Adultery Kalpana : The Flight Simulator
Hi, this is Kalpana. I am happily married for long enough that I couldn’t care to remember. We live in a quiet suburb in a pleasant setting. I am in mid thirties, and although I wouldn’t accept it readily, I am still attractive enough to turn heads as I walked on the street, of which I am secretly proud of. I am a bit on the curvy side, and quite tall for an average Indian woman at 5 ft 6”. With a figure of 36C 30 37, my shapely posterior usually stands out when I walk, which my husband is very fond of and liberally lets his fingers play at the first given chance. I usually dress up in sarees and avoid the dresses that hug my body.

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I get a plenty of free time during the day as my husband and son disappear. Life was a drab during the afternoon hours until last month. With the arrival of my new neighbour, things took a turn from the usual monotony. He was a decent and smart looking guy about the same age as Ravi, my husband. What interested me was the kind of visitors he got during the mid afternoon periods during the first week of his stay. . Girls that looked like dolls visited him twice during the last week. Oddly, they were dressed in a similar looking shirt and a skirt. Naturally, my girlish curiosity was propelling me to know more. When I mentioned about this to Ravi, he said, ‘Gosh I missed that. Perhaps I should take leave tomorrow to see those beauties’.
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Before I could raise my arms to punch him, he hugged me and turned me around, pressing his face close to my neck and breathed heavily. His hands circled held my curvy hip. His left hand was sprawling along the fold at my hip as his right hand advanced to lower my saree waistline swiftly, exposing my navel ‘I am sure none of those hotties are as interesting as you are when it comes to this department’ and fingered my deep navel playfully. I held his hands with mine tighter and jerked in response to his playful fingers. He moved his other hand from my hip free hand on my face along my cheek and across my lips. I closed my eyes and parted my lips to lick his finger as he eagerly licked my earlobes, instantly turning me on. His finger continued to play with my navel, each and every bit of touch there still excited me after all these years of marriage and even more so, Ravi treasures my reactions. He is especially proud of my creamy waist devoid of any stretch marks after our child birth. I am quite proud of it too and would love to flaunt more of it, but avoid it usually for the very reason that I am overly sensitive to even the cool breeze brushing my bare midriff. I am always careful to not expose much of my midriff, to Ravi’s disappointment. Anyway, a loud advert in the TV brought us back to reality and I peeled myself off from Ravi as our son who is 8 might be home any minute now, after his play session with his friends.
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As days passed I became more curious about my new neighbour, as I saw one of the girls paid another visit to his place. Its none of my business, but still. One afternoon as I was just about to take a nap, I heard a knock on the door. I opened with a sleepy face, only to find that my new neighbour’s smiley face greet me. I nearly jumped off my feet. ‘yes?’ I said.

‘Hello madam. I am Anil.’ He introduced himself politely and extended his hand casually. I actually went back a step and nodded slightly. He laughed aloud and continued. ‘I am new to this area as you may have noticed. My wife and son will join me next month. I just got transferred to this town. I need some help with setting up the college and other arrangements for my son. I noticed that your son is about the same age as mine, hence I came here to ask for help.’

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He spoke very pleasantly. I liked the way he came straight to the topic. I smiled at him for the first time. ‘Please come in, have a seat’, I showed him the couch. As he came in, I noticed that he is a lot taller and fitter than Ravi. His T-Shirt showed more of his muscles than its intended purpose of hiding. No doubt, the beautiful girls visit him, I thought, then immediately wondered ‘why am I jealous?’ As we sat, he continued ‘I need some recommendations from you regarding the colleges. Sorry If I have disturbed your afternoon nap. You must have been exhausted after your busy day, my apologies again.’ I warmed up to him. ‘no no, not at all. That’s ok. It’s a pleasure I could be of help.’, and proceeded to give him the details. He was a good listener and didn’t interrupt me as I spoke, looked straight at my face and no where else. It gave me the feeling that he is a proper gentleman. I felt at ease in his presence, for I am usually very reserved when I meet new people. His easy going nature must have been it. He was asking various questions about the neighbourhood and was telling about his wife and son and even before I realised, I got deeply engaged in the conversation with him.

