Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest by Indiansubmale - a tribute


While I was busy preparing breakfast, deeply immersed in my distress, Jaya joined to help me.

Kavita, how do I look?”
I looked at her. It was a shock! She was wearing a blue one-piece nighty. This nighty came up to just above her thighs. It was sleeveless, and rested on her by two shoulder-straps, this one was lacy, and translucent at places. She was not wearing bra, could be panty less also. Her nipples made proud impression of their presence above two perfect cones. ‘B’ cup, I was sure. This nighty was very similar to the one I had worn on Friday, Gowri made her second visit. I kept on looking at her in bewilderment, unblinking.

Jaya waked me up, “Last night I found it; your husband told me that you won’t like me wearing this. He told me that you hate others using your dresses. I thought, he was joking. Sorry Kavita wearing your nighty without taking your permission. OK, I will remove it. Sorry Kavita”
She gestured to remove it right there in front of me.
I stopped her, “No Jaya, it’s OK. I didn’t mind you using my clothes.”
Joyfully she admired, “Thank you Kavita. I knew you are broad minded. You don’t care for silly matters.” Then after a pause she asked again, “Now tell me, am I looking sexy?”
I had no option but to accept. I said, “Yeah, you are looking hot” with a pause I added, “and sexy.” Truly she was looking sexy.
Jovially she kissed my cheek, “Thank you. “ Her soft melons brushed in my arms.

She started praising me for my sense of fashion and beauty. “You have a nice figure. No complain on Indian outfits, but I think western dresses will fit you well. You will look smart and confident. In Delhi, young women prefer a special type of skirt-blouse combination in office now-a-days, mostly in software companies. It is a new and bold selection for fashionable minds. The outfit is a bit body hugging and slightly revealing.  Moving around public places may attract crowd. If you can manage private transport, it is very attractive.You know. It may help you in boosting career and self-confidence. I think I measure same as you. I can send you some of my choices, if you are interested. Anyway, Prem has nice choices.”

There was no ambiguity. She knew about Prem. She knew everything! She was appreciating my figure profusely and how beautiful I would look in western dress. Instinctively, I pulled my sari to cover me more. Taking cue, she flirted, “I am jealous of what you are hiding under sari-blouse. Even being a woman, I am obsessed, Prem can’t be blamed.  Use level 1 push up bra with skirt blouse combination and I guarantee, men won’t be able to take off their eyes off you.”

I pulled my sari further in humiliation. Manu must have told her about my obscene dressing. ‘How much does she know?’ I could only guess. I wanted to evaporate. I wanted to become ‘Sita’.

I think she sensed my mental state as she changed her topic. She asked my timing for job. Seeing at her watch, she suddenly jumped, “Kavita, I think you should move now, otherwise you will be late for office. I will take care from here.” She brushed aside all my protest. When I mentioned about lunch, she put me into embarrassment, “Don’t worry Kavita, you go ahead leaving it on me. I know little cooking and will not keep your husband starving.” She paused and added, “You know very well, unlike Prem, your husband also is apt in cooking. He has spent lot of hours in kitchen.” She did not hide the fact that she knows everything.  I felt dwarf in humiliation.

Later Jaya alone joined me on breakfast table. I could not ask the reason for Manu not coming out for breakfast.  Was he still sleeping? When I was about to exit apartment door, Jaya proposed to prepare dinner considering it will be exhaustive for me after full day in office. I meekly protested, “You are my guest. It would my pleasure to serve you.” Luckily, she agreed for joint service.
Just before leaving, Jaya humiliated me again.
She whispered mischievously, “Kavita, do you have extra milk in house?  Otherwise I have to fetch it.“
I got surprised in her question, “What will you do with extra milk? Sufficient milk is there for coffee.”
She convulsed in deep laughing, “Not for coffee. Now a days, your husband drinks milk. He SQUEEZES me every day for MY MILK. “ Momentarily, I glanced at her well-shaped breasts. She was proudly displaying her assets. The nipples were more distinctly visible under the semi-transparent fabrics, as she erupted into convulsions with her breasts swinging in rhythms. She continued nonchalantly, “He thinks, it will be unadulterated and pure. He does not understand that I cannot produce MILK now. He is so obsessed about them! You know, how he enjoys playing with them.”

Last night incidents surfaced in my memory. She was asking Manu to make her pregnant, so that she can feed him fresh milk directly from source.  I promptly took leave to avert my embarrassment.
In the office, my mind kept on spinning through the incidents since yesterday night. “The only conclusion I could draw, I have lost my husband. In my childhood, I had seen, sea never keeps anything with her. She returns back everything you throw at her. This is true for life also. All the humiliations I aimed at Manu are returning back. I must show courage to accept. I loved him also. Will I get back my love also some day?” I was desperate in finding a way out to meet Manu in isolation.

I could not make definite conclusion about Jaya’s knowledge regarding Prem. In the morning while serving coffee and then after, I was sure she knew everything. Manu must have shared everything with her. My only confusion was whether she knew about my sexual violation by Prem? However, she did not give any definite hint. Most probably she did not.

Evening I purchased Paneer for preparing a special dish for Manu. I had surprise waiting for me in house.
Jaya was dressed into the ‘black mini-skirt’ and ‘knotted’ blouse outfit. The same outfit I wore to give oil massage to Prem. I saw my reflection in Jaya. The mini-skirt only came down to the middle of her slender fair thighs. The top was tied with a knot just under her breasts, and didn't come down anywhere close to where her skirt started. The top 'ended' about 2 inches above her belly button and she was wearing her mini-skirt an inch below her belly button, leaving fully exposed her curvy belly and navel region. She was looking sexy but obscene. She was looking seductive. I had been on same dress only a few months back. That day Prem had cherished my body, he had enjoyed my sexy seductive figure. Manu was watching haplessly. Today, Manu had enjoyed and cherished Jaya’s figure in same sexy outfit. Did he fuck her on this outfit? She could be without panty; I was curious to know. I was becoming obsessed on Jaya more and more! Opportunity arrived shortly for me to ascertain. She offered to clean the cookware. She leaned over kitchen sink.  I saw her ass crack and Oh Shit! She was not wearing a panty.

