Adultery Simta n Janki. (completed)
Mother in Law is mother of Smita
So, it is only apt I put images for her age, ...

who better than Sapna or Zareena Sheikh......

Daamaad gives the confidence to Saas, telling She is able to turn faces, ...[Image: motherinlawface.webp] So, hugging & Kissing her Face is the beginning.

She is no less than a Heroine, .. They both do, filmy bend & catch acts of Love, .. Saas feels younger now, ....[Image: bendhips.webp]

& Daamaad can't help but punch her to wall, clasp to her body & tongue-lick her face, ...
[Image: punchtowallandkiss.webp]

I have some more planned, ...

Tell me, If you are Ok with me pasting them here, ...

Who knows, you might get new Idea & build a better story-line, while Manoj & SMita make merry in Goa.
I'll be away, until I accomplish my goal

our behaviour drives our motivation

you are what your deep driving desire is
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(10-09-2020, 06:19 PM)boredhubby Wrote: Mother in Law is mother of Smita
So, it is only apt I put images for her age, ...

who better than Sapna or Zareena Sheikh......

Daamaad gives the confidence to Saas, telling She is able to turn faces, ...[Image: motherinlawface.webp] So,  hugging & Kissing her Face is the beginning.

She is no less than a Heroine, .. They both do, filmy bend & catch acts of Love, .. Saas feels younger now, ....[Image: bendhips.webp]

& Daamaad can't help but punch her to wall, clasp to her body & tongue-lick her face, ...
[Image: punchtowallandkiss.webp]

I have some more planned, ...

Tell me, If you are Ok with me pasting them here, ...

Who knows, you might get new Idea & build a better story-line, while Manoj & SMita make merry in Goa.
Thank you boredhubby. your story telling is super. Go ahead and post, repped you.
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Smita n Janki

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(11-09-2020, 07:00 AM)twinciteeguy Wrote: Thank you boredhubby. your story telling is super. Go ahead and post, repped you.

I like this,

You are engaging & complimenting & repping people, who like your thread, with genuinely wanting to make the thread better.
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[Image: bho.gif]
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Smita n Janki

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Madhu needs encouragement & Manoj is going to give it to her in truck-loads.
Madhu thinks Sex is to be had on bed, in the dark & it's shameful to talk about it. She feels she is too old.

Manoj is going to liberate her,.....

Manoj keeps praising her beauty, ..He asks her we're going out, Wear a Saree, but no Bra, no Panty.
Madhu just doesn't agree, It is very very cold outside, .....but then, she relents, ...

Daamaad gives the confidence to Saas, telling She is able to turn heads.

They move to a empty slot, .....

He wants to kiss her right now

Madhu is afraid, but Manoj pushes her, ...[Image: motherinlawface.webp] So, hugging & Kissing her Face is the beginning.

Madhu feels something is changing in her. She is feeling wet between her knees.

Manoj next tells her, Her Hips are awesome, ....She is no less than a Heroine, .. She slips & falls backwards, ...He catcher her by hips, ...

Manoj tells, let me do that again, He pushes her backwards & catches her, ....
They both do, filmy "bend & catch" acts of Love, .. Saas feels younger now, ....[Image: bendhips.webp]

Madhu feels, she's feeling lighter, as if, she is bouncing in Air.
She tells it to Manoj.

[Image: hugging.webp][Image: hug.webp]
Manoj tells hug me then, ...

Daamaad can't help but punch her to wall, clasping himself to her body & tongue-lick her face, ...
[Image: punchtowallandkiss.webp]

Madhu is lost, ... She asks, How can I please you?

Now, is the time, Manoj tells his fantasy, there are many, but right now, ....
She would be holding her Pallu in her hand & they both are posing like Titanic Hero-Heroine.

Madhu is full of shyness & runs away.

[Image: runwithshame.webp]

Manoj catches her & seduces her to agree, ..
He tells, when cool-breeze touches her open-navel, She'll get a new sensation,....
I'll be away, until I accomplish my goal

our behaviour drives our motivation

you are what your deep driving desire is
[+] 1 user Likes boredhubby's post
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Manoj catches her & seduces her to agree, ..
He tells, when cool-breeze touches her open-navel, She'll get a new sensation,....

Madhu wants to experience it, ... He playfully pulls her Pallu & Madhu
[Image: pullpallu.webp] feels the brrze bite her navel, ....

She has never done it. She feels young, energetic, light, awesome, playful, ....

