Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III (Completed)
Chapter 36 cont'd

Monday at noon Desai phoned me and seeing his call was enough to cause my heart beat faster. I thought he was going to tell me when he was planning to land in Pune.

However, he wanted to talk about his earlier plan to open a branch for Vickey Services Agency in Mumbai.
He was suggesting that we move things a little faster as the Maithrei's building had completed construction.
But I was hesitant.
I decided to be honest with Desai and told him that Meera didn't want me to work under him.
"She didn't want me to look at you like you are my boss. You know why this matters to her. I too share the same opinion, because of the twist and turns we've had recently. So I was thinking about quitting, Desai."
I said.
Desai was surprised, as expected.
"I know I should have told you earlier. But I was just thinking about how not to hurt my staff. The guys, their lives depend on this. I was going to request you to find a replacement for me. I tried from my capacity but failed. It's over to you, Desai." I added.
"No," Desai said quickly. "From my side, it's a no, Krish. You've been wonderful as the manager. Just look at the growth of the company, dude. You've not only turned it into a business but also forced me to plan a lot. You know Krish, my plan was never to own your agency. I bought it because of you, and I wanted to take it. I plan to make you the sole owner of it."
I was stunned.
"Desai... Come on..." I tried to speak but Desai went on.
"When you open the Mumbai branch, I will take it. The Pune branch will be yours only."
"But..." I interrupted him. "Why are interested in keeping such a small business?"
I heard him taking a deep breath at the other end of the phone.
"Krish, do you know what's the biggest joy in the world?"
I pretended to think for a few seconds as I knew I wouldn't be able to match the answer he already had in his mind.
"No," I said.
"The biggest joy in this world is planting a small seed and nurturing its sapling and watching it become a big tree."
His reply brought a smile to my face. I couldn't disagree.
Indeed, it is the biggest joy in the world.
"I know how much effort you've taken to grow that little security agency into what it is now. It may look like a struggle but if you look closer, you will understand that it was one of the most satisfying things you've accomplished in your life."
"You are right, Desai."
"I'm damn right, Krish. So listen to me. You are becoming the sole owner of Vicky Security Services.  I have given my word to Maithrei about starting my business in her new building. You are going there. I'm not looking to launch another branch of Vickey Security Services, but a new and bigger one. I need you to set it up, like acquiring all the necessary permissions and licenses. You've got the expertise to do that."
"Okay." I agreed. There was no other way.
"What will I have to do immediately?"
I asked.
"You will have to go to Mumbai. You can take Maithrei along."
"It will take many days."
"You can take as long as you want."
"And Meera?"
"You can leave her with me." Desai laughed and then added, "of course, you can take her along if you want to, my bro."
I laughed too.
"I thought you were serious."
I said.
"I wish I could be," Desai revealed. "In fact, I wish to take Meera to Shimoga. Possibly the next mango season. I want to take a walk with her to my mango farms."
There he was. Talking about my wife.
"I haven't forgotten about when you took her for a walk along the road. Her cries are still in my ears."
"I will let you listen to her while walking through my mango farms."
"When are you going to let me watch?"
"When you ask."
"I'm asking," I said. My heart was beating faster again.
"What's your offer?"
"Come on... I'm letting you..."
"Don't kill the fun okay." Desai interrupted me. "Give me an offer."
"You tell me. What do you want me to do for you so that I can watch you screw my wife, live?"
I said sarcastically.
"Mmm... I will take her on a trip."
Desai said.
"What!" I was surprised. "Where?"
"To a foreign country where I can take her to a beach. Just Meera and me. I want to lie down on the sand and watch her walking toward me with her lovely smile. I want her to lie next to me and let me hold her. I want to make love to her, lying on the sands."
Desai was in full swing, revealing his dreams.
"Desai. You're killing me with your dreams."
I said.
"Your dream is killing me too, Krish. Asking Meera to let you watch means I'll have to risk a lot. I haven't forgotten the pain of Meera's wrath, dear."
I laughed, "but she has welcomed you with both hands, hasn't she?"
"Not completely. There's more on that."
"Well, when are you coming over?"
"Tomorrow, if you say yes."
"Meera said only after Tuesday."
I revealed.
"You'll know when you come."
"I'm coming on Wednesday, then. I can't wait for another day."
My heart skipped a beating.
Wednesday. Wednesday it is.
"Wednesday. Okay."
I said.
"But don't tell Meera," Desai said.
"Just to surprise her." He said. "She shouldn't know that she's my dinner on Wednesday."
My heart nearly stopped this time.
His dinner.
My wife was going to be his dinner on Wednesday.
My dick was a rock already. When I ended the phone call, I quickly locked the door and returned to my chair, only to pull out my length. The tip was already wet. I opened the front button of my pants to free it up further and started shagging.  Meera's cries and moans were filling my head again.