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In the middle of our conversation he said quite abruptly, ‘I like the coffee without sugar.’ I laughed, taking the hint, and stood up and made my way to the kitchen. As I walked I was wondering to myself if he would be staring at my backside too, just like Ravi and most men. Ravi is a connoisseur in appreciating the female posterior with a gaping mouth. Much to my irritation he appraises not just me, but every female life from under the sun. As I prepared his coffee, I brushed the thought aside as Mr. Anil seems to not be of that kind. In fact, in all the time we spoke, he didn’t let his gaze astray on any part of my body other than my face. This would be an impossible feat to achieve for Ravi! Even now he was deeply buried in a magazine as I turned to take a glance at him. Appreciating his good manners, smiling to myself I raised my arms and leaned forward to pick up the sugar from the cupboard over my head. What I didn’t realise was, at that precise moment, a pair of eyes shifted from the magazine to quickly but hungrily scan my partly exposed blouse clad left breast and the smooth creamy waist that was exposed, my shapely thigh and curvy behind.
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As we sipped the coffee, I asked him, what he does for a living. He said that he’s a chief designer at the ‘new star’ airline, one of the fastest growing private carriers. ‘Ah, that explained the girls!’ I nearly shouted.’ He laughed ‘Yes they’re our Air-hostesses. You’re very observant miss?’ oh, I am Kalpana. I answered cheerfully like a college girl. ‘Nice name Kalpana, You can call me Anil.’ He extended his hand easily. This time, I took his hand without much hesitation to my own surprise. Usually, No one calls me by my name but for Ravi. So it sounded very odd when he said. ‘That’s their uniform Kalpana and that’s a part of the problem that I am working on right now. ’ I got so much engrossed in the conversation that I didn’t really object to him calling me by my name. Instead, a very enthused me, questioned him, ‘Why is the uniform a problem?’
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‘It’s a problem; because my management feels that we would be closer to the travelling public should our girls be dressed in sarees as opposed to bracing the west.’ ‘That would be a brilliant idea,’ I chimed along. ‘Its good in principle, but need some input, pretty badly for that. I am the chief designer Kalpana and I do have sub-ordinates reporting to me, but they are either men or women who are too westernized. Usually my wife would have been an ideal candidate, but she is not around until next month. So I am in a bit of a fix.’

I mumbled ‘Oh that’s a situation’. He nodded and continued ‘Oh, but you look ravishing in this saree that you are currently wearing. I must tell you, you have a natural talent in picking up the right kind of saree to suit you. May be you could be of help to me. That is, only if you have time and if you are willing to do something different. What do you say Kalpana?’
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I shifted a bit uneasily, ‘what do you mean?’ I asked. ‘Oh, it’s just that, I need to shortlist 3 different designs out of hundreds of concepts and designs that our design-simulator software came up with. It’s quite smart tool, and just requires some basic information. I could not finalise which ones to choose out of the lot, because I have no clue how they would look like when worn as a saree. It would be impractical to print all of them as sarees, as we don’t have that kind of budget. That’s why I was calling these girls to get their input, but I must say, I am not convinced entirely. Do you mind taking a look at the designs at the computer at my home Kalpana? It won’t take very long.’
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This sounded like a very different kind of venture and I said with the same college-girlish enthusiasm ‘Sure Anil, Why not!’ I was surprised at myself calling him Anil. So come with me now, if you don’t mind please, he stood up without waiting for me. ‘What? Right now?’ I followed him nevertheless to his house. His house was roughly about the same size of ours, but working for an Airline showed up immediately as the interior was proper posh. There were several replica planes in the showcase. He offered me a soft drink as we sat in his study. ‘Nice house’ I said. ‘Thanks, but not nearly as nice as you are. Thanks for jumping in to help me at the short notice. You are a star Kalpana’ he said smiling at me. I giggled in a silly sort of way as he flattered me. He showed me the designs his tool has come up with in his PC one after another. Some were amazing, many were ordinary, but all of them had a common theme as the Airline logo and the base colour orange somewhere or the other. I looked at them all one by one very interestedly adding my comments like too dull or too gaudy and so on. Finally I short listed 3 designs which I thought would look good on a saree. We went through the procedure to pick up colours the matching blouses.

