Misc. Erotica Few erotic (non porn) stories from other sites.
A Tempestuous Night at Havelock
(A rising lady executive surrenders to her boss.)
By: Ratika

When I had joined as a junior officer in a renowned MNC at the age of 26, I had no idea a lady can go up in her career in a world till then surrounded by males. In fact, when I was first posted in HR function, I was the second lady officer in the entire HR team of the company and after a year when I was transferred with a promotion to Business Development group of the company, I was the lone lady officer in the group.

Today at the age of 41, almost after 15 years of joining my job, I am in the upper echelon of HR & BD functions, when even the top brass of the company consults me before taking any decision.

My parents had arranged my wedding within six months of my joining the service. My husband, Sushant, was then 30 and he was then a Deputy Finance Manager of a public sector undertaking.

At that age, I was just an average looking girl and my presence never created any special sensation in males. Rather I was frail and my skinny appearance made me look darker than I actually was.

As I was from a conservative middle class family, I had no experience of sex before marriage. However, as nuptial life started with Sushant, I learnt to enjoy the pleasures of sex. In fact, after our marriage, my husband taught me like a good friend, what sexual delights were and how it could help to achieve new heights of intimacy between two partners.

With Sushant sex became a work of art for us with such virility and passion that if we did not mate for two consecutive days, on the third day I would complain seductively about his lack of love for me and Sushant knew what I was after and he would make love to me and made me to withdraw my complain about lack of love before we hugged each other in orgasm.

Despite stresses of career, happy married life began to leave its mark on my body; I started gaining weight, my complexion looked brighter. I joined a gym to maintain my health and on our second anniversary I was no longer the skinny dark woman. My muscles were toned and well shaped, my facial appearance was remarkably bright. But what delighted Sushant was my thin waist but my 34C boobs and 36" buttocks.

At the age of 28, I gave birth to our son and also got a promotion in my job in the same year. Sushant teased me for the "double promotion" but he was more careful than me that in the stress of workplace, baby and domestic works, I should not lose the shape and figure that I had developed after marriage. So he arranged a babysitter for our son, one domestic hand and in addition, he convinced my mom and my mother-in-law to stay with us alternately for six months in a year till our son starts going to school.

Sushant once told me during love making that he appreciated my physical beauty that grew much after marriage and wanted me to maintain the same. He was too concerned about physical fitness. So despite a busy schedule, we both regularly visited gym and swimming club to maintain our shapes and figures. I had also started observing that earlier while I was skinny, people who didn't notice me, started doing the same and in the glances of many of them I noticed appreciation, admiration and even desires. As a lady, I enjoyed it very much since previously as an average skinny woman I never experienced this.

In December 2009, our Company organized a workshop on HR and B&D for the younger executives of the company across the country in which out of 336 odd participants, I was adjudged to be the best both in HR and B&D. Sushant was so happy and jubilant at the news that he booked a dinner and night stay in a very cosy resort for four of us.

After the dinner was over, my mother-in-law and our son retired to their bedroom. I and Sushant went to the private swimming pool of the resort to burn the calories we took in the dinner. We swam for about an hour and at around 10.30 when we returned to our room, we looked at each other with lust in our eyes and went to bed for a vigorous love making.

The resort where we stayed offered complimentary breakfast. In the following morning while we were in the buffet breakfast, someone called me by name. I was surprised to see one of the faculties of our workshop there. He was Mr. Sareen, one of the Corporate General Managers of our company. He told us that five faculties were lodged at that resort previous night. Of them, four had already checked out and he was too check out soon.

I introduced Mr. Sareen to Sushant, his mother. Mr. Sareen appreciated me and then wanted to know, "Who threw the treat? You or Sushant? I guess I know the occasion."

I smiled. The resort was mainly meant for honeymoon couples and those like Mr. Sareen, who stay as Corporate guests. It was obvious why we should have been there. But my mother-in-law was smarter, she said, "Actually I threw the party in honour of my daughter-in-law. In my young days I wanted to study like her but my parents married me off at the age of 20."

Mr. Sareen highly appreciated my mother-in-law for her attitude and told me, "You're lucky to have such a mother-in-law."