“Fuck me, Susheel...  Aaah…huh... Aaah... aah... Ahh... Aaah...”
Imaginary visuals of Meera crying with the pleasure of being taken to heaven started filling my mind. The desire to see it with my real eyes was peaking. I grabbed the mouse on my desk and hurriedly surfed the computer to find the CCTV recording I had found the other day. I had kept the recording copied in a separate folder for convenience. I played it and visuals of Nidhi making love to her boyfriend Sundeep in my car filled the computer monitor. With my throbbing dick in one hand, I skipped the video to the part where the only visual of Nidhi was her feet in the air. Sundeep was fucking her and I imagined it was Desai fucking Meera.
Her moans returned to my head once again, this time more intense. I jerked faster and spurted a huge load on the floor. It was a mess, but it was not a new thing to me.
In four days, I had learnt one thing. Meera's decision to part ways with Desai had done more favour to him than we could imagine. We had not only welcomed him back into our fantasies and life, but we had also let him grow into our hearts and skin so deeply that we were waiting for his next showing. I had already let him have sex with my wife but I was dying to let him repeat that. And this time I was ready to let him do anything he wanted and there was no subtleness in expressing my desire to him or her.
In other words, I was becoming a slave to my desire. A part of my mind had started showing signs to become his slave as well.

When I went home I did not tell Meera about Desai's plan to visit on Wednesday. As he said, I too felt she shouldn't know that she was going to be his dinner.
Tuesday was the slowest day in my life as I waited for Wednesday.
Maithrei phoned me and asked me to plan our visit to Mumbai. She suggested we took a cab together.
"I hope you'd enjoy sharing a cab with me." She said.
It was the first time in many months when we were speaking. I wondered if she was thinking about making it into a romantic trip.
"I'd surely enjoy, Maithrei," I replied.
In the night I told Meera about Desai's decision to transfer the ownership of Vickey Security Services to me, as a reward for setting up his firm in Mumbai.
"I'll have to work in Mumbai for many days for that. We can go together and spend a good time there." I suggested.
"Are you crazy?" Meera asked. "You'd be very busy visiting government offices seeking permissions and applying for licences. And also hiring teams to set up offices, and ad agencies, even buying your vehicles and getting them painted according to your agency's theme. I can already see you running short of time to finalise your staff's uniform pattern. It's not an IT firm that you are starting. It's a security services agency and Susheel would be planning to launch it as if it's one of the best in the city. He's a man who wouldn't settle for mediocre. I'm sure it’ll take a month at least and you think I'll find time to chill with you that many days?"
I was stunned by the quickness of her calculations. I had been making a list of things to do in Mumbai for the last 36 hours to set up the agency and Meera had thought up all of them in an instant. I could only watch her mouth in awe.
"What are you staring at me?" Meera asked. "Don't be disappointed that I'm not coming, baby."
She sat with me on the sofa and caressed my face. "After you set up all this, we'll surely have a vacation. You'll be the boss in your office so you can decide. We won't go to a busy place like Mumbai. We'll find a foreign country where we can spend a few days... enjoy some serene scenes by the river or sea."
As she mentioned spending time by the sea in a foreign country, Desai's words came to my mind.
"To a foreign country where I can take her to a beach. Just Meera and me. I want to lie down on the sand and watch her walking toward me with her lovely smile. I want her to lie next to me and let me hold her. I want to make love to her, lying on the sands."
I wondered if he was the one going to fulfil Meera's dream once again. This time it didn't thrill me.
In the night when I went to sleep, I closed my eyes and thought about the possibility of Desai taking Meera to a foreign country. He would promise to bring her back to me, for sure. But what if he didn't? I had no plan to give in to his dream but I still thought about the aftermath of such an event. I kept pondering the possibility of Desai convincing Meera to continue to stay with him, in that unknown foreign city. My thoughts were stupid but equally dreadful.
In the middle of all these thoughts, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was Wednesday.
The first thing I thought after waking up was about the night.
Tonight, Desai is going to be here.
Either in my room or the other room, Desai would be sleeping with my wife. And this time, I would not need him to secretly phone me. I was sure I would be listening to their lovemaking from the hall itself.
"What are you day dreaming, mister?" I heard Meera asking me. She was standing next to the bed and watching me.
"I was thinking about the dinner," I said. "Dinner with Desai."
Meera giggled.
"I knew you were thinking about it. It's the only thing you can think about until it's over."
"Which room it will be?"
I asked.
"Shut up and go to your gym," Meera instructed with a serious face. But I could see she was faking that face. I could clearly see she was also thrilled about the night.
It happened to be a busy day in the morning with a couple of enquiries turning into serious proposals. It was a fruitful day. At noon, I thought it was a bright day.
At around 4 pm Nidhi entered my office with a shy smile.
"Are you busy, Krish sir?"
It took me one second to know why she was smiling.