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I just realised that it was nearly time for my son to return from college. I stood up asking if that is all there is he need from me. He got up too, thanking me. I left his house and came back home with the thoughts of the afternoon at his place still in my mind. I casually mentioned it to Ravi and he was nodding interestedly and ended the topic with his usual playful way. ‘any Air-hostess darshan today?’ That night, I was thinking about our conversation with Anil over and over again. His simple compliments made me feel good. It wasn’t like this before.

A few days passed with exchange of greetings and exchange of pleasantries when we , and one morning, just after Ravi and my son left home, I was busy stuffing the dirty clothes inside the washing machine when I heard the doorbell. Irritated, ‘what has he forgot now’ cursing under my breath, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and rushed to the door. As I opened my tone changed from irritation to smile, ‘Oh hello Anil, please come in.’ still standing at the entrance I wiped my forehead with my pallu. In the morning hurry-burry the saree had slipped below navel which I hadn’t noticed. As I was wiping, Anil was getting a grand view of my deep navel which I didn’t realise at that time. ‘I am sorry again to catch you at an odd time, but I felt that you would be quite interested to know too, about the design we have chosen. Would you want to come with me? I would like to introduce you, the brain behind the work to our team and our trial girl, one of the Stewardesses that would try the outfit on. What you say Kalpana? It’s scheduled for this morning. I hope you can join me.’
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He was so convincing that I said yes first and then realised my state. I was sweating from head to toe, and badly needed a shower before I want to leave the house to anywhere. ‘Can you wait here for a few minutes Anil? I won’t be long, ok?’ I ran inside the bedroom, headed for our en suite bathroom, wondering how casual I have become now, calling him in a first name basis - so freely. Once inside I banged the bathroom door and shed my sweaty clothes as fast as I could and jumped in the shower. As I just finished and was wiping myself dry, I could hear the phone ringing. Not thinking much, wrapping myself up with the sane turkey-towel that I was wiping my body with, I opened the door to pick up the cordless phone in the bedroom. The phone was ringing about 3 to 4 times already as I opened the door. At the same time, Anil had just stepped in to the bedroom entrance from the hall. I realised his presence after I took a couple of steps and was halfway there between the phone and the bathroom door. He looked as stunned as I was, seeing me like that.

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The towel was too small and was just barely covering my pussy from open view and showed my legs in full glory. I held my hand at the knot over my boobs tightly and froze in shame. Thankfully the bedroom light was not on, and only a dull day light was seeping in. Anil was scanning me from head to toe, as I shifted uncomfortably. We both heard the phone ring again. Regaining his composure Anil said, ‘I am awfully sorry to surprise you like this Kalpana.’ Still shocked, I nodded, signalling its ok. But instead of going back to the living room, he stepped forward quickly, ‘don’t worry, I am closer to the phone’ and picked up the receiver and held it to me. As he handed over the receiver, he stared at my boobs as they seem to be spilling over the towel, despite my futile attempt to cover up with my hands. As I took the phone to my ear, he stepped out smiling at me. It was Ravi on the call. He sounded irritated about the delay. I explained to him that I was in shower. It was nothing important and was one of his regular calls. Since he yelled at me, I decided that I could tell him about my trip today with Anil, later in the evening. After the conversation, I got dressed up quite hurriedly, picked up the first set of inners that popped out of the drawer, a white bra and a maroon panty and yellow petticoat to go with my yellow saree and similar coloured blouse. I applied a little make up and got ready while thinking about my rendezvous with Anil a few minutes back.
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s I stepped out to the lounge, Anil apologised to me sincerely. I was still unable to look at his face as I was still reeling in shame. He came close to me and patted my shoulder gently. ‘Its OK Kalpana. That was an accident. I am sorry about it too. But you looked very fantastic back there.’ I smiled at him very shyly and instantly looked away. ‘C’mon lets go. That lavender perfume feels great on you.’ he said.

Genuinely surprised, ‘wow you’re an expert at this’ , I said. He laughed and nodded a no. ‘I just looked at the label when I was picking up the phone.’

