Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(24-05-2021, 12:41 AM)krish_999 Wrote: I will start posting from 1st week of June

Dear @krish_999,

Can we expect an update this weekend?
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(24-05-2021, 12:41 AM)krish_999 Wrote: I will start posting from 1st week of June

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(24-05-2021, 12:41 AM)krish_999 Wrote: I will start posting from 1st week of June

Can we expect an update today?
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Chapter – Ten

Meera switched off the light and turned to the other side. She was done talking to me. I lay next to her, looking into the thickening darkness, in silence.
The night had ended in anti-climax.
My perverted dream of presenting a lovemaking show to my friend was shattered. I wanted Tejas to enjoy the sounds or even have a glimpse of our sex. My dick was hard throughout the evening in anticipation of this possibility. It had now become limp.
Meera had not only caught me masturbating but also had accused me of wanting to live a cuckold’s life. More than that, her shouting that 'you are still that old Krish' made me rethink my actions.
Am I still the same old Krish?
I asked myself repeatedly.
I knew didn't want to live a cuckold's life. I was not going to let my wife sleep with another man again. I was damn sure about that. And I was confident that I can convince Meera about that.
But her allegation that I was still the same old Krish was more like a question she made me ask myself.
Am I still that old Krish?
Why does it excite me when other men fantasise about my wife?
I thought of my recent experiences other than Tejas. That's when I realised that I had not fantasised about anyone but only him for long. Desai had been there but I never fantasised about him. I hated him even for trying to talk to Meera. Ashish Sehgal was a man who I had involuntarily allowed to intrude on my fantasy. It had resulted in more shock than arousal.
Other than just a few strangers ogling at Meera in public places, there was none.
This realisation made me conclude one thing. It was just Tejas. And I had a reason to defend myself for why I did it. It gave me some solace.
The next morning when Meera woke me up with bed coffee, I held her hand and made her sit with me.
"I know you are angry for what I did. I have no shame to confess that I've been excited about seeing you and Tejas in one frame. But it doesn't mean I was hoping to see you in bed with him. I know it would not happen. I trust you. You think my confidence is based on my friend's dick size. No. It's rather based on the faith in you. I love you, Meera."
Meera's eyes remained glued to mine for a few moments before she spoke.
"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday? Were you making this up?"
"Do you still doubt me?"
"No," she smiled. "It's just too cute to hear from you."
Before my breathing got easy, she went on. "But what's not so cute is what you've done. If you wanted to shag, we could have done it together. I mean, what's the big deal? We've pleasured ourselves together many times before, haven't we?"
"It just happened, baby. I had no control over myself then. Perhaps I would have spoken about it later."
Meera smiled. "Would you have confessed this to me if I hadn't found it?"
"It's highly probable that I would speak about how I saw you touching him and how I felt when you gave a kiss on his cheek. I know it might embarrass you slightly but it would make you blush, become sexier. I would love to see the look on your face."
"You are playing with me." She pushed my hand and got up. "Anyway, I can't remain angry with you for longer than this. Come on, get up."
As always, our small talk worked.
When I went to the kitchen to return the coffee cup, she was pouring another cup.
"Who is this for?" I wondered.
"This is for Tejas." Meera bit her lips. "Do you wanna watch me giving him a bed coffee?"
I knew she was teasing me. I pinched her belly.
"I don't wanna watch you giving him anything. I know it will be very boring."
She giggled and pushed me away.
That morning I had an unexpected phone call from an old friend named Ashok. He was a friend from high school, now settled in Hyderabad. A mutual friend had told him about my quick visit to my hometown.
“I need a favour from you, Krish. Promise me you’ll not disappoint me.”
Ashok was known to be a problem child during our high school days.
“First you tell me what it is about. Then I’ll make the promise.” I said.
“Then at least promise me you won’t tell anyone about what I am going to tell you now.”
Then he told me in detail about the favour. He was in love with a girl from a village next to my hometown. Her parents were about to fix her marriage with someone else. Ashok wanted me to help him elope with his girlfriend.
“Her parents know about me. They will become alert the moment I cross our state border. So I want you to help her escape to Bangalore. I can take her to Hyderabad from there.” Ashok explained his film-style plan.
”And you’ll get me killed in the process.” I said. I did not even know what exactly Ashok was doing for a living in Hyderabad. “I can’t do this, buddy. I suggest you go and do this stuff yourself.”
I was familiar with stories of my friends landing in trouble trying to help this guy. So I refused and ended the phone call.
When Tejas got up I wanted to ask about the night. I wanted to ask if he finally got to have some fun with Meera or not. I believed he must have masturbated before sleeping, and I wanted to make him confess. But then I chose not to discuss it because it was obvious.
We had breakfast together and he got ready to leave soon after. He was not talking much. He had already told me he would not come to the railway station because his friend’s father was getting discharged from the hospital.
“Goodbye, Krish.” He hugged me and patted me on my back. His voice was heavy.
“See you, my friend,” I said.
He then turned to Meera. She readily opened her arms to him.
“My turn,” she said.
“Sure, ma’am.” He smiled and hugged her.
“A bit more tightly, it’s okay.” Meera insisted.
Tejas hugged her tighter and this time Meera hugged him back. I heard her whisper in his ears "you’ll make it” and he whispered back, “thank you.”
We came down to the parking to see him off. He waved to us one last time and left.
We spent the morning packing our stuff for the journey. When I mentioned the restaurant we were going to have lunch at, Meera was surprised.
“You don’t have to do this much to impress me,” she commented. “I already love you.”
“That’s why I thought you deserve it,” I said.
Meera chose to wear a sleeveless kurti that was one of my favorites.
“It seems you’re the one trying to impress me. I just love to see you in this one.”
I said.
“That’s why I thought you deserve to see it,” she quipped.
I smiled. “Today many men are going to be jealous of me.”
“I know you’ll enjoy that.”
“You will always look at me suspiciously, won’t you?”
“It’s just a fact. There is nothing to be suspicious.”
“Is it a bad thing?”
“Don’t seek my approval like this."
“No, you tell me. Do you hate me when I express my excitement of seeing other men look at you a bit differently?”
“Lustfully. Don’t’ be afraid of words. We are much bolder than anyone we know.”
“Yeah, but…” I shook my head thoughtfully. “Tejas has never been lustful. I’ve never seen him looking at you like that.”
“Lust was always there. It’s true that he respected you and feared me, but lust – by the exact meaning – was there. There’s no denial.”
“Okay. I can’t argue with that. Now tell me the conclusion. Do you hate me for expressing myself?”
“If you express even a bit of excitement about Desai, I would be considering divorce. I can tell you that.”
“I just love what you said. But you still haven’t answered my question.”
Meera did not answer for a few seconds. She eventually faced me with a wide smile.
“What do you expect?”
“My heart says you don’t.”
“Your stupid heart,” Meera laughed a little and went on. “I know you want me to confess that it didn’t hurt me that much yesterday. You know Krish, you are very manipulative. And that’s the most dangerous trait you have because it makes me lose my grip over me. Losing self-control means I can’t say if it’s me doing things or is it you make me do things. I fear doing stupid things again, Krish. That’s why it shocked me when you said you helped Tejas touch my panty. There is a fine line within which I can bear and even enjoy some stuff. I shouldn’t mind if Tejas puts his arms casually around me in your presence. But if tried to do the same thing in your absence too, then that wouldn’t be tolerated. Giving him my panty means you were letting him intrude on my privacy. It’s scary.”
“I can understand that. But when I saw you touching him I could not hold my excitement. I got a bit selfish; I thought you would not find out so easily. I am sorry.”
I said honestly. Meera laughed a little.
“You thought you would catch me in the act, right? But instead, you got yourself caught!”
“There was nothing like catching you. I didn’t suspect anything. I told you I was just curious.” I said.
“But you must have imagined something. Did you think I was gonna give him a hand job or something?”
“I couldn’t think of anything when you were touching him. But then you took your hand back too quickly and I was like, honestly speaking, I was like, ‘oh, just hold on for a second’. I would have loved it if you hung on for a little more. But you disappointed him.”
“He wasn’t disappointed. He was in heaven.” Meera bit her lips.
I was amused. “Did he tell you that?”
Meera shook her head sideways. “What else did you want me to do?”
“I wanted you to give him something in his mouth.”
Meera furrowed her brows in surprise.
“My spit?”
“He would have swallowed it, I was sure.”
“To hell with your fantasies!” Meera exclaimed. “No, I would never do that with him.” She kept shaking her face sideways. “That’s our thing. Not for anyone.”
“I was just saying…”
“Don’t say anything. Let’s get ready.”
The sleeveless kurti not only looked perfect on her but also accentuated her beauty. I could not take my eyes off her when she walked into the hall.
To be honest, Meera did not have the kind of body that experts might call perfect. But she had it in her to make everyone amend their views on a perfect female body. Her stomach was not completely flat, but it was so pleasingly plump that one can make out its beauty even when it’s completely covered. Her breasts were not the ones that would specifically catch one’s attention all the way.  But she knew how to select the perfect bra for any dress and it made her breasts look just the right size almost always. And the way she sometimes gifts the onlooker with a slight glimpse of her cleavage – like the kurti she was wearing now – can make anyone nervous instantly.   
Nevertheless, more than her bodily features it was her breathtakingly beautiful face with a gorgeous smile that would impress the viewer the most.
Meera stood in front of me, and it took me a few seconds before I realised I was still staring at her.
“What are you staring at, gentleman?” She asked.
I smiled. “Can’t take my eyes off you, baby. Sorry.”
“Do I need to worry now? You are not having any bad intentions, are you?”
I laughed. “I know you won’t let me.”
“Of course, I won’t. All you can do is to admire.”
“Your beauty makes me wonder how come I got lucky to have you in my life. It’s kinda impossible to believe you were a virgin at the time of our marriage.”
Meera gave me a mystifying smile while giving a thought about it.
“Well, I never told you I was.”
I was stunned. I had heard it but I quickly ran it again in my head to make sure I had heard it right. She understood that I was frozen.
“What?” She asked, studying my face to see my reaction – even the minute one.
I bobbled my head. “You’re right. You never told me and I never asked you. I just assumed it.”
From the sofa, I leaned forward and grabbed her hand. Meera waited for a moment and looked into my eyes.
“You’re not gonna ask me about it?”
“Let it sink into my head first,” I said.
“We never talked about this except that I had a small relationship in college. Did I shock you suddenly?”
“No,” I said. “It sort of surprised me.”
Meera sat with me. “Wait, are you gonna be excited about that too?”
I thought for a moment to think about it. But more than what she told me I was more concerned about how my body was reacting to it. I was glad that I wasn’t getting an erection. But the feeling was inexplicably vibrant. I was a different type of husband.
“Not right away. But I know I have the liberty to be excited about it. You know me, don’t you?” I said.
Meera touched my cheek and kissed me on the tip of my nose.
“I love you for not pretending.”
She whispered.
“But why did you never mention this to me? Not even a word?”
“Because it wasn’t worth it,” she said quickly, “because it was so bad, so bad that I felt having sex was a bad idea. Only once, without much emotional connect and it was pathetic; too difficult to pull off and too less rewarding considering all the risk you take. Those days I used to think sex was overrated stuff.”
“When did it change?”
I asked and I saw a spark in her eyes.
“It changed when you taught me what intimacy is.”
“When was that?”
She touched my face with both her hands. “That was when you allowed me to spit into your mouth. It makes me feel we're special to each other.”
I forgot to respond for a few seconds before I spoke again.
“Our spitting act is special.”
