Adultery My Shy Mom Seduced And Fucked by Sir Suresh
Superb writing brother... keep it up
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Superb build up. Waiting for more
[+] 2 users Like Lumberjack95's post
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Update please
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super exciting story bro please don't stop
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Next update please
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(09-12-2024, 11:27 PM)Desmond Miles Wrote:
Great going so far, bro..
Just an honest opinion, please don't mention Rajeev's age anywhere, and ignore the ones who comments about underage shit. As long as you don't mention the age, the story's fine.
By the way, after reading the last update, I thought Rajeev will still be witnessing more confusing scenerios rather than already knowing about what she actually inside that room. That mysterious way of storytelling is rare in this site these days. Hope you understand what I mean. Just leave the imagination job to the readers for a while, and then slowly uncover them one by one. Thats whole experience..
Anyway, you still can do that I hope. Since Mom or Suresh still dunno what Rajeev knows, so their hide and seek play can still go on smoothly!..
Waiting eagerly for the next update, bro.. Please continue as fast as you can.. <3

Thanks for the compliments, and yes, I will consider about the age thing. Secondly, I will further, Rajeev's (me) confusion on what is transpiring between Mom and Sir Suresh. I wish it could go how you wanted but I'm writing it from what I saw in reality but I can interpolate a few descriptions just to spice up the narration. Thanks and wait for the new update!   banana
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Update please
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It had been three weeks since the day Sir Suresh visited our home, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something fundamental had shifted. Mom, who had always been the epitome of traditional values—quiet, respectful, and devoted to her family—was no longer the same person. She was beginning to change slowly by slowly.

She had always been careful about upholding the cultural expectations placed on her, and for as long as I could remember, she had carried herself with an air of conservatism that defined who she was.

But lately, she had started to change. The difference was subtle at first: a new lightness in her laughter with Sir Suresh, an unusual playfulness in her tone, and a strange, quiet confidence that seemed to seep into her every move. It was as though she was discovering a new part of herself, a part that didn’t fit the image of the woman I thought I knew or a part she hardly ever experienced with my dad.

It wasn’t just her demeanor that changed—her relationship with her phone had become curious. She was on it more than usual, and she would hold it close, guarding it like a secret. It seemed as if she was hiding something but I didn't care at all because I knew it was non of my business. If I asked to borrow it for games, she would come up with an excuse. “Not now, sweetheart,” she’d say with a small smile. “The battery is low.” That small act of secrecy was unlike her, and it left me puzzled.

And this kind of act became very secretive and surging each and every day. I didn't know why she used to smile whenever she peeked at her phone. On a superficial point of view, I assumed it was just her usual flirtations with dad. But something inside me made me more confused and I didn't understand this.

The next major shift came when Sir Suresh arrived at our house one evening with a surprise. “I’ve got something special for you two!” he announced with a wide grin, holding up an envelope. Me and mom plus Sir Suresh were in the sitting room at that time.

Mom looked at him curiously as she opened it. From the look on her expression, she was uncertain on whether to open it or not. Friends, one thing about my mom is that she always tries her best to hide things from me that I shouldn't know and she has been doing this even when she used to have sex with my dad. Her eyes lit up as she pulled out three tickets. I didn't know what those tickets are for. “What’s this?” she asked Sir Suresh, her voice tinged with excitement but slight shyness.

“It’s a weekend trip to Mumbai,” he replied, smiling at both of us. “I thought it would be a nice break for you and your son. It’s my treat. Please accept it.” Friends, it was only on a blue moon that my dad took me and mom to nice places. Dad hardly took us on a tour. That was another thing that lacked in our family but nevertheless, mom still loved dad. 

But for me, I really loved going to tour and travelling so the idea of Sir Suresh pleading with mom to take us to Mumbai was something I got excited by even though of Sir Suresh's intentions on my mom which I didn't understand up until now. "Yess! Yess I am excited about this trip", I shouted while jumping up and down and I saw Sir Suresh smiling at me as he patted my head.

 But deep inside me, I didn't want Sir Suresh to go with us because I suspected he had naughty intentions on my mom and I knew this by remembering how he used to stare at my mom's big ass over the saree.

I glanced at Mom, expecting her to politely accept but her face was in a mixed state. She didn't know whether to smile, decline the offer or both because she knew deep inside, with her traditional values, that going out on a trip with another man was something she couldn't even dream about. But now, in front of her, was an offer that made her go into a deep dilemma. "Do I accept this offer while my husband is away or not?" That was the thought I think she was contemplating. on.

"Sunita, why are you thinking a lot?" Sir Suresh queried. "Sir, you shouldn't have thought about this, I don't really like travelling" Mom answered. "Cmon Sunita, it would be fun, I guarantee you will enjoy the trip the fullest, right Rajeev?" He asked as he looked at me. "Yes Sir, please mom just this trip, we never went to trips like this, please mom", I insisted. 

In my mind, I should have rejected the offer because I didn't want to see this man with my mom. But again, my excitement got the better of me.

After all, mom wasn’t the type to accept such grand gestures, especially from someone outside our family. "Just say yes Sunita, you don't have to sit here all day being bored, let's take this trip. I already booked a hotel, please" Sir Suresh insisted more. But to my surprise, she smiled brightly and said, “That’s so thoughtful of you, Suresh. Thank you.” 

Her acceptance of the trip felt was slightly tentative because she accept the offer but she seemed quite not sure if she made the right decision despite my dad being away.

I asked myself if she accepted this trip to make me happy or to appease Sir Suresh. This wasn’t the mom I knew—the one who believed in simplicity and modesty, the one who would have hesitated to accept something so extravagant. But on my side, I wanted to go to that trip. Friends, I hope you understand this conflicting scenario.

Also my mom couldn't believe herself for accepting an offer by a man who is not her husband and the same man whom she was masturbating about thinking of his dick. She really felt ashamed of herself but she didn't know what to do. It seemed that she keeps getting into this unchartered territories over and over again and she doesn't know how to maneuver across.  The other night she was sexually thinking about Sir Suresh and today she is accepting an offer from him. 

Moreover, Sir Suresh doesn't know that my mom was masturbating thinking about his dick's photo he sent her. If he knew my mom was doing so, then I don't know what could have happened. The thing which confused me a lot was the fact that my mom was suddenly accepting Sir Suresh slowly by slowly and the fact that she is leaving her traditional and pious values behind and getting used to another man who is not her husband.

This thought also made me slightly angry with mom for the first time but again I remembered what my friend Rahul told me about the normality of this kind of situations. I recalled Rahul telling me that this kind of incidents is common in our locality especially the suburban regions. Friends, remember I'm not used to this kind of incidents of my mom with another man but I slowly began absorbing it although with slight anger. 

That week before the trip, Sir Suresh took me and mom for shopping. We visited various expensive and lavish stores where they sold luxurious types of designer clothes. We also visited other expensive stores specifically for women's and Sir Suresh bought expensive sarees for my mom. During our walk around the mall, mom was looking pensive and furtive all the time. It seemed as if she was afraid that someone might see her walking with another man and report her to dad but in Mumbai, this is normal.

That week, mom was slightly joyous because she was never treated like a queen in this magnitude ever, not even by my dad and she felt like a new born woman of luxury. Even at night, she used to try all those sarees Sir Suresh brought for her and she used to bug and disturb me asking "Son, how does this look on me?" every time she changed onto a new saree. She went back into her room, came out again and asked me how the second, third, fourth dress looked like on her.

I didn't really understand why my mom was overly hyped up after she was exposed to all those goodies Sir Suresh bought her. I just assumed that it is normal because I myself do get happy if my dad brings me chocolate and bicycle. 

We set off for Mumbai the following weekend. Suresh picked us up in his car, and as we drove, I couldn’t help but notice how uncomfortable Mom seemed around him. She didn't even want to hold his hand when Sir Suresh insisted. I think my mom was guilty conscious because she remembers that she was masturbating while looking at Sir Suresh's dick over the phone. They talked and laughed effortlessly, as though they had known each other for years. I found myself watching them closely, trying to understand what had changed.

At one point during the drive, I saw Suresh glance at Mom in a way that unsettled me. His eyes lingered on her face, then moved downward, admiring her boobs and thighs in a way I wasn’t used to seeing. Mom didn’t seem to notice—or maybe she chose to ignore it—but I couldn’t look away. I was sure my mom knew that Sir Suresh was staring at her because my mom was such an item you couldn't get your eyes of. She was always glowing no matter the weather, season or day. Her packed breasts, soft neck, beautiful eyes and black hair was those big buttocks features which added flavor to her tantalizing beauty.

When his hand brushed over mom's soft thunder thighs during the drive as he passed her a bottle of water, she didn’t pull back. Instead, she smiled at him, and I felt a knot tighten in my chest. It was as if the lines between their friendship and something more were beginning to blur. However, when his hands was moving upward towards her upper thighs, she quickly removed his hands and signaled to him that I might be watching. Then Sir Suresh looked at me from the rear view and I quickly pretended to play games on my mom's phone.

Mumbai was incredible, its energy unlike anything I had experienced before. We visited landmarks, strolled along Marine Drive, and enjoyed street food. But even amidst the excitement, I couldn’t ignore the way Mom and Suresh interacted. They looked like husband and wife. I don't know what came over my mom but I found her holding hands with Sir Suresh. Earlier when we were in Pune, she didn't want to hold his hands but now in Mumbai, she was gracefully gripping his hands. I didn't understand why she kept changing and changing every time. I didn't know where this erratic behavior of hers is stemming from.