"I know why you're smiling, girl." I said.
Nidhi bit her lips.
"You have a date?" I asked.
"Sort of."
She said.
"Promise me you won't spoil my car seat."
I said and placed my car key on the desk.
"I'll get it cleaned." She retorted.
"By Sundeep?"
"By Sundeep." She giggled and grabbed the key. "Without you sir, I'd have died a virgin."
I was astonished by her audacity to talk like that.
"How many times would you lose your virginity?"
I asked.
"This time I'll tell him to do it properly."
She said and ran away with the key.
It wasn't the first time she went on a date with Sundeep after the other day when she had sex with him in my car. But those days were actual coffee dates. A couple of times I had teased her that my car was lying idle. Initially, she was very shy to talk anything about. But eventually, she was able to counter me with smart replies. However, our naughty banter never made it to the level of getting too personal with each other. In other words, we were like good friends who knew all the secrets about one another.
But of course, she never knew my secrets.
The moment she left my office, I turned on the CCTV visual from the parking lot on my computer screen. For a few minutes, I watched my car lying in the parking. My curiosity was peaking and then I saw her walking into the scene. My heartbeats rose and I felt a sense of anticipatory pleasure when I saw Sundeep in a black shirt right behind her.
I noticed one thing at this moment. Nidhi's attire was a yellow shirt and black pants. The style of her clothes was the same as Meera's when she had sex with Desai in my car. I was amused that I was going to witness Nidhi have sex with her boyfriend in the same car, wearing a similar style of clothes.
Both Nidhi and Sundeep were busy watching the whole area before getting into the car. I saw Nidhi looking toward the CCTV too, but she casually ignored it. She was surely under the impression that the CCTV was not working. I could only thank her for her carelessness.
But only I knew that I had taken the pain to clean the outer glass of it to get the visual clear after the last incident.
The moment Nidhi and Sundeep entered the back seat of my car I knew I was going to watch the action live, with a clearer view this time.
But the very next moment, my phone rang. It was Desai. I hated to be distracted at the moment and I hesitated to take it. I knew why he was calling.
I knew he must have arrived in the city. He must be calling to tell me that he would be joining me for dinner. I knew what he was going to do after that. And I knew I was not going to miss it anyway.
I checked the phone but quickly turned it into silent mode, thinking about all the waiting I had to do since last Thursday. My eyes were glued back to the computer screen and I zoomed in the camera to the rear windshield to get a full visual on my screen.
The couple spent hardly a few seconds talking, before hurrying to start kissing. It seemed they were waiting for a long for this opportunity.
Sundeep's intention was clearly visible from the start itself, as he quickly started licking around her neck. Nidhi's face was upwards and I saw her giggling.
Then they looked at each other. Then Nidhi looked around. And then she removed her shirt. I saw the top side of her bra-clad body partially hidden by her hair.
I felt my body becoming warm. It became further warmer as I saw Nidhi taking off her bra. Even though I could see only a glimpse of it here and there, the impact was equal to seeing it fully as I was very well aware of the size of her small yet beautiful sized breasts. She kept the bra over the back seat. The white bra looked like a cupped one. I wasn't surprised as I had noticed that her breasts were slightly larger than usual in the morning. I was aware that she used to wear a padded bra with certain types of clothes.
Sundeep's head had gone down to her chest, and he was busy sucking her breasts. Nidhi was giving him no restrictions. I saw her looking around and adjusting her hair in place while letting Sundeep suck them as he wished. Nidhi was giggling in response to his moves.
The tightness in my pants was growing and there was no way I could leave it idle. I got up from my chair to lock the door and when I returned to my chair, I had my fingers wrapped around my throbbing length.
My phone had started vibrating again. I chose to ignore it and slowly started jerking my dick. Sundeep's mouth was taking turns in containing Nidhi's soft melons and I saw her giggles vanishing and her face becoming serious. His playfulness was surely giving her some pleasure. Sundeep got up only after a while and he quickly worked to unbutton his pants. Nidhi waited with her eyes fixed on his lap where her head soon went down.
The man had come up with a plan. And the girl knew what she wanted to do. They were clearly in sync with what they were going to do this time. Nidhi's head started moving up and down and I saw Sundeep breathing hard with the heavenly experience. His one hand rested between the headrests of the seat and with his other hand, he slowly caressed Nidhi's hair. Nidhi took breaks between, and the blowjob lasted longer than I anticipated. There was no hurry at all. I was equally visible when Nidhi sat back and allowed Sundeep to remove her pants and position himself between her legs. Nidhi's head went down to the seat as she lay down, and her feet were in the air. I thought it would be the same pose Meera had presented her body to Desai the other day. Sundeep's body movements told me how he was pushing his dick into his girl. My jerking had become smooth with help of the leaking precum. As Sundeep started moving, my only regret was that I was not able to see Nidhi's reaction to his dick entering her pussy.