“Of course, it is very special. I am proud of the level of intimacy we have. I feel very special about it. About you. About us. I'm proud of having you and knowing the fact that you would do anything for me; to make me happy. I love you, Krish. Sometimes I just can't believe this is happening. You holding your mouth open for me and swallowing my saliva like it's the sweetest thing I can give you. I don't know if any other husband out there would do it to his wife.”
I was lost in the words she was breathing into me. It was the most amazing way I had seen someone talking about something, in a long time. I quickly brought my palm behind her head and kissed her. She began to move back, but only until my lips devoured hers. After that, we were kissing madly.
And now I was having an erection. Full-blown.
*****     *****     *****
The restaurant was north of the city. Like Desai mentioned, it was a perfect spot for a family dining experience. Divided into two parts, it had an open-air seating area that gave a nice view of its lush green lawn which was its daytime attraction. The equally spacious indoor area provided the right ambiance for young couples while serving all kinds of drinks. On the table, the restaurant served pan-Asian cuisine. Meera was delighted.
“This place is awesome,” she said.
Her vibrant smile made me forget about the place. However, at the back of my mind, I was already anticipating Desai to show up any time. I had looked for his car in the parking. Even in the dining area, I was quick to see all the tables to find him. But he was not seen anywhere. I wished he did not show up to spoil my wife's mood.
Meera was telling me how she had heard of this place from one of her friends but never thought she would be having lunch there.
Even while listening to her, I found myself subconsciously checking nearby tables. I noticed men dressed in affluent style and accompanied by their partners stealing glances of my wife. Two of them even nodded at me when I caught them struggling to avert their eyes off her. I felt like they would do whatever I wanted.
Twenty minutes later, Susheel Desai showed up.
“Hello Krish, what a pleasant surprise!”
The surprise was mine when I looked up and saw that he was not alone. He was accompanied by a woman I knew. It was his psychologist; the forty-year-old, spectacled and beautiful doctor. Dr. Maithrei recognized me and smiled at me.
I smiled back but I could not remember her name until Desai introduced her to Meera.
“I can’t believe my good luck. Can we join you guys?” Desai asked me and then looked at Meera.
My response was more spontaneous than I expected. “Our pleasure, please do join us.”
Dr. Maithrei was indeed Desai's trump card. It was a rare occasion that his presence did not intimidate me one bit. Even Meera was behaving friendly with him, due to the doctor’s presence. The latter appeared to be a good friend of Desai. I was again impressed by his ability to play the perfect gentleman around the woman in his company.
As the lunch progressed, however, it made me anxious for I still remembered how Desai had impressed Ananya and me together during the lunch at the resort and then went on to seduce her before the end of the day.
Though Desai stood by his word – that he had stopped chasing Meera – through his actions, I was not ready to buy that.
No. He cannot forget her.
But all my worries vanished when we parted after lunch. I felt like a winner. My head was finally free of worries. While driving back my heart was throbbing out of excitement. I wanted to tell Meera that I have managed to beat Desai's wicked plan whatever it was. I knew he must have nurtured dreams of fucking my wife after sending me away on an official tour. But all he could do was to have lunch with her – that too in his friend’s presence.
My excitement only grew with time. By the time we reached our place, I was willing to grab Meera and kiss her. I wanted to do a lot of things. Everything – that Desai might have ever planned to do with her.
But apparently, Meera was thinking about something else. I knew it only when she put it into words.
“Do you think she’s sleeping with him?”
Her question made me think more about why she had this doubt than about its reply.
“I think she’s sleeping with him. Do you think so?” Meera asked again.
“I don’t know. But she’s married and she’s just his doctor.”
“That’s why I have this doubt. He has a liking for others’ wives.”
It was something no one knew better than me. I did not know what to say, for a second.
“It’s good, isn’t it?” I asked.
“Because he has someone to sleep with, finally.”
“What’s good about that?”
“Because now he can stop thinking about my wife,” I said and took her in my arms. I began to kiss her and she moved back.
“What are you doing?”
“Tonight we’ll be sleeping on the train. Why don’t we make up for it now?”
“I have serious doubts that you are excited particularly after meeting Desai.”
“I am excited for having failed his plan.”
“So it’s about Desai. I knew.”
She pushed me away.
“Come on baby, aren’t you excited?”
“He’s all over my head. I can’t stop thinking about him exploiting that lady.”
She looked tensed. I fondled her palms as I spoke.
“She’s happy to be with him. So we shouldn’t worry about that.”
Meera nodded.
“Yeah, but…”
I patted her cheek. “We shouldn’t be thinking about him.”
Meera remained tensed despite my attempts to cheer her up. For me it was baseless. For once I wondered if she was disappointed that Desai had finally moved on. I did not want to believe it though.
“Are you upset because you think he would be sleeping with her tonight?”
I asked.
Meera gave me an agitated look.
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you so upset?”
“I am genuinely upset, Krish.”
“That’s what I am asking. Why?”
“Because…” she paused suddenly, and scratched her head. “I don’t know. I have a feeling that he knew we were going to be there for lunch and he showed up there only to show me that he’s not a loser.”
An alarm went off inside my head. She had a point and I knew it was true.
*****     *****     *****
Meera's seat number was not confirmed even when we reached the railway station. I met TTE and he allotted Meera a birth in the same bay in my coach. I was glad that TTE considered my request. However, Meera did not bother to be enthusiastic about it.
Her silence was frustrating me as I felt she was still thinking about Desai.
While waiting for the train an idea came to my mind.
“Meera, would do you like to meet someone?”
Meera gave me an uninterested look.
“I mean, let’s pretend that we are strangers; just two passengers boarding the same train. Let’s meet up on the train.”
Meera gave me a long stare before she spoke.
I nodded. “Yup.”
“Are you going to flirt with me?”
“Who are you going to be?”
“I will think about it. Someone interesting.” “Desai?”
“Forget him, for god’s sake!” My voice was loud enough to startle her.
“Okay! Okay. I am sorry. I was just curious.” “Don’t say a word about him. Promise me.” Meera smiled.
“Who do you want me to be?”
“You can be yourself. But I am not your husband. I am just a person you’re going to meet for the first time.”
She agreed.
For the next twenty minutes, we sat apart, preparing to play the strangers.
I watched Meera from there, wondering about how I am going to strike a conversation with her. She was wearing a light blue top and the same colour skinny pants. The top was loose around her hip but it indeed brought out the shape of her breasts even though she wore a dark blue shrug over her top. The low neckline as usual gave a subtle view of her cleavage. The neck and the part under it was the only skin of her body that wasn't covered. Yet her flawless skin combined with the lack of any ornament around the neck made it look like she was revealing too much.
It was mesmerizing to reckon how her beauty was increasing over the years. Her ever-improving dressing sense and the confidence she carried around made me wonder for a moment about my chances of striking a romantic conversation if I was a total stranger. I could easily tell that I would be very nervous.
When the train arrived, I waited till Meera got in and then I entered through the other door. I had made up a role to play in front of her and other passengers.
My seat was a lower birth. Meera was allotted side upper birth, which was on the aisle. She put her bag on the top and sat down on the side lower birth.
An old family of four and other two men occupied the remaining births before the train departed. The old family came with a lot of luggage and I helped them to settle down. The uncle who sat on the side lower birth was a talkative person. When I heard him talking to Meera and asking about her, I was eager to listen.
She was telling him she was going home for a vacation. When uncle asked about her husband, she said her husband was abroad, and he’s about to return in a day.
When Meera told him her vacation is for spending time with her husband, I was impressed. The uncle’s family was also interested to know about her.
The elder woman among them asked about children and other stuff. Meera answered all questions naturally, making it a very interesting watch. It was like she had become another woman. Every word she spoke felt like a new thing to me. Most of them were lies. But she let out a feeling that she was eager to meet her loving husband, and it made me feel proud inside.
When the uncle turned to me to ask about me, I decided to keep up with her game.
I said I was going home to help a friend get married to a girl he loves. My reply caught everyone’s attention. I had to elaborate. I said my friend who lives in Hyderabad wanted my help to elope with his girlfriend because her family was against the marriage.
“Are you married?”
The question came from Meera.
I smiled at her. “I am married. My family is staying back at Pune.”
When the coach attendant delivered blankets and linen to all, the uncle asked Meera if she was comfortable settling on the upper birth. He requested me to exchange my lower birth with her, considering that I was the younger of two persons holding the lower births.
I instantly agreed.
Meera gave me a generous smile. “Thank you.”
“You are most welcome.”
The politeness in our behavior made me laugh inside. I knew we were going to laugh later about every word we spoke. I had forgotten about Desai and all other stuff in my life. My life was suddenly filled with fun and joy.
When we exchanged our seats Meera asked my name.
I sat on the lower birth opposite her and smiled at her before I replied.
“My name is Krish. And yours?”
“Meera, nice name.”
“Thank you.”
“And you look beautiful, too,” I said, looking into her eyes. She smiled elegantly.
It was the moment she earned my awe for playing a married woman to perfection. It was the polite way she could respond to a stranger’s apparent attempt to flirt with her. I felt it would make my day if I managed to get a kiss from her before the end of this journey.
When a tea seller passed by, I offered her tea. She politely refused. But when the old family took out some homemade snacks and invited us to have a bite, she joined readily.
I wondered if she was acting tough on me. However, when a coffee seller appeared, she turned to me.
I nodded readily. “Yeah, sure.”
“You drink coffee only,” I said while sipping the coffee.
She nodded. “But only once in a day.”
“I drink a lot of them. My work is one such.”
She asked about my work. I spoke the truth now. When I asked her about her work, she too spoke the truth. It was only when I asked her about her husband she got creative.
She revealed her husband had been in Saudi Arabia for two years.
“For two years you haven’t seen your husband?” I stressed on ‘for two years’ as I spoke.
“Not like that,” Meera said quickly. “We do video chat almost frequently.”
“Oh, video chat. You can do that. But I can see that you’re excited to be with him in real after two years.”
“Yes, I am very excited.” Meera's eyes shone as she spoke of her ‘husband’. It was fun to chat with her. As I engaged her in a long chat, the old family too joined. When one of the women asked if she hadn’t thought about having kids, she smiled.
“I have thought about it. Probably, this time.”
“That’s good.” The elder woman bobbled her head pleasingly. “When he returns to you next time, there should be another member in your family.”
I gave Meera a naughty smile.
“How long will he be there?”
“One and a half months.”
“That’s more than enough for the mission.” Meera's eyes began to widen before she controlled her reaction to put up an innocent face and asked, “What mission?”
I laughed a little. “What mission, huh?”
She asked me why I didn’t bring my wife along. I said she’s a working woman and she did not get leave.
“Also, I did not force her because I have a job to do and it won’t let me enjoy the vacation with her.”
"Oh, you have job to do." She smiled. "Uniting two lovers. How are you gonna do that?"
I made up a story of how I would make a late-night trip to the girl's village and take her to Bangalore all the way. My friend would be waiting there and they would get married at a temple. I said my friend has made the arrangements at the temple.
Meera wished me all success with my secret mission. When she said the word 'mission', she matched the slang with the way I spoke the word a few minutes earlier.
It showed how much she was enjoying our role-playing. It was a new, exciting experience because we were doing it in a public space. It was going to be another adventure that I expected to spice up our sex life. Initially, I was hoping for a quick kiss from this 'co-passenger' but as the journey progressed I envisaged me getting more privileges.
However, there was a twist in the story. be continued.
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Chapter Ten continues...

