Adultery Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly... By Harithick
Swathi - A homely lady whos turned into cheating unknowingly...


20th June 2017

This story was posted by harithik in xossip. it is an interesting story where the beautiful housewife slowly loses herself to her admirers.. I am not sure if harithik is writing in this website. If so, he can continue this. I have copied some of the initial episodes below.

Its a story about a lady named "Swathi"who is 34 years old and She got married to Mahesh and has a kid..they all living in a double bed room flat in Hyderabad with her Mother in law.
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Let me introduce you the characters in the Story one by one:\

Mahesh is a engineer by academics and got into software industry. Mahesh is a good gentleman , but gets lost in directions unknown. He is currently doing a job, which he doesn't like to do , but has to do job because he needs to sustain his life. He wants to do business and often meets his friends till late night to do something in life . His friends discuss them over drinks and get lost without any concrete decisions
One of the friend Mahesh has is Rohit , who was working with him in his earlier company . Mahesh used to discuss with him a lot but never dared to resign his job. Rohit was one frequent visitor to his house till last two years , where he had love towards swathis home food and Mahesh mom used to treat him well as he was always polite and gentle in his appearance. Rohit left job and is not to be seen these days. Mahesh heard he has set up his own business now.
Mahesh boss Aman is always in dual minds for Mahesh. He likes mahesh for his trustworthy , who is handling his accounts , bank and cash balances, but gets irritated at his slow way of doing things. He thinks mahesh to be a "Confused Aatma".
Back home, these days mahesh is a bit upset , as swathi wants him to get out of this in laws home while mom emotionally blackmails him .. He is struck awkwardly between swathi, mom, job and thoughts of business. Fueling to this he is loosing his cool mind.... and becomign slow day on .. in and out

Mahesh Mom Nirmala:
Nirmala is in late fifties and her husband is in sixties. She is traditonal mom who loves his son and is always in thoughts that her daughter in law swathi will make her son far from her. To keep a control she regularly compains about her works and attitudes. Swathi took this for sometime, but afer kids and work going on over board she finds it tough and now wants to set up a house of her own
Nirmala keeps her son always busy with her memories of how tough it was to bring up Mahesh to his current level. She likes mahesh and swathi and her kid chotu,but her insecurity makes swathi in trouble.

The heroine of our story and a look alike of Anushka Shetty.
She was pursuing her masters in business finance. Thought of a dreamy life during her dads business flourishing. But something bad happened in her dads life , they were declared bankrupt and were almost on roads. Her aunty had given them shelter at her farm house and she finished her studies
Her dreams were shattered , she realised she isn't a heroine anymore and accepted the bitter truths in life. She thought of pursuing a job , but she was already 26 years when she wasn't married. Suddenly to her dad, who was her princess , looked as a big liability in her. Her aunty who was a friend of Nirmala , proposed Mahesh who got a decent job to get married to Swathi. Swathi dint like mahesh , but liked his nature and seeing that she will be a burden on her dad and mom , she could not complete the last batch of the business finance and it was tough to find a job at that time without one.
Swathi decided to get married and bury all her dreams of posh life , manly husband , good royal life and got married to mahesh . Mahesh never dreamt that he will get a wife like her..she was a true copy of anuskha shetty.... .but the confusion of mahesh at home between mom and swathi ...took off his ways of enjoying.
Swathi due to pressure of her mother in law stopped putting any dresses and was stickig to sarees ... which were so beautiful on her.. but slwoly she is loosing it... she keeps watching her FB friends and dies day to day .of what kind of life she missed.
Her life is the one like "the gbangs are sour"

Rohit is one guy who you can say is balanced in most of the ways you can think.. He is gentleman but cunning and shrewd when required. He loves to flirt and enjoys women attention. He is completed his masters and was under Mahesh for sometime as his assistant. But he grew fast in office from assistant to manager in a span of 2 years and both mahesh and rohit were at same levels . Mahesh was 36 years while rohit was 27 years on the same positions. Mahesh never bothered on this as he found Rohit to be super brilliant , and saving him too from toughest tasks.
Rohit had fun with office receptionist, but never lead to getting laid by himself. He was considered the best person to be with as he was 5 11 , well built and had a great atmosphere around him.
Mahesh used to take him home for food , which swati always used to cook well . Swathi and Rohit share a gentle friendship between them as he used always appreciate swathi of her ways of everything. Mahesh and rohit used to dicuss on lot of business ideas which rohit used to store in his mind. He knew mahesh had wonderful ideas, but he also knew mahesh can never dare them to happen. Rohit always had feelings for swathi, as he was die hard fan of anushka , he many times compared her to anushka.. swathi just used to brush away ... For swathi he was a relief , as he always reminded him of the man she wanted before marriage.. except that rohit was not rich.
Rohit left the company of swathi and mahesh when he decided to quit his job. He vanished without a msg to mahesh. Mahesh started discussing his ideas with his other firend, but he never had that charisma and josh he had with rohit.

The man whos from a rich family , set up his own business . Married to a beautiful wife but always half happy because his wife latha was more into business rather than him . She takes care of branches in singapore and shuttles. Aman is unhappy that he is got the money but not the fun. He fucks around with women in office but somehow is missing the homely flavour he needs.
He once has seen Swathi in office party , she has ignited his dead desire, but swathi dint even look at him once in the office party. He finds mahesh to be extremely unmatching to her beauty. He is got the money, the power , the strenght but he doesnt have the one lady to show them. He is boss of Mahesh. He like mahesh as mahesh never messed a single penny of his. But what he hates mahesh is his slow of doing things, his absence of mind , and mostly his "confused" behaviour
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Swathi , Mahesh had almost forgot about Rohit now and are adding days to their life. Swathis son chotu had now joined college and the daily chores occupy most of her time. The bed time with Mahesh mostly gets wasted as to what happened in college, then the differences with nirmala aunty and the discussion ends up with the faces in opposite direction of the walls. the romantic days converted from days to weeks to fortnights and sometimes monthly.
Swati and Mahesh going a rough phase in life. They can't say they are poor, they can't say they are unhappy. its going like a vanilla but dont know if its plain or pain. The days they go out ever was for a very hit movie or a festival shopping. Swathi sometimes cursed her life that where she thought she will be and where she is. She occasionally discusses with Mahesh to allow her to do a job. Mahesh and nirmala aunty both strictly against it. Mahesh slowly melted on her request but dint honour it due to his mom .
Swati was extremely romantic when it comes to enjoy on bed. Mahesh could not take her or fulfill her wishes. She is extremely want of hardcore activities but mahesh sticks to traditional kissing and missinary positions . No orals nothing. Swathi started slowly loosing
The only saving grace for swati was to see her fb friends enjoying life and then her son . She lost all her friends personal touch . Her body was a storm of desires , but she maintained her calm compsure. No one can make out , that she has so modern thoughts , but her flowers in hairs, thick round bindi on her face makes her look so homely lady . She has always been doing yoga and pranayama to keep her body fit and firm.

Swathi never told Mahesh that she had given her 50000 rs to rohit , a month before he vanished. He promised while taking the money that he will return to her with good returns. She feels ditched now as she never saw rohit again and she can't even tell this to Mahesh. It was a saving of a year for us from mahesh salary.
During the last two years mahesh managed to get a home loan and buy a house . That made sure that he never left the job as he had to always service his EMIs. He had changed his job to aman's company now as the pay increased by 5k . the last two years has been a growth in life with a 15k increase in salary and 50 Lacs liability of loan

The day when they met Rohit again
It was Ugadi , the new year of telugu people. Mahesh took his maruthi 800 and along with swathi and chotu went to the temple They did darshan and it was fully rush. As they climb the stairs down to go back, there was a Audi A8 getting ready for pooja. Swati always wished she was travelling in t hem. but she knows she can never get even a ride in it
It looked like a big brother to her.. heavy, clean, ravishing , and more and above the royal sturdy body of the Audi. The lovely wheels , the lovely interiors.... made her feel for it. She dreamed can she ever get one and knowing mahesh she knows she is dreaming.
Mahesh asked her " what you are struck again.. u and ur love for cars " .
Swathi "look at it mahesh, see how awesome it is".
Mahesh- Look at the price tag, we can either buy a new villa with it or remove our existing loans
Swathi- u and ur narrow thinking mahesh.
Mahesh - Come on .. lets leave now.. we need to do ugadi pachadi mom must be waiting....
Swati- Just lets see the lemon crushing under the wheels of it..its so good to see
Mahesh- Where's the owner.
after a few minutes , they noticed the owner was in nice suit dressed in black and slwoly they wait for him to turn and take the keys

The owner touched the feet of the pujari, gave him a fresh 2000 note and took the keys and turned.

