Adultery Adventures of Jignesh (A Tale of Teenage Lust) by Hardy Boys (***Completed***)
Part - 54


I mulled over it for a minute before coming to a conclusion. I could have chosen to walk out, but I wasn't sure how much of it this drunken bastard would remember when he woke up tomorrow morning. I did not want to hurt his lousy sentiments much, because I had a vested interest in his wife. Moreover, given what I had seen so far, I was apprehensive of what more he would subject his poor wife to, if I refused his ask, and went home.
Letting out a deep sigh, I nodded my head and said quietly "Alright, Kamlesh bhai ... but I'm doing this only because I respect you..." giving him an expressionless look. "Arre waah..." he exclaimed, his bloodshot eyes lighting up, as he took my hands in his, and kissed it effusively. Disgusted, I pulled my hands away, just as Alkha bhabhi came back into the living room, carrying her baby, whom she'd managed to put back to sleep.
Even though she seemed to have washed her face, I could see that her eyes were red, as were her nose and cheeks. Upon sighting her, Kamlesh bhai announced "Did you hear that, darling..." suddenly transformed into a loving husband " ... Jignesh bhai has said that he will sleep here ... what I told you... ?" he finished, as if berating her for challenging his intellect, even as he gloated at her. As she looked at me, with that pained look in her eyes, her eyes conveying her utter helplessness, I just nodded at her subtely, and gave her a reassuring smile.
In the midst of all this commotion, the little girl had quietly curled herself into a ball on the floor, and gone to sleep. I shook my head in disbelief, wondering how that girl was coping with the madness in this house. Instinctively, I went and picked her up in my arms gently, taking care not to wake her up. "Oh, leave her..." I heard Kamlesh bhai call out from behind me. But I ignored him completely, and cradling the child's head on my shoulder, I turned to Alka bhabhi and asked her softly "Where does she sleep, bhabhi... ?" my voice tender.
Alka bhabhi looked at me with a wistful look that conveyed a whole bunch of emotions, ranging from frustration and helplessness at the situation, to immense love and gratitude at my empathy. "Inside..." she said softly, her voice hoarse in her throat, as she silently walked into their bedroom.
The single bedroom in their house was practically bare, save for a battered old metal cupboard, a couple of thin cotton mattresses rolled up in one corner, on top of a battered old aluminium trunk, and one old bed, which was just a little bit bigger than a single bed. Reaching behind the door, she switched on a tiny night lamp that was plugged into a standard socket on the switch board that swathed the room in a pale milky white light, which was just a bit brighter than the light emitted by a mosquito repellent.
Bending down, she dragged out a thin cotton mattress, and quickly spread it out on the floor. She then proceeded to cover the mattress with an old bedsheet that had also been rolled into the mattress. Propping up a pair of battered old lumpy cotton pillows, she looked up at me and said softly "You can lay her down here, Jignesh bhai..." I moved forward, and getting down on my knees set the little girl gingerly down.
She immediately turned to her side, and curled up in a feotal position. As I covered the little girl with a thin bedsheet, I saw Alka bhabhi looking at me with a somewhat sad expression on her face. When she caught my look, she blinked rapidly before reaching out to clutch my hand. "Jignesh bhai..." she spoke, as her voice caught in her throat " ... I don't know what to say to you..." shaking her head, as her lush pink lips quivered, and a large tear drop rolled down her cheek. "Hushhh..." I shushed her, reaching out to place my arm across her shoulder, and caressed her back gently.
It was as if a dam had broken, for suddenly I felt her body being wracked with sobs, as she clutched my arms, in that kneeling position and she clutched my arm with her fingers, as if hanging on for dear life. "Not now, bhabhi ... not now..." I said to her, holding her head to my shoulder in my own keeling positon, as I caressed her back in an attempt to soothe her. After a minute, her sobs subsided, and she let go of my hand. Straightening her head, she wiped her tears, and looked at me. Seeing me smile, she too forced a smile to her face.
As I stood up, she followed suit, and we both walked back to the living room, Alka bhabhi immediately going into the kitchen to avoid letting her husband see her teary-eyed face. "Arree ... atleast give him a lungi to wear..." Kamlesh bhai practically yelled across the room, as he saw his wife scurrying into the kitchen. "Don't bother ... I am fine..." I told him " ... I am used to sleeping my my jeans..." forcing a smile on my face.
"How can you be comfortable in that ... you must change..." he slurred. I realized there was no point in arguing with a drunken man, and agreed. Hearing him call out to her once again to give me a lungi, Alka bhahi came out of the kitchen and silently went into the bedroom. She came out a few moments later, carrying an old lungi that had definitely seen better days. "I'm sorry ... this is the only clean one I have..." she said softly under her breath, as she looked at me with eyes downcast, ashamed of their miserable situation. "It's fine, bhabhi..." I said softly, making it to touch her fingers, as I took the garment from her hand.
As I went into the bedroom to change, Kamlesh bhai followed me, staggering and holding on to the walls for support. As I slipped of my shirt and jeans, and wrapped the lungi around my waist, he said "You sleep here only, Jignesh bhai ... this room is much cooler ... and that mattress is the most comfortable..." swaying on his feet, as he stood at the bedroom door. Before I could protest, he added "I will sleep there..." pointing to the diwaan in their living room.
