Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III (Completed)
Chapter: Twenty-five

From the day we learnt about Sheetal's illicit affair with Harish, we were eager to observe her behaviour around him. Meera wanted to talk to her, but I opined against it.
"You'll end up embarrassing her," I said. "I think she will eventually tell you by herself. You're her closest friend here."
The following night Meera had a chat with Harish again. She warned him about the consequences. "You'll have a very bad name in the neighbourhoods. She has the option to move to her hometown but this is your native place." She said. Harish said he was cautious about it.
During the chat, he revealed that they had sex every morning after Pawan's departure, for the last three days.

"Every day!" Meera rued later. "Isn't it too much?"
"Why are you so worried about it?" I asked. "Maybe she has been waiting for a man like him."
Meera nodded. "She's doing everything to make him happy. She doesn't even want him to use a condom. Without a bit of remorse. I'm surprised that I never knew of this shade of her."
I wondered what Sheetal would say if she knew the true shades of Meera. And us.

The next morning we both waited behind our front door, peeping at our neighbour's door to see him leaving for work. And after ten minutes, Meera saw Sheetal welcoming Harish into the house.
"Did you notice that she had left the front door unlocked? Harish came in and just walked in. She must have called him." She whispered.
"So that's four days in a row," I blurted.

As we walked out to leave for our respective workplaces, we couldn't help but glance at the closed door opposite. We both knew that Harish must have started banging Sheetal already.
I sensed my dick becoming hard, and I struggled to walk to the parking. I couldn't shake off my feelings even after reaching my office.
In the evening when I met Sheetal, I couldn't stop staring at her. I imagined her naked and in bed with Harish. I visualised his muscular body moving on top of her, fucking her hard.
At the back of my mind, I carried a feeling that it would have been me instead of Harish if I had given in to Pawan's earlier proposal.
For a brief period, I imagined agreeing to Pawan and it made my body warm. I saw Sheetal lying in her bed, completely naked, waiting to be fucked by me.
I felt it was my destiny to fulfil her wish. I was her first choice. She wanted me to be her secret lover. She wanted her married pussy to be filled by my sperm. But it was my reluctance and incompetence which forced her to turn to another man. And she turned to a man who had the skill to fulfil her desires, by fucking her every day. She would soon be bearing his child.
I felt like being cuckolded again. It was a familiar feeling. The thought was devastating to begin, but then it faded away.
Later that evening I met Sheetal while returning from the park and we talked casually. I looked at her mouth and thought how Harish would be sucking her lips the next morning. I stole glances of her sweat-drenched top and armpits and shoulders while thinking that she would sweat it out again in bed with Harish. I watched her swaying ass while walking up the stairs and imagined how Harish would be enjoying those melons. When I made love to Meera in the night, I imagined Harish fucking Sheetal and making her moan with pleasure. I imagined how she would be screaming in her mind. Fill me Harish. Fill my pussy with your cum. Give me your seeds. Make me your wife. Make me the mother of your child. Give me a child. Impregnate me. Aaah.....
Those fantasies hurt me at first and devastated me because I felt being cuckolded again. But eventually, it felt good and I started waiting for the good news.

A few days later Harish told Meera that Sheetal decided to give a break to it as her unsafe days had started. Harish had volunteered to bring a condom, but Sheetal didn't want to use it. Harish was disappointed but helpless.

As the phone call ended, Meera started counting days with her fingers.
"Bitch!" Meera blurted out soon, "she's trying to get pregnant."
I was stunned, not by the information but by her deduction.
Meera looked at me.
"I know when her last monthly cycle was. She told Harish she is safe but as per my calculation, she cannot be. And now she's actually safe as she's near her cycle again. But she's fooling him again, saying the opposite. It means she doesn't want the sex, she just wants to get pregnant. Oh my God!"
I could only stare at her, acknowledging her smartness. Perhaps it was the smartness of women in general.
"Are you not shocked?" Meera looked at me, for the lack of my response.
"Yeah, I'm shocked. But then what? It's her choice. She wants a child."
Meera was dejected by my response.
"How can she make such a choice? Having sex with another man is something. But getting conceived by him and giving birth to a child that doesn't belong to her husband, how?"
I said nothing.
"It cannot happen. I should talk to her. Or we should tell Pawan."
Now I felt I needed to stop her.
"He too needs a child, Meera," I said, having decided to take a stand.
Meera looked at me in disbelief.
"Don't talk rubbish, Krish. Do you even know what you're saying? It won't be his child," she argued. "You must talk to him before it's late. He's your friend, so you can talk to him very personally."
"No. I know how much he desires to become a father. It doesn't matter whose child it is, after all. If it brings happiness to Pawan's life, then it's okay. I'm sure he would be happy even if he later learns it's not his child because I know how much he is longing for a child. I think it's not a good idea to tell him now. If we set out to reveal the truth, he will be forced to react in a socially acceptable manner to protect his dignity in front of us, and he will be humiliated for us knowing the truth," I said.
"I can't believe you are arguing against telling him."
"What if he's also a partner in this deal? That whatever Sheetal is doing has the approval of Pawan?"
Meera kept staring at me for a long moment.
"That's your way of thinking, Krish. Not everyone can be like you. People have different feelings."
She was clearly looking down at me, implying my cuckold nature. But I ignored it.
"People have their destiny, Meera. Let them live it. If she has sinned, let's give her a chance to confess it too. Let's not intrude on their private life."
Meera let out a sigh.
She remained silent for long before she shook her head.
"You are right. We shouldn't intrude on their private life. Let's leave it for their fate."

Meera chose to drop the subject altogether after that. And she didn't chat with Harish since then. But I felt she was silently waiting for the news of Sheetal's pregnancy.