My phone rang again. Even the vibration was disturbing me now. I grabbed it quickly intending to reject it. But seeing that the call was from Meera, I pressed the silent button again to stop the vibration first and then put the phone on DND mode.
I didn't want to lose the live action, even for a minute.
After fucking Nidhi for close to a couple of minutes, Sundeep changed his pose as if he was listening to my thoughts. He got Nidhi up and she leaned over the back seat, still watching the surrounding through the windshield glasses. Sundeep was getting behind her. This time I could see Nidhi's face and her full breasts on the screen. And I saw the moment when Sundeep re-entered her. That change in her facial expression, that of letting the pleasure take over her body, was a fabulous sight.
Sundeep started moving his hip behind her and Nidhi's eyes were closed, but the facial expression was nothing short of breath-taking. It was swiftly shifting between the pain and the pleasure. The pain of his dick going all the way into her tight pussy and the pleasure of her love hole being adjusted to his growth. As Sundeep soon grabbed the headrest of the seat and started pumping harder, her body started shaking. Her bra fell to the seat. But she didn't care. She was in another world. I saw Sundeep's hand reaching to caress her breasts. And then, she turned to kiss him. I saw them kissing and still fucking. The girl had lost herself to lust and pleasure.
My hand was moving faster and the scene was too much for me now, and I came. I quickly grabbed a plain paper and held it in front of my dick to avoid making a mess. When I finished I wiped myself clean.
Sundeep was going faster now and Nidhi was on the verge of cumming. The pace peaked soon, and then Sundeep stopped moving all the way. I guessed that he had come. I was not able to see his face.
My eyes were fixed on Nidhi and I saw a pang of disappointment on her face. Though the reaction lasted for a fraction of a second, it was beautiful. She was panting. Sundeep pulled out quickly and fell to the seat.
The show was over.
Sundeep lay in the seat for a moment. Nidhi too took her time before she started wearing the clothes. She was now looking around again to see if anyone was around as if suddenly getting back to her senses.
My dick was still hard and I felt I could do one more round of jerking. But I chose to stop, with one part of my mind thinking that I was going to see my wife in action very soon.
Desai must have landed in Pune and his dick would have started getting an erection in anticipation of the night. I thought.
Nidhi and Sundeep got dressed before coming out of the car. Now Sundeep seemed to be in a hurry, as if suddenly aware of the time they had spent in the car.
He left right away. Nidhi started walking back to the office.
I unlocked my door before proceeding to the attached bathroom. I returned with a sense of hurry to welcome back the girl.
I went to the front office and saw one of our security instructors waiting in the lounge. He got up to see me. I was speaking to him when Nidhi returned and she avoided looking at me directly. But the moment she got to her seat in the front office, our eyes met. We both didn't smile. But we stared for a few seconds. And it felt like we had conveyed a lot of secrets between us within those seconds. In the end, I saw a small smile on her lips, and it was very naughty. She gestured at the car key in her hand, and I gestured back to keep it with her only.
After I finished talking to the instructor, I returned to my office. Nidhi followed me and forwarded the key to me.
What's the hurry? I asked instead of taking the key. Come inside.
I invited her to sit on the seat in my office.
"You seem tired as if you had a long drive."
I said and watched her biting her lips, struggling to contain her embarrassment. But she sat on, making me believe that she wanted to sit there.
I opened the refrigerator and poured some bottled juice into a glass.
"Take it. You need it." I said and placed the glass on the desk.
Nidhi smiled at me.
"You are embarrassing me." She said first and then took the drink. "But yes, I need it."
She finished it in one go and looked at me. I smiled and quickly refilled it.
"So it was really good, I guess."
Nidhi kept smiling while drinking the juice. She stopped halfway this time.
She said proudly and wiped her lips.
She took time to finish the drink. I chose not to poke further and we had an 'off topic' conversation after that.
It was only after she went back to the front office I touched my phone. There were many missed calls. Two from Desai and four from Meera. I guessed Desai would have phoned her after his call to me went unanswered.
I chose to dial Desai's number first.
"Hi Krish," I heard his voice soon.
"Have you landed?" I asked, without caring to exchange pleasantries.
"Yeah, I have," Desai said with a long breath. "You were too busy, what happened?"
"An important meeting. My phone was in DND mode. Have you reached the hotel, I mean your friend's hotel?"
"How is it?"
"Great," I heard his slight laughter. "It was a great experience."
"What about dinner? When are you coming over?"
"Very soon. I will be there very soon, bro. I'm very excited about the dinner."
As he was talking I heard a phone ringing in his background. It sounded familiar to me. It was Meera's ring tone. It lasted a few seconds only as someone silenced it. An alarm went off in my head as I felt Desai was in the hotel suite with someone.
