Misc. Erotica Few erotic (non porn) stories from other sites.
A Love Story
(A love story about overcoming complex odds...)

By: MohanSingh

I was walking back from the hospital to my apartment. I had recently qualified as a doctor and now I was working all hours of the day.

It is every parents dream that their child becomes a doctor but they never think of the work that goes into being a doctor. There was a routine that came with people working 9-5 but being a doctor meant working crazy hours.

I had just finished a 20 hour shift and I was walking to my apartment which was a couple of blocks away from the hospital. As I walked along the dark streets lit by street lamps I had this unnerving sense that I was being followed. My body was telling me something was not right but every time I looked around I saw nothing out of the ordinary.

The night was filled with extraordinary highs and heartbreaking lows. I had saved the life of a man that was bleeding out from a gunshot wound. Saving a life is the ultimate win for a doctor but it soon becomes just part of the job. Tonight a patient came in suffering from a heart attack. I tried everything but unfortunately his frail condition meant there was nothing more I could do. The heartbreaking part is talking to the families and breaking the news.

As I reached my apartment that unnerving feeling did not leave me. I finally got into bed and I rolled around just feeling the sheets and the comfort of the bed. After a long shift there was nothing better than this. I had to be up in 8 hours as my next shift started before I could really relax. There were days where I did not even get time to eat as I was constantly doing rounds.

The next few days I had that similar feeling that someone was following me. I was talking to Imran who was the Senior Consultant and he said, "Sangheeta you really should buy a car. The hospital is where we work but it is not a nice part of town."

He was my senior and he was guiding me through on my journey. He had climbed up quickly and I only estimated he was late 20's or early 30's. I thought about buying a car but I did not like spending money on myself as I was sending money back to my mother in India. My mother was a widow and our father had left us penniless. My mother had sold her jeweler and property to send me to study abroad so I would not have to live her life. I have ever since been sending her money to try and repay her.

On my next shift Imran asked me if I had bought a car but I told him, "I cannot afford to spend money on luxuries. My mother is not well and I need to send whatever money I make to look after. She sacrificed a lot for me. Selling anything she could to send me to study. Now I must pay her back."

I was getting emotional and he put his hand on my shoulder, "What about your father?"

I told him, "I never met my father. He died before I was born."

He squeezed my shoulder and pulled me into a much needed embrace. I struggled to connect with people and my long hours meant I could not socialize much or meet friends. My social life was orientated around work and it was the only place I interacted with people.

I was sharing the apartment with Ashanti but I rarely saw her as we lived separate lives. She was a lawyer and had a regular routine but I worked at all hours of the day.

I had that same feeling on my walk home of being followed but I could not see anyone and I put it down to my own paranoia. It still made me feel uneasy and I called my mother to try and distract myself. It was always difficult to call my mother due to the time difference and I would try to make time on the way back from work or during a break.

The next day at work I was watching over a patient with a broken arm when Imran called me into his office. We had a friendly relationship but he was also my supervisor and there was always a concern that he may have an issue with my work. He said, "I have beam thinking of what you said yesterday and I want to help you. It is just a small gesture."

He slid across his desk a set of car keys. I looked at him a little confused, "What is this?"

He seemed concerned, "I don't want you to feel unsafe working here. It is nothing special. Just something to get you home and to work."

I was never one to accept charity, "I cannot take this. I just feel uncomfortable with such a gift."

He put his hand over mine and said, "Sangheeta, I am not some stranger, you are my friend and I want to look after you."

I knew I should not accept as I was taking advantage of his generosity but I had been feeling unsafe recently and reluctantly agreed, "Thank you so much. I promise I will pay you back once I qualify."

Imran showed me how the car works as it was slightly different to the car I had trained on. I felt a lot more comfortable driving around and it also saved me a lot of time that I spent walking or waiting for a bus.

Shanti asked me about the car, "Are you driving a car now? You never told me."

I did not think of it being a big deal, "A friend gave it to me at work after I told him about my troubles getting to and from work."