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One day I saw Meera repairing her handbag. She was sewing the torn parts inside it. It was torn by me first to hide the voice recorder during her lunch with Desai. I had stitched it back but Desai tore it again while recovering the device later.
I sat with Meera and promised to buy her another bag. She said it was one of her favourite handbags and I might not find another one easily in the market.
I asked if she was still angry about it.
"I have reasons to be angry, don't I?" She asked.
I nodded. "You were angry with me when you found out about voice recorder. But I wonder why you didn't get angry with Desai for spying on us." I said.
"I'm angry with just you because you didn't tell me about the recorder at all. Desai confessed his action even though he didn't have to. I'm sure you still wouldn't have spoken about it if you weren't caught."
I shook my head and she went on, "What would you have done if Desai hadn't found the recorder and I ended up doing some hanky-panky with him? Let's say you were to secretly find out what I did with him, later. What would be your reaction?"
I paused a moment before I replied.
"You are asking this question because you doubt that I would react the same way I did when you told me about Ashish. They are different situations, Meera. You have to trust me, I never expected you to do any hanky-panky with Desai. Otherwise, do you think I would simply sit home until I get my hands on the voice recorder? I am not that lazy, and most importantly, I trust you."
"But I have broken your trust when I slept with Ashish. What if I did the same with Desai too?"
"Why would you do that? You hate him, don't you?"
"But you don't seem to hate him anymore. Tell me the truth, have you never fantasized about him and me?"
I took a moment to reply.
"When kept in the dark, I am forced to imagine things. And my imaginations often go wild. Yes, I have thought about you and Desai. I have hated it since forever. But to be honest, there have been instances when it turned me on too, rarely."
"What do you imagine?"
I looked into her eyes, wondering what would be her reaction if I told her the truth. I instantly knew it wasn't the right time yet.
"Crazy, stupid things," I said. "I don't want to tell, especially because I know you'd hate it."
Meera shook her head. She did not speak further, ending the conversation.
Even though she ended the conversation, I thought she was unhappy with my reluctance.

One day I received a call from a man who was interested to buy our half-demolished old apartment. He promised to pay me more than the market rate but I politely refused. I didn't want to sell the property.
I told him I had a plan to rebuild it and reside in it. "I am staying in a rented flat right now," I told him.
"I am ready to pay you enough to buy a new flat. Your apartment suits the plan in my head so well that I can't think of anything else." He said. "I have been told that I won't succeed. But I am still trying. Please don't say now. Think about it for a while. That's my request." The man said.

When I told Meera about it, she surprised me.
"If he's paying so much, we should take it and sell the property. It's a good deal. We can buy a new apartment, like this one, with that amount. We'll still have some money left after that."
After Meera's opinion, it was a quick decision for me, and I agreed to sell the property. Even though I knew it was a good deal, I felt I was losing something because I was mentally attached to that house.
"We are getting richer, now," Meera told me in the night. "How about adding a new member to our family now?"
"Yeah, we'll be doing that very soon," I said. But my weak voice might have told her otherwise. She did not remind me about it after that.

The buyer was very happy with our decision. He met me the next day and gave me advance payment. He wanted the sale to be completed as early as possible.
During our visit to the land registrar's office, I and Meera ran into Maithrei. She looked beautiful in a blue top and brown palazzo, though the attire made her look a bit plumper than usual. Her eyes shone behind her spectacles as she smiled at us.
We moved to a nearby cafe while we waited for the registrar to arrive. Maithrei and Meera sat on the same bench, facing me.
We chatted casual stuff while having cold coffee, me doing the talking for most of the part, as Meera passively observed us talking. I asked Maithrei if her hospital routine was changed as she used to work even on Sunday. Maithrei said the clinic had two doctors who'd work on shifts.
"Have you heard from Desai? Your close friend has completely disappeared from the scene."
I was slightly embarrassed when she referred to Desai as my 'close friend' in front of Meera.
"Yeah, he's having some vacation," I said.
"He is a changed man."
Maithrei said. I wondered if she missed him badly. Especially in bed. I felt a pang of jealousy as I thought about it.
"Didn't you try calling him?" Meera asked.
Maithrei was taken aback a little by her question.
"Mmm... Not yet. He's the one who usually rings me," she said.
Maithrei was there for the paperwork of a newly constructed property she had in the city. As she revealed the location, Meera became alert as if she knew the place.
"Is it co-partnered by Desai?" She asked.
Maithrei was puzzled by her straight question.
"He has told me about a property in that area," Meera explained. I wondered when did that happen.
"Yes, Desai is my co-partner in this property," Maithrei admitted. "But he's not coming to the city to complete the work and that's the problem. He is completely reluctant to return to the city. I don't know why."
The registrar arrived and we went on to see him. Maithrei commented on Meera's kurti before parting ways with us.
I asked Meera when did Desai tell her about his properties in the city. Meera gave me a look.
"Have you forgotten it? Don't you remember when Desai took me to an under-construction building?"
I suddenly remembered. But I remembered the day a bit differently. It was the day she had given Desai a blowjob in his car.
"Desai had told me he was going to be a partner in that construction. The other partner was, as we know now, Maithrei." Meera went on. "And I'm sure his share must be one crore. The same cash he used to trap you."
I could see she was making perfect guesses.
"You are right. He tried to catch two birds with one shot," I said.
"He certainly got one," Meera said and then added, "and he got a blowjob from the other one." Her self-deprecating remark made me grin.