"Is Meera there?" I thought. But I had spoken the words too.
"Yes, she's here," Desai said with a giggle. "She's sitting in my lap."
I was stunned.
What the fuck has happened?
"What is she doing there? Where are you?" I didn't know what to ask.
There was the sound of his phone being exchanged hands. I heard Meera's voice next.
"Krish, when are you coming home?"
I felt she was panting.
"Meera, have you slept with him already?"
I couldn't shake my disappointment. I wanted her to understand how I felt.
This is betrayal.
My mind was screaming.
"What?" Meera was taken aback. "No! Why do you ask that, Krish?"
Her voice was stiff.
She is lying.
"This is not what I wanted, Meera," I said, hardly paying attention to her denial.
"What are you saying, Krish?" I heard Desai's voice. He was listening to my voice from a close distance. After all, she was sitting on his lap. He must be lying on the bed. Was she riding his cock?
"Why didn't you guys tell me you were going to meet already?"
"Krish," Meera's voice told me she was alarmed already. "I tried to tell you. I phoned you many times."
"Yeah, we tried many times, Krish," Desai said too. His voice was clear. Meera had put the phone on speaker.
"No, Desai. I feel betrayed. To be honest, that's what I feel."
There was silence from the other side for a few seconds. And then Desai spoke.
"What happened, Krish?"
"I didn't take the phone call, yes. But that doesn't give you the freedom to meet anywhere and fuck around."
"Krish, please." Meera's voice was soft.
"Don't try to pacify me, Meera." I maintained my stiff voice.
"Krish, please. It's my mistake." Desai said. "I had planned to take you both to the hotel. But you didn't take my call and Meera did. I told her I will get you along as well. I picked her up from her office but you continued to be out of reach. She was also trying to call you. That's how we went to the hotel without you. It's not her fault."
"I'm not saying that, Desai." I turned to him. "I am talking about her sleeping with you. I know I've shared my wife with you many times but they were all in my presence. I am not against you and him visiting a hotel to review its aesthetic value of it. But I am totally against the idea of you walking into a random place without my knowledge and starting to make out."
"No, we didn't make out."
Desai said.
"How can I believe you?"
"This conversation feels strange to me, Krish. You have to believe. Why would I lie?"
"Because I'm questioning you. I can hear Meera breathing."
"That's because we were just wrestling for fun. In this room, there is a bean bag. Big, but two people can't sit together. The scramble for it ended up in a little wrestling match. That's when you called. There's nothing else."
"I am sorry, Krish," Meera said in a weak voice. "I am sorry for creating this confusion. I didn't come here to be with Susheel. I know he's coming for dinner, isn't he? I was hoping you'd join us eventually. But our calls were not received and that's why this all happened. I am sorry I played a little wrestling in this room...I guess that's why you are so angry. I understand why Susheel is unable to get you; he might be thinking because we are at this level now."
"He's right, Meera. We are at this level. Maybe he's feeling there's nothing new in it. He might be looking to have it anywhere. Logically yes, there shouldn't be an issue; he was coming to our home and he was going to have it anyways. But there's a difference, baby."
"I understand the difference, Krish. Don't worry. I have it under control. I'm sorry you ended up thinking too much."
Meera's words had a drastic impact on me unlike Desai's. Desai was not getting what I was saying. But Meera understood exactly what I was trying to convey.
After all, she was right. I thought. If I had taken those calls, she wouldn't have gone with him alone.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm glad that you understand my concern. Now if you're done with reviewing the suite, please leave. I'll be waiting for you."
I said and hung up the phone.
I felt I should have dictated some kinda rules to them.
I had already told Nidhi that I would be leaving early in the evening. But I didn't leave early. My mood was far from what I had been anticipating since morning.
I felt I was about to be backstabbed.
My wife had gone to welcome Desai to the hotel room and was involved in a 'little wrestling' with him to claim space on a bean bag.
That's all it starts. I thought.
Half an hour later, Meera phoned me and told me they would be late by an hour than expected as Desai wants to buy a bean bag for her.
What the hell is about a beanbag? I thought in frustration. But I said it's okay.
I left my office at the usual time. Nidhi asked me if I was not leaving early. I said there was a commitment at home but it was cancelled.
When I reached home Meera and Desai were not there. I spent more than an hour waiting for them. I sat on the couch in the hall and tried to guess places Desai would have taken Meera for shopping.
I felt it was a new beginning. My wife had started seeing him without my involvement. I was no more part of this.
Is it a new beginning?
I didn't want to face that question.
An hour later, I heard the doorbell. I opened it and stared at Desai’s happy face. I saw Meera right behind him. I couldn't help but have a close look at her face. Perhaps I was looking for signs to ensure she wasn't in bed with him.
There was none and I smiled at them both.
"Come in, guys." I welcomed them.
Desai came forward and hugged me. I saw a guy behind Meera, holding a big package. It was the bean bag.
