Adultery Adventures of Jignesh (A Tale of Teenage Lust) by Hardy Boys (***Completed***)
Part - 50

Watching her smile, I realized that the wine had indeed loosened her up, and was probably giving her the kind of feel-good buzz that only good wine can give. "I'm glad you liked it..." I said simply, gazing at her fondly. As I watched her eat, I saw that her movements had become more languid, the wine starting to asset itself.
The rest of the evening progressed pleasantly enough, and by the time we finished dinner, I knew that I was going to sleep well that night, thanks to the excellent wine and the sumptuous food. As I was settling the bill, Sapna noticed the generous tip that I left behind, and commented "You're very kind, sir..." instantly associating herself with the waiters who had attended to us that evening.
"No, I'm just a spoilt brat living off his father's money..." I said with a wry grin as I stood up. As she too followed suit, she just looked at me with a mysterious smile, saying nothing. As we walked back, it was pleasantly cool outside, and the lush green property was swathed in moonlight. I saw Sapna wrap her arms around herself, and rub her arms.
"Feeling cold..." I asked her, smiling at her. "A bit..." she answered with a smile, letting out an involuntary shudder. The bamboo shed that served as the parking place, was deserted, and unlit except for a single ornate gas lamp. As we reached the bike, she turned towards me and said "Sir ... I don't know how to thank you ... I ... I have never had such a wonderful evening..." her expression serious as she searched for words.
"Oh, that's easy..." I replied with a smile " ... you just have to say 'Thank You'..." emitting a good natured chuckle. As she smiled wistfully at me, and pursed her lips, I reached out to touch her arm and said "Oh, come on, Sapna ... for a change you should perhaps try to see things from my perspective too ... on what a pleasure it is for me to have the company of a lovely person like you..." squeezing her shoulder gently.
She just gazed at my face, in the dim light of the gas lamp, her mind in some thoughts of her own. As she stood there, shifting from one leg to another, with her arms instinctively wrapped around herself, as a result of the chill, I decided that I was not going to do anything today to spoil the 'feel-good' mood.
Taking off my fine leather jacket, I wrapped it around her shoulders, even as I said "Here ... wear this ... we don't want you catching a cold on the bike, do we... ?" smiling at her good naturedly. As I put the jacket on her, patting her shoulders, she just looked at me wistfully, with an unreadable expression in her eyes.
As I looked into her eyes, I could see nothing but gratitude in them; perhaps coupled with the fear that such things that were too good to be true, seldom lasted. The poor girl was probably thinking about how different the worlds that she and I came from were.
"Sapna..." I said to her aloud, startling her out of her reverie. As she looked at my face, I said "Don't think too much, Sapna ... and try not to read too much into things ... sometimes it's better to take people at face value..." surprising myself with where this piece of philosophy came from. Perhaps, it was the wine, I surmised. Whatever prompted me to say that, it had the desired effect, for she suddenly shook her head, as if trying to clear her head of unwanted thoughts.
Smiling at me warmly, she said "Yes, sir..." pursing her lips, a trifle embarrassed that I had read her mind so easily. As I leaned against the tank of my bike, I added with a grin "But that doesn't apply to rich, mean assholes like me..." leaving her shaking her head incredulously. With a very somber look on her face, she took a step forward to come closer to me. Placing her hand on my fore arm, she said softly "Sir, please don't ever say that..." her tone so hurt that it made me wince.
Emitting a little laugh to lighten the mood, I began to say "Hey, I was..." only to be cut off by her again. "No, sir ... please don't ever say that ... not even as a joke..." her lips beginning to quiver, even as her voice became hoarse. In the dim light from that single gas lamp, it seemed to me like her eyes had become moist. "Girls..." I groaned to myself " ... you can never predict when they get emotional..." Wiping the grin off my face, I just watched her silently, standing there, with my jacket dbangd across her shoulders, clutching that bouquet of flowers to her chest as if it were the most prized possession in the world for her.
