Misc. Erotica Few erotic (non porn) stories from other sites.
Blabbering brooks flowed down the hills and deep, thick woods dominated the landscape. There air was cool and refreshing. I knew this place was far from any city and the air was best I had ever inhaled. The fragrance of the wet grass and mud wafted through the air and rays of the morning sun brightened up the sky.

The Range Rover drove down the muddy path, bordered and covered by giant trees. I could see the gate of the estate and it got larger and larger as we got closer. The gates opened and we zoomed past it and stopped right at the gate of a cottage.

The chauffer helped me get off the car and escorted me inside the mansion. The lobby itself was hige, huge enough to be called a hall. Once you walked past the large wooden door, you would see a grand staircase which lead to the upper floors. I walked up the stairs and past several rooms before I saw Naina standing in front of a room. She had the pleasant smile she always had. I was pleased to finally see someone I knew.

“Hi Mira. Welcome to the Nirvana Estate.” She said as she stepped towards me. Her sandals knocked on the hardwood floor.

“This is Uday’s house?” I asked in disbelief.

“Not just this house but all the houses around here. Infact, the boundaries of the estate go well beyong the helipad.” She said with pride.

“Where is Uday?” I asked.

“He is in the city and will be joining us shortly. Meanwhile, you can freshen up and breakfast will be served. You have a buttler at call and will tend to your needs. Enjoy your stay.”

“What am I here for? Uday said we celebrate tonight. What is the celebration about?” I asked. I was now confused. The chopper ride, the stay at the cottage, the buttler; this whole damn thing was too expensive affair.

“Relax for now and you’ll know in the evening. I will meet you in the evening.” She said as she walked away. The other guests will arrive and

I was escorted to the bedroom, my bedroom for now. The mansion was beautiful. It was made of stone with creepers covering the walls. The hardwood floor, the hanging heads of animals and the paintings on wall just screamed of wealth and luxury.

I had woken up woken up very early and just wanted to sleep. I was served a large English breakfast on which I gorged before going to sleep. I knew the party would go well past midnight and I should catch up on some sleep right now.

“I would like to have a bath.” I told the butler. He nodded courteously and walked away. He came back a while later.

“Madam, your bath is ready. The bath salts and shampoos and at your disposal. Fresh, dry towels are arranged for you. Enjoy yourself.” He said, bowed and walked out.

I walked inside the bathroom which was as big as an entire room. It had a huge bath tub right, enough to fit 3-4 people, a shower cabinet and the regular wash basin and commode.

A large ornamental mirror hung over the basin. The floor of the bathroom was of marble and the bathroom fittings I knew were very expensive just by looking at them. The toilet seat was controlled by a remote. Fuck!

I stepped out of my bath robe and climbed into the bath tub. I sighed as the warm, bubbly water touched my body. I slowly slid into the tub and just closed my eyes as the warm water loosened up my body. I used the best of the shampoos, conditioners, shower gels to prepare myself for a long night ahead. I had brought along my bath kit and promptly shaved my legs and pussy. I knew sex with Uday was on agenda and after such a fairytale day, this was the least I could do for him.

I stood in front of the mirror with a towel covering my torso and another covering my head. I wiped the fogged up mirror and watched my wet body in it. I pulled the towel covering my head and let my wet hair flow down and stick to my shoulders. I ran my hand through them to set them.

I surely was a head turning, eye popping, erection busting babe. Droplets of water trickled down my neck to my boobs. My soft, pink nipples were erect; not just in anticipation of the night ahead but also the whole day that I had spent. The helicopter ride, the tour of the estate in the Range Rover and the house that I was living in was just a show of wealth, opulence and power of this man. It was such a turn on.

I had gained some weight since I had started sleeping with Uday. Thankfully, the weight gain was in the most desirable of places. My boobs had become fuller, growing up a size, my hips were a little wider with a few ounces of baby fat around them. My thighs were a little fleshier than before. From a petite bombshell, I was transforming into a curvy goddess and I liked it!

After drying myself with the towel, I was all ready for the party. I had brought along a evening gown that I had bought a couple of weeks ago and was looking forward to flaunt it. I stepped out of the shower covered in the bath robe and saw Naina sitting on the bed.

She was wearing a lavender coloured satin robe. Her hair was tied beautifully in a bun. Her full lips glistened with lip gloss making them look more enticing then they already were. Her thick, full lips were what guys would call blowjob lips. That was the thought that came to my mind every time I saw her.