Mahesh cried in excitement. Swati opend her lips and whispered to herself "ROHIT"
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Seeing Rohit, Mahesh was excited , but the blood of Swathi boiled. she remembered the last meeting with him where he has taken 50k from her and promised her to give good returns to her.
Mahesh went near and swathi was watching what is the reaction going to be of the cheater Rohit. As Rohit turned and opens the car door he sees mahesh and cries out his name "Mahesh" and excitingly comes near him and hugs him at one go.
Swathi is surprised , she thought rohit will avoid but his reaction of happiness takes her by a blow. Mahehs hugs him "Rohit so good to see u " .
Rohit- Mahesh you wont believe this is really happy for me , where is swathi bhabhi ?
Mahesh points out at swathi with chotu.
"Bhabhi", rohit exclaims comes and hugs swathi gently "so happy to see u swathi bhabhi .... "
Swathi is all surprised that instead of avoiding them for cheating he is coming and showing his happiness.
Rohit looks at swathi hes understood her position. "Bhabhi, will tell you everything later and whispers you are my lady luck"
"Bhabhi ", Pls you start the car , putting the car keys in her hand
Swathi clearly embarassed by his reaction exclaims "NO !!! No not me "
"Bhabi pls its a new year for us and seeing you and starting this day on a new year is so awesome , pls start the car "
Mahesh feels so proud of his friend Rohit for giving such a nice honour . "Swathi " no probs pls start it
Swathi feels like a dream thats happening before her eyes , she goes to car and starts it and make space for rohit to get in. "mahesh, bhabhi pls get in ". Swathi confused but follows the instructions. She is so surprised that her thoughts came true in a gap of 10 minutes,. before 10 mins she was thinking can she ever get into a car and now she is already in it.
Rohit swiftly starts it and runs the wheels over lemons and zooms it . The lovley leather car interiors flushed with cosy sofas and lovely feel of richness , soothens swathi's anger for rohit.
Mahesh - Rohit you vanished two years back with not even a bike in u r hand and now you are coming this way . so good to see you man.. tell me how this became possible.
Its a big story mahesh , i would prefer to tell to you and swathi bhabhi in bits and pieces , lets stop for a coffee.
Swathi- Our car is there only rohit . (shes realised that her angry is slowly pacified sitting in the car ..she is surprised to herself)
Rohit- My car driver is there only he will get it the keys are at the valet parking only na ( Rohit calls him and asks to get the car to the taj krihsna hotel0
Mahesh- This car feels so apt for your rohit. You look like a hero now
Rohit- Thanks mahesh , well its all because of you and swathi. The things we discussed at your home on business, bhabhis lovely food and her timely help made this [ Rohit looks at swathis eyes and their eyes meet. Swathi was still angry as she knows how much did it pain to feel the feeling of loosing 50k for a housewife. as if understood rohit looks into her eyes and begs her pardon. the communication was with eyes and they both understood each other well]
Rohit parked the car in valet and opened door for swathi. Swathi felt embarrassed as she was looking like a lady from village in that five star hotel.
Rohit picks chotu and takes all of them to coffee shop in the five star hotel
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Mahesh and Swati sat together in one sofa , Rohit and chotu sat opposite to them. Rohit looked at swathi and smiled. Swathi stays composed. Swathi has been to the hotel last time, when aman had given an office party . He was staring her like he is going to pounce on her. She completely ignored that looks, somehow again coming to the same hotel reminded her of aman and his looks for her.
Rohit- Mahesh what do you wanna eat
Mahesh –Nothing as we need to go home and have ugadi pachadi. Aunty must be waiting. Why don’t you also come now.
Rohit – No I have to go the airport now from here to pick up some guests who are coming from Netherlands. But its so good day for me that I met you both (He looked at swathi and swathi this time somehow managed to spare him a smile).
Swathi – its so funny rohit !!! that you vanish without a word and now you say that you are so happy meetings us . I know you never cared about us and our feelings ( she wanted to scold him and given a chance beat him but she controls as it was a secret not know to Mahesh)
Rohit- I know , I owe an explanation. The time I was working with Mahesh, I was dealing with some clients based in Europe, during discussions with them I realised I have a great agricultural opportunities in the market to set up based on technology. I decided to quit job and pursue, I needed around 3 lac rupees to go to Europe. I was falling short of Rs. 50,000 which a beautiful angel (looking at swathi) gave me. I owe her this success and now my company is almost doing a turnover of 100 crores in its second year of operations.
I had tried contacting our old office, but I was told Mahesh had left the job. I had come to the old house, but I was told you guys bought a new flat somewhere in gachibowli . your phone no also changed mahesh , so could not trace you guys.
Swathi was moved by his explanation. She realised that Rohit had no intentions of dumping her. At once her feelings for him took a U turn and she happily smiled with her trademark smile with a thin layer of tears in her eyes. She somehow controlled herself and felt happy that she is not been dumped, and Rohit was a gentleman.
Mahesh- Wow man, many dream but only a few pursue them. You are one. Really love this success of yours. Wish I had also that intent and dare.
Nirmala aunty had called Mahesh. Mahesh told her they met Rohit. She asked him to come home too. Mahesh said he will next time.
They had nice breakfast and tea . Rohit and Swathi both were now relaxed, One had a feeling that his heartburden is reduced and other was feeling happy that she was not ditched. Both steal the views and Rohit conveyed a sorry and Swathi accepted it with her eyes.
Swathi- So is your beautiful angel happy with your success rohit.
Rohit – Ya , but I dint speak to her yet. I need to meet her and give her a hug for what she has done.
Swathi – You are so mean!!just a hug for her for such a great help
Rohit – Well I know whatever I can do to her I will . she is my lucky lady and im gonna meet her soon (looks into her eyes)
Swathi- Good luck and really now we are happy that you’re a big businessman and still a friend to Mahesh.
Rohit – Definitely bhabhi. Mahesh and you are special for me.

Mahesh- Come home rohit this weekend. We need to discuss a lot.

Maruthi 800 looks so petty before Audi A8 , swathi sat in it and felt like she shifted her seat from sofa seat to wooden seat. Her soft ass felt that. She closed her eyes in happiness. She was happy that rohit was not cheating her, second because of her contribution rohit could taste success. Slowly her dead desires were getting watered
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Swathi went home and she spoke well to her nirmala aunty about how successful rohit had become. She and Mahesh were all praises for Rohit. Swathi was so detailed about explaining nirmala aunty the beauty of the car. Mahesh was both pleased and irritated about her passion for cars.
Mahesh and swathi spent the whole day thinking about Rohit. Mahesh was a bit depressed too, as his junior assistant is now more than worth hundreds of crores and him who had taught him principles of finance was dealing in thousands of income and lacs of loan. He had couple of pegs of drinks and retired to sleep in the afternoon.
Swathi who was happy joined him in the bed and wanted to have some fun, but instead she could smell him drunk. Her happiness instantly turned into anger , she turned around and closed her eyes.
She remembered the last day when Rohit left. He was so soft in asking her money that day and he promised to give her good gifts in return. Swathi was so sorry that she has scolded him so many times and even cursed him. But the Rohit she saw today was completely different, he was handsome, he was polite, he can give run for any women now. Somehow shes got a soft corner for him.
Mahesh called Rohit in the evening and had a chat with him and invited him on Saturday evening at 6pm after his office hours. He gave his land line and swathi mobile to Rohit, just in case Mahesh is late from office . Swathi finished the household chores for that day and was waiting for his son chotu to come from college , just then she heard a message tone on her mobile. It was a msg from unknown no. She opened it. “Hi bhabhi Rohit here “ she saw the what’s app msg and smiled to herself. She instantly replied
Swathi – Hi rohit how ru 
Rohit – Fine bhabhi …. So hope you are not angry on me.
Swathi- I was a lot and even cursed you, but you made me so happy today. So happy to see you like that.
Rohit- Bhabhi lot of credit goes to you. I dint want to tell you on that day about my trip to Europe, as you might feel bad that Mahesh wasn’t taking risk. But bhabhi the success credit goes to you also , you are my sweet angel who saved me …
Swathi- Thanks rohit, but don’t forget that days words 
Rohit – Never ever bhabhi, I remember. I promise you that your rewards will be so good, so fruity and so beautiful just like my beautiful bhabhi
Swathi – Don’t make me happy with just words  . You know Mahesh has been struggling to reach hi salary from 50 to 65k and now you are no where near even to think off in dreams
Rohit – Bhabhi its ok Mahesh has his own way of life and me my way. But still Mahesh has the best with him
Swathi – And what is it? That he has best ?
Rohit- Its you bhabhi. You are the best and beautiful thing . I was surprised you dint change a bit , still that beautiful.
Swathi- Acha!!! You have learnt how to play with words now
Rohit- I swear bhabhi … you are my dream lady  such a sweet angel
Swathi – so you are coming this weekend na , shall I make your fav mutton kheema balls
Rohit- Bhabhi you stole my words I wanted to eat your hand made food. I am coming for that only actually.
Bhabhi and I promise you that you will start getting your life back , I know how much you used to yearn for happiness. Oh bhahi, such a nice day to meet you yesterday.
Swathi- Thanks rohit. Me too, I felt like I met a good old friend 
Rohit- Bhabhi ping you later in the evening . Rushing for a meeting
Swathi- Bye . pls come on weekend.
Rohit- Bhabhi one question , when we met today I could feel nice aroma around you , what perfume were you using.
Swathi – (blushed what is he asking) !! Nothing Rohit , I mean its … why are you asking.
Rohit - its so good bhabhi , after you left too, the car was smeling so nice
Swathi- Shutup. Bye now
Rohit- Bye
Swathi , felt blushing oh my god. What was he asking me. How can I tell him , that I dint apply any perfume . Instead of feeling offended , she felt like she received a compliment. She slipped to sleep and woke when chotu came from college. She was finding herself easy from yesterday.
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Swathi was waiting for Mahesh who promised to come at 7 today , they both planned to watch a movie together in laptop. She was waiting for him till 8 and she called him . a pretyped busy words came as a msg.
She made chotu sleep with nirmala aunty and went to her room and was browsing her mobile facebook aap. She was jealous seeing her friend swetha going to Singapore with her hubby. She liked it and left some comments and opened whas app chat and was reading the conversation with rohit in the morning. She blushed when he asked her body aroma. She somehow felt excited and msg him
Swathi- So businessman!! Still busy with meetings
After few minutes she got a msg.
Rohit- Hi bhabhi , msg at 9 ? ya just came back home .
Swathi- So hows your meeting. ?
Rohit – It was good bhabhi. The Netherlands investors have agreed to invest in our company. But still talks are pending. In the middle I thought about you and the aroma
Swathi - wow congrats!!! So party toh banti hai … shut up … you don’t again bring that topic
Rohit – Bhabhi pls na … tell me na that perfume name?
Swathi- Arey baba !!!! its just “Yardley” ( she said just to escape that question)
Rohit- Bhabhi I know how Yardley smells and every other female perfume !!! pls tell me this new one I never smelt of
Swathi – Chi!!!! U smelled every other female perfume ??? how …. Many gfs you have now rohit tell me
Rohit – Bhabhi don’t change the topic.
Swathi- it must be from the flowers that I had in my hairs
Rohit- Bhabhi I know how flowers smell !!!
Swathi- You are so adamant rohit… acha it might be bcos I just had a fresh bath and came to temple may be its dove!!!
Rohit – Ok … that means you dint apply any perfume
Swathi- (feeling lil embarrassed but responds) Yes !!!!
Rohit – Oh bhabhi ….. im sure it must be urs .. I always wanted to ask you that whenever I came home… but you would always be busy with Mahesh and inlaws…. That’s a nice aroma around u .. that’s y everyone is pleasant around you.
Swathi—Shutup !!! you have become so spoiled rohit
Rohit – Bhabhi … comeon.. what is there In this, we are friends na !!!!
Swathi – (responds with smiley0
Rohit- Friends share and care everything na
Swathi – Hmmmm