"What's the new craze about this?"
I wondered when the delivery guy left after placing the bean bag in the hall. With a combination of black and brown, the bean bag looked aesthetically pleasing.
"Meera loved it when she saw it in the suite. She even fought with me to sit on it."
Desai said.
"Liar," Meera said. "I just wanted to sit on it once."
"Why were you wrestling with him then?" I asked.
Meera came to me and suddenly hugged me.
"I am sorry for hurting you, Krish." She whispered. Her voice was changed.
I was stunned. But her warm hug was soothing.
"You didn't hurt me," I said and looked at her face. "I should have told you about it."
I turned to Desai. "I should have told you, that there have to be some rules. You must respect it."
"What is it?"
Desai asked.
I felt Meera's arm make a circle around me. I smiled at her. She smiled back at me too.
"I can see you guys are together now," Desai said. "Does it mean I'll have to walk out again?"
"No." I laughed a little.  "The rule is," I said, "if I have to tell you, then it is that no sex in my absence."
Desai looked confused.
"You mean to say only in your presence?"
"I mean to say only here, in this house. When I am present in the house."
"Okay," Desai smiled. "I was scared a little because Meera would have never accepted it, I mean she's not comfortable being watched."
"Yes, she's not," I said and looked at Meera.
"You guys are setting rules to share me. What is happening here, what am I doing here?"
She moved away from me and sat on the couch.
Desai too sat on the couch, right next to her.
"We need to move on. What's the plan for dinner?"
I asked.
"I have no plan to enter the kitchen tonight." Meera smiled. "That's my plan."
"I'll make the online order." I grabbed the phone.
"I need to change. I'll take a shower first." Meera said and walked to our bedroom.
I and Desai continued to sit on the couch and had a small chat. I asked about his fight and he asked about my office. Eventually, I shared the doubt that I had been carrying since evening.
"I want you to be honest with me, Desai. If I hadn't called you at the right time, would you guys have ended up having sex in the hotel suite?"
Desai smiled, "to be honest, yes."
My eyes widened at his revelation.
"Meera might not have this opinion, though." He added. "Because when I asked her to join me for the hotel visit, she was hesitant. She agreed to come only when I promised her that I was going to ask you also to come. It was supposed to be a friendly social evening. We both were trying to reach you while going to the hotel. But at the hotel, when we saw the bed and the cosy set up, I was staring at her and the bed and her. She laughed it off though, saying don't be greedy. I asked her if she was going to say no to me today. She said she had told me yes six days ago. And when we had a little fun fight for sitting on the bean bag, I thought we were going to kiss. One kiss would have got us there."
"Why would she sit in your lap?"
I asked.
"She asked me to move and I said no. I suggested she sit on my lap, asking her to tease me about how she's gonna sit on me at night. She said men are always thinking about sex, but she sat in my lap. And you know, she told me she would ride me like that. That's the moment I decided to buy the bean bag."
I looked at the bean bag.
"So you bought it to screw my wife on it," I said with a sigh. "But I wonder how you would do that. It won't be fun."
"It will be fun. I'll make sure of that."
"You'll be able to listen to everything. I'll make the call..."
"No," I said quickly. "I don't want to listen, tonight."
He was surprised.
"I'll just be happy with the feeling. It's in my head. I can imagine."
I said. I didn't want him to listen to it with his permission. I was confident that I was going to listen to it because of the holes in the door. Whichever room they chose to sleep in.
"Wow." Desai nodded his head. "What if I record the sound and then send it to you later?"
"No. That's not required. I told you, it's okay. I don't need to listen to it every time. I'll watch one day though."
Desai sighed. "Okay, as you wish."
He leaned back and then got up.
"I too need a shower." He said and looked at me. "Do you mind if I join her?"
I was amused.
"Do you think she'll let you?"
"Why not?" He asked confidently. "She's gonna enjoy it."
He said and proceeded to the bedroom. He entered the room and turned to wave his hand at me and then closed the door. I wasn't expecting that. I felt Meera was still in the room. Joining her in the shower was just an excuse to join her in the room.
What would he tell her this time? I wondered. Your husband sent me here? I was sure he would say something like that.
I checked the time. It was close to nine. I felt Desai was trying to make good use of the time before dinner.
Hell. I thought. How many times does he want to bang my wife in one day?
He had already had sex with her in the hotel suite. And he's going to have her again after dinner, for the whole night. But he was still greedy.
I got up and walked over to the door. There was no sound coming.
I came back to the hall and turned off the ceiling fan. I thought a slow movement was distracting me.  I closed the door from the hall to the balcony to avoid any sound from outside. I returned to the bedroom door and tried to listen.
But there was no noise.
I even pressed my ear to the hole in the door. Still nothing.
Desai's phone started ringing in the room, probably lying in the bed. But it went unanswered. I was sure that Desai was not in the room.