I too was excited to be in Mumbai but most importantly, happy to travel. Friends, one of my profound hobby is travelling around the world. I get excited when I visit different places and meet different people. So my excitement relatively made me ignore what was going on between my mom and Sir Suresh. During the walk, I could even see Sir Suresh slowly moving his hands at the back of my mom and resting it on her big juicy ass. 

When I saw this, I felt strange, strange in  the sense that something in me got ignited, something hot but I don't want to say naughty, but I felt a bust of erotic emotions cascading down my body. Sir Suresh even sometimes squeezed her fat ass and it seemed as if mom didn't notice. I am sure that if she noticed, then she would be angry at him but I don't know why she wasn't reacting. 

I didn't want to think that my mom was allowing all that to happen. I refused to accept that my mom knew that Sir Suresh's hand was squeezing her firm ass and was not doing anything or saying anything to him. I got more and more confused because remember this kind of thing is happening for the first time for me to experience it.

During lunch at a rooftop restaurant, Sir Suresh leaned close to my mom, talking in hushed tones. Their conversation was private, and I couldn’t hear what they were saying. At one point, I caught Suresh whispering something that made Mom laugh softly, her cheeks flushing slightly. This was the same thing Sir Suresh did on the first, let me call it "date" with my mom when he whispered things to her.

“Why are you always whispering?” I blurted out, unable to hold back my curiosity. "Sir, please I want to know the secret, if you will buy mom a new saree, I also want a new suit" I saw both of them smiling.

Sir Suresh glanced at me, his expression neutral. “We’re just talking about something boring, beta. You wouldn’t be interested. But if you want a new suit, I will buy you one tomorrow. Just go and play, are you enjoying this trip so far?” he asked me. "Yes Sir", I answered as I headed off to play with some of new friends who were also at the rooftop restaurant. But as I played, I kept a keen eye on mom and Sir Suresh.

That evening, we checked into a luxurious motel, the likes of which I had never seen before. The marble floors gleamed, and the rooms were spacious and elegant. That night, I wondered where we would sleep. As we headed to our rooms, I noticed Sir Suresh removing something from his pocket. That time, my mom was busy viewing the elegant motel. Sir Suresh was behind her in a hideous way as if he didn't want to be seen. 

I then recognized that he removed what looked like a golden necklace and continued to quietly stand behind her. He wore a smile. All this time, my mom was just admiring the lavish motel not knowing what surprise awaited behind her. Then Sir Suresh took a deep breath and moved his hand on and over her head towards her face trying to tie the necklace. Mom was caught unaware of what was happening, she looked behind in confusion and before she could say anything, Sir Suresh already tied the necklace on her.

After doing so, he came in front of her, while still smiling. Mom, still confused, was staring at her golden necklace, perhaps perplexed on what to say, or even the price of that necklace, which from my viewed looked quite a pricy asset. "You like it?", Sir Suresh asked mom. "Ooh Sir, you didn't really have to do this, gosh this is ....soo....expensive" mom answered. "Yes, for you only. Why not Sunita don't you like it? You look marvelous and extra ordinary tonight, I thought I would make the night more goldish extra on you"

Mom who continued to look at the golden necklace stood there not knowing what to say. She then raised her head and looked at Suresh. This kind of look she gave Sir Suresh was the same look she gave my dad when dad used to kiss her. Again, I couldn't believe my mom was giving Sir Suresh that kind of intimate look. 

But she came to her senses quickly and she walked away from him. I couldn't understand why she did so. She walked away leaving Sir Suresh just standing there alone. He couldn't even explain what happened but he wore a smile as he watched her walk away. It's as if he knew that mom was slowly getting used to him despite the fact that she was married. He couldn't even take his eyes of her bouncy ass. I felt weird looking at all this. I couldn't even fathom a man enjoying the sight of my mom's ass as she walked away in a hurry.

Before we checked into our rooms, mom was sitting with Suresh and from a far, while I was still playing, I noticed that Sir Suresh was talking to her, maybe convincing her that the necklace he gave her was just a friendly necklace but mom seemed not to be convinced. She even kept looking left and right as if she was worried that I might be watching.

A few minutes later, I was sitting with mom, Suresh went to choose the best rooms for us three. Then as I sat with mom, I noticed her phone ringing and this time I was sure it was dad. For a very long time, my mom didn't talk to dad even the previous week because she was amazed by Sir Suresh. Therefore, I could understand why my dad called her because I am sure dad was even wondering why sometimes mom doesn't call him or why does mom not pick up his calls.

I knew it was dad calling because mom saved a different special ringtone for dad. As she picked up, she seemed worried because dad might ask her questions. "Yeeiii, it's dad calling", I yelped. "Yes beta" mom answered as she kept the phone on her ears and started talking to dad. Before I heard them speaking, I heard Sir Suresh calling me at the counter where people books rooms. I told mom, "Mom Sir Suresh is calling me, I will be right back, tell dad I love him and also remind him to bring me the video game, the new one"

"Ok beta", mom answered as she felt relaxed. At the counter, I was shocked that Sir Suresh booked only two rooms. I wondered what is the meaning of all this? why didn't he book three rooms, one for him, for mom and finally me?. However, I didn't want to ask him that question. After asking me which rooms I should choose. I came back and I still found mom still talking to dad. I decided to stand close behind her just quite a few meters away from her to try to listen to what mom and dad were talking about. 

“Where are you? I have been calling you for quite some time now baby” Dad’s voice was faint but stern, even from where I stood.

“I told you, I’m visiting an old friend,” she replied, her words quick and light. “Just taking a small break. It’s nothing to worry about.”

“An old friend? Who? You didn’t mention anything about this before,” Dad pressed.

Mom hesitated, and I could feel the tension in her pause. “It’s just… someone from college,” she said finally, her voice quieter now. “We were catching up after years. That’s all.” It seemed as if she was afraid of telling dad that she went out with one of his colleagues. Friends, this is the second time my mom is lying to my dad. Being brought up with values, my mom never lied to my dad but here she is lying to him over the phone. I don't know but her lying to my dad made me slightly horny and I cursed myself for feeling that way.

“Where exactly are you baby, I was worried that you were not picking up my calls? And why at this time of the night baby?” Dad’s voice sharpened slightly. “You don’t sound like you’re in the city.”

“I told you, it’s not a big deal,” she said, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her tone. “I’ll be back soon. Let’s talk about this later.” The way she replied was never heard before from her. She used to talk with a tone of love when she talked with my dad but now she felt bold and she replied with boldness.

“Don't get angry baby. Why later? I’m asking now,” Dad insisted. “You’re being vague. Baby, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, really,” Mom said quickly, though her voice betrayed a flicker of unease. “Everything’s fine. You’re worrying for no reason.”

There was a long pause. I imagined Dad was now convinced.

“My love, you know I love you that's all, I always want to hear your voice” Dad’s voice was soft and he felt relaxed but I knew he was being lied to.

Mom sighed, a heavy sound that seemed to carry her guilt. “I’ll explain when I get home, okay? There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Fine, how is Rajeev doing?" "He is fine" mom answered. "Will you call me when you get home, it's late now you know"

“Of course,” Mom said softly. “I love you.”

The call ended, and she sat there for a moment, staring at her phone. Her shoulders slumped, and I could sense her worry, though she quickly straightened up. 

I stepped back and sat down with her. "Mom how is dad? What did he say?" I asked her. "Ohh uumm, well nothing, he just wanted to know how we are doing. Nothing much"

Sir Suresh, mom and I now were heading to our rooms. I knew Sir Suresh booked two rooms only and mom didn't know this.

Suresh handed me a room key and said, “This one’s for you. Your own space for the night!”

I looked at him, confused. “Why aren’t we staying in the same room?”

Sir Suresh stepped in quickly. “It’s just easier this way, beta. You’ll have your privacy, and so will we.” Mom stood there not knowing what to do. She couldn't fathom herself sleeping in the same room with another man, far away from our home. "Sir we need to talk, just for a bit", mom asked Sir Suresh. Sir looked at mom and he told me, "Beta stay here for a while while i talk to your mom ok?", "Ok sir, but hurry up I feel sleepy", I answered.

They went aside and I hide myself to listen to them.

“I told you, Suresh, I can’t do this,” Mom’s voice was soft but tense, laced with hesitation. “I’m married. Sharing a room with you—it’s not right.”

“Relax, Sunita,” Suresh said, his tone calm and confident. “It’s not a big deal. We’re just staying the night, and it’s perfectly normal. All the rooms were booked earlier enough so this is the one which remained only” I knew he was lying because I saw the list of three rooms, four rooms even five rooms that time at the counter but he chose two bedrooms deliberately. I didn't understand why he was doing this.

“But it doesn’t feel normal to me, I will sleep at Rajeev's room” Mom replied, her voice breaking slightly. 

“Sunita, Rajeev's room only has one bed and it only fits him and you cannot sleep on the floor because this place is so cold, but ours has two beds, so comfy, and the rooms are separated with a wall, why are you afraid, don't you trust me?” Suresh asked her. "No....I....I.. do but... I don't know it just doesn't feel right." Then Sir Suresh told her something that almost made my dick hard. "It doesn't feel right? Are you sure? Well did it feel right when I sent you that pic of mine?"

