Adultery My wife, why did she betray me (completed)
Today when she saw the pink jasmine flowers in the sellers basket it brought back memories of when Prabu had for the very first time adorned those flowers in her hair by himself. When he did that at that time her body had been shaking in a mixture of fear and excitement. Her heartbeat started beating faster uncontrollably. Her body was sweating in fear and anticipation. After he adorned the flowers, the warm palm of his hand grabbed her cool body by the bare curve of her waist. He buried his face in the flowers and took a deep breath. He pulled her to him and her body pasted on to his. These thoughts even now made her womanhood seep slightly. 

"Meera, call the kids, let's go for dinner," her husband's voice distrurbed her reminiscence and brought her back to the present. 

As they had their dinner she tried to engage in the usual conversation a woman would have with her husband and children. 

"Meera, before we go back home, let's go to Prabu's house and visit his father. Apparently he is not well."

On hearing Prabu's name her body froze for a few seconds than gathering herself she said, Okay dear."

As their car approached Prabu's house Meera eyes automatically went towards the old abandoned house behind their newly built house. Saravanan also noticed where her eyes went but he did not indicate he was aware of it. That was the place where he first knew for certain that there was an illicit relationship between his wife and his friend. 

"Come in son, " Prabu's mom welcomed Saravanan with fondness. 

"Come in ma, "that fondness was absent in her voice when she invited Meera inside. 

"How is dad," Saravanan asked as he walked in. 

"He's okay a bit now, he is inside the room."

As they entered in the room they found Prabu's father lying in bed and Prabu's sisyer was sitting beside him in a chair.

"Hey Paappu, you are here too?, said Saravanan.

"Hello Anna (elder brother), hello Bhabhi, hai Kids," she welcomed everyone. 

Prabu's mother interjected, "Paapu has come to see her father, her husband is coming tomorrow to take her back to his house."

"How are you feeling now dad, " Saravanan inquired fondly.

"I'm okay a bit now, " he replied in a weak voice.

"How are you grandpa," Saravanan's kids asked in a chorus.  Prabu's father looked at them and smiled.

Prabu's father looked at his wife meaningfully. She immediately called Meera, Paappu and the kids," come everyone, let's go to the hall. I'll get coffee for everyone."

Prabu's father gestured Saravanan to sit beside him. He reached out with his hands to get hold of Saravanan's hands. Saravanan held Prabu's father hands before that. 

"Son, I feel guilty whenever I see you. My family has done a great wrong to you," he said softly.

"Don't say like that dad. For Prabu's wrongdoing why blame the whole family. Why, isn't Meera to blame too. Or for that matter isn't my negligence a reason why that happened. Leave it, let's not talk about the past."

"No son, you are not to blame, because you are an honorable person you are saying that. You wife maybe to blame a little but the whole blame is on my son who did everything to seduce a married woman."

"Never mind, let it go dad. With your condition being like this at least permit Prabu now at least to visit you."

"NO," shouted Prabu's father and started coughing badly.

Saravanan gave him some water to drink. Hearing the coughing Prabu's mother peeped in. With a wave of his hand he told her to go away. 

"No son, I have no desire to see his face again. He has brought such dishonor to the family."

"Whatever it is, he is your son. When you are in this condition he would surely like to see you."

He looked at Saravanan's face with kindness. "My son, my god, he has done such a terrible wrong to you and yet you are speaking for him. You are a very good man, but my son let me tell you something. One should never be too good a man."

After talking for a while Saravanan said, "look after yourself," and took leave.

Everyone was chatting in the hall. "Come Meera, let's go home. Mom, take care of dad, bye Paappu."

"Thanks Anna for visiting dad, only Prabu Anna doesn't seem to come and see dad," Paappu complained. 

"Keep quiet," Prabu's mother admonished her. "He won't come here now, "she said watching Meera by the side of her eyes. 