I also always admitted it and so I did to Mr. Sareen. However, Mr. Sareen's sparkling glances and the smile on his lips clearly indicated that whatever my mother-in-law might say, he knew that we were in the resort for love making. But I pretended not to bother whatever he might think. After all, I was in the resort with my husband and other family members.

In December 2011 a business conclave of selected high profile HR and BD professionals was hoisted by our Company at Port Blair and I was given the task of organising and supervising the entire Conclave. It was a three days' program. But I had to arrive at Port Blair two days in advance to oversee that everything was organized nicely and there were no lapses.

At home my mother-in-law was not feeling well due to cold. So it was not proper to leave our son to her care. So I called my mother to stay with my son and mother-in-law. Sushant decided to take a week's leave to help two aged ladies at home during my absence.

The conclave was up to expectations of the authority. I felt that all the pains I took to make it successful was worth it. There were about 35 participants from all over the country and everyone highly appreciated the way everything was organised and the way I managed transportation for the participants whenever they wanted to visit some tourist spots during the recess hours.

On the concluding day, as the Conclave was about to end, I was waiting outside at my make shift Liaison Office when an attendant came and informed me that I was urgently called inside. For a moment I was tensed if anything had gone wrong. The conclave was too high level for a junior like me to be called inside except to censure for some lapses.

Once I entered inside the auditorium, I was asked to be on the stage. Once there, one of the CGMs of our company came to podium and smiling at me, he addressed the audience introducing me by name and my profile. Then what he was telling was unbelievable to my ears. He was announcing, "...has organised it all by herself, leaving her family in the distant mainland. The participants take note of her dedication and outstanding performance in seamlessly organising the Conclave and recommend to the authority for out of turn promotion."

The auditorium was filled with applauses. I was trying to control my tears of delight and gratefulness. Mr. Sareen, who was also present in the Conclave, came to podium and declared on behalf of the management that the authority would certainly consider the recommendation and wished me all the best for future and requested me to say something. I was so overwhelmed that I just thanked all and assured to give my best always to the company.

Most of the participants were scheduled to leave by mid day. Mr. Sareen was supposed to leave a day after for Kolkata and I was to take flight to Chennai the same day. Mr. Sareen came to my office and smilingly said, "Had you been at home, for today's good news, your mother-in-law would have given you and Sushant another treat at some resort."

Mr. Sareen's words were very suggestive reminding me where he saw us. I pretended not to understand what he tried to mean and simply said, "Yeah, she would have even danced at the news".

Once the guests left the venue, I rang Sushant and informed him how I was recommended for the out of turn promotion for managing the Conclave all by myself. Sushant was extremely happy and with a naughty whispering voice said, "Get ready for another treat in the same resort."

I shamelessly replied, "For you, I am always ready. But I'm afraid, after a week's starvation the tiger and the tigress might devour each other so badly that we may not face our moms next day."

Sushant laughed and said, "We'll make it a program for 2 or 3 days so that the tigress and tiger can take some rest."

"Ok, as you wish." I replied and hung up.

I then rang my mom and mother-in-law to inform them of my promotion. Both were extremely happy and promised special treats on my return. That afternoon, Mr. Sareen rang from his hotel and suggested that since we were both free the following day, he was thinking of a trip to Havelock island about 70 km from Port Blair. He said that we should start early morning next day by Macruz and return to Port Blair by evening. I told Mr. Sareen that I would let him know.

I decided to talk to Sushant. Somewhere my intuition warned me about Mr. Sareen. When I talked to Sushant, he told me not to miss the opportunity of visiting the exotic beaches of Havelock. Sushant had been to Havelock with his friends before our marriage. When I told him my reservation about Mr. Sareen, Sushant laughed and said, "There will be about 300 plus passengers in the Macruz and you will be travelling by hired car once in Havelock since you would return by evening. He is not going to eat you. I don't force you, but wish you enjoy to travel to Havelock by Macruz, which is covered with glass and you can watch the beauty of the sea from inside. It is like a submarine."

