly boarded his car and gave directions to driver. On way he talked to the colleague  Raj and directed him to meet at a point to start work. When he reached the point, he was surprised to see Vijay there who told him he is also here on duty. They finished their work and in the late evening the colleague said, please come to dinner to his house. Vijay said he is going back and told Rohit he can join him for dinner at his house. Rohit said No, I do not want go back and come again and am staying here. So he told the colleague, you can come to the hotel and then after a couple of drinks, Will go out for dinner or take in the hotel. You can bring your wife too if she is comfortable.  He said my driver will drop you back in the house. With that he moved to hotel and Vijay too decided to stay back.

stay tuned...........
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Smita n Janki

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An update is posted in my story  JANKI FINALLY TASTES BIG COCK... Smita and Janki journey fm conservative housewife to cuckoldres

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An update is posted in my story WIFE MAKES HUSBAND A CUCKOLD BY rockpaperscissor8+12 (copied) (

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An update is posted in my story NEETU MODELS ON LINGERIE FOR RAJESH....Sexcapdes of RAJESH (

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Rohit said No, I do not want go back and come again and am staying here. So he told the colleague, you can come to the hotel and then after a couple of drinks, Will go out for dinner or take in the hotel. You can bring your wife too if she is comfortable.  He said my driver will drop you back in the house. With that he moved to hotel and Vijay too decided to stay back..............

Rohit quickly took a shower and refreshed himself as he was tired after a hectic day. Vijay too took shower and as they were chatting, the colleague walked in.  They had drinks and dinner and after another hectic day, Rohit and Vijay returned back. Vijay asked Rohit to join him for dinner but Rohit said not today as I need to go home and refresh. Vijay however said, Rohit anyhow you are alone, so come over, Anjali is a good cook.  Rohit smiled and said Ok.
He reached Vijay’s house and they were seated. Rohit was offered his preferred drink, scotch and Anjali decided to have her Gin.  She was dressed in shorts and a low cut top. She was flirting with Rohit mildly, since her hubby was there.  She was free in her chat flashed her best smile a couple of times and exposed her clev as she bent to pick her glass.  Occasionally she touched her hair which was left free untied. She is young, fair and seems has firm round tits. Rohit Cleary enjoyed the flirting and complimented her saying; she has wit and humor to go with her beauty. Anjali is a clever girl and her flirting increased as Vijay moved to Loo. 
She has a very beautiful and seductive smile too   and she used it with good effect. She smiled many times flashing her brilliant white teeth and blushed when he complimented her of her beauty.  She enquired of his work and said he must be touring many days, flashed a big smile again and gently touched his shoulder, saying it must be hard work and he replied yes. The topic moved to work and promotions and Rohit smiled and said there is still lot of time for any promotions.  She flashed her seductive smile this time and gently put her hand on his and said all this sales targets, appraisal, monitoring must be taxing. At least her hubby Vijay seems tensed many times. This time he flashed a big smile and placed his hand on her shoulder, looked in to her eyes and said sweetly yes it is but thanks to support of people like you I enjoy it. Surely he has begun to respond to her flirts, her smiles, her touches etc.
They moved to dinner table and as she served dishes bending once again her tits are on show. Rohit looked at Vijay who is answering a call, may be she took this as a chance to expose he thought. He had a feast as he saw those lovely fair round and firm tits. She smiled at him indicating she knew what he is seeing. He smiled back. Finally he took leave and came back and slept. 
Back to Winnie.

After they fucked like Rabbits reigniting the older days, life returned to normal for the couple. An occasional recall of their discussion has surely taken place and then Winnie finally decided it is time to move forward and Anil called Avinash and asked to come over for Dinner on Saturday.  Avinash readily agreed as he thought he will see how they progress. He thought Winnie on her part seems OK, if her hubby agrees but he realized the toughest will be his sweet demure wife, Nisha. Of course he has no knowledge his sweet and loyal wife had a wild fuck only recently with Rohit and had great time.

However he decided not to initiate any till the Dinner is over. Winnie called Nisha and asked her to join and come over and specifically said to come early as they can have drinks and dinner and spend quality time.
Nisha looked at her dear hubby who already informed her of the invite indicated her to accept and she said sure Winnie, we will be there early.

stay tuned............
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An update is posted in my story  SMITA REEVEALS TRUTH.. Smita and Janki journey fm conservative housewife to cuckoldress.  

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An update is posted in my story WIFE MAKES HUSBAND A CUCKOLD BY rockpaperscissor8+12 (copied) (

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An update is posted in my story NEETU MODELS ON LINGERIE FOR RAJESH....Sexcapdes of RAJESH (

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Smita n Janki

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An update is posted in my story WIFE MAKES HUSBAND A CUCKOLD BY rockpaperscissor8+12 (copied) (

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