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Debdita was a very attractive 35-year-old housewife. She was in excellent shape and maintained the figure of a 20-something-year-old. Her body was fit and tone all over. She had a passion for fitness. She engaged in some form of vigorous exercise almost every day. She was happily married and had a 15-year-old son Bobby. They lived in the suburbs and all enjoyed a nice life together.
One Spring afternoon, Debdita was having lunch with her closest friend Pinky . Pinky and Debdita were sorority sisters in college and remained close friends ever since. Pinky was 38 and married. She had two kids and was also a very attractive woman.
"Are you free next Tuesday?" Pinky asked.
"I think so. Why?" Debdita inquired.
"There is this really fun party you should attend with me," Pinky explained. "I know you will really have a lot of fun. You could sorda say it's a woman's group."
"What do you mean by 'sorda'?" Debdita asked.
"It can be a touch on the wilder side of things I guess you could say," Pinky answered. "But it is all women with kids like us. And it is all good fun. Come on. I know you. I know you will love it. Just trust me, ok?"
"Trust you? Pinky , that almost always gets us into big trouble," Debdita said as she laughed. "But ok. Why not? I'll go." Pinky told Debdita what to wear and she arranged to pick her up on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Debdita and Pinky drove to the party. It was at a large mansion about a 45-minutes' drive from where they lived. They were greeted by the host as they entered the house. Pinky then led Debdita upstairs to one of the bedrooms.
"They have these parties every month," Pinky explained. "Each month it is a different theme. The host picks the theme and provides all the ladies with matching lingerie to wear. It feels a bit like a pajama party, but sexier. And the best part is, we get to keep the lingerie."
They entered the bedroom and there were numerous neatly organized sets of lingerie laying on the bed. "Looks like it's a garters and stockings theme this month," Pinky commented. Debdita walked over to the bed and picked up some of the lingerie.
"Pinky , this is Zivame!" Debdita exclaimed. "Do you know how expensive this stuff is?"
"I know. I do," Pinky responded.
"No, seriously," Debdita remarked. "A bra, panty and garter set from them has to cost like a 5 k."
"I know," Pinky commented. "The host is loaded. She goes all out for these parties."
"And the guests are all women?" Debdita asked. "We aren't going to be parading around in our undies with a bunch of men are we?"
"Um. That's right. The guests are all ladies like us," Pinky remarked as she started undressing. Debdita followed her lead and got undressed and started putting on the lingerie provided by the host. Once they both had on their bra, panties, garters and stocking, they slipped their heels back on and headed downstairs.
Once downstairs, they began mingling with the other ladies. There were about 15 other women at the party when Pinky and Debdita got downstairs. Debdita was having a great time. She though the lingerie theme was fun and made her feel sexy. She took notice of all the other women and thought they all looked sexy as well. She enjoyed it.
After a couple hours, the host made an announcement saying we are ready to start the competition. "The competition?" Debdita whispered in Pinky 's ear.
"Ok, here is where the wild part I mentioned comes into play," Pinky remarked.
"Pinky , what have you gotten me into?" Debdita quietly exclaimed. Debdita was used to Pinky getting them both into a bit of hot water. Pinky was the wilder of the two friends and liked to push the envelope. Debdita had a wild side and enjoyed being adventuresome, but she wasn't an instigator on her own. She required a ringleader like Pinky to stir up trouble.
"Relax," Pinky said. "It's all good fun. So here it is. The competition is a facial competition." Debdita stared back at Pinky with a confused look.
"That doesn't sound that wild," Debdita commented.
"No Debdita , not like a spa facial, a cum facial," Pinky clarified.
"Oh my god!" Debdita exclaimed. She took a moment to digest what she just heard at what that really meant. It occurred to her that that required men to be involved. "I thought you said this party was all women?"
"Well, I guess in complete fairness that wasn't entirely true," Pinky confessed. "Though technically speaking, I did say all of the 'guests' are women. That part is absolutely true. But yes, there will be a few guys here for the competition."
"Pinky !" Debdita exclaimed.
"Relax," Pinky said. "They are just here for the gals competing. We are just going to watch."
Before Debdita could respond, a lady walked by and handed a scorecard and pen to each of the ladies. "Ok, here is how the competition works," Pinky commented. "There are three rating criteria. One is Volume, or Facial Coverage really. Two is Distance. And three is Style. Ten points maximum for each category. Each lady and her guy companion will go up on the stage downstairs and 'compete' one pair at a time. Basically, whatever they want to do that ends in the guy giving his gal a facial. All of the 'non-competing' ladies like us in the audience will score each pair. Then they tally the scores and announce a winning pair at the end. And they give out some pretty lavish prizes to the winner. It is really a lot of fun."
"I get volume and distance I think, but how is style scored?" Debdita asked as she was still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.
"You will get scored higher for giving a blowjob compared to just a simple hand job or the guy merely jerking off for example. And you will almost always get maximum points for having your candidate fuck you on stage. The scores are weighted 50% on style and 25% each for volume and distance. So, for example, if you fucked a guy who shoots an average load, you could beat a gal that has a guy that cums like a porn star only jerk off and cum on her face."
"Do women really have sex here on stage?" Debdita asked.
"Sure," Pinky responded. "Sometimes. Not in every competition, but it does happen occasionally."
"Have you ever participated?" Debdita inquired.
"Yes. A few times. Got second place once. Evidently, the girl who beat me fucked a guy that completely covered her face in cum like it was a porno movie. I don't know how you are supposed to compete with that. The only downside of competing though is that you don't get to watch the other girls compete. They want to make it harder for you to know just how far you have to go to win. So, you kinda have to push it as far as you are willing if you want to have a chance to win. Makes it more exciting I suppose."
"But you haven't had sex here have you?" Debdita asked.
"No. I've thought about it, but haven't done that yet," Pinky replied.
"This is all so wild. I can't believe something like this even exists. Or that we are here. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." Debdita said.
"I know. Right? It is so much fun," Pinky exclaimed.
"Harish doesn't know about this does he?" Debdita asked.
"Oh god no. This is my little secret," Pinky said. "I figure if my husband can order up strippers or escorts or whatever they call them to parties in hotel suites for his clients, and do god knows what with those girls, all in the name of being required for work, then I can do this. We each have our secrets I'm sure. The way I see it, if there aren't emotions involved then it isn't really cheating. I'm sure other people disagree, but that works for me. And I don't want to know about the details of his escapades any more than he would want to know about this. I think that works for us."
"How do women find the guys? How did you?" Debdita asked.
"Not sure of all the ways. No one talks too much about it. They probably don't want to give up their secretes to keep their competitive advantages. I'm guessing lots of ways. I know some find guys at their gym. Neighbors' kids. I've heard others bring friends of their own kids. But there are rules -- all candidates must be at least 18. No sexual predator kiddie stuff. Oh, and no guys over 25 either. They want to reduce the chance that anyone's husband or co-worker shows up and might know one of the other women here or anything like that. They keep everything very discrete. Even the invitations are private. You have to access them with a unique username and password on a secure website. And let's be honest, who wants to watch some old, out of shape guy up there. I sure don't! Keep it sexy please."
"I've also heard girls have found willing candidates online," Pinky continued. "I'm sure there are other ways. You'd be surprised how easy it is to find a guy willing to cum on your face. It is pretty much every guy's fantasy."
"And who are all these women?" Debdita asked.
"They are all friends of someone here who invited them, or someone the host knows," Pinky responded.
"Are they all married?" Debdita asked.
"I think most are. A couple are divorced I think," Pinky answered.
"Because of this?" Debdita inquired.
"No, I doubt it. I would suspect everyone keeps this a secret from their spouse like they are supposed to do. I can't imagine anyone telling their husband."
"And everyone has kids?" Debdita asked.
"Yup. Only MILFs are allowed to attend," Pinky responded. "The host even refers to it as the MILF Facial Club in her invitations, or sometimes MFC for short. She has kids too, but older and off living on their own. I think she started this whole thing to remind mothers they can still be, and are allowed to be, sexy after having kids."
"You think I'm a MILF?" Debdita inquired.
"Look around Debdita . You are probably the hottest woman here," Pinky commented.
"Thank you," Debdita responded bashfully. She had been checking out the other women and thought every woman in the room had a rocking sexy body and was incredibly attractive. "I'm flattered."
A woman then walked by passing out masquerade masks to each of the ladies. "What are these for?" Debdita asked Pinky .
"To conceal your identity from the guys," Pinky responded. "Probably wouldn't want any of the guys recognizing you."
"Good point," Debdita commented as she put on her mask.
"In just a minute, we will form a reception line and each gal competing will parade her guy through, one pair at a time," Pinky said. "Then that pair goes downstairs to a room to wait to compete and the next pair parades through."
"Has anyone ever brought a guy that another woman knew?" Debdita asked.
"Yes. Once that I'm aware of," Pinky responded. "One lady brought another lady's son."
"Oh my god!" Debdita exclaimed. "What did she do?"
"She kept quiet at first until they passed and went downstairs," Pinky answered. "As soon as they left the room, she burst out and exclaimed that was her son. After she got over the initial shock, she rationalized that she had brought someone else's son to this before, so guessed it was only natural that someone might bring hers. She ultimately concluded she was fine with it and happy for her son to enjoy himself while he was young and single."
"I still can't even imagine being in that situation. Seeing your own son here?" Debdita exclaimed.
"I know, right?" Pinky agreed.
"I still don't know about all of this," Debdita replied with hesitation in her voice.
"You are already here. Just go with it," Pinky remarked.
"Ok. I guess," Debdita responded reluctantly.
The ladies then formed a reception line. The first pair of competitors was slowly paraded through. The competing lady showed off her guy, and the guy looked around and checked out all of the sexy women in their lingerie. The pair then made their way downstairs and the next pair paraded through. After all the competing pairs went through, the ladies made their way downstairs to a small theater-like room in the basement.
There were three rows of chairs lined up in front of a small stage. The stage was empty except for a small daybed like couch. The couch looked more like a piece of art than furniture. It was flat and open ended on the right side. The left side had a high rounded side to it that curved around at the top forming a swirl.
Pinky and Debdita sat in the middle of the second row. The other ladies filed in and took their seats. The seats were generously spaced apart and about 75% filled when the show started.
The first pair of competitors took the stage. A bright spotlight was shining on the pair which made it difficult for the pair to see into the audience. There was also a gigantic 120-inch LCD TV to the left of the stage; the kind every guy dreams of for his man cave but can't afford. It showed a live video feed of the couple competing. Debdita asked Pinky about the TV, and she explained that it was just a live view for the audience. Everyone was assured by the host that it wasn't being recorded.
The first woman on the stage undressed her guy, then she knelt in front of him as he started jerking off. He eventually blew his load of cum on her face and all the ladies in the crowd clapped and cheered. She turned to look toward the audience and the video on the large screen showed a closeup of the cum on her face. This process continued until each of the competing ladies had performed with their guy with slight variations. One lady gave her guy a hand job, and another lady gave her guy a blowjob, until they came on their faces.
During the competition, Debdita occasionally glanced around the room to see what the other women in the audience were doing. Some women were simply sitting watching as Debdita was. Some other women had their hand in their panties playing with their pussies as they watched. Debdita turned to her right and saw that the two women sitting next to each other had pulled their chairs close to each other's. They each had their hand in the other lady's panties playing with her pussy.
After the last competitor pair had finished, a lady came around to collect the scorecards. After a pause of about ten minutes or so, each pair of competitors was brought back on stage in reverse order of placement and their finishing place was announced as everyone applauded. When the winners were announced, everyone cheered and applauded louder.
The winning lady was then presented with her first-place price. It was a diamond tennis bracelet and matching set of diamond stud earrings. Debdita had guessed that the prize had to have been worth at least 250000/-, if not substantially more if they were higher grade diamonds.
The ladies all made their way upstairs and resumed mingling. Over the course of the next hour, ladies went upstairs to change and left the party. Toward the end of the hour, Pinky and Debdita did the same.