Shanti seemed concerned, "A friend? That is $20,000 car. No friend simply buys a car that expensive. Are you dating someone?"

She joined me on the couch as she came in from the open plan kitchen. I was shocked at the cost, "I did not know the cost. It was Imran. We are just friends and he is my supervisor."

Shanti looked worried and went into overprotective mode, "No one gives a gift that expensive without expecting something in return. You are free Friday night right? I want to meet this Imran and understand his intentions."

I had a rare Friday off, "I am free this Friday but Imran is just nice."

She slapped my leg and said, "That is final. Invite him to a party on Friday and I will invite some friends."

The next day at work I asked Imran, "You did not tell me the car was so expensive. I feel so silly that the car is so expensive."

He seemed oblivious that the cost would be an issue, "It was my spare car. I am sorry I did not think about the price. I had a spare car and you needed a car. I can be silly sometimes and not think about money in the same way as others."

I would never be able to pay that, "I can never pay back that amount to you. I don't want to keep it."

He came around and put his hand on my arm, "I don't want you to pay me for it. Keep it for as long as you need it. Return it when you don't need it and you buy your own. Friends help each other and money should not be a problem between friends."

He was just being a friend and I was letting Shanti get into my head, "Ok. I am sorry for being silly. My flat mate is having a small party. I would like it if you also came as I will not have many friends there."

He agreed to come but he would be late as his shift finished in the evening. I said that would be fine and we would wait for him.

The party started at 8.00 but he turned up at 10.00 still in his scrubs. Shanti had invited a lot of her friends but they were all girls. I never felt comfortable around them and they were a bitchy crowd. But as Imran entered I saw their reaction and they all looked over asking the same or similar question;

"Who is he?" "Is he Shanti's new beau?" "A doctor. He can give me a checkup anytime." "Do they make doctors that hot?"

He was like a lamb coming into a den of lions but in the crowd he spotted me and waved at me. I felt slightly embarrassed as the girls turned their attention to me in a surprised and envious manner. I had never seen Imran in this way before and it made me see him for the first time as a desirable male partner.

Shanti came over and introduced him and gave me a little wink as she did so. She was clutching his bicep as she did so and I cringed inside. I had never seen Imran in any sexual way before and a part of me was confused why the girls found him so hot. He gave me a bemused smile as he shrugged his shoulders as to say what have you invited me to.

Shanti quickly dragged him to the kitchen as I mingled with the other girls. I could hear snippets of their conversation and the questions. She was interrogating him like he was on the witness stand;

"What are your intentions?" "Why did you buy her the car?" "What do your parents do?" "How old are you?" "Where are your parents from?"

He was being patient and seemed to answer all of her questions. I had to rescue him from Shanti; she could be a demon if she ever got you one on one. She always had to interrogate all of my friends.

I walked over to the kitchen, "Imran have you been offered a drink?"

He shook his head no. Almost too afraid to speak. I poured him a glass of wine and topped my own as I said, "Let me show you the rest of the apartment."

I took him away from Ashanti and I began to show him around. He said, "I am really sorry I did not change. I finished up late and before I knew it, it was already 10 and I rushed over not wanting to let you down."

As the girls seemed to be distracted I ducked into my room with him. We sat on the floor leaning against the bed, "Don't worry about that. You look nice. I am sorry about all this. Shanti wanted to meet you after you bought me the car. I told her it was so silly."

He laughed, "I thought she was writing my autobiography she asked me so many questions. I told her we are friends and I care about you. Which girls were your friends?"

I laughed at his little joke, "She can be intense but it is from a good place. I hope you were unscathed. They were all girls I met through Shanti. You were the only one I invited."

I was getting a little drunk as I had a few glasses of wine and I was leaning my head on his shoulder as I said, "I really like spending time with you."

I turned his face to face me and I felt him caress my cheek. Our eyes were locked and I felt this warmth radiate through me. I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me. I swallowed the saliva in my mouth and leaned in the final distance to kiss him. Our lips touched tenderly and that warm feeling began to grow inside me. Was this love?

