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Old Mystery/Horror/Suspence/Thriller/Crime/Adventure/Detective Books collection
The Double-Barrelled Detective Story
[Image: mark.png]

The 'consulting detective', Sherlock Holmes, has been called to an American town to solve a strange mystery. Only... this time the pen pulling the strings of the World's Greatest Detective is held by literary legend Mark Twain. In a style that could only be presented by Mark Twain, this tale begins "with a situation that suggests endless possibilities..." But "Mark Twain intended from the first to have some well as to surprise his readers. Therefore the second part of this short tale develops unexpectedly into a most ingenious parody upon Sherlock Holmes, capitally done." - The Book Buyer, Volume XXIV, 1902. 

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RE: Old Mystery/Horror/Suspence/Thriller/Crime/Adventure/Detective Books collection - by Vikatakavi02 - 17-08-2019, 06:35 PM

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