Now, Manoj sets his Camera in-place, ...
They stand & pose,
It is new experience for Madhu, removing her Pallu, holding it in hand & posing for Camera.....
Cool-Breeze on her Belly, Manoj's breath next to her ear, His intoxicating praises, ..

[Image: titanicpallustyle1.webp]
She's feeling very very weak in her knees.

... do it many times & are lost, ...

Manoj notices, her underboobs can get better push, if she raises her hands above, ...

He guides her, ....
[Image: titanicpallustyle2.webp]

By now, Madhu has fully lost it. She nods to whatever Manoj tells.
he tells drop your Pallu, hold your hands at your nape.
[Image: statue.webp]

She has to stand like a Statue, while Manoj savour her delightfully.
Manoj licks her all over, ...

he says hug his head backwards & he gets to taste her neck-face-ear.
[Image: handonnavel.webp]

Madhu is shivering, She can't stand anymore, ....... She can't tolerate anymore. ...
She's shivering, hollering, .....
Manoj slips & notices Madhu has leaked lots of her love-juice.

Madhu pleads Manoj, Pl, I can't do this any more, ...
Pl make love to me.

Manoj finds a terrace, they both climb & [Image: makelove.webp] They start love in open.
I'll be away, until I accomplish my goal

our behaviour drives our motivation

you are what your deep driving desire is
[+] 1 user Likes boredhubby's post
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After making love, Manoj tells Madhu, tomorrow, we're going to nearby forest & It's going to rain a lot & All she can wear is a White Saree only, Nothing else.

Madhu is thrilled.
I'll be away, until I accomplish my goal

our behaviour drives our motivation

you are what your deep driving desire is
[+] 1 user Likes boredhubby's post
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Smita n Janki

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(10-09-2020, 01:30 AM)manishpat1982 Wrote: helped her clean the table and they cuddled and slept for the night in the marital bed of her daughter.

Stay tuned 

It's erotic as always...licking armpit of mil , making mil orgams for two times....licking her pussy....woowo
Making mil give blowjob to sil oooowwww

So sexy narrative

Thank you Manish, happy you got connected well. My purpose is served. More to come, Any ideas????
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Smita n Janki

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(10-09-2020, 06:13 PM)CKmomLover Wrote: Very beautifully written updates.. superb yourock

Thank you CKmomlover. Glad you enjoyed reading the update. More to come.
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Smita n Janki

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He then said no lady need to fear and she can do only to her limits and it need not be a totally nude show. He announced no guy will be allowed on stage unless the lady gives green signal...................... 


Then to everyone’s surprise the lady in blue saree raised her hand and said I can do a partial show but no guy on stage. There is loud cheer as she is very beautiful lady and she has been escorted to the stage. To a song that is played she started moving her legs and then very seductively she dropped her pallu and a few whistles are heard and she encouraged them saying so low noise. She asked a handsome guy to come up and asked him to hold her saree and then like in films she turned around and got out of saree. 

There she is, a gorgeous lady in her blouse and petty coat, her boobs firm and round. She hugged the guy lightly and said thx handsome and he left. She danced and then she slowly unhooked her blouse hook and someone shouted do you need help and she smiled and said no thx. Sexy she is she slowly unhooked all her blouse hooks and let them part revealing a lovely lace bra.
More cheers followed and after dancing with her blouse hanging loose she removed and threw it on stage. Loud cheers when the crowd finally saw her in a revealing sexy lacy bra. She quickly undid her petticoat which fell on stage and there she stood with just her bra and panty. A few shouts are heard asking her to remove her bra too but she bowed to the guests showing her lovely clev and said thank you guys you have all been very decent. Hope you enjoyed my show. Loud cheers erupted as she is lot more sexy and lovely than the 2 professionals. 

She walked back after wearing her dress and on way greeted Rohit and said you look manly n handsome. Rohit said thank you and on impulse said why don’t you couple join us for drinks, we are leaving and she said I will talk to my hubby and let you know.

She walked back to her hubby and soon she signaled a thumps up signal and Rohit paid the bill so also they also paid and all 4 walked out. Rohit introduced himself and said this is Smita my precious angel and he said Hi  this is Anita and I am Manish. Rohit told them to follow and soon the couples reached the place. Rohit led them inside and her hubby said wow, Rohit this is super. Rohit said these are private and belong to a friend of mine.

