Adultery Seduction of Nisha, the happy Housewife by elder_ guy (COMPLETED)
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An update is posted in my story  Padmini, a middle aged beauty to hot wife. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.
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Smita n Janki

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There was some small talk and Rohit automatically scanned Anjali who looked beautiful. His mind compared her to Nisha and he felt Nisha has a class of her own. Anjali too just looked at him as she was chatting and she could feel  the element of authority and possibly the dominance this man has over his colleagues and even their wives.......

Just then Avinash too came along and all of them were having a chat and Nisha too came along. Again her eyes met those of Rohit but this Time Anjlai was quick to observe that there seems to some chemistry between the two but she was not sure what her eyes expressed. 
Soon Avinash and Nisha left and then Vijay too left; possibly he wanted to leave his wife ANJALI  WTH Rohit.  As they were alone, Anjali smiled.
Rohit : what makes you smile?
Anjali:  would you mind if  I asked you  a personal question and would you reply?
Rohit:  smiled go ahead, shoot.
Anjali: Rohit  is there some chemistry between you and Nisha?

Rohit was anticipating a question but not this direct. But then he is a true professional.

Rohit:  smiled, we met few times and we share some common interests, so may be some chemistry has developed. I was not aware it is showing so easily and he  laughed again.

Anajali: Rohit, It is not that apparent  but  a woman’s trained eye can sense it. She  too laughed.
Rohit: So you feel you have well trained eyes or (not one to let go a chance) is it jealous eyes?
Anjali: ( was little taken aback but smiled ) I do not see why I should be jealous.
Rohit:  Anjali you are one beautiful woman and when another woman is getting attention, she may be jealous when she is not the center of attention. Just natural, he added.
Anjali: Oh no, I don’t think I was jealous I just observed and thought will check
Rohit:  A few more meetings we too also may have same chemistry if we share some common interests.  An intelligent woman like you should bother of your chemistry and not other’s chemistry. Rohit was fishing to assess where the conversation will go.

She found an opening in his comments and she thought she will take this conversation a little forward and see where it goes and how it ends.

Anjali: So you think I am beautiful, I am a happily married lady and I am not a college girl and do not flatter me
Rohit : there is no doubt you are a gorgeous lady and as you said the happiness shows on the face and that makes you EVEN more beautiful. 

Anjali blushed at this reply. 

Rohit: You look really beautiful when you blush; Rohit pressed yet another button on her.
Anjali: Rohit, I am happy to receive your compliments but I think you are just a gentleman and hence saying I am gorgeous.
Rohit: No it is not flattery or being a sport but you are really a beautiful woman..

He was not too sure how much he can take forward unaware she has permission from her hubby to flirt with him. 
Anjali: Tell me Rohit do you find me beautiful or attractive, she asked with a naughty smile.

Rohit now thought she is just a tease and teasing him as she suspected his relation with Nisha. So he thought Ok let me enjoy the tease 

stay tuned....
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An update is posted in my story. Smita and Janki journey from conservative housewife to Hot wife to Cuckoldress. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.
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Anjali: Tell me Rohit do you find me beautiful or attractive, she asked with a naughty smile.
Rohit now thought she is just a tease and teasing him as she suspected his relation with Nisha. So he thought Ok let me enjoy the tease.........

Rohit: I think you will have to ask Vijay for a reply to that. 
Anjali: Oh No Husbands find their wives not attractive a few years after marriage she said laughingly and so he cannot answer that.
Vijay on his part was observing that his wife is engaged in conversation with Rohit and he thought Anjali is good enough to handle it. In any case he only asked her to flirt but he somehow felt she may be moving a wee bit fast.

Anjali: Rohit,I asked you the question she calmly said.
Rohit: I think anyone will find you attractive
Anjali: Rohit I am sorry to say this but you are an expert in evading answers.
Rohit:  sometimes it better to be safe than regret later.
Anjali:  You have nothing to worry and I wanted just an honest opinion.

Rohit then smiled and said Ok if that is what you want you are surely very attractive and If I may add you are surely a hot woman. With that he was about to walk to join other colleagues as he knew any too much spending of time with this attractive lady will give chance to rumors and also Nisha may also be piqued. He glanced and Nisha in fact is checking out and looking at them.