The old man on the other lower birth got down very soon and a young man in his thirties occupied it from Lonavala railway station. The new passenger could not find enough space to keep his bags under the seats. I helped him by turning most of the luggage to make up room for his trolley bags. The long trolley bags under the seat now made it difficult for everyone to keep their legs down. Like a gentleman, he apologised for bringing inconvenience to everyone. 
“No problem, son. It should be in our nature to help each other.” The old man replied. He seemed particularly pleased by the young man's politeness.
When the latter finally got settled down he sat next to me and thanked me. We had a formal chat.
His name was Jai.

I was asking Meera about her favourite places in Pune. Jai observed our conversation for a while and asked where we were from. I said we both were from Kerala.

“I’m amused to see you guys talking in Hindi and English rather than your mother tongue despite belonging to the same state,” Jai said.
It was Meera who replied.
“It’s because of our profession and surrounding. We’ve been here for so long that English and Hindi come to us more naturally. But I’m sure we’ll be switching to Malayalam very soon.”
I kept shaking my head to imply I was going to say exactly that.
“I wish you don’t switch very soon, at least till I get down,” Jai said.
Meera smiled, “And where is that going to be?”
“Fatorda. That’s where my home is.”
“I'm sorry, I've never heard of that place before,” Meera said.
“It's Goa.”
“So, are you working in Lonavala?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Jai shook his head. “I work in the air force.”
When Meera said she was going home to meet her husband who's returning from abroad, Jai said, “well, what a coincidence, because I am the husband who's returning home to meet my wife.”
“Except that you’ll be meeting your spouse sooner than her,” I commented.
Jai said it was only the second time he had been away from his wife after marriage. It was due to his recent transfer to Lonavala.
“I can see you’re kinda hurrying to meet your wife,” I said.
“Of course I am excited about it.” Jai admitted and looked at Meera, “so will be you, won’t you?”
Meera lent him a gorgeous smile.
“Excited cannot be the word, I guess,” I quipped. “Desperation is.”
Meera rolled her eyes at me.
“You are having fun.”
“I am just wondering who’s more desperate.”
“There is no shame in that, is it?” Jai asked Meera. She smiled affirmatively this time.
I asked Jai why he didn’t choose to travel by air. “Don’t you guys get free air tickets? The sky is all yours, I guess.”
Jai enjoyed my comment for a moment. “We don't get free air tickets, though we can get some concession, like fifty percent of the base fare.”
“That's also a good deal,” Meera said.
“Well, I have flying anxiety,” Jai said with a smile.
“What anxiety?”
“Flying anxiety. It's basically the fear of flying.”
Meera paused a moment before she replied. “Where did you say you work?”
Jai laughed.
“I know you won't believe it. No one believes it. But it's true.”
“It's really interesting,” Meera said. “But, won’t they fire you for this?”
“No." Jai laughed again. "My job doesn't need me to fly at all. I work on the ground."
"Oh, I see. But I can’t imagine the air force guys working anywhere but planes." Meera said.
"Yeah, it's common for people to have this judgment. People think army guys are always at war on our border, air force guys are always flying, and Navy guys are always on the water. My brother is in the Navy, by the way."
"He's not aqua-phobic, is he?" Meera asked.
Jai was smiling non-stop like a boy, "You're not just beautiful, you got a great humor sense. A complete package."
Now it was Meera who was smiling all the way. "Are you flattering me?"
"Stop pretending like this is the first time you're hearing this. You were one of the firsts in the queue when God was selling looks, I can see that for sure.”
His replies were making her blush. Her cheeks were turning red and I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she looked now. It amazed me how she was enjoying being at the receiving end of this unexpected, sudden flirting. And it amazed me even more how she was willing to participate.
"It's now obvious what you're doing. Stop it," she said.
"Stop what?"
"Stop working so hard on whatever you're trying to do."
"My nature stops me from not being a hard worker," Jai said, "because I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be getting anything for free. I know I don’t look that handsome despite having fair skin and a muscular body. Honestly, I don’t even know what’s wrong with me but I know something’s wrong. Can you tell me what’s wrong with me?”
The quickness in which he spoke those lines and the dramatically innocent face he put up while doing so made me realise how impressive he was in talking.
“The only thing I can tell wrong with you is your tongue.” Meera was now talking directly to him.
“I am very pleased to hear that. It means I am otherwise attractive.”
“Not exactly. I meant you would have looked attractive if you kept your mouth closed, at least when told.”
“I am afraid there are so many people here that I can’t give you whatever you’re suggesting indirectly. The only thing I can use is my mouth.”
“Hello! I am not suggesting anything indirectly, okay?”
Jai still kept his cool. “I won’t mind even if you suggested it directly. I mean, who can deny you for anything? Look at this gentleman.” He gestured at me. “He’s a bachelor and he knows that you’re married. But I bet he’ll drop everything and say yes if you happened to propose him right now.”
I laughed. “What?”
Meera stared at Jai and made a disappointed face before turning to me.
“I am sorry, Krish. This man is freshly out from a mental hospital.”
I was amazed by how she was apologizing to me like a stranger she just acquainted with. Meera went on. “He’s from Goa. There he’s a drug addict. He’s been missing his dope for a long time. That’s why he’s not able to stop talking nonsense.”
Jai was laughing now.
However, after making such foot-licking flattery, Jai reverted quickly, apologizing to Meera for his flirty banter.
“I was just kidding. Please don’t take it personally, okay? I know you are married and you love your husband like I love my wife. And I can guess how excited you are at the moment while waiting to meet him after such a long time.”
Later when Meera went to the toilet Jai secretly asked me if I was trying to hit on her. I pretended shock.
“What are you saying? I am married too, dude.”
“I wouldn’t blame you even if you did. I mean, look at the woman, dude. She’s so hot. I can’t just stop envying the man – who is her husband. He’ll be dying to see her. He hasn’t met his wife for so long but I can’t stop envying him for being so lucky. He’s got to be very charming on another level– not like me and you – and very handsome.”
When Meera returned I decided to make fun of him.
“Jai already knows a few things about your husband.”
Meera looked startled when I said that.
“Jai thinks your husband is very charming, very handsome, and very lucky.”
“Yeah, of course, he is,” Meera blushed. “But how did you know?”
“I just know things.” Jai blinked.
“It will be nice if you showed him a picture of your husband,” I said, wondering how Meera would handle the demand.
“Yeah, I’d like to see the lucky chap,” Jai said.
“No way I am gonna show you any photo. I can’t risk my husband’s wellbeing like that because I know how jealous you may be.”
I thoroughly enjoyed her reply. But it disappointed Jai so much that he sat with her while trying to reason for his demand.
"Look at my eyes. Do I look like a person with an evil eye? No. I can show you my tongue also. It doesn’t have any black spots. I just can’t harm your husband, so don’t worry.”
His arguments went in vain, though. Meera was not going to show him her husband’s photo. Jai remained seated next to her and he showed his wife’s photo to her.
Meera smiled. "She is beautiful."
"I am also lucky, right?"
Meera laughed, "Yeah."
I needed to visit the toilet and when I returned my seat was taken by one of the other passengers. I sat with the old man on the side seat. Jai was still talking to Meera. I watched her smiling and then pulled out my phone.
‘You have a fanboy over there.’ I messaged her.
Her phone buzzed. She smiled when she read the message and began to type without looking at me.
I couldn’t stop smiling. ‘I love being jealous.’ I replied.
‘He’s overly flirty.’ Came her reply.
‘He’s got limited time only.’
‘You don’t want to stop me?'
‘I wouldn’t mind a show.’
‘Don’t come to me later saying you can’t handle your weapons.’
‘I’ll handle it myself. I’m telling you beforehand this time.’
Meera bit her lips now. She was struggling hard not to look straight at me before she typed her reply.
‘Don’t overdo it. Idiot husband.’
Jai was watching how her eyes were glued onto the phone screen. I brought it to her attention with my next message.
‘Your fan is envious because you are flirting with your husband.’
‘Isn’t that what you want to see?’
‘I want to see much more.’
She read my message and kept her phone down on her thigh, its screen facing downward. I wondered if I got overly enthusiastic. The fact was that I was enjoying the sight of her flirting with a man she had just met.
Meera casually tilted her head as if to tuck loose hair behind her ear, and threw me a glance. I looked on, giving her a challenge.
She grabbed her phone and began to type again, and it was on my screen in a second.
‘When you went to the washroom he touched my hand.’
My heart skipped a beat. I did not know how to respond now. For once I wondered if she was lying to tease me. However, I loved to believe it. The more I thought about it, the warmer I felt. It was something I wasn’t even thinking about until a moment ago, but the next moment I was not only thinking but becoming crazy to think about it. There was a whole crowd sitting disciplined around me and my wife, starting from an old family who directly interacted with us to many others who did not. And beyond their entire combined cognizance, a game of mischief and arousal had begun. I felt the man sitting a foot away from my wife was just a pawn in her hand to help me enjoy this short journey.
Suddenly I knew how to respond to Meera's tease.
‘Give him some space baby. He can do a lot more than that.’
Meera was biting her lips again. She did not bother to type a reply, making me wonder how she was going to take my suggestion.
Jai told her something. She shook her head sideways to gesture ‘nothing’ and put her phone down. It was more of a gesture directed at me. She was done chatting with me and now it was time to face her new admirer.
The old man was asking me something and I had to avert my eyes. He sought my attention to the sight of road construction near the railway track. It was a new highway under construction. As the old man soon turned my complete attention to the outside world with a detailed narration of the past and future of the controversial road construction, I couldn’t follow what Meera and Jai were up to for the next ten minutes. The longer I kept my eyes off them, the more desperate I became to turn backward and check them out. But the fear of turning other’s attention to them stopped me from doing so. By the time the old man gave me a break and I managed to casually throw a glance around, one of the elder women stood up and began to arrange their blanket, blocking my view.
I felt the world was conspiring something around me.
To do what?
I asked myself and the question did not panic me. I still knew there was a limit of things this new admirer could do with my wife and my only concern was the lack of view. And I waited.
When the woman sat down and finally gave me the view I wanted, I saw Meera and Jai sitting together, just like the way they were before all these anxious minutes. Nothing had happened, except that they were now fully engaged in a one-on-one discussion. My anxiety quickly became a disappointment. That’s when I admitted to myself that I was willing to see some action. I wanted my wife to seduce this guy before this journey ended.
When the train stopped at a major railway station, I decided to buy some food for dinner. I got up and courteously asked Meera if she had brought dinner from home.
“No. I haven’t brought anything for dinner,” She said and began to get up. But Jai stopped her.
“Don’t worry, Meera; I have brought enough for two persons.” He said quickly and while saying he briefly grabbed her hand to bring her attention to his bag. “I have packed dinner from my canteen. I’m sure it’ll be sufficient for us.”
While walking to the exit door, I couldn’t help but wonder what was stamped more into my psyche – the sight of him grabbing my wife’s wrist or the sound of him pronouncing the word ‘for us’.
I returned to the coach with parcelled dinner and sat with the old man who had brought his tiffin. Jai had shifted his position to the opposite side, and he had opened his packed dinner on the small side table while Meera curiously watched what was in it. I saw her smiling at him and saying ‘wow’. Jai took a small piece of something – a sweet it turned out to be – from it and fed directly into her mouth. She paused a moment to acknowledge his gesture and then opened her mouth.
I was forced to look away lest I should be caught gawking at a newly met young couple sharing moments of friendship. I sulkily turned my attention to my plate; nevertheless, I kept checking them out frequently. Meera had accepted Jai’s invite and they ate from the same tiffin boxes.
When Meera went to wash her hand I followed her and asked how was her new friend’s food. It was when I momentarily dropped the pretence of playing strangers without really thinking about it.
“It was good military food.” Meera's reply was short. But she sounded so strange to me that I quickly realised that she was strictly sticking to our role-play mode. It was the moment I wondered if she was the one enjoying the game more. As Jai too reached behind her and asked her if the gravy was too spicy for her, she turned to him with a pleasant smile.
“No, because of the sweet you gave me. I loved it.”
“Loved which one? The sweet or me?” Jai’s quick tease earned him a pinch on his arm with her wet fingers.
While washing the small tiffin boxes in the washbasin they stood very close and I couldn’t help but notice the natural affinity between them. Their elbows were touching without looking conscious about it.