Smita brought glasses and water and he poured scotch for the gents and looked at Anita who nodded so it is scotch for all. They sipped and chatted and Anita said SMITA you are ravishing and she responded no Anita you are far more lovely. As the chats progressed Rohit found that Anita allowed her saree to fall and he had much closer look of her lovely boobs. She saw that and smiled and said honey like you he too seems to like my boobs. Smita is momentarily stunned but recovered quickly to smile and add yes they are too good. Then she said I am bored with these why not play some adult games? And she said we will play cards and those who win can ask any other two do an act of what the winner says. Like Smita said and she responded If I win I may ask you to kiss my hubby. Smita is shocked and is about to say no when Rohit said it is ok it is all just for fun.

As it happened it is Manish who won and he said honey, take your saree off and kiss Rohit. Where to kiss is your choice. Anita smiled, moved and kissed on the cheek and returned Rohit said ok will have a last drink, It is Anita who won and she said I want this lovely pair to have lip lock. Rohit kissed gently. Now Rohit won and he said Smita to kiss Manish and Smita too gave a gentle kiss. Now Anita won and she said Rohit you take off your shirt and he complied. His masculine hairy chest is there to see. Now Smita won and she said let Manish take his shirt off. He however has his inner ware. Now Smita won again and she said if it is ok with Anita I want her to take her blouse off. The game progressed and soon all are in inner ware. Then Smita thought, soon it may come to removing the inner ware too and she is not willing to show herself nude, she said guys let us stop. Rohit said ok let us have last round of drinks and he poured and as she sipped Anita took her bra off and gave a lip lock to Rohit and said thanks guys for all the fun. 

She stood there and said come Rohit, you seem to like my boobs, you are welcome to lick and suck them and offered her boobs. Rohit happily liked and sucked her tits for short time. All the time he played with her boobs she is playing with his cock over the short and said you have a nice cock and thx for the attention to my boobs. She remained topless till drink is over and then dressed and they left. They exchanged numbers.

Now Smita cuddled close and said I am scared you may think of a swap and Rohit said that should have been the logical way honey but I am too sure you will be unwilling and also I do not want to share you with strangers. It is ok we had the time to see her lovely boobs and shapely thighs. She kissed him and said thx for the understanding.

She gave him a deep kiss and he simply removed her top and bra and plunged to kiss her lovely boobs. She relished and Rohit said honey let us shower and then we can have fun. They walked to bath and clothes are off. Rohit adjusted the shower temperature and Smita is really happy to let the water fall on her as she is a bit tense in the final moments, He hugged her clo9se and said honey, do not worry, will not ask you to do anything against your liking. She felt so happy, not only he is reading her mind but also quite firm he will go as per her liking. She hugged him and kissed him and gave a passionate kiss. Now his hands are all over his back gently caressing her back and slowly moving down to grip her ass cheeks. 

She tightened her hands on his back to make it a bear hug. His rock hard cock is now poking on her belly. They broke the kiss, love you my angel, you are a special woman for me. She blushed and said thx a million. He kissed her again and then showered kisses all over her faces, eyes, cheeks, ear lobes and then her neck too. She thought in all their married life Manoj has never kissed her like this. May be this is the difference between a hubby and a lover(రంకు మొగుడు) she thought.

stay tuned
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Smita n Janki

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(11-09-2020, 05:19 PM)boredhubby Wrote: Madhu needs encouragement & Manoj is going to give it to her in truck-loads.
Madhu thinks Sex is to be had on bed, in the dark & it's shameful to talk about it. She feels she is too old.

Manoj is going to liberate her,.....

Manoj keeps praising her beauty, ..He asks her we're going out, Wear a Saree, but no Bra, no Panty.
Madhu just doesn't agree, It is very very cold outside, .....but then, she relents, ...

Daamaad gives the confidence to Saas, telling She is able to turn heads.

They move to a empty slot, .....

He wants to kiss her right now

Madhu is afraid, but Manoj pushes her, ...[Image: motherinlawface.webp] So,  hugging & Kissing her Face is the beginning.

Madhu feels something is changing in her. She is feeling wet between her knees.

Manoj next tells her, Her Hips are awesome, ....She is no less than a Heroine, .. She slips & falls backwards, ...He catcher her by hips, ...

Manoj tells, let me do that again, He pushes her backwards & catches her, ....
They both do, filmy "bend & catch" acts of Love, .. Saas feels younger now, ....[Image: bendhips.webp]

Madhu feels, she's feeling lighter, as if, she is bouncing in Air.
She tells it to Manoj.

