Adultery Lockdown & Uncle
Nice thread
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(07-08-2020, 09:39 PM)Bholanaath Wrote: Bro, hope everything is okay ..
If you stop here, we gonna miss you.

Yes every thing is ok. 

But due to aggressiveness of covid in our area we have shifted out of city to a relatives place. and from there i am finding it hard to give updates.

I am never gona stop. 

Obviously you know the story about the hare and tortoise. I am the tortoise. slow but steady. and always in life may be slow but i have reach the end  

Thanks for being with me. 

Riped and liked you. 

banana banana banana
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Sir sumi ma'am is just so so mysteriously charming one of her ardent admirers. She's heaven ma'am if you are reading can I just see the soap you use your perfume your lipstick your fingernails with purple nail polish. I am just mesmerised with you and your body smell must be musky fresh and should be bottled up for nirvana of your admirer like me
[+] 1 user Likes Seductresslover's post
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There was no dearth of ice-cream venders and ice-cream stall. But we wanted a less crowded stall where we can stand peacefully and eat ice-cream, not getting continuously bumped by the people. After searching a bit we found two stalls, side by side, one Kwality another Rollick not so much crowded as others. May be because they were side by side. We decided to have ice-cream from the Kwality. She stood outside avoiding the crowd and I went inside to buy ice-cream.  Though I could get the ice-cream of Sumi’s choiced one, but to my dismay I could not get what I wanted. They said they are already out of stock, sold out.

She took a bite from her Corneto-black forest and asked me, “What happed?”
“I did not get ice-cream of my choice!”
“What are you eating then?”
“Why don’t you try the Rollick stall, you may find your choiced one.” Then with a teasing voice she said, “In the mean time I can also have your ice-cream.”
I laughed loud. She always had a wild attraction for ice-creams and chocolates.
“Ok! You can have mine also. I will go and see if I can get something of my choice in the Rollick stall.” I winked, “You are doing such a hard job today. You are entitled for two ice-creams at a time.”
She blushed and then made a face at me.

The Rollick stall was more crowded then the kwality one. It took me some time to purchase what I wanted. As I returned I saw Sumi has already finished her first ice-cream and eating the second one and a lanky guy is standing beside her, shamelessly leering on her flaunting boobs. There is so little gap in between them that anybody will think he is her husband. My wife by now has got acclimatized being alone in this savage fare, filled with women eaters and got habituated with such kind of ravening guys in this Rath Yatra mela and does not looked worried. She was not trying to move away from him. In actuality she was giving him a bold show--leave Sumi alone for some time and there will be daring lecherous guys hovering adventurously over her.

Sumi spotted me. I have stopped only few of meters away from her. She Lifted her left hand with which she was not holding the ice-cream and pretended as if something fallen over her head. Her lifted arm flaunted her boobs more, making the lanky guys eyes bulge out.  Must be depths of her milky white cleavage in his full view—she is giving a show to me and teasing me by flaunting generously her prominent boobs at the lanky guy.

Though I could not see anybody bumping over the lanky guy but he suddenly jolted slightly sideways. Momentarily his back arm softly pressed over her spongy big boob. He enjoyed the feeling.

He instantly turned himself facing her.
“Sorry! It was not intentional.”
His eyes directly over her boobs.
Generally in this kind of cases guys pretends as if nothing has happened and then would walk away. But he looked bold and acknowledged his back arm momentarily pressing against her big spongy melons. He is audacious and daring.  
She was also not expecting him to talk. Her cheeks turned red.
“It’s ok! It was an accident. . . I understand!”
“You every year come to this fare?” He asked her still shamelessly looking at her boobs.
It looked he is bolder than the others and trying to get acquainted and do some chit chats thinking this sexy leady is alone in the fair.
She was uneasy from his lecherous gaze but decided to play along.
“No for the first time I have come to this fare.”
I laughed by myself, she is becoming naughty and mischievous. In our 10 years of marriage we have at least come to this Rath Yatra mela for eight to nine times only missing it for couple of times. And now she told a dam lie to that guy.
She looked away from him. I guessed she don’t want to continue speaking with him anymore.

He however did not take his eyes from her or did not even move away. Lasciviously going on ogling at her boobs then on to her hips and then his eyes would hover over her naked smooth waist.

I was enjoying the show and did not want things to end there. I stayed where I was, few meters away from them.

Sumi understood that I don’t want her to end the flaunting show and I want her to continue speaking with the guy.  

Sumi looked again at him she made a face.
“It’s so annoying in this fare. People are bumping and not even bothering to say sorry.” Then she added with a teasing smile. “You are the first guy who said sorry after bumping.”
He moved closer to her pretending as if not able to hear her properly over the noise of the crowded fair.
“Yes! Very bad people.”
He moved again, closer. Now only few inches from my sexy wife’s protruding out cannon balls. From his height it was obvious he can see deep down her milky white spotless cleavage.  