Realizing there was no point arguing with him on anything, I just said "OK ... as you wish..." hoping he'd leave me in peace. He stood there for some more time, his drunken mind trying to think of something else to say. Finally, he asked me "Is there something else you need, seth..." his speech so slurred that I could barely make out what he was saying.
I was tempted to say "Yes, I want you to fuck off and leave me and your wife in peace..." but all I said was "Yes ... I'd like a bottle of water please..." knowing that I would wake up in the night, thirsty after having alcohol in my bloodstream. "Alka... " Kamlesh bhai yelled, and staggered off towards the kitchen, ostensibly to order his wife to get me the bottle of water I had asked for.
With a sigh, I sat down on the bed, and fell back against the pillows, wondering once again, how the hell I had managed to get myself into this situation. Letting out a loud sigh, I pulled my legs, and lay down on the bed, giving my aching back some much needed relief. As I lay down, my hand automatically went to my cock, which though aching, was no longer hard. As my hand slid under the lungi, and gently squeezed my aching cock through my damp underwear, my thoughts went to the suppressed, but achingly lovable Alka bhabhi.
As I reminisced about how lovingly she had fed me her luscisous ripe milk-swollen breasts, and the ardor with which she had sucked on my cock, I felt my cock hardening. But at the same time, my thoughts were also drawn to her tear streaked face, and the way her ungrateful drunk husband had flung that bowl of salad across the room in front of me, just because he found the salt a bit too much for his taste.
I groaned to myself, and jerked my hand away from my cock, unable to conjure up thoughs of lust about her. Shaking my head, I found myself laughing at the irony of my situation. Today had been a day that had tested my patience to the limit; starting with the groping session with the two delectable young teenage college girls, Amisha and Gunjan, followed by that lovely evening with the sexy 21-year old sales girl Sapna, which culminated in much emotion and nothing else; and now getting caught in the rather tragic domestic situation of the immensely desireable 27-year old Alka bhabhi.
"Serves you right, you horny bastard..." I thought to myself, finding myself smiling at the irony of my own situation. Hearing some footfalls, I jerked my hand away from under the lungi. It was just in time, for Alka bhabhi came into the room. As I sat up in the bed quickly, pulling the lungi down, she came up to the side of the bed. She was holding a bottle of water in her hand, and placing it on the floor near the head of the bed, she said "Water..." her voice so faint I barely heard her.
"Thank you, bhabhi..." I replied softly, watching her intently. She stood there silently near the bed, silhouetted against the light that streamed in from the living room, clutching her hands, as if contemplating about something to say. In the light coming from behind her, I could clearly make out the curvy shape of her deliciously curvy body. She had a naturally curvy body, neither thin nor fat, and the two pregnancies had added just about the right amount of fleshiness to her body.
I could see the outline of her swollen breasts encased inside that tight pale yellow blouse under the pallu of her saree, disproportionately large when compared to her relatively slender torso. I could also see the outline of her relatively slender waist, with a moderate amount of flab on her belly on account of the two pregnancies, which flared out into incredibly wide hips, and a delicious bulbous ass.
Just as I wondered, what she was thinking about, Kamlesh bhai staggered into the bedroom. Alka bhabhi swiftly turned around to leave, and walked past him out of the bedroom. "Arre ... sahib..." he slurred drunkenly " ... you are still awake..." seeing me sitting on the bed. Without waiting for me to answer, he staggered to the metal cupboard in the room and yanked it open.
I saw him rummaging for something inside, and after a while, he called out aloud for his wife. Alka bhabhi came into the room, an exasperated look on her face, as she exclaimed "Now what... ?" Turning to look at her with irritation, he asked gruffly "Where's my lungi... ?" I watched silently, as Alka bhabhi walked up to the cupboard silently, and handed him his lungi.
Even as I watched, he pulled off his shirt and flung it in one corner of the room. Opening the buckle of his baggy shapeless trouser, he let it drop to around his ankles, and kicked it to another corner of the room. He wore a pair of dirty gray underwear underneath, that was cut like boxers, accentuating his skinny spindly legs.
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Part - 1 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 02:34 PM
Part - 2 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 04:05 PM
Part - 3 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:20 AM
Part - 4 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:24 AM
Part - 5 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:05 PM
Part - 6 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:09 PM
Part - 7 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:15 PM
Part - 8 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:19 PM
Part - 9 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 11:56 AM
Part - 10 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 11 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 12 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 13 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:04 AM
Part - 14 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:07 AM
Part - 15 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:21 PM
Part - 16 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:24 PM
Part - 17 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:26 PM
Part - 18 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:30 PM
Part - 19 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:35 PM
Part - 20 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:41 PM
Part - 21 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:42 PM
Part - 22 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:43 PM
Part - 23 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 24 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Part - 25 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:05 PM
Part - 26 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 27 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:10 PM
Part - 28 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:49 PM
Part -29 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Part - 30 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:52 PM
Part - 31 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 32 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:07 PM
Part - 33 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:09 PM
Part - 34 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 35 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:13 PM
Part -36 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 37 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:19 PM
Part - 38 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:22 PM
Part - 39 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:23 PM
Part - 40 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:47 AM
Part - 41 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:48 AM
Part - 42 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:49 AM
Part - 43 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:50 AM
Part - 44 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:53 AM
Part - 45 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:54 AM
Part - 46 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:55 AM
RE: Adventures of Jignesh (A Tale of Teenage Lust) by Hardy Boys - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 12:09 PM

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