Back at home, Meera asked me how did I know about Maithrei's working pattern.
The truth was that I had accompanied Desai to Maithrei's clinic many months ago, where I had met her for the first time. I had to improvise before I could speak about it to Meera.
"Many months ago, when I had to Meet Desai for a work-related need, he asked me to meet in a clinic. It was the first time I met Maithrei. He was seeing her for some anxiety-related problems. Then we saw her with Desai at the restaurant and that's when I realised they were more than what I thought."
"But you didn't tell me about her then."
"I didn't think it was important. She was a nobody."
"She was a nobody? What about now?"
"Now, we both know she's slept with him."

Meera ran into Maithrei again, just after two days.
"She seemed eager to talk to me, especially about Desai," Meera told me about it in the evening. "I asked her if she's still attached to Desai. At first, she didn't tell me. But then I told her that I know about them. Do you know what she told me? That property in the city initially belonged to her husband. When he was struggling to fund the construction halfway, Desai helped him by giving him one crore rupee. That transaction coincides with the time when Desai took back his cash from our house."
"So your theory was right," I said.
Meera nodded and remained silent afterwards.
"What are you thinking, baby?" I asked later.
"She asked me how did I know about her affair with Desai. She wanted to know whether I knew it from Desai or you. It means she was fully aware that you knew about it."
"You are right, Meera. There's something about them that I haven't told you yet." I said. "It was not long ago. Desai had invited me to his house to talk about work-related stuff. Then Maithrei arrived. Desai asked me to hide inside because he didn't want her to see me. I agreed because I thought my presence might embarrass her. I closed myself inside one of the rooms. Desai not only greeted Maithrei at his house but also proceeded to make out with her. He took her to his bedroom and they had sex."
Meera was shocked.
"How? When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why should I tell you about this? It's something that doesn't concern you."
Meera stared at me. She certainly did not like my reply.
"Did you watch them fuck?"
She asked sternly.
"Yes... for a few seconds."
"What do you mean by a few seconds? They fucked for a few seconds or you watched for a few seconds?"
"I watched it for a few seconds, of course."
"Do you think I would believe it?"
" You have to believe it. Why can't you believe it?"
"Did you shag after that?"
"Another lie."
"Why do you think so?"
"Because I know you. Or you tell me why did you stop watching it after a few seconds?"
"Because I was scared of getting caught. I didn't know what they were doing. I went to have a peep and when I saw it I just ran back to the room. Why would I lie to you about it?"
"Krish, it's not a secret to me that you like to watch. Even if it was me there with Desai, you would have stayed inside and just watched it."
"No, I wouldn't."
I said quickly.
Meera stared at me as if she did not believe it.
"What did you see in there?"
She asked after a momentary silence.
"They were both naked. She was lying in the bed and he was on top of her."
"And they didn't see you. Then how did she know that you knew about it?"
"Mmm... Desai would have told her, I suppose. He's like that. He loves to brag about such things. He has told me that he had sex with six women in the last two years," I revealed as I went with the flow.
Meera's eyes widened.
"Yeah. And he said even though it was sheer luck that he got a chance with you, you were the most memorable among all the woman he has slept with."
Meera looked away in disgust. She blankly stared at the floor.
"You are a moron, Krish. I hate you for this. How do you even sit through this? You have been meeting him regularly. Do you know what? You are the one who kept his memory alive for so long. I know you've been nurturing secret fantasies about him. It's not going to be good, I am warning you."
"What is wrong with you, Meera?" I asked. "You are imagining things and you are getting angry over things in your mind. I honestly told you there have been occasions when I got hard while thinking about it. But it doesn't mean I wanted such things to happen again. You tell me to get rid of Desai from my mind but you are the one overly concerned about him. You have also found reasons to say yes to his coffee and lunch invitations. Yes, they were social events in broad daylight, but you can't digest me meeting him."