“Hi…you still aren’t dressed?” I asked.

“I am dressed.” She replied.

“Huh? You are going to go to the party like this?” I asked surprised.

“Yesss…” She replied with a smirk. That smirk rang a bell in my head that something wasn’t right about the party.

“There is your robe and something to wear underneath. I am waiting outside. Come soon.” She said as she got up and walked out the bedroom.

I saw a crimson red satin robe on my bed. Beside it there was a red lace bra and a matching panty. The choice of clothes made me suspicious. If Uday had sent the clothes for only me then that was okay, he had done that before but seeing Naina dressed the way I was supposed to made me think and sent a shiver up my spine when I thought what could happen.

I went over the dressing table and dried my hair. I styled my hair and tied them in a bun just like Naina had. A touch of eye shadow, some eye liner, crimson red lipstick and I was ready. I admired my body in front of the mirror with a twirl and moved to wear the clothes I was given.

The bra was so soft, so sexy and it made me shiver just wearing it. The red thong was smooth, velvety and its crotch was small, leaving very less to hide and very convenient to slide aside. I wore the red satin robe before spraying some perfume on myself. I was ready!

As I was about to step out, a thought came to my mind. I am dressed like this because I am going to have sex with Uday but why is Naina dressed like me too? As my mind reached the conclusion, a shiver ran down my spine.

‘Is this really happening?’ I thought as I stepped out. Naina was standing near the door and smiled when she saw me.

Like always she led the way and I watched mesmerised as her butt swayed and jiggled she took one gentle step at a time. All the other times her ass was covered with decent layer of clothing but this time the only thing covering it was a flimsy robe and perhaps a panty inside or perhaps she wasn’t wearing anything under that robe. Another shiver ran down my spine.

We walked through the long corridors of the mansion towards the banquet, I noticed how shapely her legs were. Her mid thigh length robe exposed her shapely calves, her nice fleshy thighs but the first thing I noticed were her beautiful feet. Just one look and I knew they were pedicured. A beautiful shade of nail paint adorned her nails and a pair of silver anklets delicately hung around her ankle and would jingle with her each step.

By now I was sure that there were no guests and no party. This was just Uday’s way of showing off before he fucked me.

She pushed open the big door and walked inside and I followed. I was expecting only Uday on the other side but was surprised that he had company and not any ordinary company. I saw Naved, Riya and Rajveer sitting on couches near Uday. All of them were wearing robes with Riya wearing the same kind of robe that I and Naina were wearing.

“Miraaa….Welcome…” Uday said emphatically, spreading his arms to welcome me. I smiled very awkwardly in presence of others and quietly stood near him. He patted on the couch next to him signalling me to sit. I quietly sat and he embraced me.

“Guys….you have met Mira before at the party.” Uday said as he pulled me closer with his arm.

“Hi Mira…” everyone said together. I smiled and nodded. This was so weird. I had come here expecting a hard fuck and some alone time with my lover but this was just another party. I wasn’t getting laid for a few more hours. What the fuck!

“You guys have knows Naina for quite some time eh?” Uday said and winked. Naina blushed as everyone erupted in laughter. His tone, his context and their laugh was so naughty. My mind started drawing conclusions.

“So what will you have…champagne, wine? Any thing you need.” Uday asked me.

“Champagne will do.” I replied. I was sitting on a couch with Uday sitting between me and Naina. Naina got up to fetch me a drink. Rajveer was sitting on the couch to the right and next to him was Riya where as Naved was sitting alone on the couch to the left. Naina came back with a drink and handed it to me before sitting next to Uday.

I noticed everyone had a glass with them and the party must have started some time before I came. I was inside my bedroom the whole day and the place was so large that I didn’t notice that there were 4 other people in the house.

As my champagne glass ran dry, Naina stood up to bring me another one. However, Uday stopped her.

“How about we do shots?” He said. Everyone said yes in unison and I silently went along. Naved and Naina went to get the shots.

I noticed that Riya was sitting a little too close to Rajveer; sitting too close. Her legs were on the couch and her feet were tucked under her butt. She too was wearing a black robe, similar to ours. Her milky white, toned thighs shone in the dim ligts of the room.

Due to her posture, the robe had slid up and most of her beautiful thighs were visible. She was wearing a pair of black stockings, giving glimpse of her milky white skin underneath. As my eyes went up, I noticed that her stockings had garter belts and I gapsed when I realised that.