Rohit- Bhaabhi pls get fresh on that weekend too .. and serve me your food so near to me
Swathi- Shutup rohit !!! you are such a naughty fellow
Rohit- Bhabhi pls na …
Swathi- No no no no no only mutton kheema balls !! nothing more nothing less
Rohit- bhabhi .. apni rohit ko bhooka rakhogi
Swathi- chup…. Only mutton kheema balls
Rohit – Acha !!! tell me from where the aroma comes atleast on your body
Swathi- Shutp rohit… don’t ask such questions … you only find out na from where it is coming
Swathi tries to cancel tht msg… but its gone..she is surprised why did she type that …. Him to find out
Rohit- Sure bhabhi given a chance ill get the secret
Swathi- You are such an idiot rohit !!!! sweet idiot you are… I think along with money you have earned now skills of flirting…. Wake up …you are flirting with wrong lady
Rohit- bhabhi I just like kheema balls aren’t you serving me that ? so I like your aroma too.. so serve me that too
Swathi- Rohit we will meet on Saturday ok … bye.. good night…
Rohit- Bhahbhi good night and Saturday pls serve me both
Swathi dint reply. As she was scared where this discussion was going. She tried to sleep. Again she woke up and read all those msgs… she looked at herself in mirror and her cheeks looked red to her. Am I doing wrong? Just he asked me about my perfume … Mahesh never asked or cared …. So whats the wrong in showing him the smell … no no .. what am I thinking.. this is not right….i will tell rohit tomorrow not to ask that anymore
Next day morning she had a nice msg from rohit saying good morning. She replied back good morning. Rohit sent his pic in a nice blazer getting ready for his meeting. Swathi was so impressed.
Swathi – Wow businessman you look awesome !!!
Rohit- Send me your pic also na
Swathi – ha ha ha no way .. you are in blazer … me im like a housemaid now !!!!
Rohit- Bhahbi … you are my anushka shetty.. I can see her in any dress
Swathi- shutup don’t spoil your day .. good morning and go now
Rohit – Bhabhi … you are my lady luck .. and im going for some more dicussions with my investors pls send na
Swathi- ( started feeling proud whenever he says im her lady lluck)- she clicks a pic and sends it .. happy now!!!!
Rohit- Wow bhabhi .. you are fresh .. even in simple saree you look the best… wow….. that blouse of yours is so sweaty bhabhi !!!! [as she was working her blouse was sweaty under armpits)
Swathi- (fully shy) shutup rohit … this is all what you see in your bhabhis pic.. I wont send again to you
Rohit- Sorry bhabhi but what to do you … you are the best . Good day bhabhi
Swathi – Good day to you rohit …
Rohit- Bhabhi tomorrow is Saturday … remember to serve me my two dishes
Swathi- Only one!!!
Rohiit- Ya one by one !!! pls
Swathi- Hmmm [she could not say no ]
Swathi was thinking and she is surprised that rohit is so nice person who cares about her but somehow the new friendships she is finding is making her week. Rohit on other side thinks bhabhi is so beautiful and more over than anything her money has made me rich .. I cant let her go .. she has to be in my life for ever!!!
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Mahesh got up late and he instantly without even getting bath.. had brushed his teeth and had a quick bite and left to office. Swathi feels it so awkward… this guy never will understand how to impress….. like rohit ….. what.. she is thinking about rohit like this……
Rohit …Rohit…. Rohit …. His words have created some kind of spell on her…she started reading the conversations over and over and feeling excited about his msgs on being her lucky lady .. her aroma.. shes decided to get ready well this Saturday…she had applied on Friday night ..Bleach on her face after long time and washed it after proper time.. She herself felt that she has not taken proper care of her.she looked at her figure and thought that yoga has helped her to recover well after pregnancy to get back those curves.
Rohit on the other hand was thinking about swathi as he drove … she is an angel in my life… more above that she is like the ones hes always dreamt of a wife..beautiful… educated…. Helpful….and so co operative to hubbys thoughts….. well her aroma does really make me weak everytime… I dared to tell her this time after 4 years of knowing her… will she serve me what I want… [he msgd as he got of car and msgd her Friday night] so my food is getting ready ??
Swathi- Ya have asked father in law to bring it during lunch time
Rohit- and my smell
Swathi- Shut up …nothing. ..i wont use dove also this time…
Rohit- Excellent then!!! we can get more natural
Swathi- Shut up you …………….
(rohit sent his snap in shorts and t shirt …sitting in his bed)
Swathi - wow what a classic bedroom –where are you
Rohit – in my house on bed..had food.. Mahesh hasn’t come?
Swathi – NO he is coming these days at 11 ….
Rohit – what ? 11… he is such a looser I must say ….pls send your pic na
Swathi- No way .. I won t.. you will again comment
Rohit – Pls bhabhi .. its me only na
Swathi – No senti pls…
Rohit – Pls bhabhi …… tell me na are my dishes ready ..
Swathi – yes baba….i just told uncle to get it and im also prepared
Rohit- OH thanks bhabhi . both dishes are going to make me full
Swathi- Shut up only one I told na ( why did I tell him im prepared)
Rohit- bhabhi what time shud I come so that we can have both
Swathi – Aunty will be sleeping till 6 so if you can come by 5 then
Rohit – Sure bhabhi ill come by 5 pm . Good night
Swathi has told him indirectly. but as she sleeps she is struggling why did she tell him . She typed to msg rohit that its not possible… but she could not sent it… it’s just only smell na he wants….. why so much thinking….
In the morning swathi got up late as Mahesh had come late and had plans to leave late. Swathi prepared him food and sent him saying that rohit is comng at 6 pm. Mahesh says ya.. keep everything ready .. he had told you some two dishes it seems na keep them ready .
Swathi was embarrassed but kept composed. Ya y aim keeping them ready for him. You better remember he is going to be here at 6pm.. ( she thinks why is not she able to tell her that he is going to be here by 5pm)
As Mahesh left she closed doors and slowly went to bathroom around 3 pm after finishing household chores.. shes applied veet to her armpits and did a face wash with orange peel. She almost after marriage spend an hour in bathroom to take care of her body. She came out and chotu had come from college..she gave him snacks and he was watching cartoon network ..
She went inside to change saree ..she tried to pick the best saree.but she is quite unhappy with her wardrobe. She put on a red pink combination transparent saree with a blouse covering her shoulers and it was not a sleeveless blouse. After a long time , she has put a glossy lipstick on her lips and she started taking care of her body as if shes gonna get married … some kind of weird feeling she has in her spine, but that somehow has started making her excited. If rohit is going to smell her .. I will stop him immediately..but if he insists a lot ..she will allow him to smell once in a flash of a second…. That wont be wrong ….. after all he is such a sweet friend of hers.
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Swathi was watching tv along with chotu. Her phone rang and she excitedly picked the call. Rohit was seeking directions and he came to the address. Swathi had to get down as the car was not able to fit in their lane.. she asked him to park on the other side … both were walking down the street till their flat.
Rohit- Wow bhabhi !!! absolutely beautiful you are in this saree.
Swathi- Thanks Rohit. Swathi called Mahesh and informed him that Rohit had called him and will be coming soon at 6 pm. She asked when is Mahesh coming… Mahesh said he will be there by 6 30 to 7pm max. Rohit smiled seeing her… she was putting flowers in her hairs.. her face appeared more fresh and clean than the last time. .. he had a nice feeling for hers…
As swathi was taking stairs, she thought to herself, that why dint she inform Mahesh about Rohit already coming in …. What if aunty wakes up early and sees him or what if chotu tells his dad… ofcourse chotu cant tell as he is only 2.5 years old now …. But . why is she doing or what is the need for her to hide this to Mahesh??
Rohit- Nice flat swathi, but isn’t it so interior and its like thrown away from the main road.
Swathi- Ya what to do, your friend Mahesh hardly can afford this…. It took 2 years to get here..but good thing is since there are no much flats around, it has nice light and fresh air.
Rohit – (enters the house and found the house to be so neat and well kept) .. Hmm bhabhi … they say na.. see the house and you can tell about the housewife… I can see how beautiful you are the way you kept the house…
Swathi- Thanks Rohit… some one needs to learn how to appreciate women ( she thinks of Mahesh)
Rohit- Comeon bhabi I always appreciated you and your beauty …. Isn’t it
Swathi – Hmmmm…
Chotu sees Rohit and lil scared and moves to her mom. Rohit took a chocolate from his pocket and gave it to chotu. He instantly picked it and took it inside the bedroom .
Swathi- You know how to get everyone under your control … she smiles
She goes to bedroom and switches on the tv and puts cartoon network inside. Meanwhile Rohit checked the house… and balcony….. and came back to the hall…
Rohit - really it’s a nice location to be frank ..its inside. But the place has greenery and open air… good for health…. Swathi bhabhi..
Swathi- ya that’s the only saving grace..but no one comes as they need to walk so long inside…
Rohit – But I don’t mind coming anywhere for you bhabhi ….
Swathi- thanks Rohit.. im sure your are going to be with me in tough times
Rohit- Tough times ??? what tough time do you have bhabhi (Rohits mind was on her body aroma)
Swathi – Nothing Rohit , I cant say im bad..but I cant say im good too.. Life is going like nothing…. Same day same night…. Just became a fun in life..and Mahesh also gets easily irritated… aunty keeps telling him negatively about me…. I wanted to get out of this house .. Rohit (she had a layer of tears in her eyes)
Rohit - Bhabhi its ok I can understand…. (he approached her ) … I promise you that all your problems vanish and my beautiful bhabhi will emerge as a happy lady….
Swathi- Thanks Rohit …what will you have now.. your fav ginger tea ?
Rohit – Bhahbi you still dint forget .. you know why we like each other is..we know each other well and our tastes (he looks at her glossy lips)
Swathi – Ya after you disappeared.. I had almost lost it Rohit..bcos the only time I used to feel I was beautiful was whenever u had come home… your compliments and your being around
Rohit – so bhabhi food is ready ?
Swathi – No Rohit I thought , I will prepare it when you and Mahesh will have a chat…
Rohit- im not talking about kheema balls bhabhi (swathi u understood , she just walked silently into kitchen)
Rohit followed her …. Into kitchen….[her flowers her body aroma her fresh bath aroma..all mixed in one place of swathis body]
Swathi was fully excited and her goosebumps made her clearly feel that..
Rohit – Bhabhi you make my ginger tea and ill have my snacks
Swathi – SSSSSSSssh Rohit .. aunty and son are there ……….
Rohit – Bhabhi , comeon.. aunty is sleeping and chotu is only 2.5 years old..and its only just having the aroma na.. . not more na
Swathi – you are such a shameless guy she wshipered to him (it excited him and slwly moved behind her.. her saree was fully covered and her blouse was not too open at the back .. its just a plain housewife traditional dress..but that excited rohit).
Rohit had soflty put his eyes on her shoulders..and Swathi shuddered at once……..
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Swathi closed her eyes as she felt Rohit hands…
Swathi – Rohit there is nothing special .. pls don’t do this..
Rohit – Bhabhi its just taking your aroma na that’s it .. (the fusion of smell of flowers, her body and the fresh baht made Rohit exicted]
Rohit kept his boht hands on swathis shoudlers (she squeezed herself )
Rohit- Ah bhabhi so soft you are .. (he moved near into her and his face had a contact with her flowers) (he deeply smelled her and said ) bhabhi ..lets take this flowers out (he just put hands and plucked the pin and kept it aside)
Swathi – (moved away) Rohit what you doing…she put the gas in minimum fire …
Rohit held her again this time more gently and moved into her.. his hot breath touched her hairs and then slowly her ears… it did start the fire in her.
Swathi was feeling his hot breath in her ears, which is so sensuous for her. “Rohit” she whispered..
Rohit moved his hands from shoudlers to her hands and back to her shoudlers and gripped it and he touched his face in her open hairs.. that made him so hot..his hot breath was flushing in her hairs.and their bodys wanted more….she moved a lil back to feel him..and his body arched for more and touched his hot breath in the space of her neck and hairs … making her feel that hot breath of him aaaaaaaaah ….
He really admired her softness and slowly moved his lips and whispered in her ears iwht hot breath on her ear”oh you are so soft bhabhi “…. “hmmm “ came from swathi …Her lil moan made him more hot and he touched his lips under her earlobes softly and smelled her aroma…………… Swathi could not help but moan “aaaaaah”
“Swathi bhabhi “ ..his hands moved into her soft fleshy shoulders and made her near to him.. his chest was on her back and he slowly pushed her hairs to the front…. He then slowly move near her and he made sure that he dint touch his lips or face to her body..he just smelt her neck to shoudlers and back to neck…. She got ignited but such hot breaths and turned at once..asking him
Swathi – (breathing heavily) Rohit what are you doing…. Its so hot breath of urs…
Rohit – Yes bhabhi im just smelling ur body aroma..nothign more. . na (he held her shouldres looking into her eyes..)
Swathi- Pls its enough Rohit…. (she bend her face down..)
Rohit – Bhabhi pls…let me smell ur womanly aroma..this is what I love.. your body aroma..ur flowers…your fresh bath smell.. this is really the lovley smell on earth …(as he said he moved to her shoudlers his face..his face was buring with desire seeing her soft body and his breath was too hot to handle for her…
She raised her hands to set right her hairs and her body aroma flushed in more from the wet blouse area under armpits..he quicky held her to him and pushed his face down the wet blouse there……… ignited his want of aroma once.and he rest his face..both were breathing heavily down…
Rohit held one hand on her shouldrs and other hand almost hugging her and he rest his hands on her back..he could feel her soft back ..but cud nt feel entirely as her blouse was not fully revealing…. He just pushed his nose itno her armpits now………….swathi was shuddering and moaning..she was fixed to the kitchen support and allowed him to smell her as long as he wants…
Rohit slowly kissed her armpits area and smelled it and slowly ..kissed it more and more… .swathi was moaning all the way and she lifted both her hands in excitement..she was holding her hairs in her hands and moaning… it made Rohit more and more hot for her and he was kissing both the sides now…
Swathi- Rohit pls stop… this is not ……………
Rohit- oh bhabhi this is the lovely aroma..wihtout any smell so exotic and erotic…he could not control and kissed and now his tounge came out and slowly licked her armpits over the blouse….. Swathi could not control it in such a place which she never felt and her hands went into his hairs making him lick more..he circled his tounge over armpits..side and licked her from armpits to her hands… this made her wet and she held his head tightly feeling him in armpits..this was strange for her .as she got never loved there..she was loving the action….
There was a sound on nirmala auntys door. Swathi came instantly into her senses and pushed him away. Rohit walked into the hall and nirmala aunty opened the door and looked him and wished him surprisingly. Rohit bend and touched her feet.. just came in aunty , no one is here?
Swathi was breathing in heavily panting almost for lost of breath. Nirmala aunty called “ swathi Rohit is here “. “ ya aunty coming making tea 2 mins”. She took her time to get normal breath. And then walked out and wished him “ hi Rohit”
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She was in a state of shock, she just wished him as aunty had called.
Swathi could not look into Rohits eyes as she served him tea. Seeing that Rohit has realised that he has gone too far … but he could not control the lovely feeling and wiped his lips thinking about the kiss.. he had chat with aunty. Swathi dint come out till she heard the vehicle sound of Mahesh. Swathi was breathing heavily and she was feeling guilty and thinks she is cheating on Mahesh.
Mahesh dint come up till 8 pm and Rohit was getting bored with aunty and he was waiting for swathi to come out , but she was busy with food preparations. Mahesh came around 8 pm and Rohit and he had long chats and food was served by Swathi. She tried to remain normal and Rohit wantedly made her speak on many occasssions, she looked at him seriously and with a stern look. Rohit remained calm and was discussing with Rohit after dinner. Rohit remained after dinner for an hour and swathi walked up to terrace with tea to Mahesh and Rohit. She heard Mahesh talking :
Mahesh- its becoming so tough Rohit, aman is not easy guy to get in and he always demands more work in less time. Swathi is not happy these days.
Rohit – Ya swathi deserves more Mahesh , she is really a wonderful lady. (Swathi had stopped to hear more).
Mahesh- Ya Rohit you are right , but somehow I can observe she is more unhappy and wants more from life.
Rohit – Nothing wrong in that Mahesh , she is a sweet lady and she always supports you. Remember my words, if someones gonna change your life..its because of her Rohit. You are lucky man
Swathis anger pacified hearing so good words for her from Rohit.
Mahesh- I need to change job Rohit , as I need to make more money now, the home loan is killing me. Swathi wants to work too so that she can help me out , but what to do .. mom is strictly against it .. you know na Rohit.
Rohit- See Mahesh I want you to spend 6 more months with amans company… if you want I can get a job for swathi in my company.
Swathi was feeling so nice now..and shes happy that Rohit thinks so good for her
Mahesh – No Rohit , I don’t think mom will agree and moreover chotu is less only three now..some one needs to take care of him. Mom is too weak with leg pains…. ( Swathi knew he had a point).
Rohit – Hmmm in that case wait for 6 more months Rohit, im planning to set up a new branch of that Netherlands company in india and I can slowly take you for that..
Mahesh – R u sure Rohit .. bcos I don’t want to bother you
Rohit- you don’t know I have to see that you and swathi are living happily