I used my tongue to swirl his tongue as I felt something overtake me. An urgent need was overtaking me and I climbed on top of him feeling his hardness beneath me.

All of a sudden there was knocking on the door, "Sandra, the girls are leaving."

I was sick of people getting my name wrong so when I was in groups including white people I would always call myself Sandra.

Our kiss broke off due to the sudden intrusion and I climbed off Imran. I saw that the drinks had spilled over the floor in our intensity. Imran looked at me forlornly and I kissed him once more and ran my hands through his curly hair.

It was the first time I was seeing in this way and I was already in love with him.

We then got up, "Sorry Shanti. We are coming now."

Imran then looked at me with a smirk, "Sandra?"

We both burst out laughing and I tried to explain, "You know people cannot say names if it is more than 2 syllables."

He just shook his head and Shanti was standing at the door looking like a judgmental mother, "What have you two been doing?"

I knew Shanti would not approve after all that car business, "We were just having a quiet drink and talking about work."

She looked at me questioningly, "A party is not the place for a quiet drink."

Imran then interjected, "I have the early shift tomorrow. I need to get home and sober up."

He leaned in for a kiss but saw me give eyes to Shanti and he changed it to a hug. He also hugged Shanti and said, "See you soon."

After Imran and the girls had left Shanti began her inquisition and I told her we only had a quiet drink and that is when her forensic analysis began, "Why was the wine spilled on the floor? Don't think I didn't notice that his lips resembled a similar shade to yours by the end."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, "Don't be a judgmental bitch. You always do this with boys I like. You make me feel guilty. We kissed and I wished we did more."

She looked at me with a sly smirk, "More?"

She knew how to get a rise out of me, "It is not like that. I don't know why I never saw it before. He is sweet and funny. We are on the same page with everything. He really cares about me also and I have never had that from a boy before."

She was then tapping away on her phone and shoved the screen in my face, "These are his parents."

It was an article about a ground breaking cardiovascular surgeon and his doctor wife. I looked at her slightly perplexed, "Why is that a bad thing?"

She looked up in annoyance, "Why do you think he has a spare car worth over $20,000 dollars and he handed it to you on a whim? They are multi millionaires if not even richer. You come from a lower middle class family at best in India. Do you think they will accept some village girl from India as their new daughter in law?"

She really liked to push my buttons, "I am not some village girl. I am a doctor or will be at the end of this year. Who is talking about marriage? We just kissed and I like him. You always talk this nonsense."

She was not backing down, "What about your mother? Do you think she will be happy for your to marry a '. boy?"

I was too angry at hearing this, "Just shut up. No more of this nonsense. I need to clean the wine from my room."

She looked at me with another smile at the mention of the spilt wine and I just walked away to get started. A few minutes later she joined me and began scrubbing the wine, "I am sorry. I worry about you. You know I do it because I care."

We just hugged it out as we usually did. It was not our first argument and it would not be our last, it was just her nature to question everything.

We cleaned up and I went to bed. Shanti could be a pessimistic but she also gave me some things to think about it. I was working on a different shift pattern all week and I did not see Imran until the following week as we worked the same shift. It was a busy night and I did not come across Imran. The night had slowed down and I was walking back to check the outstanding jobs when I felt someone pull me into an empty room.

I was initially startled and alarmed but when I looked up it was Imran. My senses were aroused already by his sudden accosting of me and upon seeing I had an instinctive reaction as all of a sudden all those emotions from the other night came flooding back. I hungrily kissed him as he lifted me with ease. It was the first time I realized how strong he was as he lifted me and I wrapped my legs around. I could feel his hardness press against my mound as I hungrily swallowed his tongue.

I had never needed anyone this much in my life. I had never felt this way about anyone before. His hands came under me and I felt him squeeze my ass as we intertwined our tongues. I was so hot and I had not taken a breath in minutes as our kissing intensified. He then took me to the bed and let me down gently as we broke our kiss. He pulled down my bottoms and began to kiss up my legs, I threw my head as I wondered if he was just teasing me or would he actually do it? I had never had a man between my legs in that way before. They only ever wanted sex and that was it.