Rajveer too was pretty cozy around her. I bet this wasn’t the first time these guys had met which was very clear from their body language. He has his arm around her shoulder and was gently caressing her and she didn’t seem to mind it at all. She was letting him caress her and she was clearly not trying to cover her legs, all this in presence of her husband!!! What the fuck is going on?

Naina came to the table with couple of bottles of tequila and shot glasses. The glasses were arranged in a circle and filled with tequila. A tray full of lemon and a bowl of salt sat next to the shot glasses.

“Guys and lovely girls….To friendship and victory!!” Uday said as he raised the toast. Everyone cheered and gulped down the shots the next moment. The usual cringe faces with wide smiles followed and a dash of lemon and salt were added.

In the heat of the moment I too gulped down the drink to follow suit. The glasses were immediately refilled and gulped down. In a matter of a few minutes I did 5 shots but at the moment I wasn’t feeling high but I knew it would come sooner or later.

Everyone was enjoying the boozing; the girls were gigling and the guys were grunting after every shot. A few minutes later I started feeling ‘happy’. I knew the booze was getting to me. I was feeling dizy but I didn’t stop drinking.

A couple of shots more and I was done. I rested my head against the back rest of the couch. I could feel the entire room moving in circles and I thought if I closed my eyes for a while, it’ll stop but it got worse!

I don’t know how long I was in that state, perhaps I had passed out after so many shots. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thought that came to my mind was where the fuck was I? The room seemed alien. The wooden floors, the beige coloured walls, the navy blue curtains and the soft velvet couch that I was sitting on.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to make sense of where I was and what the fuck was I doing. Turns out I wasn’t doing anything but the rest were upto quite a lot of things.

The first thing I did was look for Uday. He was next to me but was facing away from me. He was facing a woman but I couldn’t make out who she was perhaps because I was drunk and partly because his face was covering hers. I saw the lavender coloured robe, I knew it was Naina and I realised what they were up to.

They were making out!

‘Is this really happening?’ I thought as I stepped out. Naina was standing near the door and smiled when she saw me.

Like always she led the way and I watched mesmerised as her butt swayed and jiggled she took one gentle step at a time. All the other times her ass was covered with decent layer of clothing but this time the only thing covering it was a flimsy robe and perhaps a panty inside or perhaps she wasn’t wearing anything under that robe. Another shiver ran down my spine.

We walked through the long corridors of the mansion towards the banquet, I noticed how shapely her legs were. Her mid thigh length robe exposed her shapely calves, her nice fleshy thighs but the first thing I noticed were her beautiful feet. Just one look and I knew they were pedicured. A beautiful shade of nail paint adorned her nails and a pair of silver anklets delicately hung around her ankle and would jingle with her each step.

By now I was sure that there were no guests and no party. This was just Uday’s way of showing off before he fucked me.

She pushed open the big door and walked inside and I followed. I was expecting only Uday on the other side but was surprised that he had company and not any ordinary company. I saw Naved, Riya and Rajveer sitting on couches near Uday. All of them were wearing robes with Riya wearing the same kind of robe that I and Naina were wearing.

“Miraaa….Welcome…” Uday said emphatically, spreading his arms to welcome me. I smiled very awkwardly in presence of others and quietly stood near him. He patted on the couch next to him signalling me to sit. I quietly sat and he embraced me.

“Guys….you have met Mira before at the party.” Uday said as he pulled me closer with his arm.

“Hi Mira…” everyone said together. I smiled and nodded. This was so weird. I had come here expecting a hard fuck and some alone time with my lover but this was just another party. I wasn’t getting laid for a few more hours. What the fuck!

“You guys have knows Naina for quite some time eh?” Uday said and winked. Naina blushed as everyone erupted in laughter. His tone, his context and their laugh was so naughty. My mind started drawing conclusions.

“So what will you have…champagne, wine? Any thing you need.” Uday asked me.

“Champagne will do.” I replied. I was sitting on a couch with Uday sitting between me and Naina. Naina got up to fetch me a drink. Rajveer was sitting on the couch to the right and next to him was Riya where as Naved was sitting alone on the couch to the left. Naina came back with a drink and handed it to me before sitting next to Uday.

I noticed everyone had a glass with them and the party must have started some time before I came. I was inside my bedroom the whole day and the place was so large that I didn’t notice that there were 4 other people in the house.