We had dinner together. Jaya opened discussion from the point we left in the morning. She continued with my present job, office timings, travelling times etc, tactfully avoiding dressing codes, fashions etc. I truthfully answered all her questions. The discussion continued more and more on job and my official responsibilities. No personal topics figured in our discussion. Prem did not appear once. Manu did not join in our discussion.  He was behaving as a stranger. Mostly Jaya was asking and I answering.

Manu quickly finished food and hastily returned to room without eating properly. He seemed lost interest in my preparations. He averted looking at my eyes. Jaya joined me in a post dinner discussion.  Her bitchiness resurfaced again.  She started with her present dress.
Prem purchased this for you. Am I correct Kavita?”
She knew it. Manu had shared every detail with her. I simply nodded.
She grinned, “He is a gem. Prem has a good idea of what clothes women look good in. You must have looked damn sexy in this outfit. Can you share his contact Kavita? I will get some tips from him.”
She was making mockery of me. She knew very well where Prem was presently. Drama queen bitch!
She continued, “Oh! Kavita don’t worry. I will not snatch him from you.” She continued grinning at her own joke.
She stopped suddenly and spoke guardedly, “I must accept one thing. Every man should learn from him. He knows how to transforms women into bitches and sluts.”
I became red instantaneously. I looked down to avert her eyes.
She got up, “Good night Kavita. your husband must be impatiently waiting for me.” She continued adding extra weight on her tone, “Now, I have to change into a sari.”
I also got up and looked at her questing, “Sari! Are you going out now?”
Her face filled in a naughty smile. She giggled before reaching near me and whispered, “Nope! It’s your husband. He enjoys disrobing me off sari. You also must have experienced this. Good night!” She turned and proceeded to her room. Soon the guest room door closed from inside.
Manu had no such fantasy. She was playing with my mind. She is showing off her intimacy with Manu!  It could be her fantasy, she enjoyed being disrobed off sari and putting the onus on Manu. I must find the truth. I fought with my mind and after ten minutes, tiptoed again to the closed door. I could hear some faint conversation. I wanted to listen. I wanted to assure myself.  I was about to press my ear, the door opened. Jaya was standing before me.
I fumbled. Even before she asked anything, I stammered, “Actually, I came to ask if you want coffee in morning.” Then with after thought I added as explanation, “I did not know your phone no.”
Jaya smiled, “This is called telepathy. I was about to change into sari when I remembered to remind you. Two cups Kavita, OK?”
I looked at her examining. She was in the middle of changing dress. She had put on white petticoat and a light blue blouse. She had sari light pink transparent chiffon one loosely placed over her shoulder covering her from front. The twin projections suggested for push up bra underneath her blouse.
 She must have seen me gazing at her. She followed my pupils and smiled mystically, “Why are you standing outside? Please come in.”
On being caught I turned red. I wanted to escape at the earliest to hide my embarrassment. I could not ask why two cups? Quickly, I pronounced, “Thank you Jaya. I should not disturb you now. Take rest. Good night.”
Jaya teased, “Rest? That is only after midnight. Are you sure you don’t want to come in?”
I ignored her mocking with a forced smile, “Good night Jaya.” I turned to walk back.
I heard Jaya’s tinkle, “Good night Kavita.” Then closing sound of the door. I did not dare to look back.

I retired to bed after switching off the lights. Sleep evaded my eyes.  What Jaya said? ‘Manu enjoys disrobing sari.’ I had no knowledge of such fantasy of him. What were his fantasies? I could not remember. He had not shared any of his fantasies with me. Neither did I. He definitely had fantasies. He purchased that naughty nighty for me. Painfully, I acknowledged that I had never encouraged him to open up. He was so embarrassed and occupied with his performance issues; he must have suppressed all his natural feelings.  Jaya could help him recover from his performances issues. Jaya could bring him out from his shell.  He must be enjoying disrobing sari. She did not lie to me. Otherwise, why should she change into a sari at the dead of night? His romantic landscape blossomed at the magic touch of Jaya.  I had failed to ignite his romanticism, Jaya could. She could transform him within a span of three months which I failed to achieve in four years. I have heard him making love to Jaya, play with her assets, his squirrel and sparrows.  I had no such derivations to connect with him. A pang of jealousy was filling my mind. I was getting restless.  A strong magnetic force was pulling me towards adjacent room. The visual images of ongoing activities were making me weak. Finally, I accepted my defeat. I prepared myself for another session of eavesdropping.   
I was standing on the threshold of closed doors. I could trace light below the door. I was about to press my ear; a sudden fear caught my mind. ‘If they open the door for some reason, I will be caught. They will find me eavesdropping.  A few minutes earlier I have been spared. I cannot take another risk. I can’t afford to be caught once more.  What explanation could I provide? They would laugh on me.’

I retreated silently. I came back to sofa. I could not help but staring at their closed door. Sitting in darkness, I fixed my sight on the thin light coming out at the bottom of the closed door. Her words reverberated in my brain again, again and again, “Nope! It’s your husband. He enjoys disrobing me off sari.”  I concentrated hard imagining the events could follow in the closed room.
Yes, I could see everything that was happening in the room. I could listen to everything.
Jaya was standing at the middle of the space, fully clothed in sari. Manu was sitting on the bed.  He was inspecting her beauty mesmerised. I followed his eye movement. He made a quick inspection from her head to toe. Satisfied on her overall appearance, he smiled.  Her sari was a light pink transparent Chiffon one wrapped over white petticoat. The sari was mostly invisible except on her petticoat and at pleats. The border was thick and translucent with floral prints designed in pink and white flowers. She was wearing a semi-transparent blouse deep cut in light blue colour. The presence of push up bra highlighted her beauty. She was looking beautiful.
Presently he progressed on detailed inspection of her beauty.
He started from her toe. Taking clue from his eyes, she leaned left shifting her weight on left leg slightly projecting her right foot forward. She lifted her petticoat just enough to expose her feet. A beautiful anklet adorned her foot. To ensure his attention, she lifted her right foot to play the bell in rhythm. She became straight again.  His eyes started climbing up slowly stopped at her belly button. Light was reflecting from a small glittering diamond button. Three uneven chain hanged from there ended with three glittering stars. Sari was tied well below her naval. I could see the beautiful deep depression amidst flat smooth skin of her flat tummy.  Her sari border partially obstructed the view of the valley. Half the portion was under shade making a hue. The bright light of the bulb was playing a hide and seek game with movement of sari edge by blow of air. The pinkish shade mixed with her medium beige skin colour effected reddish tone.