[Image: hugging.webp][Image: hug.webp]
Manoj tells hug me then, ...

Daamaad can't help but punch her to wall, clasping himself to her body & tongue-lick her face, ...
[Image: punchtowallandkiss.webp]

Madhu is lost, ... She asks, How can I please you?

Now, is the time, Manoj tells his fantasy, there are many, but right now, ....
She would be holding her Pallu in her hand & they both are posing like Titanic Hero-Heroine.

Madhu is full of shyness & runs away.

[Image: runwithshame.webp]

Manoj catches her & seduces her to agree, ..
He tells, when cool-breeze touches her open-navel, She'll get a new sensation,....

Thank you bored hubby, keep posting. I think your comment with pics is adding to value of my thread.
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Smita n Janki

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(11-09-2020, 09:54 AM)ruby.bhatia Wrote: I like this,

You are engaging & complimenting & repping people, who like your thread, with genuinely wanting to make the thread better.

Yes I Give A LIKE TO EVERY COMMENT BECAUSE  THEY TOOK  TIME to COMMENT;  I rep guys who make repeated comments as I feel I owe them that, thx for understanding me.   thx ruby 
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Smita n Janki

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(11-09-2020, 05:20 PM)boredhubby Wrote: Manoj catches her & seduces her to agree, ..
He tells, when cool-breeze touches her open-navel, She'll get a new sensation,....

Madhu wants to experience it, ... He playfully pulls her Pallu & Madhu
[Image: pullpallu.webp] feels the brrze bite her navel, ....

She has never done it. She feels young, energetic, light, awesome, playful, ....

Now, Manoj sets his Camera in-place, ...
They stand & pose,
It is new experience for Madhu, removing her Pallu, holding it in hand & posing for Camera.....
Cool-Breeze on her Belly, Manoj's breath next to her ear, His intoxicating praises, ..

[Image: titanicpallustyle1.webp]
She's feeling very very weak in her knees.

... do it many times & are lost, ...

Manoj notices, her underboobs can get better push, if she raises her hands above, ...

He guides her, ....
[Image: titanicpallustyle2.webp]

By now, Madhu has fully lost it. She nods to whatever Manoj tells.
he tells drop your Pallu, hold your hands at your nape.
[Image: statue.webp]

She has to stand like a Statue, while Manoj savour her delightfully.
Manoj licks her all over, ...

he says hug his head backwards & he gets to taste her neck-face-ear.
[Image: handonnavel.webp]

Madhu is shivering, She can't stand anymore, ....... She can't tolerate anymore. ...
She's shivering, hollering, .....
Manoj slips & notices Madhu has leaked lots of her love-juice.

Madhu pleads Manoj, Pl, I can't do this any more, ...
Pl make love to me.

Manoj finds a terrace, they both climb & [Image: makelove.webp] They start love in open.

Thank you boredhubby, your story telling with very apt pics is awesome. I think you should write a story.
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Smita n Janki

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[+] 1 user Likes ruby.bhatia's post
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(11-09-2020, 05:20 PM)boredhubby Wrote: Manoj catches her & seduces her to agree, ..
He tells, when cool-breeze touches her open-navel, She'll get a new sensation,....

Madhu wants to experience it, ... He playfully pulls her Pallu & Madhu
[Image: pullpallu.webp] feels the brrze bite her navel, ....

She has never done it. She feels young, energetic, light, awesome, playful, ....

Now, Manoj sets his Camera in-place, ...
They stand & pose,
It is new experience for Madhu, removing her Pallu, holding it in hand & posing for Camera.....
Cool-Breeze on her Belly, Manoj's breath next to her ear, His intoxicating praises, ..

[Image: titanicpallustyle1.webp]
She's feeling very very weak in her knees.

... do it many times & are lost, ...

Manoj notices, her underboobs can get better push, if she raises her hands above, ...

He guides her, ....
[Image: titanicpallustyle2.webp]

By now, Madhu has fully lost it. She nods to whatever Manoj tells.
he tells drop your Pallu, hold your hands at your nape.
[Image: statue.webp]

She has to stand like a Statue, while Manoj savour her delightfully.
Manoj licks her all over, ...

he says hug his head backwards & he gets to taste her neck-face-ear.
[Image: handonnavel.webp]

Madhu is shivering, She can't stand anymore, ....... She can't tolerate anymore. ...
She's shivering, hollering, .....
Manoj slips & notices Madhu has leaked lots of her love-juice.