"Do you mind if I join her?"
I remembered Desai's words.
Has he joined her in the shower?
After Thursday's car event Meera had told me that Desai's dreams were not over. Bathing together and screwing each other under the shower could be just another fantasy Desai wanted to fulfil now.
And there was nothing wrong with what they were doing now. I had given them permission to have it whenever I was present in the house.
My only disappointment was that despite having all the calculations, I was still being denied the pleasure of listening to it secretly. I could only rue my overconfidence for refusing Desai's offer to allow me to listen through phone calls.
Suddenly something came to my mind.
There was still one option. I could try to listen from the outside.
I went to the balcony from the hall. The balcony light was switched off so there was enough darkness to feel comfortable spying in my bathroom. I still leaned over the pabangt to see that my neighbour’s balcony was empty.
The ventilation window of the bathroom was as usual at a higher position. The slopped glass panes were slightly open and I knew I had a great chance to hear the sounds from inside. But the problem was that the balcony ended two feet short of the window. But I had to try. I had to take the risk.
I climbed onto the pabangt and leaned towards the water pipeline passing near the window. I placed my one foot on the pipe coupling of another pipe, probably that of drain water. 
"Look at the size; I'd like to take a photo of this."
I heard Desai's voice. My heartbeats rocketed to the peak in one instant.
There was no sound of water. They were not pretending to be taking a bath. 
My mind had started beaming with anticipation from the moment I heard his voice because I had realised that I could hear them. Then only I tried to grasp the meaning of what he was saying.
"You want to take a print and keep it in your bedroom?" It was Meera's voice.
Her voice was not as loud as Desai's. But I could make out the words she spoke clearly. I was still dying to see what they were doing.
"You are a wonder, baby. Look at it, it reaches your forehead. And it disappears into you completely. It seems you are perfect for me, for this." Desai was saying.
"You are perfect for me too."
"Then what about Krish? He has a smaller one."
"No comparison, mind you."
"Aaah... Just move your tongue over there again...mmm...aaahh... You are a goddess. I'm a devotee...."
"Haha... Stop making me laugh.... I'll lose concentration."
The gap between the sentences she spoke made me guess she was sucking his dick.
"No, seriously. I am your devotee." Desai said.
"But how is it that I'm the one worshipping you right now?"
"I'm going to show what true worship is, tonight."
"That's promising."
"Why did you say no comparison between me and Krish?"
"Because I don't want to."
"But you know that I always look to excel myself and take pride in my excellence. He's a friend... My brother... But I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm better than him when it comes to sex."
For one moment I felt glad that I was listening to this conversation. The next moment I felt jealous because my wife didn't challenge his claim.
"You can take pride but don't need to tell me."
"Are you hurt, baby?"
"No. I don't want to do things he wouldn't enjoy."
"So kneeling in front of me and shoving my dick into your throat is surely something he would enjoy."
"He would. You know that, don't you?"
"I also know that he must be jerking himself now."
"Let him do that... Just be grateful that he let you do this."
"Give some credit for me too."
I heard a giggle from Meera, "Yeah, you've seduced me. Happy?"
"Mmm... Your lips have become so soft. I'm going to eat it."
"Mmm.... I'll give you chance after this."
"I want you to sit on my face and feed me like you did the other day."
"On the bean bag?"
"That will come later. After dinner."
"Let's go over there, Susheel."
Meera was inviting Desai to the room. She was making no pretence of being passive. 
"The bed and bean bag are for later... after dinner... I won't let you sleep. Oh, your tits..."
Desai's words had become a mumble. I thought I didn't hear something he said. I was itching to see what they were doing. I looked down. Below my feat was the parking floor, two storeys down.
But I had to take the risk. I carefully placed my both feed on the pipe coupling. I placed my left hand on the lower edge of the window and the right around the water pipe. Then slowly I pulled my body up. The pipe was wet in parts and I knew it was dangerous. But no amount of fear would dissuade me from witnessing a moment of absolute intimacy between my wife and her lover.
I pulled myself up more than a foot from the clamp and quietly brought my face above the lower edge of the window. 
My breathing had stopped even before I saw Desai's head. I pulled myself up a little more. Now I saw them both. They were kissing!
They were standing face to face, completely naked and they were kissing non-stop. Desai's hands were at her sides and Meera's hand was, well, her right hand was on his dick. She was holding it and slowly turning her palm around her. She was just pleasuring him with a gentle massage. His mouth was attached to Desai's, and I saw their tongue invading each other's mouths. Desai was bending forward to bring his face to the same level as Meera, compensating for the disparity in the size of their bodies.
The kiss only grew intense even as Desai bent forward further, and started kissing my wife's neck. He then moved his open mouth and tongue up to her mouth, sweeping her chin area with his tongue. It was gross but insanely arousing to watch. Desai let her breathe after the kiss.