He lifted and fixed his sight at her breast line. Her designer blouse was deep ‘V’ cut with low neckline reached just below breast leaving a vast valley for exploration. She had wrapped her sari tightly over her breast making hillocks prominent. Top sari border edge followed the top point of right cone finishing on the left shoulder. The other side border of her sari rolled over her left cone.  I could see her deep cleavage prominently justifying her wearing a push up bra. She was rolling the sari end on her finger, wrapping and unwrapping in anticipation.  She glanced at him oblique with a naughty shy smile. She turned a little to her right and bent slightly to the front. Side view of her left breast opened up to Manu in its full glory. She took time to adjust her sari top line over her right breast slightly covering it more. She was rubbing her right toe on the floor.

Manu was mesmerized at her beauty. He was unable to take a break from her twin peaks. I took a round to appreciate her from all angles.  I reached her behind.  Her hair finished at bra strap hanging freely. The blouse emerging from smooth shoulder descended in ‘U’ turns joined together to hide the presence of her bra strap. I could see through her transparent sari a deep undulation in the form a shallow canal emerged at the center of her blouse to descend only to hide behind her petticoat.  The thin waist suddenly expanded and lost behind her petticoat hiding her bum.

I further progressed to her front again. This time I looked at her face. She had a nose pin diamond on her left nose. Two dangling earrings elongated her slightly oval shaped face. I could locate the presence of glossy lipstick of reddish pink on her luscious lips. Upper lip had cupid shape at the middle. A mole at left bottom corner of lower lip enhanced her beauty. A small dimple appeared on her cheek with every smile she had. A fine twisted simple gold chain on her neck accentuated her beauty. Her eyes were natural without any presence of any makeup. The deep black pupil and black eyebrow naturally enhanced her attractiveness. I kept on looking at her beauty thinking her prized possessions. Satisfied I looked back to check present activities of Manu.

Manu briefly looked up to gaze at her eyes before lowering his vision on her breast again. He slowly disembarked frombed without losing his contact on her breast. He was bare except short in lower half. I could clearly observe the tent at the middle on his short. Seeing him advancing, she shyly lowered her face. Manu reached near her. He slowly lifted her face with his fore finger placing below her chin. They looked at each other’s eyes, deep. Manu’s hand slowly clasped her head from behind. He pulled her to him and planted a deep kiss on her lips. He was chewing her lips. Jaya’s hand reached behind Manu’s head and she lifted herself on her toes to compensate little height gap. The passionate kissing continued never ending. Manu inserted his tongue in her. She allowed more access for him to play with her tongue.

Then Manu withdrew. He smiled looking at her eyes. She had a satisfying shy smile.  Her hands released his head grip. She looked at him once and immediately lowered her face.  Manu smiled and lowered himself over her breasts slightly bending. He placed his hands over her ass and quizzed lightly. She closed her eyes and let out a light moan. “Aahhhhhh”.  While continuing squeezing her ass, he kissed lightly both breasts alternatively. Slowly he increased his pressure on hands and mouth. He was shifting from one hill top to other in rapid space. Her pallu slipped and rested on her left hand uncovering the hillocks. She was shivering. She clasped his head with right hand to force him on her right. Her left hand searched for his right hand allowing the pallu to fall on ground. She pulled his right hand from her ass and guided it to her left breast. She encouraged Manu to maul her hillocks. She was being fondled on her both breasts simultaneously with mouth and hand. Soft moans continued gushing out of her mouth, “Oh! Manuuuuu...Aahhhhhh..”
Manu was feeling discomfiture in awkward bending position.  He suddenly stood erect and kissed her passionately and then pressed her down over her shoulder.  She smiled and went down on her knees.  She kissed him on the tip of tent.  She smiled and rubbed him with her hands a few times and slowly pulled his short down.  He was standing erect with his medium sized tool. Without touching by hand Jaya touched the tip with her eyes alternatively as if worshiping.  Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up for his approval. He nodded his head. She smiled shyly. She passionately looked at the majestic tool swaying slowly up-down. Slowly her tongue touched the tip to make a twitch.  Manu shivered at the touch. His penis twitched up each time Jaya’s tongue touched him. Lovingly she put her lips over it. She took two inches inside her mouth, played the tip with tongue and released immediately. She continued worshiping her property along the length with lips and tongue avoiding touching the tips. Presently she concentrated on the balls. She took them lovingly in her mouth one by one. After bathing them with her salvia, she shifted back to the shaft. Slowly she lifted it up and licked at the base. Her tongue continued upward movement with kissing and licking. On reaching near tip, she descended again alternatively licking both sides. Next it was turn of the upper side to be worshiped. She lovingly looked at his pleasure tool after completing bathing it with her salvia. She kissed again and smelled. Satisfied, she raised her height to align it to her breast. She pulled her nipples out of their confinement. Holding her breast in left hand and the shaft in right, lovingly she pressed her left nipple with the tip. Manu shivered.  Then she tossed her nipple a few times with his tool. Same treatment she granted to her right nipple also. Satisfied, she pushed her assets into their confinement and latched her lips on the shaft again. Slowly it started disappearing into her hungry worm mouth.Soon she was bobbling her head in rhythm.

Manu pulled her up catching her head on both sides. Again, they engaged in passionate kissing. His left hand holding her head while his right hand was fondling her left breast. All of a sudden, he stopped kissing and turned Jaya around. He guided his hands below her armpit to capture both breasts at a time. He was kissing and biting her neck while his meat was poking her ass crack. He was kneading her mercilessly. I could not find any resistance from her. I heard her soft moans,“Ohuuuuu…Manu,  you will spoil my blouse. UuhhuuuuAhhhaa...softly please ………Aahhhhhh ……be gentle on your sparrows”. She pushed her back on him while placing her both hands above his hands lightly pressing to encourage him to continue. Manu started gyrating his middle without showing any abetment on his finger work. Jaya continued moaning, “ Aahhaaaa….Uhhuuuu…..Manuuuu… don’t tear my blouse Uhuuuu….”