"Hope to see you again next month?" the host remarked as Pinky and Debdita exited the front door.
"Of course. I will be there," Debdita remarked.
"Maybe we will get the pleasure of seeing you enter the competition?" the host asked Debdita .
"Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that," Debdita remarked.
"You should give it a go," the host said. "It really is quite fun to compete. You won't regret it."
"Maybe. We'll see," Debdita commented with absolutely no intention of competing.
Debdita 's son Bobby was 15 years old and an avid football player. He played both for the high college as well as a club team in a soccer league in the summers. Various kids from the team regularly came over to Debdita 's house after soccer practice to swim as their house was one of the few houses in the neighborhood with a pool. Kids in Bobby's division on the summer league team ranged from 14-18. She knew most of the kids well, how old they were, and knew many of their parents. They had been playing with her son for numerous years in his current as well as prior age group divisions.
Debdita had been thinking about the monthly MILF club parties and how it was suggested how much fun she would have if she tried competing. Originally, she didn't give much thought to competing for the single reason of the process of finding a willing young man to compete with her. She couldn't imagine how she could get up the nerve to do that. But as time went on, she began thinking more about it.
As she thought through what competing entailed, she thought about her husband. By no means did Debdita have an open marriage. However, her and her husband were more sexually adventurous than most couples. They had often talked about and shared fantasies with each other. They had discussed at length about how fun it would be to have a threesome together; them as a couple either with another woman or another man. They were both open to either idea and had actually mildly sought it out on a few occasions. They occasionally went to bars and one would point out someone in the bar they found attractive as a candidate for a threesome. On a few occasions they even tried flirting with a candidate to mildly gage their interest. But the opportunity never really presented itself to the point where they would have been comfortable making a verbal solicitation to a potentially interested candidate.
They had both talked with each other about how fun it would be to watch the other having sex and being pleasured by another partner. They were both givers and enjoyed giving orgasms to their partner more than they did receiving them. They even once went to a swingers' club together when they were on vacation in Europe. They went not just with the intention of 'checking it out', but with the intention of actually swapping partners with another couple for the evening. They met a number of couples that night, but none matched chemistry close enough to try it.
They shared their fantasies with each other in detail. Debdita knew her husband loved giving her facials and seeing cum on her face. She periodically let him finish on her face. He knew she loved receiving them too. When they talked about fantasies involving sex with other partners, they'd share details and even ask questions of what the other liked. Sometimes the questions would take the form of dirty talk that turned them both on, which led to hotter sex between them for the night.
During one conversation, Debdita asked her husband in a dirty-talk voice, "Ya? Would that turn you on seeing my face completely covered in cum? You'd get off watching another man cum on your wife's pretty face wouldn't you?" He responded, "Fuck yes that would be hot. And I bet you'd love having a stranger totally cover your beautiful face in his cum, wouldn't you?" She responded that she would.
Debdita had no complaints at all, but her husband shot a normal volume of cum with no ability to completely cover her face in one load. So, they both got turned on by the idea of witnessing a cumload so big that it completely covered her face. It was dirty talk in the bedroom, not a real-life proposal, but she thought it was a good indication of where her husband might stand on the issue conceptually.
Debdita was confident that if the right opportunity for extramarital fun presented itself, both her and her husband would have been open to it and gone through with it. She had never really thought about it that way before, but she agreed with Pinky 's view. If it didn't involve emotion and was purely sexual it could be alright. Debdita had no secrets from her husband and didn't suspect he had any sexual secrets he kept from her. She started to think that she would be alright if he did have secrets; provided it was purely sexual with no emotions involved.
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She asked herself in her head how she would feel if her husband did something sexual with another woman without Debdita around. She knew that she couldn't say for certain how she would react unless an actual situation was presented to her in real life. However, she though through it and honestly believed she would ultimately be alright with it. She admitted to herself that there might be a tinge of jealousy that it wasn't Debdita giving her husband gratification as she enjoyed giving him pleasure. But she would actually take pleasure in knowing he received enjoyment. She rationalized that even though she wasn't going to tell her husband about the MILF Club and the competition, whether or not she ever did compete, that he would most likely be agreeable to it if she did tell him. If anything, he would likely lean more toward being disappointed he didn't get to witness it than any thoughts of marital betrayal.
Debdita continued thinking about the competition. She thought about how Pinky had told her many of the ladies found guys at their gyms. Debdita worked out almost every day to maintain her hard, sexy body. She began thinking about potential contestants when she was at the gym. As she worked out, she looked at guys in the gym and thought about how she would approach them. She even went to work out at different times than normal to see a variety of different guys instead of just the regulars. She went through the conversation in her head as she watched the guys work out. Ultimately, she concluded she just didn't have the nerve to solicit a stranger at the gym like that.
Debdita also thought about soliciting guys online. That would be easy and anonymous. There was no risk of awkwardness if she got turned down. She searched a few online adult forums. But she eventually concluded doing it that way wasn't really her thing and never contacted anyone.
One afternoon, many of the kids on her son's soccer team were at Debdita 's house swimming in the back yard. Debdita looked out the window and started wondering about some of the older kids in the group. There were several guys in the group who had graduated from high college and were playing their last summer league before heading off to college in the Fall. She knew those guys were 18 and "eligible" for the competition. So, she started thinking more about them.
She thought about how Pinky had said some of the ladies brought friends of their kids to the competition. She also thought about how Pinky had told her how easy it was to find a guy receptive to give an attractive woman a facial. This became a real possibility in Debdita 's mind. But it still had its drawbacks. Things would be incredibly awkward if she got turned down.
Debdita rehearsed in her head how she might be able to get one of the guys alone and find out if he was interested. She formulated a plan. She got her excuse in her head and imagined the scene and how the conversation would go. She went over and over it in her head. Finally, she decided she would do it.
When one of the 18-year-olds came inside to get a drink from the kitchen, Debdita was waiting at the island counter. "Hello Ravi ," Debdita said as he entered the kitchen.
"Hi Mrs. Dutta," Ravi responded. "I was just coming in to get a drink."
"That's fine, help yourself," she responded. Ravi went to the fridge and grabbed a soft drink. "Ravi , would you be kind enough to help me for a minute?"
"Of course, Mrs. Dutta. What do you need?" he answered.
"I need some help getting a heavy box down from my closet upstairs. Could you help me with that?" Debdita asked.
"No problem," he replied.
Debdita led Ravi upstairs to the master bedroom and to the door of the closet. "It's the clear plastic one with the green lid up there," Debdita commented. "There is a step stool you can use over there."
"Ok," Ravi said as he climbed on the step stool and reached for the box.
"Be careful, I think it is pretty heavy," she remarked as he started bringing down the box.
"It's not bad," Ravi responded. "Where do you want it?"
"You can set it there on the bed," Debdita stated.
"There you go," he said as he set the storage container on the bed.
"Thank you so much," Debdita remarked. "Could you wait one minute? I only need one thing out of it and then maybe you could put it back up on the shelf for me?"
"Of course," he answered.
Debdita started shuffling through the box pretending to be looking for a specific item. "How is your summer going?" she asked.
"It's going good," Ravi replied.
"Are you looking forward to going off to college in the Fall?" Debdita inquired.
"Yes, I am," Ravi answered.
Debdita 's heart started pounding. She was ready to pop the question, but she became very nervous. Her heart raced faster and faster. She started having doubts. She asked herself "What if he says no? What would happen? How would she ever be able to see him again? She could not avoid him being on her son's soccer team. How incredibly awkward would that be?"
Debdita continued fumbling through the box. She took a deep breath and started to ask, "Ravi , have you ever..." She stopped mid-sentence and froze. Her heart thumped in her chest.
"Have I?" Ravi asked after a moment of silence. Debdita didn't respond and remained frozen. "Mrs. Dutta?" A long pause followed.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought," Debdita stated. "I found what I was looking for." Debdita chickened out of what she had planned to say. She pulled a random item from the box. "Would you mind putting the box back up on the shelf now?"
"No problem," Ravi replied. He put the lid on the container and placed it back on the shelf.
"Thank you so much for your help," Debdita stated.
"No problem," Ravi responded.
"Enjoy the rest of your day," Debdita said.
"Ok, thanks," Ravi said as he left the room and went back out to the pool.
Debdita collapsed on the bed and let out a huge sigh of relief as her heart rate declined back to normal. She was disappointed she did not have the nerve to go through with asking Ravi to cum on her face. However, on the other hand, she was thoroughly relieved there was no embarrassing or awkward exchange such as her asking and him saying no.
Another month went by. Debdita attended the next MILF club party. She had become a regular attending every month along with her friend Pinky . This month's party featured a naughtier theme for the ladies' lingerie. They were provided with crotchless panties and matching bras.
At first glance, the panties appeared to be a simple pair of cute, lace, boy short panties. When standing normal, no one could see they were any different than any other pair of similar panties. However, they had an obvious erotic surprise of an open crotch that made it clear they were designed for one purpose: sexy bedroom play.
"Oh my," Debdita exclaimed to Pinky when she picked up her pair of panties. "These are quite racy."
"Yes they are," Pinky agreed as she pulled up her new panties. "Looks like things may get a bit crazier than normal today. That usually happens when the lingerie is a little more suggestive."
They both finished putting on their lingerie and headed down to the party to mingle. When it came time for the guys to be paraded through, a lady walked through with a large silver platter of masquerade masks for hiding identify. The ladies each took and put on one. Each guy was then paraded through by his lady as normal.
The non-competing ladies then made their way down to the basement theater. As they walked in, a lady was standing at the door with another silver serving platter. The platter was lined with long smooth vibrators. The vibrators were all the same except for their color. Every woman along the line had taken one, so Debdita reached out and took one. She didn't plan to masturbate her pussy in front of the other women, but she didn't want to be the only one who didn't take one either.
She examined the vibrator. It was seven inches long and about an inch in diameter. Debdita 's was cobalt blue and had a smooth, rubbery, Teflon texture to it. It felt like it was quite expensive, not a cheap throw away one.
Debdita and Pinky took their seats in the middle of the second row and the show began. After a few minutes of watching the first competitor, Debdita turned slightly and gazed down her row of seats. Both of the women to her right had their legs spread and working their vibrators through the open crotch of their panties.
Debdita turned slightly to her left and saw that Pinky had her vibrator in her pussy. The woman sitting to Pinky 's left was also masturbating with her vibrator. Debdita thought to herself that Pinky was right, the ladies were certainly hornier than normal. Debdita looked at the women in the row in front of her. She couldn't quite entirely see for sure because of the lighting and being behind them, but it appeared that most, if not all, of the women in the front row were masturbating as well.
Debdita had on one occasion subconsciously softly played with her pussy through her panties during the competition, but she had never intentionally stroked her pussy or gotten off during the show. She returned her gaze to the stage just as the first contestant exploded and shot his cum on the lady's face. It was a very nice facial Debdita thought, landing five or six streams of cum across her face.
Debdita began thinking about what it would be like to be on the stage competing. As the second pair of contestants started, she imagined Ravi cumming all over her face as she knelt on the stage in the spotlight. She became turned on. She subtly looked around the audience again. From best she could tell, it appeared she was the only one not masturbating.
Debdita had been holding the vibrator in her hand the entire time as there was no place to set it other than on the floor. She continued watching the show on the stage. As contestant number two appeared to be getting close to cumming, Debdita parted her legs and turned the vibrator toward her pussy. She touched the tip to her clit and slowly worked it up and down her slit getting the vibrator wet with her juices.
Debdita continued watching the show as the second contest exploded dumping a respectable cumload on his partner's face. As he did, Debdita slipped the vibrator inside her warm slit. The smooth surface of the toy felt good as it parted the walls of her cunt. She slowly worked the toy in and out of her box as the next group got on stage. Once the guy started jerking his hard cock above his partner's face, Debdita reached down and turned the vibrator on.