I quickly remembered what he was referring to, his dick photo which he sent my mom. This question shocked my mom, she raised her head and looked at him with an expression of anger. She didn't have anything to answer. "Mmmh? Sunita? Didn't you enjoy it?" "Stop this, I didn't enjoy anything, can you just please don't start this topic again, my son is here. I thought we agreed that I will not accept you sending me those kind of images again". Mom answered with a stern tone.

"I doubt it dear, I doubt if what you are saying is true" Sir Suresh answered and I saw his eyes move towards her boobs. Mom noticed this and she hid her boobs and walked out of that room and she seemed angry. My mom was in no mood to discuss further that topic with him but I was sure she understood that tonight, she was going to sleep in the same room with Sir Suresh.

I pretended to stand there not knowing what happened, mom came to me and said, "Alright beta, have a good bath and head off to sleep alright? I know you are sleepy" "Ok mom", I said. As I went to the bathroom, the words of my friend Rahul came into my mind and while was bathing, I decided to call him.

Steam filled the bathroom as I let the hot water run over me, my mind clouded with confusion and unease. I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation I had overheard between Mom and Sir Suresh. Something about it felt off, and I needed to talk to someone who might help me make sense of it. Rahul.

Grabbing my phone from the bathroom counter, I dialed Rahul's number, balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I adjusted the shower temperature.

“Hello?” Rahul’s voice came through, slightly muffled.

“It’s me,” I said, keeping my voice low to make sure no one outside could hear.

“What’s up? Why are you calling me from the bathroom?” Rahul asked, chuckling.

“I needed to talk to you,” I said, ignoring his comment. “It’s about my mom and Sir Suresh.”

“Oh, Suresh uncle again?” Rahul said with a teasing tone. “What happened now, what have you noticed?”

“They… they’re sharing a room tonight, we went to a motel and Sir Suresh booked two rooms” I blurted out, the words tumbling out before I could stop myself.

There was a pause on the other end, followed by a burst of excitement from Rahul. “Wait, what? They’re sharing a room? Seriously?”

“Yes,” I said, feeling uneasy. “He only booked two rooms—one for me and one for both of them. I overheard Mom saying she wasn’t comfortable with it, but he convinced her. And now she’s… she’s fine with it.”

“That’s awesome, man! Let me tell you something, tonight is the night you will see the hot movie between your mom and him” Rahul exclaimed, his enthusiasm catching me off guard.

“Awesome?” I repeated, confused. “How is that awesome?”

“It’s normal,” Rahul said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I told you, right? These things happen all the time. Especially when your dad isn’t around. Moms deserve to have fun too, you know? Even yesterday, I watched my mom fuck that my dad's boss and I enjoyed the show. So it's also your time to enjoy watching your mom getting fucked hard  by Sir Suresh tonight. If I was you, I would feel excited.”

“But it feels weird,” I admitted. “Mom isn’t like this. She’s always been so… traditional. This isn’t her. But a few minutes ago, she seemed angry that Sir Suresh only booked two rooms”

“People change, dude,” Rahul said, his tone almost casual. “Your mom probably got tired of the same old routine of your boring dad. My mom’s the same with my dad’s boss. They go out together, have dinners, and fuck also. It’s just how things work sometimes.”

“But this isn’t....uuhh I don't know what to say,” I said, trying to make him understand. “They’re sharing a room, Rahul. A room. Don’t you think that’s… too much?”

“Nah,” Rahul said with a chuckle. “You’re overthinking it. My mom and Dad’s boss fucked inside my mom's bedroom, in front of the wedding pics of my mom and dad. Your mom and Suresh uncle are probably just close to doing what my mom and dad's boss did and I think it will happen tonight, make sure you don't sleep. It’s not a big deal.”

I leaned my head against the shower wall, letting the water hit my back. “It doesn’t feel right, though. She’s lying to Dad, Rahul. She didn’t even answer his calls earlier.”

“Dude, yes because she is infatuated by the hot attention she is receiving from Sir Suresh,” Rahul said. “Sometimes moms need to do things for themselves. Your dad’s not here, right? Suresh uncle’s just giving her the attention she probably hasn’t had in years. Trust me, this is normal.”

I stayed silent for a moment, ,.ng over his words. “You really think so?”

“Absolutely,” Rahul said confidently. “Look, your mom’s an adult. She knows what she’s doing. And honestly, it sounds like Suresh uncle really likes her. He’s treating her well, right?”

“Yeah…” I admitted reluctantly. “He’s been really nice to her. They laugh a lot together.”

“Exactly,” Rahul said. “If she’s happy, then why are you stressing about it? My mom is way happier when she’s with my dad’s boss than she is with Dad. It’s just how things are.”

“But what about Dad?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “Doesn’t she care about him?”

“Of course she does,” Rahul said. “But relationships are complicated. Your mom probably still loves your dad, but she needs someone to fill the gap when he’s not around. It’s nothing bad—it’s just life.”

His words hung in the air, and for a moment, I didn’t know how to respond. I turned off the shower, the sound of dripping water filling the silence.

“So, you think I’m overreacting?” I asked finally.

“Definitely, but I am sure something hot is going to happen tonight between your mom and Sir Suresh and you will feel something you have never felt before” When he said this, my dick slightly became hard because I knew what he meant but he wasn't saying it because he knew I will believe him. But I knew he meant that maybe Sir Suresh was going to "fuck" my mom. I don't want to use that term but maybe that is what was going to happen but I was not ready to see this thing happening.

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Please continue
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Good update..
Please continue..
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7 hours gone already, bro.. Did you mean new update or a new story?
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Bro please update.. can't wait anymore
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Nice update
Waiting for next
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The evening was unusually quiet when I stepped out of the shower, the warm water still dripping from my hair. The sound of the water had drowned out the muffled conversations coming from the living room, but as I dried myself off and dressed, I felt an unease that had been growing in my chest all evening. I was trying not to overthink things, trying to ignore the changes in the atmosphere that had come with Sir Suresh’s visits. After all, he was a family friend. There should have been no reason for me to feel this way.

I opened the door to the living room, where I saw my mother and Sir Suresh sitting together, talking in quiet tones. Mom looked up and smiled when she saw me. “Goodnight, beta,” she said softly.

I forced a smile in return, but it didn’t quite reach my eyes. I nodded and muttered, “Goodnight,” before turning away and heading toward my room. Sir Suresh gave me a quick, friendly smile as well, and said, “Sleep well, kiddo.” His voice was warm, but something about his smile felt different now—less distant, more personal.

I closed the door to my room behind me and threw myself onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts spiraling. I wondered if this was the night my mom was going to get fucked, yes FUCKED, let me use this term because I will have to accept it now. Yes, her getting fucked by Sir Suresh Everything had been so normal before—my mom, my dad, our family routine. But now, with Sir Suresh constantly around, and specifically tonight him and mom in the same room, something inside me was getting hot. 

It felt as though the walls were closing in, and I couldn’t breathe. I kept telling myself I was imagining things, but the thought lingered like a shadow. Why had things changed so quickly? As I stared at the ceiling in this lavish room, I kept visualizing my mom under his arms and Sir Suresh touching each part of her body. But I cursed myself for building castles in the sky. This visuals I created in my head were encouraging my innocent dick to begin hardening like a rock.

I quickly held my dick firm, not to encourage it to became harder, but to soften it because I knew this thought of mom getting fucked by Sir Suresh was really repulsive for me and unacceptable even though I was convinced of what Rahul told me earlier.

I lay there for a long time, tossing and turning. I couldn't get to sleep. I kept thinking is Sir Suresh creeping over my mom's bed? Is he watching her sleeping? I was contemplating on masturbating but I told myself this is such a weird thing to do so I decided to have a nap.

I got to sleep like for 30 minutes when I was woken up by the sounds of distant moaning. I thought I was dreaming again but I rubbed my eyes to ascertain and convince myself that I was indeed not in a dream. I heard another round of moaning but it was a distant one because I locked my room from outside.

Eventually, the sound of distant moans from their room filtered through the walls. The two of must be up, their voices light, as if there were no tensions in the air. Still, I couldn’t help but feel something wasn’t quite right. I tried to push the thoughts aside  by ignoring it and finally fell into a fitful sleep again, but the unease stayed with me.

10 minutes of my sleep past again and I was abruptly woken by a sound—a low murmur coming from the hallway. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but as the seconds passed, the noise became clearer. It was Mom’s moans. She was moaning in hushed tones, as if she was struggling, but there was something in her moans that made my heart skip a beat. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew I needed to find out.

At the back of my mind, as I woke up from my bed, I knew maybe what Rahul told me earlier was happening but it was only me who had to find out the reality. My heart continued beating like the drums of Africa; dum! dum! dum! da! da! dum! dum! dum! da! da!

I slipped out of bed quietly, trying to make as little noise as possible with my footsteps as those of a cheetah hunting. The house was eerily still silent like a dead cave, but the sound of mom's moans grew louder the closer I got to the living room. 

I looked over and there was light inside their room which ultimately confirmed to me that they were really not asleep and something was going on. I really wanted this to be a dream but to my astonishment, I was living a real dream, let's call it that.

I real dream of possibly getting to see my mom getting...umm...for lack of a better word, "fucked" for the first time by a man who is not her husband; Sir Suresh. This thought made my dick harder and it was raising and making a tent over my pajamas.

I stood still, just outside the door, my ear pressed against the wall. My heart raced in my chest as I tried to catch every word.