After satisfying himself, he granted her prayer. He decided removing her blouse. He turned her around and unbuttoned her blouse slowly. He discarded the blouse. Yes, she was in lacy designer push up bra. It had covered half of the hills leaving a vast uncovered portion to be cherished. It pressed her soft flesh from both sides to the centre creating a deep valley between twin hills. The hill tops were sharp in conical points. The beautiful cleavage was prominent. Next, he peeled off her sari. While removing sari tug from petticoat, he put his hand once between her legs joint. He rubbed his hand up and down above her petticoat to locate the presence of her womanhood. Jaya shivered. Every time he traced her clitoris with his index, every time she shivered in ecstasy. Soft moans continued puffing out of her mouth, “Uuhuuuuuu… Ahhhhaaaa..”

She was standing only in petticoat and lacy push up bra. She was not looking obscene; she was looking beautiful.  She had closed her eyes in anticipation. She had closed her eyes to enjoy his onslaughts. He was not interested in her womanhood. His fingers traversed to the uncoveredgradient portion of the hills to feel smoothness and softness. Satisfied, Manu replaced his hand with his tongue.  Soon, light started glittering on the wetted skin.   Jaya placed her hands behind his head. “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” She moaned in pain and forced his mouth up. Manu had bitten her soft flesh above her left breast. Blood rushed at the spot clearly indicating his art work. She looked at the spot bemused, then looked at Manu and again looked at the spot. A thin smile appeared at the corner of her face slowly covered her entire face. A satisfied look filled her face quickly converted into an embarrassed, shy one. In a bid to cover her shyness from his gaze, she pulled him on his right breast.Manu happily latched as guided, as if encouraged to continue his art work on the other side. “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” another sharp moan gasped out in female tone.  He had done again! She complained, “You brute! You are killing me Manu!” This time she pulled him up to reward with a deep lip kiss. His hands slipped over her petticoat to smoothen two round dissected soft plums.
She was gasping on finish of deep marathon kiss. Manu kissed her eyes repeatedly to close them. Again, he latched on her uncovered upper portion of her breast. He licked his artworks continually to erase them. She was smiling and caressing his hairs appreciating his efforts. A few light moans puffed out of her mouth.  Manu descended little by little to trace her bra line with tongue a few times. Finally, he settled for his goal. He was trying to reach her nipples with tongue only. Jaya amused in his unsuccessful attempts. She teased him further in his attempts. She pulled out her left nipple from hideout. The moment Manu’s tongue touched the bud, she pushed it inside back. She repeated a few times frustrating Manu.  After a few failed attempts, he lifted his eyes to meet her. He asked questioningly the reason for her doing so. She blinked her eyes to tease him more. He frowned at her and in a sudden move reached behindher.He cupped her both snow-capped hills from behind. He was fondling them slowly and kissing her neck. Occasionally, his hands were slipping under her bra to locate the nipples. Every twist & pinch on them was making Jaya moan, “Uuuuuuhhh..Ahhuuuuuh .“ Jaya placed her hands on Manu’s both hands encouraging him and moaned in appreciation.Manu started kneading her roughly. Jaya whispered him, “Don’t tear my bra.”. Manu smiled and reached her back to unclasp her bra.He slowly slid the shoulder satraps along her arms. She immediately covered herself with both hands lowering her eyesight.

Presently she was standing only in petticoat and bra was loosely hanging around wrists. Manu reached her front and took seat at the edge of the bed. I heard him saying, “Jaya, please remove your hands. Let me appreciate my sparrows.”
Shyly she nodded her head in negative. She moaned in lust, “Please switch off the light.”
He again pleaded, “Please Jaya. Years I have not seen them!”
She momentarily lifted her face, “You liar! What you did last night I still remember.”
Manu suddenly pulled her near him. She lost balance and fell on him. On Instinct her hand clutched his shoulders to stop her fall, sparrows kissed his face. Manu erupted in broad laughter.
She blushed and quickly regained her balance. In a mock anger she started hitting his hairy chest, “You brute! You cheater! Release me immediately.”
She forced her release and pretended to move. Manu was on his back foot. He touched his ears keeping his eyes on her uncovered boobs. “Please Jaya, I’m sorry.”
“Promise you would never do this again.”
Manu took his own time to repeat, “I promise I will never do this again if you...” He was smiling.
Jaya traced his eyesight to find her uncovered assets. She covered them immediately by hand.  In mock anger, she complained, “You uncultured brute! You swine! You.... “
Manu placed his hand on her mouth, “Please Jaya, I can’t help myself not looking at them. They are so beautiful! Please……”
“They are ugly, not beautiful. You are lying to me. You are pampering.”
“OK, they are ugly. Let me appreciate my ugly sparrows. Please Jaya, please. I am dying to cares them.”
She whispered in shyness, “First close your eyes. No more cheating.”

Manu closed his eyes. She inspected thoroughly to ascertain before   taking her hands off them    very slowly, keeping her eyes fixed on Manu. She covered her quickly observing Manu’s eyelids flapper. ” You are cheater.” She retreated two steps back. Manu promptly reached her to pull the string of her petticoat. Her reflex could not hold it in place. It silently fallen uncovering her below. She was not wearing panty.

On instinct, she moved her hands to cover her womanhood from the gaze of her lover. Shyly, she looked at her lover. Next moment she realized her plight. Her lover was enjoying her naked beauty. She lifted her right hand to cover her breasts leaving her left to cover her triangle. She looked at her lover and again traced his curious gaze. Unsatisfied, she moved front to close his eyes with her hands. Manu did not lose the opportunity to feast on her assets with his free hands, mouth latched on her swinging left nipple.She screamed and immediately retreated covering her vitals with her hands. Finding the discarded sari on the floor, she promptly lifted it and piled at her front loosely holding over her breast.