The initial pulse of the toy in her pussy caused Debdita to jerk. It was stronger than she expected. She hit the button on the back of the vibrator, and it changed rhythms offering a different sensation. She cycled through the different settings as she watched the show, finally settling on one with a series strong, short bursts of vibration followed by a pause, then repeating the burst pattern again.
Debdita 's box got hotter and hotter as the show went on and the vibrator pulsated against the walls of her pussy. She again imagined herself up on stage kneeling before the young man eagerly awaiting his load being dumped on her face. This got her even hotter. The guy started jerking faster. His partner was frantically rubbing her pussy as well. Debdita 's box become more enflamed from the vibrator's pulses. The pulses began building an inevitable, impending explosion.
The guy on stage blew his load. He shot a rather large stream of cum on his lady's face. It set off his partner and she came too. The sight of it all sent Debdita over the edge. She jerked and spasmed as she orgasmed. She desperately wanted to let go and scream out loud. She tried her hardest to remain quiet as she squeezed her legs together clamping the vibrator in her pussy and continuing to jerk her body to the massive orgasm shooting through her.
Her orgasm finally subsided. Debdita reached down and turned off the vibrator. She sat with it still buried in her cunt as she watched the last pair compete on the stage. As they finished, Debdita finally pulled the vibrator from her slick pussy. When the show ended, a lady passed out towels for the ladies to clean themselves and their vibrators as needed. Debdita wiped her vibrator clean with the towel. Scorecards were then retrieved as normal and the winners were announced.
"That's no surprise," Pinky said to Debdita as the winner was announced. "I think just about everyone in the room came at the same time they did."
"Really?" Debdita said unaware that she wasn't the only one who orgasmed when she did.
"Definitely," Pinky remarked. The ladies in the audience then got up and returned upstairs to mingle for a short while. Pinky and Debdita got dressed and proceeded to leave.
"Ladies, I hope you enjoyed yourselves today," the host said as they were exiting the front door.
"We did, thank you," Debdita and Pinky both said in unison.
"I hope maybe we will see you enter the competition next month?" the host asked as she looked at Debdita . The host asked Debdita this every time she left. "I promise you won't regret it."
"Maybe so. I will think about it," Debdita responded as she always did, but with no real intention of entering the contest.
Debdita thought about what the host said when she got home. She thought about how turned on she got when she imagined herself competing. She briefly relived her orgasm in her head. But then her thoughts turned back to the debacle of her failed recruiting attempt with Ravi . She quickly dismissed the idea concluding she didn't have the nerve to recruit a guy.
Two weeks went by. Debdita had given zero thoughts to entering the competition. It hadn't even crossed her mind once in the weeks since the last party. She went to her laptop and checked her e-mail. It had a notification about the next month's party. She logged into the secure website and saw the RSVP deadline as well as the deadline to enter that month's competition. The entrance deadline was in several days, but she paid it little to no attention having no thoughts of competing.
Two days later, Debdita went to lunch with some of her girlfriends. One of the other girls had picked her up. Another mom in the soccer club was picking up Debdita 's son along with some others after practice that afternoon. With no need to drive any time soon, Debdita partook in several glasses of wine with lunch along with some of her friends. By the time she got home, she was tipsy.
Debdita went up to her bedroom and looked out the window. Her son, along with a number of other kids, was outside playing in the pool. She took off her skirt and blouse that she wore to lunch and slipped on a silk robe. The robe was elegant. It came down well past her knees so was nothing too sexy or inappropriate to wear around the house with the kids around. She went downstairs to the kitchen for some water.
Debdita gazed out the window and watched the kids playing in the pool. As she did, she noticed Ravi heading toward the house. Her heart beat a little faster recalling her last efforts to recruit him for the contest.
"Hello Mrs. Dutta," Ravi said as he entered the kitchen.
"Hello Ravi ," Debdita responded.
"Just grabbing something to drink if that is ok?" Ravi stated.
"Of course. Help yourself," Debdita replied.
Debdita started to formulate in her head the words to ask Ravi to help her again. But as she thought about it, she lost the nerve and chickened out. She figured it would be even more awkward with the same exact ploy of asking him to get a box off the shelf in her closet and she had not given any thought to a new or better plan. Ravi left the kitchen and returned to the pool.
Debdita continued watching them play outside in the pool. She noticed another of the older boys was there. Rakesh . She knew he had also graduated and was there for the summer until he went off to college in the Fall. Just like Ravi , Rakesh was 18. She started watching Rakesh closely. Rakesh was a good-looking guy. He had a very fit physique and was a bit taller than Ravi .
After a bit, Rakesh climbed out of the pool and toweled off. Debdita watched closely the droplets of water as they dripped from his chest onto his towel. She studied his firm leg muscles as he dried off. She continued watching as he eventually turned and started walking toward the house. Debdita 's heart began beating a little faster.
"Hi Mrs. Dutta," Rakesh said as he entered the kitchen.
"Hello Rakesh ," Debdita responded.
"Can I grab something to drink?" Rakesh asked.
"Of course. Help yourself," Debdita responded. Debdita watched him closely as he headed toward the fridge. He bent down and grabbed a drink from the fridge and then stood up and closed the fridge door. She was still slightly buzzed from the wine at lunch.
"Rakesh , would you mind helping me with something?" Debdita asked.
"Sure, what do you need?" Rakesh responded.
"I need help with a heavy box in my closet," Debdita replied.
"Ok," Rakesh said.
Debdita led Rakesh upstairs to her closet just as she had done with Ravi . He got the box down and she began fumbling through it. Her heart raced as she formulated the sentence in her head. It was the sentence that would unleash either something great or something really bad. And it couldn't be unsaid once stated.
Debdita became even more nervous than she was when she attempted this with Ravi . But she had just enough wine still in her to overcome her nerves. She started slightly differently this time. She stopped fumbling through the box and looked at Rakesh . "are you the type of guy that can keep a secret?" she asked.
"Absolutely," Rakesh answered.
"Would it be ok if I asked you a somewhat personal question then?" Debdita continued.
"Sure," he replied.
"Rakesh, have you ever cum on a girl's face?" Debdita asked. There it was. The first potentially awkward question. The cat was out of the bag. She couldn't take it back. Her heart raced as she awaited his reaction.
"Um... no," Rakesh fumbled out his response being shocked at the question.
"Would you like to try it with me?" Debdita asked. The second and even more dangerous question was out. There was no turning back now.
"Are you serious?" Rakesh said with complete surprise.
"Rakesh , I wouldn't tease you about something like that," Debdita responded as she suddenly relaxed. She had no choice now. Worrying would do no good, so she became calm. "This would be a secret just between us. Would that be ok with you?" There was a long pause with no response. "So, would you like to?"
"Um, ya, ok," Rakesh responded. He was still unsure of the situation and whether she was serious, but he wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity even if only a slight chance this was really happening. All of the older soccer kids, including Rakesh , thought Debdita was extremely hot. They had even talked about how hot she was on occasions when her son Bobby wasn't around.
"Good. I'm glad," Debdita remarked. "And Rakesh , you can keep this a secret just between us?"
"Yes. Of course," Rakesh answered.
Debdita undid the tie on her robe. Rakesh 's eyes were glued to her as her robe fell partially open revealing her satin bra and matching panties to him. She walked over to the bedroom door and closed it. Rakesh heard the lock click as she locked the door. With her back to him, she slowly removed her robe. His eyes were glued to her beautiful thong clad ass as she hung her robe on a hook on the back of the door. He still couldn't believe he was seeing the gorgeous sight in front of him.
Debdita calmly walked over to the window as Rakesh admired her perfect body in her bra and thong panties. She twisted the wand to draw shut the wood blinds. She paused for an extra second allowing Rakesh to admire her perfect ass. She turned around and faced him.
"Rakesh , can you take off your shorts for me?" Debdita calmly asked. Rakesh undid his swim trunks and took them off. Debdita admired his half erect cock as he stood naked at the end of the bed. It was a decent size cock and good looking. "Start jerking off for me, will you please?" He complied and started stroking his cock. He was turned on by seeing hot Debdita in her bra and panties. His cock quickly became fully hard. "That's very nice Rakesh . I really love watching guys do that."
To be contd .....
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Debdita continued watching Rakesh jerk off for a few minutes and then walked over to him. She sat on the edge of the bed right next to him and continued watching. "That's it Rakesh ," she remarked. "Keep jerking off for me." She paused as she continued watching.
"Rakesh , I've noticed you and some of the other boys checking me out in my swimsuit by the pool before," Debdita stated. "Do you think I have a nice body?" Rakesh didn't respond. He was partially embarrassed, unaware that he had been caught looking before, but he kept jerking his cock. "Do you like my body Rakesh ?" Rakesh nodded yes. "I'm glad. I work very hard to stay in shape, so it is nice to be appreciated.
"Have you ever sexually fantasized about me Rakesh ?" Debdita asked. Rakesh didn't answer. "It's ok if you have. Actually, I would be quite flattered if you did. So, have you Rakesh ?" Rakesh nodded his head yes again. "Good. I'm glad to hear that." Rakesh got further and further excited as she talked to him. She continued watching him stroke his cock for another minute.
"Are you excited to cum all over my pretty face Rakesh ?" Debdita asked. Rakesh nodded his head yes again as he continued jerking off. "I am too. Are you getting close?" Rakesh again nodded his head yes.
Debdita got down on her knees and moved into position. She looked up at Rakesh as he jerked his cock directly above her face. "That's it," she said. "Keep going just like that. Give me your cum. I'm ready for it. Cum on my face Rakesh ." The calmy and sexy way she was talking was getting Rakesh incredibly hot.
Rakesh gazed down at Debdita 's beautiful face just waiting for his cum. That was all he could take. He groaned loudly and pointed his cock directly at Debdita 's face. He exploded. Cum shot from his swollen cockhead and hit her square in the forehead. The second blast erupted, but he overshot. It landed in her hair. He adjusted his aim as the third blast shot out and it hit her on the cheek. The fourth blast burst out and streamed across her nose and other cheek.
Debdita remained staring up at Rakesh for a few moments as he gained his composure. He continued looking down at her face admiring the cum facial he had given her. It was by no means something from a porn movie, but he had landed three thick streams on her face and forehead giving her a respectable facial, particularly for his first time ever trying.
"Did you enjoy that?" Debdita asked.
"Yes, it was incredible," Rakesh answered as he nodded his head.
"Me too Rakesh ," Debdita remarked. "Wait here." Debdita got up off her knees and went into the bathroom. She took a quick look at her face in the mirror and then grabbed a towel. She returned to Rakesh and handed him the towel. "Here you go." Rakesh squeezed the remaining cum from his limp shaft. "You can put your shorts back on now." Rakesh complied and put his swim trunks back on. "Rakesh , would you be interested in doing that again some time?"
"Yes, definitely," Rakesh excitedly remarked.
"Good," Debdita commented. "Is that your phone in your pocket?" Rakesh nodded his head yes. "May I see it please?" Rakesh handed her his phone and she put her phone number in his contact list as 'Mrs. Dutta.' and sent herself a text. "There you go." She handed Rakesh his phone and then walked over to the door. She unlocked it and opened it halfway. "I'll be in touch. Watch for my text."
Rakesh took the cue and headed toward the door. He continued admiring the cum he had shot on Debdita 's face. "Remember, this is our little secret, right?" she stated.
"Yes. I won't tell anyone," Rakesh replied. He left the room and Debdita shut the door behind him. She went into the bathroom to get a better look at the facial he had given her. As she studied the cum on her face in the mirror, she thought he had done a decent job for his first time. She had seen worse in the contest. And, since she had no real aspirations of winning, she figured Rakesh might be her candidate to compete with. Ultimately, she just wanted to experience competing once. She got in the shower and washed her face and hair.
The next evening, after her husband had gone to bed, Debdita sent a text to Rakesh saying, "Hello Rakesh ."
"Hi," Rakesh replied within a minute or two. Their texted back and forth which read like this:
Mrs. Dutta. - Did you enjoy yourself yesterday afternoon?