After talking for about twenty minutes, Sushant convinced me to visit Havelock. I informed Mr. Sareen that I would like to travel to Havelock. Next morning we started and reached Havelock by 10 AM. Traveling in Macruz was really wonderful giving you the impression of being onboard a flght in water. Mr. Sareen had arranged a hired car for us at Havelock that would take us to Kalapathar, Radhanagar and Neil's Cove beaches and drop us at the jetty around 2.30 PM. Our return tickets were already booked.

At around 1 PM when we were at Radhanagar beach, the sky became dark and cloudy in preparation of rainfall, heavy winds began to blow making it impossible even to hold a disposable cup of tea and the waves were rising high. People in the beach were alerted to be inside, Macruz services were closed and tourists who intended to return were stranded. A depression in Bay of Bengal had cut Havelock from the rest of the world.

Realising that returning to Port Blair was impossible till the storm subsided, we asked our hired cab to find a hotel for us. Unfortunately, most of the tourists, who usually visit Havelock to spend a night or two, had already booked hotel rooms and many tourists who were supposed to check out, could not do so. We did not find rooms in any hotel.

Finally, in a remote coastline locality our driver located cottage type accommodation. But only one cottage was available. The room was bigger and well furnished with two separate beds in the same room. Finding no other alternative, we booked the only cottage that was available though I was very upset to have to spend the night in the same room with Mr. Sareen. But there was no option. The wind outside had taken devastating form. It was already raining torrentially.

Since we were supposed to return in the evening, I did not bring any spare clothes, not even my make up accessories. Luckily, my tooth brush, tooth paste, comb and a small mirror were in my handbag. But I felt very uncomfortable because my habit was to change my dress at bed time and put on cleanly washed clothes particularly the undergarments. There were no such shops to buy clothes. Still at my request the cab driver took me to a street side shop. Nothing was there of my choice. Still as an emergency measure I bought a pair of bra and panty and a pair of salwar suit at exorbitantly high price for the night. In view of the tourists stranded, the prices were doubled, knowing the compulsion.

Mr. Sareen was expressionless but his silence indicated that he too was stressed. Indeed it was very embarrassing for both of us to have got stranded. At least, if we had got two separate hotel rooms it would have been more normal. Except being known to each other as colleagues we two were strangers to each other and it was very awkward for both of us to share a room for night stay. I talked to the owner for another room but he regretted telling that all other cottages were occupied.

Once inside the cottage, I found it very clean and artistically furnished. The toilet was clean. Mr. Sareen regretted that he did not imagine that the trip would turn out to be so problematic for us. I nodded with a sullen smile.

In the meantime, the news spread about the severe depression in Bay of Bengal, cyclonic storm sweeping over Andamans, tourists being stranded at Havelock etc. Both me and Sushant were trying to reach each other frantically over phone. But mobile networks were down. At around 8 in the evening, I got connected to Sushant over phone. But the lines were disturbing. All that I could communicate was that we were safe and stranded at Havelock. Sushant wanted to know if we have got hotel rooms. I replied in affirmative to have managed accommodation but suppressed the fact that I was sharing the same cottage room with Mr. Sareen. I was ashamed to tell this to Sushant and felt that it would sound blatantly offensive.

Mr. Sareen, who was in the room, listened as I had telephonic conversation with Sushant. After the call ended, Mr. Sareen said, "You did it better not to tell him that we're sharing the same room. In our society, just that sharing same room would send wrong meanings and it is particularly offensive to tell a husband."

I didn't reply but appreciated that at least Mr. Sareen understood my dilemma. I tried to catch up the weather report in TV and so put on a local news channel. It was predicted that the weather was likely to be clear after next 48 hours. I was shocked to imagine that for two more nights I would have to stay in the cottage on sharing basis. In the meantime, the inhabitants of Havelock were being advised by the authority to keep sufficient mineral water and food items in stock since the island would remain cut off from the rest of the world for two more days. Both me and Mr. Sareen were sullen to know that we were stranded at least for two more days.

At around 9.30, the waiter called us for dinner. Perhaps I looked too gloomy at the embarrassing stranded life, thinking about my son and family members at home. Before going to the dining room for dinner, Mr. Sareen said to me, "You look too worried at this situation. I hope at least this one will cheer up your spirit a bit."