When they finished, Meera handed Jai the tiffin boxes and went to the washroom. Jai turned and smiled at me.
“Sorry I overtook you,” he said.
“Not an issue. You are having a good time with the lady.” I quipped.
He glanced toward the closed washroom door while replying to me, “Yeah, it feels like my journey has become shorter.”
I wasn’t surprised.
“She seems impressed. Are you onto something?” I asked.
“It would be bad if I didn’t get a kiss at least, wouldn’t it?”
If I remember, I was the dumbest person on that train. Because this man was talking about his wish to be kissed by my wife and I did not even once think about stopping him fulfil that wish. Instead, I stood there smiling at him wondering how he was going to accomplish it.
When I went to my seat I pulled out my mobile and messaged Meera.
‘Dude wants to kiss you.’
 Meera replied a moment later, possibly from the washroom.
‘Did you ask him?’
Her next message came a few seconds later. ‘What did you say’
‘I wished him all the best’
‘He’s charming,’ I teased.
‘you are the moron’
‘Will you kiss him?’
‘No way.’
‘You won’t see him after this’
‘You are THE moron.’
‘A kiss is harmless.’
Why was I doing this? I would ask myself later. Because it excited me. I reckon it is like booze.
Meera did not reply to my last message. She completely ignored me when she returned to the bay. She sat opposite Jai.
One of the elder women requested Jai to take her middle birth so that she could sleep in his lower birth. Jai was happy to help.
“No problem aunty, I’m ready to sleep anywhere except on the floor.” His reply made Meera chuckle. She saw me watching her smile, and she kept her eyes on me for a while. Her eyes spoke vividly and I eyed at Jai. She looked on and on and slowly looked away. I felt she was going to consider my hint. I had instant arousal for no reason.
Jai asked her to change the seat to sit with him but she refused. He nevertheless managed to sit next to her after a while when the elderly women decided to lie down on their respective seats. As the women vacated the space next to Meera, Jai quickly shifted himself there. I caught Meera holding back a smile as Jai deliberately nudged her elbow.  After a pause, he turned his face to look at her directly, and she still held her face straight. He nudged again, and slowly grabbed her palm. This time she turned her eyes to him. He told her something which I couldn’t even guess but made her smile. She bobbled her head slowly and freed her palm from his hand. He did not pursue further.
The train was slowing down at an approaching station. When it finally stopped, Jai touched her hand again and pointed outside the window. He leaned closer to tell something in her ears, and her response was uncanny. She began to acknowledge what she heard before she gave him a quick look to pretend anger and then invariably began to chuckle. She looked up and down a couple of times before she returned her eyes to the stuff Jai had turned her attention to. I couldn’t see what it was and I wanted to look. I had no idea what was going on except that he was making a joke about something. I guessed it could be a dirty joke. I kept trying to catch the view through the window, in vain, until the train moved.
I wanted to message her to know what it was all about. But with Jai sitting so close to her, I didn’t think she would reply to me.
Jai kept talking to her in a muted voice. There was no way I could hear it. But I could make out she was actively enjoying and responding to his flirting. At times she looked shocked or surprised and even in denial to his banter, only to follow it up with a cute smile. The only thing I could do was to admit that I was jealous of this guy for the way he was making my wife forget about our little game of roleplaying.
But I didn’t mean to say that I regretted my idea of roleplaying during this journey. I was still enjoying the sight of Meera giving herself completely to this guy’s fun talk. I was the one who wanted her to be free and be expressive in front of my eyes. I wanted her to have a little fun and I had conveyed my wish to her very well. It was even possible that she was doing it all for me. Perhaps she was upset by her overreaction to my behaviour on the previous night and that might be the reason why she was pretending to be lost in Jai’s charm.
They talked more than twenty minutes before Meera decided to make her bed. When she stood up and took the pillow from the clothing stand, she inadvertently exposed her midriff. Jai took a glance before he looked downward and dramatically covered his eyes with his palm. Meera looked at him and pushed him on his cheek.
She said something that made him bobble. It was sure that she wasn’t disturbed by the fact that she had exposed her midriff. I wanted to witness more of such events.
Everyone was preparing to sleep. I climbed onto my birth and lay down. 
Meera was going to spread the bedsheet on her birth, and Jai helped her by lifting his middle birth to set up his bed too. When Jai went to fetch drinking water, I decided to chat with her and quickly grabbed my mobile to send a text.
‘How is your lover?’
Meera's phone buzzed but she went on to finish spreading the bedsheet on the seat. When she finally sat down and read the message, she looked at me before typing a reply.
‘Weren’t you watching?’
‘You weren’t doing anything.’ I typed quickly.
‘Are you disappointed?’
‘I love you, honey.’
‘I doubt that’
‘Tell me about your lover.’
‘He gave me a lecture on how to welcome my husband day on arrival.’
‘How is that?’
‘Like how to please my husband -  I mean you.’
‘Nice guy. I like him.’
‘He cares about you too – I mean my hubby’
‘Give me some details.’
‘A couple of tricks to do.’
‘Such as?’
‘One’s about giving head.’
I wondered if she was making it up to tease me.
‘Wow. He's taken it that far?' I texted further.
'isn't it what you wanted?'
'Yes. Are you gonna try it on me tomorrow.’
‘I can’t wait baby. What else.’
‘He’s getting overly close.’
‘He was just sitting there.’
‘You didn’t see him touching me?’
‘Your hand, right?’
‘You noticed?’
‘Come on. He’s a desperate hubby.’
‘His desperation might earn him a slap.’
‘Show him some kindness baby’
‘He wants me to sit with him like couples’
‘It's okay.’
‘While holding around me.’
‘Did he touch anywhere else?’
‘He’s going to, I guess.’
‘Don't disappoint him, baby.’
‘You moron’
‘Let him hug you once.’
‘He is crazy about my back’
‘Who can't be?’
‘Moron. Idiot.’
‘What about his kiss. Is it coming?’
‘Don't do it. Krish’
‘It's okay, baby. Give him one kiss.‘
‘Are you hard?
‘Very hard’
‘You need to shag. It'll clear your head’
‘Only after you tell me you kissed him. And let him touch your belly. I saw him looking at it.’
‘Somebody's gonna see.’
‘No one is gonna see. No one knows you. It's the perfect place for some fun baby.’
‘And you are going to watch, right?’
‘Not if you switch off the light.’
‘I’ll switch off the light.’
‘Promise me you’ll tell me tomorrow. Word by word.’
‘If somebody wrote a story about us, you’d be the villain in it.’
Her comment brought a wicked smile to my lips.
‘No. I won’t be. Because villains are eventual losers. I won’t lose you ever.’
‘Your concept of losing is different. You want me to be taken by a man you’ve just met.’
‘I don’t think about losing. I’m just crazy about winning you back.’
She did not reply to that message. She kept her mobile down and looked up for a long moment. I could not make out what she was thinking about my statement.
The uncle on the birth under me switched off the light in our bay but the lights in the other bays were still on.
Jai returned with a bottle of mineral water. I heard him asking Meera if she was going to sleep. He wanted to sit with her for a while. When Meera stood up to face the mirror and tie her hair, he shifted to the window seat.
It was obvious that he was not in the mood to sleep so soon. I casually pulled the blanket over my head, using the excuse of chilling cold in the ac coach, only to leave a small gap under the blanket to keep an eye on the lower birth.
Meera eventually sat on the seat and Jai right away grabbed her hand to gesture her to move closer. She asked him something before she half-heartedly relented. He turned to her and touched the edge of her blazer with his left hand. She looked down at her outfit and nodded. Then she grabbed one of the linen bed sheets and handed it to him. He was probably talking about rising cold but it was simply an excuse to touch her.
Jai put the linen sheet partly over him and cracked a joke that made Meera smile. My view was partially hampered the next moment as somebody switched off the light in the next bay and it spread darkness in our bay too. As if he was waiting for it, Jai turned right on his seat, folding his right knee and bringing it between him and Meera. And then he put his both arms around her. It was indeed an awkward pose to hug her but I was rather surprised by the lack of visible objection from her. There was still light coming from the farthest bays and I could see where his arms were. He was leaning forward. His left hand was touching her belly. But Meera was paying more attention to his whispers than his hands. He was telling her things that she was keen to listen and he was making her respond favorably. Meera grabbed his hand that was playing with her belly. There was a hint of objection from her side, but it only helped him become more playful by using his other hand to pull her closer to him.
The man was making physical moves on my wife, and I was getting the scene I was unknowingly waiting for. Meera tried to free her from his hands, though without making a noisy move. Then he stopped and suggested her something. She gazed straight at him and then checked out all the other passengers including me. I was sure she could not see me watching her. I learned Jai’s idea the next moment as Meera turned to her right to keep her both legs straight on the seat. Jai quickly grabbed her from behind and pulled her closer. She leaned her back on his chest, and he leaned back onto the window-side wall, finally managing to put his both arms around her and bring her into an embrace. I was stunned by the way Meera settled into his arms. It was like she was feeling cold and she needed his warmth to feel better. As if my guess was right, Jai spread the blanket over her body to cover up to her neck. Her body was now not visible to me, and so were his arms.
Jai pulled her even closer and Meera lay her head on his right shoulder, granting him more intimacy. I saw some movement of his hands under the blanket and I felt he was trying to touch her boobs. Meera grabbed the edge of the blanket and kept it from moving away, confirming my thought. She folded her legs and brought the knees up to create space between the blanket and her body, and I could no longer see Jai's hand movements under the cloth.
Meera was slowly making my secret wishes explicitly true. I could not see anything clearly but I could see enough to understand that Jai was fondling my wife’s breasts. Her left cheek was rubbing against his face.
Someone switched off the light in another bay too. It spread more darkness. Jai grabbed the opportunity to suddenly bring his left hand to turn her head to him and kiss her.
Meera was startled for once and moved back at first. But after a second her lips were welcoming him. I could only widen my eyes. I could see his jaw movement as he sucked on her lips without hiding his thirst.
It seemed my wife had submitted completely to the kiss. Her mouth was open for a few seconds, giving him access to taste her tongue. Jai's left hand moved back inside the blanket, I could guess that he was hurrying to touch her breasts again. I couldn't make out whether he was doing it over her top or he had managed to go inside her top this time. However, Meera had no objection to any of his moves, as she sat almost still for a few seconds. I knew she wouldn't want to make a move that would wake another passenger. I wondered if she even had a distant idea that I was watching. I could no more lie idle. I slowly turned my body to bring myself to lie on my stomach, with the blanket still covering my body from head to toe except for a small gap I had managed to leave near my face to see the action on Meera's birth. My dick was craving for some attention and my right hand went under my body to slide inside my pants and touched it. The feeling was simply heavenly.
My dick was rock hard and wet with precum. I pushed it between my thighs without making any other body movement, and it felt like I was pushing it inside Meera's pussy. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was Jai. I imagined that he was lying behind Meera and slowly sliding her pants down, reaching for her hole from behind. She would resist, but not enough to stop him from slowly pushing his dick into her from behind. They both would do it very slowly and quietly, for the fear of getting caught by fellow passengers. I could imagine the pleasure Jai would be having while pushing his dick into her married pussy. That she hadn't supposedly enjoyed the pleasure for the last two years would only add to his thrills. Meera would moan slightly and then for the fear of making another noise she would bite one tip of the bedsheet and hold her body stiff to let him penetrate her. He wouldn't breathe until he pushed it deepest into her pussy, and then he would adjust his body behind her while relishing every inch of her pussy. Meera would keep looking for signs of any of the passengers waking up, and she would also keep ensuring that her husband is asleep on his birth, while preparing her body to welcome the forbidden pleasure of orgasm by yet another man.
I kept moving my hand and imagined the whole scene like one I had seen in a Hollywood movie long ago. I had become Jai and in my head, he was fucking my wife slowly. Very soon I was ejaculating in huge bursts, almost drenching my underwear. 
It took me a couple of minutes before I recovered from the jolt of pleasance and had a look at the lower birth. Unlike what I had visualised in my head, Meera had stopped after the kiss. She had freed herself from Jai's arms. Jai was forced to wind up and he was climbing onto his middle birth. Meera quickly arranged the blanket on her birth and settled down. I saw her looking at me before covering her face with the blanket. 
It was the last sight I remembered before I slipped into sleep.
When I woke up in the morning, Meera was still asleep. The train had already crossed Madgaon railway station. And Jai's birth was empty.