My voice had risen and it brought her emotion under control when she spoke afterwards.
"You are right, Krish. I don't want you to meet him. Because I don't want him to find the other side of you. I have always told you that he was pathetic in bed. I told you it was a disappointment. I was lying, Krish. It wasn't entirely true. I was scared to tell you the truth because I didn't want to concede it myself. The truth is that I had enjoyed the night with him. The sex with Desai was good. He knows how to do it. But he could not bring it to the end that we both wanted. He was drunk, and so was I. Maybe that's why he could not finish it. But while doing it he made me feel absorbed by it. Do you know what I mean? Didn't you ask me about Ashish's size? Ashish was like yours. But Desai was different. He has got a bigger one."
"Yeah, I know. I have seen it."
I admitted blatantly. My blood was boiling through my veins as I was finally hearing the truth that I had been seeking for two years.
"I know you must have seen it. There's no point in hiding it." Meera looked straight into my eyes.
"Okay, he's got a bigger dick. So what? Do you think I'll be inferior to him?" My voice was affected by my rising heartbeats.
"No. But I was scared that you'll think he was special. I didn't want you to believe he has the power to lure me to his bed as he wished. Tell me the truth, Krish. If I had told you that I had a truly great night with him, would you have hated him like now?"
"I would be jealous." I tried to force a smile onto my face. "Did you have a truly great night with him?"
"It was a long night. I have told you already."
"But you haven't revealed your true feelings. You hold back despite knowing that you don't have to. I'm always willing to know the truth."
"I know what happened when I told you everything I did with Ashish."
Meera smirked. Her light smile was marking a drastic mood change. She was ready to tease me.
"Meera, we both know we can be more honest with each other," I smiled back at her. "Didn't you have fun telling me about what you did with Ashish?"
She looked down for a moment and then looked up.
"I... I don't want to tell you. I mean... I can't. I don't know how you'd react. Maybe I know exactly how you'd react."
"Stop confusing yourself..." I sat with her on the bed. "I want to hear it from you. He's gone from our life. So it's okay."
"Are you sure of that?"
"Absolutely. Do you think Maithrei isn't talking to him? She needs his presence to run her real estate business and she must have tried to get him back. You can guess what she must have offered him. But he hasn't come back. I believe he has decided to settle down in his hometown."
"But the partnership with Maithrei is just a fraction of his investments," Meera said. "He will come back for them."
"His investments are mostly online. For others, he has other friends too. What I am saying is he cannot have a better reason than Maithrei to come back. Because I have seen what Maithrei can give him."
Meera looked straight into my eyes for a few seconds.
"So you have seen it clearly, right?"
Her voice was much softer.
I nodded.
"When you saw him with her, didn't you think about how he would have done the same to me?"
"Not at the moment, because I was shocked." I said and then added, "but later, I have had thoughts about it."
"Didn't you get angry because I lied to you?"
"I was disappointed. But I then thought you would tell me the truth one day. And I also thought maybe you were telling me the truth only. Desai had confessed to me that he was unable to satisfy you. He has that regret."
"You two are the biggest perverted minds I have ever known," Meera pushed me away with a shy smile. "I wonder why he hasn't told you a detailed version of that night's events."
Her doubt was spot on. Desai had already told me a detailed version of his screwing of my wife.
I began to admit the truth but then I held it back.
"Why don't you give me a detailed version of it? I mean, like how you told me about Ashish?"
Meera bit her lips and gave me a pregnant look.
"And you will get aroused."
"So what?" I shrugged. "Don't you like when I am aroused?"
"But I have loved the fact that you always hated Desai. I don't want to change that."
"Desai is gone. What I think of him doesn't matter now."
Meera shook her head. She looked down and scratched her forehead and then proceeded to put her loose hair strands behind her ear.
"We have wasted a lot of time already, dear. I haven’t even taken bath after the exercise. My sweats have dried."
She was trying to escape. I sat closer and put my arms around her.
"But I am in the right mood to hear it, baby. I'll make dinner today. Tell me, tell me everything he did that night."
My body was already getting warm. I was already anticipating how she was going to tell me how Desai had pumped his monster into her pussy at various angles at various spots in a big apartment. I was dying to hear it from her; word by word.
"Okay," Meera smiled finally. But she didn't look straight into my eyes.
"Where do you want me to start from?"
"Uhm..." I cleared my throat. "From the moment you walked into his apartment. From the moment he kissed you at the door."
A light smile flashed on her Meera's face. "You still remember very much of what I have told you."
"I do," I admitted.
For her, two years had been passed since the last time she spoke about that night. But for me, it had been just months since the last time I heard about it.
"Okay," Meera swallowed and then began slowly. "When he kissed me at the door, initially I tried to resist. But it was mostly due to shock. From the inside, I wanted to be loved. I didn't want to be alone. So he had me completely giving in. He was thirsty like hell and I can't tell you in words how he devoured both my lips. From that moment, there was no turning back. My silent consent was there, even though he didn't seek it.
When he removed my clothes and bra, I didn't try to oppose. He bit my tits and all, it was kinda hurting me but it also excited me. He went on to undress me completely and went down on me, to start licking me down there. By then I had completely surrendered. I loved how he was using his tongue to pleasure me. It was so sudden that he made me cry out of pleasure. I grabbed his head and pulled him closer as if to tell him not to stop. I must have conveyed to him a message that he was welcome to take me to his bed and spend the rest of the night in there. He read my mental state and started carrying me to the hall. I was completely naked but I didn't feel shy. I thought he would take me to his bed but he stopped by the dining table and made me sit on it. And I sat there, while he undressed. I sat there, waiting to be fucked. I would wonder many times why I did that, but I have never regretted it. I was waiting for it. I waited until he dropped his pants, and I stared straight at his thing. It was something. There was a moment when I forgot to look away. I could feel it inside me already. I felt the urge."
I remembered Desai's comment at that moment. "Meera taught me one thing that day. That I wasn't totally ugly."
Yes, she had made him feel like the most handsome man.
"I remember," Meera went on. "I remember that I told you how the sight of Desai's stuff had dreaded me. I was making it up because I didn't want you to feel inferior to him. So I lied to you. It had actually made me go weak but thrilled as I was going to have it.
And Desai must have read my mind. He didn't waste time to get into the action. He rubbed the round head of his thing and said, "it's not wet enough," and held his other palm in front of me. He asked me to spit. I was spellbound by his demand. I spat into his palm and he lubricated his thing with my saliva. When he moved closer I automatically parted my legs. He pushed me slowly and made me lie on the table. And despite the truth that I was anticipating what he was going to do, I cried when he put it inside me. He shoved it into me like he was doing it for the hundredth time in his life. So swift, or maybe I was feeling so because of his thickness. He said I felt like a virgin and I felt good. I remember I smiled at him, at his remark. I felt good that he liked me. I stopped feeling lonely after that.
He pushed again and again, and I was loud with my response. I thought my cries would make him crazy and he would rush to conquer me. But no, he was rather trying to live every moment of it. I kept my eyes on him, I felt like he was becoming addicted to how I was responding to his movements. Even though he was the one who started all this, I felt I was the one leading him to all of that. He asked me if he was going the right way. My answer was another loud cry. He was an expert with his hands too. While caressing my breasts they were soft, like he knew how delicate my body was. But while holding my thighs they were strong, like he understood what I deserved. I also liked how he cared to move himself completely in before reversing it. Perhaps he knew what I wanted, perhaps more than me. And then he came. Without any hurried movement, he stopped while being inside me and shot his load. There was a proud feeling on his face and I welcomed him. Of course, I was a tad disappointed, but I was also content with the way he was filling me up. It was a lot.