I laughed with him heartily complimenting his observation skills as we moved out to his car. Laughing aloud brought back some normality in me and on our way to his work place, we were talking various things and I had nearly forgotten the morning’s incident as we reached his work place.
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We wasted no time and went to his office right at the airport perimeter. It was in a classified area requiring clearance and as we entered his office there were many faces greeting him. We reached a large office area, largely empty, with a lot of design charts and other paraphernalia. It was connected to various different rooms and it was nearly empty, but for a couple of his colleagues who were glued to their PCs in a corner.

‘She should be here any minute now.’ Anil said. Before I could ask who, the door on the opposite side opened and a stunningly beautiful lady walked towards us. ‘Hi Anil, this must be Kalpana’. She was waving at me. I smiled at her and waved back. ‘Anil was full of praises for you. You must be a star, he doesn’t praise anyone easily.’ I just responded with a smile modestly not realising by then, that I wouldn’t have any of it (modesty) left soon!

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nil introduced us: This is Anita, our senior air hostess and she is Kalpana, the brain behind our design.

Anita: The brain behind the design also has a lot of beauty!

I smiled shyly and shook her hand, but as I did my eyes compulsively went to her bare midriff. She seemed immune to my stares, but not Anil. I took a good long look at her curvy unblemished nearly bare hip and her deep navel exposed so carelessly, by her drooping waistline and her generous cleavage showing through her semi-transparent single layered pallu. That was one of the saree designs with a white base that she was wearing. I recognized the pattern instantly.

Anil: Kalpana, Can you make sure that everything is fine with her saree,? I mean the right designs are at the right places, as you have imagined. You know…

Me: Ok, sure. (Anita stood smiling at me like a statue).

Anil: Do you think that she is exposing a bit too much?

I kept quiet as I didn’t want to criticise her right away. ‘Man! This would be quite a show if all the girls dressed this way!’ I thought.

Me: Sure the saree suits her well.

Anita: (proudly) thank you. I am sure it would suit you very well too Kalpana. You have a great body you know.

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Me: (ignoring that comment for the moment) How does it feel to wear it Anita?

Anita: yeah. It’s a new material. So soft and silky, Just glides, you know.

Me: Do you have any trouble tucking in your pleats? ( I moved her pallu aside gently and inserted my index finger inside her waistline right at her pleats to check . )

Me: Yes… feels right Anita.

While I was checking, my fingers brushed against her lower abdomen. I refrained from poking her navel.

Me: oh…you have a very smooth skin. I am surprised even how the saree hangs on you? (I laughed at my own joke, promptly joined by Anil).

Anil: Yes she is silky smooth (and to my surprise, he gently pinched her waist!)

Anita was gloating. She obviously liked being the centre of attention and was enjoying my micro scanning her.

Anita: Kalpana, you should try it out too. After all, it’s your design.

Me: Me? … Oh …… its fine.

Anil: Yeah, why don’t you try it on as she says? C’mon

After a bit more persuasion from both of them, I gave in.

Me: Ok. I shall try it on.

Anita: That’s great. I think, the rest of the stuff you’re wearing wouldn’t match the saree though,(pointing at my blouse) but don’t worry. This is air-hostess world. We have all the clothes, in all colours and patterns. (looking at Anil).

Anil: oh! (now staring directly at my boobs with a smiley face), but I doubt if we might have anything big enough to fit her huge melons. No air-hostess here has such big ones here, as far as I know.

Confused at Anil’s sudden directness I cringed in embarrassment, Anita laughed & added ‘yea they ARE huge indeed!’

Amidst her giggles, she placed both her hands at the base of my tits and bounced them up a couple of times just like a juggler would.’ I shrieked and jumped back from her totally not anticipating this one coming. ‘and heavy too’ she guffawed and this time Anil roared with her too.

As I stood red faced, still laughing she gently placed her hand on my shoulder and pulled me ‘C’mon chit. Let’s go.’ I moved along as she opened the door to the adjacent room, my mind still rewinding the invasion of my boobs.

I was cursing myself. Of course, I felt her up nicely for my share. So I can’t blame her now for taking liberties. – was my naïve mind’s reasoning.