Sumi again, lifted her hands, arching slightly backwards pretending as if composing her hair. Her boobs dangerously thrust forward, bulging out making them too much sexually prominent and inviting.

His eyes widened, jaws dropped. I could see his hands adjusting his cock over his pants. Possibly it was involuntary act of his subconscious mind.
I heard him saying in a horse fricative voice. “You are beautiful!!”
She giggled in a seductive way, “Thanks!”
He could not resist himself any more, he pretended overbalanced and bumped over her softly.

Obviously readers would have understood his body softly touched her ample bosoms for a fraction of seconds.
“Opps! Sorry! Somebody again bumped over me.”
This time also I could not see anybody bumping over him.
Her face became again red and she said, “It’s ok!”

I pushed myself more near them, only a meter away from them. Sumi pretended not to know me. I was one of the many guys standing there with ice-cream in my hand.      

An idea popped in my head. I pull out my mobile and text my wife standing now a meter away from me.

She looked astonished, her browse frowned. A question formed in her face. But she was intelligent enough not to look at me directly. She understood that I being just by her side and texting means something in my mind and I don’t want to revel myself that I am with her.

I text again, “The lanky guy standing beside you, ogling at your boobs. Can you make him touch your melons?”
She blushed.
Then I saw Sumi typing on her mobile.
A text from her popped.
“He has just now touched my boobs!”
I text back.
“What I meant more boldly. For longer time! May be pressing!”
“You are making my boobs a public thing!!” She typed back.

I was puzzled form her text.
Has she become angry? Does she want to end it here, now? Or Does she not like some unknown guy pressing her soft spongy melons for some time? 

From corner of my eyes I looked at her face to see her reaction. She doesn’t look angry there was a smile over her face.

To my relief a smiley with happy face popped into my mobile. She was cracking a naughty jock.

I could see she still was typing something on her mobile. A bigger smile broke into her face as she ended her typing. Instantly the text popped in my mobile.
“After marriage my boobs have become your property. You can give it to anybody. At least for today. . . It’s ten years marriage anniversary!!”
Then another text popped up with smiley. “I am guessing today I will be going back home with my boobs paining.”
I sent a smiley in response. So she has happily agreed. But how she is going to make him squeezed her boobs for longer time?

She again typed back.  
“Can you move couple of steps away? He may have followed you and may know you are with me.”

I know what she meant. I being with her he may not be so bold.

I was about to push myself off but then I saw she is shaking her head slightly in a negative manner. She wants to tell, or indicate something. I stopped. She typed again on her mobile.
“While you move out push me hard over the guy.”

I smiled thinking about her brain.

I barely had touched Sumi she reacted by throwing herself over the lanky guy pretending as if she got a hard push from somebody. Her full body pressed over him, but she took care that from her push the guy does not get off guard and loose his balance.

The guy was startled from Sumi’s sudden stumble over him.

I swiftly moved few steps away and taken position so I could clearly see.

Sumi hugged on to his body; her right boob pressed over his torso, pretending she is completely off balance and giving him ample time to apprehend about the situation.

He within seconds grasped that the beautiful and sexy leady who was standing by his side is now in his arms. However he was in dilemma to give her support with his hands.

Still hanging on his body Sumi said with a seductive voice, “Sorry! Somebody pushed me . . . Please help me to stand!”

By that time some of the guys had gathered round the lanky guy and my wife, keen to help the sexy and beautiful leady. In distress?
One of the guys with loud voice asked, “What happened?”
The lanky guy was nervous. It was obvious. Sumi was still hanging on to his body, pretending out of balance, with her eloquent spongy boob still sandwiched over his body.
He stammered to answer, “She . . . I mean . . .”
“He is with me.” Sumi said looking at the guys who had started gathering.

The six-seven people who had already gathered around them looked enviously at the lanky guy and they thinned out.
“Now, will you help me to stand, please?” Sumi said with the same seductive voice.
He tried to straighten her holding her shoulders.
She pretended to slip more throwing her full weight over him. To support her from not falling completely he had to put one of his hand over her bare belly.  
I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional!

Sumi shivered for a second. Finding no objection the guy did not take of off his hand from her nakedness.
“Thanks! I think I have sprained my leg. I cannot stand properly.” Then she added with a scared voice, “Don’t loosen your hold! I will fall!”
I saw a sparkle of lust flash on his eyes.
He is now more comfortable and his hand boldly placed over her belly.
He smiled from ear to ear.
“Don’t weary I will not let you down!”
She smiled back.
“It is two crowd here if I again get bumped by somebody I will break my leg . . . Isn’t there any place which is not crowded?”
“Yes, we can go behind these make-shift stalls, very few people walk through that part.” He suggested with a grin.

I was still standing few meters from them. If he was not so much absorbed in taking care of my gorgeous buxom wife he would have noticed me.

Still in his arms Sumi slightly tilted her head towards me taking care not to arouse his suspicion. I nodded my head in approval.