As my champagne glass ran dry, Naina stood up to bring me another one. However, Uday stopped her.

“How about we do shots?” He said. Everyone said yes in unison and I silently went along. Naved and Naina went to get the shots.

I noticed that Riya was sitting a little too close to Rajveer; sitting too close. Her legs were on the couch and her feet were tucked under her butt. She too was wearing a black robe, similar to ours. Her milky white, toned thighs shone in the dim ligts of the room.

Due to her posture, the robe had slid up and most of her beautiful thighs were visible. She was wearing a pair of black stockings, giving glimpse of her milky white skin underneath. As my eyes went up, I noticed that her stockings had garter belts and I gapsed when I realised that.

Rajveer too was pretty cozy around her. I bet this wasn’t the first time these guys had met which was very clear from their body language. He has his arm around her shoulder and was gently caressing her and she didn’t seem to mind it at all. She was letting him caress her and she was clearly not trying to cover her legs, all this in presence of her husband!!! What the fuck is going on?

Naina came to the table with couple of bottles of tequila and shot glasses. The glasses were arranged in a circle and filled with tequila. A tray full of lemon and a bowl of salt sat next to the shot glasses.

“Guys and lovely girls….To friendship and victory!!” Uday said as he raised the toast. Everyone cheered and gulped down the shots the next moment. The usual cringe faces with wide smiles followed and a dash of lemon and salt were added.

In the heat of the moment I too gulped down the drink to follow suit. The glasses were immediately refilled and gulped down. In a matter of a few minutes I did 5 shots but at the moment I wasn’t feeling high but I knew it would come sooner or later.

Everyone was enjoying the boozing; the girls were gigling and the guys were grunting after every shot. A few minutes later I started feeling ‘happy’. I knew the booze was getting to me. I was feeling dizy but I didn’t stop drinking.

A couple of shots more and I was done. I rested my head against the back rest of the couch. I could feel the entire room moving in circles and I thought if I closed my eyes for a while, it’ll stop but it got worse!

I don’t know how long I was in that state, perhaps I had passed out after so many shots. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thought that came to my mind was where the fuck was I? The room seemed alien. The wooden floors, the beige colored walls, the navy blue curtains and the soft velvet couch that I was sitting on.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to make sense of where I was and what the fuck was I doing. Turns out I wasn’t doing anything but the rest were upto quite a lot of things.

The first thing I did was look for Uday. He was next to me but was facing away from me. He was facing a woman but I couldn’t make out who she was perhaps because I was drunk and partly because his face was covering hers. I saw the lavender coloured robe, I knew it was Naina and I realised what they were upto. They were making out!

My boyfriend, my man was kissing another woman in my presence. A big jolt of jealousy flushed my mind as I saw their faces moving as they kissed. I watched them with a mix of jealousy and a tiny bit of arousal.

I realised that her robe was parted and his hands were inside. I saw Naina’s face when Uday moved his head as he kissed her. Her hands were behind his head, clutching his head, her eyes were closed but I still could make out the lust in them.

I was jealous and a little aroused. Was I the only one looking at this and saying nothing. I looked around and was absolutely shocked. Riya was on the couch with her robe untied and spread apart. Her tits had been scooped out of her bra and Naved & Rajveer were on her either side and their mouths were latched to each of her nipple. Her eyes were closed too and her one hand behind both men’s head. She was arching her back and moaning lightly as the men chewed on her nipples.

“Son of a…What the….” I cried out. I was confused, so much so that I couldn’t even decide on the cuss word I wanted to blurt out.

As soon as they heard me, they stopped. Uday turned back and looked at me. All of them had smiles on their faces. Their smiles weren’t the awkward one’s that are flashed when caught in the act but were downright naughty. The men stared at me like hungry wolves where as the women flashed a welcoming smile.

“Wake up baby…Party is just getting interesting.” Uday said as he moved forward and embraced me before kissing me. He literally lunged forward like a hungry lion, throwing his entire weight on my tiny little frame.

“Ummmmpfff…” I tried to protest as his mouth sealed mine. I heard the women giggle hearing my discomfort. He wrapped his arm around my waist and propped me up a little, kissing me deeper. I could taste the tequila on his lips and his smell it in his breath.

“Mmm…Mmmm….Mmmmmm…” My moans of discomfort turned to moans of pleasure. I was being kissed passionately, I was drunk and I had just witnessed an orgy in nascency. The idea that this could lead to the wildest night of my life turned me on. My nipples turned hard, my breath became shallow, my pulse raced. I could feel beeds of sweat pooling on my forehead as the kiss got even more intense.