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She closed the door behind us and interrupted my thought by shaking me by my shoulders.

Anita: Hello! The blouses are here in this shelf and the bras and panties are in the adjacent one. Here is the new saree (she fetched a new one still in the box. and handed it to me).

Me: Uh! OK (taken aback slightly by her directness. I was sort of expecting her to leave the room, but she was standing still not making any effort to leave.)

(As I pulled the saree out of the box, she came closer to me )

Anita: Personally, I prefer not to wear panties. I like the feeling of the cool air down there, you know what I mean?

Me: yes I know. I do that sometimes too. But… not here.. (and laughed nervously).

(I wondered if Anita isn’t wearing anything inside today too, which would explain, all the special attention to her backside by Anil! I didn’t realise by then that Anita had decided to have some fun with me too.)

Anita: Why don’t you remove your saree and blouse? Its time to try the new stuff!

(She didn’t move an inch, I thought to myself- ‘I can’t afford to be too shy’ and turned a bit to face away from he… but not too much, as I thought it might offend her. I undid the safety hook at the shoulder, and placed it on the stretched hand of the now eager Anita.

Anita: Yes, Go on.

I pulled the pleats of my saree out of the petticoat and as casually as I could, I unwrapped the now loose saree from my hip and proceeded to pull it off my shoulders, only too conscious of my huge melons and Anita’s inquisitive stare.

Anita: Give it to me Kalpana.

I hesitantly passed my saree to her, somewhat unwillingly.

Anita: You have spectacular boobs Kalpana! Really!

(unknown to me Anita, had picked up an interest to see the rest of me as she took my saree from me).

Anita: You have a very good structure Kalpana. I am seeing so much of you for the first time. ( she paused and looked all over me again)

Me: (blushing) stop it .

Anita: I know what I am talking. I mean it.

As I stood in my blouse and petticoat, my maroon coloured panties peeked out at the gap forms just below the petticoat knot, if its not of the right size. Anita noticed that too. I turned to pick up the new blouse from the shelf. Anita couldn’t let the moment go and swiftly poked her finger at my petticoat gap, letting her fingers sprawl along the slit at naked thigh.

Anita: That’s a strange colour for a panty! Besides you need to revise your petticoat size again dear. See how much it shows.

I dropped the blouse and turned in shock

Her index finger was still toying the elastic waistband of the panty while her other fingers were actually widening the slit as she spoke!

Me: yes. You are right Anita. Its been a while I stitched a new one ( will she not take her fingers from there? )

(God! This is mortifying) she was smiling and nodding… while her fingers were still toying with my panty’s waistband through the petticoat gap.

Anita: I think now would be a right time then! ( she laughed loudly) we have some petticoats too here. But you shouldn’t be wearing it so high up anyway? ( before I could ask what she meant her fingers moved up and deftly yanked my petticoat knot)

Shocked at what happened in the middle of the conversation… impulsively I held the loosened petticoat with my hands and shrieked)

Me: are you?

(before I could finish the sentence, the petticoat has already dropped a few inches from my waist)

Anita: ( interrupting me loudly) See! This is what I mean Kalpana. See the lines here.

( she pointed at the impression that has now been exposed at my waist at the place where the petticoat was tied before. Her fingers traced a line along the impression at my hip as I stood watching her do that gripping my now loose petticoat. But I soon was gasping at her touches around my hip.

Me: (amidst my gasps) yes, its too tightly tied. ( I added).

Anita: Not only that Kalpana. Its been tied way above, covering this beautiful depression.

Saying that her index finger poked my deep navel AND STAYED THERE!!

(I instantly gasped loudly!)

She came closer and smiled at me wickedly as she continued to softly poke my navel THOROUGHLY enjoying my facial reaction and responses.

I found myself gasping loudly.

Anita: (giggling) Do you like that Kalpana?

I tried to avoid her face, but was too late. It betrayed my emotions free of charge.

Me: (feeling stupid as it is, I admitted) Yes.. Anita. I am a very sensitive there.

Anita: (still poking and forming circles around my navel, now stood so close to me that our boobs brushed) well, who isn’t honey?