“Aaah,, nahi nahi, aaahh Sir, please,” Mom moaned softly, but I could hear the hesitation in her voice. “My son is in the other room. I’m married, you know this isn’t right. Please don't take away my piousness with this kind of act, please, I have a husband aaahhhhhh!” Her voiced-infused moans cracked slightly, like she was trying to convince herself as much as him.

I felt a strange twist in my stomach. I had never heard my mom sound like this before. The last time I heard her moaning was when she used to have her intimate moments with my dad inside their marital bed. She was usually so confident, so certain in everything she did. But now, her words seemed tentative, as though she was on the verge of crossing some boundary she couldn’t come back from.

“Sunita, you’re overthinking this,” came Sir Suresh’s calm, reassuring voice. “It’s just something you and I need and craving for a longer time and I'm well aware you were expecting this from me. You’ve been complaining about having sex but you were complaining it silently for yourself without anyone hearing. But I hear your craving. A little relief between me and you will be the relief of the century.”

I couldn’t breathe, what Rahul told me earlier was transpiring right in front of my me. A relief? Was that what this was all about? I could feel my pulse quicken. I knew the relief Sir Suresh was referring to was a fuck relief. Let me use the word "fuck" from now on because this is what was about to happen and that was the thing Sir Suresh was going to give my mom.

I had always known Sir Suresh to be a kind man, but this conversation didn’t sit right with me. I have known him to be a naughty man who wanted my mom all for himself. I knew that when he gave my mom a blowjob that evening even though I didn't witness it.

But tonight I was going to witness something even more naughtier. And Mom so hesitant to accept his "relief" from him made me certain that mom after all didn't want to sleep with Sir Suresh. But is she really aversive to this relief thing? I know women, especially married ones, crave for sex.

From where I was standing I couldn't see what was happening inside the room. I had to find a way to peep inside. Fortunately, the window of their room had curtains but thankfully the curtains didn't fully cover the contents in their room so I thought that this is the perfect time to peep inside and witness what was happening.

I didn't really want to see my mom with another man but my dick, which was half-hard by now, was guiding me to peep, it was as if it was talking to me mentally. As I peeped inside, I almost fainted. I saw Sir Suresh and my mom both standing next to my mom's bed. Mom was in satin dress which means that if you removed her satin dress, then she would only remain with her bra and panty.

On the other hand, Sir Suresh was only in his grey boxers. He was forcefully hugging my mom as if he didn't want her to escape. They were facing each other and both of them were standing. My mom who looked so erotic in that satin dress tried her best to disassociate herself from the tight hug of Sir Suresh but she couldn't. 

This was the first time I saw Sir Suresh's body. His body was like that of hulk; built muscles, hairy chest and broad hands. He looked like one of those actors in Indian films who are heavy weighters.

“Aahh please Sir leave me” Mom’s voice faltered. “You can't run away from this romantic night Sunita, I will pleasure you until you chose me as your man”

“You trust me, don’t you?” Sir Suresh’s tone was gentle, coaxing. “You’ll feel so much better afterward. Just let me taste your body. I have waited for this night for a very long time.”

There was a long pause, and I could hear the sound of Mom’s breath as if she was not ready to give her body to a man whom she was not married to. As he hugged her, he reached over and grabbed a huge portion of my mom's big ass over the saree. 

This sight made my dick 75% hard. I couldn't believe that famous fat ass of my mom which was only reserved for my dad was now being ravaged by a his colleague without even his knowledge. Sir Suresh tried to kiss my mom but mom kept both of her hands on his face, her boobs were pressed firmly against his hairy chest.

I felt a mixture of anger and confusion. I didn’t know what was happening nor could I fathom it, but I knew I had to stay out of it. My mind raced back to what Rahul had said. It’s normal, man. Moms need help sometimes, especially when Dad’s not around. But still, something about this felt different. Something wasn’t right.

“Kiss me Sunita, taste my saliva” Sir Suresh's voice floated . “No leave me, no I can't”
“It’s just a kiss Sunita, stop pretending, I am very much aware that you sucked my dick five times and all those five times, I watched as you swallowed my cum, huh?. Remember even that day while your husband was bathing and I made you suck my dick inside your house, huh? Sunita, I know you can't live without me” came the deep voice of Sir Suresh, a family friend and my dad's colleague. 

I was startled when he mentioned that he gave her blowjobs five times. I wondered how, when or where did he gave her those other 4 blowjobs because I only got to experience one of it. This means that my mom maybe has been given blowjobs way back even when dad was around.

As I watched them from a distance, it was clear that Sir Suresh had a certain admiration for my mom, and she seemed to not to enjoy his attention in a way that felt both uncomfortable and unfamiliar. There was an intense air between them as they he tried to kiss her, a lightness in mom's resistance that made it seem as though she couldn't match his strength, even though I wasn’t fully sure if she is trying her best to avoid him.

At one point, Sir Suresh, smiling mischievously, leaned toward my mom, his gaze falling on her face.

“You know, Sunita,” he began, his voice teasing, “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He held mom tightly with his left had surrounding her while he used his other right hand and tightly held and grabbed mom's pussy area. 

This made my mom to let out a sharp "aahhh" from her mouth.

“Leave me Suresh,” she said trying her best to move away. “I’m not as easy as you think.”

Suresh grinned, his smile widening as he persisted, his tone bold. “I just wanted to see if I could capture that pussy which I know is wet by now,” he said. “You’re always so composed, Sunita. But I can’t help but admire how effortlessly beautiful you are.”

He further rubbed her pussy while both of them stood, this time he made further strides and tried to rub her pussy although he didn't really grab it because he was rubbing her pussy with her satin dress still on so he didn't get a good rub.

My mom moaned, she closed her eyes. For a minute I thought she was enjoying it but I was proud of her for not enjoying because she continued resisting. She reached out, almost as if to push him away lightly, but Sir Suresh was quick, his hand gently brushing against the side of her hair and finally kissed her.

I knew this is not the first time my mom kissed Sir Suresh, I knew Sir Suresh kissed her a couple of times especially those 4 blowjobs she gave him which I didn't see. Maybe she kissed him during those moments they had. But I asked myself, when did my mom and Suresh start doing this behind my dad's back? When did it start?

I wanted to find the answers but for now, I was immersed with what was going on inside the room of mom and Sir Suresh. It seemed that his plans were going on well for him and it seemed that all this was meant to be because if it wasn't meant to be then it couldn't have happened.

With a brief struggle mom couldn't further resist, she had to give in and continue being kissed forcefully by Sir Suresh. After 20 seconds of kissing, she broke from the kiss, spitted out saliva, and said,

“You’re impossible,” she said angrily. “Yes, and the thing that is impossible tonight is me not fucking you and tasting this pussy”

And before she could react, Sir Suresh threw mom on the bed. As she landed on the bed, the bed playfully bounced and since her satin dress was so light, the impact of the landing slightly made her satin dress move upward from her thighs up to her navel.

This revealed her thighs and I got a glimpse that she was wearing a pinkish panty. She quickly adjusted her satin dress but before she could wake up, Sir Suresh jumped on her, like how a cheetah jumps on it's prey.

"Not so fast Sunita", he said as he held her on the bed in missionary position. Mom looked at him and said, "Please Suresh, I can't do this please just leave me, if Rajeev sees this he will be angry"

"Rajeev is a young boy, he wouldn't understand what we are doing and he can't even enter in this room because I locked it.", Sir Suresh said. With that he gave her another deep kiss and this time my mom couldn't even resist.

I knew she couldn't resist because even if she did, it would be of no use at all. She again managed to break off from the kiss and there was saliva which I think was from Sir Suresh's mouth, smeared all over her lips. 

She appeared disgusted by the kiss, she rubbed it off using the back of her palm. Sir Suresh saw this and smiled at her. "You look so young and on fire Sunita." My mom didn't respond to any of this and she just looked away feeling disgusted.
Sir Suresh began giving her light, passionate kisses on her cheeks, moving downwards towards her neck. Mom began again resisting by throwing her hands pushing his head trying to make him stop but again she couldn't cope with Sir Suresh's strength.

Sir Suresh made his way, kissing her navel now, over her satin dress. This part made my mom a little ticklish and she began raising her legs due to the sensation she was beginning to get. "Suresh please, stop this disgusting act you are doing" mom said, with her tone slightly soft.

"Disgusting? why didn't you say this when you sucked my cock?", Sir Suresh muttered as he started raising her satin dress exposing her thick thunder thighs. Those thighs of my mom which used to be visible even when she wore sarees perpetuated traffic jam when she walked along the streets because drivers couldn't stop gazing.

Sir Suresh began moving his hands all over my mom's thighs while mom was in missionary position, he massaged her thighs, squeezed and kneaded them. Mom resistance was now at 34%, she was hardly even showing signs of refusing the act Sir Suresh was doing on her sacred body.

The holy beauty and body of my mom was now about to be turned into an unholy body by giving it to a man whom is not her legal husband. "Suresh ahahhh let me go, you have no right over my body", mom said, her tone of voice seemed as if it was converting from boldness to hesitation, as though she was second-guessing herself.

"Your body is not holy Sunita, your body is mine, it is no longer your husband's body. You surrendered your body to mine when you sucked my dick 5 times", Sir Suresh replied. “You’ve been so stressed lately. You deserve to relax.” His hands now reached her pinkish panty, by now he made her satin dress went past her thighs and was now resting on her navel.

