Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest by Indiansubmale - a tribute
amazing n clinical plot.
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Smita n Janki

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Good going
[+] 1 user Likes Ananthukutty's post
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Super story
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Fantastic update
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Nice update. This version has completely changed the path forward.
[+] 1 user Likes Losliyafan's post
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Semma update... Simply superb.. now you are keeping the readers in the edge of the seat... What did the doctor asked from gowri????how did she found found their true identity?? Lot questions and waiting for your answers... Now it's as per the title unwanted house guest.. expecting your next update!!I hope you won't keep us wait long....thank you Manasi....
[+] 1 user Likes Jeevanantham's post
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Only real approach is Manasi version if you want to come to any conclusion.... brilliantly colored in every way possible.... waiting for another update
[+] 2 users Like Dhundari's post
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Super story
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Hi Manasi,

Just wow. After reading this update, I am out of words. Your amazing.
This update proves that how impressively you analyse the 1-26 part of the story.
I am really impressed with the outcome. I am now 100% sure this continuation will be a master piece.

Keep your good work continue. Thanks for the update. yourock clps clps clps clps clps
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[+] 2 users Like Ramesh_Rocky's post
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Hi Manasi

I don't know why but every time I read this story ( the original one, the completed one, the on going one and yours) it keeps me engrossed in it completely. Sometimes I become on of the character and start hating, enjoying, getting frustrated, emotional...and all. 

Your version is entirely different and you are giving a different approach that too clinically.

Now to see why doctor Preethi became so emotional and in what way she is related with Manu ( my doubt is she might have lost her daughter in similar fashion, only the characters got reversed...may be).

But it is quite interesting to read the story behind the pictures even though it is coming out of your imagination. Eager to see how Kavitha is going to stay with out sex for 2 months, what is the excuse she is going to say to Amir and what & how gouri's involvement in this, what are her expectations and rewards.

Waiting to see what is next. 
    :   Namaskar thanks :ఉదయ్
[+] 1 user Likes Uday's post
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Great update on this story as well as on original story.. Great job.. Carry on...
[+] 1 user Likes MASTER90's post
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(23-10-2020, 03:45 PM)Uday Wrote: Hi Manasi

I don't know why but every time I read this story ( the original one, the completed one, the on going one and yours) it keeps me engrossed in it completely. Sometimes I become on of the character and start hating, enjoying, getting frustrated, emotional...and all. 

Your version is entirely different and you are giving a different approach that too clinically.

Now to see why doctor Preethi became so emotional and in what way she is related with Manu ( my doubt is she might have lost her daughter in similar fashion, only the characters got reversed...may be).

But it is quite interesting to read the story behind the pictures even though it is coming out of your imagination. Eager to see how Kavitha is going to stay with out sex for 2 months, what is the excuse she is going to say to Amir and what & how gouri's involvement in this, what are her expectations and rewards.

Waiting to see what is next. 

Your queries are slightly baffling. I didn't understand, why staying 2 months without sex would be difficult for Kavita?

For long 4 years in married life, she was deprived of orgasmic sex on regular basis. The sex life of Kavita with Prem is just two months old marred with sex drugs. When sex drugs are withdrawn and treatment continues for counteracting that, staying without sex for two months should not be a problem. Amir is already due to vacate her house on Sunday itself as agreed earlier. He is secretly administering sex drugs to Kavita, which she is presently aware. Does Kavita require to give excuse to Amir to throw him out of her house?

I am more focused on Kavita character and I may not explore much on other characters, she is interacting, unless I am compelled to do so. Otherwise, it will become  another 'Arabian Nights'. 

I strongly believe, multitasking can have negative side effects, if not synchronized properly, when variables are defined in same name with different characteristics.

I am working with next chapter and likely to be back by 25th Oct.
[+] 1 user Likes manasi's post
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There's a lot of eagerness and questions in readers mind.. how is she going to handle the real culprit?is there any role of gowri in this as per doctor?if now not discuss with Manu then when?he had the idea of moving to U S .. what?? What is next... Waiting for your update... Cursing you for making us for couple of days for udate!!!,
[+] 1 user Likes Jeevanantham's post
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I am definitely missing kamdev99008.

Do anybody have any idea?
[+] 1 user Likes manasi's post
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Monday morning, I set forth for office crestfallen on my life. Sitting in my office, I tried hard to concentrate on my final thoughts; I have been proved to be a big fool. I trusted my wife. I believed her in every respect. Moreover, I loved her more than my life. In return she played with my emotions. My role as her husband reduced to perform duties of a personal slave to her and her boyfriend.