And he handed over to me an envelope. I took it, opened the same and found it my out of turn promotion letter neatly typed and signed on Company's pad and appreciating my contribution to the work. I smiled at Mr. Sareen and thanked him heartily.

We went to have our dinner. Despite the foul weather very sumptuous dinner was served. It was a big campus with six cottages. But strangely, in the dining hall only we two were taking the meals. When I asked the waiter about other guests, he replied that some of them had already taken their dinner and others preferred room service. After the dinner was over, Mr. Sareen stayed back at the dining hall and said to me, "I have the habit of mild walking after dinner. Since it is raining outside I will walk for sometime in the hall. You go to room and make yourself comfortable."

I liked his decision because I felt odd to appear before him in another set of dress, which I had bought for changing the dress I was wearing day long at bedtime. So I went to the cottage, locked the door from inside and went to toilet to change. I thoroughly washed myself, switched to the new undergarments and dress and put the dress I was wearing so long in my hand bag. I felt refreshed for the first time. I came back from the toilet, unlocked the cottage door for Mr. Sareen to enter and went to bed. After about fifteen minutes, I heard him asking from outside, "May I come in?"

"Yes Sir," I responded and felt assured at his sense of courtesy to ask before entering.

Mr. Sareen came in and brought out a pair of trousers from his briefcase and went to toilet ti change. Suddenly, it struck my mind why for half day's trip did he bring trousers. Was his stay at Havelock pre-planned? But then I recalled that the depression and the resultant cyclonic storm was not a plan of Mr. Sareen. I scolded myself for my carelessness not to have kept certain basic things in my handbag whereas even though a male, Mr. Sareen had carried an extra pair of dress in his briefcase.

As I was wondering all these, I felt a bit nervous to see Mr. Sareen coming out of toilet wearing a navy blue trousers and vests. He was in his mid- fifties and had a great muscular body as I could watch through indrect glances. My mind raced suddenly without any reason as to what would happen if a stout and strong man like him force me. To relieve my nervousness I decided to talk to Sushant.

Fortunately, the call got connected at first attempt. I enquired about our son, whether they all had dinner, health of my mom and mother-in-law, and then informed him that my dinner was over and was going to sleep. Naturally, Sushant thought I was alone in the room and started talking naughty as to how he was missing my nude body beside him, how he would compensate me once I was back to home, what I should do to please him. I was blushing and feeling that some words might be heard by Mr. Sareen, I was continuously reducing the volume of my handset and on my part I was replying only in "Yes" or "No". Sushant enquired why I was giving brief replies and asked jokingly, "Is your old boss still standing before you watching my young beautiful wife?"

I stammered to tell the lie, "No, no. Actually I'm very exhausted and feeling sleepy after day's journey."

Sushant and I wished each other good night. Sushant kissed at the other end to which I had to respond with a suppressed kiss and disconnected. I tried to watch Mr. Sareen from the side of my eyes if he was listening to our conversation. He seemed to be engrossed in his laptop. I wished him good night and tried to sleep though I was feeling uncomfortable to sleep in the same room.

Mr. Sareen also wished me good night but then said cunningly, "Why good? We can together make it best if you come to my bed or I go to your bed."

I was shocked and sternly said, "Sir, I don't like this kind of jokes."

"I'm serious baby," Mr. Sareen said, "Not joking at all. More you please me, more promotions I will shower on you. You should take care of your career."

Angrily I retorted, "I'm not that kind of woman. I can build my career by my performance..."

He did not allow me to finish and said, "Yeah, it is your performance on bed that I want to see tonight. You have a nice figure. I noticed it the first day I met you. Your husband also said something over phone about his wishes to fuck you, isn't it? Actually you have a glamorous sexy figure"

I bursted out in anger, "He can wish because he is my husband. Don't think that I am a whore and you can lure me with promotons. You can take away the letter you gave me."

With cold eyes of a viper Mr. Sareen looked at me and said, "But I want you to be my whore tonight and I am not in habit of tolerating refusal from my sub-ordinates."

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