I could feel his hand slide on to my breast. He cupped my robe covered tits and gave it a gentle squeeze, evoking a muffled moan from my closed mouth. His hand slid inside my robe and then my bra and I gasped as I felt his cold hand on my skin. His fingers slowly slid across and flicked my turgid nipple making me moan louder. My moans would have been louder had his mouth not kept it closed.

He took his hand out of my robe and then slid it down to the waist. He untied the knot and I felt the robe being spread apart. I felt naked then and there and a surge of shame overcame me. He broke the kiss and sat back. I hid my face with my hands as I heard the men whistle and the women clap at our spectacular performance.

I blushed as I had never done something in public. I was a wildcat in the confines of my bedroom, alone with my partner. But right now I was with 4 other people who were in various stages of undress and had intentions to dress down further.

My robe was open and my flat stomach and ample bra clasped tits were on display. Uday pushed me back against the couch. He pushed the robe over my shoulders and lowered his head on to my shoulders.

He placed gentle kisses starting from my shoulder and slowly moved down to my collar bone and then to my chest. I had closed my eyes from the pleasure and the shame. I was very aware of the fact that there were 4 other pair of eyes watching me. They were closely watching my chest rise and fall with each sharp breath, my hardened nipples jutting out of my bra, my wincing and squirming face. They were listening to each of my sighs and moans.

Uday slowly kissed his way down and buried his face in my cleavage. He nuzzled the soft gap between my tits, pushing them together with his hands and vigorously shook his head side ways. The motor boating tickled me and I giggle and the women followed. I opened my eyes and saw the women giggling and the guys smiling. This was part embarrassing and part arousing and I wasn’t sure which side was weighing heavy.

Naved had his hand on his wife’s stomach and Rajveer’s hand was gently caressing her thigh. Her hands were under the men’s robes and I could clearly see her hands moving up and down and I knew what she was doing.

Naina was sitting next to Uday, watching silently as things started to heat up. She was the most dressed of the lot. Her robe was still covering her body, her hair though were little ruffled. She still looked like the prim proper secretary like she always did, just with lesser clothes.

Uday was still between my tits, licking and kissing them. He cupped my right breast softly before kissing the upper half of my breast. He dragged his tongue over my tit before sliding it down to my fabric covered nipple. My nipple was protruding evidently out of the fabric. He ran his tongue over my nipple before sucking on it.

His saliva was making the fabric wet and the wetter it got, more pronounced was the outline of my nipple; my nipples which had gotten a shade darker in the last few months, perhaps from a lot of attention, incessant sucking, pinching, pulling and so many other things that they had been subjected to.

I placed my hand behind his head and pulled him close. He peeled the bra and pulled out my breast just enough for the nipple to peep out.

“Aaaaahh…” I sighed and pulled his hair as I felt his warm tongue on my turgid nipple. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as I felt my nipple being pulled inside his mouth.

I opened my eyes to see that Naved and Rajveer were back to sucking Riya’s tits. Her hands vigorously were moving up and down under their robes. Rajveer had parted her panty and was gently rubbing her clit. Riya’s mouth was open, her eyes half closed as she drowned deeper in the ocean of lust.

In between Rajeveer’s smooth caresses, I could catch glimpses of Riya’s pussy. Her pubes were neatly trimmed. Apart from a neatly shaped straight patch of hair, like a landing strip, everything around was smooth and clean, just like in the porn movies. She sure was sexy enough to be a porn star.

She was a tall woman for any standards, having been a super model before her marriage to the then emerging super star Naved. She was slender in built which gave her an envious figure. Beautiful, slender shoulders, nice firm B cup tits, a slender waist and a proportionately wide hip which gave way to the longest and the sexiest pair of legs I had ever seen.

Her calves flexed whenever she curled her toes in pleasure, her body oozed oomph. Since she was a super model, her looks were stunning. Her brown hair were highlighted with streaks of beach blonde. Her eyes were mesmerising, her nose was slim and straight and her jaw line was simply perfect.

All in all, she was a goddess and this goddess was on the couch, opposite to mine and her beautiful breasts were being sucked on by her husband and her lover.

I looked to my right and saw Naina resting against the couch. Her feet were on the couch and her hand was between her legs which was obviously playing with her clit. She had parted her robe and had scooped out her left breast out of her bra.