I smiled at Meera as I got down. Her response was an unusual stare. I guessed that she was angry for the previous night. She had the right to be. I smiled at her again, even though she had looked away. My eyes remained on her and I felt my body becoming warm. Yet another man's hands and lips were on her. Why on earth does that knowledge make me hard again and again? I wanted to stop playing our role-play game and choke her with my kisses. I wanted to tell her that she's everything to me. I wanted her to understand that her little fling with a stranger wouldn't offend me one bit.
I was content with my thought process. I thought I had encouraged her to have some fun with the man because I had it under control. There was nothing that could go wrong. It was just a kiss and some harmless touches. That too, right in front of my eyes and a few feet away from other passengers. There was nothing that could go wrong, I believed.
Until she told me how it all had gone wrong.
“Krish, you think you're under control and everything will go as you wish. But you're an idiot to trust me and push me into this. Because I'm not under control, not always. You've no idea what happened because you were sleeping.”
“Kissing and touching stuff. Isn't what happened?”
I asked, my voice filled with confidence.
Meera looked at me with uncertainty.
“Krish. When I went to the washroom after that kissing and touching, he came after me. He was with me in the washroom for half an hour. You can guess what would have happened.”
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(06-06-2021, 05:14 PM)krish_999 Wrote: Chapter Ten continues...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Meera looked at me with uncertainty.
“Krish. When I went to the washroom after that kissing and touching, he came after me. He was with me in the washroom for half an hour. You can guess what would have happened.”

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Oh my god .
Thankyou so much
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(06-06-2021, 05:14 PM)krish_999 Wrote: Chapter Ten continues...

The old man on the other lower birth got down very soon and a young man in his thirties occupied it from Lonavala railway station. The new passenger could not find enough space to keep his bags under the seats. I helped him by turning most of the luggage to make up room for his trolley bags. The long trolley bags under the seat now made it difficult for everyone to keep their legs down. Like a gentleman, he apologised for bringing inconvenience to everyone. 
“No problem, son. It should be in our nature to help each other.” The old man replied. He seemed particularly pleased by the young man's politeness.
When the latter finally got settled down he sat next to me and thanked me. We had a formal chat.
His name was Jai.