I had been forced to accept her adulterous liaison with Prem.  I had been disposed of as a slave in my own house; forced to carry out all house hold activities, strained to wear women’s clothes. I had to bear all sorts of humiliation. Many times, I thought, I have become humiliation proof. They always proved me wrong. I could be humiliated again, again and again.

Kavita proudly displayed her belly ring pendant as a mark of Prem’s possessiveness. She has accepted her unconditional submission to her lover.  She was no more my wife, she was Prem’s property. Was she ever mine? I doubted. In her college days, she was Prem’s. The same belly ring pendant adorned her naval during that period also. She stopped using it for brief period to deceive my mind. She was waiting for chance. She was waiting for her lover to get established. Marriage with me was an arrangement to gain control over time management. It was always in her mind. Only, if she could have spared me! I would have remained ever grateful to her! She could have spared me from her revengeful instinct. I could have given a chance for a graceful exit. Instead, she always camouflaged me. She always kept my hope alive.

On the day of her shifting to her boyfriend she asked, "So do you think I hate you, Manu?"

I replied, "I don't know if you hate me, Kavi. But I know you despise me. You have no respect for me. And I don't think you love me."

She asked, after a pause, "So you think I've been living with you all these years, without loving you?"

She did not reply directly. She dragged me into conversation over Boyfriend and Ex-boyfriend. She was sleeping with Amir regularly but was not ready to accept him as her boyfriend.  Boyfriend - Ex-Boyfriend ... Husband .- Ex-Husband! And finally, she shifted to her EX-boyfriend, waiting to be husband.  It was all planned. It was a trick to put me in my place. She never expressed her desire to leave me. She needed an emotionless, wimpy man for distracting attention of society.

A few days back, Prem had indicated his intention to impregnate Kavita. He pronounced his intentions clearly, for the first time ever since Kavita moved to his bedroom.  On earliest opportunity, I had checked her pill counts. That day, consumption was in commensuration with dates. Whatever solace I regained counting her birth control pills short lived. She was off pills presently. The pills including the plastic cover magically vanished from the location. They esteemed no significance in her life any more like me. So, finally, Kavita had made up her mind to go family way with Prem. It was my foolishness not able to predict the inevitable.

I scrolled my timeline a few hours back. It was dark when I got up. Immediately after waking up, I checked the medicine box for pills. Sunday it was there. Presently, it was empty.  No more speculation. She had conveyed her decision firmly without leaving any scope of suspense. I looked at the door of their bedroom.  In a state of hypnotism, I plodded towards their bedroom. The door appeared not to be closed securely. Yes, it was not closed.  I could observe it half open. Inside was not visible in the darkness. I progressed further. Then in a sudden hunch I stopped. What I wanted to see? I had seen them earlier in bed in most intimate position. I had heard many times unmasked moaning of their pleasures. It was different.  Earlier my wife was involved. Earlier I was observing the adulterous encounter of my wife.  I wanted to make me believe for sure that my wife was really sleeping with her boyfriend cheating on me.

Presently it was entirely different. Kavita was somebody’s wife, Amir’s wife. They had just celebrated their first night. I had arranged for their ‘Nikah’ party dinner. I only had prepared their bed for gallant celebration. It’s audaciously immoral to peep into the bedroom of a couple, a newly married couple just married on previous night! They may be sleeping cosily in each other warmth, tired from night long courtship. Possibly, there won’t be a single thread on their body. I had no right to invade into their privacy, even if it was without their knowledge. How could I think of violating the modesty of a woman? Possibly they have forgotten to close the door in sheer ecstasy. Or maybe they did not bother to close considering no living creature present in the apartment. Momentarily, the past flashed in my memory.

After sending me out on pretext of purchasing eggs on one Saturday Morning, Prem bedded Kavita. I patiently waited outside till their love making was over. Subsequently I was preached by Prem.,

he pontificated, "Suppose a servant comes to his master's house to work, and finds the door unlocked. Should he just walk in?"

I answered automatically, "No, he should knock on the door, or ring a bell."

He grinned in his evil manner and continued, "Good. Because he might walk in on the master and the wife in a compromising position, and that would be rude, right?"

I nodded, but my heart started thumping. I sensed the point he was driving towards. He continued, grinning, "Now suppose the servant comes and instead finds the door locked. He hears the master making love to the wife. Should he knock or ring the bell?"

My heart thumped like I had not heard before. My face had lost all its colour I was sure, I could feel the blood draining from my face.