This exposed her panty, and from my view I saw the bottom part of her panty was slightly soaked and it looked wet. I didn't understand why and that is when Sir Suresh said, "Ooh look at you, your panty is soaked, so you were secretly getting wet down there and you are enjoying what I am doing"

This made my mom ashamed, she didn't even reply, she just casted her eyes sideways acknowledging that her inner sexual appeal was being recognized by Sir Suresh. "No don't look down there Suresh", she said as she started hiding the soaked part of her panty with her hands but it was too late.

“Just let go for a moment,” he encouraged gently. “You’ll feel so much better. This is a sign that you are yearning for sexual satisfaction” He began holding the strings of her panty and started pulling them down, as usually mom began resisting by pulling the panty strings upwards, the opposite way.

There was a slight struggle which didn't even last for 30 seconds and finally he pulled it down up to her thighs and that is when Sir Suresh eyes glowed at the sight of my mom's holy pussy.

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And it was clear she was wet down there. Friends, I know the meaning when a woman gets wet. But I stood there frozen, couldn't even move. I asked myself, "Did my mom really become wet for Sir Suresh and the fucking has not began yet?", I found it difficult to believe it but I just thought that maybe Sir Suresh's way of seduction was getting the better of her.

Sir Suresh pulled the panties all the way down and mom was now without panties, she hid her wet pussy with her hands, looking straight at Sir Suresh, she looked like a young princess who was shy.

"Look at you Sunita, you are such a darling hiding from what you wanted. Free yourself and allow me to be your king- tonight", Sir Suresh said to her. "No no nahi, I can't do this please, I am married, why can't you understand", mom asked.

"It's not a matter of understanding", Sir Suresh said as he made his way towards her face, "It's a matter of the chemistry that is going on between us at this moment"

He reached over her face on top of her and he looked as if he as about to kiss her but mom panned her face sideways with disgust. Sir Suresh was not appealed by this move so he held her face, straightened it and gave her a slight hard French kiss. My mom didn't even move a muscle, she just kept her hands on his shoulders, always trying to push him away but to no avail.

“We should stop,” my mom said suddenly, opening her eyes wide as if realizing where things were headed.
Sir Suresh looked momentarily taken aback but quickly kissed her back again. “Sunita, you don't need to deny yourself this marvelous opportunity, your good-for-nothing husband left such a beauty alone, but you are now in the hands of me, your king, don't worry,” he replied softly.

As he worked on her boobs, I noticed she wasn't even wearing bra and this is normal for her especially when she is about to sleep at night, Sir Suresh’s hands glided smoothly over her breasts, squeezing and kneading them one by one. Friends, I noticed something on my mom's face, as Sir Suresh squeezed her breasts and pinching her nipples, she began closing her eyes.

When I saw my mom getting into the mood, my dick was now 100% hard. It was so erotic realizing that my mom, instead of continuing to deny her body being used by another man, she was getting into the world of illegal affair and it was overwhelming for her. Friends, when I saw this, something strange came over me.

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coin flip generator

My mom sighed softly, perhaps feeling some tension ebb away under his skilled touch and continuation of him sucking her breasts. But then he paused and suggested gently, “Sunita, are you enjoying it”

"Suresh let me go, how could you do this, I am the wife of your colleague", mom answered but her tone of voice began breaking and moving to the ranges of moaning. This was not the normal way of my mom's tone. "I know you are not my wife, but you are my property tonight", Sir Suresh replied.

He pulled up her satin dress up and she was now fully naked. I couldn't believe this kind of thing would happen the fact that mom was fully naked with a Sir Suresh. He moved down to her pussy region, "May I taste this?", he asked mom as her looked deeply at her pussy. My heart skipped a beat at this suggestion.

It felt like crossing into uncharted territory. Would she agree? Mom didn't even utter a word and that was a green light to Sir Suresh. "Your silence is betraying you Sunita" as he said this, he drove his tongue on her pussy starting from the top part. My mom's pussy was not just slight hairy but a beautiful and glamorous, glistening one with tender of pussy lips meat which made a nice curve to it that shaped her pussy. 

Sir Suresh's tongue flickered excitedly as he licked one pussy lip after the other over and over, his eyes wide with anticipation of the taste. "Aahhh asshh oooh", the moans of ecstasy flowed out of my mom's mouth. "I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he confessed, crouching down. “A sweet, juicy, pussy like this is dream come true. You, my delicious Sunita, are the pinnacle of fortune & cuisine, I am going to eat this pussy until tomorrow morning"

He held my mom's thunder thighs, sucking her pussy lips, her clit and the crevice while looking at my mom who by now was closing her eyes, moans escaping her mouth, jolting here and there on the bed, her legs tapping the bed. I saw this and I knew the womanhood of my mom's sexuality was now becoming evident.

[Image: Vidz-2.jpg]

"Oh, my queen! Your pussy tastes like honey mixed with love than I imagined. So savory, so rich, so... perfectly seasoned!” Sir Suresh got to work, licking the her pussy from top to bottom. He took his time, savoring every inch. “You’ve got it all,” he murmured between licks. “Flavor, texture, and charm. I’ll never forget this night.”

"Sssssurresshh pppppleeasseee noooo stoopp oooohhh", mom sighed, perhaps loosing her senses simultaneously getting a sensation she never got. "Sunita, you are deprived, I can tell you are deprived from reaching the 7th heaven, this pussy of yours needs a good care, but don’t worry—I’ll take good care of you.”

My mom, naked, whom I never thought will see her naked with another man, even in my wildest dream, rested on the soft, expensive motel bed, illuminated by the silvery glow of moonlight streaming through the window. My mom was left there by dad, who due to work, couldn't satisfy my mom the days he was away. 

But now, the night had taken a turn it never expected, Sir Suresh, the alpha male, had claimed my mom, the property of my poor dad who doesn't even know that his holy wife, his precious property is being eaten without his knowledge by his very colleague.

As Suresh’s rough tongue dragged across my mom's pussy clit & surface, my mom found herself feeling... strangely appreciated. Mom tried hard to resist but it was not 16% of her resisting. She would never admit it to anyone, of course, but being licked so meticulously wasn’t unpleasant at all. In fact, it was oddly satisfying. 

And for me, without even knowing, I found myself, involuntarily holding and rubbing my dick up and down. Friends, trust me, I didn't even realize that I was rubbing my dick, I don't even remember when I zipped down my pants, but I just found myself rubbing my cock smoothly up and down as I watched the most erotic scene ever to happen to me.

"I am sure your husband never licked you like this before", Sir Suresh said as mom continued gasping for air due to the sensation. She grabbed the bed, displacing the bedsheets. This is certainly a new sensation for my mom. He’s so thorough! Top to bottom, no spot on her pussy missed. My mom was never treated with such care.

The room was quiet except for the soft moans of my mom who was now in another world and also the sucking of her pussy by Sir Suresh, the moon casting a gentle glow over the bed. Sir Suresh stopped sucking her pussy, raised his head poised, staring at the my mom who he’d been worshipping for what felt like 20 minutes. 

He watched as my mom squirmed all over the bed even after he finished sucking her pussy. Sir Suresh's mouth was wet all over due to my mom's pussy juices and some of her pussy juices cascaded from her magnificent pussy. Mom still was breathing heavily and this meant to me that the sucking was intense.

His eyes sparkled with curiosity and renewed intent as he gently turned my mom over so that she was now lying on her stomach and her fat meaty ass was on his sight. Sir Suresh’s gaze fell upon her big ass like a treasure long sought. His dick inside his boxers twitched as he held mom's thighs as she turned, surveying the fat ass as if he were a connoisseur examining a rare gem. 

My mom resisted from turning for a second but she found herself lying with her back to the view of Sir Suresh. There, lying in the moonlight, her big booty looked even more inviting.

“You, my lovely Sunita” he said softly, his voice smooth and low, “are something extraordinary.”

He studied her ass curves, the texture of the surface. And then, with the air of someone who had waited a long time for such an opportunity, Sir Suresh finally allowed himself to taste it.

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The first lick was tentative, slow, exploratory and superficial. From my mom's face that was pressed on the pillow, I read an expression of satisfaction though she knew that what she is doing with Sir Suresh was an abomination.

As his tongue brushed against her fat asscheeks, a sense of wonder washed over my mom. My mom, though moaning, felt as though she responded to his touch, welcoming it. The more he tasted, the more he wanted to explore. But my mom was not ready to let him explore her meaty ass because she kept pushing his face away.

Every lick seemed to fill him with a deep sense of satisfaction, but there was more to discover. "You’re incredible," Sir Suresh said, “And this fat, meaty back of yours... it’s even more enticing than I imagined.” 

"Suresssh aaaahh stop this please stop doing this things on my back", my mom moaned. “Ah, yes,” Sir Suresh said, “the real treasure.” He leaned in, licking my mom's fat asscheeks slowly, savoring every detail. “I’ve always wanted to taste this part. It’s perfect. So full, so juicy. You’ve been hiding this from me, haven’t you?"

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As Sir Suresh continued to lick the top surface of my mom's big ass, the room suddenly grew still, the air thick with a strange, unexplained energy. And then, just as his tongue approached a small, barely visible indent at the center of the fat ass cheeks, something unexpected happened.

“Please,” my mom's soft voice, clear and almost pleading. “Don’t lick that hole.” Sir Suresh was amazed and asked "Why, what’s wrong with it? It seems... perfect.”