I could feel his hot breath against my mound through my panties. I lurched forward in a hungry attempt to get more urgent contact. He pulled my panties to the side and I felt his hot wet tongue against my mound. I had to bite my hand to stop myself from moaning as his contact became more urgent and he began to kiss and suck on my folds. He was exploring me in a way no one had before and then I felt him direct his attention to my clit and he began to lick it gently.

My body began to involuntarily gyrate as my orgasm was coming ever closer. I could not make a sound as we could both be fired if we were discovered. He began to suck on my clit and I locked his head between my legs as I felt an orgasm overtake me. I let go and he massaged his neck as I worried I had injured him. But he seemed fine as he came up and kissed me. I hungrily kissed him back. He broke it off and said, "I don't know if it is too soon but I love you."

I felt something I had never felt before, "It isn't. I feel it too. I love you too."

We had to get back before we were discovered and we continued the shift as normal.

It was the end of my shift but before I finished I asked Imran, "Do you want to come to my place after work? Don't worry Shanti will not have any questions as she will be at work."

He smiled, "As long as there are no more questions."

As soon as we entered our apartment we tore each other's clothes off. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom as we left our clothes thrown all over the apartment. As soon as we got into bedroom he was on top of me kissing me but I stopped him, "You had your fun at the hospital. It is now my turn."

I turned him around so that I was on top of him. I could feel the contours of his muscles on his chest and abs and I felt an animal need inside me grow. How did I not notice such a beautiful man before?"

I began to kiss him but I soon began to kiss down his body savoring every moment. It was then that I found his hardness. I had only felt it through his scrubs before but now it was here before me and I could not help myself as I felt a need to please him. I had never done this before but I began to lick the head of his hardness. I could feel it sprout and grow as I took it into my mouth. I loved this new sensation and I loved I was having this reaction from him. I then began to lick the shaft up and down and licked all the way down to his testicles. I took them in to my mouth and gently suck on them as I brought myself back up and licked his hardness. I had made it all wet and soaked with my saliva when I climbed on top of him and I gently eased myself on it. It was a large size and I had never experienced one so big. I eased myself on to it and began to slowly rock gently back and forth as I tried to get my rhythm. Our eyes were locked and he mouthed, "I love you."

I began to build up my rhythm as I said, "Say it. I love hearing you say it."

He began to meet my rhythm with upwards thrusts as he said, "I love you Sangheeta. I have never felt this way before."

I found my rhythm and I was moving faster and faster on top of him. I pressed down on his chest for leverage as our love making intensified, "Oh Imran. I have never felt this love for someone before."

Our rhythm was in perfect sync and then I felt my orgasm within me like never before as I also felt him reach his climax. I lay on top of him and we shared a kiss as we both came down from our orgasms. I was playing with the hair on his chest as I asked, "Imran, how many relationships have you had before me?"

He gave me a smile as he said, "There have been other girls but I have never felt the way I do about you before. How about you?"

Would a number make me feel better? Was it enough to know I was special?

Shanti was in my head, "I have had two boyfriends in the past. One in India and one while I was studying here. What about you?"

His vague answer made me curious and I needed a number, "I had 3 relationships I would consider serious. One was a high school sweetheart, one in college but it was chaotic and one ended 6 months ago."

Why could he not just give me a number? What is serious and what is not serious?

I didn't want to seem like the crazy girlfriend. It was then I heard the door open to the apartment and I realized the time. I was so comfortable with Imran but now Shanti was back and she would see the evidence all over the apartment.

I quickly threw on a t shirt and panties and ran around the apartment picking up our clothes. I thought I had them all as Shanti walked in. She saw me with a bundle of clothes in my hands and had a smirk on her face, "Are you going to the Laundromat dressed like that?"

She could be such a bitch. She then walked over to the couch and said, "You missed a piece." She threw the pair of boxers that I missed at me.

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RE: Few erotic (non porn) stories from other sites. - by Blue Bull - 10-01-2022, 12:33 PM

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