Adultery Adventures of Jignesh (A Tale of Teenage Lust) by Hardy Boys (***Completed***)
Part - 44
The dusky Keralite girl, Mini, followed me, carrying the glasses in which we'd had the ice-cream & cola. As I'd mentioned earlier, Mini had this inherent raw sexuality that some girls seem to ooze, and she had all the cockiness associated with a girl who knew she could attract guys, and loved the attention too. Her skirt was a wee-bit shorter than most of the other girls, and ended just above her knees. And like Amisha and Krutika, she too wore a bra under her white uniform shirt, without the ubiquitous petticoat, which was considered unfashionable by many of these MTV generation collegegirls.
Her firm young 32-B breasts stood proudly on her chest, and she made it a point to thrust her chest out, as if to accentuate the shape of her breasts. As she came up to the counter and placed the empty glasses on the counter, she smiled at me coquettishly, fidgeting with the single short braid of her hair, which was slung across her left shoulder. There was a trace of ice cream on the corner of her mouth, and without a word, I reached out with my left hand, and wiped it with my index finger.
"Ohh..." she gasped at this unexpected touch of her lips by me. Her face relaxed and she smiled when I showed her my finger, with that drop of ice cream still on it. Without a word, I slipped my finger into my mouth and licked it clean, closing my eyes, as if with pleasure. Opening my eyes, I smiled at her said "You know what, Mini ... I wish I could have licked it off your lips itself..." running my tongue across my lips, even as she blushed violently and glanced nervously at the group standing some distance away.
Putting the change I'd received from the shopkeeper back in my wallet, we walked back towards the group. Just as we were about to reach where the others stood, I felt Mini clutch my elbow from behind furtively and whisper "Bhaiyya ... thank you..." giving my elbow a squeeze, and at the same time brushing her pert young tits against my arm. Krutika and Mini lived in the same colony, so the two of them waved goodbyes to me and left on their bicycles. Amisha and Gunjan hung around, and walked with me towards where my bike was parked. "So, girls ... what plans now ... headed home... ?" I asked the two of them casually.
"Umm ... yes..." replied Amisha, looking expectantly at me, as if expecting me to propose something. Glancing at Gunjan, I saw that she too was looking at me. As my eyes met hers, she smiled awkwardly, displaying the mouthful of braces that she wore to keep her protruding teeth in check. There was something about a teenage girl wearing braces that turned me on immensely, and Gunjan, despite being the skinny type with an awkward demeanour, was no exception. Her mannerism was typical of girls who'd grown up without a male sibling in the house; and hence conveyed an impression of adulation towards relatively elder and self-assured guys like me.
As both girls fidgeted with their college uniform skirts and looked expectantly at me, I said "Would you two like to go for a movie... ?" smiling at them naughtily. "Ohh, yes ... sure..." Amisha exclaimed almost immediately, her face brightening up with a big smile. I had expected such a response from her; always game for some excitement as she was. Gunjan, however, seemed to be a bit apprehensive. "But looks like Gunjan isn't too sure..." I said, looking at Gunjan and continuing to smile. She blushed again, and her hands automatically went to her mouth to cover her braced teeth.
"Umm, no ... but..." she mumbled, glancing at Amisha somewhat nervously. "Oh, come on ... we'll just call up home ... and I'll say I am going to your house for doing homework ... and you say that you are going to my house for homework ... simple..." Amisha said definitively, taking command of the situation. I couldn't help but admire this sexy teenager for her guts. That seemed to do the trick for Gunjan, and I saw her giggle and nod her head vigorously. "Oh, yes ... yes ... that's a good idea..." she gushed, the words coming out in a jumbled rush through, the braces hampering her speech in her excitement. "Wonderful..." I said, clapping my hands together.
Elated at having convinced these two teenage college girls to come for a movie with me, I arranged for their bicycles and college bags to be left at the rear of the shop; a 50-rupee note doing the trick with the old shopkeeper, who was more than happy to take care of the girls' belongings. As I kicked started the bike and pulled on my helmet, I saw that the two girls were waiting, as if unsure of who should get on the bike first. Pushing up the visor of my helmet, I said "You sit in the middle, Gunjan ... Amisha has more experience of sitting on a bike, so let her sit behind you..." I saw Gunjan glance at Amisha once again, as if seeking her opinion, and upon a nod from Amisha, she smiled brightly and said "Ok, bhaiyyaa..." her braces shining in the sunlight.
Placing her hand on my shoulder for support, she swung her leg across the seat and settled down on the seat behind me. Amisha followed suit immediately after, and as I adjusted myself on the seat to give as much space as possible for the girls, I couldn't help but grin inwardly under my helmet. I had never ever managed to get two girls to sit on my bike at the same time; and moreover, I was excited at the prospects of having these two eager young teenage college girls with me in a dark movie hall. Memories of the last time I'd been to a movie theater with Jigna and Sejal flashed before me, and I felt my cock stiffening inside my jeans.
As I engaged gear and revved the bike, I felt Gunjan clutch my shoulder and say "Ohh, this is so exciting, bhaiyyaa..." giggling again. Gunjan was a really skinny girl, to the extent of being almost bony. She was even slimmer than my maid Pushpa, and as I rode towards the movie hall, I felt her grip on my shoulder tighten, and her thin young body press against my bike. At 30-B, Gunjan's breasts were just about developing, and as I felt the perky firmness of it press against my back, I felt my stiffening cock squirm inside my underwear.
Her pleated beige skirt had ridden up her knee, and I could feel her slender bony thighs press against mine from behind. On the way to the hall, the girls chatted gaily between themselves, even as I took the precaution to stay away from the main roads, in order to minimize the chances of being spotted by someone I knew. Soon we reached the theater, and got tickets from a bored clerk at the ticket window, who was irritated at his siesta being disturbed.
