Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III (Completed)
Chapter - Eighteen 

Desai showed up in my office exactly two hours after Meera's call. He sat in my cabin and spoke to me.

"Thank you, Krish. I knew how you'd decide. I thank you for deciding so quickly." His voice carried his enthusiasm.
I still did not want to accept how shaky was the ground under my feet.
"I only agreed for the lunch, Desai. Don't hope too much. You'll have your cash on Saturday."
Desai smiled.
"I know you are very excited about this. I came in person only to see that. It pleases me. It gives me confidence that I am not forcing you for anything. I would never hurt you, my friend. You are going to enjoy it."
"Your words are just going over my head. I'm not hearing you."
Desai smiled again, shaking his head slowly as if judging me.
"You know," He readjusted in his seat. "You are a player beyond my belief. You can read from your expression but I can't read your mind. Meera too isn't a simple woman. She has slept with people other than you and me. And you guys are playing with me. I am a mouse in your trap, ain't I?"
I was stunned. He had come prepared. I didn't know who was he talking about.
He's set in up another trap.
"You are already warming up for the Saturday. But you are not ready to tell me."
"What are you talking about, Desai?"
I asked.
"Leave it. Next Saturday Meera won't be safe. But don't worry, I've brought the pill already."
He kept something on the table. The pill. 'Unwanted 72', the label read.
A hundred questions popped in my head.
How did he know? Did Meera tell him?
"How do you know about this?" I asked with my shaky voice.
"I don't want to hide anything from you, Krish. I did a little cheating in the game.  I have kept a small recording device under your bed, I mean the gap between mattress and cot, near foot-side. I heard your conversation with Meera last night."
I was shocked. I stared at him with my sharp eyes as if to kill him with it.
"You are such a..." I couldn't finish as I heard a knock on the door. I kept silent as a staff came inside and left a brochure on the table. I waited until he left the room.
"You spied on us. How can you do this, Desai? You invaded my privacy. It's my office, otherwise, I would have thrown you away from the building."
"It is my last chance, Krish. I had to be sure I am not hurting you guys. I know it's wrong but I had no other choice."
"And what did you get?"
I asked, carrying my annoyance in the voice.
"I heard it all. You guys talking about me, and her experience with someone else, and her period cycle. And obviously, your lovemaking. It was great, Krish. I have to admit. I envy you. You made her cum in a few minutes. I wish I had half the skills you have."
"Stop buttering, Desai. You don't deserve to pretend like a gentleman."
"I enjoyed the sound of her moan and every word she spoke while making out. You know I was sitting in my car in your parking lot. I shagged right there, while I listened to those sounds."
I stared at him again.
"Why you were there? Are you stalking us? Come on, Desai! Get out of my office."
My voice rose as I forgot where I was.
"No, I didn't mean to stalk you. You know, even though I planted the device if I had to get the recording, I had to retrieve the device from your room. It was not possible. So I chose to listen live through my mobile which was already synced with the device. Only thing was that I had to remain in the range. That's why I stayed back in your parking lot."
"Why are you telling me all this? Why don't you leave it? Come to my parking every day and keep shagging every night." I said with disgust. "You should leave now, Desai. I can't bear you anymore."
"I used the cheeky trick only to ensure that I am not hurting you. I told you about the device because I want you to take out the device and destroy it before Meera finds out."
"What will happen if Meera finds out? She'll know about your disgusting character?"
"No, Krish. She'll learn about our meeting. I don't want her to know about it."
I was out of words for a few seconds.
"You are so cunning, and so manipulative, Desai. I know you won't quit ever."
Desai got up, "No, Krish. I will be gone from your life forever. After next Saturday."
Desai left soon. I could not leave my chair for a while.
The things that I spoke with Meera on the previous night came into my head. I had confessed that my sex life was improved after Desai's lecture at the restaurant. I had admitted being afraid of thinking about Desai's bulky body in Meera's bed.
However, more than what I had revealed, Meera's side of the conversation was more revelatory. She though had claimed she would have never considered sleeping with him immediately after the first one, she had provocatively added that she could have considered it. She had also accepted that Desai had given her a lot of pleasure.