My mom hesitated, her voice taking on a slightly nervous tone. “Because no one has ever truly paid attention to it before. It's dirty please, i will feel embarrassed. It’s... different. That hole is part of me that I’ve kept hidden for so long. I don’t know if I’m ready to share it. Suresh please don't lick that part”

I knew my mom was referring to her tight asshole. Friends, let me tell you something. I am very sure that my mom was never asshole-licked before. And how do I know this? Because my dad, even though he was charming man, he didn't really have the knowledge enough of satisfying a woman. In simple phrase, my dad didn't explore other treasure parts of my mom, e.g her magnificent asshole.

Sir Suresh chuckled softly, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “But that’s exactly why I want to taste it, I don't care if it's stinky” he said, a low, melodic rhythm in his voice. “It’s a secret, something no one has ever explored. I even know your moronic husband never did this to you. And now, it’s my turn to discover it. This asshole of yours can never be left unlicked”

My mom's voice faltered, almost as if she was trying to resist the temptation of the Sir Suresh's devotion. “But... it’s delicate, I don't want you to smell it” my mom said. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that.” Sir Suresh’s eyes softened, and he leaned closer to my mom's hairy asshole, his voice gentle. “I understand,” he said. 

“But I can’t help it. I’ve been curious about this sacred asshole of yours for so long. You’ve been waiting for someone to find it, and I know you were. And now, it’s me. I’ll treat it with care, I promise. I don't care if it's stinky, in fact I want it to stink, bend over my darling"

My mom didn't want to bend over but Sir Suresh held her waist and raised her with his hands. I couldn't fathom how strong he was and withing a blink, mom was bending like a whore ready for her asshole to be licked, probably for the first time.

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[+] 5 users Like nadia's post
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Story is really sexy.#update
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Superb writing brother. Kerp it up
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With that permission, Sir Suresh pressed his tongue against the small, most tight asshole of my mom, the softness of it surprising him. It was unlike her pussy, it was so tight even by just observing it, its texture more delicate, more tender. As he licked her precious asshole hole, my mom shivered slightly, almost as though it were responding to his touch.

She squirmed and clenched her asscheeks if she was feeling a tikling sensation on her asshole, a hole that was never explored. She grimaced, biting her lips, not in pleasure, but somehow in disgust but I knew her heart was loving it but her mind condemned it.

"Ooh Sunita,” Sir Suresh murmured, his voice full of wonder. “It’s... unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. Your asshole smells so intoxicating, I don't know how to describe it, and it tastes like coconut”

My mom's voice, mixed with moans, though faint, spoke again. “Aahh oooh Suresh please, that's enough aaaahh oohh no" Mom's expression was filled with disgust and repulsion, probably from the fact that another man was licking a part of her body that was not meant to be licked or sucked.

Friends, by now, I was really rubbing my dick up and down. Remember, during the days I heard my mom and dad having their intimate moments in their bedroom, I never bothered to watch because I designated that act as an abomination but I used to hear moans but I never masturbated to it.

However, this night, I felt strange, emotions of sexual urge travelled with the speed of lightning through my body. I was gazing, hardly blinking just to not miss any miniscule action of what Sir Suresh was doing to my mom.

Sir Suresh, lost in the sensation, continued to suck my mom's asshole, savoring the way it felt beneath his tongue. He could feel her asshole's warmth, its essence, the smell, as though it were a part of him now. The more he tasted, the deeper the bond between them seemed to grow.

His tongue ran over, back and fourth as if it was creating a friction due to the rubbing impact it imposed on the surface of my mom's tiny anus. My mom was all over the moon albeit her not expressing it by sound but by her facial expression, it was evident that she was enjoying it.

Friends, by now, I adored seeing mom enjoying the inexplicable feeling Sir Suresh was giving her asshole. Earlier, I was angry at my mom but now, all of a sudden, things quickly changed and I was going berserk and loving the scene.

“I do appreciate you, my lovely Sunita” Sir Suresh whispered, his tone almost reverent. “Every part of you. Your breast, your thighs, your pussy, your rich back, and yes, even this little asshole. You’re more than just my colleague's wife. You’re a mystery, a treasure.”

My mom continued giving slow moans but distant, it seemed as if she didn't want Sir Suresh to hear her because she knew that Sir Suresh would know that she was enjoying it, 

Mom seemed to be getting in the mood to relax under Sir Suresh’s asshole licking pleasure. It felt, for the first time, truly seen. Sir Suresh continued his slow, deliberate exploration, his tongue growing deeper inside my mom's asshole with every moment. There was something magical about this, something that felt like it had been destined to happen.

“You know,” he said, tapping his fingers lightly on the bed, “I wonder what’s inside that secret little asshole of yours. Surely, there’s something even more fascinating waiting for me to find.”

My mom, silent for a moment, responded with a warm but wary tone. “Suresh, you’ve already seen more of it than anyone else ever has. Can’t we leave it at that?”

Suresh chuckled,  . “Oh, don’t be modest,” he said, his voice playful but determined. “I simply must know everything about you. Every inch, every hidden corner. Don’t you trust me?”

He started inserting his middle finger inside her asshole and this made my mom squirm even more. She was shocked that something tiny was entering her asshole. Mom reached over and tried to prevent Sir Suresh from doing so but before she could think of it, Sir Suresh's middle finger slightly entered her asshole, not much but just the tip.

"Aahh ooohh ssshh Suressh please oooohhh", my mom moaned as Sir Suresh fingered her tiny asshole. He continued spitting on her asshole.  “This is why I couldn’t resist. You hold secrets that deserve to be discovered, cherished.” Sir Suresh told her.

After fingering her asshole for 10 minutes, he removed his finger from her asshole and smelled it and later tasted it. "Oooh that smell and taste of your inside asshole is so refreshing" 

That statement made my mom disgusted. She couldn't imagine someone saying that after he tasted the insides of her beautiful asshole.

Sir Suresh turned my mom over again so that she was now lying on her back. My mom gave a look of disgust to Sir Suresh, but from her face, it seemed as if she was just pretending. I and Sir Suresh knew that she was enjoying it all the time.

My mom, now a companion of sorts, lay on missionary position, not knowing what to expect from Sir Suresh. It was a strange bond, one built on quiet moments and the joy of discovery. But Sir Suresh, ever the curious explorer, knew there was more to the night than what they had already shared.

“Sunita,” he said softly, his voice playful as he looked at my mom with passion. “Let’s see what more we can discover tonight.”

My mom, still warm from the earlier attention, lay motionless, almost as if in a deep, thoughtful silence. 

Sir Suresh was now lying on the bed, his dick was still inside his boxers. From the look at the shape his dick made on his grey boxers, I knew this man was hiding an astronomical length and gigantic dick inside that boxers, it was only mom to discover it.

As he lied on the bed, he pulled down his boxers. He didn't even remove his boxers all the way down when his massive dick, close to 11 inches, sprung out as if it was escaping his boxers. “I’ve had this for a while, but I think it’s time you tried it. A gift, just for you.” He said to my mom who was startled, astonished and astounded by what she just saw.

My mom knew what Suresh was asking, she understood what Sir Suresh was offering; a blowjob again. I knew mom gave him blowjob 5 times of which I didn't experience or seen her doing.

But tonight, I was about to see live of how my mom could cope with this massive dick inside her small mouth. I asked myself, "How did my mom manage to suck and fit all that dick meat inside her mouth previously when Sir Suresh made her suck his cock?"

"Why are you staring at it my love? Has something changed?", my mom continued to stare at his dick, possibly not believing something. Or did she realize that his dick got bigger than before or the last time she saw it?

“Go ahead,” he said, his voice soft and encouraging. “Try it. See how it feels.”

My mom, who now turned unholy and impossible to go back to her traditional self nor pious to my dad, unsure at first, gazed at the sweet treat in Sir Suresh’s hands. The bright glistening sweat the lollipop, or let's call it Sir Suresh's big cock, were striking against the dim room, and the scent of his dick filled the air. 

It was something new, something my mom was about to experience for the 6th time. My mom hesitated, "No Suresh please, I cannot do this enough, you already took my chastity away, don't take any more of it" Mom tried to get out of the bed but Sir Suresh swiftly caught her and brought her back to the bed.

"Your chastity long gone Sunita, you lost your chastity when I first made you touch my skin, remember?" Sir Suresh reminded her and that is when my mom just dropped her head down knowing that it was true that she lost her piousness long ago and she is no longer loyal to my dad nor a sacred woman.

The playful gleam in Sir Suresh’s eyes softened as he continued. “Let me show you. It’s a gift, after all. I know you are wondering how it will fit in your mouth but if it fitted the first time, then it can fit the 6th time”

With that, Sir Suresh gently held my the back of my mom's head, placed his massive dick on the entrance of my mom's mouth which was tiny. “Now,” he said, looking at my mom, “take your time. Take it slowly in your mouth, and you’ll see how sweet it really is. Don't pretend, I know you are a master at this”

My mom who knew that there was no going back after surrendering herself to Sir Suresh, still unsure, stretched forward and began opening her mouth. Sir Suresh watched the process with quiet patience. “That’s it,” he whispered. “You’re doing great.”

My mom, moved slowly toward the candy-like cock. “I... I don’t know Suresh,” she murmured, her voice soft. “It’s big. I don’t think I can lick it.”

My mom's  first lick was tentative, her mouth gliding over Sir Suresh's dick, testing its sweetness.

“There you go,” Sir Suresh said softly, his voice like a quiet melody. “You’re doing just fine. Now, take your time and enjoy it.”