When she heard this Meera's body tightened for a few seconds. They said their goodbyes and left for home. That night Saravanan was aware of Meera tossing and turning restlessly in bed being unable to sleep. 
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
great continuation.... thanks....
now you have narrated balanced.... pov of both

but this fear of sarvanan "she will kill herself if i would make her face my knowingness"..............killing both of them ...or we can say.... their family... innerself

let's see where this moves
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With more command over the language, I know that you can give fast and long updates in English. Considering the number of readers in this forum, I request you to give updates first in English and then translate those to Tamil later. The reverse of this is always cumbersome. In English, you can give daily updates and translate those to give one update in weekend in Tamil. It will save you lot of time daily. Hope you agree Smile
[+] 3 users Like Krish World's post
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wow super update... I am also hoping to learn how meera was seduced
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Anguish of guilt plus memory of happiness is a terrible combination but I fear because of his complex/goodness, this may be heading in to a cuck story.
 Pl read n comment 
All Pic r copied fm NET and will be removed if anyone has any objection
Smita n Janki

[+] 1 user Likes twinciteeguy's post
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Super boss
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(03-12-2019, 08:04 AM)twinciteeguy Wrote: Anguish of guilt plus memory of happiness is a terrible combination but I fear because of his complex/goodness, this may be heading in to a cuck story.

agree.... he is caught by inferiority complex...... the initial stage of cuckolding
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"Why am feeling this much of disquiet today, " Meera asked herself in puzzlement.

She tried to be as careful as she could while tossing and turning in bed being unable to sleep. She did not want to awaken her husband who was sleeping peacefully beside her. Initially in the first few months after Prabu's sudden departure, she really did not think of him that much. She was more relieved that the secret sexual liaison she had engaged in with Prabu had ended without causing any irreparable damage to her marriage. 

However slowly the memories of Prabu started haunting her thoughts. This was because of the situation she was in. She was still living in her own home and that was where most of her illicit lovemaking with Prabu had taken place. So where ever she went in her house it again and again brought back memories of how she had cuddled there with her secret lover and enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh with him. This had the effect of making her yearning for Prabu increase over time. The memories of the intense pleasures she had enjoyed then and had lost now made her long for those happy days. 

When she went to her hall, the sight of her sofa brought back memory of how as she sat on it leaning on the backrest, Prabu had sat beside her twisting his body so as to be able to suck on her honeyed lips for long ecstatic minutes. Even though she would initially protest 'no Prabu don't', he would continuously kiss her while his hands would roam over her body, kneading the soft flesh of her breasts, caressing the smooth flesh of her stomach and expertly bringing her to the mood for mating. After that she would walk with him without protest as he hugged her closely and led her to her bedroom to enjoy the sexual bliss their union was going to bring. 

Also, the feeling of guilt that she is sharing the bedroom and bed belonging to the person who had tied the mangalsutra around her neck. namely her husband, with her secret lover, also disappeared over time. She joyously enjoyed mating with her lover in the very same bed she shared with her husband. Another time, even though she protest strongly, he forcibly undressed her and himself till they were both completely nude and fucked her vigorously on the sofa in the afternoon. That was the first time she had made love in the open like that instead of in her bedroom. Sex with Prabu had always been very pleasurable for her but that day, even though she felt shy at first to be making love in the open, the mating brought her to an intense orgasm that she had yet to experience up to that time. Even now when she sits on that sofa, and sometimes even with her husband sitting beside her, the memories of her body entwined with Prabu's writhing in pleasure on the sofa would fill her mind. 

For Meera, her refuge was her kitchen, but she could not escape from memories of her lover affecting her even in that place. He would usually come to her home before she could finish cooking for the day. He would disturb her with his love pranks while she tried to concentrate on cooking. Sometimes she would admonish him as if she couldn't stand his disturbances but in reality she would enjoy it. She had never enjoyed this type of petting with her husband. When she was newly married they were still quite poor. It was a struggle to make a living and make ends meet. Moreover in the small house they were living in, Saravanan's mother who was still alive at that time was living with them. There was no opportunity and time to be involved in sexual pranks and petting like this, when wealth came to them the time had gone. 