She stood facing Manu at a distant. She stood erect keeping body weight on right leg leaving balancing on left leg. Her hairs fallen loosely on both side of her shoulder partly covering her neck. Hands folded on elbow; she was holding the sari above her breasts. Sari was covering her front up to one third thighs, just covering her hidden treasure between her legs. Her right hip slanted more to right making a deep wrinkle on her thin waist at left. Her head lightly bend to her right and face inclined on front, she concentrated on her toes. A faint embarrassing smile adorned her face to a divine beauty.
She was looking beautiful!
I took a round around her to appreciate her beauty. She was not clothed and yet she was not naked. Her vital assets were covered, yet clearly visible with minimum imagination.

I looked at her back.A beautiful hourglass figure feasted my eyes. No, there was no comparison.

Her entire smooth back was bare. Her hair had fallen to her front leaving no obstruction on my views. Presence of her ample breast peeping through her armpit smothered my eyes.  Her bare back descended to thin waist suddenly expanded before dividing in two round dissected plums. A clear wide line of depression emerged right below her neck and descended till her thin waist. It disappeared suddenly and emerged little below in the form of a deep gorge dividing her round plums.   Two smooth legs descended to ground to support her gracefully. Her present posture gracefully accentuated her right bum.
I traversed to get view of her front.
She was standing in utter embarrassment with shy smile and face downwards, eyes fixed on her toes. She was holding her sari clamping in both hands above her breast.  Her soft tissues were smashed behind her wrist. Her hair mostly fell upon her left shoulder, some reached on her hand. The other end of the sari loosely pleated down to cover her womanhood leaving her smooth thighs uncovered. Her private was under shadow growing speculation on her beautiful triangle. She was hiding a treasure. The sari end was swinging in light breeze of overhead fan.  In rare moments,light was falling exposing her treasure momentarily. The sari ends were playing a hide & seek game with her wealth. Smooth thighs emerged behind her sari. Light was reflecting on the smooth skin.I concentrated for right opportunity to get a glimpse of her triangle. A sudden blow fluttered her sari border rewarding my imagination. There existed a deep forest at the center of the triangle. The lower tip of the triangle extended to a deep crevice between two swollen petals hid behind. A nectar drop glittered certifying her exhilarated state. I could imagine the heavenly hole waiting to be explored.  I immersed into a pang of jealousy. On cloud nine, she was waiting for her lover to invade her hidden treasure.
I looked back at Manu. In a dreamy oblivion, he slowly moved to the figure standing in front of him. He knelt and kissed her toes. She shivered. He continued kissing slowly progressing to the entire feet. She was shivering. Her fist loosened; hands fallen freely to her sides. The sari made a heap around her legs, partly fallen on his head covering his face.  He looked up to discover her in new attire. A pristine woman in her all nakedness was standing before him. Some reddish patches on her breast enhanced special appearance. This time she did not try to cover her up.  She simply fixed her soft gaze on her lover allowing him to enjoy her beauty.
Manu took time to get rid of the sari and stood up and then leaped back a few steps for a total view of the figure. A mystical quest appeared on his face. He took round around the figure to discover her more. The more he saw, the more he became passionate. Slowly he reached to the front of the figure. His trembling hands touched her face affectionately, covering completely to feel the warmth. He got energized. His fingers traced her lips and slowly moved down through. It stopped briefly above her breasts. In anticipation Jaya pressed her lower lip between teeth, closing her eyes with both hands. He avoided touching them delaying her exploration. Soon he was on his knees. The fingers continued their journey from her naval. After A few clockwise tracings around her deep depression it descended further to stop at the bush above her junction. After playing with the bushes, his fingers descended slightly to halt again.  They quivered and paused to decide. Breathtakingly, I waited for next action. Were they going to measure her slippery depth into deep darkness? 

They did not. Instead, they measured the softness above her hidden treasure. His both palms touched her thighs to appreciate smoothness while both thumbs pressed the swollen petals from both sides. His attention reached to the glittering nectar formed below. With precision he collected the nectar on his right index and brought near his inspecting eyes. It was glittering like a diamond. He cherished with his tongue and sucked not to waste traces. He dived to the source in search of more.

The thumbs pulled apart the petals slightly to expose the source, apparently to lighten the darkness inside. A deep moan escaped from Jaya’s mouth, “Aahhhhhhaaaa!” I gasped in sheer anticipation. A crevice of deep pinkish colour, one-inch length appeared to open up to half inch depth.  I leaned to peep into the depth along with Manu in excitement. They stopped exploring further frustrating my anticipation. Another drop of nectar appeared from nowhere. Manu made no mistake this time. His tongue collected the nectar at the source. Jaya moaned, “Aahhhhhhaaaaaa!”

With renewed energy, his hands started harnessing the smoothness of her inner thighs. Slowly they descended smothering her hairless skin up to her toe nails. I saw his lips touched her toes. He was worshiping the pristine woman standing in front him in gracious oblivion. Slowly, he got up on his feet again.  He scanned her face thoroughly before shifting his look on the breasts.  Slowly His hands clasped on her breast from both sides.  A little wave swung her nipples. He smiled and shifted his hands as support to her projected twin weights. He measured their weights with a little wavy movement on his fingers.The nipples reciprocated their pleasure in jovial acceptance. A pair of sparrows swung their heads inviting him for a kiss. His fingers started exploring the softness of the cone from all sides. Her jaw tightened further on her lip. Manu continued exploring slowly increasing pressure.  His thumbs very lightly touched the tip of peak. A light moan gasped out of her mouth.  He pressed them slightly and gave a little jerky to and fro motion. A deep moan erupted from her mouth, “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.”

Manu lifted his hands and looked at her closed eyed face covered by hand closely. She was breathing heavily. Her lips fluttered as her breasts heaved in light motion.  He lowered his mouth upon her swinging breast. His tongue touched her right nipple. I looked at her face. She was struggling to control her moans. After moisturising the right one his tongue continued playing with her left one. Alternatively, he continued moisturising both the nipples. They were growing before my eyes. I saw goosebumps on her areolae. Suddenly, he pressed the left nipple between his teeth. She moaned loudly, “Aahhhaaaaaaaa!.”  It was end of her resistance. In swift motion she clogged his head to press on her. Her other hand guided his right hand to her left melon while she moaned, “Manuuuuu...Aahhhaaaa.”
After sucking her from front, he turned her to play with sparrows from behind. His thumb and index fingers continued churning her nipples while she continued nonstop soft moaning closing her eyes. He guided her near to bed. Manu sat on the edge of bed and pulled Jaya near wrapping between his legs. She giggled and fed Manu her left nipple.  He started sucking while his hands started playing with her round soft bum. She took control to feed him alternatively.