And she had hinted about my cuckold history. She had even called me 'cucky hubby'.
And finally, and most importantly, she had made me admit having an erection when I thought of Desai with her.
What else does he need to confirm that I will be playing a passive role next Saturday?
I could not get over the thought for the whole day. By the end of the day, I was convinced of one thing. Only Meera had the power to defy Desai's devious plans.
Back at home I checked my bed and found the device. It was a voice recorder. I synced it with my mobile but there was no recording. I figured that Desai only used it to hear the live conversation.
Meera asked me about the Menu for Desai's lunch.
"There's one week left for it. Let's plan it later."
I said.
I wanted to stop thinking about it.
But the more I tried the more I become tensed about it. It was becoming a routine now.
The next morning I had an idea.
I synced my mobile phone with the voice recorder and hid it in Meera's handbag. I felt Desai would be desperate to talk to her and even Meet her to increase his chance of getting laid. He had already sensed that Meera was soft on him. I was sure he would attempt to strike when the iron was hot.
I went to my office as usual but took a day's off and proceeded to Meera's office. I did not forget to exchange my car with a colleague's.
I parked the car on the road and casually phoned Meera to ensure she was there. Her office wasn't in range with my mobile and thus I could not get any signal from the voice recorder.
It soon turned out to be a hard day for me as I had to remain in the car till I could sense some development. However, at around twelve, I got the sight I had been waiting for. I noticed Desai's car stopping in front of the office and after a while, Meera walked out of the front gate.
Desai had come to pick up Meera. And she hadn't called me to tell me about it.
My heart sank when I saw Meera having a small chat with him even before getting in the car. Meera was carrying the handbag, which gave me hope of spying on them effectively. I was feeling sad about Meera going with Desai without telling me but I was also thrilled by the fact that I would be hearing their conversation once they came in my mobile phone's range.
I followed Desai's car and the drive ended at a restaurant. I assumed he was taking Meera for lunch. The restaurant was different from the last one when he had taken her entire team for lunch.
As the duo went inside the restaurant I drove the car to the parking as close as possible to the building. I checked the mobile and found the device automatically resynced, as Meera was sitting in the range. My heart was already beating hard and I quickly connected the headphone.
I heard Meera's voice. She was reading from the food menu. They were going to have lunch.
I could hear the waiter's voice too, but less audible.
A moment later, I heard Desai's voice.
"Did you tell Krish about this lunch?"
"But you will tell him afterwards, don't you?"
"Yeah. I don't like to hide anything from him."
"Does he know the details of our old meeting?"
"Last time's lunch? Yes, I have told him."
"No, not that one. The old one."
There was a momentary gap before I heard Meera's reply.
"I've told him."
"But not word by word."
"It's not something you can share word by word."
"I mean you didn't tell him that it was enjoyable."
"How can you say that?"
There was a sense of surprise in Meera's voice.
"I felt so when we spoke about it."
"You spoke about it with him?"
"It came up randomly. He asked, actually. I was surprised, I mean a little scared - to be honest, Meera - that he would kick my ass. But I then figured out he was kinda excited to know."
I couldn't believe how blatantly Desai was trying to manipulate Meera.
"Excited? Krish?"
"Yeah. That's the expression he threw. I don't read people wrong normally."
"Yeah, I know you're so good in that."
Their conversation came to an abrupt halt as the waiter brought the food. I heard Meera thanking the waiter for the quick delivery. As they started having the food, they talked random stuff. I waited with bated breath.
I knew Desai would be dying to go back to the old subject.
My anticipation met with the result as Desai thanked Meera for inviting him for lunch at home.
"I still can't believe that I'll be having a home-cooked meal at your house."
"You surprised me one day. So why can't I do the same?"
I noticed that this time it was Meera who initiated the reference to the old fling.
"Returning the favour? Does it only involves home-cooked food?"
Desai was grabbing the opportunity with both hands.
"Desai, no...not now!"
Meera's reply was a sweet warning.
"Come on, Meera. Don't be harsh on me. You always avoid me talking to me."