I didn't answer his question. I couldn't. My tongue felt like it was glued to my throat.

He continued in his mocking manner, "You did demonstrate the correct response to that situation this morning, P.B. Without my having to tell you. That indicates what a natural pussy-boy you are."

Ashamed, I hung my head down. They did not even consider me a living creature.   I returned back slowly to my bedroom.

They needed privacy. My presence should not be a hurdle in their enjoyment.  I decided to leave early without waiting for breakfast.  I was stopped by Gowri just before my departure. She was dressed in the same attire of previous day. So, it was confirmed, Gowri also had spent the night with Amir on same bed. Had he married both of them simultaneously? Painfully I acknowledged, Amir’s religion had approval for same.

Probably, he had bedded his wives one after another!

I was already in death bed hammered with nails. Gowri hammered another nail on my death bed. She apologised for not speaking and clarifying to me earlier. I could not follow her. Then she hammered, “Didi will give you some good news very soon.” Then in a lighter tone she added, “I owe a gift from you.” Her eyes were sparkling in triumph of joy.

“What good news? Is she pregnant by her lover already? What else it would be? Completion of ‘Nikhanama’ could be the other one.” I thought.

The final nail was hammered by none other than my beloved ex-wife Kavita. She was also in same attire of previous day. She wanted me to take off from duty to visit doctor. It seemed very urgent. So, it was confirmed. She was carrying Prem’s baby. She wanted me to accompany her to hospital to finalise the deal, so that in future I don’t get any scope for denying. Wonderful planning indeed! To the society, I would remain her official husband and father of her illegitimate children whereas Amir Ali would be her real husband and head of the family!

No mention about decoration or food. As if, it was expected, it was righteous for welcoming the newly wedded couple. It was duty of the servant to pay honour to his masters. Master may or may not recognise the sincere efforts of the servant. If they recognised, it was generosity! If not, it was their righteous attitude!

My transformation into cuckoldry was complete. What next? A few foster children calling me daddy. Who was daddy? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Manu Sharma. Mrs Kavita Sharma, official wife of Manu Sharma alias mistress of Amir Ali was impregnated by Mr Prem alias Amir Ali. Manu Sharma was so overwhelmed in joy of attaining fatherhood, he presented an expensive gift to Amir Ali!

Fresh humiliation engulfed me. I was wrong. I could get humiliated again!

Was Kavita alone only responsible?

Definitely, not!  I had my contribution.

I had my shortcomings. I was not well endowed. She was not getting physical satisfaction. It was quite natural for her to be frustrated. For long four years she had endured. She could have divorced me. It was quite easy for her to select a better man. The whole world would have known my scanty virility. She had mercy on me; she had spared me from greater humiliation.

Every woman has freedom on her sexuality. She was within her right, I reasoned myself. She never forgot to express her love to me. I also had never doubted her. In spite of her deliberate sexual demonstration, I was sure of her returning someday. I banked upon my Power of love would prevail upon Prem’s sexual power. I was wrong in my judgement.

I smiled to myself. “Manu, you are not dead. You can still be humiliated. You still can feel pain. This may be last chance to escape from ultimate humiliation. You know, you are not cuckold. You have never enjoyed seeing your wife with Prem. It was forced upon you. You were tortured mentally and physically. You tolerated everything to get back your wife and nothing else. Better life is available elsewhere. Now it’s time to prove. Establish that, life is more than sexual gratification.  A man is characterized by his cultured behaviour, not by animalistic brute force.”

“What are the options left with me?”  I reconsidered.  I rehashed over the possible options again.

“Always there is an option to divorce. The problem is my family & friends will discover. My physical weakness confined within four walls will be public. I could not risk my social status. I could not end my life to accept defeat. Killing either or both of them will not solve my agony, without complicating my life. Taking external help was ruled out for similar reasons.”

“Return back to US or continue with present job in some other city” I zeroed in.

I asked my conscience on my decision.

I got instantaneous reply, “Think another way. Say, she is pregnant. If not today, shortly she will conceive. What would be the future of the child? The child will be deprived of normal life. Society will not accept the children out of wedlock. Are you ready to accept Prem’s children as yours?”

No, never!” Was my spontaneous reaction.

“It’s always better that they get married, they legalise their relationship. Kavita will be happy. You will be happy. What else do you want? You already know that she lacks attachment with you. Why do you want to force her to stay with you and suffer? Come out of your silly selfishness. I know your heart is broad. Remove your distorted perception. Make yourself free from illusions.”