Rakesh -- I did.
Mrs. Dutta. -- Would you be willing to do that again?
Rakesh -- Yes, of course.
Mrs. Dutta. -- How about next week?
Rakesh -- Sure.
Mrs. Dutta. -- There is a little party I'm going to next week and I'd like to have you do it with me there. Would that be ok?
Rakesh -- At the party? Like sneaking off to a bedroom or something?
Mrs. Dutta. -- Yes, at the party. But no, while a handful of my girlfriends watch us.
Rakesh -- I don't know about in front of other people.
Mrs. Dutta. -- It will just be a few of my girlfriends watching. They are all very sexy MILFs like me.
Rakesh -- I don't know.
Mrs. Dutta. -- You will get to see all my girlfriends in their very sexy lingerie.
Rakesh -- I'm still not sure about that.
Mrs. Dutta. -- And I will be completely naked when you cum on me.
There was no reply for a few minutes as Rakesh was thinking. He didn't want to do something like this in front of a group of people. But he didn't want to pass up seeing Debdita naked either. He had fantasized about that on more than one occasion.
Mrs. Dutta. -- Don't you want to see my pretty little shaved pussy?
Rakesh -- Yes.
Mrs. Dutta. -- So, you will do it for me then?
Rakesh -- Yes, I'll do it.
Mrs. Dutta. -- I'm glad.
Debdita sent Rakesh details about when the party would be and how long he would be gone. She told him what to wear. Then she sent him information about the car service that would pick him up and bring him to the party. Debdita then made one final request:
Mrs. Dutta. -- I have one more special request. Can you do one thing for me?
Rakesh -- What's that?
Mrs. Dutta. -- Can you refrain from cumming until the party? It is very important. I need your biggest load of cum possible. You can jerk off if you like, but be very careful not to cum.
Rakesh thought about this last request for a bit. He was a horny 18-year-old and masturbated at least two to three times a day. The party was almost a week away, so refraining until then would be difficult. But he couldn't resist a sexy MILF coaxing him saying that she 'needed' his cum. He finally responded:
Rakesh -- Ok. I can do that.
Mrs. Dutta. -- I'm glad. Thank you Rakesh . I look forward to seeing you next week.
The day of the MILF Club party arrived. Debdita was excited. She was slightly nervous, but not nearly as much as she thought she would have been. She got dressed and ready to go. Pinky picked her up and they went together as they typically did. Pinky gave her some advice in the car which calmed Debdita 's nerves further. They arrived at the mansion and went upstairs to change into their lingerie.
"Looks like we are wearing thong back teddies this time," Debdita commented as she picked up her lingerie from the bed. "These are really nice." Debdita shed her clothes and slipped into her teddy. "And sexy."
"That looks great on you," Pinky commented. "Makes your ass look fantastic."
"Thank you," Debdita replied. She appreciated the compliment. It gave her a boost of confidence that further calmed her nerves. Pinky slipped into her teddy and they went downstairs to mingle.
Debdita enjoyed mingling. But she was a little distracted thinking about the competition. Eventually, it was time for the guys to arrive and Debdita was ushered to a room in another part of the house. She waited there for Rakesh to arrive.
"What do you think of my lingerie?" Debdita asked as Rakesh entered the room.
"Wow! You look hot!" Rakesh blurted out unable to contain his excitement and say something more elegant.
"Thank you," Debdita remarked. "I'm glad you like it. It makes me feel sexy. You look very handsome Rakesh ."
"Thanks," Rakesh responded.
"I'm so glad you agreed to do this," Debdita stated. "Are you nervous?"
"Ya, kinda," Rakesh replied.
"Don't be," Debdita said. "Just relax and enjoy yourself. This will be a lot of fun. Are you looking forward to seeing me nude?" Rakesh bashfully nodded his head yes. "Good. I'm glad. I hope you enjoy that too."
A moment later there was a knock on the door. "It's time," Debdita remarked. "We are going walk through a reception line of all my girlfriends so you can see them in their lingerie. Enjoy the view. Then, we will head downstairs to another bedroom."
"Ok," Rakesh remarked. Debdita took his hand and led him out of the bedroom. She led him around the corner to the reception line. She slowly led him down the line as he checked out all the sexy women in their teddies. She looked back and could tell he was enjoying the show. They proceeded through the line and downstairs to their waiting room.
Debdita had butterflies in her stomach, but she felt more excited than nervous. She was surprised, but she was way more nervous when she was about to pop the question to ask Rakesh to cum on her face in her bedroom at home than she was now.
Before long, there was a knock on the door. "I think we are first to go," Debdita commented. "Are you ready?"
"I guess," Rakesh replied.
"Remember. Relax. Ignore the spotlight and the girls watching. Just focus on my sexy body and dumping your cum on my pretty face. Ok?"
"Ok," Rakesh responded as he nodded his head yes.
Debdita led Rakesh out of the room and onto the stage. She looked toward the audience but couldn't see anything. Pinky had told her that she wouldn't be able to see the audience with the spotlight shining in her face, and she was right.
Debdita moved around Rakesh a few times and then started undressing him. When she had him down to his boxer shorts, she turned her back to him and rubbed her thong clad ass in his crotch. She turned back around to see that got him instantly hard. She pulled down his boxers and his hard cock sprung free.
"Go ahead and start jerking off for me," Debdita instructed as she looked at Rakesh . Rakesh looked back at her and he complied. He started stroking his cock as Debdita slowly pulled the shoulder straps of her teddy off her shoulders one at a time while she stared directly in Rakesh 's eyes. She didn't break their eye lock for a second as she pulled the top of her teddy down exposing her magnificent tits to Rakesh .
Rakesh 's eyes got big as he gazed upon her firm breasts and perfect nipples. Debdita pinched her nipples, making them hard, as she continued looking him in the eyes. This really excited him, and she could tell. She proceeded to slowly lower her hand down to her crotch.
Debdita unsnapped the crotch of her teddy and then released it. The tightly stretched material leading down to the snap crotch sprung up to her waist and revealed her neatly shaven little pussy to Rakesh , just as she had promised. Rakesh gazed down up the glorious sight and continued stroking his cock. It was only the second pussy he had ever seen in person.
Debdita pulled her teddy off over her head and was now completely naked except for her high heels. Rakesh eyed her tight, sexy body up and down as he continued jerking off. She could tell he was excited. She got down on her knees in front of him. She whipped her head and flipped her hair back behind her as she looked up at Rakesh . The hair flip by naked Debdita was the sexiest thing Rakesh had ever seen in person.
Rakesh looked down at Debdita 's beautiful face. He then glanced further down and admired her perfect tits and cleavage. She noticed this so she squeezed her tits together really showing off her cleavage to him. This excited Rakesh even further.
"Are you getting close?" Debdita quietly whispered to Rakesh as she held her tits together looking up at him. Rakesh nodded his head yes. She released her breasts and gently placed her hands on Rakesh 's quads. "Do it whenever you are ready. Cum all over my face. I can't wait for your cum." Rakesh aimed his cock at her face. She then took one of her hands and gently grazed the underside of his balls with her fingertips.
The tickling sensation on his balls was more than Rakesh could stand. He detonated. A huge blast of cum erupted from deep inside his shaft, shooting out and landing across Debdita 's nose. The second shot came out with even more force and hit her in the forehead and across her left eye. He proceeded to dump three more thick streams of hot, white cum across her cheeks and lips. He gave her an appreciably larger facial than he had in her bedroom.
When he had finished, Debdita turned her face toward the audience. The camera zoomed in on her face and the crowd of ladies cheered and applauded when it showed on the big screen. She couldn't see it, but the camera revealed every detail of her cum covered face. When the applause subsided, Debdita got up and led Rakesh back to their waiting room.
"That was amazing," Debdita exclaimed as they entered the room. "You did great. That was so much fun. Did you enjoy it?"
"I did," Rakesh remarked.
"That was a really big cumload Rakesh ," Debdita commented. "I'm very impressed. You should be quite proud of yourself."
"Thanks," he replied.
She cleaned her face and then put her teddy back on as Rakesh got dressed. They waited in the room as the other competitors competed. After a long wait, they returned to the stage to hear their results. They received third place. They accepted their applause and then returned to the waiting room.
Debdita thought to herself that third place wasn't bad. She was a little bit surprised as she thought Rakesh had given her a pretty big facial. She knew that there were a total of six teams that month, so finishing just ahead of middle of the pack on her first time certainly wasn't awful.
The time came and Rakesh was escorted out of the room and taken home by the car service. Debdita returned to the main floor and mingled with the other ladies. Several of the ladies came by and congratulated her. Eventually Pinky and Debdita went upstairs and got dressed.
"We were so glad to see you compete. You did great. I hope you enjoyed it?" the host asked Debdita as they were leaving.
"I did. Thank you," Debdita replied.
"I hope you will compete again," the host remarked.
"Maybe, we'll see," Debdita replied. She thoroughly enjoyed the competition, but she thought to herself that this was probably a one-time thing for her. As much as she enjoyed the competition, she was still terrified of the recruiting process and how awkward it could be if she were ever denied.
"So how was it?" Pinky asked as they got in the car.
"It was fun. But if I'm being totally honest, I was a little surprised I only got third place. He gave me a really good facial I thought. So, who are the two gals that beat me?"
"He did give you a nice facial," Pinky remarked. "But the two girls that finished ahead of you each gave their guy a blowjob and got a decent facial. That's where the weighting of the style points comes into play."
"Ok," Debdita said. "I guess that makes sense. Oh well, I had no aspirations of winning anyway. I just wanted to have fun and I did. So, mission accomplished I guess."
Fall arrived. Debdita attended each of the monthly MILF Club events as a spectator. Each month the host asked if they would see her compete again. And each time Debdita politely responded 'maybe' even though she had no intention of competing.
One day in December, Debdita was at the gym working out. It was about 10:00 am on a Tuesday, a week before Christmas. She hadn't thought at all about entering the competition since she competed a few months ago. She had enjoyed competing, and was glad she had done it, but she hadn't given any thought to competing again. She was not opposed to it. But given her fear of the recruiting process, she had not at all been looking for a new participant.
Debdita was sitting on the chest fly machine resting in-between sets. She eyed a young man she thought she recognized walking down the row in front of her machine. "Sid y, is that you?" she called out.
"Oh hey Mrs. Dutta. Yes, it's me. But everyone just calls me Sid now," he replied. Sid was the son of Debdita 's next-door neighbor. He was a fair bit older than Debdita 's son Bobby.
"Wow. You look so different. I almost didn't recognize you. It has been a long time." Debdita remarked. Sid had put on a considerable amount of muscle weight since Debdita had last seen him. He was no longer a scrawny high college kid.
"Ya, I don't think I've seen you since I went off to college," he replied.
"Sid y... I'm sorry, Sid . Remind me again where you are going to college?" Debdita inquired.
"I go to ****," he answered.
"And you are a high collegeer now, right?" Debdita confirmed.
"Yes," he replied.
"What are you doing down here?" Debdita asked.
"It is Christmas break. We got done with finals on the 10th," Sid stated.
"That's right. I always forget college break starts so much earlier than the kids get out of college here," Debdita remarked. "Well, I won't keep you from your workout. It was good to see you. Maybe we will see you again before you go back to college. Maybe at your folks Christmas party?"
"Ok. Nice to see you too," he responded as he walked away.
Debdita had noticed that Sid 's eyes had wandered south several times when they were talking. She glanced at the mirrored wall in front of her and saw the image of herself with her nice cleavage showing in her sports bra, mid-section exposed, and her tight yoga pants with her legs spread as she straddled the seat of the weight machine. She hadn't given much thought to the position in which she was seated. She realized he had been checking out her cleavage and body and her sitting position had probably given him a really nice view. She was flattered.