"I am having lunch with you, mister."
"Then why don't we enjoy it?"
"You never quits."
"You know what, I think on Saturday Krish is expecting to see a bit of our chemistry."
I sensed danger again as Desai dragged my name into the talk.
"What chemistry do we have?"
"Well, we had chemistry at work. Because of your special skill of being professional. Otherwise what we do share is not chemistry but biology."
"Desai, don't go to that subject."
Meera's voice was becoming softer.
"But Krish was sticking to that subject last time when I met him."
"What did he want to know?"
"He already knows that you became excited after our dinner."
"When exactly did you met him."
I was stunned at Desai's reply. Is he going to reveal about his visit to my office?
I heard Meera's voice again.
"Yeah. I was around to meet someone and Krish gave me the address. Then I paid a visit to your house. Nice house it was."
Bullshit! I yelled in my mind. The bastard was clearly manipulating both me and my wife. And all I could do was to listen with more attention.
"When was that?"
"Evening. You were out for a walk. He didn't tell you?"
"Guess he doesn't share everything with you."
There was silence from Meera.
"I am sorry if I offended you, Meera. Did I say anything wrong?"
I heard Desai's voice after some time.
"Let me wash hands. I have finished."
"Okay. I'll order dessert."
I was glad that Meera was pissed off. But I was wary that Meera would now come to question me about Desai's visit to our house.
I heard Desai making the order for dessert.
When Meera returned she commented that the dessert was exactly her favourite. She didn't sound pissed off now.
"So what else did Krish tell you?"
Meera came back to the topic soon after.
"He's excited about seeing us together. I could see it in his eyes."
"What do you mean seeing us together? Seeing us do what? Stare at each other?"
"We've done a lot better..."
"Not when my husband is around."
"Maybe this time there will be a change."
"Desai, you're going too far..."
"Not unless you're willing."
"I don't want this."
"Krish feels otherwise."
"Why do you bring his name into this? Did he tell you that he wants this?"
"Not everything is told, Meera. Some things are perceived."
"You'll get your ass kicked, Susheel!"
Meera was now addressing him by the first name. I could feel she was agitated.
"You know my assumption on why Krish is excited about it is that he knows that you're kinda excited about our old day. He is aroused to imagine what we did in my place."
"Susheel, don't start this in here. It's a public place."
"No one car hear us, baby. No one is even watching."
"Don't touch me. Take your hand back."
I was stunned at her response. How is he touching her? Over the dining table?
"I'm just holding your hand. Do you feel it?"
"Look at me, Meera. Look at my eyes. What are you seeing?"
"I can see you're starved."
"I'm not starved."
"Yeah, I know you're getting a lot from your friend with specs."
I could not believe that Meera dragged Maithrei into the conversation out of nowhere.
"I'm a single man with no baggage. And I play well and hard."
"Stop grinning. You weren't that great with me."
"I would like to change your perception."
Meera's voice was filled with confidence.
"Think about it."
"Stop it, Susheel. You're trying hard to manipulate me."
"It's a half-truth. Am I trying to manipulate you? No. Am I hard? Yes. Do you remember it?"
"Susheel stop it, I tell you."
"I haven't forgotten the feeling of my thing going inside you, Can you forget it?"
"I'm leaving."
"You haven't finished the desert."
"You're not letting me enjoy it."
"All I want you to do is enjoy."
Meera stopped talking for a while.
"I have finished my dessert. Finish yours, too."
I heard her voice then.
"Yeah, I am done too."
Desai proceeded to pay the bill while being seated. I heard him asking about the lounge on the other side.
"Let's go have a look."
I heard Desai's voice when the waiter presumably left.
"What is there?"
Meera asked.
"We have a lot to talk about. We should talk it out before we met on Saturday."
"I hope you are not planning something creepy."
"Come on, you know me."
"I know you, that's what I am saying."
There were strange sounds. I assumed they were walking into a lounge. I prayed that they did not walk out of range.
Fortunately, they remained in the range. I heard them talk about the lounge a bit. Then Meera came back to the earlier topic.
"How can you be so sure Krish is looking forward to it?"
