07-05-2019, 10:44 AM
(04-05-2019, 04:46 PM)Jaswanth Wrote: Sexallent prasad garu, very beautiful narration, each episode is very interesting.
Bhaskar knows, but it’s not official, tell us the background of Bhaskar story and make Anita her self tell Bhaskar, what is happening is a consequence of his behavior in the past,. Then shift the family to shamala house, because pragathi doesn’t want them in the house, then comes so long awaited foursome.
A wild guess,/expectation.
Just follow your own style, we want it the way you write it, than as we want it.
Because you are a smart and intelligent writer.
చాలా థాంక్స్ జస్వంత్ గారు.....భాస్కర్ ఏం చేసాడో....అనిత చేత చెప్పించే పరిస్థితి తీసుకురావాలి...అప్పుడే కధలో ఆసక్తి ఉంటుంది....