Swathi felt so happy , her anger got replaced by appreciation for Rohit . she came us as the tea was getting cold..
Swathi – So old friends had new discussions 
Rohit – Ya bhabhi ,we had .. it was so good to sepdn time with you and Mahesh … and especialaly that aromatic tea u served me in the evening .
Swathi- (looked at in fake anger ) ya ya have some more now ( she gave him cup of tea)
Rohit – R u sure bhabhi .. can I have one now … the same I had in the evening
Swathi – Shut up (she whispered and gave tea to Mahesh)
Chotu came up too and he went to his dad playing… and both were sharing their tea. I stood along with you a lil far
Rohit – Thanks bhabi .. thanks for the both dishes
Swathi- shut up you idiot.. .what were you thinking ….. is that the way you do to your bhabhi
Rohit – Bhabhi it was wonderful for me… and u ?
Swathi – Chi..!!! you are such a bad guy … what happened to all your goodness Rohit
Rohit – Bhabhi tell me did you like it or not ?
Swathi – Chi !!! not at all … its so bad..
Rohit – Oh that’s why you allowed me for an hour from 5 30 to 6 30 .. just to eat that dish
Swathi - ( she realised that she spend an hour just in his touch .. oh this is seriosus problem) no no Rohit may be I got carried away.. no more such acts from now on
Rohit – Bhabhi turst me you will never fall into problems with here to give you a better life not spoil it
Swathi – Thanks Rohit
Rohit – Just enjoy life and co operate with me bhabhi …. We wil have good life…
Swathi- Sure Rohit…. Ill enjoy good life..with friends like u around… did you like the food or not
Rohit – Which one ?
Swathi – Shut up… ill kill you
Rohit – Bhabhi kheema balls curry was good.
Swathi- Thanks and other dish ? (she asked it and realised.. she should nto have asked it]
Rohit – Bhabih would like to have more and more of it … can you serve me…
Swathi pinched him. She is wondering ,she will not talk to Rohit after that act. But the discussion made her light in heart and thought Rohit is such a graceful person.
Ok so Mahesh and chotu came back. Rohit bid them bye and promised to help Mahesh whatever way he can and also make their life happy. Mahesh was delighted after Rohit left… He dint tell swathi anything abt his discussion for job… Swathi remained unknown… He had a peg and then slept… Swathi went to washroom and she realised her panty had that wetness dried up patches..she had come to know she had leaked during that kiss on armpits… she opend her blouse and looked at them .. she cud feel her armpits soft and cleanly shaven…. Somehow rohits touch made her feel hot… she came back to Mahesh and Mahesh was sleeping.. she hugged him and slept… Mahesh responsed back with a hug and slept.
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A week passed and there was no msg or call from Rohit . Swathi was thinking of him from last one week every day … she dint call him or msg him … but the desperation made her leave a msg to him wishing him “ hi businessman”, the whats app showed only one tick that the server dint send him a msg. Mahesh being Friday , wanted to call him for weekend and called, it showed no tone.
Swathi was unhappy that whole week. She was thinking why is she wanting to talk to Rohit… somehow she wanted the touch again ……. During that week she tried to seduce Mahesh thinking about Rohit, but she could not get all that what she wanted. Over and above she and Mahesh had heated arguments in night over nirmala auntys scoldings.. she had cried and asked Mahesh to get separated….
On Sunday morning , Swathi got the msg from Rohit . She immediately replied with Mahesh around,
Swathi - Big man, what happened looks like you are busy and forget your friends
Rohit – No bhabhi had to go to Netherlands suddenly as we finalised the investor talks …
Swathi- Oh that’s a good news.. I thought u ignored me completely.
Rohit – How can I forget my beautiful bhabhi… bhabhi…. My dish ….
Swathi- Shutup .pls Rohit don’t talk like that you know na… your bhabhi
Rohit – Ya bhabhi , but somehow I have the liberty to ask my bhabhi isn’t it
Swathi – Hmmm (no sound)
Rohit – Bhahbi ..Sunday na..shal li come for dinner …
Swathi- Ya fix up with Mahesh na…
Rohit – ill provided I get my dish ….
Swathi- Chi … Rohit . ..sssh . u had kissed me there ..and still want to do there… shut up
Rohit- it was so smooth bhabhi .. want more
Swathi- Rohit pls na … you had kissed me ther na…
Rohit – Bhabhi , where di d I kissi kissed ur blouse..not there na.. this time pls weare sleeveless
Swathi- You are nuts …shut up .. is this the way u talk to your bhabhi
Rohit – Bhabhi I want you to enjoy life with me around.. I promise you the best life… trust me
Swathi – Rohit …. Hmmmmm Mahesh is here bye
Rohit – My dish ????
Swathi – Pls Rohit.. ill keep your fav kheema balls ready ok na..
Rohit – Yes along with that .. my more fav dish … pls. pls pls….
Swathi _ you are impossible..bye…