“But she is my wife. How can I deny my responsibilities?” I tried to reason.

Why are you confused in taking decision? I agree, Kavita is your legally wedded wife. You have some responsibilities on her. But she also has certain responsibilities in relationship. Consciously, she had denied most responsibilities. Marital relationship is never unidirectional."

I protested weakly, “I accept relationship is never unidirectional. I accepted her adultery. I did not object to her relationship from the beginning. She may have considered my subdued silence as acceptance of her adultery. She may have considered me a cuckold. How can I blame her?”

“You are unnecessarily behaving modest. You were forced to accept her adultery. You have never accepted it in your mind. Many a times you had suggested for Prem’s vacation. A cuckold does never behave in that manner. You are not a cuckold. It is she, who did not heed to your suggestion.”

I reasoned against, “Even if I am not a cuckold, how can I justify my silence over her relationship with Prem? For long three weeks I remained evasive about her adultery. I only provided her indirect encouragement.”

“You are wrong again. The problem with you is you are too modest. Remember, you were not silent. You tried to confront twice, but Kavita forced you to silence. You pleaded with her for Prem’s exit but she compelled you to accept his stay. There are other reasons for you to remain silent. You value women freedom & liberty. You sincerely believe a woman owns her body and mind herself. You had only given respect to her womanhood. Her blatant act has already given you freedom from marital vows. Why do you look back?”

But I love her. I don’t want to see her in distress.” I croaked in pain & despair.

“Even if you think of love, you are not at fault.  Love calls for sacrifice, love calls for freedom of mind. True love never demands return. Nobody is asking you stop loving Kavita. You continue loving her from distant.”

So, what do you suggest?” I surrendered.

“Very simple. Give her freedom. Allow her to take final decision. If you love her, you will get happiness out of her happiness. By forcibly staying with her, you are not doing any justice. You are neither making her happy nor yourself. Remove your illusion and go ahead with your decision. This is better for everybody.  All of you will get relieved from constraint life.”

I tried to deceive my conscience other way, “But, think about my parents. They had a lot of hopes on me.”

You are incorrigible. Why do you shy away from harsh realities? Go and explain them the truth. By hiding the truth, you are not doing justice to them. They will understand and accept. You are unnecessarily making a mountain out of a molehill.”

My concentration was distracted by my colleague Ajay. “You need to attend a stress management programme in the conference room.” 

Apathetically I told, “Boring and nonsense. Hope it’s not compulsory.  I will better finish some other important job.” I wanted to avoid. I needed time to discuss with my boss to finalize my resignation.

Ajay was not sort of guy to resign easily. “Programme is boring, not the faculty. She may not be as beautiful as your wife, but not so bad to be ignored. You will get a chance to compare. All our bosses are attending the programme.” Ajay pulled me giving no scope to protest further.

We entered the auditorium switching off our phones.

The faculty from Hardwar’s ‘Orphan Rehabilitation Society’ comprised two persons. Ms. Lata & Guruji. Ajay was correct. Ms.  Lata was a beauty of her own in her mid-twenties. During her speech delivery, it appeared, she was on training. She was explaining different types of mental stresses and various methods to control them.

“The strongest weapon of human is mind. Mind is so powerful; it can overcome any hurdles. Power of mind is unlimited. Like any sophisticated weapon, expertise is necessary for control and effective use of power of mind. Regular and systematic practices of Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation are only ways to harness complete control over mind.” I heard her explaining.

I intervened her, “Control over mind may solve some pretty issues. Acute stress level created by external sources can’t be controlled. As the stresses are external to a person, he does not have any control over them. So, I consider, there are some flaws in the theory. “I was agonisingly vocal from my suppressed internal anger.

Guruji joined her to answer me.

“Your good name Sir?”

“Manu Sharma.” I responded.

Guruji explained, “Mr Sharma, please take your seat. Your question is valid. The full power of a deadly weapon can never be harnessed, till you gain control over it. Similar way, power of mind can be appreciated only by achieving full control over it. It’s true, external stimulations can affect stress levels. Control over mind, powers a person to accept or reject external stimulation. So, it is within purview of individuals.”

He stressed further to establish his opinion, “You can trust us. Whatever we have informed so far or we are going to inform further, are practised and realised.” He took a break to assess the impact on the audience.

I was not convinced. I shook my head in disagreement but decided not to pursue it further.