And whatever tiny bit of disappointment I had vanished when he sat me up and started kissing me, even before he pulled out of me. I was panting when it ended.
After we finished, I went to shower in his bathroom. The drinks that I had at the bar were still making me tipsy. I enjoyed the shower too. I still remember the feel of the warm water running over my skin. I was so rejuvenated by the shower that I didn't want to go home. I was on a date that was just halfway. When I came out, Desai suggested that we could have dinner at his place or a restaurant. I didn't want to leave immediately. I told him that I didn't want to leave. I knew I had just conveyed my willingness to go to bed with him again, and the thought kinda awakened my desires again. I wanted sex, again."
Finally, Meera had admitted that what Desai had been telling me ever since day one was nothing but the truth.
It was her choice.
I remembered how Desai had beamed about her deciding to stay with him overnight.
"She wanted to stay with me. She wanted to fuck again. She wanted my cock to fill her pussy again."
It was her choice!
"Desai phoned his domestic help and he brought us the dinner. While having dinner he teased me about how I had refused to have a simple coffee date with him until then, but how we were having dinner on a table that we had had sex in top of. I could only smile. After dinner, we went to his room, where he took me in his arms again. We kissed. And there, we were again at it. He wanted me to go down, but I wanted him to finish what he has left halfway. And he was too eager to do it. He undressed me then and there, and himself too, and we were staring at each other's naked body again. Then he took his thing in his hand and simply started shoving it inside me, still standing beside his bed. I was like, "what are you doing," but I didn't ask. He lifted my one leg to make access, and then pushed it inside me. The whole thing was pushed inside and I felt my body split into two halves. But somehow I survived and it turned out to be a wild experience that I had never had in my life. I know it would disappoint you now because a few months ago I had you doing the same thing to me. You were surprised but you did great that night. You absolutely nailed it and I loved it. But I was ashamed of myself because I was trying to relive the pleasure that Desai had given me that night two years ago."
Meera's guilt-ridden face gave me a sense of secret merriment. Because I already knew what she had 'relived' when she had me fucking her in a standing pose.
"Are you not disappointed?" Meera asked me and I ended up looking at her.
"I... I am happy that you are finally telling me the truth. That's what I want to hear, always."
I said.
"Are you still excited?"
"Yes, I want to hear all of it."
"It's pretty much the same thing, Krish. Except that I started asking him to take me to his bed. Not because of pain but the pleasure was making me unable to stand, that too, on a single foot. He asked me what I would do for him if he allowed me to lie down, and I said I would do anything he wanted. He agreed to move on to the bed and this time I climbed on top of him. I guided him inside me and I rode him. You know how I do that, to the point of getting tired myself. He wanted me to kiss him and I kissed him as I had promised him. My kiss sent him to a frenzy I guess, he grabbed me and swapped our positions to come on top of me. Then he gave a few powerful thrusts and came again. His voice was louder than the previous time, and I think it was because he had unloaded the last drop of his juices inside me. He had taken a bath in sweat by then. I felt happy that he looked like a monster but he was so powerless for a few moments because of what I had given him. I hadn't met with an orgasm yet, but to see him struggling to breathe was enough to make me happy. Desai asked me how different he was from you – I mean my husband, but I refused to comment. At that moment I felt I was far away from you, and I didn't want you to become a thought in my mind."
I nodded a few times as if I understood exactly what she was thinking. In my head, I was visualising how tired she would have looked after such wild sex. I knew what makes Desai bath in sweat. I had seen how he had fucked Maithrei.
My body was becoming weaker with each passing moment but the bulge in my pants only grew thicker. To a point to aching.
Meera's story hadn't ended, yet.
"And then we slept in each other's arms. I could not even get up to go to the bathroom. I remember pulling his cloth to clean between my legs before I fell asleep. I slept until I felt his arms over me again. It was early morning. I asked him if he didn't want to sleep. He mentioned he's still hard. I checked and he was throbbing again! He quickly got between my legs and I helped him this time to swiftly move it inside me. It was painful for one and a half-second, and then I was taken to the familiar places again. I don't know whether I was crying or screaming, but I wanted him to make me cum this time. I wanted to cum but there was something wrong with me, maybe it was the drinks I had on the previous night that my body refused to respond. He was delaying it; I could sense it from his movements. Sometimes he was going smooth, while kissing me, and then he would fuck me so hard that the whole bed was shaking. And then, at last, he gave up and let it go burst. For the third time in the same night, I felt his warm fluids filling me."
When Desai had told me about the same event, I was struggling to hide my arousal from him. I was ashamed of getting hard by listening to him narrating how he had fucked my wife's brain out for a long night. There was an attempt to suppress my emotions from him, and from acknowledging myself.
But now, as my wife herself was narrating those moments with utmost honesty, I had nothing to hide from her, or me.
As Meera finished, and as she reached for the bulge between my legs, I didn't shy away. I looked at her with the most welcome eyes.
"You are hard." She whispered.
"What else do you expect?" I leaned toward her and before I knew she had latched her lips onto mine. I devoured her lips completely.
Her hand had disappeared inside my underwear. I got up slightly to slide down my clothes and free my throbbing dick. She looked down and smiled at it.
"Is it enough for you?"
I asked.
"You better try it." She hissed and slid down her track pants, along with her panty.
We were in the familiar zone. No foreplay was required. She sat on my lap and guided my dick into her pussy. She was dripping wet.
"You are so smooth. So you loved talking about it."
I quipped.
"I love talking about what you love listening about."
She retorted and started moving up and down. I grabbed her top and she paused a moment to quickly take it off.
"Oh, my baby... You are mine only... I want you like this... forever..."
I said and kissed her madly. I swirled my tongue in and around her mouth.
"I am yours... forever..."
She threw her arms around my neck and started moving again. My dick was moving at the right angle with the right amount of friction inside her. I felt great.
Unlike the night she shared more about her experience with Ashish, this time she didn't bring Desai's name during our lovemaking.
Neither did I. But my mind was filled with visions of him pumping his thick meat into her pussy, and I imagined I was him. I imagined it was him again fucking her. The thrill that the thought was giving me was insane. I changed position to get on top of her and fucked hard. And then I remembered what she had just told me.
"Sometimes he was going smooth, while kissing me, and then he would fuck me so hard that the whole bed was shaking."
I followed her words and switched between slow and fast pace while fucking her. I went on till the moment it started to amaze me. And I went on till the moment I heard Meera cry out.
It was a scream I hadn't heard from her for a long time.
" baby..."
I let out a groan and let it go. I felt the whole of my body strength getting drained as bursts of cum. It was a marvellous joy. We kissed, we panted, and we literally ate each other's lips.
It took me time to return to my normal breathing. When it happened, I wanted to thank Desai but I held back. His name should be invoked only when it is needed, I thought.
Meera got up first and picked up her clothes, while I stayed on the bed.
"You promised me you'd make dinner tonight," she reminded before walking to the bathroom.
I laughed aloud.

