Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)

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(04-12-2019, 08:30 PM)Givemeextra Wrote: ohh, cant wait to see how it goes. 
Will they hit it off with more than just coffe? May be some "innocent" fondling/grabbing to bring back the memories. . . . 
Will hubby come in and interrupt the session? Will Hubby's past  knowledge influence his present action or will he just greet the "guest" with a calm face only to strategize later.....


These are all flashbacks of each of them thinking about what had happened before. The actions of present day are yet to come. This was Meera thinking of how Prabu had first come into her house when she was alone, before he had seduced her or their affair had started.
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meera's emotions and care everything looks perfect............but crocodile tears
she always yarns for her abandoned or fugitive coward lover...who left her without any word ........
but never thinked about her family, her husband and her children's future and social status due to her sex affair

sarvanan's feelings always genuine and realistic.....
he suppressed his anger, pain and her betrayal.... only for his wife's dignity, his children's future more than his own pride

even he never disclosed his knowingness about the affair to her.....................but i think this is the main factor increased her yarning and budding of love for prabhu in her heart............ she never felt guilt for her betrayal but always justified her lustiness in the name of love

waitinf for your POV in the form of new update Smile
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So far Prabu had come to their house about 5 or six times. He had only visited them when Saravanan was at home. Each visit would last at least an hour or sometimes a little more than that. As his presence in the house became familiar to everyone he was slowly being taken as one of the family. In one instance he had dinner with them before going home. In another instance he visited them on a Sunday and had lunch with them. On that day he spent more time than usual in their home talking mainly to Saravanan but including her to in the conversation whenever he could. He would praise her cooking highly. She would smile, appreciative of his compliment.

“My wife’s cooking is always super,” Saravanan would agree with him.
His compliments made her feel very happy. She too got used to having him home. As she got more familiar with having him there, she also got more comfortable in his presence. She had actually complained to her husband when he had first come home that he seemed to be leering at women. Her husband had assured her it was just his young age and men at that age would behave like that, but it would soon be alright as they grow older. Now she too didn’t take that aspect of his behaviour seriously.
All that was when he visited them when her husband was home but when he first came home when she was all alone, she felt a bit uncomfortable. She had no choice but to invite him in as she had got to know him for a few days. She couldn’t very well tell him to go away.
However, Prabu’s motives from the beginning was somehow to seduce her. When he had first seen her in the temple he had been stunned by her beauty. He had noticed the mangalsutra round her neck and the toes rings on her toes.
He started wondering, “ who is the lucky fellow to have married this beautiful angel.”
Her beauty had overwhelmed him on the very first time he set his eyes on her. He felt that he must see her again and again. He often came to the temple just for the opportunity to see her. She used to come to the temple most days with her children. He discretely started enquiring about her.
It was the temple priest who told him,” she is the wife a big shop proprietor Saravanan.”
Only then he came to realise that she was the wife of his old friend Saravanan.
“Why is she coming alone with the children, doesn’t Saravanan come along,” he asked.
“He only comes here with his family on Fridays, the priest replied. “Why are you asking? You seem to be asking a lot about her,” he said with a little suspicion.
“No, no don’t take me wrong. Saravanan is my old friend. It’s just that I want to meet him,” he said cleverly managing the situation.
Prabu was very happy because he knew that he would have no trouble getting her introduction. From the first day he saw Meera, he would be troubled by her in his dreams. Prabu had from the very beginning been friendly with an ulterior intention in his mind. He was vehement in his mind that he must have Meera at least one day. Prabu was not without experience in sex. So far he had had sexual relationship with two women but this was the first time he was having desire for a married woman.
That she was his friend’s wife made him both happy and at the same time uneasy. Happy that because she was wife of a friend, he would easily get to know her and at the same time uneasy because that would mean he intended to seduce such a woman. Friendship was a very cherished relationship. This would be betrayal of the trust on which friendship is built.
“But she is so lovely, she is not even letting me sleep in peace,” he lamented to himself.
However, in that battle, her beauty won against friendship. He met Saravanan one Friday as he had planned. He got introduced to her as expected. Now he was talking to her while she was alone in the house.
To obtain her trust he was careful at first to behave both respectfully and honourably. Only then she would not complain about him to Saravanan. Moreover, it would pave the way for him to be able to visit her at home in the future even when she was alone.
As he drank the coffee he said,” It’s a good thing that Saravanan is here. Ever since I got back here from the gulf, I had not been able to see any of my old friends.”
“Yes, even my husband said that none of his old friends are still here.”
“When I first left to work in the gulf two of my old friends were still here at that time but now, even they have gone elsewhere to work.”
“How long were you in the gulf?”
“Four years Bhabhi.”
“Spending so many years overseas, isn’t it boring for you to spend your time in a small town like this?”
He was happy that she was paving the way for him to take this further along.
“That’s why I keep coming to your very often to see Saravanan. If not, I wouldn’t know what to do, how to spend time. I hope it’s not a disturbance for you, me coming to your home often like this. If so please tell me, I won’t be offended. I will reduce the number of times I visit.”
“Oh, nothing like that, why do you feel that way.”
He got the reply he anticipated.
“Luckily you said that Bhabhi, if not I wouldn’t have known what to do.”
“Why do you say that,” she asked puzzled.
“If not, where would I go to get this wonderful coffee that you serve here.”
Meera smiled on hearing this.
“Don’t think I am using the excuse of meeting a friend to drink free coffee. For this suberb coffee you serve I don’t mind even taking a flight once a week from the gulf to come and drink your coffee,” he laid on the compliment thick.
“If you want coffee just ask, I will give it, but this is a bit too much,” she said laughing.
“I actually like to go and talk to Saravanan in the shop but I don’t want to be a hindrance while he is busy with his business.”
“Yes, it’s true. It’s difficult when he is busy. Sometimes he doesn’t even come home for lunch or even when he comes, he hurriedly eats and goes back to the shop.”
So, it’s boring for her too here, he thought to himself. This was a useful bit of information.
“Yes, Saravanan was always a industrious worker. On the other hand, I used to roam around irresponsibly. I am more of a jolly type. That’s why my dad bundled me off to the gulf,” Prabu said laughingly.
“It seems like you are younger to him then I is it you two became good friends?”
Prabu smiled as he replied,” It was cricket that united us. We used to go to neighbouring towns and villages to play matches. We used to travel and play together so often we became good friends.”
“I have always seen my husband only involved in work and business, did he really used to play cricket?”
“How come you say that. At one time Cricket was like life to him, he used to bat well.”
“And you?”
“Even though I was three years younger I was always big built and strong, so I was the one who used to bowl fast for the team.”
His words turned Meera’s attention towards his body. He was right. He was quite tall and he had a well built body.
“Okay Bhabhi, time for me to leave. Many thanks for this refreshing coffee. I will come in the evening when Saravanan is here.”
Time passed quite interestingly having a conversation with him, she thought. “Okay, goodbye," she said as he left.