"He's expecting it."
"How do you know?"
"He knows that we hadn't used protection last time and he expects the same this time too."
It was the moment I knew Desai had taken the whole thing to a higher level where I had no reach. He had simply made me a willing partner. I thought of calling Meera to interrupt the conversation. But I knew she would ask a lot of questions for which I had to prepare myself.
"What do you mean, Susheel? What did he say?"
Meera's shaky voice told me that she was no different from me.
"He mentioned you'll be out of your safe periods on Saturday."
I could imagine how stunned Meera would be now. My heart was going to burst anytime from then.
"Yeah, he asked me about it on the night before yesterday."
"See. He's already thinking about it."
"So what?"
"I told him not to worry about it. I'll bring a pill."
There was a momentary silence from Meera. I clenched my teeth.
"Did you tell him that you'll bring it?"
Meera's voice was getting softer.
"I told him."
Meera took time to speak again.
"What did he say?"
"He said okay."
"Fuck! You guys are already planning to share me."
I knew Meera wouldn’t find it hard to believe it.
"We're being honest with our true emotions. We're not hiding anything."
"I can't believe it. Oh Krish!"
I felt she would cry. I then felt she wouldn't cry. She was far better than me. If I was in a situation like this, I was sure I would have surrendered already.
"Leave my hand, Desai. I'm not comfortable."
I heard Meera's voice. Is he touching her again? Where are they? Is there nobody else in the lounge?
"It's okay, baby. No one is watching us. We've got complete privacy here."
He was calling her baby! And she’s not offended.
"What are you gonna do? Wanna do it here?"
"No. I don't push too hard."
"You do push it very hard..."
"You mean that? Yeah, I do. Because I want you to enjoy it. Krish will be happy when you scream."
"Does she scream?"
What the hell! I felt like screaming in my mind. Why the fuck she's talking about Maithrei again and again? Why can't she forget her?
"She screams a lot."
"I won't."
Meera's reply came quickly. But it took a moment for me to realise that she had just begun to speak beyond the tipping point. ‘I won't’ means ‘I won't scream’.
It means she won't scream when Desai fucks her again.
It means she will try to stop screaming when Desai fucks her.
"I have already planned how to do it. I'll make you scream."
Desai was gladly making the challenge.
"You had one whole night. And you didn't finish me."
"I was a drunk baby. This time I promise."
"I don't want your promise."
"I can make a promise to myself."
"Don't touch me. Desai, behave. Take your hand off my waist."
I could literally feel my hands shivering now.
"We have come this far... It would be a total loss if we didn't..."
Desai's voice ended abruptly.
"I would slap you if you kiss me again."
I heard Meera's warning.
What? My heart stopped. Did he kiss her?
"Just one more time. Just to revoke the old memory."
"You are such a creep I told you. This is..."
Meera's voice broke and I knew it was another kiss.
The silence lasted longer than the previous kiss. In other words, it was a long kiss.
My wife, who I was so confident of failing every attempt of seduction and manipulation of Desai, was now being kissed by him.
"What are you looking at? I kissed you back. Isn't it enough?"
Meera's voice contained anger. I could simply tell it was fake.
"Enough for now. But I won't be stopping next Saturday."
I didn't hear Meera's voice.
But I could assume she must be looking into his eyes affirmatively.
They left soon after. I saw them walking into the parking lot. Meera looked a bit distracted. But she looked stunning as ever.
I bent forward to hide my face behind the dashboard when Desai's car passed my car.
I sat there for a while, unable to move. Unable to shake off the shock.
And then I realised that I was hard in my pants. But I wasn't worried about it.
More than that, I was devastated because I had realised what was going to happen on Saturday.
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Chapter-1 - by krish_999 - 10-10-2020, 04:53 AM
RE: Chapter-1 - by Givemeextra - 10-10-2020, 11:00 AM
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RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 24-11-2020, 04:15 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 25-11-2020, 11:45 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 10:00 AM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by Bhavana_sonii - 15-12-2020, 11:05 PM
RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III - by krish_999 - 02-08-2021, 01:46 AM

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