Guruji scanned me from the podium. He smiled and continued, “I understand the reason for your disagreement. And I am happy that you did not accept the facts merely on my face value. This lecture class may not be proper to discuss over your specific queries as we have to cover a vast area in domain of stress. Can you spare half an hour time with me? We may even talk over lunch, if you agree. I will try to clear your confusions in convincing way.” Guruji made a fervent request.

We discussed over lunch. Then it continued in his guest accommodation.

I was reluctant initially to open up. Finally, his professional skill and smoothing behaviour proved to be superior to my reservation. Once, flow was established, it continued unhindered. My locked-up emotions found its way to spread out. Finally, I ended up describing my resolution of leaving the country. I was feeling happy to share my agony.  The heaviness of my heart appeared reduced.

Guruji did not rush to preach me. He allowed me to breadth normally. Slowly, I calmed down. I felt immensely better sharing my agony.

Guruji initiated discussion over my childhood, my hobbies and my liking & disliking. Discussion turned on various non-relevant matters outside my personal life. We entered into an argument on Indian and American culture, values, religion, poverty and humanity. For some time, I had forgotten my immediate past. I was absorbed in live documentation in comparing different aspects of humanity as viewed by me.  I did not realise when he brought me to my present life state.

Guruji solaced, “You are a brave man to endure so much complicacy in life and still able to keep your head high. Everyone in this world have unique complicacy of life to solve. We should never compromise with the problems. We must modify ourselves to adjust with the problems. From now onwards we will address the problems or difficulties in life as hurdles or obstacles “

“Mr Sharma, hurdles are part of life. Hurdles were there, are there and will be there. We can’t avoid hurdles in life. Hurdles need not always be man-made; it can generate in nature also. By shying away from hurdles, hurdles are not eliminated. We can try to find solution to gain control over them. We need to keep our mind positive. You think about your professional life. You come across of hurdles to find solution with the aim to control over them. Isn’t it?”

I agreed with him.

“I will summarise the present situation of your life. Please point out if there is any omission.”

“Your power of procreation and virility is doubtful. You have been cheated by your wife with her lover. You are subjected to physical & mental torture. You are slave to your perceived hopelessness and false pride. Unable to gain controls over the situation, you want to escape. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Guruji allowed me to digest my life summary in five sentences. He was absolutely precise and correct. I awfully acknowledged his summation on my life.

“Before we proceed further on the subject, listen to a story.”

***Think of life of a fisherman***

Fishing is his livelihood, his bread & butter. Fishing is also his passion. Like every occupation, fishing is not devoid of occupational hazards.

Unfortunately, he did not know swimming, which is must for every fisherman. All along, he had smooth fishing, until, one day his boat was caught in swirling water. He fell down from boat and was drowning.  Somehow, he was saved by a Good Samaritan. He got scared.  He wanted to escape from similar situations in future. With great thoughts he considered to relocate, in hope, there will be no storm in new location.

He relocated himself. He did not learn swimming. He found it too humiliating to learn swimming at his age, as other fishermen will come to know his state and laugh at him. Life was smooth for the fisherman until, he was caught in a bigger storm. He meekly surrendered to nature. His boat was broken to pieces, though his life was saved narrowly. This time he was lucky to get a piece of wood to float. He survived by chance. He was happy to be alive.

What the fisherman will do now? He has to earn his livelihood to live.

There are lot of options.

He tried to resolve them analytically before jumping to conclusion.

Change profession of sailing. He knew there are hurdles in other profession also. He had friends engaged in different professions. He was well aware of their struggle against nature’s fury. Sometimes, difficulties were imposed form fellow professionals. Moreover, he had to start everything afresh.

He concluded against changing profession.

Again, continuing with old profession of sailing itself had different options.  He summarised them as follows:

Repair the broken boat without modernization. Less investment

Repair the broken boat with modernization. It involved more investment

Purchase a new modern boat spending beyond his capabilities.

He was looking for all kind of possibilities.’

What he was not envisaging was the shortcomings within him. By changing the boats will not save him from natural calamities. He was searching answer in all directions except within him. He was well aware of benefits of learning swimming. But his mind was preoccupied against it. He found it too humiliating to be exposed to other fellow fishermen. Learning swimming at such an old age was equivalent to death. False pride and ego were abrogating his thinking process.

“What the fisherman should do? What is your opinion Mr Sharma?” Guruji asked inquisitively.

“He must learn swimming before deciding anything else.” I answered confidently.

Guruji argued, “All other fishermen will make mockery on him. Please think again.”

“Swimming is must for a profession like fishing. Acquiring professional skills is more important than false pride.” I reasoned.