That night when we went to bed after dinner, I asked her if she had ever thought of giving in to Desai's charms.
"No," Meera said. "Not in real. But many nights after that night, I had wild dreams of sex with Desai. I saw visions of him on top of me, pinning me down to the bed and giving me lots of pleasure. When I wake up I would laugh at myself, asking what is it that I wanted. In reality, I never wanted to do it again because I had gotten you back. When you encouraged me to have some fun with Tejas and Jai, I even wondered if you would ever encourage me to do the same with Desai too, someday. I asked myself about what would be my reaction."
"What did you think about how you would react?"
"Well. The first thing I believed was you would never be friends with Desai. You hated him. We both hated him, to say the least. So I felt you would never favour something between me and Desai to happen. Second, no matter how tempting the experience may be, I knew I wouldn't be able to come back to you if I went to bed with Desai once again. Because we both knew Desai very well. I didn't want to lose you, baby."
She placed her palm on my face and caressed me. I leaned forward and kissed her. A few moments later, we were preparing for another lovemaking session, with our heads filled with fantasy. Her clothes were gone, and I had quenched my thirst by licking her pussy.
"You never stop pleasing me with your tongue," Meera said while panting.
I smiled, "Desai has been envious of me because he considered me superior in bed, despite his big size."
"Mmm... also I have told him many times that he was pathetic."
"Did he believe you?"
"I don't know."
"But he wasn't pathetic. How did he feel inside you, when he did it like this?" I asked as I shoved my dick into her wetness.
Meera's mouth opened as she gasped, and welcomed my whole length in one go. "It felt like rocking my entire body."
"It must have felt so good, right baby?"
"It must have felt when his thick meat filled the whole of your pussy, right?"
"Did you love the way Desai moved his dick inside you?"
"You want me to move it like that?"
"Then say it."
" it."
"Say with my name."
"Please, Desai...please do it..."
My dick throbbed inside her the moment I heard his name from her mouth. I pulled my hip back and charged all the way back in. Meera let out a loud moan.
I had become Desai in my head. I had perhaps become Desai in her head too.
It was a great night for us. It was a day the Gods of sex blessed us again.