I was asking Meera about her favourite places in Pune. Jai observed our conversation for a while and asked where we were from. I said we both were from Kerala.

“I’m amused to see you guys talking in Hindi and English rather than your mother tongue despite belonging to the same state,” Jai said.
It was Meera who replied.
“It’s because of our profession and surrounding. We’ve been here for so long that English and Hindi come to us more naturally. But I’m sure we’ll be switching to Malayalam very soon.”
I kept shaking my head to imply I was going to say exactly that.
“I wish you don’t switch very soon, at least till I get down,” Jai said.
Meera smiled, “And where is that going to be?”
“Fatorda. That’s where my home is.”
“I'm sorry, I've never heard of that place before,” Meera said.
“It's Goa.”
“So, are you working in Lonavala?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Jai shook his head. “I work in the air force.”
When Meera said she was going home to meet her husband who's returning from abroad, Jai said, “well, what a coincidence, because I am the husband who's returning home to meet my wife.”
“Except that you’ll be meeting your spouse sooner than her,” I commented.
Jai said it was only the second time he had been away from his wife after marriage. It was due to his recent transfer to Lonavala.
“I can see you’re kinda hurrying to meet your wife,” I said.
“Of course I am excited about it.” Jai admitted and looked at Meera, “so will be you, won’t you?”
Meera lent him a gorgeous smile.
“Excited cannot be the word, I guess,” I quipped. “Desperation is.”
Meera rolled her eyes at me.
“You are having fun.”
“I am just wondering who’s more desperate.”
“There is no shame in that, is it?” Jai asked Meera. She smiled affirmatively this time.
I asked Jai why he didn’t choose to travel by air. “Don’t you guys get free air tickets? The sky is all yours, I guess.”
Jai enjoyed my comment for a moment. “We don't get free air tickets, though we can get some concession, like fifty percent of the base fare.”
“That's also a good deal,” Meera said.
“Well, I have flying anxiety,” Jai said with a smile.
“What anxiety?”
“Flying anxiety. It's basically the fear of flying.”
Meera paused a moment before she replied. “Where did you say you work?”
Jai laughed.
“I know you won't believe it. No one believes it. But it's true.”
“It's really interesting,” Meera said. “But, won’t they fire you for this?”
“No." Jai laughed again. "My job doesn't need me to fly at all. I work on the ground."
"Oh, I see. But I can’t imagine the air force guys working anywhere but planes." Meera said.
"Yeah, it's common for people to have this judgment. People think army guys are always at war on our border, air force guys are always flying, and Navy guys are always on the water. My brother is in the Navy, by the way."
"He's not aqua-phobic, is he?" Meera asked.
Jai was smiling non-stop like a boy, "You're not just beautiful, you got a great humor sense. A complete package."
Now it was Meera who was smiling all the way. "Are you flattering me?"
"Stop pretending like this is the first time you're hearing this. You were one of the firsts in the queue when God was selling looks, I can see that for sure.”
His replies were making her blush. Her cheeks were turning red and I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she looked now. It amazed me how she was enjoying being at the receiving end of this unexpected, sudden flirting. And it amazed me even more how she was willing to participate.
"It's now obvious what you're doing. Stop it," she said.
"Stop what?"
"Stop working so hard on whatever you're trying to do."
"My nature stops me from not being a hard worker," Jai said, "because I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be getting anything for free. I know I don’t look that handsome despite having fair skin and a muscular body. Honestly, I don’t even know what’s wrong with me but I know something’s wrong. Can you tell me what’s wrong with me?”
The quickness in which he spoke those lines and the dramatically innocent face he put up while doing so made me realise how impressive he was in talking.
“The only thing I can tell wrong with you is your tongue.” Meera was now talking directly to him.
“I am very pleased to hear that. It means I am otherwise attractive.”
“Not exactly. I meant you would have looked attractive if you kept your mouth closed, at least when told.”
“I am afraid there are so many people here that I can’t give you whatever you’re suggesting indirectly. The only thing I can use is my mouth.”
“Hello! I am not suggesting anything indirectly, okay?”
Jai still kept his cool. “I won’t mind even if you suggested it directly. I mean, who can deny you for anything? Look at this gentleman.” He gestured at me. “He’s a bachelor and he knows that you’re married. But I bet he’ll drop everything and say yes if you happened to propose him right now.”
I laughed. “What?”
Meera stared at Jai and made a disappointed face before turning to me.
“I am sorry, Krish. This man is freshly out from a mental hospital.”
I was amazed by how she was apologizing to me like a stranger she just acquainted with. Meera went on. “He’s from Goa. There he’s a drug addict. He’s been missing his dope for a long time. That’s why he’s not able to stop talking nonsense.”
Jai was laughing now.
However, after making such foot-licking flattery, Jai reverted quickly, apologizing to Meera for his flirty banter.
“I was just kidding. Please don’t take it personally, okay? I know you are married and you love your husband like I love my wife. And I can guess how excited you are at the moment while waiting to meet him after such a long time.”
Later when Meera went to the toilet Jai secretly asked me if I was trying to hit on her. I pretended shock.
“What are you saying? I am married too, dude.”
“I wouldn’t blame you even if you did. I mean, look at the woman, dude. She’s so hot. I can’t just stop envying the man – who is her husband. He’ll be dying to see her. He hasn’t met his wife for so long but I can’t stop envying him for being so lucky. He’s got to be very charming on another level– not like me and you – and very handsome.”
When Meera returned I decided to make fun of him.
“Jai already knows a few things about your husband.”
Meera looked startled when I said that.
“Jai thinks your husband is very charming, very handsome, and very lucky.”
“Yeah, of course, he is,” Meera blushed. “But how did you know?”
“I just know things.” Jai blinked.
“It will be nice if you showed him a picture of your husband,” I said, wondering how Meera would handle the demand.
“Yeah, I’d like to see the lucky chap,” Jai said.
“No way I am gonna show you any photo. I can’t risk my husband’s wellbeing like that because I know how jealous you may be.”
I thoroughly enjoyed her reply. But it disappointed Jai so much that he sat with her while trying to reason for his demand.
"Look at my eyes. Do I look like a person with an evil eye? No. I can show you my tongue also. It doesn’t have any black spots. I just can’t harm your husband, so don’t worry.”
His arguments went in vain, though. Meera was not going to show him her husband’s photo. Jai remained seated next to her and he showed his wife’s photo to her.
Meera smiled. "She is beautiful."
"I am also lucky, right?"
Meera laughed, "Yeah."
I needed to visit the toilet and when I returned my seat was taken by one of the other passengers. I sat with the old man on the side seat. Jai was still talking to Meera. I watched her smiling and then pulled out my phone.
‘You have a fanboy over there.’ I messaged her.
Her phone buzzed. She smiled when she read the message and began to type without looking at me.
I couldn’t stop smiling. ‘I love being jealous.’ I replied.
‘He’s overly flirty.’ Came her reply.
‘He’s got limited time only.’
‘You don’t want to stop me?'
‘I wouldn’t mind a show.’
‘Don’t come to me later saying you can’t handle your weapons.’
‘I’ll handle it myself. I’m telling you beforehand this time.’
Meera bit her lips now. She was struggling hard not to look straight at me before she typed her reply.
‘Don’t overdo it. Idiot husband.’
Jai was watching how her eyes were glued onto the phone screen. I brought it to her attention with my next message.
‘Your fan is envious because you are flirting with your husband.’
‘Isn’t that what you want to see?’
‘I want to see much more.’
She read my message and kept her phone down on her thigh, its screen facing downward. I wondered if I got overly enthusiastic. The fact was that I was enjoying the sight of her flirting with a man she had just met.
Meera casually tilted her head as if to tuck loose hair behind her ear, and threw me a glance. I looked on, giving her a challenge.
She grabbed her phone and began to type again, and it was on my screen in a second.
‘When you went to the washroom he touched my hand.’
My heart skipped a beat. I did not know how to respond now. For once I wondered if she was lying to tease me. However, I loved to believe it. The more I thought about it, the warmer I felt. It was something I wasn’t even thinking about until a moment ago, but the next moment I was not only thinking but becoming crazy to think about it. There was a whole crowd sitting disciplined around me and my wife, starting from an old family who directly interacted with us to many others who did not. And beyond their entire combined cognizance, a game of mischief and arousal had begun. I felt the man sitting a foot away from my wife was just a pawn in her hand to help me enjoy this short journey.
Suddenly I knew how to respond to Meera's tease.
‘Give him some space baby. He can do a lot more than that.’
Meera was biting her lips again. She did not bother to type a reply, making me wonder how she was going to take my suggestion.
Jai told her something. She shook her head sideways to gesture ‘nothing’ and put her phone down. It was more of a gesture directed at me. She was done chatting with me and now it was time to face her new admirer.
The old man was asking me something and I had to avert my eyes. He sought my attention to the sight of road construction near the railway track. It was a new highway under construction. As the old man soon turned my complete attention to the outside world with a detailed narration of the past and future of the controversial road construction, I couldn’t follow what Meera and Jai were up to for the next ten minutes. The longer I kept my eyes off them, the more desperate I became to turn backward and check them out. But the fear of turning other’s attention to them stopped me from doing so. By the time the old man gave me a break and I managed to casually throw a glance around, one of the elder women stood up and began to arrange their blanket, blocking my view.
I felt the world was conspiring something around me.
To do what?
I asked myself and the question did not panic me. I still knew there was a limit of things this new admirer could do with my wife and my only concern was the lack of view. And I waited.
When the woman sat down and finally gave me the view I wanted, I saw Meera and Jai sitting together, just like the way they were before all these anxious minutes. Nothing had happened, except that they were now fully engaged in a one-on-one discussion. My anxiety quickly became a disappointment. That’s when I admitted to myself that I was willing to see some action. I wanted my wife to seduce this guy before this journey ended.
When the train stopped at a major railway station, I decided to buy some food for dinner. I got up and courteously asked Meera if she had brought dinner from home.
“No. I haven’t brought anything for dinner,” She said and began to get up. But Jai stopped her.
“Don’t worry, Meera; I have brought enough for two persons.” He said quickly and while saying he briefly grabbed her hand to bring her attention to his bag. “I have packed dinner from my canteen. I’m sure it’ll be sufficient for us.”
While walking to the exit door, I couldn’t help but wonder what was stamped more into my psyche – the sight of him grabbing my wife’s wrist or the sound of him pronouncing the word ‘for us’.
I returned to the coach with parcelled dinner and sat with the old man who had brought his tiffin. Jai had shifted his position to the opposite side, and he had opened his packed dinner on the small side table while Meera curiously watched what was in it. I saw her smiling at him and saying ‘wow’. Jai took a small piece of something – a sweet it turned out to be – from it and fed directly into her mouth. She paused a moment to acknowledge his gesture and then opened her mouth.
I was forced to look away lest I should be caught gawking at a newly met young couple sharing moments of friendship. I sulkily turned my attention to my plate; nevertheless, I kept checking them out frequently. Meera had accepted Jai’s invite and they ate from the same tiffin boxes.
When Meera went to wash her hand I followed her and asked how was her new friend’s food. It was when I momentarily dropped the pretence of playing strangers without really thinking about it.
“It was good military food.” Meera's reply was short. But she sounded so strange to me that I quickly realised that she was strictly sticking to our role-play mode. It was the moment I wondered if she was the one enjoying the game more. As Jai too reached behind her and asked her if the gravy was too spicy for her, she turned to him with a pleasant smile.
“No, because of the sweet you gave me. I loved it.”
“Loved which one? The sweet or me?” Jai’s quick tease earned him a pinch on his arm with her wet fingers.
While washing the small tiffin boxes in the washbasin they stood very close and I couldn’t help but notice the natural affinity between them. Their elbows were touching without looking conscious about it.
When they finished, Meera handed Jai the tiffin boxes and went to the washroom. Jai turned and smiled at me.
“Sorry I overtook you,” he said.
“Not an issue. You are having a good time with the lady.” I quipped.
He glanced toward the closed washroom door while replying to me, “Yeah, it feels like my journey has become shorter.”
I wasn’t surprised.
“She seems impressed. Are you onto something?” I asked.