Debdita continued her workout as did Sid . When she was doing one arm dumbbell rows, with one foot on the ground and her other knee on the weight bench, she looked back between her legs and caught a glimpse of Sid . He was a way's away behind her, but she noticed him staring straight toward her. Since there was hardly anyone else in the gym at that hour, she naturally assumed he was checking out her ass as he was in the perfect spot to get a good view. She was again flattered that a fit, 20-year-old was checking her out being she was 15 years older than him at age 35 now. The truth was though, that she had a firm, hard body and was just as hot and sexy as any 20-year-old college girl.
Debdita finished her workout and retrieved her car keys and bag from the locker room. On her way toward the front door, she saw Sid standing at the window looking out. Things didn't appear right to her as he was just standing still staring out the window. "Sid , what's wrong?" she asked.
"Oh, nothing wrong really. I jogged here and was going to jog home. It didn't look like it was going to rain when I left the house. I've been waiting here hoping the rain would let up a bit, but it is still pouring," Sid replied.
"I'm happy to give you a ride home if you want?" Debdita offered.
"Uh, that would be great if you don't mind," Sid responded.
"Of course not," Debdita replied. They headed to the doors. "Come on. Are you ready? Let's make a run for it to the car!" she exclaimed as she ran out the door holding her bag above her head to fend off the rain. She unlocked the car with the remote as she approached and quickly got inside. Sid followed her and jumped in the passenger side.
"Wow! It's really coming down," Debdita remarked. "If I'm all wet after 5 seconds, you would have gotten thoroughly soaked running home."
"No kidding," Sid remarked as he looked over at Debdita . "Thanks Mrs. Dutta." She saw he was taking special note of her nice cleavage now all covered with water droplets from the rain. She again liked the attention.
"No worries," Debdita replied. "But you are an adult now. Please call me Debdita . Mrs. Dutta makes me feel old." She started the car and then drove toward home. It was a short drive to her house, so they arrived five minutes or so later.
contd .....
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"Here, I'll pull into our garage as its still raining pretty hard," Debdita commented as she turned into her driveway and then into the garage. She put the car in park, turned off the key and opened her door. "We'll go inside and see if we can find an umbrella for you to borrow."
"You don't have to do that Mrs. D... I mean, Debdita ," Sid replied.
"Nonsense. I insist," Debdita responded. They went inside and into the kitchen. No one was home with her son at college and husband at work. "Wait here." Debdita went upstairs and grabbed two towels.
She returned to the kitchen and handed one to Sid . "Here, you can dry off with this," she remarked. Sid took the towel from her and dried off. Debdita did the same with her towel. "Sid , you are a sophomore, so you are about 20 now, right?"
"Yes," he replied. "I will be 21 in February."
"Now that you are in college and almost 21, do your parents let you drink when you are at home?" Debdita asked.
"Um, yes. They do. As long as I'm not going out driving or anything," Sid answered.
"Would you like a beer?" Debdita inquired.
"Um, sure," Sid answered. Debdita put her towel on the counter and walked over to the fridge. She opened the door and stood in front of the fridge with her back to Sid , hands on her hips and feet shoulder width apart.
"All we have is light beer if that's ok?" Debdita stated as she looked back over her shoulder at Sid . She noticed he was already looking straight at her and she knew the way she was standing was giving Sid a perfect view of her ass in her tight yoga pants. She assumed he was checking out her ass again. The kitchen was slightly dim, but not at all dark. She had not turned on the lights, but there was some natural light coming in through the windows. With it cloudy and rainy outside, she assumed the light from the fridge in the dim kitchen nicely backlit the outline of her figure for Sid . He was in fact enjoying the view.
"Um, anything is fine," Sid remarked. Debdita took two beer bottles from the fridge. She got a bottle opener from the drawer and opened the bottles. She handed one to Sid .
"Cheers," Debdita remarked. They clinked their bottles together and took a drink. "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable."
Debdita asked Sid some questions about college and how it was going. They engaged in some small talk for several minutes. As she held the long neck of the beer bottle in her hand with the rounded bulge of the rim on her lips as she took a drink, Debdita started checking out Sid . She hadn't given much thought to it before, but now she was examining him more closely.
Sid had a handsome face. The parts of his body not covered by his t-shirt and gym shorts were muscular and tone. His chest appeared firm beneath his shirt and he had broad shoulders. Debdita started to wonder what he looked like under his clothes. He continued to tell his story, but she was no longer paying attention. Her thoughts turned naughty. She wondered what his cock looked like. Was it big and long? Was he cleanly shaven?
Debdita started to think about whether Sid would be receptive if she propositioned him just like she had Jimmy. She wasn't thinking about the competition. She was immensely curious to gain more carnal knowledge about him. She started getting horny and excited. She pictured in detail in her mind the sight of Sid standing over her stroking his cock and shooting his cum on her face. She really liked the image in her head. It turned her on, and she started craving it. It had nothing to do with the competition. She genuinely loved the feeling of having her face plastered in cum and started craving his.
"Mrs. D? Mrs. D? Debdita ?" Sid queried.
"Huh?" Debdita responded as she snapped out of her daydream. "I'm so sorry, I got distracted thinking about something else. Please continue." She had no idea what Sid had been talking about.
"That was it, end of my story," Sid commented.
"Oh, ok," Debdita said. Her heart started beating faster as she contemplated in her head whether to proposition him. The problem was that once she said what she was thinking of saying, it couldn't be retracted. And she didn't know Sid well, so she couldn't pretend it was just a joke if he wasn't receptive.
"Sid , you are a good looking and fit college guy," Debdita stated after a moment of silence. "And there is something I've been wondering. I'm really quite interested to know actually." She took in a deep breath. "Have you ever cum on a girl's face?" Sid had a shocked look on his face. He couldn't believe what she had just asked him. "You know, a facial?" He remained silent unsure what to say. "It's ok. This is just between us. I'm not going to tell anyone." There was another silent pause. "Well, have you?"
"Uh... well, no," Sid stuttered unsure of how or whether to answer.
"Would you be interested in trying it?" Debdita asked. Sid thought to himself how to respond for a moment.
"Um, ya. Someday. I guess so... if a girl wanted to I guess," he said, fumbling words out of his mouth struggling to make a coherent sentence.
"Sid , I meant with me," Debdita remarked. "Here. Now."
"Uh, are you serious?" Sid said further dumbfounded.
"Yes I am. Do you think I have a pretty face?" Debdita asked.
"Yes," Sid replied.
"Do you find my body attractive?" Debdita inquired.
"Yes," Sid acknowledged.
"I thought so. I noticed you checking me out at the gym as well as staring at my ass when I was standing by the fridge a little while ago," Debdita remarked. Sid was embarrassed he had been caught staring. "It's ok. I liked it. I found it flattering. I think you are a very attractive, handsome young man." She paused again. "So, do you want to give me a facial?"
"I guess so," Sid said still not sure she was serious.
"You guess so? Sid . Honey. You either do or you don't," Debdita stated. "I just thought you would have wanted to if you found me attractive."
"No, I do. I want to," Sid affirmatively confirmed.
"Ok. I'm glad. There is just one condition. Obviously, you have to agree not to tell anyone. This will just be our little secret. No one else will ever know. Ok?" Debdita stated.
"Ok," Sid agreed.
"Why don't you get undressed?" Debdita suggested. Sid looked back at her with hesitation. He still was not 100% sure she was serious.
"Would it help if I got undressed first?" Debdita asked as she started to remove her sports bra. He watched her as she took hold of the elastic band at the bottom of her bra. Sid stared as her magnificent natural breasts fell from her sports bra as she lifted it over her head. After a few more seconds of staring, he removed his shirt. She admired his firm, chiseled chest. She liked how his chest was cleanly shaved, revealing the rips and cuts in his chest and ab muscles.
"Would you like me to take off my yoga pants too?" Debdita asked. Sid nodded his head yes and Debdita removed her yoga pants. He stared at her neatly shaved pussy, with just a tiny, thinly groomed trail of hair in a landing strip above her clit. She looked back at him and he realized it was his turn. He pushed off his gym shorts and underwear.
Debdita was pleasantly surprised to see Sid 's cock. He was only half erect at this point, but she thought he had a nice-looking cock of good size. Appreciably larger than Jimmy's or her husband's. Just like his chest, his balls were shaved smooth and had no pubic hair.
"You can start stroking your cock," Debdita said. Sid hesitated as Debdita took a few steps back into the family room and sat on the coffee table facing him. "Here, I'll masturbate too if it makes you feel more comfortable." She spread her legs, revealing the slit of her pussy, glistening from her wetness. She started massaging her clit as she looked up at him as he stood several feet away. "Sid , come closer please."
Sid walked over to Debdita and stood just in front of her knees. "Let me see you stroke that big cock," she said. Sid started stroking his cock as he looked down at her fingers rubbing her clit. He was fully erect within a few strokes. "That's it. Jerk off with me." She thought to herself that his cock looked beautiful. It was long and hard and she loved the way it looked.
As Sid continued stroking his cock, Debdita stared at it. She was getting more excited with each jerk. She was getting off to the fact that this hot young guy was jerking off with her. This was not about the competition at all. This was genuine attraction and lust.
The heat in her wet cunt continued to build. She slipped two fingers in her slit and began gently finger fucking herself. She stared at his cock and imagined what it would feel like stretching the walls of her tight box.
Sid was getting really worked up himself. He watched Debdita 's luscious, firm tits jiggle as she now banged away finger fucking her pussy. He glanced down to her pussy and got even further turned on from the sight of her fingers rapidly stabbing away at her cunt. The hotter he got watching her, the faster he jerked his cock. Sid started to groan.
"Oh yes honey, are you ready to cum?" Debdita called out as she got off the coffee table and down on the floor on her knees. Sid nodded his head yes as he jerked on his cock. He pointed his cock toward Debdita 's face. "Yes, honey. Cum. Cum for me. Cum on my face."
Sid couldn't hold out any longer. Debdita watched closely as his cockhead swelled and then exploded. Cum burst from the tip of his cock and shot at her face with velocity. She felt it hit and splatter over her forehead with force. It was followed by another large stream that hit her in the lips with equal force as the first. Sid continued shooting blast after blast toward her face like shots from a rifle. The cum was hitting her face and splattering all over. She could believe neither the velocity nor the volume of cum spewing from Sid 's large pSid .
When he was done shooting, Debdita 's face was plastered with more cum than she had ever imagined was possible from one guy. She didn't need to look in a mirror to know he had just given her one hell of a messy facial. She felt like she had just witnessed what it was like to be plastered by a stud from a porno movie.
"That was incredible," Debdita exclaimed as she wiped cum from her eyelids. "You really have never done that before?" Sid shook his head no. "Good job Sid . That was quite the facial you gave me." She stood up as cum dribbled down from her face onto her tits. Debdita walked to the kitchen careful not to let any cum drip on the floor. She grabbed the towel she had placed on the counter earlier and began wiping the cum from her face. "Wow. So much cum. Well done Sid ."
"Did you enjoy that?" Debdita asked.
"I did. Thank you," Sid replied.
"No, thank you Sid ." Debdita responded. "And look. It stopped raining now. Nice timing. Well, I'm going to go upstairs to clean up. We will definitely have to do this again real soon. Remember Sid , this is our little secret." He nodded his head yes. She grabbed her yoga pants and sports bra off the floor and headed upstairs to shower. Sid started to get dressed. He still couldn't believe what had just happened. It was incredible. He felt like he was in a dream. He finished dressing and returned to his house next door.
For the next few days, Debdita continued to think about her encounter with Sid . She still couldn't believe how much cum he dumped on her face. But it wasn't just that. She was amazed at how powerfully he shot it out of his cock. Her face had been close to his cock, so it didn't have to shoot very far. She wondered just how far he could shoot his cum. At this point she still didn't have much thought about the competition, she was just genuinely curious.
The next day Debdita got an e-mail notice from the competition organizer. She went to the discrete and secure website they had set up and logged in. It was an announcement for the next party. It was the annual Christmas party which would be two days before Christmas.