I must make sure I arrive at least half an hour before Saravanan returns home. Only then I will again get an opportunity to speak to Meera alone, Prabu planned in his mind.
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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(04-12-2019, 08:30 PM)Givemeextra Wrote: ohh, cant wait to see how it goes. 
Will they hit it off with more than just coffe? May be some "innocent" fondling/grabbing to bring back the memories. . . . 
Will hubby come in and interrupt the session? Will Hubby's past  knowledge influence his present action or will he just greet the "guest" with a calm face only to strategize later.....


we all knw waht happened na
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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so thos was the first ball of prabhu.... when batsman was not there................. Smile

in my opinion flashback will be full erotic with hot encounters of prabhu & meera..... after a successful seduction

keep posting
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Two updates in a day. No writer here gives like this. That is your speed. Awesome.
That's the reason i asked you to continue the story in English. Translating later to tamil will not be big deal. Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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so interesting... seduction is going to start.. superb.. thank u writer
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Awesome story please continue but please give the story a happy ending and let saravanan be happy by the end and make sure his wife realises how much saravanan cares about her
(04-12-2019, 10:48 PM)Krish World Wrote: Two updates in a day. No writer here gives like this. That is your speed. Awesome.
That's the reason i asked you to continue the story in English. Translating later to tamil will not be big deal. Smile

I am trying to catch up to what I had already written in Tamil. Since I only have to do translation I was able to do it faster. Moreover it's translation to English and that makes it that much easier.  Shy I can't neglect the Tamil version too and hence I am obliged to write a new update for that.
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I have tried to translate the Tamil version to English through Google translator and found the requirements of a lot of editing.
Other way from English to Indian languages appears to be better though literaturis and beauty of language is lost. However it's a lot of time saving.
May I remind you something "THE CHEATER SHOULD BE PUNISHED?"
[+] 1 user Likes georgemercy's post
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(05-12-2019, 12:13 PM)georgemercy Wrote: May I remind you something "THE CHEATER SHOULD BE PUNISHED?"