In the morning I spent some time in bed pondering if we did a mistake by admitting and acknowledging our fantasies about Desai. I found solace in the fact that our fantasies were based on a long-gone incident in the past. Also, Desai himself was a long-gone episode in our social life.
Nevertheless, I chose not to drag his name between us, especially during sex. Our appetite remained pretty good, luckily though.

One evening when Meera asked me if I had forgotten the date of our marriage.
"Did you tell Sheetal that our anniversary was last month?"
She asked. I was puzzled.
"Why would I tell her so?"
"She told me you had told her that our anniversary was coming in a month, like two months ago. But then she heard nothing from us after that. She asked me if we celebrated it silently. I was embarrassed, wondering if you have forgotten the date too."
I recollected having told Sheetal about the anniversary falling in the coming month while resisting her attempt to seduce me.
I forced a laugh. "There must be some confusion. We were talking about someone else's anniversary when I said ours is also close. It was a casual remark; I never thought she would take it so seriously."
I added that we would give Sheetal a grand party on our anniversary.
"Well, it's coming in two weeks," Meera reminded. "We should give a grand party to all the residents of our building, because our next anniversary may not happen here."
She was optimistic about buying a new apartment very soon.
With the sale of our old house having taken place so quickly, her optimism was justified.

The next Saturday we had an unexpected guest.
Meera had gone to the Saturday market and I was watching the morning news when the doorbell rang. I thought it would be Meera, only to be surprised to see the guest.
It was Dr Maithrei.
She said she was around to meet someone in person who was to board a morning flight.
"Last time when I met Meera she told me you lived here. So I thought why not visit. I have a reason to meet you anyway." She said and then added, "Did I disturb you?"
I guessed she was there for some invitation - a wedding anniversary or something like that.
"Not at all. You are very welcome to our house. Meera would be surprised. Please come in," I said and invited her to the house.
Maithrei was in a kurta with black and white designs which suited her well. The perfectly stitched kurta prompted me to steal a glance at her large breasts without getting caught. From a close distance, I could see the trace of her bra straps along the neckline of the kurta.  As she walked into the living room with me, I got a familiar scent of her regular body spray. She sat on the sofa and glanced over the whole living area.
"Where is she? Isn't she up?"
"She's gone to pick up some fresh veggies. "
Maithrei's big eyes shone behind her spectacles.
"The wife is picking up vegetables, wow! And what does the husband do?"
"I will cook the breakfast.."
"You guys just don't look like the perfect couple. You are the perfect couple. I am going to quote you as a real-life example to my clients who don't have time for their spouse."
By the time I made a coffee and sat with her for a chat, Meera returned from the market. Maithrei got on her feet and greeted her. Meera expressed her surprise, while Maithrei again complimented us for being a perfect couple. Her flattery by this time made me think she was not there for any invitation but a personal need. I waited patiently while the women talked.
Eventually, she conveyed the real intention of her visit.
She wanted me to talk to Desai.
The construction of the building which had Desai's partnership had neared its completion. But the list of issues to be tackled to finish the work and turn it into a profitable venture had been piling up for the last few months. Her husband was stuck in his own ventures and he was unable to spend his energy and time on this. The building under construction was the first project Maithrei was actively involved with. And the encouragement to step into it had come from none other than Susheel Desai. His departure had left Maithrei in a sense of personal embarrassment.
"I have tried to get him back. But he maintains that he's done with this city. He advised me to find another partner, but I can't. I am not a businesswoman. I'm a psychologist whose clients are patients, not investors. I have few options to look forward to. I know you are close to Desai. I bet you are more aware than me about his change of heart. If it's for good, then it's okay. I don't want to stop him. But I want him to talk to me once and guide me. I want him to make a few phone calls. Or a couple of emails. Only you, in my opinion, can persuade him. Please."
I looked at Meera before I replied.
"Desai has told me he's settled down in his hometown. He doesn't want to come back. He has found peace there and he's enjoying it so much that he doesn't want to take even a one day trip back here. I think he has not only found something to love in Shimoga, but also found something to hate in Pune. And I'm unable to find what it exactly is, and so I won't be able to make him change his heart."
"I can understand. But I'm still betting on your friendship with him."
"I will talk to him if you want. There's no problem." I said. Meera looked at me but said nothing.
"I will be grateful then." Maithrei smiled. "I will be indebted to you in my lifetime."
Maithrei got up to leave. She politely refused Meera's invitation to have breakfast with us.
I accompanied Maithrei to the parking lot. She got in the car and asked me about my plan to find a new apartment. Apparently she had learnt about it from Meera. I said we were looking for one.
"My building's readiness depends on you. If everything goes in our way, I'll be happy to give you one apartment. You will have the power to choose your discount."
"You speak like a businesswoman," I remarked, standing very close to the window.
"I'm pretending to be." She grabbed my hand. "You can feel my nervousness." Her soft hand didn't tell me anything about her nervousness. From my height, I could see her cleavage. For a second I imagined her nude body in bed. I saw her breasts dancing in sync with the shaking of the bed. Her crying face flashed in my mind. Her eyes were fixed on a person lying atop her, pushing his manhood deep into her pussy.
"Krish, you once told me you are the only one among Desai's friends with whom he shares about his sleeping partners. The other day when you saw me at his house, I was angry with him. I am not a woman like that. Desai is the only man I have been with, other than my husband, for a long long time. When I got furious, Desai told me a bit about you. He said he trusted you a lot. He told me he had casually asked you about me, like if you had anything in your mind. I questioned his audacity to offer me to his friend. He thought you surely liked me, but you were not willing to cross the line. And that's the reason he trusted you. I calmed down and my respect for you has been high since then. I... I didn't come to tell you this, but after seeing Meera and seeing how lucky she is to have you, I am slightly envious. I have studied the mental characteristics of human beings but this conversation makes me feel I haven't learnt enough. Can we...uh... I mean, can we be friends?"
Her voice was getting softer with each sentence she spoke. She was getting nervous due to awkwardness. But she spoke beautifully, I felt. I took a moment to voice my reply.
"We are friends, aren't we?"
She tried to smile and swallowed.
"What kind of friend are you looking for?" I asked again.
"I have no intention to insult your righteousness. Neither I am trying to buy you. But I don't think I will get a chance to speak my heart. I can't explain what kinda friendship I am looking for, because I'll end up talking dirty. But I exactly mean that, along with other things."
I freed my palm from her hands, like a reflex. My reaction immediately made her sense that her proposal was backfired.
"I am sorry, Krish if I hurt you. I am not trying to buy you. I have huge respect for you. I told you I know what you told Desai but I am simply conveying my change of heart."
"I think too much is on offer," I blurted. "I am getting laid for just talking to a man?"
I thought she would get my sarcasm but she didn't.
"I want you to not just talk to Desai. I want you to convince him to help me." She said.
"Well, I am sorry then. I might not be able to do it. I would rather enjoy your respect for me. Let's stay the acquaintances that we are." I said and walked back. I felt I was going to talk to Desai for I was going to help Maithrei genuinely. But her indecent proposal had forced me to behave egoistically.
Meera asked me why I took so long to return. I told her only half of Maithrei's offer.
"She said if I helped her, we can have an apartment in her building."
"For free?" Meera's eyes widened.
"Not free," I smiled. "But with heavy discount."
Meera fell silent for some time and then shook her head, "it's a wonderful offer."
I was surprised.
"Are you serious? Do you think I should talk to Desai?"
"Why not?"
"Are you not happy that he's gone from our lives?"
"Who's asking you to bring him back? You only need to tell him to talk to Maithrei and finish the business with her."
"No. I am not going to talk to him."
I said and sat on the couch, looking away from her.
Meera sat with me and kept her palm on my shoulder. "Are you afraid of him?"
"Why should I be afraid of him?" I was getting nervous for an unknown reason. "I just don't think he will listen to me. He must be trying to move away from us, from all of this."
"Just one call, Krish. I have seen that apartment complex. It is a great offer. Thankfully, we have the money and with a nice discount, we'll be having a nice investment there. This is the opportunity we've been searching for. We'll have money and we'll own a good apartment. There won't be any worries. Don't you want to settle down? You promised me we'll soon be settling down. We'll have babies. You were serious when you told me those things, weren't you?"
I looked at her.
"I was serious, Meera."
"Then talk to him."
"Talking is not enough. I need to convince him."
"You should give it a try. I will also talk to him if you want me to."
Her suggestion put me on alert.
"That won't be needed. I'll talk to him." I said.
I phoned Desai after some time. He was as surprised as the previous time. "How are you doing, Krish? And how is Meera doing?" His voice was pleasant. I could tell he was happy with his life. For one second, I was unsure about asking him to come back to Pune.
"How are you doing, Desai?" My voice was unusually soft.
He said he was finding happiness in his hometown, with his family. His aged parents had finally believed that their son had returned to them and chosen to live with their family.
"Are you not coming back? Not even for business?"
"I am done with my Pune life. I've shifted my concentration toward investments near my hometown. The Pune stuff is being handled by my capable friends."
"Not all are capable," I said. "You've left Maithrei in the middle of a crisis."
"Did  she meet you?"
"We ran into each other in the land registrar office," I spoke about selling my old house but did not reveal Maithrei's offer. "She asked me if I know the reason behind your change of heart. She can't be blamed for that because she considers me your closest friend from whom you hide nothing."
"But for me, my friend, Maithrei is part of my life in Pune. I have detached myself from that part of my life. It was a big decision from my side. I cannot go back."
Desai's firm reply was enough to stop the conversation from my side.
Meera was sitting right next to me, paying close attention to catch Desai's voice from the other side of the phone. I signalled 'what's now' at her and she held out her palm.
"Let me talk to him," she whispered.
I hid my surprise as I handed her the phone.
Meera took a deep breath before she brought it onto her ear. "Desai, you told me I am the reason for your change. You told me you'd be grateful to me for this. But I can't be the reason for someone's misery. Dr Maithrei is struggling with a project that you inspired her to launch. I am not asking you to go back to what you'd done with her in your bedroom. I am asking you to meet her at least once. In broad daylight in a public place. Make a few phone calls. A couple of emails. You can do that, can't you?"
There was total silence from the other side.
"Desai?" Meera said.
"Meera," I heard Desai's reply from the other side. "You are right. You can't be the reason for someone's misery. If it happens there's no point in saying I'm grateful to you. Convey my apologies to Krish. Tell him I'll do it."
Meera's eyes shone in bewilderment. I could not believe that just a couple of words from Meera had forced him to change his tough stance.
"I will tell him, Desai. And thank you for listening to me."
"I will always listen to you, Meera."
Meera laughed in happiness when she ended the phone call.
"He's a changed man, truly. And we've changed him."
She opined. I was absolutely doubtless about that.
But one thing I learnt that day. Meera's perception of Desai had changed completely. It was visible from the confident manner in which she spoke to him.  I wondered how she's going to welcome him, in case Desai came back.
With a beautiful smile? With a warm hug? Or with a secret sense of happiness?
The thought left me restless, despite my attempt to remain calm.