The only movie running at that time was a Shahrukh Khan film which had been running for an eternity at this theater now, with the sole purpose of breaking some record for the longest running film in the city. Needless to say, the girls were all huge fans of the King of Bollywood, and were quite excited at the prospects of watching that hit film, which I wouldn't be caught dead watching, under any other circumstances.
After getting two packets of the mandatory pop-corn for the girls, we trooped into the darkened movie hall, just in time to catch the opening credits. Given the film, and the time of the day, the hall was practically empty, and one could sit wherever one wanted. While the front rows were occupied by some roudy teenagers from the streets, those at the back were occupied by young couples, whose intentions were more or less similar to mine. Gunjan and Amisha were having trouble seeing in the dark, so I took them by the hand and led them to a row in the middle, which was far enough from both the roudies in the front rows, as well as the couples in the back rows.
As we settled down in our seats, with Amisha to my left, and Gunjan to my right; I saw Amisha removing her tie and tucking it into the pocket of her skirt. Seeing her do that, Gunjan too followed suit. Amisha then proceeded to kick of her shoes, and pull her legs up on to the comfortable bucket seats, turning them to one side in such a way that her knees were touching my thighs. Gunjan, on the other hand, sat straight in the seat, both her hands resting on her knees. About ten minutes into the movie, I felt Amisha lean across me and call out to Gunjan in a whisper.
I leaned back in my seat to allow the two girls to bring their faces closer over my lap, and as Amisha whispered something to Gunjan, and Gunjan nodded her head in understanding, I used the opportunity to slip my right arm over the back rest of Gunjan's seat. After finishing their brief whispered conference, the two girls resumed their original postions in their respective seats. As Gunjan sat back in her seat, she felt my forearm at the back of her neck, and from her response I could see that she was a bit startled. As she glanced at me in the dark, I flashed a knowing smile, and was pleased to see her giggle softly in response, her metal braces shining in the flickering light from the screen.
At the same time, I felt Amisha tugging at my arm on the other side, and when I turned to glance at her, I saw that she was beckoning to me with her hands to lower my head so that she could say something in my ear. Loweing my head to her side, I felt her quickly hook her right arm through mine. Twisting sideways towards me, she cupped her left hand to my ear, an action which caused her ripe young bra-clad breasts to press against my upper arm, she whispered into my ear "I was just telling Gunjan not to tell anyone else that we came for a movie with you..." her tone conspiratory, even as her fingers clutched my biceps. I nodded in understanding and smiled at her, relishing the feel of her young firm breasts against my upper arm.
My cock had stiffened considerably by now inside my underwear, and I admired the girl for smartly using the pretext of talking to her friend, to slip her arm through mine. With her legs pulled up and bent sideways on the comfortable seat, she snuggled up to me on my left side, and held my arm pressed against her torso, liberally pressing her young breasts under the shirt to my upper arm. As she settled down once again, resting her head against my shoulder, I threw a sideways glance at Gunjan in the darkness, to check if she'd noticed anything. To my relief, Gunjan had her eyes glued to the screen, and was munching on her pop-corn absent mindedly even as King Khan broke into one of his ubiquitous song & dance sequences.
Using the opportunity, I gently eased my right arm from the back rest of the seat, and placed it around her shoulder, allowing my forearm to rest on her thin bony shoulder from the other side. As she felt my arm on her shoulder, she glanced at me. Leaning towards her, I beckoned to her with my head. As she leaned towards me to hear me, I whispered into her ear "I hope you are comfortable, Gunjan..." smiling at her even as I spoke. I saw her face crease in a wide smile at the unexpected question, those braces glimmering in the darkness. "Yes, bhaiyya ... yes ... thank you so much for inviting me..." she whispered back, giggling once again.
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Part - 1 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 02:34 PM
Part - 2 - by Heisenberg - 13-11-2018, 04:05 PM
Part - 3 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:20 AM
Part - 4 - by Heisenberg - 15-11-2018, 10:24 AM
Part - 5 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:05 PM
Part - 6 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:09 PM
Part - 7 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:15 PM
Part - 8 - by Heisenberg - 16-11-2018, 05:19 PM
Part - 9 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 11:56 AM
Part - 10 - by Heisenberg - 20-11-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 11 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 12 - by Heisenberg - 22-11-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 13 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:04 AM
Part - 14 - by Heisenberg - 28-11-2018, 11:07 AM
Part - 15 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:21 PM
Part - 16 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:24 PM
Part - 17 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:26 PM
Part - 18 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:30 PM
Part - 19 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:35 PM
Part - 20 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:41 PM
Part - 21 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:42 PM
Part - 22 - by Heisenberg - 12-12-2018, 12:43 PM
Part - 23 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:00 PM
Part - 24 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Part - 25 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:05 PM
Part - 26 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 27 - by Heisenberg - 13-12-2018, 12:10 PM
Part - 28 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:49 PM
Part -29 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Part - 30 - by Heisenberg - 14-12-2018, 04:52 PM
Part - 31 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:06 PM
Part - 32 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:07 PM
Part - 33 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:09 PM
Part - 34 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:11 PM
Part - 35 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:13 PM
Part -36 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:16 PM
Part - 37 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:19 PM
Part - 38 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:22 PM
Part - 39 - by Heisenberg - 17-12-2018, 12:23 PM
Part - 40 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:47 AM
Part - 41 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:48 AM
Part - 42 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:49 AM
Part - 43 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:50 AM
Part - 44 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:53 AM
Part - 45 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:54 AM
Part - 46 - by Heisenberg - 19-12-2018, 09:55 AM

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