Rohit called Mahesh and explained him that they got investors and wanted to meet .. Mahesh said pls come for dinner …. Rohit agreed immediately . Mahesh informed swathi that Rohit is coming.. she said fine… what do I need to keep ready? Rohit was saying both dishes the one you served last time.
Swathi was fully shy … ok ill keep them ready . Mahesh is such an idiot she think, he dint even ask whats those fav dishes… ok im going for bath now. She retired.and took veet along with her.. this time she applied it fully to the armpits and it was clean and soft….she thought shruti Hassan ad has some nice effect… she applied nice herbal soap and had a nice long bath and came out around 5 pm
Rohit had come by 5 pm …and was discussing with Mahesh. Swathi felt surprised and was thinking what to wear…she wore a full blouse and put on petticoat…. And was about to put saree..but she know Rohit wanted in a sleevelss blouse… she again took time to select and put on the saree… with a sleeveless blouse and walked to the place .. where Rohit and Mahesh were sitting.
Mahesh looked at her and smiled… she had put on that saree after long time…. He thought… ya he is not doing her shopping these days , so might be wanting to get more variety of dresses.. but the last time was only during Diwali..and her birthday is coming this month end.. oh … he has to be ready with some money…
Rohit saw swathi and the sleeveless blouse completely gave him confidence that swathi liked it to happen . He smiled in a way that swathi could understand. Thanks for the dish he msgd her
Swathi asked Mahesh to come . He asked did you bring the mutton? Mahesh said oh . I dint .. ill go now… till then give some tea or coffee to him
Rohit – What happened Mahesh (as he put on shirt and came out) .
Mahesh - nothing will get stuff and some vegetables…. Let’s have some drinks today ?
Rohit – Hmmmm I will have only one peg..actually had a lot during my Europe trip.
Swathi – bring some fried items from china fast food then I cant make so much for your snacks Mahesh
Rohit – ya .. bhabhi will serve me tea and “snacks” with nice smells .. you go Mahesh
Swathi – (looks at him with fake anger and goes to kitchen as Mahesh leaves0
Rohit – Bhabhi .. my dish … (he comes to kitchen )
Swathi – Rohit pls… what is this….
Rohit- Bhahbi why did u put up t his blouse.. when u don’t like it
Swathi – Because you like it Rohit .
Rohit – then I like more that only na…you know na…. [[swathi was sweating a lil with heat]
Swathi – (took a heavy breath, s showing that she is ready)
Rohit dint waste time..he turned her to him this time and turned off the stove and put her to the modular kitchen walls… Swathi was feeling ecstacy …she just stood stiff there with her hands closed and feeling the hot atmosphere. Rohit looked at her calmly without touching her .. he was so pleased with her beautiful body and the way she was breathing in an dout .. her heart was racing..
Swathi opened her eyes and looked at Rohit and she found him enjoying his beauty with his eyes. She closed again as the feeling gave her the best pleasure… he slowly approached her and put his lips on her ears ..bhabhi . I want to eat fully the aroma ……….
Swathi – hmmmmmmmmmmmmm 9(feeling his lips on the ear lobes)
Rohit- Thanks for wearing this blouse bhabhi .. for me ..aaaaaaaah ( he kissed her ear lobes)
She was shivering ..and he could feel that .. he took his tougne out and slowly licked the ear lobes hmmmmmmmmmmm bhabhi …………….. He slowly kissed over her shoudlers and slowly kissed on the opning of armpit and shoudlers… swathi was moaning and shuddering in pleasure…. Hmmmmm hmm was all she could say .
Swathi was in state of shock and she dint open her hands and was standing still… Rohit slowly caressed her body and making her the warmth of body touch…he slowly kissed the opening of the armpit and slowly let his tounge in … trying to make space for his…She was feeling wet .. both near her armpits and in between her legs.. she could felt she is leaking slowly … and she slowly opened her armpits making space…
The fresh bath …. And the herbal soap mixed with the aroma of her body made Rohit weak and he pushed at once his face into her armpits and smelled it deeply…. Swathi now completely lifted her armpits completely now… Rohit got flushed with her aroma nd he looked it..hes understood its just cleaned for him.. htat excited him ..and he put his hand over swathis hands and made himself rest on her boobs with his chest… both were in a world of enjoyment… swathi locked rohits fingers in hers and Rohit rest his broad chest on her soft blouse… he then could not stand anymore ..he completely kissed her armpits which were clean and serving him her body aroma… he completely planted kisses not even missing an inch. He slowly took his tongue out and licked her armpits more clean and kissed everywhere there…. His licking his kissing made swathi shudder and pushed her blouse more towards him… he locked both her hand nad kissed alternatively on both the armpits…and licked them everywhere.. he tried to insert his tongue slightly into her side boobs .. This made her turn and twist… and she was in other world of her enjoyment…
Swathi held his head and made him kiss more on armpits and neck ..she allowed him to take her neck . she cooperated with him in allowing him to kiss her neck from neck to almost her cleavage.. Her tight pin stopped him from exploring the cleavage… he left kissing and they were fully close now… she lifted her hands again as she was feeling so nice ..his tongue on her armpits… they dint realised that nirmala aunty had opened the door.. the sounds were completely not to be heard for them… Swathi was allowing him to lick her compeltey udner armpits and kissing her… nirmala aunty was moving towards kitchen to have water.. suddenly they heard the voice of two wheeler of Mahesh and both came to the world… Swathi pushed him and turned toward the stove.. Rohit immediately said.. when wil aunty wake up bhabhi ??? she should by now.. . swathi replied…
Aunty walked in .. and Rohit touched her feet and was talking to her… and took his tea and walked into the hall… Swathi was breathing madly and she looked at her armpits.. rohits saliva was oozing out and she put her hands and wiped it …. And she put it on her lips.. and licked her finger…. She was surprised why she is doing this!!!!
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Rohit left and as he was driving msgd..swathi “thanks for the lovley dishes served”. Swathi dint reply as Mahesh was around… she was trying to have fun with Mahesh and they enjoy on the bed.but that dint last long… her apetite for enjoyment is high ..and Mahesh was not able to break the expectations… He tried to make more love.. but ejaculated fast and went to wash .. swathi took her turn and got cleaned and by the time she was back ..mahesh was sleeping…
Her body desire was satisfied by 10% and she knew she will be getting not more than that…she has slowly felt that her desires can never be satisfied… be it for personal or sexual… she just was feeling so depressed about her life and why it went so sour for her….
She remembered msg of Rohit and saw it ;
Swathi- Shut up is that the way you eat the dishes… for hours….
Rohit – replied instantly ….. well if the dish is so tasty..why not… what took you so much time to reply sbhabhi
Swathi – Nothing.. bed tales… (smiley)
Rohit – Oh im jealous… it must have taken 2 hours right..
Swathi- Chii..shut up…. Not everyone is Rohit
Rohit – Comeon to ..consume you .. it will take.. for just armpits it took me 2 hours…
Swathi- You are pschyo…..
Rohit – Hmm well you can make one… out of me ..
Swathi – Nah.. Mahesh hasn’t become na ..
Rohit – well intent .. is not enuf..implement also required.. Mahesh is weak in that..
Swathi- Rohit you should realise that im Mahesh wife.. and we need to keep our limits
Rohit – I know bhabhi … but my brain goes for drain the moment I see you…
Swathi – Ha ha ha .shut up you liar….
Rohit – Did you lliike it or not… pls tll me
Swathi – Chii….. I wont tell you .. . you tell how did u feel…
Rohit – Hmm it’s the best natural aroma I hade… the way your birthday is ahead
Swathi- Ha ha … god remembers…. No fun with birthdays last 2 years.. Mahesh always lift his hands
Rohit – This time im here na… lets go for shopping
Swathi – No no Rohit pls… no thanks.. im fine… don’t worry
Rohit- Bhabhi know its my duty to reward my lucky lady …
Swathi- Thanks Rohit…but it wont be right …
Rohit- Come on bhabhi .. don’t make me separate your friend right
Swathi 0- Lets chat on other topic
Rohit – Ok the softness of the armpits is so nice bhabhi .
Swathi – Shutup not that one..
Rohit – Ok then lips ?
Swathi – Hey idiot…. Comeon…. Don’t forget im your friend wife… ok .. (smiley[
Rohit – Ok … how about a movie ?
Swathi – You know I cant get out right … Rohit.. nirmala aunty won’t allow so much time.
Rohit – I need to meet you daily swathi
Swathi – For what… ???
Rohit - For being with my friend.. and having snacks breakfast lunch dinner
Swathi- You are going to be killed now.. in my hands..
Rohit – I was in the morning in kitchen
Swathi – Shut up Rohit .. don’t make me remember it .. ( she realised she had an orgasm when he licked her for lamost an hour )
Rohit – im planning you out for a movie..its only 2 hours na.. lets go… its near to the house also bhabhi …
Swathi – hmm ok ill tell her im going to swethas house then …but you need to pick me and drop near by home.
Rohit – Sure bhabhi why not….
Swathi- But what if someone sees us…
Rohit – It’s a mall and no one will notice…
Swathi – Ok … plan on Friday then .. Mahesh will leave early.. And come back late…
Rohit- perfect…then …we can enjoy that dish ..
Swathi- Shut up .. no such things..there..i wont come then
Rohit – ok ok then .. some other ….thing we will then
Swathi – ya ill buy you popcorn…keep eating it through the movie .ha ha ha
Rohit .. – ya ill eat .. popcorn…but that comes out from your lips
Swathi – Shut up you nasty fellow… good night now
Rohit – Good night bhabhi … this time he sent a lips kiss good night pic
Swathi face turned red seeing that pic…oh my god.. what is this guy … wanting… ill tell him no for movie…
Next morning she served food for Mahesh and left kid in college. Then she opened the mobile.. she saw 10 tickets booked for movie… she is surprised…she left a msg to Rohit 10 tickets??? Who all coming…
Rohit – No its only for both of us… I blocked the entire premium category … so that we can watch the movie together
Swathi is delighted inside that such acts make her so happy ..but after a thought, she was thinking if Rohit will act like the one in kitchen .. she has told him strictly not to …. I always think like t his but when he lays his hands I oblige him.. this time I should not… She has mentally made her mind not to allow Rohit touch her armpits and blouse…
Mahesh informed Swathi , that Rohit is looking out for opening branch in Bangalore… for his operations… he said to me to stick with aman for 3 months… and get all his business contacts.. he is agreed to pay me 50k each month for this 3 months … to get that business contacts.. Mahesh informed he is not making any financial loss to aman that’s why he is doing that.. Swathi was happy that 50 k will ease out the cash flow problem at home..she has been facing..she know Rohit is going to make good of her 50k..
He said he will talk to delhi public college also for admiision to chotu next year without any cost… he is become a big shot.. everyone knows him in the city . Swathi was so happy hearing that … as she walways wanted to give good education to her son… she thanked instantly to him in her heart.
In the night he sent a good night pic with tongue kiss .. this time swathi smiled to herself.. she remembered that there is a movie program tomorrow…she decided to get early and make things arranged…
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Swathi informed to Mahesh that she will be going to swethas house tomorrow . Mahesh said ok . Swathi got up early next day and prepared food for son and Mahesh ... Nirmala aunty asked Swathi to give the keys to neighbour before she goes to swetha's house . Nirmala aunty went to temple along with uncle . Swathi got into bathroom and got fully fresh , cleaned herself and checked her wardrobe. She was not happy with any saree .. she wanted to wear some jeans or Punjabi dress, but she knew nirmala aunty would not like that.
After lot of thinking she took black saree and she was in confusion to wear a sleeveless blouse or full one.... she decided for the later and put a full blouse on ... she applied lil make up and glossy lipstick ... she started admiring her beauty , as she received msg from Rohit that he is waiting at the super market.
Swathi quickly took the hand bag and walked towards the super market ... she got another msg from rohit no Jaguar TS 09 x 2312. As she approched , shes realised that is another car rohit owns she quickly slipped into the car and was wow for the car
Swathi - Wow what a car rohit ... this is awesome.. is this yours too...?
Rohit - Yes mam ... this is mine too .. . one of them i own (smiles)
Swathi - it feels like a servant with this saree in this car ..Rohit ..
Rohit - Comeon swathi bhabhi.. you look fabulous.. you make the saree. beautiful . saree doesn't make you
Swathi - Flirting.. is something seems to be your newly acquired talent.... you have to remember that ... you cant flirt with married women Rohit..
Rohit - Btw ... you look gorgeous...
Swathi - Shutup and drive..its getting late
Rohit - Its a mile away we should be there anytime.. he took lanes interior to main roads, and they reach the mall in 5 minutes
Swathi - Wow had we come from main road it would have taken definitely 15 mins.. you know how to reach a place .....
Rohit - You know bhabhi , bill gates said.. give the toughest work to the laziest person..he will find a easiet way to do it ... im the laziest..what to do
Swathi- Wow..self dabba (she teases him]
Rohit - Ya what to do ... i have to keep impressing you na ...
Swathi - Ya ya i have high standards rohit sir
Rohit - i love that....
Swathi - so its safe right...
Rohit - Yes swathi ... it is....
It s a premium box and all the seats were of recliners... they both reached 5 mins before
Swathi - wow Rohit i always wished to spend time like this... like a princess....
Rohit - You are not a princess....
Swathi- I know (dull)....
Rohit - You are a queen ....
Swathi - Shut up...
Rohit - yes princess is before marrige....queeen after marriage...
Yes my princess [he holds her hand and kisses like a queen]
Rohit took a redrose from his pocket and gave it to her... she took it and smiled .. im impressed more [she smiles]
The movie started.. and Swathi was so relaxed..she put the recliner and was semi sleeping..and watching the movie..start.. Rohit was looking at her and her lips often..he also noticed that she is put full blouse today ..
Swathi - No dish today the movie..
Rohit move near her and put his face in her hairs.... hmm no probs... even dish is served or being around is a pleasure
Swathi- Looked at him and smiled... she blow air on his face making him feel good...
Rohit - Closed his eyes and moved near and touched his face into her neck and smelled her
Swathi - ( Shrugged him off) watch the movie....
Rohit - You came for the watch it.. i came for you ill watch you
Swathi- chi ..go .. pls its so awkward to get stared so long...
Rohit - ok ..i won't stare at u [and he put his lips on her earlobes and kissed them]
Swathi - Pls dont start this again ... hmmmmmmm
Rohit - Bhabhi you enjoy the movie na.. and let me enjoy mine..
Rohit entered his tip of the tongue in her earlobes..she was moaning. Rohit let his hands occupy her shoulders and slowly gripped them as he played his tongue over her ear lobes and softly sucked them
Swathi was moaning..she knew no one was around..and she was enjoying it as she was watching the movie.... Rohit slowly moved from ear lobes to neck and kiised her.. Swathi pushed him to his seat.. and asked him to watch the movie ..
Rohit took the red rose from her hands... and looked at her face.. she smiled and asked him to watch the movie... she rubbed her ears and felt his wet saliva there... she just wiped it to her blouse...