“Yes, I can go there, but you need to give support I can barely walk!” She said with a beguiling voice.

There is a very narrow gap left between the makeshift ice-cream stall and the next stall, which leads to the back side of the stalls. After every 5-6 continuous make shift stalls this kind of narrow gap is kept in between the stalls to facilitate the movement of the residents, whose houses are on the side of this road.

They took couple of steps through the crowd towards the narrow gap, he supporting her by holding her left silky upper arm. She was pretending to limp.

Being leaning over the guy her ass prominently and invitingly bulged out. A guy while walking bumped over her ass. It was deliberate. Sumi was not prepared for it; she was concentrating more on to the lanky guy. She got disbalanced and thrown forward. Immediately, as a reaction, he propped up his left arm forward to avert her fall. It was accidental and not intentional; his left arm pressed over her left spongy breast and palm cupped her right spongy big bob. Both of them instantly understood the accident. I could see my wife face becoming instant deep red.

That is what I wanted her to do—get his hand over her big spongy melons and she was trying to find a way. God created the opening.

“I am sorry!” He blurted out instantaneously.  He hadn’t meant it but his words eloquently expressing his hand being over her stunning big boobs.
“I . . . Thanks for saving me again.” Sumi said with a shy voice. Her expressions clearly indicating him that she know that his hand is over her boobs.

I could not resist myself from the great show. I started to get a hard on. I pushed myself forward and was just a meter away from them again.  

Sumi did not tried to pull herself straight, kept resting her body, I mean her big jugs over his left arm in the same position.

The guy looked at me with annoyance thinking me as one of the officious bystander invading his domain.

Sumi could have ended the show here but seeing me move closer she decided to continue more and let me see some more of my fantasies unfolding to reality. She decided to make the guy more lewd in his action by enticing and cajoling him.
She continued from where she left in very shy voice.
“Please don’t feel embraced! You are trying to help me and accidentally your hand is over my . . .” She did not complete what she was saying. I could see her cheeks, blushing. It was too hard for my conservative homely wife to say the word ‘boobs’ in front of a stranger. However she managed to indicate with her eye and facial expressions what she meant.  

It was after our ten years of marriage she has broken the unadventurous, conservative boundaries and step forward towards the world of slutty women.

To be continued.........
[+] 8 users Like HB201415's post
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यदि इस लोडे में दम होगा तो आज ये रांड chud कर ही घर जाएगी
भोसड़ी का bhosdaa बना दो सड़क पर ही
[+] 1 user Likes Kam1nam2's post
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Nice thread
[+] 1 user Likes rimpikhatun's post
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very teasing ways of your wife. on way to hot wife
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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Sir just so delicious better if erotica or sex diva be used for sumi ma'am rather than slutty
[+] 1 user Likes Seductresslover's post
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Nice update!!!
[+] 1 user Likes ChodonBuZ MoniruL's post
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awesome awesome ....
[+] 1 user Likes Bholanaath's post
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Keep writing
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(07-08-2020, 10:24 PM)rimpikhatun Wrote: Nice thread

Thanks for liking my thread. banana banana

Ripped and liked you.
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(09-08-2020, 02:12 AM)raj500265 Wrote: wwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Thanks for liking my real liking my real life story.

happy happy happy

Rated, and liked you.

I would appreciate if u give detailed comment.  banana
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(09-08-2020, 11:26 AM)Seductresslover Wrote: Sir sumi ma'am is just so so mysteriously charming one of her ardent admirers. She's heaven ma'am if you are reading can I just see the soap you use your perfume your lipstick your fingernails with purple nail polish. I am just mesmerised with you and your body smell must be musky fresh and should be bottled up for nirvana of your admirer like me

Yes she is very charming and beautiful. happy happy happy

she has red your massage. I and i also hope some day she shows u r demand. banana banana

riped and liked u r comment.
[+] 1 user Likes HB201415's post
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(09-08-2020, 04:20 PM)Kam1nam2 Wrote: यदि इस लोडे में दम होगा तो आज ये रांड chud कर ही घर जाएगी
भोसड़ी का bhosdaa बना दो सड़क पर ही

Dekhte he kay hota he.

I could have disclosed now , but it would not be fun. banana 

thanks for such a nice and erotic comment. Liked and ripped you.

clps clps clps
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update please
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(09-08-2020, 04:21 PM)rimpikhatun Wrote: Nice thread

Thanks  thanks

liked and ripped you for reading my real life story.
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(09-08-2020, 06:11 PM)twinciteeguy Wrote: very teasing ways of your wife. on way to hot wife

Yes for the first time she agreed to fulfil my fantasy. It was our tenth marriage anniversary. banana banana

Thanks for liking the writing. happy happy

Liked and rated you.
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(10-08-2020, 12:09 AM)Seductresslover Wrote: Sir just so delicious better if erotica or sex diva be used for sumi ma'am rather than slutty

Thanks for commenting.

I will try to keep it in mind.

Liked and given reputation.
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