"Lick me now." I heard him whispering.
Meera licked across his mouth.
"More, all over me." He said again.
This time Meera stuck her tongue out and licked his entire face. I watched in awe and even more envy as her long tongue drenched his face in saliva. Meera's tongue wandered all over his face and finally found his mouth. He consumed her tongue with increased lust.
I felt my body weight increase. It was probably my dick that was gaining weight. My hand was losing strength with each passing moment but I didn't want to stop looking.
"I can't have enough of your tongue, baby." Desai was saying. They spent a moment looking at each other as if waiting for each other's next move. Meera was the first one to move, as she shifted her eyes to his chest. She ran her left hand over it, her right one still on his dick, and brought her lips to his broad chest. She brought her mouth to his nipple and sucked it lightly. Her hand was running all over his chest as if admiring his muscular body.
I felt I should take a break to gain some strength. But Meera's next words made me skip my need.
"Take me, Susheel... please."
I gathered all my body strength onto my arms and kept watching. Desai turned Meera around to face the washbasin. They were looking at each other through the mirror now. Desai placed his hands on her shoulder and slowly pushed, and Meera readily bent forward, over the table-mounted washbasin. She first grabbed onto the edge of the ceramic basin, before lowering her body further down and placing her palms on the marble table on either side of the basin. I noticed her firm breasts hanging freely just over the washbasin. Desai stood very behind her, and I saw his dick, having attained the strength to stand parallel to the floor. I couldn't help but marvel at the size and the strangely thick middle portion of it, with the never ending anticipation of the truth that I was going to witness the sight of my wife's coveted pussy getting invaded by all of it. Desai placed his arms at her shoulders again and then slowly ran them down along the back of her torso, making Meera bend further down, in a completely submissive body language.
"Oh, my Meera." Desai gasped with his eyes on her ass. "The pleasure of seeing this is not going to end in one lifetime."
His hands had reached her almost non-existent love handles.
Meera looked up and smiled at him through the mirror.
"Well, you only have a lifetime."
She quipped and lowered her head again.
Desai nodded and moved forward. He put his right palm under his dick and slowly brought it between her ass cheeks. I feared he was going to shove it into her ass hole. If he did that, I was sure Meera's cries were going to be heard outside, even inviting the attention of my neighbours. If they came to see what was happening, there was every possibility that they would see me hanging from the ventilation window.
However, before I could worry too much I saw Desai bending his knees to lower his hips. He was bringing the head of his shaft to the entrance of her pussy. And making me stop blinking, he pushed it slowly. I saw the round head of his dick disappearing between them. From where I was looking I could not see where it was moving in but I just knew it. I thought Meera let out a soft moan. And Desai paused.
"Look at me, my love." He said with his eyes fixed on Meera through the mirror. Meera's head was down with the anticipation of a pleasure invasion. She looked at him quickly.
"I want to see you, baby." Desai went on. "This moment never tires me. I want to watch you fall in love with this moment, with this." He said and pushed in all the way!
I watched Meera's face almost beginning to change into a cry. I could even see her eyebrows drawing together, merely with the anticipation of the feel of his monster being pushed into her. And the moment Desai shoved it all the way in, I saw her lips forming a circle and letting out a loud moan.
That was the moment I saw my wife falling in love with his body. It was chilling.
Suddenly I felt wetness seeping between my palm and the water pipe I was holding. Before I could locate the source of the water flow and figure out how it was loosening my grip, my hand began to slide down the pipe. I tried to land my right foot on the pipe coupling, desperately, to avoid falling. But the coupling was not where I thought it would be. With that, my body weight became too much for my left arm to support alone, and I lost my grip on the window ledge in an instant.
Before I could realise what was happening, I had fallen.
I fell on the interlocking tiled floor of the ground floor parking lot. I heard something snap as the back of my leg hit a cement pot with a dried plant in it. I could not make out if it was my bone that broke or the flower pot. My body just felt like it was broken into many pieces. The pain was beginning to spread through my body.
Before I realized what had happened and could seek help from anyone, I blacked out and lost consciousness.

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Chapter-1 - by krish_999 - 10-10-2020, 04:53 AM
RE: Chapter-1 - by Givemeextra - 10-10-2020, 11:00 AM
Chapter - 2 - by krish_999 - 17-10-2020, 01:04 AM
Chapter - 3 - by krish_999 - 23-10-2020, 11:52 PM
Chapter-5 - by krish_999 - 04-11-2020, 11:47 PM
Chapter - Six - by krish_999 - 12-11-2020, 07:57 PM
Chapter-7 - by krish_999 - 19-11-2020, 07:11 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 24-11-2020, 04:15 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 25-11-2020, 11:45 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 10:00 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 11:05 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by krish_999 - 06-10-2022, 01:14 AM

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