Adultery Padmini, a middle aged beauty to hot wife.(completed)
As she began to sleep she thought of her exposure and felt bad. But she knew she enjoyed her time with him and he is a nice guy she thought. Just as he feasted on her clev show sheet observed him and thought he is well built young man. She thought today he kissed on hand but what happens if he asks or simply kisses her, she shivered at the thought but she knew if he did so, she knew will she melt in his hands. Poor Padmini had no more sex for almost 7 weeks and this is driving her for his company.
Padmini normally has a milkman coming and giving her milk daily. Her milkman changed recently and this guy is about 45, almost her age and well built and he wears shorts  and as she brings in her jar, he pours milk in to the jar. She has not observed earlier. Now as she brought the jar and as bent for him to pour milk, she noticed him looking at her boobs, she is wearing the nighty and a bit low cut and even though no clev show he is still staring at her boobs.  She is surprised and shocked, how can milkman dare stare at her. But she thought I will observe this guy. She observed him for few more days and she is certain he is stealing glances and trying to see her boobs but as she is wearing a full maxi no show. A mischievous thought came to her and next day she told him to come early as she is going out and she is in saree by the time he came. Now as she bent he was seeing her boobs and almost staring and when he lifted he realized she caught him red handed and said sorry and left. His eyes are full of lust she thought.
A few days passed and she is bored again with same routine. Vijay too has not come and she knew he may be busy. She called him in the evening and he responded with a message will call you back. He called back and said tell me aunty, nothing Vijay just like that I called. Did you enjoy the dinner he asked yes of course she replied. Should we go again he asked but she said no come home and I will give you a nice dinner.
She is not willing to risk as someone may observe them together. He hesitated then he said OK but we have to drink together. . She laughed and said I will just sip. She knew she is  not doing right but still called him. She felt she will stop him when she wants. Vijay arrived at about 8 and she too finished cooking and showered and looking fresh with light makeup. She wore another low cut blouse and saree but inwardly she is shivering.
He hugged her lightly and said Aunty you are looking so lovely. He  sat on the sofa and he took out the beer and opened it. He poured in a glass and sipped and she said I told you I will sip.  He said then you cannot sit that far and indicated her to sit near. She hesitated, come on aunty and she sat by his side. He gave her the glass she sipped and gave him back he sipped Oh the taste has changed, it tastes better. Tut, tut stop the flatt6ery. No aunty a lovely lady’s lips have special touch. She blushed. They continued to sip and he moved nearer and aunty you know I am amazed how lovely you look at your age. So saying he took her hand and kissed her palm softly. She shivered at his action and tried to withdraw but with his other hand he pulled her close and held her.
He then gave her the glass smilingly and she took a big gulp to calm her nerves. She continued to sit close since he made no moves and they are consuming more beer like that. As the time progressed  the hug became tighter and her boobs are brushing against his manly chest. He made her sip or gulp holding the glass in his hand. She looked at him lovingly and he said ummmmmmm aunty you are so nice. He then gave a kiss on her cheeks. No Vijay she said and he said just an appreciation for the care I saw in your eyes. She is floored with this remark. Aunty how do u manage when uncle is away for so long he asked she said you are helping me.  They continued the drinks for more time and she is even closer. They finished dinner and she said goodnight and he responded by pulling her, his hands on her waist, he asked her can I kiss you please and before she can reply kissed her on her lips. To her horror she found herself responding but she pushed him and said Vijay this is wrong. He said what can I do aunty I have a crush on you since long. I feel you are the most desirable woman. Now give me a kiss  and I will go pl aunty.

Padmini is in shock, the truth that he is lusting for her shocked her and she is lost momentarily. Pl aunty brought her back and she looked straight in to his eyes and more than lust the face looked pleading. Yet she thought she is a loyal loving wife so far and she cannot even think of another man despite her hubby being away. She played the game thinking it is harmless flirting. Vijay knew her thoughts and so gave her time and conflicting thoughts are going through her mind.  Finally she said ok I will give but then you should forget it all.  He looked at her straight in to her eyes  and said sorry aunty I can never forget, you are my dream aunty. Anyway aunty goodnight and I will take it only willingly. He walked up to the door when she stopped him and he came back, she planted a kiss on his lips gently and wanted to withdraw immediately but he hugged her close and her tits crashed in to his chest. Thank you aunty, next time you should give a real kiss and walked out.

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Smita n Janki

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Very nice story kindly update
[+] 2 users Like Rahulkarnv's post
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Update Update Update Update Update UpdateUpdate
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waiting for hot updates
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Super bro
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(29-01-2020, 08:54 PM)kuskari09 Wrote: Update Update Update Update Update UpdateUpdate

Not a word about the story, don't know if liked or hated the story. U still expect updates?? Be generous to our lovely Milf. Give Some positive or negative together update.
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Smita n Janki

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nice, and good story
[+] 1 user Likes Uthita_Lingam's post
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Go on
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Great story superb nerration
Kindly uodate
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Great story superb nerration
Kindly update
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Continue bro
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I am away. Will be back on 5/2. Will try to give small update on  3/2.
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Smita n Janki

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(29-01-2020, 10:09 AM)Rahulkarnv Wrote: Very nice story kindly update

Thank you rahul. As I am away  this update is delayed and will be posted on 6thFeb.
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Smita n Janki

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(31-01-2020, 01:42 PM)twinciteeguy Wrote: I am away. Will be back on 5/2. Will try to give small update on  3/2.

Expecting with pictures
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(30-01-2020, 05:10 PM)Uthita_Lingam Wrote: nice, and good story

Thank you Uthita, am awayateending marriageand will try to post an update max by 5th.
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Smita n Janki

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Awesome explained man, keep updating. Waiting for Feb 05th post
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An update is posted in my thread seduction of Nisha. Hope readers will enjoy reading. Here is the link
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Smita n Janki

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(30-01-2020, 06:33 AM)Renjith Wrote: Super bro

[img][Image: t4.jpg][/img]

Renjith, glad you have enjoyed. An update will be posted  tomorrow morning or night hopefully but max on 6th.
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Smita n Janki

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