My god her tits! Easily a D cup or perhaps bigger…definitely bigger. Her chocolate brown areola were large and so were her nipples. She was rhythmically pinching and flicking her large protruding nipple. For a woman in her mid to late thirties, her tits barely had any sag and looked full and ripe.

I was blankly staring at her tits for a few seconds, drinking with my eyes the suppleness of her tits and the fullness of her body. She caught my stare and our eyes met. We stared at each other blankly as if it was a staring contest. Both our mouths were open and moaning; she from fingering herself and me from getting my tits sucked.

She cupped her left tit in her hand and raised it to her mouth. She lashed out her tongue on her nipple and flicked it with her finger before sucking it. I moaned louder watching her do that. Her puckered mouth sucked on her own nipple while her finger furiously worked on her clit below.

I got a kick watching her suck her own tits and staring at me the whole time. I so wanted that mouth on my tits. Still looking at her, I pulled down the cup off my left breast. She stopped sucking her tit and watched as I pulled down the shoulder strap to liberate my breast. I gave it a gentle squeeze and bit my lower lip. She got the signal and moved towards me.

She walked over and sat next to me. Looking at me, she lowered her head down to my breast. She took her tongue out and gently flicked my nipple. I shuddered as a jolt ran through my body. She flicked it again; I shuddered again. She rolled her tongue over my areola making it wet and sticky. I was watching her intently and with a heaving chest. Uday was still busy sucking my other breast but he wasn’t the centre of attention at the moment; It was just Naina.

She pressed her lips on my nipple making me moan. She opened her mouth a little and covered my nipple with it. I closed my eyes as I felt her tongue roll around on my breast. Just like it had with Uday, my other hand slipped behind Naina’s head as she sucked on my breast.

For the first time…the very first time in my life, my breasts were being sucked on together. On all previous occasions, whether it was Uday or any other man before him; my breasts got the attention they deserved but individually and separately but now, both were being looked after together. The feeling was so different, so unique…so amazing!

This was also the first time that a woman was touching me sexually. I had never been interested in a woman but Naina had lit a fire inside me. She sparked and stoked a curiosity within me that I had never felt. All these days I watched, observed and at time ogled at Naina but now I was realising why.

My right breast was being sucked my Uday and my left by Naina. Two pair of mouths yet so different. Uday sucked my breasts like a man did, a little harshly. Naina on the other hand did it exactly the way it should be. She being a woman knew how to handle a woman. She was gentle yet firm, using more of her tongue and less of her teeth. Even when using her teeth she did in such inventive ways that made me moan loudly making others in the room to stop and take notice.

I opened my eyes and saw Riya looking at me. She had a wry, lusty smile on her face. It was as if we were looking into a mirror. We both were having our tits sucked my two people. She was with Naved and Rajveer and I was with Uday and Naina.

I I smiled back at her knowing how the two of us were in the same situation but yet so different. I knew this relationship with Uday would take me places and it was indeed. How many of us have fantasised about an orgy let alone take part in one? I was the centre of attraction at the sex party and was loving it.

For a moment I felt both the mouths were off my nipples so I looked down to see Uday and Naina kissing passionately. From between my cleavage I had a fantastic view of their smooch. The way they kissed showed how comfortable they were with each other. At that moment I knew Uday and Naina had slept together countless times. Perhaps Naina felt a sense of jealousy similar to how I felt a few moments ago when I parachuted into Uday’s life but this jealousy had been kept aside and now all three of us were lovers.

They broke the kiss and Naina untied my robe before Uday snapped opened my bra from behind. The robe fell on the couch followed by the bra. Naina stood up and pulled me up with her. Uday swiftly pulled my panties down and now I was the first one to get completely naked in the group.

I should have been embarrassed or awkward but I felt neither. I felt pretty comfortable in the presence of these people. Perhaps it was the boobs, perhaps the arousal or perhaps knowing that they’d be joining me in their birthday suits soon.......

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RE: Few stories from other sites. - by Blue Bull - 25-12-2021, 07:46 PM
RE: Few stories from other sites. - by Blue Bull - 25-12-2021, 07:51 PM
RE: Few stories from other sites. - by Blue Bull - 25-12-2021, 08:13 PM
RE: Few erotic (non porn) stories from other sites. - by Blue Bull - 04-03-2022, 10:14 PM

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