Guruji was in all smiles, “You are absolutely correct Mr Sharma. What do you learn from this story?”

Then he answered himself, “Hurdles are part of life. Always keep your options open. Some solution will emerge to overcome the hurdles. False pride should never take precedence over our selection of options. This is what I am expecting from you.”

He continued after sometime, “You have hurdles in your life. You have limitations. Everybody has certain limitations. You have to find ways to overcome hurdles within your limitations. Proper assessment of limitations is also another hurdle. Compromising with or avoiding hurdles may generate some temporary relief ultimately leading to crushing death. So, our aim will be first to identify the hurdles. Next will be identifying options to overcome the hurdles and the last will be accepting the best option for implementation. Definitely we need to asses our limitations also as a hurdle simultaneously. Do you agree?”

I accepted without any hesitation

You have three major hurdles in your life.”

No1 is your physical structure. Physical strength not necessarily can achieve everything. I draw your attention to the lives of animals in the jungle.  While there are ferocious animals like Tigers live, Dears also live in the same jungles. In one to one fight, Dears can never win over Tigers. Does this imply, Dears are extinct in the jungle? Have they relocated to a place where there is no Tiger? No!  Dears have the capability to save themselves from approaching Tigers. Dears have skills superior to Tigers in other areas. Similarly, Tigers are also not unconquerable. They also suffer from weakness. They are also afraid of their lives in situations.  We can’t bring any major change in our physical structure. It’s gift of creator. We can bring change in its applicable methods and improve efficiency. By proper reconditioning, we can improve the functioning of our body parts.  Without making proper investigation, it is inappropriate to comment on physical fitness level of our body parts.

No 2 is your fear. Fear of humiliation, fear of failure, fear of losing, fear of love, fear of society, fear of life, fears everywhere. Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive human emotion. It involves a universal biochemical response as well as a high individual emotional response. Fear alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, while that danger could be physical or psychological. In humans and animals, fear is modulated by the process of cognition and learning. For example, think of this. We are all afraid of poisonous snakes. Very young children and snake charmers are not afraid of snakes. Children are not because of ignorance of danger and the snake charmers are not because of skill & confidence. The response matters. Our behaviour against imminent danger is perceived differently by different persons.  In all the cases, danger is always present, but not the fear.  Fear has no physical existence; fear exists only in mind.”

“Think of humiliation. Nobody can humiliate you unless you accept, you are humiliated. Two types of personalities never get humiliated. You can never humiliate a mentally retarded person, because he does not have false pride.  You don’t get humiliated by listening to abusive scolding aimed at you in unknown language, because, you are equivalent to a mentally retarded person concerning that language. The second types of personalities not affected by humiliations are those, having control over their mind. They have acquired the power to block their mind from getting stimulated by external stimuli. Similarly, fear of failure. This is anxiety related disorder. If you constantly think of failures in some examination, the probability of your failure increases. You are confused out of fear. The problem is not with danger, the problem is with response.”

No3 is your refusal to accept truth. First accept your limitations on knowledge and skills. Nobody in this world can possess all type of skills. The inter-dependency of professionals at different fields are vital for survival in society. For example, let’s consider the example of snake charmer again. Say, you are living in a house under threat of poisonous snakes. You are not expected to possess the skills of a snake charmer. There is nothing to be shy of it. You have two options. Get help from snake charmers to neutralize the threat or live in fear with thee threat. What will you decide Mr Sharma?”

I answered spontaneously, “I will get the help of snake charmer.”

“Correct. That is the natural choice. But in your life, you decided opposite. You isolated yourself from the society with self-imposed barrier. You have ignored basic rules of societal life discretely.”

“You have ignored that, barring extreme exceptions, nobody in this world possessed with knowledge and skills during birth. These are imparted to human on continuous basis. In the very beginning, they are imparted by your parents and other family members.  Afterwards, you gain through formal educational systems. As you grow, you learn many things from life.  The environment and particularly, the society have its effect in your learning process. You learn to differentiate between good and bad. You try to adopt things suitable to your personality and mental inclination. The process of learning is never ending.”

“Unfortunately, due to our social stigma, we always avoid the topic of sex education. We forget that without sex, the progress of mankind will stop. Sex is the basic order of physiological need for any normal adult at par with food, shelter, clothes etc.  In additions, it fulfils our psychological need of closeness. Social restrictions have made it a taboo in such a way that we even don’t discuss and accept its existence in our life openly. Quite naturally, our minds are filled in with all kind of false information. Without proper knowledge, we forget to improve our skills in this very essential physical need of our life. Development of skill and upgradation of knowledge is the key of survival in ever changing environment.”