My mom, who looked like a total slut, feeling more comfortable with each passing moment, began to lick the lollipop dick of Sir Suresh with more confidence. Her mouth moved in slow, deliberate strokes across the his cock. The sweet flavor was unlike anything it had ever known—a soft, sugar-filled rush that filled the air with a new kind of sweetness.

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Sir Suresh watched my mom carefully, holding the back of her head, ensuring that she doesn't escape from sucking, his eyes sparkling with pride. “That’s the magic” he said. “You never know what you’re going to discover Sunita.” My mom, now fully immersed in the experience, began to suck his cock with greater enthusiasm, savoring the unique sweetness that only his dick could provide. 

The previous sucking scenes of my mom that I missed were now all enacted in 3D view in front of my eyes. But as she did, something unexpected happened. Sir Suresh's dick, large and bold, began to fill my mom's mouth more completely. With every suck, my mom could feel it pressing further into her voice box, filling it up with more and more sweetness.

Sir Suresh closed his eyes as he constantly and consistently encouraged my mom to suck his dick more and more by holding the back of her head.

But as mom continued, she suddenly stopped, her mouth trembling slightly. “It’s... too big,” my mom said with a strained voice. “It’s too much for me.” I could see her saliva drooling down from her mouth.

Sir Suresh tilted his head. “What do you mean?” he asked. “You’re doing great. Just take it slow. You don’t have to rush. You have been doing this for a longer time now”

And with a deep breath, mom continued sucking his dick which I could not believe it fitted her mouth, taking slower, more measured strokes. The sweetness became more intense as she moved, and mom could feel her mouth adjusting to the sensation and the size. It wasn’t as overwhelming now.

Sir Suresh, watching carefully, smiled. “You’re doing great. Keep going. Just enjoy the moment, aaahh Sunita yeess aooooh this feels soo hot”

And so the night continued, with Sir Suresh guiding my mom through. The two of them shared a noisy, peaceful moment, as Sir Suresh gentle guidance and my mom’s hesitant exploration came together in a harmony of sweetness and curiosity.

My mom, the traditional woman turned into another woman, continued sucking his dick, still a bit nervous from the earlier moments they shared. She had never experienced anything quite like this—never had she been treated with such curiosity not even by my dad, attention, and care. 

She wasn’t used to feeling so alive, so desired, in a way that went beyond simply being an object of interest. Quite clearly, Sir Suresh was taking the place of my dad.

Sir Suresh had shown my mom a new side of herself, one that she wasn’t sure she entirely understood.

Sir Suresh shifted a bit, his golden eyes gleaming with vigor and energy, he looked hungry. He made my mom stop sucking his dick after 20 minutes. He could sense my mom's uncertainty but also her silent hunger and eagerness, but there was no rush, no pressure. He was content to take things slow, to keep exploring at a pace that felt right for both of them.

“Sunita,” Sir Suresh said gently, his voice soft and inviting. “I’ve been thinking... there’s more to discover. But this time, I need you to trust me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice cautious but curious wiping off the saliva from her mouth. "You will find it soon." He said. My mom's heart raced as she wondered what Sir Suresh had planned next. She couldn’t deny her curiosity, but she was nervous.

Friends, for my part, I was eager to see what was going to happen but I knew he was planning to fuck her pussy. Earlier I was telling myself all this was wrong but now, after the horny and naughty state of mind became the status quo, I was telling myself that all this was right, so right.

The thought of what might come next seemed a bit overwhelming, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for something new. Still, she trusted Sir Suresh. She could feel the warmth of his presence beside her, and somehow, that made her feel safe.

"I am going to fuck your pussy now baby", Sir Suresh told her. "No no please" mom denied. “I’ve been waiting for this opportunity,” Sir Suresh murmured, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and affection. “I’ve never been this close to you before. There’s so much more to you than meets the eye.”

My mom felt a little flutter at his words, the connection between them deepening. She had never been treated like this before—had never felt so understood, so cared for. 

Sir Suresh, now gently holding his dick with his hands, moved closer to my mom's pussy as she lied down, no resistance at all. Her resistance was now at 0%. He glanced at her once more, his eyes soft. “Are you ready?” He asked her as he rubbed his massive dick on the surface of her pussy lips.

My mom said slightly “I’m not ready, please Suresh it cannot fit” she said, her voice quieter now, but filled with silent curiosity. I knew she wanted it judging from how she was acting.

Sir Suresh didn't listen to her, carefully, he began to guide his dick inside my mom's holy pussy. His movements were slow and deliberate, ensuring that each step was comfortable for her. He didn’t rush; he wanted this moment to be something they both could cherish.

As his massive dick made contact with my mom's smooth pussy, a quiet gasp escaped her mouth. She had never felt anything like this before. It was strange, but at the same time, it felt... right although she didn't want to admit it for herself or to Sir Suresh. 

It was as though this was the next step in their journey together, the next chapter in their story of discovery and illicit secret affair. For Sir Suresh, this was a new experience as well. He had never imagined such an intimate connection with my mom, but as he gently guided his dick inside her wet pussy, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction and joy and also a faint resistance from my mom. 

He could feel my mom's hesitations, but he also felt her trust in him. This trust was something he didn’t take lightly. My mom felt his dick pressed gently against her fleshy pussy, and she trembled slightly. The size was a little overwhelming, and she wasn’t sure how she could handle it. “Aahhh stop stop aaahh Suresh aahh wait wait....I don’t know if I can do this,” she moaned.

Sir Suresh, sensing her discomfort, looked at her with warmth in his eyes. “It’s okay, my love, if it fitted inside your mouth, then it can definitely fit inside your good pussy” he reassured her. “Take your time. I’m right here with you.”

And so, with a quiet sigh, mom closed her eyes, Sir Suresh move forward, inching forward as mom continued lay down anticipating the imminent sweetness. Sir Suresh's dick slowly began to enter, and although there was some initial struggle, it felt like they were both learning together, discovering new limits and new possibilities.

Mom held Sir Suresh's chest, closing her eyes and about to feel something she never felt before.

As Sir Suresh continued to gently maneuver his dick inside her pussy, the bed beneath them seemed to shift slightly with the movement. It was a tender, quiet moment—one that was shared between the two of them as they explored this new experience together.

His dick entered halfway in and her pussy seemed to accommodate his massive dick so far and this made Sir Suresh smile at her.

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Despite the occasional strain, both Sir Suresh and my mom felt a connection that grew stronger with each stroke that Sir Suresh was giving her. With each stroke, his dick made strides inside that holy pussy of my mom which was only fucked by my dad.

My dick was as hardest as ever, I was stroking hard as fast as I could, breathing rapidly. Inside my head, I silently thanked my friend Rahul for introducing me to this kind of unexplainable feeling of watching my mom being banged so hard by another man while my dad is busy in another country.

I also knew Rahul was watching his mom right now being fucked by his dad's boss. I in fact knew that as I am stroking my dick watching my mom and Sir Suresh fuck for the first time, I also knew Rahul is coincidentally watching his mom being used by his dad's boss.

There was no rush, no pressure—just a shared sense of discovery and understanding between mom and Sir Suresh but I could sense that Sir Suresh was increasing the pace. "Aahh aahh aah ah aah ahh oohh sshh aahhh please aaah Suresssh aahh", my mom moaned and I could never have imagined my mom would moan so loud like this for another man.

Sir Suresh just watched her moan and he smiled as he continued pumping even more inside her pussy.

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Sir Suresh's dick, now fully inside my mom's pussy, felt like a symbol of their journey. It wasn’t about speed or perfection; it was about the process of exploration and the joy of learning together. My mom who seemed to be against this hot feeling was now moaning, she exposed her inner self, her womanhood and her sexual wildness fully to Sir Suresh who embraced it with an evil grin.

All this time, Sir Suresh wanted to fuck my mom. He was jealous of my dad because of my mom. But today, Sir Suresh got the gift he ever wanted and that gift was not only my mom, but also her pussy.

My mom, feeling more at ease now, allowed herself to truly experience this forbidden sensation. She had never felt so cared for, so taboo-ish, so cherished, and it was this care that made the experience all the more meaningful and lively.

I never seen my mom like this, she felt entranced, enchanted by the huge dick inside her. This dick of Sir Suresh was making my mom feel as if she was in another world of utopia. Moreover, the size of Sir Suresh's dick could not even be compared or juxtaposed with that of my dad.

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Sir Suresh's dick was much bigger, much sweeter, according to my mom's reaction, more than my dad's. The only sounds that could be heard were the rough rustling of the sheets and the screams and moans of my mom that came as music to Sir Suresh's ears. 

He couldn’t help but keep pounding my mom's pussy who kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to open her eyes because she felt ashamed that she would be seeing a man who is not her husband fucking her. "Sunita my love," he said as he fucked her, his voice mixed with sounds of groans. "why don't you open your eyes and look at me as I fuck you?"

My mom didn't even mention a word, she kept moaning and moaning, while closing her eyes, "aahh aahh oooohhh sshh aaahhh suresh stop aaahhh" The meat of Sir Suresh's thighs and mom's thighs collided with a sound of "tap tappa tap tappa tap tappa" those sounds were really erotic.

In fact, they sounded so erotic because my mom's chubby body made the sound so lively.

My mom's smooth pussy was now on fire, its unusual texture catching the light just right. Something about it intrigued him and something about Sir Suresh's dick intrigued my mom, and he had a strong feeling that there was more to this pussy of my mom than met the eye. As the quiet night settled around him, Sir Suresh felt that it was the perfect time to further explore.