I heard after a short time gap, “....Ahhhhaa.....kill me.....Uhhhhaa.. be slow ....Uahhhaa....don’t  bite ... yes .... yes  nice....Ahhhh..... Suck it .....yes  Ahhaaa... Uhhaaa not so hard” followed   with a giggle, ”give me your child  first, I will feed you my milk Uuuuuh.... slow pleaseeeeeeee...  “
Her soft moaning continued, “ Uhhaaaaaa... Softly pleaseeeeeeeee…..”
Exhausted, with his sweet tortures she forced his face up, “You brute! Give some rest to your sparrows.” And she locked his lips with her into a passionate kissing. On completion she whispered, “Do you know? Kavita has seen your sparrows in the morning.”
I could not understand what Manu said. I heard Jaya, “You were sleeping. We had coffee and then bed sheet slipped. I was not wearing bra. Your both sparrows offered a clear view. They borne a lot of your love marks. She kept ogling at them.”
In reply, Manu latched on his sparrows under his possession.
Jaya moaned, “Ahaaaaaaaaaa..Uhuuuuuuuuuu.. ..Uhuuuuhhhhhhaaaaaa.. ...Slooowwwwwww....”

After some time, I heard her again, “Nope! she did not ask. You idiot! She knows how I got red mark on them.”
Then some gasps with occasional soft moaning from Jaya continued. She got herself released from him and asked, “Look at them. Are they better than Kavita’s?”

Manu looked at her and then looked at me. His look had no life, it was vacant. He resigned, “I don’t remember. I have not touched them years, not even seen them. They are not mine! They belong to Prem. He owns her completely.”

I forgot the presence of Jaya. I shrilled in pain, “No Manu no, you are wrong. I’m yours, only yours. Prem had forced his ownership upon me. I have thrown him out. I have punished him. You own me, not Prem.” I opened my blouse and pushed my bra up for his inspection.”Look at them, Manu, your sparrows. They are yours. They are craving for your touch. Feal them. Make them yours, Manu.”
Raw panic was in his voice, “But if Prem comes to know? He will slap me for touching you. He claimed that he posses your everything.”
I lamented, “No Manu, no. He does not possess me. He lied to you. He will never come back. Believe me, I have punished him. He will never dare to touch you.”
Manu looked at my face disbelieving. I nodded to assure him again. His looks changed slowly.  He was getting confidence in my assurance. He started believing me.  A thin smile appeared on his face. It grew to glow his entire face. A passion was forming in his eyes. It was deepening more and more.
Slowly Jaya was fading from my views. I was standing in front of Manu. I could sense Manu‘s unblinking gaze on my breast.  I dropped my look on the floor in shyness.
He glanced at my face and touched my breast affectionately with trembling fingers. His fingers traced all gradients of my hills from all sides, to check the smoothness. He continued his experiment checking of their firmness, pressing and releasing alternatively. Holding both in both hands, his thumbs tweaked both the nipples. I quivered in his touch. He continued his thumbs actions and looked up. There was fresh anxiety as well as satisfaction on his face.  I could see thousand questions in his eyes. I nodded my head in assurance again and looked deep in his eyes. I slowly took his face in my hands and pulled myself on him. We engaged in deep kiss. His hands never stopped from feeling my softness. After completion of our long lips meeting, I looked at his eyes again. Miraculously, all questioned vanished from his eyes. I could see only passion and deep satisfaction in his eyes.  Affectionately, I guided his lips on my nipples. After a brief pause, he started savouring them.  He mauled them, sucked, bitten hastily not knowing what to do? I left out a deep moan in pleasure, “Aahhhhaaaaaaaa....”  His eyes met me again in confirmation. I smiled and planted a deep lip kiss to assure him again. Jovially he addressed to Jaya, “Nope, Kavita is best. She is juicy. Yours are ugly.” Jaya vanished in thin air. Manu pulled me closer and placed his lips on my soft, firm, juicy breasts. He started fondling, kneading, sucking, and biting my breast with his mouth. His hands reached my back to grope the soft flesh. I was getting mad on his all-round attack on my breasts and let out series of pleasure moans.

He disliked the hindrance of clothing. I helped him to remove my blouse and bra. Moments later, he removed my sari from tuck and pulled the thread of petticoat. They slipped exposing my naked glory in front of his clear view.  Obsessed with a rare shyness, I covered my eyes with my hands.  He lightly slapped my ass a few times continuing his mouth activities from the front. I melted in ecstasy. My hands reached his head to rumble his hairs. His loin was pocking my leg joint announcing his readiness. I was not in a better condition. I desired to be invaded by HIM. I wanted him to ravish me to his desires. He could read my mind. Next moment I shivered, his index momentarily touching my clitoris progressed further to carefully split the swollen petals.  I clinched my lower lip tightly between my jaws to suppress my loud moaning of desire.  He got up and made me lie on my back, legs folded at knee. I covered my womanhood with both hands. Manu forced my hands to go. Slowly, he spread my thighs. Slowly, very slowly he kneeled on the floor and lowered his head. I shyly covered my eyes with both hands.

There was no action. Only thing I could hear was his deep exhilarating breadths. I slipped my hands from my eyes to discover him grazing at my womanhood, his squirrel, his eyelid fixed.  He slowly parted my petals to inspect my depth. I covered my eyes in shame and complained in throaty voice, “Don’t stare like this Manu. I am feeling shy!”