“And all above are interrelated. Mind works in harmony with different parts of body. Performance of body parts are not necessarily at optimum level, unless mind is also tuned on. Your anxiety and fear in mind have direct impact on all your physical activities.”

“Without addressing the hurdles, your relocation to US or any other place will not improve your state of misery. You are avoiding hurdles rather than finding solutions. Today you are facing rejection from your wife. Tomorrow it may be by your relatives or friends or even may be by society. In your professional life, on obsolescence of the software, you are proficient, you must acquire new knowledge and skills to be in the profession.”

“Now let’s think about happiness. You are unhappy on certain aspect of your life. Everybody in this world wants to be happy. what is happiness? It is opposite of unhappiness. When are you unhappy? The questions are what’s make you unhappy and how? You are unhappy when you perceive something in your mind against your liking. So, the happiness and your likings are closely related. Unfortunately, the likings are perceived differently by different individuals. Unhappiness of your neighbour makes you happy. On same incident a few political parties are happy while the others are unhappy. You can never find anything which can make everyone unhappy or happy in real world. Do you know the reason Mr Sharma?”

I had to accept my ignorance.

“The reason behind is its very nature. The way we perceive the likings. Many factors contribute to draw a direct relationship between an individual and his likings. The Environment, the time, the physical & mental state, future perspective, past experiences all have its distinct contribution defining likings at that moment. It is a variable ever changing around you. You have no direct control on most the things.  So, unhappiness is bound to come. Do you agree?”

“Yes.” was my spontaneous answer.

“Unhappiness exists because we want to become happy. There is no unhappiness, if you don’t search for happiness. To enjoy happiness, you must experience unhappiness. You cannot change the basic rule of nature.  So, why should run behind happiness which we cannot control? It’s not true. We can control. We have the power to control. Now look at unhappiness again. It is a mental condition you perceive in your mind against your liking. And there is the answer. The perception is in your mind and if you can control your mind, nothing can make you unhappy.”

“We are back again on mind control. We are fortunate. The ancient science had solution to harness our mental strength by removing negative components and concentrating on positive feelings. This is not that easy as looks like but not impossible also. This is being practised since ages. This requires systematic practices under close supervision. Upon practising mind control, I can guarantee you a better composed life. You will be in a position to appreciate value of life in positive ways beyond physical barrier. The life of peace & tranquillity. However, I can’t promise about your wife for various reasons. We don’t have enough knowledge to analyse her construed behaviour.  But I can promise you imparting enough mental strength to ignore all such malicious activities on her part and lead a tension free life.”

“A constructive environment is necessary for proper learning.  Mind control is a slow process of learning. Disturbances are to be kept at minimum level for speedy learning.  Also, mind is to be placed in serene environment to enhance concentration.  Success rate depends on concentration, practices and willingness. So, you must appreciate that you need to relocate yourself to an isolated place to practice and achieve your goals.”

“I want you to agree to my proposal.”

Guruji was more than convincing; Moreover, I had nothing to lose. I readily accepted his offer. “I find no reason not to accept your offer. If you kindly indicate the budget? I mean how much I have to pay. Also, what will be duration of training?” I inquired.

“The duration may vary from three months to twelve months depends on level of complicacy, recovery rate and willingness on your part to learn. Without thorough examination I can’t comment.”

With obedience I inquired, “If you kindly indicate the expenditure I have to bear?

Guruji smiled, “Money is not more precious than life.”

I made my objections clearer, “I don’t disagree. However, the idea of being indebted does not encourage me.”

“You must have made some savings. Also, you indicated of possessing a house. Money should not be problem for you, I suppose.”

“I prefer not to touch the savings entirely or the house. I don’t want to imagine my wife begging in my absence. I can’t touch the properties or money in her name.”

“I appreciate your decisions.” Guruji was cordial, “is your decision out of responsibility or love?”

I took time to answer. Yes, I definitely love her in spite of her betrayal. Does responsibility is part of love, I could not ascertain, “I don’t know the exact reason but I will not change my decision.” I conveyed my resolution.

Guruji took me in tight embrace for the first time. “You have a wonderful mind. I will consider your payment after recovery. You can earn and pay. You can even serve the society to clear your debts in kind.  Society needs service of people like you. Please do not refuse.”

I touched his feet in respect and obedience. “This is workable...” I nodded.

Inquisitively Guruji asked, “Can I consider you have forgiven your wife and Prem.”