He removed his dick from my mom after 30 minutes of fucking her pussy. "Turn around my lovely Sunita, I want to fuck your pussy from back" My mom, now resting on the bed, lay there still and gasping and breathing rapidly due to the intense fucking. 

The moonlight seemed to glow even more brightly, casting long shadows across the room and adding to the magical and erotic atmosphere of the evening. Sir Suresh felt an adventurous spark within him—this was the night he would truly discover what my mom's tight pussy was all about.

With a gentle hold of my mom's waists, he carefully turned my mom over, inspecting her from all angles. Her  smooth big ass felt cool to the touch, and the stretch markings along the edge seemed to tell a story of my mom's fat ass. Sir Suresh, ever the curious alpha male, admired how different it was from anything he had ever encountered.

When my mom was fully on doggy style, he saw both my mom's asshole and her tight pussy gazing at him. “I’ve never seen anything quite like you, this pussy is so much fun” Sir Suresh said softly, his voice almost a whisper in the stillness of the night. “You have so many mysteries to uncover with this pussy Sunita.”

He paused for a moment, taking in the quiet of the room. The night felt alive with potential, and the bond he was beginning to form with my mom felt special. There was a sense of excitement building within him, and it seemed like the perfect time to explore further.

“This will be fun,” Sir Suresh said, as he guided his dick back into my mom's  pussy. A long "aaahhhhhhhhaaaaahhh" escaped my mom's sexy lips as she closed her eyes. As usual Sir Suresh was back to his usual back and forth strokes. This time he didn't went slow, he went as fast as he could.

He knew that mom's pussy was singing the name of his massive dick during this sexual choir and orchestra he was sharing with my mom. He kept fucking my mom, her big ass bouncing and dancing to the choir and orchestra, not missing a single beat.

There he went, on and on fucking my mom's pussy while she posed in doggystyle. Friends, when my mom posed it doggystyle it was one in a million scene. Her back, arched like those curves of a circles you see in mathematics classes.

I never knew she could bend like this to the extent that both her asshole and pussy were open for Sir Suresh.

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My mom, in this new position, seemed even more fascinating, and Sir Suresh’s adventurous spirit surged within him.

As he held my mom's back and admired the her fat ass, he couldn’t help but smile as he kept fucking her pussy with might. “You’ve got quite the mystery to you,” he said. “And I think I’m just the man to figure it out. The man to relieve your sexual frustrations, aaahh yess push your ass big as I fuck your tight pussy baby”

Mom moaned and screamed, "aahhh oohhh Suresh aahhh ah ah ah ah sshh oooohhhh sureeeessshhhhh!!!" My mom who was traditional with values was now screaming at the impact of another man's cock digging deep the insides of her sweet pussy.

Friends, let me tell you, I have never seen such erotic scene, that too live in front of my naked eyes. I was rubbing my dick watching my mom being turned to unholy by another man. I knew I should neither watch nor celebrate this because it was an abomination.

But in the eyes of the chemistry between my mom and Sir Suresh, this was something far from abomination, it was pleasing to see. The pussy flesh, tender and inviting, appeared as though it had once belonged to my dad, something with warmth, perhaps even spirit. But now, under Sir Suresh insistent dick, it was simply an object—a thing to be fucked with. It was owned by Sir Suresh.

"Please, Suresh, not again," my mom whimpered, her voice soft and full of dismay. "I beg of you, stop!"

Sir Suresh wasn’t one to stop when he had something in her mind and something to enjoy “Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Suresh said, continuing to fuck her pussy with vigor. "Your pussy is so soft and tight, it has not been fucked for so long. I can’t help myself. The meat, the flesh… it’s all so… tantalizingly sweet."

My mom shuddered again, though she did not beg in the same way as before. She had long learned that pleading only seemed to amuse Sir Suresh. Instead, she tried to reason, to appeal.

"Suresh, please," mom pleaded with more sincerity. "What do you gain from this? aaahhhh ooohh uuuuuhhhhhhh I have nothing left to offer. My usefulness is gone. You only take from me. aahhh ooohhhhh oooohhh aaaaaahhhhhh"

"You have so much to offer," Sir Suresh teased. "Your softness, your vulnerability—it’s delightful. You may be my colleague's wife, but now, you are mine. Move your ass, take my dick inside your pussy deeper"

Then as he ordered her to do so, one of the most erotic thing happened. My mom obeyed, him. She started swinging her hips back and fourth. Sir Suresh wasn't even holding her big ass. My mom was moving on her own.

This act confirmed to me that, my shy mom is finally the item of Sir Suresh. My mom took repetitive but slow, deliberate swings with her big ass, pushing the his dick deeper, deeper into the soft, pliable flesh of her pussy. She was relentless, savoring each moment as the pussy gave in to her.

She was now fucking herself using Sir Suresh's dick. "Ooh woow, look at you swinging your hips back and fourth by your own.", Sir Suresh said. My mom continued to moan, "aahh oohhhh yesss aahhhhh Suressssshh oohhh"

And with a quick change of position, Sir Suresh laid down and made my mom come on top of him. Now another thing which surprised me was as soon as mom came on top of him, without waiting for Sir Suresh to tell her to what to do, she got up, held his dick which was glistening with her pussy juices and quickly guided inside her pussy.

This shocked me again, I thought I was dreaming for the second time but to my realization, it was not a dream. My mom, willingly decided to insert his dick in her tight pussy all on her own and started riding it like a good girl.

Even Sir Suresh was amazed by what was unfolding. "Ooh you are loving it huh? you are riding it by your own Sunita" Then my mom for the first time responded, "aaahhh shut up Suresh, just shut up aahhh ooohhh ssshh oohhhh" 

My mom completely changed, I never imagined she would change by this kind of fuck she was being given. But what kind of woman would not change for this fuck? Every woman will change even if they are married just by tasting Sir Suresh's dick.

"You’re so sweet," he said, his voice tinged with a playful mockery. "It’s almost like I’m eating your pussy with all my strength, only… a much more delicate treat."

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"Do you enjoy it, Sunita?" Sir Suresh asked my mom. "Aaahhh yessss ooohhh yess yess shut up Suresh aahhh shut upp aaahhh Break me down, piece by piece aahhhhhh I am all yours" my mom answered as she kept moaning.

I could not believe what I was hearing, I almost cummed as soon as I listened to those words escaping my mom's mouth. How could such a virtuous mom like my mom utter those word to a complete stranger who is not even her husband. Friends, I tell you for sure, I almost cummed just by hearing that.

It was now an hour and 15 minutes of Sir Suresh fucking her pussy and i know realized that he was moving fast and fast. There was a certain freedom in my mom's surrender, in being no longer a thing to be used, but just a plaything, a momentary joy.

“I have no choice,” my mom moaned, almost to herself. “I cannot stop you Suresh. I was never meant to be stopped aahhhh"

"You are right my love, now I am going to cum, hold me tight", Sir Suresh told my mom. "Noo aahh noo Suresh please don't release inside me nooo release outside" my mom pleaded.

"Are you sure?", Sir Suresh asked my mom. "Yessssss don't aaahhhhhh" But without any warning Sir Suresh increased his pace and I was sure he was going to cum inside my mom. He grabbed her big ass and mom continued going up and down.

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 "Aaahhhhhh I am cummmmiinnnngggggg Suniiiitaaaaaaa aaarrrgghhhh oooohhhhhhh"

"Sureessshhh noooo aahhhhhh noooo suressssshhhh aaaaaaaaaahhhh" my mom moaned in tune with Sir Suresh's groan and both of them cummed together with Sir Suresh cumming inside her.

I could not believe another man has just cummed inside my mom's pussy. This kind of erotic scene was just crossing each and every boundary. Friends, I was even not left behind, I cummed and my sperms dirtified the door. I released a sound of "aahhhh"

Then my mom as she was still on top of Sir Suresh, she held his face and kissed him for like 5 minutes. Sir Suresh also responded by grabbing her big ass as he the two kissed each other passionately.

Mom slept near Sir Suresh, both of them dripping with sweat. For what felt like minutes, neither spoke. The quiet was broken only by their labored breathing, their shared exhaustion hanging heavy in the cool night air. Sir Suresh's dick which was glistening with cum was now deflated.

Mom laid on the bed on her stomach, her big ass was covered with sweat and I could see huge load of white thick cum, like the one I saw on my mom's face that day when I came back from my friend Rahul's house, flowing from her pussy.

"That was…" Sir Suresh began, his voice low and breathy, “… intense.” He stretched lazily, his hands extending for a moment before landing on her fat ass. He turned his head to my mom, his sharp grin softened by the glow of the moonlight. "Did you enjoy it Sunita?"

My mom with a cute smile answered, "I suppose I did." A slow smile spread across Sir Suresh's face, the kind of smile that spoke of satisfaction, mischief, and something unspoken. He let out another rough groan and slapped my mom's big ass which caused it to shake.

"Well, you held up better than I expected," Sir Suresh said, his tone teasing. "You’ve got more in you than I gave you credit for."

For a while, they lay there in silence again, the sounds of the night surrounding them. Somewhere in the distance, a dog barked, and the faint rustle of leaves whispered through the alley. Finally, my mom broke the silence.

"Suresh," she said, her voice low but firm. "No one can know about this. Please, not even my husband or Rajeev, I will be in deep trouble"

Sir Suresh held my mom with both of his hands, "Oh, don’t worry, my Sunita," he said, leaning closer. "Your secret’s safe with me."

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