If cheater to be punished, Saravanan would have done that the first time when he saw prabu and meera mating. He will never punish Meera, as she has been a good wife for him for more than seven years and helped him in all his struggles and more than that he loves her a lot. Now, he knows that his wife loves prabu more than him. Saravanan is not a cuckold, he always feels the pain seeing them together. He knows that prabu is keeping his wife more happier than him. May be he is young, strong and dominant and that has impressed her very much. She cannot forget the memories of their togetherness and wishing to be with prabu. So, he will only try to resolve this by making her happy by getting her lover back to her and he will move out of her life and town with his kids forever. Because, he is such a nice person. His wife will never realize his true love as her heart is full of love and lust for prabu and she is only yearning for the pleasure she got from him.  Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Krish World's post
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(05-12-2019, 12:12 PM)manas Wrote: I have tried to translate the Tamil version to English through Google translator and found the requirements of a lot of editing.
Other way from English to Indian languages appears to be better though literaturis and beauty of language is lost. However it's a lot of time saving.

Sometimes it's so troublesome it is easier to just translate it yourself rather than use any translator tools.
[+] 1 user Likes game40it's post
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keep it going!!! you are doing an awesome job!!!
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(05-12-2019, 01:22 PM)Krish World Wrote: If cheater to be punished, Saravanan would have done that the first time when he saw prabu and meera mating. He will never punish Meera, as she has been a good wife for him for more than seven years and helped him in all his struggles and more than that he loves her a lot. Now, he knows that his wife loves prabu more than him. Saravanan is not a cuckold, he always feels the pain seeing them together. He knows that prabu is keeping his wife more happier than him. May be he is young, strong and dominant and that has impressed her very much. She cannot forget the memories of their togetherness and wishing to be with prabu. So, he will only try to resolve this by making her happy by getting her lover back to her and he will move out of her life and town with his kids forever. Because, he is such a nice person. His wife will never realize his true love as her heart is full of love and lust for prabu and she is only yearning for the pleasure she got from him.  Smile

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Meanwhile even when Saravanan was at his shop his thoughts were often on Meera’s mental situation. He is aware that she cares a lot for him, yet she is unable to forget her lover even though he had only been with her for a short time. Those memories of their somewhat brief sexual liaison seems to overwhelm the good times they had as man and wife for these many years. There has to be something that she experienced that is now causing this mental dilemma she is facing. It is most certainly a dilemma for her as she is torn between her love for me and the yearning for her secret lover. The accompanying guilt that she still longs for her lover in spite of having a loving husband and a wonderful family must be causing her this mental anguish.