“It would be bad if I didn’t get a kiss at least, wouldn’t it?”
If I remember, I was the dumbest person on that train. Because this man was talking about his wish to be kissed by my wife and I did not even once think about stopping him fulfil that wish. Instead, I stood there smiling at him wondering how he was going to accomplish it.
When I went to my seat I pulled out my mobile and messaged Meera.
‘Dude wants to kiss you.’
 Meera replied a moment later, possibly from the washroom.
‘Did you ask him?’
Her next message came a few seconds later. ‘What did you say’
‘I wished him all the best’
‘He’s charming,’ I teased.
‘you are the moron’
‘Will you kiss him?’
‘No way.’
‘You won’t see him after this’
‘You are THE moron.’
‘A kiss is harmless.’
Why was I doing this? I would ask myself later. Because it excited me. I reckon it is like booze.
Meera did not reply to my last message. She completely ignored me when she returned to the bay. She sat opposite Jai.
One of the elder women requested Jai to take her middle birth so that she could sleep in his lower birth. Jai was happy to help.
“No problem aunty, I’m ready to sleep anywhere except on the floor.” His reply made Meera chuckle. She saw me watching her smile, and she kept her eyes on me for a while. Her eyes spoke vividly and I eyed at Jai. She looked on and on and slowly looked away. I felt she was going to consider my hint. I had instant arousal for no reason.
Jai asked her to change the seat to sit with him but she refused. He nevertheless managed to sit next to her after a while when the elderly women decided to lie down on their respective seats. As the women vacated the space next to Meera, Jai quickly shifted himself there. I caught Meera holding back a smile as Jai deliberately nudged her elbow.  After a pause, he turned his face to look at her directly, and she still held her face straight. He nudged again, and slowly grabbed her palm. This time she turned her eyes to him. He told her something which I couldn’t even guess but made her smile. She bobbled her head slowly and freed her palm from his hand. He did not pursue further.
The train was slowing down at an approaching station. When it finally stopped, Jai touched her hand again and pointed outside the window. He leaned closer to tell something in her ears, and her response was uncanny. She began to acknowledge what she heard before she gave him a quick look to pretend anger and then invariably began to chuckle. She looked up and down a couple of times before she returned her eyes to the stuff Jai had turned her attention to. I couldn’t see what it was and I wanted to look. I had no idea what was going on except that he was making a joke about something. I guessed it could be a dirty joke. I kept trying to catch the view through the window, in vain, until the train moved.
I wanted to message her to know what it was all about. But with Jai sitting so close to her, I didn’t think she would reply to me.
Jai kept talking to her in a muted voice. There was no way I could hear it. But I could make out she was actively enjoying and responding to his flirting. At times she looked shocked or surprised and even in denial to his banter, only to follow it up with a cute smile. The only thing I could do was to admit that I was jealous of this guy for the way he was making my wife forget about our little game of roleplaying.
But I didn’t mean to say that I regretted my idea of roleplaying during this journey. I was still enjoying the sight of Meera giving herself completely to this guy’s fun talk. I was the one who wanted her to be free and be expressive in front of my eyes. I wanted her to have a little fun and I had conveyed my wish to her very well. It was even possible that she was doing it all for me. Perhaps she was upset by her overreaction to my behaviour on the previous night and that might be the reason why she was pretending to be lost in Jai’s charm.
They talked more than twenty minutes before Meera decided to make her bed. When she stood up and took the pillow from the clothing stand, she inadvertently exposed her midriff. Jai took a glance before he looked downward and dramatically covered his eyes with his palm. Meera looked at him and pushed him on his cheek.
She said something that made him bobble. It was sure that she wasn’t disturbed by the fact that she had exposed her midriff. I wanted to witness more of such events.
Everyone was preparing to sleep. I climbed onto my birth and lay down. 
Meera was going to spread the bedsheet on her birth, and Jai helped her by lifting his middle birth to set up his bed too. When Jai went to fetch drinking water, I decided to chat with her and quickly grabbed my mobile to send a text.
‘How is your lover?’
Meera's phone buzzed but she went on to finish spreading the bedsheet on the seat. When she finally sat down and read the message, she looked at me before typing a reply.
‘Weren’t you watching?’
‘You weren’t doing anything.’ I typed quickly.
‘Are you disappointed?’
‘I love you, honey.’
‘I doubt that’
‘Tell me about your lover.’
‘He gave me a lecture on how to welcome my husband day on arrival.’
‘How is that?’
‘Like how to please my husband -  I mean you.’
‘Nice guy. I like him.’
‘He cares about you too – I mean my hubby’
‘Give me some details.’
‘A couple of tricks to do.’
‘Such as?’
‘One’s about giving head.’
I wondered if she was making it up to tease me.
‘Wow. He's taken it that far?' I texted further.
'isn't it what you wanted?'
'Yes. Are you gonna try it on me tomorrow.’
‘I can’t wait baby. What else.’
‘He’s getting overly close.’
‘He was just sitting there.’
‘You didn’t see him touching me?’
‘Your hand, right?’
‘You noticed?’
‘Come on. He’s a desperate hubby.’
‘His desperation might earn him a slap.’
‘Show him some kindness baby’
‘He wants me to sit with him like couples’
‘It's okay.’
‘While holding around me.’
‘Did he touch anywhere else?’
‘He’s going to, I guess.’
‘Don't disappoint him, baby.’
‘You moron’
‘Let him hug you once.’
‘He is crazy about my back’
‘Who can't be?’
‘Moron. Idiot.’
‘What about his kiss. Is it coming?’
‘Don't do it. Krish’
‘It's okay, baby. Give him one kiss.‘
‘Are you hard?
‘Very hard’
‘You need to shag. It'll clear your head’
‘Only after you tell me you kissed him. And let him touch your belly. I saw him looking at it.’
‘Somebody's gonna see.’
‘No one is gonna see. No one knows you. It's the perfect place for some fun baby.’
‘And you are going to watch, right?’
‘Not if you switch off the light.’
‘I’ll switch off the light.’
‘Promise me you’ll tell me tomorrow. Word by word.’
‘If somebody wrote a story about us, you’d be the villain in it.’
Her comment brought a wicked smile to my lips.
‘No. I won’t be. Because villains are eventual losers. I won’t lose you ever.’
‘Your concept of losing is different. You want me to be taken by a man you’ve just met.’
‘I don’t think about losing. I’m just crazy about winning you back.’
She did not reply to that message. She kept her mobile down and looked up for a long moment. I could not make out what she was thinking about my statement.
The uncle on the birth under me switched off the light in our bay but the lights in the other bays were still on.
Jai returned with a bottle of mineral water. I heard him asking Meera if she was going to sleep. He wanted to sit with her for a while. When Meera stood up to face the mirror and tie her hair, he shifted to the window seat.
It was obvious that he was not in the mood to sleep so soon. I casually pulled the blanket over my head, using the excuse of chilling cold in the ac coach, only to leave a small gap under the blanket to keep an eye on the lower birth.
Meera eventually sat on the seat and Jai right away grabbed her hand to gesture her to move closer. She asked him something before she half-heartedly relented. He turned to her and touched the edge of her blazer with his left hand. She looked down at her outfit and nodded. Then she grabbed one of the linen bed sheets and handed it to him. He was probably talking about rising cold but it was simply an excuse to touch her.
Jai put the linen sheet partly over him and cracked a joke that made Meera smile. My view was partially hampered the next moment as somebody switched off the light in the next bay and it spread darkness in our bay too. As if he was waiting for it, Jai turned right on his seat, folding his right knee and bringing it between him and Meera. And then he put his both arms around her. It was indeed an awkward pose to hug her but I was rather surprised by the lack of visible objection from her. There was still light coming from the farthest bays and I could see where his arms were. He was leaning forward. His left hand was touching her belly. But Meera was paying more attention to his whispers than his hands. He was telling her things that she was keen to listen and he was making her respond favorably. Meera grabbed his hand that was playing with her belly. There was a hint of objection from her side, but it only helped him become more playful by using his other hand to pull her closer to him.
The man was making physical moves on my wife, and I was getting the scene I was unknowingly waiting for. Meera tried to free her from his hands, though without making a noisy move. Then he stopped and suggested her something. She gazed straight at him and then checked out all the other passengers including me. I was sure she could not see me watching her. I learned Jai’s idea the next moment as Meera turned to her right to keep her both legs straight on the seat. Jai quickly grabbed her from behind and pulled her closer. She leaned her back on his chest, and he leaned back onto the window-side wall, finally managing to put his both arms around her and bring her into an embrace. I was stunned by the way Meera settled into his arms. It was like she was feeling cold and she needed his warmth to feel better. As if my guess was right, Jai spread the blanket over her body to cover up to her neck. Her body was now not visible to me, and so were his arms.
Jai pulled her even closer and Meera lay her head on his right shoulder, granting him more intimacy. I saw some movement of his hands under the blanket and I felt he was trying to touch her boobs. Meera grabbed the edge of the blanket and kept it from moving away, confirming my thought. She folded her legs and brought the knees up to create space between the blanket and her body, and I could no longer see Jai's hand movements under the cloth.
Meera was slowly making my secret wishes explicitly true. I could not see anything clearly but I could see enough to understand that Jai was fondling my wife’s breasts. Her left cheek was rubbing against his face.
Someone switched off the light in another bay too. It spread more darkness. Jai grabbed the opportunity to suddenly bring his left hand to turn her head to him and kiss her.
Meera was startled for once and moved back at first. But after a second her lips were welcoming him. I could only widen my eyes. I could see his jaw movement as he sucked on her lips without hiding his thirst.
It seemed my wife had submitted completely to the kiss. Her mouth was open for a few seconds, giving him access to taste her tongue. Jai's left hand moved back inside the blanket, I could guess that he was hurrying to touch her breasts again. I couldn't make out whether he was doing it over her top or he had managed to go inside her top this time. However, Meera had no objection to any of his moves, as she sat almost still for a few seconds. I knew she wouldn't want to make a move that would wake another passenger. I wondered if she even had a distant idea that I was watching. I could no more lie idle. I slowly turned my body to bring myself to lie on my stomach, with the blanket still covering my body from head to toe except for a small gap I had managed to leave near my face to see the action on Meera's birth. My dick was craving for some attention and my right hand went under my body to slide inside my pants and touched it. The feeling was simply heavenly.
My dick was rock hard and wet with precum. I pushed it between my thighs without making any other body movement, and it felt like I was pushing it inside Meera's pussy. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was Jai. I imagined that he was lying behind Meera and slowly sliding her pants down, reaching for her hole from behind. She would resist, but not enough to stop him from slowly pushing his dick into her from behind. They both would do it very slowly and quietly, for the fear of getting caught by fellow passengers. I could imagine the pleasure Jai would be having while pushing his dick into her married pussy. That she hadn't supposedly enjoyed the pleasure for the last two years would only add to his thrills. Meera would moan slightly and then for the fear of making another noise she would bite one tip of the bedsheet and hold her body stiff to let him penetrate her. He wouldn't breathe until he pushed it deepest into her pussy, and then he would adjust his body behind her while relishing every inch of her pussy. Meera would keep looking for signs of any of the passengers waking up, and she would also keep ensuring that her husband is asleep on his birth, while preparing her body to welcome the forbidden pleasure of orgasm by yet another man.
I kept moving my hand and imagined the whole scene like one I had seen in a Hollywood movie long ago. I had become Jai and in my head, he was fucking my wife slowly. Very soon I was ejaculating in huge bursts, almost drenching my underwear. 
It took me a couple of minutes before I recovered from the jolt of pleasance and had a look at the lower birth. Unlike what I had visualised in my head, Meera had stopped after the kiss. She had freed herself from Jai's arms. Jai was forced to wind up and he was climbing onto his middle birth. Meera quickly arranged the blanket on her birth and settled down. I saw her looking at me before covering her face with the blanket. 
It was the last sight I remembered before I slipped into sleep.
When I woke up in the morning, Meera was still asleep. The train had already crossed Madgaon railway station. And Jai's birth was empty.

