Romance The End of Restless Sleep- By Pinuram
I asked her, “Want to go home?”

She shook her head, “No not now.” She wanted to sit there for some more time soaking
in her thoughts. I took her in my arms and she rested her head on my shoulder. We sat
there watching the sun going down the horizon and only twilight left in the clouds.

I stood up, pulling her along with me. She stood infront of me with thousand queries in

her eyes. I gently placed my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me. She
flanked her arms around my neck and looked up my face. The reflection of the twilight
was glistening in her eyes.

I hugged her tightly with my arms and stooped down to touch her lips. She was
breathing heavily. I whispered the same old lines in her ears, “Will you let me kiss your
frowned lips as we grow old?”

She looked deeply in my eyes and her eyelids fluttered suddenly. She convulsed and
fainted in my arms. I was perplexed. I sat down on the grass with my arms around her. I
tried to wake her up by sprinkling water on her face.

After sometime, her lotus shaped big eyes unfurled it lids. She looked at me with
glistening eyes and her lips fluttered. It was the music of my life that came out of her
rosy lips.

“Aaaa Diii…… I love you…” she stammered. My heartbeat stopped as I heard my name
on her lips. “Adi, I kept my word, Adi.”

I could not control my tears and hugged her with all my might. My heart ruptured with
emotions. I kept on repeating, “Yes honey, I know. Why the hell you jumped?” I
showered millions of kisses of her lips and face.

She kept on crying, “Adi I kept my word……” tears were flowing from her eyes.

Time stood still. We froze there with our arms around each other crying and consoling
each other. I sat still with Titli lying on my lap. I was caressing her face and she held my
arms across her chest. The sky was becoming dark and the stars began to show
themselves. It was a night of thousand moons.

She cooed in my ears, “Honey, hold me tightly. I want to sleep peacefully in your arms.”

I nodded my head, “Yes baby, no one is going to take you away from me this time. You
close your eyes honey. I will guard you with my life.”

Every night from my hazy eyes,
It was not tears but blood and ice.
Your loving thoughts flooded at nights,
I kept tossing on bed as my heart fights.

I kept my word; Adi; I want to sleep,
Till the dawn on the east about to peep.
Hold me close, hold me tight
I do not want any sleepless night.

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RE: The End of Restless Sleep- By Pinuram - by ddey333 - 24-09-2021, 11:12 AM

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