In reply I felt his touch on my swollen lips. His thumbs pulled them apart opening up the crevice. Soon his tongue invaded me deep wiping out all the nectar. His tongue was vigorously active to suck me dry.His hands were asking for entry beneath my bum. I lifted myself for his help. His both hands clasped my rounded ass. Slowly his tongue traversed up, to touch my clitoris. I pressed my lower lip tightly with teeth to control my pleasure. His tongue started rolling over it in non-stop motion. I resigned to his multi prone attack and moaned in euphoric pleasure, “Uhhuuuuuuu.. ..Ahhhaaaaa...   don’t stop  Aahhaaaaaaa…eat me up  Ahhhaaaaaaaa.....” 
The wave of pleasure was breaking all my resistances. First time I was enjoying joy in surrendering. Manu was making me his woman.
Manu was working on my slit with his tongue, hands squeezing my ass. I had spread my leg wide open for free access of my pussy. Manu kneeling on the floor leaned over the bed and head buried between my legs joint. I started rumbling his hair in pleasure occasionally pressing his head down. I slowly closed   my thighs to grip his head. I took his hands and guided them   on my   breasts. Manu instinctively started twisting my nipples. I clasped the bed sheet in ecstasy. I started twisting my body in rhythmic pleasure. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!  Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!"
He was killing me with pleasures.
I erupted in a very long moaning "Aaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 

I was on the threshold of my orgasm; Manu lifted his head and stood on his feet.
I pleaded, “Please Manu. Let me come.”
Manu smiled and directed my attention to his tool. HE was throbbing straight on my direction. I climbed down from bed. I whispered in his ears, “HE is mine, only mine.”
Manu kissed me and whispered back, “HE is yours, only yours.” Then after a pause he asked, “What about my squirrel?”
I whispered coyly in his ears, “SHE is shedding tears for HIM.”
Instinctively he touched his squirrel to wipe off HER tears.
Within minutes I kneeled before him taking HIM inside. HE was growing bigger and bigger. I took HIM out to kiss the tip, HE twitched. I played with my tongue. HE was throbbing on every touch.
Affectionately, I sucked HIM. HE invaded further in ecstasy. I continued bobbling on HIM. Suddenly he pulled HIM out and lifted me.
Shortly, I was on my back at the edge of the bed. Manu placed a pillow below my globes. I moaned as his tool rubbed my clitoris in teasing, “Ahhhhhhaaaa!!!!!  Please Manu!!!
UhhuuuuuuuuuOhhuuuuuuuu..please. Uhhuuuuuuuu...don’t tease. Ahhhhhhaaaa!!!!!  Everything is yours...Aaaaaaaahhh!!   Aaaaaaaaaahhh!! Push HIM in pleaseeeee…...."

His throbbing tool touched between my lips. They parted to welcome HIM exploring.  HE explored one inch, paused and came out. I shivered at every touch of HIM. Again, HE parted my petals to invade me deeper, paused and came out. Again, HE tortured my clitoris. In pleasure, I cried, “Ahhaaaaaaaaaahhh ..Uhhhuuuuupleaseeee..Ahhhaaaaaaa. Kill me...Uhhuuuuuu  don’t tease. Ahhaaaaaa!!!!! Enter meeeeee...pleaseeeeeee. Ahhaaaaa!!!!!.

He pulled me further to the edge of the bed. I lifted my legs in air while he rammed HIM deep inside my swollen pussy. HE smoothly pierced through my slippery hole to reach the unknown depth. I shivered in pleasure gasping out a loud moan, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa......”  I gripped HIM tightly inside. His hands were mauling my breasts. I guided his mouth on my left breast. Slowly my legs clasped him around. HE started pushing in and pulling out vigorously taking me to cloud nine. Only audible sounds were my pleasure moans, “Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!   Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! “ and HIS repeated  invasion deep in ME, “Puchhh...  Puchhh....”
Manu was making love tome. He was fucking me. He was fucking his woman, his bitch! I was his bitch! I was happy to be his bitch, his personal whore!My husband wasmaking me his woman!!!

My body was convulsing in wave of pleasures. I was nearing orgasm.
I moaned loudly, “Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I did not get orgasm!
I hugged him tightly. 
My hands flipped in emptiness. I searched for him wandering my hands. My hands collided to each other.

I opened my eyes in frustration.  It was dark. Manu was not there. I rubbed my eyes; he was not there. My eyes got adjusted in semi darkness. I was sitting on the sofa alone. I looked at me. My naked body frowned at me. I looked at the floor. My sari with petticoat was heaped near my legs. Blouse and bra were scattered at a distance. Horrifying I looked at the distant bedroom. The door was closed. There was no light visible at that floor joint. I looked back at me again. My nipples frowned at me.
I touched and pressed my breasts to get a feeling. It did not excite me.
I looked down. Slowly I touched my womanhood, it was wet. I forced two fingers slip inside. It did not excite me.
My trembling fingers traveled upwards. I touched my clitoris. It did not excite me.

The naked truth reminded me the reality. “That day Manu was excited. He wanted me. His dick was ready to invade me. I was not ready. Present day, I was ready. Manu was excited. His dick was ready. But his dick was not ready to invade me. His dick had found another pussy!”
I wanted Manu to fondle me. I wanted Manu to fuck me. I wanted Manu to lick me off. The truth was he had deserted me. My brazen attitudes had forced him to take another woman. In desperation, I inserted my fingers deep, deeper and beyond. It did not pleasure me. I cried in hopelessness. Am I getting Mad? I broke down into tears.
I remembered, I imagined of their love making. I got carried away thinking Manu craving for my breasts.  I was hallucinating.
In a hunch, I got up and I tiptoed to guest bedroom, star naked. I pressed my ear on the door. A rhythmic snore confirmed they were in deep sleep. I retreated silently.
I retired to my bedroom disheartened, humiliated. That bitch was taking warmth of Manu sleeping below him. I would have been in her position had I not messed up things! I broke down in tears to reduce my agony. “Manu must have spent similar nights in pain! I realized the cycle. You get back everything whatever you give.”
I tried to pleasure me again. My body did not respond to my efforts. My desperate acts caused extra pain in my mind. I could sense the free flowing of tears from my eyes.  Shower gave me much needed relief. The cold water rushed on me taking away my heat. My tears also washed away silently with the flowing water. My body cooled down leaving my agony untouched. I cried and cried till tiresome took over my conscience.
Time ticked away keeping no track. I finally took sleeping pills putting my phone on alarm. 
[+] 11 users Like manasi's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Like dejavu!!!! But the person's are different and opposite... The SEA is giving back what it received... Excellent update.. update Manasi.. keep it up...
[+] 1 user Likes Jeevanantham's post
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excellent .............. reversed episode of incidents

but long imagination part shorten the actual active update/story
i think there is a lot more ......... to be seen in upcoming parts of this chapter
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[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8zGByFFwEw5bSxiQu8oW...g&usqp=CAU]
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[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTu4bHf3yBiMus41Q0WdSE...Q&usqp=CAU]
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[+] 1 user Likes Ramesh_Rocky's post
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[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrfvf484aBVazZi_XBb7Y...A&usqp=CAU]
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Hi Manasi,