Me: (why is she doing this to me? Did I play with her navel? – silly thoughts like this invaded my head as I stood there holding my loose petticoat with both my hands, not even able to ward off Anita’s naughty fingers).

Me: ( I finally blurted) but.. I am a bit over sensitive… please stop it.

Anita: Really? Lets see. (While she continued to play with my belly, she lazily licked the index finger of her free hand and brought it to straight into my navel and pushed it in slowly. It was still hot from her saliva)

Me: aaah! Don’t ( I gasped and closed my eyes as she pushed in more)

She giggled sweetly, obviously enjoying what she is doing to me.

Anita: OK then. I stop.

Suddenly pulling her hands off me and dug all her fingers at both sides of my fleshy curvy hip making me JUMP.

Anita: mmm.. nice and curvy you are!

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In utter shock I shrieked and let go of my grip at the petticoat and obeying the laws of gravity it slided down to the floor in the same instance. Anita giggled and poked me again, stamping firmly on the fallen petticoat at the floor. This time though, I managed to grab her hands with mine and willingly stepped out of the petticoat to escape her jabs.

Anita: (suppressing her giggle, victoriously, if not viciously, she said) Hey Kalpana, leave my hand. I won’t poke you again. Its just that you were so curvy and inviting dear. Believe me, I used to do that to my sister all the time. She is a bit like you, but not as curvy as you are.

Me: I know what you mean ( I couldn’t help but smile, as I reminisced my own student days where I have played the same games. Being at the receiving end is somewhat different)

As I released her hands and laughed with her, she quickly bent and casually picked up my petticoat from the floor.

Anita: So, over there you’ll find new petticoats Kalpana. Its good that you stepped out of this yellow in-skirts that you’re wearing. They don’t fit you right, besides they won’t match the saree well. There are better matching white ones for you in the shelf. Look around ok.

She said those words so commandingly and easily, to my own surprise, I nodded.

Me: OK, I shall look.

(I walked up to the wardrobe and was busy opening the door of the cupboard as anita tiptoed to the changing room door and opened it wide enough to call for anil ..

and called him loudly... laughing )

Anita: Anil.... Want to see our Saree designer's petticoat? It looks like she needs help herself here!!

I turned back to look in horror as Anita casually threw my saree and petticoat outside the door.(still laughing)

(I wasn’t sure how much Anil could have seen me ... but, she quickly closed the door and walked to me..)

Anita: Honey?... Have you picked?

Me: Hey ..why did u open the door Anita ? (I asked in a hushed tone.. Very shocked momentarily not even worried about her throwing my saree and petticoat outside)

Anita: (coolly) Dont worry honey... we are all casual here...

She came closer to me and caressed my shoulders and smiled. I didn’t know what to believe and a chose to play along, get the whole thing done quickly. I picked up a few petticoats..all to my dislike were in white and were translucent.

me: Are all the petticoats in here white Anita?

Anita: Just to make sure that they dont go well with your panties.. hahaaa...

(She naughtily brought her hands forward to grab my waist band.. but I had anticipated it this time and moved away in time.

Anita: I was just kidding honey. I am not living here everyday. So, honestly I don’t know the answer. See,, i am wearing a white one too.

(she lifted the base of her saree elegantly to show me her petticoat)

Me: OK...

I shrugged...and turned to pick one up from the top shelf marked... 38. hoping that its my size. As I did that, I lost my guard momentarily.... letting Anita stand at grabbing distance from me!

Wasting no time at all, with both her hands, she grabbed the sides of my panties.. and gave it a tug to pull the panty material that had been buried in my butt crack)

Anita: Just a favor honey... (she cooed casually, with her fingers still sticking well inside my panty lines on both my butt cheeks )

I blushed furiously. I have never been treated this way before... and YET strangely I was quite excited to turn partially to face another woman who stands close to me with her fingers in my panties .To my surprise, I smiled and even said thanks to her!

As i tried turn back, I realised my panties came down a few more inches as she still hand her fingers stuck there,..)

Anita: OOPS... ( she sounded apologetic)

I hurriedly pulled it up, but it was a little too late as my healthy bush briefly came into view.

Anita: sorry honey .I didn’t mean to do that, but looks like u need to clean up there. I know of just the right place, you see.