Anjali: Hey Rohit one last question? Why do you think I am attractive and anything that you feel is attractive specifically???

Rohit was not too sure where this is leading and not sure whether Anjali is flirting openly or just teasing. He decided to play safe for the time being. Anjali in the meanwhile was adjusting her Pallu and that gave Rohit the chance to have a look at her lovely tits without being covered by pallu for few seconds. Again he was not sure whether this is intentional or casual.

Rohit: Anjali, You have a  beautiful face, an excellent smile and I think the last part of it I will leave as it is not good for me to say in such short interaction, When times comes I will tell you. But he let his eyes roam on her body and her tits for few seconds.

And he walked to join the others and was immediately in conversation with Anil.

Anjali on her part was happy that she flirted slightly with Rohit and possibly moved closer to him. She was also impressed by his confidence and charm and especially not getting carried away and say straight I like your tits or something like that.

The fun and frolic was going on and then drinks began and as is normal  Rohit, Anil, Hitesh and Avinash too joined. Rohit called Vijay too just to make him feel comfortable and not left out, though he would have joined other men in normal course. 

Winnie joined and sat by the side of her hubby and Ritu too joined. Avinash called his wife and Nisha too joined rather unwillingly. She has her reasons, she observed she gets exited post drinks and yes the thoughts of Rohit will disturb her whether she accepts it or not. It is a mind and heart games where her brain is sending caution signals but her heart is telling her go ahead and enjoy. 

Rohit looked at Vijay and soon Anjali too joined. Those not having drinks were given soft drinks. Men ordered scotch and so is Winnie, Ritu said she will go with Gin and took liberty to order Gin for Nisha too. Nisha said she will go with soft drink but Avinash said come on Nisha don’t be a spoil sport. 

This left Anjali and she was unable to decide. She was not willing to join for drinks at such an early stage, after all her hubby joined only recently and this was their first party, was not sure how men will react to the woman sipping a drink. Winnie sensed this and said hey Anjali no one here is so prude to think cheap, this is just time to be free and enjoy, have your drink. 

This assured Anjali that the men will not think badly of her and she was also happy Nisha joined any how with her Gin. The drinks too arrived and she calmly said give me a Gin. Winnie teasingly said Anjali I thought you will join me in scotch but Anjali replied no Winnie just a Gin for me. But not one to leave a chance to tease Winnie said, next time we will have scotch or Vodka together and in private not along with these women, why men alone should have parties? All laughed at the exchange and the mood set right in. 

stay tuned.....
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An update is posted in  story MIL SEEKS DIL HELP WITH FIL.. Hope you wll enjoy reading the update.
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An update is posted in my story. Smita and Janki journey from conservative housewife to Hot wife to Cuckoldress. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.    
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But not one to leave a chance to tease Winnie said, next time we will have scotch or Vodka together and in private not along with these men, why men alone should have parties? All laughed at the exchange and the mood set right in.......
Anil said Rohit this time no competition among our precious women? Rohit said Anil we have a bigger gathering and some may feel disappointed since last time we had just 3 and we gave each an award. All laughed heartily. Someone from the other tables said yup, we sure should have but let it be secret vote. Otherwise we have to face our wives he added. Everyone laughed at this joke. .Rohit said we will then add sensuous lady to our earlier 3, one for sexy lady, one for a friendly lady and one for the beautiful lady,  is that Ok and all said, including the woman OK.   

All one has to do is write name and then the number. 1 for beautiful, 2 for sensuous, 3 for friendly and 4 for sexy Lady. Anjali thought this guy is smart he is ensuring that more woman get an award.  We can add more if you suggest. Rohit then said if any Lady wants to opt out she is welcome and should not be pressurized as we have to respect her feelings.  Very shrewd thought Anjali and acting like gentleman and Winnie thought this bastard sure knows the way to a woman’s pussy. 

She is almost sure he slept with Nisha and is now he is playing to have Anjali. Well she reasoned he is a good lover too and just the thought of his love making session made her wet down under. She is not jealous as Winnie knows her and Rohit have a special relationship.

Anil the event Manager quickly took the names and there were about 6 contestants and Winnie, Nisha, Ritu, Anjali, Prachi and Komal. A few of the ladies opted out saying  as stated by Rohit, no one asked them for reasons but almost everyone knew they opted out as they have no chance.
Avinash now said Rohit why not we add 2 more since there are six and all agreed. Then add best dressed and elegant as the other 2.