It is not look to me like a revenge of Manu it is more like a treatment of jaya to extract the truth from kavita and I am missing some points here what exposed outside world about kavita and Manu and prem relationship? after the bang incident. Kavita and manu parents reaction was a puzzle to me. Did they know about everything. I am hoping to get the answers from the future updates.

Thanks for the update.  Smile Smile  Smile 

 The last update is big but the update contains most of it was imagination of kavita, it disappointed me.
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[+] 1 user Likes Ramesh_Rocky's post
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(18-11-2020, 11:52 AM)Ramesh_Rocky Wrote: Hi Manasi,

It is not look to me like a revenge of Manu it is more like a treatment of jaya to extract the truth from kavita and I am missing some points here what exposed outside world about kavita and Manu and prem relationship? after the bang incident. Kavita and manu parents reaction was a puzzle to me. Did they know about everything. I am hoping to get the answers from the future updates.

Thanks for the update.  Smile Smile  Smile 

 The last update is big but the update contains most of it was imagination of kavita, it disappointed me.

exactly......... there is no related reaction by any neither kavita's parents nor manu's

case was a hot news............. bang and murder attempt.......... culprit beaten to death by mob/public
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Excellent update
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(18-11-2020, 11:52 AM)Ramesh_Rocky Wrote: Hi Manasi,

It is not look to me like a revenge of Manu it is more like a treatment of jaya to extract the truth from kavita and I am missing some points here what exposed outside world about kavita and Manu and prem relationship? after the bang incident. Kavita and manu parents reaction was a puzzle to me. Did they know about everything. I am hoping to get the answers from the future updates.

Thanks for the update.  Smile Smile  Smile 

 The last update is big but the update contains most of it was imagination of kavita, it disappointed me.

Thanks for your valuable review.

There existed two threats for their relationship to get exposed.

Puja & Aslam and Arun. Specially Puja & Aslam being friends of Manu, other close friends would come to know. Information could travel from person to person. Arun had earlier setback on his advancement on Kavita. He could definitely be a source of information.

I did not elaborate in details considering that  post rappe exposure to their parents were obvious for following reasons.

1.  My ultimate aim is to search for motive of Kavita.

2.  I was interested only to portray the lonely life of Kavita and her mental turmoil.

Definitely, their parents had no prior information about their relationship. Post rapped, Kavita had cut off all communications to either parents. Earlier, she was only keeping either parents informed. Manu's parents lost track of him. His phone was switched off and Kavita was not lifting. Possibly, they contacted office to be informed about his resignation. Obviously, they would contact Kavita's parents. Being alerted, her parents may have visited anxiously and met Arun for being informed. Gathering additional information was not difficult.

With regard to Manu's parents, security officer may have contacted them on missing diary. Even security officer may have contacted Kavita's parents also.

So, propagation of information, I don't think was difficult.

There is no scope for me to explain above in my future chapters and thought it may be appropriate to clarify at this stage. I would be happy to clarify any other doubts, if the same is not addressed in future updates.

Now, question remains, how parents react knowing their children have done grave wrongdoings / mistakes / sins. It's difficult to predict the immediate reactions of parents. I predicted this way. It could very well be different. Nature of emotional outbursts may change with time.

I agree, I have crossed the limit on Kavita's hallucination. It had a purpose which would be clear in future updates. Only, I could make it short!

[+] 1 user Likes manasi's post
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(18-11-2020, 02:19 PM)kamdev99008 Wrote: exactly......... there is no related reaction by any neither kavita's parents nor manu's

case was a hot news............. bang and murder attempt.......... culprit beaten to death by mob/public

My personal experience on rappe victims are as below.

1.  As per prevalent rules of the land, the identity of victim is kept secret from press and press is expected not to expose.
2.  In general, reaction of mob is very unpredictable. Mob characteristics are always different from individual characteristics. Mob never takes any responsibility aftermath.
3.  Womenfolks of immediate neighbours normally find fault with the victim and they advise menfolks to keep distance.
4.  Man are normally sympathizer but can't over rule women.
5.  There are some scrupulous to take advantage of the situations.
6.  As time passes, memory gets faded from people's mind.
[+] 1 user Likes manasi's post
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Beautiful update
[+] 1 user Likes Sankamithira's post
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conflict of emotions well written.
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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Awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes Dorabooji's post
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Jaya treatment is interesting than Preeti treatment. Waiting to see what next.
[+] 1 user Likes Kartikjessie's post
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Super update
[+] 1 user Likes Deepak Sanjeev's post
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Well written update
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(18-11-2020, 11:33 AM)Ramesh_Rocky Wrote: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTu4bHf3yBiMus41Q0WdSE...Q&usqp=CAU]

The best revenge is to show them,
Your life is getting better, after they are gone.
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(18-11-2020, 11:33 AM)Ramesh_Rocky Wrote: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTu4bHf3yBiMus41Q0WdSE...Q&usqp=CAU]

(20-11-2020, 08:08 AM)kamdev99008 Wrote: EXACTLY: 
The best revenge is to show them,
Your life is getting better, after they are gone.


By definition revenge is: 'the action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.'

Most of the time we exhibit muscle or money power as an expression of revenge. In the process we make ourselves weaker.

The best revenge is where you become stronger. You learn from your mistake to grow.

Thank you for changing our general mindset from conventional one.

You are great!
[+] 1 user Likes manasi's post
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Here follows the last update for chapter 32.

I hope to publish the chapter 33 before end of this month. Please remind me, if you find me deviating.
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