For the rest of the day, we didn't speak a word about Desai. Perhaps we both were thinking too much about him but were too scared to admit it to each other.
In the night when we made love, I was energetic. I could not stop thinking about Desai. I saw Desai slowly pushing his dick into Meera, making her moan in pleasure. I looked into her eyes and saw the stars in them, which I felt were shining at Desai.
"It feels great, baby...." I whispered to her, and I heard my voice echoing as that of Desai.
Meera's moans were nonstop. They became a scream before it all came to a halt.
I don't know when I fell asleep that night. But I remember a dream I saw in the morning.

It was a wild dream in which I saw Meera and Desai were making out passionately. They were in my bed, their arms twisting and wrapping around each other like snakes. The light was inadequate. The quilt moved along with the movement of their bodies. My eyes were fixed on the scene to make out what exactly they were doing. It took me a little bit of time before I noticed his hip was moving up and down, and Meera was getting fucked in a slow rhythm.
I was hiding behind the curtain in the same room, hoping that they would not see me.
But my phone began ringing suddenly, making me panic. I hurriedly reached for my phone and managed to switch it off. However, the ringing continued. The screen was dead, yet it was still ringing. I was helpless and was further shocked to see that Desai was still fucking my wife in the bed, ignoring the phone's ringing, or ignoring me. As if they were lost in their own world of pleasure.
That's when I woke up and it was early in the morning.
I heard the ringing again, and it took me a second to realise that it was the doorbell.
I looked at Meera; she was sleeping peacefully right next to me.
I grabbed my t-shirt and wobbled toward the front door while trying to put it on. I opened the door half-awake and saw Desai standing there.
For once I wondered if I was still dreaming.

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Chapter-1 - by krish_999 - 10-10-2020, 04:53 AM
RE: Chapter-1 - by Givemeextra - 10-10-2020, 11:00 AM
Chapter - 2 - by krish_999 - 17-10-2020, 01:04 AM
Chapter - 3 - by krish_999 - 23-10-2020, 11:52 PM
Chapter-5 - by krish_999 - 04-11-2020, 11:47 PM
Chapter - Six - by krish_999 - 12-11-2020, 07:57 PM
Chapter-7 - by krish_999 - 19-11-2020, 07:11 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 24-11-2020, 04:15 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 25-11-2020, 11:45 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 10:00 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 11:05 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by krish_999 - 17-01-2022, 04:38 PM

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