Anil collected all the chits on which each wrote his preferences or his choice or his vote or his feelings while the drinking continued and there were lot of jokes and fun and frolic. At one point

Rohit: Avinash, your wife eyes are glowing, is it because she knows she is going to win?  
Avi: I do not know but I sure know she is not winning one of them.
Rohit: Oh?
Vijay: Oh really Avinash and pray which one u are sure she will not win?
Anjali: Chodo Vijay, he is just joking and making fun of Nisha.
Avi: Oh No I am not kidding.
Hitesh: Then tell us without suspense.
Avi: I am sure she will not win Sexy Lady, even I voted for Winnie.
Anil : Then Avi you are in for some punishment in the hands of Nisha
All had a hearty laugh.
Nisha was not feeling embarrassed as she has by now become accustomed to this, other men calling her by name and her own hubby calling other women by name is just common  but she knew Rohit is cleverly playing a mind game. Anjali on her part is quite impressed, the top man mingling so easily and all enjoying and even encouraging women to drink and party. 

He was confident of himself, handsome and of course one who knows how to go about, business or pleasure she thought. She realized her admiration for Rohit has gone up but oh Shit the drinks seems to be having their influence on me, why am I thinking like this. 

Just then she again saw the exchange of glances between Nisha and Rohit and again thought shit why am I so anxious of their chemistry. May be as Rohit  said natural jealousy of a woman has stepped in  She was surprised why she is paying so much attention and decided to concentrate on drinks and the conversation.

stay tuned......

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Smita n Janki

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Just then she again saw the exchange of glances between Nisha and Rohit and again thought shit why am I so anxious of their chemistry. May be as Rohit  said natural jealousy of a woman has stepped in  She was surprised why she is paying so much attention and decided to concentrate on drinks and the conversation......

Soon Anil said he is ready and as expected Winnie won the sexy lady award, and Ritu the most friendly as she mingles so easily. And Anjali won the most beautiful lady and yes Nisha won the most sensuous and Komal the best dressed and Prachi as most elegant. This way the jury ensured all are happy or at least they are not disappointed. Winnie said with so many young and vivacious young ladies I really do not know how the men voted for me, surely scotch has a role in this. All laughed and said scotch has made the decision easy. Anil said he agrees with Avinash and he voted for his wife as sexy lady. Nisha said she never thought she is going to win any and this surprised her. This is the issue; you do not know your strengths said her hubby. Rohit said it is not a surprise and ANIL joined with the comment I agree. Anjali then sais while she is happy she certainly is surprised. Well you ladies are surprised and we men are not was what Hitesh, the normally quiet guy said.  All had hearty laugh.

Winnie then asked so what si it we are going to get?  So what is it you want Winnie asked Avinash?  The husbands should give a lip lock to their wives in public said Winnie and immediately Anil said I have no issue with that and he just moved his face and kissed his wife in full view of others. Winnie after the kiss is over said Ok guys  this is only optional and no compulsion. Avi without any hesitation kissed Nisha and this inspired Vijay to kiss Anjali and Vijay found his wife more responsive. Their kiss lasted the longest. There was a round of applause for all. Anil thanked all for making the day memorable and asked everyone to be free and leave inhibitions at least for the day.

Each lady was then given a bouquet as symbolic gesture.  They started playing games like cards, etc. Some were just chitchatting. In all this activity Rohit was able to locate Nisha. She was chatting with other ladies and enjoying herself yet as she Rohit looking at her, she was thinking of  Rohit having a conversation that lasted possibly little longer. On reflex then she thought why she should bother with whom he is talking . However she has to admit herself that she felt somewhat unusually disturbed by their chat. Rohit smiled at her and moved away and started chatting with Winnie.

Soon they finished Lunch and people resumed activities. Post lunch they struck to games like cards or Anthyakshari etc.  Someone suggested a game like truth and dare and they played that too and that brought some hilarious answers. It was time to to go home. And Anil simply said that he hoped all have enjoyed and thanked all for coming. He further said those who want to stay back and enjoy can book rooms and stay back as arrangements were made with the resort.