Saravanan tried to figure out in his own way why this was so. At the time when their affairs was in full bloom, he was in an extremely distressed frame of mind. The foremost feeling that he had was of pain, sorrow and even jealousy. These feeling consumed him so much that he was not able to think objectively.  Maybe now when more than two years has passed, he can look at the matter dispassionately and come to an understanding. The only way he could think of to try and understand her feelings was to think back on the few times he had seen them together. The first thing that came to mind was when he saw his wife dressed in the saree that Prabu had bought for her for her birthday.
He could see that she had taken to dress up attractively. Not only in her attire but in the make up that she wore for that day. At that time he did not even know that the pink jasmine that adorned her hair was bought for her by Prabu. It was only later that he became suspicious and deduced that it was indeed Prabu who had bought it for her. At that time he had dismissed it as something innocent and no big deal. However thinking about it she taken care to dress and look like that for Prabu’s benefit. Come to think of it Prabu was already with her when he came back home. Knowing now that their affair had already started at that time, they may have made love right there in my house before I came back or at least been involved is some sort of sexual foreplay, he thought.  Seeing how happy she was at the time, what had happened between them before he came back must have been wonderful for her. Her face was brighter than usual and her eyes were sparkling. Only when a woman is in love can she display such emotions. This thought was in some way, even worse for him than the mere union of their bodies.
The second thought that came to him was when he caught them kissing in the old abandoned house behind Prabu’s house when they had gone there to attend Prabu’s sister’s wedding. She was very coquettish with him then as if she was not very interested in involving in any sexual activity with him. Then when he started kissing her, he could see how much she too wanted her lover. She thrust her body against his hard body so that her breasts were crushed against his chest. She was opened mouthed when kissing him welcoming his probing tongue and not like someone reluctantly allowing someone to kiss her. Then when he remembered seeing her hand voluntarily unzipping him and snaking into his pants to play with his manhood it indicated she had completely succumbed to his seduction and this was no hesitant affair.
At that time though he suspected that they were already involved in sexual affair the confirmation that Prabu had fully taken his wife came on the third time he saw them together. That was the time he also knew that their sexual dalliance did not take place elsewhere but in his own home and that too on his own bed. Her loud soulful moans of pleasure he heard that day was something he had not heard in the seven years of their marriage at that time. She was always restrained when she made love to him. He thought that it was reflective of her calm nature. It was only then he knew there was another side to her that he did not know. That means he thought what I was not able to unlock was successfully achieved by Prabu. Thinking now of how her nails were embedded in the soft flesh of his buttocks urging and pulling him in as he ploughed his thick manhood into her, he realised there was an aggressive nature too to her lovemaking. The kissing and laughter that followed after the completion of their mating indicated a closeness had developed between them.
His thoughts now turned to the final time he had seen them together. This was most painful episode of all for him. Though it started off as if she was reluctant to continue her affair and that she had only come there because he had said he wanted only to talk to her, their subsequent actions belied this. How could she have believed that they were only going to talk. She must have known that they would ultimately end up mating. Therefore, she too was not ready to end the affair but instead had come to partake in the pleasures of the flesh. Moreover, because his worker’s mother was staying at his house, they could not satisfy their lust as and when they wanted like before. Therefore, she too would have come there expecting to make love to Prabu. That was a clear indication that she not only longed to have sex with Prabu, but she needed it too. The way she allowed him to undress her easily was a clear indication that she wanted him too. Her slender fingers had lovingly stroked his large penis. It was of a length and girth she had not been used to before but something she seemed to be fully aroused by now.  She stroked it, kissed it licked it. She didn’t seem to be disgusted with his leaking excitement. In fact, she seemed to relish it. The way she sucked him indicated that it was not the first time she was doing it, but she had not learnt to do it from him as she had never done it to him or he had asked her for it.
She herself placed his thick rod in her entrance and rubbed it against her love lips to pleasure herself, something she had never done with him When he had plunged his manhood deep into his wife’s wet sheath she had wailed and whimpered like he had never heard before as he went in inch by inch. She had hugged him close to her body, kissed him hungrily and had drawn streaks on his back with her nails as he plunged into her again and again.
“Arrgh…harder, faster….fuck…fuck me hard…darling…sss…I want your cock deeper…yes….oohh…”
These were strange words for him. Words he had never heard when he made love with his wife. He never new his wife was capable of uttering these salacious words. Word that indicated that Prabu was bring an intensity to her pleasures that she could not resist.
So, in summary, she had given her heart to her lover, he had freed her of her inhibitions in having sex and she had got immense joy in making love with her lover. These are the reasons she was still pining for her lost lover, this was what he had to battle against. He could understand that a woman often times does not just give her body but also gives her heart, but this often slowly fades when the affair is over. Maybe it’s because this is coupled with the fantastic pleasure that she experienced with him when having sex. Why was that so special for her? She had enjoyed sex with him too. Her body shuddering when she experiences orgasm with him surely shows that it was not some pretence from her. Maybe it was the newness of the sexual affair, very much like how exciting sex is for newly married couples before familiarity makes it less intense over a long period of time. Their affair may have abruptly ended before that familiarity could set in. Or with Prabu she may have felt uninhibited. There was no need to maintain any decorum for fear of being thought of as behaving inappropriately for a decent woman from a good family. Or it could simply be that she was engaging in something wrong in itself could have been very exciting for her. Or, the thing that hurt him the most, Prabu was simply better in sex than he was.
Whatever the reason, the woman he loved very much was longing for another. Even after carefully thinking this through he was no closer to knowing what to do.
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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the story is sparkling-erotic and very well told.
The sequel doesn't differ from the original at all, the transition is well done.

Please continue like this...

Greetings from Berlin-Germany
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