Did I? I don’t think so. How can I forget the unbearable humiliation they have inflicted on me? How can I forget the blatant cheating of my wife? How can I forget the very cause of my unceremonious departure like a thief from my own house?

Guruji waked me from my deep trance. “You cannot. Al least, not at this moment. Forgiveness is the greatest virtue of mankind. Please remember, only a strong mind having control over the situation have the right to forgive. You have demonstrated none of the above. Forgiveness by a weak mind is nothing but shameless submission to situation unable to control in favour. It is equivalent to cowardice.  Presently, you don’t have any right to forgive any of them.” Guruji made a pregnant pause, “Upon gaining control over your mind, situations will automatically converge to your favour. Forgiveness will bear true meaning. You will be rewarded more by forgiving than loathing.”

“You may have some idea; still I repeat the negative characteristics which prevent a man from attaining peace of his mind. They are called enemies of the mind. They are lust, anger, greed, pride, attachment and jealousy. Normally, persons having enormous physical strength, monetary power and without wisdom are filled with above qualities. You can never attain peace of your mind, unless you gain control over them. They are all reflections of weak mind disturbed on external stimulations.  The amplitude may be very small initially but over the time it gets amplified in our mind and initiates the destruction process. A well-built mind requires a well-built body, as body is the container of mind. We will learn more about them in future and various ways to gain control over them. Let it go for time being. I am thankful to you for accepting my offer. Can you move tomorrow? The earliest it’s better.”

Quickly I assessed the present situation. “Can we make it day after tomorrow? I am troubling you but I need to attend office tomorrow.”

“Do you have any special purpose for delaying?”

Obediently, I offered my reasons. “I have to resign and clear the pending issues. I should not put my company in hostile state because of my personal obligations.”

“You are surprising me.”

Shyly I replied, “Please don’t embarrass me.”, I was obedient.

“A few more words Manu.” First time, guruji addressed me by name. “Avoid confrontations not to disturb your piece of mind. Preserve your energy for achieving future goal. Also avoid making announcement in your house. Practice to insert a pause before jumping to answer any question. Best is to allow the question to die, if you find it not important. I would like to draw a caution. Never judge any character from their external behaviour. We never know the exact forces under which an object is subjected to. In science, you talk about action & reactions and resultant forces. For every action there exists an equal and opposite reaction. The vector direction of forces depends on resultant. Forces can be internal or external. Your knowledge is limited to the external display of the behaviour of characters. Without intricate knowledge, it would have appeared your sissy dressing as a wilful act, which is not correct. Under certain conditions, you are forced to adapt sissy dressing against your willingness. Your cross-dressing is the reflection of your intense desire of wining back your wife. Similarly, the belligerences observed on the part of your wife, Prem or Gowri may be outcome of deep drawn psychological forces unknown to you. You can’t draw a definite conclusion without understanding a character from the view point of that character itself. The best possible way to preserve tranquillity is avoiding unnecessary interactions. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude on the events that happening to you and in that way, you will be mastering nullifying effect of events rather than allowing it to master you.”

Before parting away, I collected all necessary information. It was little over 10 pm. I have spent more than 10 hours with Guruji.

While driving my car back to home, I pulled it near a park. I had piece of mind. I quietly sat on a bench in the park to rehearse the full day incidents. In the morning I was in despair. In a span of few hours I feel tranquillity within self. A ray of hope immersed into my mind from the clear sky above. Everything is not lost. Suddenly, I felt the presence of all jovial lives all around me. The bright moon light, the stars, the trees, the light post and even insects swirling around the glowing lamps, everything I could recognise appeared to be encouraging me on my new find life. They were with me throughout my journey in life since my birth. I only failed to recognize their contributions in my life. One Kavita is not the last word of life. Life is vast. Life is enormous.  I sincerely thanked all to be with me in my endeavours.

When I pressed the calling bell, it was midnight.

End of Chapter 29
[+] 9 users Like manasi's post
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Another excellent update. Hats off to you.
[+] 1 user Likes Vishal Ramana's post
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Excellent update.... No words to say simply excellent
[+] 1 user Likes Ranjith27's post
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Lovely update. Manu got his mind cleared now. Will he go to Preeti clinic or to guruji for further treatment. Will he forgive Kavitha, Prem and Gowri for I'll treating him.
[+] 1 user Likes Manikandarajesh's post
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Amazing screenplay
[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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superb analysis, so is manu going to become guruji?
 Pl read n comment 
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Smita n Janki

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