Anil stayed back, in any case he has to take care of payments and then Rohit said he would also like to stay back but he has to take Rani back. Rani said she will take the driver and go and it was agreed Anil will drop him. Avinash also wanted to stay but Nisha asked him to come home. Vijay and Anjali and other too left.
As  all left, only Anil, Winnie and Rohit were left and Anil moved in to  deluxe room and asked others to move in.  Accounts are being prepared and the final bill will take some time, so the management asked them to relax in the room.. Anil being in thick of arrangements was tired and he decided to take a shower and refresh himself. He took along shower and came out and Winnie too went in and had her own shower. Anil jokingly said if he knew Winnie will take shower, they could have taken together Shut up was response from Winnie. I would have taken the driver and gone home and sent him back if that was your plan, Rohit teased them further.  Anil then said come on Rohit, refresh, we will have drinks and then have food and go home. No more cooking for the night.

Rohit too refreshed himself and by the time the snacks were ready and the drink was ready. All three started sipping and Winnie suddenly asked Rohit it looks as if you have hit it right with Anjali. Rohit smiled and said oh she is inquisitive  When Anil pressed him further he said let us forget and let us relax and have our drinks but let us call it a day very quickly. 

stay tuned.........
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Smita n Janki

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An update is posted in my story  Rama, A journey from a prude to Hot Wife by elder_guy. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.
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An update is posted in my story  Padmini, a middle aged beauty to hot wife. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.
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All three started sipping and Winnie suddenly asked Rohit it looks as if you have hit it right with Anjali. Rohit smiled and said oh she is inquisitive  When Anil pressed him further he said let us forget and let us relax and have our drinks but let us call it a day very quickly....... 

Anil said let me tell you one thing Rohit, my wife is fond of Nisha, and she is all praise for her. Rohit said Oh really but why?  Ask her was the reply of Anil. Winnie said she is elegant and beautiful and of course sexy. Rohit teasingly said but you were selected as Most Sexy. Winnie said   she is surprised by the selection and Rohit said hope you are not in love with Nisha.  Anil suddenly said I hope you are not thinking of lesbo stuff. They all had a hearty laugh, soon they settled the bill and were on their way back.

Anil asked Rohit to come to the house for a night cap but Rohit knew what may follow but wanted to avoid. He politely said let me go home. 
Rohit Just read this and Anil handed over his phone. In that the messages started with Anil asking Hi Bhabhi how are you, to Rani and Rani has replied, I am ok, who is this, I am Anil Bhabhi. Oh sorry I do not have your number. Ok Bhabhi, just wanted to know how are you as this is your first time to attend our parties. She replied it was fine, lots of fun but I am very tired. Where is Rohit and when he will come back.  Oh, we are in the final process, Rohit is busy with some settlement work and asked me to find out how are you. Oh Ok Anil, thanks for the concern and ask Rohit to come inside the house using his key as I am tired and may sleep by the time he returns.

Rohit was shocked and asked when all this took place and Anil simply said I initiated and Winnie took over the texting. Now will you come over and have a night cap. Rohit was still reluctant but Winnie said oh come on Rohit, if need be we can call your driver too. 

I already told him he may have to come and drive you back, Anil took very less drink as he has to drive and you know that. Rohit sighed and said Ok you guys have plotted this so well and look I am trapped.

They seated in the living room and soon Winnie brought the scotch, glasses, soda, water and snacks etc helped of course by Anil.  She poured in to 3 glasses and said you guys start having your drink and I will change and come. The two friends started sipping and the conversation turned to the get together and Rohit remarked he was pleased with the gathering and good times people had. Anil said you seem pleased also with Anjali. 

Shut up, she was just making some casual conversation and do not think much of it. Winnie joined and said but to me it looked as if she was flirting with you. Natural jealousy of women commented Rohit. I do not have to be jealous of her Rohit and you know that retorted Winnie. She was dressed in a night wear that was loose and it was obvious that she was not wearing anything underneath her nightwear.
Rohit was seated on a single sofa and Anil and Winnie were in the bigger sofa. They were sipping drinks and Winnie joined them.

Anil: Rohit am also happy all went well and people had good time.

Rohit. Yes Anil, this kind of meets are needed to unwind and help us come closer too.

Winnie: Rani coming and joining is really, she too enjoyed.