Me: Uh.. it’s ok ( i blushed again and quickly cut her short. I was being eaten alive in shame. I quickly fetched a petticoat and tried to wear it. As soon as I pulled it over my thighs…

Anita.: Hey! I am not joking. You would look horrible if you wear your petticoat over these gaudy coloured panties. So, better change.ok?

Looking down at myself, I had to agree with what she said. I sighed and said OK.

Me: so, is it that shelf that contains the inners? (I went over to the shelf holding the loose petticoat in one hand).

Anita helped me too in searching for the right size, but to my disappointment, they were all many sizes smaller.

Anita: I have an idea! (I can see the light bulb flashing above her head!) Why not give me your panties. We have an additional set of panties in the next room. I will fetch the right one matching the size and shape.. OK?

Me: No. Don’t bother, it’s nice to wear matching sets, but its not essential.

Anita: Don’t be shy honey and sorry to put you into all this trouble

You can wear the petticoat properly in the mean time and remove what’s inside.

(I swear that I saw some mischief in her eyes as she said it, but for some reason I decided to comply. Being controlled and told what to do, by this beautiful woman was strangely exciting me.)

Me: uh... ok. .

I soon found myself grabbing the seams of the flimsy petticoat with my mouth so I could let my right hand inside. It was a bit too tight for both hands anyway.

Holding the petticoat in one hand... I slowly pulled my my hip ... putting up a dance nearly. (anita watched with anticipation in her eyes!)

The petticoat came down to half my thighs...

Anita (the moment my maroon panties appeared below my petticoat..) that’s good enough honey. Let me help u...( and knelt down. and grabbed my panties with both her hands... and pulled them down easily)

Can u step aside now please?

(she scopped the twisted panties easily and straightened it in front of me..)

Anita: I will let u get changed into the matching blouse. while i am out.

Me: OK Anita.

I quickly tied the petticoat. It was about 3 inches below navel. (Probably even lower than Anita, I thought). I didn’t have a lot of choice, as it was too short.

As she stepped out.. I rummaged the blouse section and found a matching blouse miraculously! I wasted no time and changed into it and waited for her to come back.

Anita came back opening the door widely without knocking A technician sitting outside had a GREAT view of my near naked butt from the transparent petticoat!

I was oblivious to it as I was facing away from the door.

Anita: Sorry darling.. None of the sizes match yours I am afraid.

Me: what? Where are my panties then?

Anita: Oh... it’s with Anil. He said he will look up further in another room upstairs.

Me: (my head began to spin) what? You gave it to him?

Anita: Easy Kalpana. Relax.

(she came close to me an patted my butt cheeks... this time..)

Anita: See isn’t it free.

Me: (God! now Anil knows that I am not wearing panties)

(while was thinking about that.. her naughty fingers started creeping up my crack...

I jumped aside. She giggled and patted my shoulders)

Anita: Get dressed in that new saree Kalpana. Let’s see how it suits you. Oh, the blouse looks fantastic on you. I can already imagine how you would look with the saree. You will be certainly more gorgeous than I am, in this set, for sure. Try the saree on, I will be back soon honey. Promise..

With that she vanished out of the room.

Me: (falling for it) let me try it on. I wore the new saree carefully and as best as I could. She was right. It DID suit me very well. But for the ridiculously short petticoat and obscene low-hip that I am wearing it now, I was actually looking quite alright. If I covered my pallu securely, I was looking decent enough as the saree was not as transparent as I had anticipated it to be.

As I had gingerly stepped out it seemed even the technicians are 'in the know' about my lack of inner wear! At least I was happy to be still wearing my bra and found a good fitting blouse there of matching colour.

As I looked around, no one else seemed to be around but for a leachy technician ogling at my now obscenely exposed hip. I consciously covered it as best as I could with my pallu. He is making no efforts to disguise his stares. (Why should he? of course. He probably couldn’t believe that he was seeing the same person, whom he saw a few minutes back! He is perhaps used to the generous exposures of the air hostesses there, but this one he is seeing now has certainly made his day!)

Anil steps out in to the office. I offer a tentative smile

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