Swathi - watch the movie rohit .. pls...
Rohit - you watch the movie na bhabhi. i wont disturb.. you
Swathi - pls i cant ..if u see me like that..
Rohit - touched the rose to her lips and said.. you know bhabhi... the rose petals.. and your lips have somethign in common...
Swathi - what is that...??
Rohit - Both are red .. and both are soft...and both are [he kissed the rose petals..]
Swathi - [Hit him jovially ...] you are such .. a bad guy....
Rohit kissed the petals again .. this time..and slowly took his tongue and licked it... .Swathi was watching his act...and feeling shy...and suddenly he bite the petals ..and ate... she completely got shy and just started watching the movie... her cheeks were completely red.... as that feeling made her... go blush ..and embarrassed...
Rohit could not withstand more than five minutes.... sitting so far.. Swathi ..was feeling ... so nice.. getting so much attention ..... Rohit moved slowly again near her and kissed her ear lobes and licked her cheeks softly... Swathi ... could not stop him this time......he moved his lips from ear lobes to cheeks and to neck..his warm kiss was making her feel wet down...
she knew he had the art of igniting a women.. she put his hand on his shirt and allowed him to kiss her neck ..she spread it more allowing him......both were enjoying the touch of the bodies.... and swathi was moaning... and heavily breathing..that encouraged rohit to occupy her more and ksis her neck more and he made smooching sound.. there... aaaaaaaaaaaaah ..and making her feel his hotness for her...
he slowly pushed his hands and made her so near to him..being a recliners it was cosy for them.and not much problem though.. being separate seats... he took her face in his hands and looked at her..she closed her eyes in pleasure and shy..she wasnt able to see his eyes..she could sense he was close to she could feel his warm breath on her face...
Rohit - oh swathi .... bhabhi.. my lovely beautiful .. ...these red petals are .... can i eat them
Swathi- pls rohit stop ... dont do this.... [her hot breath was falling on his lips as she spoke.. it ignited him more]
Rohit - bhabhi.. psl .. give me them na.. i want your ... lovely ..straw berries [he moved his finger on her lips ]
Swathi- [feeling his fingers on her lips ... she felt so hot.and waves of hot breath floooding in her lips opened her eyes and looked at him...] pls rohit...
Rohit - Bhabhi pls serve me the lovely taste na [he spoke on her lips .. which are closed now]
Swathi just closed her eyes and stayed still.... Rohit took that as a yes and slwoly moved near.. he could feel both of their breaths were uncontrollably warm.. he let his lips touch.she shuddered and held him tight... he planted his lips completely on her lips ...
Swathi felt his lips and was fully nervous.. she never did this with anyone in life...other than mahesh ... she never dreamt too ...other than Mahesh..but now she is feeling her lips being occupied freshly by Rohit...
Rohit knew she was so struggling. So he took time.. and slowly made small small kisses on her lips ..kissing and leaving. and again kissing... mutliple times...she was breathing hardly....
once he felt her lips got now accustomed to his lips..she slowly moved making her near to him.and completly planted his lips... on her...she wasn't opening her lips at all... he slowly took his tongue out and slwoly licked the lips and ate the entire lipstick...she could not withstand and slwoly gasped makng her lips open..he slowly let his lips take her lower lips into his and suck them ... her upper lips on his lips and he was sucking her lower lips...hmmmmmmm
swathi..he moaned as he sucked her lips.. .pls don't ... this Rohit .... she responded... but made more space in her lips.... as she was falling short of breath .. he made her take some.and then slwly locked her lips again ...
but this time he introduced his tongue along with her lips and slowly let his tongue in her lips... hmmm .Swathi by now was not able to control and let him play with her tongue inside her lips and responding to him slowly yet firmly...Rohit made get up from her seat without even leaving there lips as they kissed..she sat in his chair .and slowly they made love of their lips... the english movie was playing its duty .. and they were doing theirs... the lips made sound of smoooching now... and occasionally calling their names.. . Swathi started giving him her tongue and in return getting ti back ..
they were sweating.and his manly aroma made her weak and responded fully and never kissed for so long... they were now eating each other and both were hugging fuly tight.. Swathi slept almost in his heart as he sucked her lips... he thought that's the most delicious lips he ever had...the slurrppy sound of kissing never stopped.... her upper lips and his lower lips.. his lupper lips his lower lips.. his tongue over her and her tounge over was a duel going on ... and this time its a love duel... until... the movie ended...rohit tired to get her into his lap..but the seat wasnt co operating with them they continued to hug and rohits hand were touching her back and hugging madly as her lips was compeltey in his mouth now..and he sucked them and let the tounge inside. both of their saliva was oozing .... and getting licked without dropped by each other...
the movie came to and end and lights came out...both got separated..and swathi closed her eyes and face with her hands... she knew that she enjoyed it.. but she dint want to do it... but rohit made h er... he is killling her ....... both by pleasure and pain... they both walked out and swathi sat ... they dint speak with each other in car.. he dropped her and said bye...she loooked at him .. and said bye.. and could not smile...
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Swathi had a weird feeling that whole day, she dint knew she was happy or she was feeling guilt …. But one thing she was sure was the way they kissed it and killed was an eternal feeling of the tounges and lips..she thought…
That whole day swathi could not look into anyone’s eyes at the home…. Mahesh asked her about dullness..she compained that she had a headache and slept early at 9 … around 11 pm she got up for water and she saw her phone..the msg read with a “lovely taste” a erotic good night kiss. She archived that msg and slept…. She remembered the kiss and looked at Mahesh..he was snoring and sleeping…she cursed herself and her fate…. Why is she doing this…. She thinks herself to be strong…. But why is she becoming weak. Another msg came from Rohit ..and she looked it… “ Thanks for the lovely taste bhabhi …its been like into heaven”. She too knew she had the same feeling too …
Swathi- Heaven !!! you are making hell for me ( she replied back)
Rohit- (feels relaxed seeing her msg..) – Well sometimes you need to go through hell to get into heaven
Swathi – You are good at words….. but im feeling so guility …
Rohit – Bhabhi …. Just ask that to your heart..if its feeling guilty or pleasure
Swathi- I don’t know…. What it says….. but im feeling embarrassed, awkward, guilty , cheating…. Not able to look into anyones eyes… at the house
Rohit- Bhabhi tell me one thing from deep your heart.. did you enjoy it or not ?
Swathi – Yes I did …without any fraction of doubt..but it is something which I should not …
Rohit- Do you enjoy when you do something wrong ??
Swathi- No I don’t enjoy when I do something wrong
Rohit – That means you did the right thing..that why you enjoyed bhabhi
Swathi – Don’t play with words and confuse me ..rohit… you have to remember that mahesh is my hubby and your dear friend
Rohit- Ill never forget that , ill make sure he is happy .. and you are happy and enjoying it
Swathi- Thanks Rohit.
Rohit- Thanks bhabhi for the wonderful really made my day..wish to have many more
Swathi- Shut up..that was the first and last time you will get to me… pls know that we have our limits
Rohit – No limits for me in friendship..
Swathi – There are … we are social and we live in society..and now don’t argue with me and convince me… what we did is wrong..and never it should be repeated… Good night Rohit
Rohit- Good night bhabhi …. Thanks for the day. It was so lovely and juicy
Swathi could not hide her smile when she has got such an appreciation.. h er guilt was soothed a little and she slept very sound ..that day after so many days..
Swathi got up at 7 pm and realised that she got late… she realised that she slept without even waking for any chores in the night…. She looked for Mahesh and Mahesh was having his coffee… she conveyed a sorry to him for getting late…. Mahesh offered his coffee to her ..she smiled and took it….
Swathi began her normal day..and finishing things..mahesh was busy on his phone and laptop durin breakfast..she dint disturb him much …. She got chotu ready and dropped him to the college bus..and she came back..Nirmala aunty got up..swathi served her tea..and aunty was happy with such gesture of hers… she spoke to her well..
Mahesh got ready and informed Swathi that Rohit would be coming today in the evening and would be discussing the plans for Bangalore office. Swathi heart raced..thinking of Rohit coming..she knew if he comes she will become weak.. She asked Mahesh why not to go and discuss at his office..why trouble Rohit … Rohit had asked mahesh not to come to office for the next 3 most of the industry people know him and would reveal their secrets….
Swathi then asked Mahesh to come early by 5 so that he can discuss with Rohit.. Mahesh nodded he is already informed aman that he will be leaving office by 4.. Swathi got relaxed….
Rohit was excited that he is going to meet swathi again .. He msgd swathi a erotic lip lock with tounge of the women touching the guys… Swathi had looked at it..and was red …with a angry overrided by shy. She sent a angry smiley to him.
Rohit- Bhabhi would be there by 5pm… pls keep ready my food
Swathi- No food nothing..i am not even going to talk to you
Rohit – ya how would you, if they are busy doing some other thing
Swathi- Shut up Rohit.. pls lets be in our limits…
Rohit- Bhabhi …. Pls enjoy your life…
Swathi – I am are only making it miserable…
Rohit – Can you swear it on your lips and tell me if I am making your life miserable or enjoying…swear it na
Swathi - (she left a serious smiley without any reply).
Rohit – Kept sending variety kiss pics till evening… Swathi … was looking each of them and admiring.
Swathi was smiling to herself whenever she saw the msgs… she kept archiving as they came…. Rohit knew swathi was watching
Swathi got fresh after lunch …she was getting ready as if she was going to meet a boyfriend …she memorized the college days back..where she had dated a guy …and was almost feeling the same excited…
She got ready around 3pm ..and this time she wore a sleeveless blouse and applied thin make up and glossy lipstick again …she knew this will tempt Rohit but he wont be able to get her as mahesh would be around home by 4 30pm..she loved to tease him that he wont get what rohit wanted… swathi thought.
Swathi made chotu feed with snacks and made him sleep by 3 30 pm ..and was thinking that Rohit will be coming by 5 pm .. she applied lil more lipstick and a thin liner of kajal too on her eyes… nirmala aunty went to sleep…
Swathi was watching tv..and watching a romantic song… she remembered the kiss with Rohit and unknowingly her tongue wet her lips…she came to senses , on a knock on the door…She got up thinking Mahesh was more than on time looking the clock hit 4pm…
She opened the door and Rohit was smiling at her . Her heart race like a F1 car..she was shocked with surprise…
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“happy day bhabhi “ , Rohit took a red rose and gave it to her.. Swathi took it and said