Two hours later, Debdita got a text from Pinky . "Did you get the MFC invite?" Pinky asked.
"I did," Debdita responded.
"The Christmas party is over the top every year. The prizes for the competition are insane. No one in the group misses it. You have to go," Pinky told her.
"Ok. I will check my schedule," Debdita replied.
"No, seriously. You can't miss it. You absolutely must go," Pinky stated.
"Ok, calm yourself down. lol I will go," Debdita sent back.
"You won't regret it. I can't wait," Pinky remarked.
The next day, Debdita went to the gym at the same time she always did. She liked going at that time because the gym was never crowded, and she never had to wait for a machine. She had hoped Sid would be there because she had been thinking about their encounter.
In anticipation of Sid being there, she picked out the sexiest workout outfit she had. She put on a tight pair of high cut shorts that barely came down her hips. They were cut closer to a booty short or cropped boy short panty than traditional workout shorts that come halfway down a woman's thighs. They exposed all of her legs and barely covered her ass cheeks. She rarely wore these shorts because she thought they were more suitable for a young 20-something girl. She didn't fully realize she had the body to pull them off. She thought they were ultra-sexy. But they were just shy of being indecent, so she decided she could still wear them to the gym.
From the front, the material on her shorts rode up slightly on her legs into her hip such that when standing up, the fabric covering her pussy mound was almost even with the bottom of her leg opening. The smooth, stretchy material was thin and revealed every tiny curve of her body. She had to be careful not to stretch her shorts and pull them up too high or else it would give her an easily seen camel toe as well as a wedgy.
Her workout shirt was form fitting. She typically wore a sports bra under that shirt because the material was too revealing. It was a similar thin material as her shorts, showing very closely the outline of her tits and nipples. If her nipples got hard, they would easily poke through her shirt. She decided to go without her sports bra as she knew the gym would not be crowded and it made her feel sexy.
When she arrived at the gym, she was pleased to see Sid was there working out. It was uncrowded as she had anticipated. There were only three other people in the large gym. She went straight over to him and said hello. She noticed Sid 's eyes wander south checking her out. That made Debdita feel good.
She proceeded to work out. In the middle of her workout, she made a point to pass by where Sid was working out. "Sid , I'm happy to give you a ride home again if you need one," Debdita remarked as she passed by him.
"Um, sure. I'd like that. Thanks," he responded. This made Debdita feel giddy. She began to get excited at the prospect of another encounter with Sid . She was very attracted to him and also wanted to satisfy her curiosity about his abilities. She was also starting to think about the upcoming competition at the MILF Christmas party. She wasn't sure if she wanted to ask him to compete with her, but with his abilities it started to become an opportunity she thought she should not pass up.
When Debdita finished her workout, she went over to Sid . "I'm done working out now. If you aren't ready yet I can wait," Debdita stated.
"Uh, no I'm pretty much done," Sid said. He was getting excited himself about the prospect of what may happen when they got home. He would have ended his workout at any time Debdita asked.
"Ok, great. I will go get the stuff in my locker and meet you up front," Debdita said. She got her bag from her locker and met Sid in front of the gym. They got in her car and drove to Debdita 's house. "Would you like to come inside?"
"Yes," Sid answered.
"Sid , what do you think of my new workout outfit?" Debdita asked as they got inside. "I value your opinion."
"It is super hot," Sid blurted out. "I mean it looks good."
"Thank you," Debdita responded. "It isn't too revealing is it? I'm not quite sure I really have the body to pull off this outfit."
"No. It looks great. You looks really good in it," Sid replied.
"Thank you Sid . You are sweet. Sid , would you come with me upstairs for a minute?" Debdita asked. "I want to show you something."
"Sure," Sid said eagerly. At this point, he was so excited he would have followed her anywhere or done anything she said. He followed Debdita upstairs and into the master bedroom, admiring her ass in her short shorts as she walked in front of him.
"Truth be told Sid , I wanted to show you my naked body again," Debdita said. "Would that be ok?"
"Definitely," Sid replied. Debdita stripped naked and climbed onto the bed.
"You like my body, don't you Sid ?" Debdita asked.
"Yes. You have an amazing body," Sid responded.
"Thank you honey. You are sweet," Debdita replied as she rubbed her hands over her body. "Would you describe me as having a hard body?"
"Yes, definitely," he responded.
"I appreciate that. I work very hard to keep in shape. So, it is nice for it to be acknowledged," Debdita remarked. "Well Sid , you probably already guessed this, but I'd like to watch you cum again. All over my hard body this time. Would you be willing to do that for me Sid ?"
"Yes. Absolutely. I would love to," Sid exclaimed.
"Mmmm... Said with confidence and conviction," Debdita commented. "I like that. I like a confident man. Would you like to take off your clothes now and show me your big cock?"
"Yes, I would," Sid said as he started shedding his clothes.
"I want you to stand at the foot of the bed and start stroking your cock for me," Debdita requested. Sid complied as Debdita bent her knees up, spread her legs, and started playing with her pussy. "Mmmm. That looks nice Sid . Stroke that big, hard cock for me."
They continued masturbating together for several minutes. Debdita 's pussy was facing directly toward Sid , giving him a great view of her wet slit. The tip of his hard cock was about three to four feet from her pussy as he stroked it."
"I'm getting really hot and wet watching you stroke that big cock Sid ," Debdita remarked. "I love watching you stroke your cock for me." They both continued masturbating. Debdita could see Sid start to get more and more excited as he stroked. "That's it honey. Stoke that big cock for me. Are you gonna cum on me soon? I can't wait for you to cum all over my hard, sexy body."
Debdita was getting hotter and hotter. Her pussy was on fire. She felt she was about to cum. She had to regulate her masturbation to keep from going over the edge. She looked at Sid 's face and saw it was becoming flush. "That's it Sid . Cum for me. I want your cum. Shoot your hot cum all over me."
After another minute or two, Debdita 's regulation became ineffective. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum Sid ," she cried out. "Cum with me Sid . Cum!" Debdita 's dirty coaxing was all Sid needed to send him over the edge as well. He exploded with great force. Cum shot out of his cock like it was being fired from a cannon. The first blast shot out and landed on Debdita 's hand and pussy. This set Debdita off and she exploded with an orgasm of her own that shocked her whole body. As she convulsed, the second blast from his cock shot much further and streamed across her stomach. The third went even further up to her tits. Sid kept sending long distance volleys of cum toward her, streaming three more across her stomach as she continued spasming from her massive orgasm. He shot a few more that landed on her pussy and one falling just short landing on the bedspread. By the time they were both done orgasming, there was a long, thick trail of cum from Debdita 's tits, down her stomach to her pussy, and onto the bedspread.
"Wow Sid ," Debdita exclaimed after she caught her breath. "That was incredible. It felt amazing. I loved cumming together. I hope you enjoyed yourself as well."
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"I did," he replied. "I'm sorry, I think I missed and got some on the bedspread."
"That's ok honey, I'll take care of that," Debdita replied. "Sid , I must say, you are truly gifted."
"Thank you," Sid responded.
"No, thank you honey," Debdita complimented. "I'm going to clean up, but we will do this again real soon, ok?"
"Ok," Sid replied. He was excited that Debdita hinted that they would do that again. Sid got dressed and returned home.
A few days later was Sid 's parents' Christmas party. They threw a big party every year. Most years they had at least 100 people stop by during the party. Debdita attended the party with her husband. She was excited to see Sid again. She had been thinking more about the competition and wanted to ask him to compete with her. She hoped she would get the opportunity to get Sid alone at the party so she could ask him.
They arrived at the party around 8pm and greeted Sid 's parents. Debdita saw Sid across the room and gave him a little wave. Debdita and her husband mingled together with other couples for a while. They eventually separated to mingle with other people. Her husband was chatting with a group of men and she was talking to a group of ladies.
Debdita finally noticed Sid standing alone, so she subtly excused herself from the conversation with the ladies and walked over to him. "Hello Sid ," she said.
"Hi Debdita ," Sid replied. They exchanged a few more innocuous pleasantries.
"Can I ask you something Sid ?" Debdita inquired.
"Of course," Sid excitedly replied. He was anxious to hear her question and where it might lead. Debdita turned to her left then to her right to make sure no one was close enough to hear their conversation.
"Did you enjoy yourself the last time I saw you?" Debdita asked.
"I did. Very much so," Sid replied.
"I'm glad. Would you be interested in getting together again real soon?" Debdita inquired.
"Yes. I would like to very much," Sid answered.
"Good. That pleases me," Debdita responded. She proceeded to tell him about the upcoming party and asked him to attend with her. She explained about how she wanted him to cum on her face in front of the ladies. He was not at all receptive to the idea of doing it in front of other people.
"Please," Debdita pleaded with him.
"I don't think I can do that. Not in front of other people," Sid answered.
Debdita could see that Sid was very reluctant to doing this at the MILF Club party. She could tell it was going to take some major convincing to get him to agree. But she was now determined to get him to go with her. She had already let him see her naked twice, so that wouldn't work as a carrot like it did with Jimmy. She needed something more. She again looked to her left and looked to her right to make sure no one could hear her.
"What if I sucked your cock this time?" Debdita asked. Sid 's eyes got big. She paused for a long moment waiting for him to respond, but he remained speechless not saying anything. She looked again to see the coast was clear. "Wouldn't you like to feel my tongue run up and down your hard shaft? And feel my tongue flick, lick, and twirl around your cockhead?" Debdita paused and seductively licked her lips running her tongue in a circle around her mouth getting her glossy lipstick wet. "And just so you know, I can deepthroat. Wouldn't you like to feel my lips wrapped around the base of your big shaft as I sucked in?" She paused again.
Debdita thought about a sales technique that she had learned about in college called the takeaway. Often times when you pull back an offer or tell someone it isn't right for them, it makes them want it more. People want what they can't have. "But it is ok if you don't want to," Debdita said. "I would understand. I wouldn't want to talk you into doing anything you didn't want to do. We can put an end to these naughty encounters if that is what you prefer."
"No, I want to. I will do it," he exclaimed. Debdita 's takeaway worked. Sid didn't want their encounters to end. He wanted more. He really didn't want to do anything in front of other people, but he also couldn't resist and pass up getting a blowjob from Debdita .
"Really? Thank you. I'm so happy!" Debdita excitedly remarked. She proceeded to walk Sid through logistics and details. She got his mobile number and put it in her phone.
"And I have one more special request. Would you edge for me?" Debdita inquired.
"What do you mean?" Sid asked.
"I want you to edge for me between now and the party," Debdita stated. "Jerk off until you are about to cum, but then stop right before you orgasm. Then after a pause, bring yourself close, but stop again before you cum. Repeat it several times a session. Do as many sessions as you want or can each day. It will make your orgasm stronger and more pleasurable when I finally give you your big release at the party. Give it a try. I promise you will enjoy it if you do. Can you do that for me?"
"I can do that," Sid replied.
"Don't cum at all before I make you at the party, ok?"
"Ok," Sid replied.
"Thank you Sid ," Debdita responded. "I better go mingle now before anyone gets suspicious." She winked at Sid and then walked away to mingle with others at the party.
The party eventually started to wind down. Sid was near his parents in the foyer as people said their thanks and goodbyes as they left. As Debdita was leaving, she gave Sid a hug. "Edge for me tonight please," she quickly whispered in his ear as she hugged him goodbye. She hugged Sid 's parents and thanked them for the party, then went home with her husband.
The following evening, Debdita texted Sid just before she went to bed:
Debdita -- I'm thinking about you. Are you thinking about me?
Sid -- Yes.
Debdita -- Did you edge for me last night?
Sid -- Yes.
Debdita -- How many times did you get close?
Sid -- 3
Debdita -- Very nice. That pleases me. Can I tell you something?
Sid -- Of course.
Debdita -- I can't wait to get you in my mouth. I'm thinking about it right now. Are you?
Sid -- I am.
Debdita -- Are you edging for me now?
Sid -- Yes.