Rohit: Happy to hear that. Hope she enjoyed the company.
Winnie. Yes she did specially with those other calm wives. She certainly cannot enjoy or be in company of Nisha or Ritu. 

Anil Or for that matter Anjali. 

Winnie; you seem to have some fixation on Anjali.

Anil: Oh Shit, I thought she is playing smart for a new entrant.

Rohit: Leave it Anil, why discuss the party, let us talk something different.

Winnie yes I agree it is boring.

Anil: Winnie you have developed a habit to side with Rohit. Anyway when I have you why I should think of someone?

stay tuned.......
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An update is posted in my story  Smita and Janki journey from conservative housewife to Hot wife to Cuckoldress. Here is the link.  Enjoy reading guys
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An update is posted in my story  Rama, A journey from a prude to Hot Wife by elder_guy. Hope you will enjoy reading the update.
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Rohit: Leave it Anil, why discuss the party, let us talk something different.

Winnie yes I agree it is boring.
Anil: Winnie you have developed a habit to side with Rohit. Anyway when I have you why I should think of someone?

He pulled her close and kissed her. It lasted a few moments and Winnie said hey Anil, Rohit is here.  Do not worry of him and he pulled her even closer. This time she responded and the kiss lasted longer and more passionate.

As they kissed, Winnie’ dress moved up exposing her fair legs. As she leaned in to her hubby it inched up even further. Her movements also exposed her neckline and Rohit could see her clev too. The clev looked very sexy and Rohit thought Winnie is surely a sexy woman. As they separated from the kiss, Winnie made no attempt to adjust her dress and her legs were on display and her tits looked seductive.

He decided time to leave and leave the couple to have some hot moments and so said loud, OK guys am leaving, have your time.

Anil : hey what is the hurry stay let us complete the drinks.
Rohit: You guys seem more interested in other than drinks and laughed.
Winnie: No Rohit stay back and let us complete drinks too. We will do justice to both.

Rohit looked at her questioningly.

Winnie swiftly moved towards Rohit and planted a kiss first on his lips and then pulled him for a French kiss.

Rohit quickly got himself separated from her and said hey Winnie, behave this is not correct and let me move out. Anil then said hey Rohit it is Ok, stay back and let us have our drinks and dinner. Rohit stayed back but unwillingly  They continued the drinks and this time it was Anil who pulled Winnie and kissed her and his hands were caressing her fair white wonderful and sexy thighs. Her thighs were very fair and smooth  and glowing in the lights. Drinks obviously are having their effect. Winnie responded and she unbuttoned her hubby’s shirt and her hands were playing with his nips.

Rohit was feeling embarrassed as he was seeing some live hot kisses etc. Just as he was going through these and was about to complete his drink, Anil saw that his glass was having the last sip and also read his facial feelings.

Give me the Glass Rohit, he said and filled his glass with another round and he also said Winnie we are doing injustice to Rohit. Winnie smiled, understood what her hubby meant and she quickly moved and kissed Rohit. Rohit tried to push her away but she was in no mood, come on Rohit we are not new to this. As she kissed him, her hubby was caressing her legs and he moved her dress up revealing her thunder thighs yet again. 

Though he has seen them so many times he was still fascinated by them. He caressed them and bent and kissed them. Winnie took a break and looked to see her hubby kissing her thighs. A gleam of pride could be seen in her eyes and she said hey Hubby, you have kissed them a million times already. Yes and will kiss million more times  was the reply. 

Rohit was sipping his drink and was enjoying this exchange and also the beauty before him. Winnie returned her attention to Rohit and this time she started playing with the Nips of Rohit.  She knows Rohit loves it and indeed Rohit was loving it. Drinks plus the beauty of Winnie and her playful ways all have had a compounding effect and he thought what the heck let me go with the tide.

Winnie bent and kissed  Rohit’s Nips and even bit them lightly. She was sucking the nips now vigorously. Rohit was enjoying this erotic sucking.    Meanwhile her hubby moved his attention to his wife’s tits and he started caressing them. Slowly he unhooked the hooks and freed her tits. As she was feasting on Rohit’s nips and chest, her hubby was playing with his wife’s tits. For a moment she turned towards her hubby and said it is unfair to expose me and be dressed.

Anil took the hint and removed his dress and he was in his boxers. Do u have to be told separately Rohit, teased Winnie.

stay tuned......
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