Those little pleasures that she missed out in her married life, she got through Prabu. He had nothing else to do, no family to maintain, no need to go to work at that time. His only concentration was to fulfill her needs and thereby enjoyed the lust he evoked in her. He would, as if helping her to cook, would hug her body from behind and holding her hands would help her to stir the dishes she was cooking. That was just an excuse for him to caress her secret pleasure organs. His big organ would aggressively strain against his clothes and push hard against the soft flesh of her bottom. Sometimes they would be so immersed in their pleasures that they would forget about the cooking and the food would become burnt. Just as the food had been overheated their bodies too would be overheated in lust. 

One time as she held on the the stone stage where the stove was kept, Prabu had raised her sari all the way to her hips and had taken her from behind. That was the first time her moans of pleasure was heard in the kitchen as his big weapon plowed into her wet womanhood. That was also the first time she was experiencing the pleasures of sex in that position. 

When every place in the house reminds her of the delicious illicit bliss she enjoyed with Prabu then how is it possible for her to forget him completely. 
[+] 6 users Like game40it's post
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wow another super update
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Moreover, today when they went to visit Prabu's house to enquire about his health Meera's eyes on their own accord sought out the old house where after a period of two weeks or so their affair which had been temporarily stopped had been resumed. 

This was all because one day her husband had asked her why she was nowadays wearing pink jasmine instead of normal round jasmine on her hair. She realized that her husband's suspicion had been raised. That brought a chill to her heart. She told this to Prabu. They decided to temporarily suspend their relationship till his suspicions had subsided. That remained patient and avoided meeting each other for a little over two weeks. As her husband gave no other indication after that that he was still suspicious, her fear slowly started dissipating. 

Her husband himself had one day after seeing Prabu in the temple had called him over and had asked why he was not to be seen around. It was only then that her fear fully went away. Actually Prabu had phoned her that day and had informed her that he missed her a lot and that he was coming to see her in the temple even if he had to hide himself from Saravanan's eyes and admire her from afar. Her heart jolted in happiness on hearing this. When her husband had called Prabu over to him she pretended that her attention was elsewhere. However she was slyly admiring his manly figure with heart full of joy.

Even at that time she wondered how that she could be so taken up with another man while she still cared so much for her husband. Can a woman love two men at the same time she thought in wonderment. She also realized a woman cannot just simply give only her body to another man. Her heart too goes out to him.

She looked at her husband sleeping beside her. His face without the stigma of hate or ill feeling towards anyone. What grievance can I have on him. He had not even scolded me in our life together. He has not been a wastrel or a uncaring husband. Loving husband, a very good father, always working for the well being of his family. Not only have I betrayed such a good man, I am still yearning for the person with whom I betrayed him. When these thoughts came to her, eyes automatically teared up. I know I am doing something terribly wrong, yet why doesn't my heart want to listen to me. These thoughts were disturbing to her.  

Maybe if everything had came out in the open I would have to make an even more difficult choice. What would I have done then. On one side, the father of my kids. A person who had taken care of me with love and care. A good person who had never sought to hurt or do anything wrong to anyone. I and my kids are his life. On top of that, I too care a lot for him. On the other hand should I forsake all this for pleasures of the flesh which is just at best transient. Should I hurt this wonderful man for temporary pleasure. Knowing that he is not aware that I had been sleeping with Prabu and therefore he has not been affected is the reason I could fully enjoy the illicit mating with Prabu. If ever he were to come to know of the affair, oh god I can't even think about it. How badly it would hurt him. What pain it would cause him. I would never have been able to see that. I would rather die than see that horrible sight. All these thoughts were causing a terrible turmoil in her mind. 

These thoughts pushed aside all thoughts of her lover to one side. Her lips brushed her husband's forehead in a feathery kiss. She placed a had over her husband's chest and attempted to sleep. Somehow she managed to sleep too. However the next day, after her husband had gone to the shop, her children to the school and she had finished cooking and doing household chores the thoughts of her lover came forcibly flooding back into her mind. These disturbing thoughts always came when she had idle time. Her thoughts went back to how he had slowly seduced her and had taken her chastity for the first time.
[+] 9 users Like game40it's post
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(02-12-2019, 10:53 PM)Krish World Wrote: Bro,