Debdita -- That is so sexy. I'm picturing it my mind. Do it four times for me tonight, ok?
Sid -- Ok.
Debdita -- Enjoy. Sleep well.
Sid -- You too.
The next morning, Debdita texted Sid again.
Debdita -- Good morning.
Sid -- Morning.
Debdita -- Did I wake you?
Sid -- Sorda.
Debdita -- I'm sorry.
Sid -- That's ok.
Debdita - How many times did you edge last night?
Sid - 4
Debdita -- Very nice. Thank you. Can I tell you something?
Sid -- Of course.
Debdita -- I just slipped my hand inside my panties. Where is your hand?
Sid -- On my cock.
Debdita -- Nice. Is it hard?
Sid -- Yes.
Debdita -- I love it when you stroke it for me. Are you doing that now?
Sid -- Yes.
Debdita -- I'm picturing it and it is getting me so hot. Keep edging for me.
Sid -- How many times do you want?
Debdita -- 3 or 4 please.
Sid -- Ok.
Debdita -- Remember, don't cum! I promise it will be worth the wait.
Sid -- Ok.
Debdita -- Enjoy. Have a good day.
Debdita continued texting Sid each day to get him turned on. She enjoyed their sexy texts. But, she was also focused on the competition. She started to wonder just how big Sid 's orgasm was going to be at the contest. He blew an enormous load naturally, so she couldn't imagine how much it might increase after edging several days before the contest.
The day of the contest arrived, and Debdita drove to the contest with Pinky as usual. The lingerie theme for the Christmas party included a red and white Santa darling stocking and garter outfit. The bra was red with white fuzzy accents on the shoulder straps. The garter belt matched the bra along with small white pom poms hanging off it. The panties were white and red G-strings with a white sheer, see-through fabric on the front panel outlined with red for the border and the straps. The outfit was completed with a pair of white stockings.
Debdita went through the typical routine starting with mingling, then greeted Sid when he arrived, paraded him through the line of women in their lingerie, and then took him downstairs to their waiting room. "Ok, here is how this will go," Debdita said when they got inside the waiting room. "We will go out there and there will be a bright spotlight on us. The rest of the room will be dark, so you won't be able to see much toward the light. Don't worry about that. The only people watching in the audience will be the sexy gals you saw upstairs. We will start off with you facing the audience and spotlight. I will remove your clothes and then prance around you and make a fun little show of it. Just stand there and I will do all the work. Ok?" Sid nodded his head yes.
"When I give you the signal, kneel down on one knee and then remove these garter clips from my stockings," Debdita instructed. "You know how they work?"
"I think so," Sid replied.
"You just unclip them like this," Debdita said as she unclipped one of her garter snaps and then clipped it back. "Got it?"
"Yes," Sid replied. "What is your signal?"
"I will nod my head at you," Debdita replied. "Just watch me and you'll know. After you unclip my garters, then slowly roll my stockings down my legs and take them off, one at a time. It will make for a good show. We'll have fun with it."
"What about your shoes?" Sid asked.
"Ah, good point," Debdita remarked. She paused to think for a second. "It will be sexier if I keep my heels on, so take my shoe off to remove the stocking, then put it right back on, then do the other leg."
"Ok," Sid responded.
"Once my stocking are off, stand back up," Debdita instructed. "I will prance around you one more time. When I turn my back to you, unclasp my bra. Then when I stick my butt out toward you, unhook my garter belt. See where both clasps are in the back?" Debdita turned her back to Sid to show him the back of her garter belt.
"Yes, I see them," Sid replied.
"Then tug the straps of my G-string halfway down my thighs and I will let them fall to my feet. Put your hand out like you are a southern gentleman helping me over a puddle or something. I will take your hand and step out of my panties around my ankles. After I'm naked, I will continue holding your hand as you help me get down on my knees. When I'm on my knees, you can let go and start stroking your cock above my face. After that I will take over. Just follow my lead and do whatever I say. Whatever happens, just remember to shoot your load all over my face and you'll do fine. Ok?"
"Ok," Sid replied trying to take in all the instructions.
"Oh, and above all, just have fun and enjoy yourself," Debdita added.
"It is almost time. Are you nervous?" Debdita asked after a few minutes. Sid nodded his head yes. "Don't be. You are going to do great. You have butterflies in your stomach?" He nodded yes again. "Me too. That just means we are excited. Are you looking forward to me sucking your cock?"
"Yes," Sid replied with a little more excitement this time.
"Good. I am too," Debdita remarked as she winked at him. "You are really going to like this. Enjoy it. It will be a lot of fun."
Moments later there was a tap on the door. "Ok, showtime," Debdita exclaimed. "Are you ready to have some fun?"
"Yes," Sid said as he nodded his head.
"Me too! Let's do this," Debdita remarked as she took ahold of Sid 's hand and led him out the door.
They took the stage and Debdita carried out the routine just as she had described it to Sid . She took his clothes off and tossed them off the side of the stage, making a good show of it. He then removed her lingerie as she had instructed. She got on her knees and Sid started jerking off.
Debdita looked up and watched Sid jerk his big cock above her face. She decided to improvise a bit. She stood back up and got behind him. She reached around him and took over jerking off his cock as he faced the audience. She continued this for a short while and then got back down on her knees in front of him. She placed her hands on his thighs and took his cock in her mouth. She took it halfway in, then released it, and then repeated this a few times.
Debdita then licked Sid 's long shaft up and down and then worked on his swollen cockhead like she had promised. She took his cock back in her mouth and with a struggle finally deepthroated him. With her lips around the base of his shaft, she sucked in and Sid shuddered from the phenomenal sensation. She did this two more times and then released his pSid from her mouth.
Debdita again licked Sid 's shaft up and down. She was thoroughly enjoying sucking on his big cock. She was also getting quite turned on from it. She continued servicing his shaft alternating between sucking, licking, and jerking him off. She could tell Sid was really enjoying the sensations as well.
She looked up at Sid and made eye contact as she held his cock in her mouth. This bonded them physically. They both enjoyed the sensation as they looked into each other's eyes. The eye lock sent Debdita down a path from which she would not recover. It ignited a fire in her pussy. Subconsciously, she reached down and started rubbing her clit as she sucked away on his thick shaft continuing to stare into his eyes.
Debdita was getting hotter and hotter. Soon her pussy was burning hot. She surrendered to her carnal desires and lost herself in the eroticism and completely forgot about the competition. She was now sucking off Sid and fingering her pussy not for the show of it, but rather because her cunt was on fire and she craved his cum.
Debdita released Sid 's throbbing rod from her mouth and looked up at him. "I want you to fuck me now. Would you do that for me?" she asked him. This wasn't for the competition. She wanted him inside her. She desperately wanted to feel his thick shaft stretch the walls of her pussy and fill her cunt. She had to experience the sensation of his long shaft stabbing her pussy. She wanted to feel him thrust into her box over and over again.
"Ok," Sid eagerly agreed as he gazed down at Debdita 's beautiful face. He was immensely aroused and would have done anything she asked at that point. She took his hand and led him over to the long, artsy, flat couch with the curved back on one end. The curved end of the couch was facing the side of the stage, so it did not block any of the ladies' view.
Debdita got on her back, bent her knees up in the air, and spread her legs wide for Sid . He climbed on the couch and placed his knees between her feet. He leaned forward and positioned his cock just above her pussy. He gazed up at Debdita 's face. "Go ahead honey, fuck me," Debdita softly said to him as she looked back at his face. Sid slipped his long cock in Debdita 's warm box and she gasped as it spread the walls of her cunt.
Debdita couldn't believe how good Sid 's cock felt in her fiery box. His shaft continued stretching the walls of her pussy as he slid all the way inside her. "Oh, that feels so good Sid ," she exclaimed. Sid looked down at her face as she looked back up at his. He was overwhelmed with the amazing sensation of having his shaft buried in her warm, juicy pussy.
Sid began slowly fucking his cock back and forth in Debdita 's wet pussy. Sid thought Debdita was an incredibly sexy woman and that really turned him on. He loved the feeling of his cock inside her as he fucked her. Debdita was in heaven with his large cock and the way it completely filled her cunt. Her box got hotter and hotter with each stroke of his dick inside her. She had long ago forgotten about the competition. By now, he too was unaware of the audience and they were wrapped up in a heated fuck. The heat continued building between them.
"Faster," Debdita commented to Sid . He obliged and picked up his pace. "Yes. Just like that. That feels really good." He continued fucking away at her pussy for several minutes.
"Faster Sid ," Debdita said a little louder this time. Sid increased his tempo. "Yes. Like that. A little harder." Sid thrust into her box. "Oh fuck. Yes. Just like that. Keep going. Keep fucking me." He continued banging his cock into her pussy.
"Oh fuck Sid , you are going to make me cum. Yes. Fuck me! Make me cum!" Debdita exclaimed. Sid continued stabbing his long cock in her tight pussy. "Yes Sid . Yes Sid . I'm cummming!" Debdita called out. Debdita convulsed and exploded in orgasm. She spasmed so hard she couldn't get in enough air to formulate an audible scream. Her hard abs contracted, and her cunt twitched over and over sending shock waves through her body.
After Debdita started spasming, Sid got in one last powerful thrust into her box. She continued spasming uncontrollably as she felt his rod quickly slip out of her pussy. Even without his shaft inside her, Debdita 's orgasm continued. The next cognizant sensation she recognized was the feeling of warm cum landing on her tits. She opened her eyes but her vision was still fuzzy from the lack of blood in her head as a thick barrage of cum hit her in the forehead. Her vision cleared and she saw Sid between her knees jerking his cock which was spraying blast after blast of cum toward her. Each of the remaining blasts of thick, white cum landed on her face. Her body continued jerking with mini aftershock spasms as he kept plastering her face.
By the time Sid had finished, he had hit Debdita 's face with eight or nine volleys of cum. Her face was plastered with a nearly solid white mask of cum from his enormous load. She got up on her elbows and looked back at Sid the best she could through her cum covered eyes. Just then, the audience erupted with cheers and applause. It was noticeably louder than any applause she had heard at one of the MILF Club parties in the past.
Until hearing the applause, Debdita had completely forgotten where she was. She had been enjoying the pounding Sid was giving her pussy so much she was in another world. The applause broke her out of her dream and she realized where she was. She sat up and turned toward the audience. The camera showing the image on the big screen TV zoomed in on her face. The audience erupted with applause and cheers again when they saw the closeup of her face completely covered in cum.
The host came on stage and handed Debdita a towel. The host put her hands above her head and gave a bravo clap. She had never seen the host do this. The audience chimed in again with another loud round of applause and cheers. Debdita wiped the majority of the cum from her face and stood up. She took Sid 's hand. Then she took a bow and led Sid back off stage. As they started off the stage the host commented, "Practically simultaneous orgasm and a massive facial! Well done you two!"
They went into their waiting room and found Sid 's clothes were neatly folded and sitting on top of the dresser. Debdita 's lingerie was nicely laid out on the bed. "That was fantastic. You were amazing," Debdita exclaimed. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes, it was incredible," Sid responded knowing without a doubt that had been the best sex he had ever had.
"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it. You did great," Debdita remarked. "You were wonderful. You felt so good. And I don't want to under sell it either. Truth be told, you were fucking me so good I completely lost track of where we were and the competition. I was in another world. I'm so glad you remembered to cum on my face. And boy did you deliver a great facial. My face was plastered. It was an amazing facial. Good job." Debdita finished cleaning her face with products and wipes left by the host on the dresser. Then she started fixing her makeup. "I think the edging paid off, don't you?"
"Yes, definitely. I've never cum that hard before," Sid exclaimed. "It felt unbelievable."
"I honestly didn't plan on having sex up there, but I'm glad we did," Debdita remarked. "You sent me to heaven. I think I know the answer but will ask anyway. Did you enjoy fucking me?"
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"Yes. Absolutely. It was amazing," Sid remarked.