I smiled at Meera as I got down. Her response was an unusual stare. I guessed that she was angry for the previous night. She had the right to be. I smiled at her again, even though she had looked away. My eyes remained on her and I felt my body becoming warm. Yet another man's hands and lips were on her. Why on earth does that knowledge make me hard again and again? I wanted to stop playing our role-play game and choke her with my kisses. I wanted to tell her that she's everything to me. I wanted her to understand that her little fling with a stranger wouldn't offend me one bit.
I was content with my thought process. I thought I had encouraged her to have some fun with the man because I had it under control. There was nothing that could go wrong. It was just a kiss and some harmless touches. That too, right in front of my eyes and a few feet away from other passengers. There was nothing that could go wrong, I believed.
Until she told me how it all had gone wrong.
“Krish, you think you're under control and everything will go as you wish. But you're an idiot to trust me and push me into this. Because I'm not under control, not always. You've no idea what happened because you were sleeping.”
“Kissing and touching stuff. Isn't what happened?”
I asked, my voice filled with confidence.
Meera looked at me with uncertainty.
“Krish. When I went to the washroom after that kissing and touching, he came after me. He was with me in the washroom for half an hour. You can guess what would have happened.”
[quote pid='3370922' dateline='1622979846']

Continuation needs to be from Meera's side... It will be hot as hell ❤️❤️❤️

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(06-06-2021, 05:14 PM)krish_999 Wrote: Chapter Ten continues...


Dear krish_999,

Welcome back sir.... and what a entry Sir !!!!! Absolutely wonderful.....

This "krish" character is somethinggggg..... your such extremely hot description make us completely engaged and drain our energy through a hot masturbate session..........

Thank you... lots of  Heart Heart
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Welcome back Krish, and what an entry back with the bang.......... Very nice update and waiting for lots to come.
Thank you and please post the next update soon
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I can't wait what happend in washroom.
Oh god .
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Excellent update once again from you.
One small request can we have lovemaking sessiyns lengthy ones with Teasing-Seduction-Foreplay-Intercourse(DiffFuckPositions)-AfterPlay. In Fucking sessions of Meera with anyone
[+] 1 user Likes BukkaaReddy's post
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First of all welcome to my favorite writer on this forum
I used to check my subscription 3 times in a week to just check your story updates, i loosed all hope but suddenly your reply that you are back make me so much happy ,words can not describe ,how much happy i am .

Second ,when i was ready this update ,it feels like ,you are reading an novel,
The quality and choice of words are so good ,i am impressed by your writing skills.

Third, after waiting and literally pleading to you to comeback to the forums is justified by this update.

Fourth, i still hope you will continue this great story with long updates.

Fifth, God bless you
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I'm sorry kirsh, I won't read any more of this story. I can't. I can't take it anymore. It is not you, it is me.

I'm not really into cuckold stories but I somehow read the first 2 parts quickly skipping here and there coz of your excellent writing skills and the very erotic parts.

But I just can't take what is happening to meera. I know some will say "this is just a story bro, calm down" but idk why these two characters feel very real to me. I know Meera isn't perfect and she isn't big on chastity, but she is one of the most beautiful and charming persons in my mind, she is sweet, funny and intelligent, she loves her hubby, she cares for family, she is classy and can be sexy when she wants, she has her bad days and she has her good days. And on the other hand, we have this chutiya Krish(character) who just can't stop thinking with his dick and has no control over his urge whatsoever and is average at best in every quality I mentioned above(unlike Atul) and won't think twice before handing over his wife to a stranger on the street. If I could meet him, I'd beat this motherfucker to pulp. I was seriously worried about Meera's safety until I read that Jai was from Airforce and kinda understood where this was going, because I felt Krish would first fantasize about others enjoying his wife than get altered about her safety, of course not consciously.

I thoroughly enjoyed this update while my heart ached for meera. I care for meera but I also came a bucket when I read Jai touched her boobs. I can't handle these dual emotions. I've always loved the romance and flirty convos and funny banter in your stories and this was top notch here as well!! All that buildup really made the scene very erotic for me even though the scene itself isn't that erotic.

I also liked how this update had very little to do with Desai and this "let's play strangers" move was exciting. I thought Desai would make his move in this chapter, but I see you are slowly bringing up the heat with these additional story lines. I wonder if Tejas would make appearance in this story again. Poor chap I feel for him. He is like Pruthvi from your other novel. Desai is so cunning I don't think Krish is smart enough to figure out his plan nor Meera is chaste enough to resist his charms consistently. Fuck I'm already getting excited about what will happen even though I don't want to read further for the sake of my heart. But my little brother is getting excited reading meera's words "but you can guess what happened" lol.. Maybe I'll just read the first para but you never put anything spicy in the first para. Fuck me

If there's one suggestion I can give, it is that I feel Krish's inner dilemma can get kinda repetitive and he says one thing in mind but acts completely differently, this is kinda frustrating. Nobody thinks with their dick that much and this can't be the excuse everytime he slips. Also, I want this couple to be intelligent and not fall easily to Desai's charms, because they can't think like adults. Things are interesting when people involved don't make same stupid mistakes.(I don't want Krish to be fooled like Rajat tried to fool Atul) This is just my suggestion, you may have a different thing in your mind and I trust your judgement better than mine in these stories, so take it with a pinch of salt. Smile
[+] 2 users Like BedWinner's post
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what an update!!!! you're back with a bang, can't wait for the next part
[+] 1 user Likes hoetrap's post
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Ohh! Krish you end every episode with suspense in last.Waiting for next update
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Worth reading. As always.
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Dear Krish,

Thanks a lot for being back with a big update. Keep it up.
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What a comeback bro. A brilliant update in the legendary tale of Krish and Meera.......
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Back with a bang....looking forward to the next update...
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