With more command over the language, I know that you can give fast and long updates in English. Considering the number of readers in this forum, I request you to give updates first in English and then translate those to Tamil later. The reverse of this is always cumbersome.  In English, you can give daily updates and translate those to give one update in weekend in Tamil.  It will save you lot of time daily. Hope you agree Smile

Yours seems like a logical solution. I am considering it. Let me see how it goes. Right now I am using the copy of my story in Tamil and directly translating and writing in the 'Post Reply' section. I am not doing the translation and saving it in another document before saving and posting here. With your suggestion I would have to write it in a new doc. before posting it.
[+] 4 users Like game40it's post
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(03-12-2019, 02:42 PM)game40it Wrote: Yours seems like a logical solution. I am considering it. Let me see how it goes. Right now I am using the copy of my story in Tamil and directly translating and writing in the 'Post Reply' section. I am not doing the translation and saving it in another document before saving and posting here. With your suggestion I would have to write it in a new doc. before posting it.

Fantastic bro. 
Thanks for considering the request.  
With the speed you write, i guess you can hold the Tamil story for while and continue to write only in English. You can write the story much elaborate in English and it will give you more freedom and flexibility in terms of how you want to express. I read the English version and found it better than Tamil. Some of the scenes are very well explained in English. Agree you need to save the English version for later Tamil translation. However, thinking and writing in Tamil first would be difficult and it will take few hours for each update. Translating the story later from English to Tamil should not take much time as you will know how to do that appropriately. Hope you accept it  Smile
[+] 3 users Like Krish World's post
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simply awesome
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Wow great

[+] 2 users Like hhhotboy2000's post
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Wow wonderful narration bro
[+] 1 user Likes Eswar P's post
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I hope that seduction is coming soon
[+] 1 user Likes mindhunter11's post
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Saravanan was aware of his wife kissing him on his forehead. He wasn’t asleep yet, he was only pretending to be asleep. When she placed her hand on his chest and attempted to sleep it gave him a certain contentment. It was another indication that she still cared very much for him. He was also aware how much she was struggling with her feelings and emotions. He felt helpless as he could not think of anyway to help her battle this distress. Her involvement with Prabu had not only been because of lust but rather she had also some emotional attachment to him. If lust was her only need then after knowing that Prabu was unlikely to come back here she would have sought another man to fulfil her sexual needs.