"Good, I'm glad," Debdita responded. "We can get dressed again." She went over to the bed to retrieve her lingerie. "There was one more team competing after us I think, then they will bring us back to announce the results." Sid got his clothes from the dresser and got dressed. By the time he finished dressing, Debdita had put on her bra, panties, garter belt and was slipping back into her stockings. "You mind helping me with these? They are way easier to take off than get on." Sid knelt down and helped Debdita clip her garters to her stockings.
They sat on the bed relaxing for a while until they heard a knock on the door. "It's time," Debdita exclaimed. She was giddy and couldn't wait to find out the results. Since she had lost her self-control and fucked Sid on stage, and he had delivered a massive, long-distance facial, she figured it was very likely that they won. She grabbed his hand and towed him out of the room and back onto the stage.
They stood on stage as the host joined them. Debdita was excited with anticipation. "Ladies, welcome team Debdita back to the stage," the host announced. There was a round of applause and cheers. "Ladies, we have a new first. Something that has never happened here at the MILF Facial Club. We have a new record. Team Debdita is our winner with a FIRST TIME EVER PERFECT SCORE!" the host shouted. The audience erupted with applause and cheers. Debdita was elated that they had won.
"And for the presentation of our special Christmas 1st place price, we have a new purse for you Debdita ," the host announced as she handed Debdita a very expensive looking purse.
"Thank you so much," Debdita said to the host.
"It's not just a purse," the host commented. "Look inside."
Debdita looked inside the purse and found two airline ticket vouchers. She read the vouchers that said roundtrip first class airfare to Fiji. "Oh my god!" Debdita exclaimed.
"That's right ladies, Debdita has also won round-trip first-class airfare to Fiji for two plus seven night's accommodation in a suite at a luxury villa resort," the host continued. "And, I have something extra special for you both. I've always kept it a secret so there would be no manipulation of the voting, but I've planned to give a special gift to the first team to get a perfect score if it ever happened. I'm giving you each “FIFTY THOUSAND IN CASH”!" The room erupted with applause again. Both Debdita and Sid were floored. They couldn't believe it. Debdita hugged Sid and then hugged the host.
After the celebration calmed, the lights turned on in the room and the spotlight turned off. The ladies all came up to congratulate Debdita and Sid . As the crowd settled, ladies gradually made their way upstairs to mingle and eventually to change back to their clothes and head home. The car service took Sid home as required and Debdita drove home with Pinky . Debdita called him as soon as she got home.
"I still can't believe the prizes," Debdita said to Sid on the phone. "Sid , you'll have to be discrete about the cash. Remember, you can't tell anyone. This is a secret just between you and me."
"Ok, I will. And I won't tell anyone," he agreed. After they hung up, he thought to himself that he wouldn't tell anyone because he promised he wouldn't. But he also thought that he wouldn't tell because no one would believe him if he told them he got an awesome blowjob from an incredibly hot MILF and then fucked her on stage in front of a bunch of other MILFS in the audience. He still couldn't quite believe it himself.
Debdita told her husband that she had won the trip to Fiji as a raffle prize at a charity benefit function. She was relieved he believed her story. The next morning, she woke with mixed emotions. She was still excited about winning and getting to go to Fiji. But she was slightly sad her encounters with Sid were over as no guy was permitted to compete twice. She had used the competition as her excuse to convince herself, but in reality, she thoroughly enjoyed being naughty with Sid . It was a raw, unfiltered expression of her sexuality, and she loved it.
Debdita decided to get ready to go to the gym. She rummaged through her workout clothes for something to wear. She decided to wear the same ultra-sexy workout gear she had the last time she picked Sid up from the gym. She wanted to wear something that made her feel sexy.
She went to the gym at her usual time. There were only three people in the gym when she got there. She looked around and didn't see Sid . That made her feel even more sad. She went through the motions of starting her workout routine. As she sat recovering on one of the machines she heard, "Hello Mrs. Dutta." She looked up and saw Sid . She was elated to see him.
"Mrs. Dutta?" Debdita scolded as she sarcastically scowled at him.
"I'm just messing with you. Hi Debdita ," Sid remarked.
"I'm happy to see you," Debdita said. "I really enjoyed yesterday."
"Glad to see you as well. I really enjoyed yesterday too," Sid responded. "I see you are wearing your sexy workout outfit again."
"I am," Debdita acknowledged. Debdita was sitting on the incline bench press machine with her legs spread slightly on each side of the seat. She quickly looked to her right and to her left. No one was close by or looking, so she spread her legs a little wider as she sat on the seat and rotated her hips giving Sid a perfect view of her crotch. "Do you see anything you like?"
"Yes. I see something I like very much," Sid replied as he looked down at the outline of Debdita 's pussy mound covered by her shorts. He could also faintly see the contours of her slit through the thin material.
"Can I confess something to you Sid ?" Debdita asked.
"Of course," Sid replied.
"I wore this outfit just for you," Debdita said.
"I had hoped that was the case," Sid said. "Can I see more?"
"I think we may be able to arrange something like that later," Debdita said.
"No, I mean now," Sid stated.
"Now? Here?" Debdita asked.
"Yes," Sid answered.
"My, my. Someone is feeling a little frisky and being a naughty little boy aren't they?" Debdita said with a southern belle accent. "I think that can be arranged," she added in her normal voice. She again looked to her left and right to make sure it was clear. She reached down and pulled one leg opening of her shorts over revealing her pussy to Sid . "Do you see anything else you like?"
"I see something else I like very much," Sid said.
"I'm glad," Debdita commented as she released her shorts covering herself back up. She was enjoying their flirtatious and sexy exchange. "Would I be presumptuous in assuming you would like a ride again today Sid ?"
"Not at all. I would love a 'ride' if it is no bother," Sid stated with intentional sexual inuendo.
"It is no trouble at all," Debdita replied in her southern belle voice again. She picked up on his inuendo instantly. "I would be happy to give you a ride Sid ... I seem to have lost interest in my workout. Would you be ready to go now?"
"Yes, I'm ready to go whenever you are," Sid replied.
"Yes, I have noticed that Sid . I very much like that you are always ready to go whenever I am," Debdita said as she winked at him. "I will meet you up front. Try not to stare too hard at my tight ass as I head to the locker room." He watched her as she got up from the weight machine and went to the locker room to retrieve her gym bag which contained her wallet and keys. She met Sid in front of the gym. They went outside, got in the car, and headed down the road. Debdita took a left turn where Sid expected her to go right.
"Uh, Debdita , the house is the other way," Sid remarked.
"I know," she casually replied.
"Um, if you know then why are we going this way?" Sid asked.
"You'll see. It is a surprise. Just relax and enjoy the ride," Debdita commented. A few minutes later she pulled into the drive of a nice hotel that was a few miles from the gym. "Wait here in the car please." Debdita grabbed her gym bag and got out and went inside the hotel lobby.
She returned a few minutes later to Sid 's side of the car and opened the door. "Follow me please," she directed. She walked over to the valet and handed him her car keys with one hand as she took a ticket from him with the other. She continued inside and Sid followed. She led him to the elevators and hit the button for the top floor.
"Where are we going?" Risk asked again.
"You'll see," Debdita replied.
They reached the top floor and walked to the end of the hall. Debdita pulled out a key card and opened the double doors to the executive suite. They went inside and took in the sight of the marble entryway. They walked further into the room and took in the view of the floor to ceiling glass wall of windows with a spectacular view of downtown.
"I wanted to show my appreciation for what you did for me at the competition. I used some of my cash winnings for this fancy hotel suite," Debdita said.
"You didn't have to do that," Sid said.
"Nonsense. It is my pleasure," Debdita remarked. "I hope I wasn't being presumptuous again, but I thought you might enjoy fucking me all afternoon in this beautiful suite. To show my appreciation, I thought I would let you take me however you like, as often as you'd like. My body is yours to do with it as you please all afternoon. Would that be ok with you Sid ?"
"Um, you thought correctly. I would like that very much," Sid said.
"Ok then. I'm yours all afternoon Sid ," Debdita stated. "Where might you want to start?"
"How about we start with you kneeling down and sucking my cock over there, then I will take you from behind bent over the desk there by the window," Sid said.
"That sounds amazing Sid ," Debdita said. "And I assume you'll be plastering my face with your cum again?"
"Of course," Sid said. "Maybe right there on the floor in front of the window?"
"That sounds absolutely perfect," Debdita replied. "I'm glad to hear that, I've been fantasizing about your cum all morning. But might I make one request?"
"Of course," Sid replied.
"I hate to ask after having just surrendered my body to you to do with as you please, but there is a position I've always wanted to try," Debdita stated. "It requires someone fit and strong like you. I'd like you to pick me up and fuck me in mid-air while you are standing up. You hold me up by my thighs as you fuck me and I'll wrap my hands around the back of your neck to hold on. Might you be able to work something like that in at some point this afternoon for me?"
"It would be my pleasure," Sid answered.
"I think it is going to be both our pleasures all afternoon," Debdita remarked. She shed her clothes and got down on her knees where Sid had suggested and sucked his cock. He then fucked her from behind bent over the desk. They moved to the window and Sid picked her up and fucked her as she had requested. He then pressed her ass into the glass as he still held her and continued fucking her against the window. He set her down and turned her around and again fucked her from behind standing up as he pressed her tits against the glass. He fucked her like this until she came. Then she got down on her knees and he came on her face by the widow as he had said.
After a short break, they fucked again in the shower. They called room service for lunch and ate while wearing the hotel provided robes. After lunch, they resumed fucking on the sofa this time. They relaxed for a bit on the bed then resumed fucking. Sid was behind Debdita on the bed fucking her doggystyle. Debdita looked back over her shoulder and asked, "Is this what you were thinking about when you were staring at my ass at the gym?"
"When?" Sid asked as he paused with his hands on her hips and his cock buried deep in her pussy.
"When I was doing dumbbell rows on the bench," Debdita responded.
"Shit, I didn't think you could see me then," Sid said.
"I saw you when I looked back between my legs," Debdita commented. "I liked that you were looking."
"What can I say, you have a phenomenal ass," Sid responded. "It is hard not to stare. And yes, this is what I was thinking about."
"Well, my ass is still all yours for the rest of the day. Smack it like you own it!" Debdita exclaimed. Sid resumed fucking her and she turned her head back forward. Then she felt a strong stinging sensation on her right ass cheek as she heard the loud slap of Sid 's hand smacking her ass. She let out a playful "Owww!" He smacked her ass hard numerous more times as he fucked her from behind. It got them both hotter and hotter until the finally came nearly together.
They proceeded to fuck the rest of the afternoon in every spot possible trying a number of different positions until around 6pm when they went home. A week later, Sid had to go back to college to attend to some activities with college clubs he participated in. Their marathon fuck session in the hotel was the last time Debdita and Sid were together sexually. Debdita saw Sid a few times over the next several years, mostly at his parent's annual Christmas party. A few years later, she saw him at his wedding.
When he got the opportunity, Sid went to talk to Debdita when she was alone. "It's good to see you," Sid remarked. "I'm glad you were able to make it to our wedding."
"You too. I'm very happy for you," Debdita remarked.
"I wanted you to know I have never told anyone about our little secret," Sid confessed.
"I'm glad. Me neither," Debdita admitted.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Sid asked.
"Of course," Debdita responded.
"Ever since our time together, I've really loved giving girls facials," Sid whispered. "And I have you to thank for that. It's kinda been a requirement for me to get serious with any girl that she likes them too. And my wife REALLY loves when I give her a big, messy cum facial."
"If that is the case Sid , you two will have a very happy marriage!" Debdita exclaimed.
Debdita never told he husband about Sid or the MILF Facial Club. But her time with Sid did convince her to pursue more sexual escapades with her husband and other partners. They eventually engaged in some threesomes on several occasions and swapped partners with another couple once. They both thoroughly enjoyed it.
The End . ( Real author : JoeVartos ) Edited as per our indian characters
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very nice story man, with a superb writing skill
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