Swathi - thanks Rohit. I was expecting Mahesh
Rohit- Expect the unexpected. That is Rohit...
Swathi – Ha ha ha….. how did you earn so much money , when you are so free and before time… (she teased him)
Rohit – Ya .. that’s why im successful bcos when I target to achieve something I am on it ..full on…..
Swathi – so what did you want to discuss with Mahesh today…
Rohit – Ill discuss with him when he comes… till then serve me something.
Swathi got up to kitchen ..she blamed herself as she walked for applying perfume and lipstick…
Rohit - Where is aunty and chotu…
Swathi- They both are sleeping (she is thinking all good signs for this hunk…)
Swathi started preparing tea , as Rohit walked into the kitchen. Swathi asked Rohit to wait in hall only as its so hot in kitchen… as she was preparing tea..she felt Rohit hands on her waist..she shivered and stayed still…
Swathi Shrugged him off at once and asked him to wait outside. Rohit stayed still and just said
“bhabhi I love your company and I love to stay with you wherever you are “. Swathi replied “ I know we like each other company but we need to know that we are having our limits”
Rohit bent a lil and smelled her from behind on her armpits..she could feel the hot breath and she was excited… “Pls don’t do this Rohit”. The way she said hinted that she is liking that.
Rohit bent a lil and held her waist and run his face around her armpits and blouse behind the neck…it ignited him like hell..and this time .. he slowly kissed her down the armpits… trying to make her open for him… his fingers on the waist were moving slowly on the sides of the waist making her loosen her grip …. She dint allow him to circle his waist…
He slowly opened his lips and kissed on the opening of the hands and armpits…swathi shivered in pleasure..he slowly started kissing her , pecking and kissing .. and making her weak in her knees. She turned the gas off … she pushed Rohit back and without seeing him went to the balcony a bit angrily.
Rohit took his time and came to her..
Swathi- You should stop coming home Rohit
Rohit- Bhabhi pls don’t stop yourself…. From enjoying.. this is punishing yourself.
He could see her sweating, even when the climate is so cool outside..
Swathi- Rohit you need to know that im a married woman, mother of a son…
Rohit- Also you need to know , that you are a woman , you have likes and wants and you need to enjoy life..just not burn yourself to make others happy .. this is not satiyug bhabhi
Swathi stayed mum..she knew she had not enjoyed her life still…but how can she enjoy this way… why cant Mahesh behave like this and make her happy like what Rohit is doing to her….
Rohit approached her again .. this time… and hugged her tightly to her… he dint knew if it was lust or love towards his lucky lady..he hugged her and remained there without any movement.. Swathi stayed still too ..she was liking this and remained calm and silent..both hugged each if it was the bodies were communicating with each other…
Rohit slowly hugged her more and her hair falling over his face…and swathi was in trance..she lifted her hands to lift the hairs…she kept her hands on the hairs and looked at Rohit.. Rohit looked her and then her body aroma..that hit his face due to her invitation.. Rohit looking into her eyes slowly kissed the open armpits….swathi shuddered in pleasure. He could smelt her body aroma mixed with some nice perfume.. it made him rush more and more and kissed her clean armpits without leaving a space. Rohit circled his hands on her shoulders and waist and pulled her near to him... he could feel the lady fragrance and was running high... he slowly kissed everywhere on her open armpits ..
Swathi whos never got such treatment from mahesh was enjoying the kiss of him at that, a bit weird place...she is moaning calmly now... rohit slowly was taking on her and offered his tongue to taste the sweaty armpits around.... she was moaning as his wet tongue started likcing the armpits and slwoly trying to make its way into the side blouse lightly..she could feel his wet tongue trying to get into the blouse from side..but it could nto completly..her body was getting gooosebumps...
she offered her hands as support sometimes , on Rohit head and encouraging him to lick and eat them more.. he was switching hands as he licked making her completely lift the hand.. the clock hit 5 and there was no sign of mahesh.
Rohit was moving his face over her blouse saree and his face was touching her soft boobs as he switched his lips to kiss her armpits..whenever he did that her heart ran more fast… swathi was sticking to the wall as Rohit had completely kissed and licked everywhere on her armpits…. His hand were gripping hers in raising the hands and his body over hers … Swathi was moaning now … with making sounds…. Of hmmmm hmmmmm hmmmmm.
Rohit slowly moved his lips from armpits to blouse… kissed her blossoms in the blouse and pressed his face…. Swathi held his head to stop… but her act was half hearted..he pressed his face on her boobs firmly….swathi held his head and moved more into him..
Rohit slowly moved his lips over the blouse nd circled his lips along the round boobs.. swathi was whispering him to stop…. But her breath became more hot and Rohit felt that as he touched her boobs over the blouse
His hands now had got to her waist and made her near him … and he pushed his chest on her boobs at once..and bought his face to hers… both their hot breaths were seeming more than hot to each other…
Swathi – Pls stop Rohit… lets not do this… pls for god sake…
Rohit – OH BHABHI … THIS is so good ..with you ..(his breath and her breath were fighting with each other as they spoke making the scene more hot for them)
Swathi – pls Rohit don’t do this .. (she bought her face more near to his lips she wanted it again but was not able to control or accept … she was in confusion )
Rohit had his hands over hers and his chest now on her blouse and both could feel each other..he has spread her hands and accommodated himself more on her boobs with his chest..her breath was almost burning… with desire.
Rohit softly put his lips on hers and planted his lips on hers completely…this time she invited him with open lips and rushing her tongue inside his lips… both were in ecstacy and fun.. offering each other’s their saliva and taking the others…he slowly released his hands and occupied her waist nd pulled more of her into him .. they were slurping sounds in the balcony and each other were kissing like there is no more waiting…
His chest was crushing her boobs she felt rohits broad chest and she was French kissing his tongue and lips… she was offering him lips more and more while she kept on saying in middle of the kiss to stop … her fingers was in his hairs .. they were sucking each other’s tongue ..biting lips softly … they dint seem to be tired of the kissing so long… his hands were compeltey on her waist gripping tightly …. Their both bodies were in compeletley sync with each other as they were kssing…
Mahesh came ,as the door was open , he shouted at swathi , “ has Rohit come?” , he was removing his shoes as he said that.. swathi pushed Rohit suddenly , wiped her lips , set her saree and came out of balcony to the room.. “ ya ya he is here.. having his tea “.
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Mahesh and Rohit had a long chat and had nice food along with a peg of whisky..mahesh had couple more as he was so happy … Swathi was fully exicted..she scared that she dint even lock the door, what if mahesh had seen them..she was sweating a lot…. She went to washroom to wash her face..her face was glowing…. And her lips have become so red as if lipstick has been applied..the w hole lipstick is in rohits belly now she smiled thinking…so long kiss had made her lips so smooth and red…she could feel rohits broad chest on her bblouse and her wasit had red grip marks of Rohit..such a grip he has .. she thought… her guilty ness potion wasn’t like yesterday..she … started feeling like wanting to have more…