Madhu pleads Manoj, Pl, I can't do this any more, ...
Pl make love to me.

Manoj finds a terrace, they both climb & [Image: makelove.webp] They start love in open.

thank you, boredhubby your narration and pics are great
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Smita n Janki

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(13-09-2020, 02:58 PM)twinciteeguy Wrote: thank you, boredhubby your narration and pics are great

Imitation is best way to flatter.

I'm on clouds, Thx TwinCiteeGuy, following your footsteps,

my baby-steps on the wonderful characters you have created with so much liveliness, possibilities & excitements & fun & raw passion.

Here, ode to you, Mr. Creator of Manoj-Smita-Madhu.

Madhu, after Titanic Poses in the open is much more Open & Exicting & Giving..

Late at night, She gave a Demo of what's to come, .....
She filled Manoj's Glass & she became the Maiden, ...

Dropping her pallu
[Image: sanjpalluotherside.webp][Image: sanjpalluwear.webp][Image: sanjpallu.webp]

Manoj was shocked & pumped up.

Madhu uttered, "Night just began honey".

Manoj bit her hard & She truly became wild [Image: sanbite.webp] & she too started pinching, biting..... she turned into wild sex cat.

Manoj was caught off-guard.

He had unleashed the Tigress in her & now, she is hell-bent on kill.

She made moves that hit Manoj hard, testing his limits of physicality
[Image: sanjhit.webp]
tiny host

She was challenging him now, far cry from the Shy old lady she was earlier, ...

This was new experience for Manoj, ... being challenged by sexual partner, ...

Madhu was now doing all sorts of passionate moves, willing to try out new stuff, inviting Manoj to satiate her desires[Image: sanjsofa.webp]

Manoj uttered, "I will bang you every piece of furniture in this place & will bring out liquid from every hole & curve in your body".

Madhu was elated, ....

They both looked forward to redefine passion.

Sweat, Cum, Semen, Blood, it was all going to get into war

Who will ride whom?
I'll be away, until I accomplish my goal

our behaviour drives our motivation

you are what your deep driving desire is
[+] 1 user Likes boredhubby's post
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(11-09-2020, 05:27 PM)boredhubby Wrote: After making love, Manoj tells Madhu, tomorrow, we're going to nearby forest & It's going to rain a lot & All she can wear is a White Saree only, Nothing else.

Madhu is thrilled.

Thank you is all I can say for your great support
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Smita n Janki

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(13-09-2020, 06:00 PM)boredhubby Wrote: Imitation is best way to flatter.

I'm on clouds, Thx TwinCiteeGuy, following your footsteps,

my baby-steps on the wonderful characters you have created with so much liveliness, possibilities & excitements & fun & raw passion.

Here, ode to you, Mr. Creator of Manoj-Smita-Madhu.

Madhu, after Titanic Poses in the open is much more Open & Exicting & Giving..

Late at night, She gave a Demo of what's to come, .....
She filled Manoj's Glass & she became the Maiden, ...

Dropping her pallu
[Image: sanjpalluotherside.webp][Image: sanjpalluwear.webp][Image: sanjpallu.webp]

Manoj was shocked & pumped up.

Madhu uttered, "Night just began honey".

Manoj bit her hard & She truly became wild [Image: sanbite.webp] & she too started pinching, biting..... she turned into wild sex cat.

Manoj was caught off-guard.

He had unleashed the Tigress in her & now, she is hell-bent on kill.

She made moves that hit Manoj hard, testing his limits of physicality
[Image: sanjhit.webp]
tiny host

She was challenging him now, far cry from the Shy old lady she was earlier, ...

This was new experience for Manoj, ... being challenged by sexual partner, ...

Madhu was now doing all sorts of passionate moves, willing to try out new stuff, inviting Manoj to satiate her desires[Image: sanjsofa.webp]

Manoj uttered, "I will bang you every piece of furniture in this place & will bring out liquid from every hole & curve in your body".

Madhu was elated, ....

They both looked forward to redefine passion.

Sweat, Cum, Semen, Blood, it was all going to get into war

Who will ride whom?

Thank you boredhubby. Truly innovative. You have unleashed Madhu now and once a slut wakes up no stopping her.
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Smita n Janki

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[Image: swing.gif]
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