Romance The End of Restless Sleep- By Pinuram
Month passed and there was no information from Titli. The glimmer of hope faded with

each passing night. Her return to her abode seemed to be a distant dream for me. One
day I packed all her belongings in a suitcase and kept away from my sight. The monsoon
was passing by along with the dark rain clouds. The spring was peeing through the sky.

The smell of fresh flowers and green leaves breathed a new soul within me.

Riding everyday with swarthy siren, Parineeta, swept me away to some unknown shore
of bliss. Smile on her pouting lips and her blissful eyes enticed me with each passing day.
My attitude towards her changed from a simple friendship to something deeper.

Parineeta called the night before the designated weekend we were to meet at my place.

“Hi” she was sounding very excited, “What would you like in lunch tomorrow?”

I asked her, “Why, are you going to cook?”

She answered, “Yes why not.”

I asked her, “What all recipes do you know?”

She laughed at me, “Don’t worry, my recipes won’t harm you.”

I teased her, “How come I will know whether I had diarrhoea or not, after death?”

She laughed again, “Come on Budhaditya. You will not die. And yes, don’t pick me up, I
will take a taxi.”

I asked her, “Why taxi? I can pick you up from your place, don’t worry.”

She hushed, “Oh! I want to give you a surprise.”

I asked her, “What surprise?”

“No no.. If I tell you, now then it will not be a surprise. Now spend a sleepless night
thinking of that surprise. I won’t wish you sweet dreams because you are not going to
sleep.” She giggled and kept the phone.

Next day noon, Parineeta was at my doorstep. I was astounded to find her curvaceous
dusky figure dbangd in a pink saree. Contours of her voluptuous figure were quiet
imaginable. Her eyes were twinkling with some unknown bliss. She gave me a sleek
smile and touched my chin with her index finger.
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RE: The End of Restless Sleep- By Pinuram - by ddey333 - 12-09-2021, 05:57 PM

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