Rohit msgd her as she was in washroom and Mahesh talking to Rohit

Rohit – Bhabhi .. serve me more na..

Swathi- Shut up !!! you had the dish for too long…

Rohit- bhabi whats the ingredients in that .. that makes it so tasty …

Swathi- How would I know..its you who tasted it …

Rohit – Bhabhi …. I could not taste the dish like long .. in the movie hall…

Swathi- Shut up…. No more..

Rohit – Pls bhabhi ….. feeling thirsty…

Swathi- Shut up .. Mahesh is idiot

Rohit ( felt happy she dint say no.. but was worried about Mahesh)- ya ..but somehow want more..pls serve me na .. somehow

Swathi- Nothing … no more.. ok .. be a good boy.. now…

Swathi came out of the washroom..both exchanged smiles without Mahesh seeing… Mahesh was sharing the details he had been busy collating from aman’s database..
Swathi came to check about the food…

Swathi- Mahesh shall I serve dinner now..if your are done with your work and already had 3 pegs and Rohit had 2 now you guys should stop
Mahesh- Let me have couple of them more na..rohit gave me my first cheque.. he showed 50k cheque to her.. let me party my first salary

Swathi- (smiled) – Ok…

Mahesh- Some more omlet pls…

Rohit- Yes the omlet is really good .. serve me also some more…

Swathi- No more eggs…. You guys had a you should stop..

Mahesh- No pls…let me get a dozen more…. (He took bike keys.)

Swathi (took the keys)- no driving when you are drunk

Mahesh- ok let me take a walk then ..

Rohit- Mahesh its ok … don’t bother… lets stop

Mahesh- No no Rohit…. You had so much love for swathi’ s omlet..let me serve you more

Rohit- NO doubt I really love Swathi taste Mahesh

Swathi was shocked. When he said that.. Mahesh dint give any cognizance to that words. Aunty was busy watching her serials… they were sitting in guest bedroom aunty could not see anything..

Rohit knew he had a chance to taste his dish again. And he looked at Swathi.

Swathi instantly knew what he had in mind…She showed a fake anger and signalled she will beat him… Mahesh started walking slowly down to get the eggs

Rohit signalled swathi to come near and sit..

Swathi – Shut up … just sit quiet .im going ….

Rohit- If you are going outside… im gonna come along with you then (he stood)

Swathi- Aunty is there outside …. You sit .. shut up and sit…

Rohit- Then you have to join me… or else ill come..

Swathi sat where Mahesh had sat… ok now ? she said. Rohit came and sat near her…

This time he dint waste time and moved quickly near her lips…

Rohit- Oh bhabhi ..what a lovely dish you have (he said on her lips his scotch breath hit her face)

Swathi- (she felt his breath hit her face… she never allowed Mahesh even to come near her when he was drunk..she is surprised that first time she is liking such a breath) – pls Rohit .. Mahesh will come..

Rohit- Bhabhi let me taste my dish ..dont say no ok (his breath mixed with scotch was acting on both of them)

Swathi – Pls Rohit , aunty and chotu are around ..pls..

Rohit- Bhabhi ..let me taste my dish.. for more time na.(he whispered more and more nearing her lips)

Swathi closed her eyes inviting him .. Rohit took his tounge out and lined his tip on her lips making her lips wet… her fingers went into his hairs..and stayed still allowing him to lick her lips over .. he completely licked her closed lips ….he was cleaning the lips completely as his saliva oozed on her lips.. making her slowly open her lips…

Swathi voluntarily let her tongue inside his lips , this is the first time she is openly cooperating with him in swallowing her to him…. Rohit was massaging her waist and completely falling on her… the slurping sound of kisses increased, but vanished due to sound of serials being played…

They were in heaven their lips were playing and enjoying each other.. Rohit slowly moved one hand of his to her back making her near him he could feel her back so smooth… he inserted his hand in the back to caress her back…
Swathi was moaning and tried to stop him..but he dint leave her lips and was sucking on …. His hands entered her back .. but he knew he cant fully as it will make the hooks come out of the blouse tearing… they took breath whenever required and continuing the kiss … Swathi herself was offering now her lips to him.. he locked her lips in his.. and let the tounge invade hers..inside…

Swathi hugged him tightly .. and was offering her lovley soft lips to Rohit… his one hand was on her back and other on her waist….her hands were in his hairs and head … and giving him full support now… she never knew she could get a orgasm down as she was leaking… just with a long kiss…

Rohits hands were weaving a magic… his fingers were rough on her smooth body … but she was enjoying his touch .. and more so his tongue in her lips…
Swathi was giving all that she had… and slowly Rohit was moving his hands up … from wasit .. slightly .. touching her side boobs now..she opened her eyes and looked at his .. as the kiss continued..she warned him not to go there…

Rohit pleaded her by making his eyes small…. Swathi was saying no with her eyes by making them her tongue went inside his….. Rohit slowly rubbed her boobs from side..he wanted to feel them badly now…

He slowly held her boobs from side and rubbed them as he was sucking her tongue in his lips…. They could hear the bike sound of Mahesh and Swathi pushed him… Enough of your dinner now u leave..if u r here..u will keep eating only .. (she pushed out of the room )
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I do not have the rest of the story. This story is not completed by harithik. Can someone post the other episodes and continue this from here. This story is just awesome. All credit goes to the author harithik.
one of the good but incomplete stories
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

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