"Perhaps wine does this to girls..." I mused, watching the sexy 21-year old sales girl Sapna, who'd so reacted so unexpectedly to a bit of self deprecating humor from me. Desperately trying to think of something to say to lighten the mood, I said "Lucky flowers..." muttering under my breath. "What, sir... ?" she asked automatically, not having caught what I said. "Those flowers ... they are very lucky..." I said, grinning broadly once again, as I pointed towards the bouquet that she was holding clutched to her bosom.
"Why, sir... ?" she asked automatically, before realization dawned upon her. Blushing, she smiled, my little trick having paid off. "Even my jacket is luckier than me..." I added, realizing that flirting with her was the best way to get her mind off unwanted emotional baggage. She blushed again, and as she smiled, I felt latent lust beginning to simmer again. I was half expecting her to come back with some witty retort, but she stood there, smiling shyly, her eyes fluttering.
I glanced around to see if there was anyone else, and satisfied that there were no people in the vicinity, I reached out for her and pulled her into my arms. Leaning back against the bike, I held her slim, well-proportioned, firm body against mine, my pelvis pressed against her firm belly. As I held her in my arms and gazed into her eyes, I felt my cock stiffen inside my briefs, and I was sure that she felt it too.
"Sapna..." I whispered to her softly, my face only inches away from hers. "Sir..." she whispered back, her breath hot on my face. With a soft groan, I pressed my lips to hers, and kissed her with passion. I felt her respond with fervor, wrapping her arms around my waist, and parting her lips to allow me to slide her tongue into her mouth. As I kissed her, I felt her push her pelvis towards me, the passion simmering inside her igniting. I felt her fingers dig into my waist, as a soft moan escaped her lips, even as I continued to kiss her with renewed vigor.
Pulling my lips away from her, I said "Sapna ... can you feel how much I am turned on by you... ?" my voice thick with arousal, as I pressed my stiffening cock to her pelvis. I saw her nod in the affirmative, too shy to speak. Reaching up to run my fingers along her ears, I asked "Does it bother you, Sapna ... how I feel about you... ?" my voice husky.
"No, sir..." she murmured, her voice catching in her throat. "Are you sure, Sapna... ?" I probed again, my fingers running down the side of her neck, causing her to close her eyes, and turn her head sideways. "Yes, sir ... I am sure..." she breathed out huskily, her fingers digging into my waist. My hard-on was beginning to ache inside my underwear, as it had been in a state of constant arousal since morning.
Sapna's eyelids were half closed, as she leaned against me, in the darkness of the parking lot; partly on account of the wine, and partly on account of her own arousal. She had a near perfect figure, which was accentuated by the well fitting formal black trousers and white formal top that she wore. Her medium sized 32-B breasts, encased in that well-shaped padded bra, strained against the fabric of her buttoned top, the open button at top giving me a glimpse of her cleavage.
I was leaning against the bike with my legs well spread out, and her standing between my outstretched legs, leaning against me. The way she stood there expectantly, was almost as if she had submitted herself to me totally, and was waiting for me to take her. Looking intently into her eyes, I gently placed my palm on the swell of her breasts.
Squeezing the firmness of her breasts through the shirt and her padded bra, I relished the feel of her supple 21-year old breasts. An involuntary shiver ran through her body, but she made no attempt to pull away. For me, there was something incredibly erotic about feeling up a young girl, outdoors in a public place like this. She watched my hand, as my fingers fumbled with the second button of her top, and finally opened it.
As I ran my palm across her chest, parting the shirt, her padded black bra came into view. My left hand was holding her by the small of her back, as I began to run my finger gently along the cup of her bra, feeling the smoothness of her skin. I threw one more glance towards the cobble-stoned path that led to the parking shed, and was relieved to find it devoid of any passer-byes. Slowly, I began to open all the buttons of her shirt one by one, till I had all of them open.
"Sir..." she whispered, almost helplessly, as she stood there in front of me, with the front of her white collared formal top fully open now. She had a lovely figure; her torso curving into a slender waist, before flaring out towards her well proportioned hips. Placing both my hands on the side of her waist inside the top, I squeezed gently, feeling the firmness of her bare abdominal flesh. Slowly, I slid my hand upwards, till they once again came to the swell of her breasts under the black padded bra.