Saravanan also knew that he himself was not a selfish lover. He had brought his wife to orgasm many times. The spasming of her body when she attained her climax indicated that she was not just acting to have enjoyed sex with him just for his benefit. Yet there is a yearning within her. As her husband Meera had loved him. This was something that came automatically because of relationship that came about by their marriage. However had she fallen in love with Prabu because for the first time in her life a man had actively, determinedly courted her? Saravanan also had doubts whether the decisions he took at that time to resolve the problem were the right ones.
When he had caught them kissing and petting in the old abandoned house behind Prabu’s house, he could have called Prabu aside alone and warned him. I could have warned him to stay away from my wife and also ask him not to tell Meera that I was aware of their affair. I could have stopped everything then itself he thought to himself. Then again he knew that their illicit relationship had already started before that day. At the same time he was afraid Meera’s suspicions would have been aroused if Prabu had suddenly gone away or he had suddenly stopped meeting her.
Prabu actually did suddenly disappear from her life. Would she not be suspicious why that happened? One thing she could have thought that since he was forced to marry a girl from his relative, he had no option but to leave this place with his new wife suddenly. Or she could have that that he had used her and enjoyed her (Meera’s) body to the maximum and now since he had a new wife for his needs he had abandoned her. If that was the case Meera would have been disgusted with Prabu but instead she is still yearning for him.
Or after I had found out about their affair I could have just ignored it. Maybe eventually they themselves would have become fed up of the affair and would have decided to separate. It could be because their relationship was cut off suddenly there is still the attraction between them. Just as for a newly married couple the sex would be exciting and intense but over time it becomes somewhat stale and routine. Coupled to the newness of their affair would have been the thrill that both Prabu and Meera would have experienced because they were engaged in something wrong. He could have let the affair run it’s course. Eventually the newness would have gone and it would have become just another routine relationship. Meera too may not be yearning for it like she is now. On the other hand, it could also have the effect of making them even closer. Meera may have wanted to be with Prabu permanently. Then what would have happened to our marriage, what would my children do. The whole town would have laughed at me behind my back. I would have been subjected to taunting remarks. Even if I had been able to tolerate all that how could my children have borne all the insults. I couldn’t even contemplate such a thing happening. I would have to have left the town in disgrace but in deep in my mind I felt Meera would not have gone to that extent.
Another thought interjected into Saravanan’s mind. What if I had ignored their affair. Then on that day when Prabu’s father had gone to the dilapidated temple building after seeing his son’s motorbike there, he would have caught both of them red handed in the act. I too would not have been there to prevent it from happening. He would have killed both of them there and then. Saravanan thought about that and then realised it was not likely to happen. If he had not brought the old woman as servant to the house to prevent them having sex in his own house, then they would not have needed to go elsewhere to fornicate. So, there would have been no chance of them being caught.  Of one thing he was certain in his belief, if he had confronted his wife directly, she would have definitely killed herself.
Saravanan tried to keep his wife happy and satisfied by trying to spice up their sex life in trying different things but he also had to be careful not to raise her suspicions on why he is trying all this. Especially now, after Prabu had gone away. One time he gently pushed her head towards his groin but she turned her head away. After that he did not try to do that again. Even though he felt anger that she did not want to suck his cock when she was so eagerly and willingly doing it for Prabu in that old temple hall. He immediately suppressed his anger. With her lover she didn’t have to show restraint. However with me she may have been fearful of what I would have thought of her if she readily did it, he surmised. Saravanan had never forced her to anything she was not willing to do and so it was in this case too.
He tried to keep her and his family as happy as possible. He gave the responsibility to run his shop to his manager, while he took his family on a holiday tour. He spent more time with her. He took his family to movies, dinner etc. He would spend more time with her when he came back home for lunch. He tried to come back earlier from his shop whenever possible. In spite of all this he would notice her having a forlorn look every now and then. He was at a loss on what more he could do.
Only time must give a solution to this he thought helplessly.
Meera’s thought too went back to the times Prabu was here. One day after her husband and children had gone to work and school respectively, she heard someone knocking on the door. She wondered who it was at this time and went and opened her front door. She was surprised to see Prabu standing there with a broad smile on his face.
“Bhabhi, I was passing this way and I suddenly thought about you. So here I am.”
“What?? You were thinking of me?? She asked in surprise and not in a little shock. What is this fellow saying something like this so boldly to his friend’s wife, she thought.
“Yes Bhabhi, I was dying for a cup of coffee and the first thing that crossed my mind was the wonderful coffee you serve. So my first thoughts were of you.”
Before this he had come often to her house when her husband was there. Every time he came, he would bring chocolates and sweets for her children. In this way the children had also got close to him addressing him as uncle. She was now also accustomed to him to some extent. However, in the small town like hers it was thought to be highly inappropriate for a man to visit a house when the man of that house was not in. Especially when that man’s wife is all alone in the house. Though reluctant, she had no choice but to let him in.
“Please come in,” she invited him in.
That was the first time Prabu had come into the house when Meera was all alone there.
[+] 6 users Like game40it's post
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Great update
I liked this story a lot, I have policy of not reading certain type  ( like cockhold , force sex )of stories.
So, Plz tell is this going turn cockold story???? Huh
Plz answer this
This is my humble request  Namaskar Namaskar Namaskar
[+] 1 user Likes Kiran45's post
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good narration of emotive feelings
 Pl read n comment 
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Smita n Janki

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(04-12-2019, 07:33 PM)game40it Wrote: That was the first time Prabu had come into the house when Meera was all alone there.
ohh, cant wait to see how it goes. 
Will they hit it off with more than just coffe? May be some "innocent" fondling/grabbing to bring back the memories. . . . 
Will hubby come in and interrupt the session? Will Hubby's past  knowledge influence his present action or will he just greet the "guest" with a calm face only to strategize later.....

Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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