She stood there, with her hands hanging limply by her side, her fists rolled into balls, as she let me play with her incredibly sexy body. Caressing her breasts through the thickly padded bra, I said to her "Sapna, you have a lovely figure..." my voice thick with arousal. "Thank you, sir..." she replied automatically, still unable to let go of her formal mannerisms with me. Unable to control my desires any more, I quickly slid my hand behind her back, and began to fumble with the hook of her bra.
By the look on her face, I could see that she was alarmed, and she looked around nervously to check if anyone else could see us. I was having trouble opening the hooks of her bra, and seeing that, she reached behind her back herself, and helped me get the hooks open. As the hooks came undone, her bra became loose, and without wasting a moment, I pushed the cups of her bra up, baring her breasts to me.
Most girls who wore padded bras, usually had very poor breasts, and the pads were used to compensate for that. But Sapna was an exception. Her breasts were almost perfectly rounded, and were just the right balance between firmness and softness. Dark as her skin tone was, her lovely 32-B breasts were capped by a pair of reasonably large darker aereolas, and mouth wateringly erect black nipples.
As the cool night air caressed her bare breasts, she shivered involuntarily, hunching her shoulders, and clasped her hands together across her belly. "You have beautiful breasts, Sapna..." I said hoarsely, my eyes glued to her young bared tits. This time, she did not respond with her usual "Thank you, sir..." and only managed to let out a little sigh.
Reaching up, I gently placed my palms on her lovely breasts, relishing the incredibly firm softness of them. As my palm grazed against her aroused nipples, she shuddered involuntarily, and squeezed her eyes shut. Wrapping my arms around her back again, I leaned forward and rested my face against her breasts, relishing the feel of them against my cheek. "Oh, sir..." I heard her cry out softly, as her hands automatically moved to my head, and caressed my hair, nuzzling my face against her bosom.
I was tempted to squeeze her bared breasts roughly, and suck on the like crazy, but I wanted to be gentle and loving with her. Closing my eyes, I maneuvered my face to a postion where my lips grazed against her nipples. With a soft sigh, I thrust my tongue out and began to run it on her aroused nipples, eliciting another soft cry from her, and a tigheting of her grasp on my hair.
I was in such a tender state of mind, that I showered her breasts with all the love that I could, licking and sucking on them passionately, albeit with extreme tenderness. To her credit, she allowed me to feast on her tits to my heart's content, never complaining or attempting to pull away. When I finally pulled my face away from her breasts and straightened, I could see a look of infinite tenderness in her eyes.
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Part - 1 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 02:34 PM
Part - 2 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 04:05 PM
Part - 3 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:20 AM
Part - 4 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:24 AM
Part - 5 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:05 PM
Part - 6 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:09 PM
Part - 7 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:15 PM
Part - 8 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:19 PM
Part - 9 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 11:56 AM
Part - 10 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 11 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 12 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 13 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:04 AM
Part - 14 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:07 AM
Part - 15 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:21 PM
Part - 16 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:24 PM
Part - 17 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:26 PM
Part - 18 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:30 PM
Part - 19 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:35 PM
Part - 20 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:41 PM
Part - 21 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:42 PM
Part - 22 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:43 PM
Part - 23 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 24 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Part - 25 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:05 PM
Part - 26 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 27 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:10 PM
Part - 28 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:49 PM
Part -29 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Part - 30 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:52 PM
Part - 31 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 32 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:07 PM
Part - 33 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:09 PM
Part - 34 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 35 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:13 PM
Part -36 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 37 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:19 PM
Part - 38 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:22 PM
Part - 39 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:23 PM
Part - 40 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:47 AM
Part - 41 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:48 AM
Part - 42 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:49 AM
Part - 43 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:50 AM
Part - 44 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:53 AM
Part - 45 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:54 AM
Part - 46 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:55 AM
RE: Adventures of Jignesh (A Tale of Teenage Lust) by Hardy Boys - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 10:04 AM

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