A Banana Muffin Saga
Kept the tempo, awesome selection of word and narration give the feeling that we are watching a nice adult movie....continue the saga ...... would like to read more erotic stuff....salute!
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
It's really intense on how you describe the events taking us through a live vivid pictures in our brains.. Thanks for the update.
Will be waiting for your next one.
Thanks once again for your time and effort.
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Great work...
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Somebody put some pictures of her Gym geras all 4 sets..
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Will there be any update this weekend???
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What happen dear? Looking for an update once you have some free time!
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An erotic update pls?
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long time no update..... what happened bro
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Sorry for this delay; was sick throughout and recovering. I am posting the next chapter now...But please excuse errors as unable to stare too much time on screens.
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"What happened Beti?" It was Safiya who was still seated and had made no interest to cover herself back. 
"Oh...It was Sharda...she said Sanju was trying to reach me!" Tanvi replied as she pulled the bra through her head...and as she replied to Safiya, she made a quick shot at where Khurram stood earlier. A shadow of dismay reflected on her face as she found the place empty with smoke passing around.
"Just one more time! Could that thing be real? or did he still had something over it?? OOOH GOD! I need to talk to Sanju!!!" Tanvi gulped and stood up and sat back as if someone knocked her down.
"What happened Beti? You alright??" Safiya held Tanvi's waist and helped her to balance. Her hand squeezed the exposed bottom part of Tanvi’s navel. Saifya’s face was hardly an inch away from the young woman’s body…Tanvi shuddered as her belly muscle caught the heat of Safiya’s exhaling breath over her sweaty skin…A fleeting gaze swapped between them…

"Huh?" Tanvi jumped from where she sat with the sudden shock!
"NO...NOOO...WHAAAT? THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!" Tanvi's brain yelled from disbelief and embarrassment that sprang inside her panic stricken heart coupled with a visible streak of sneaky pleasure flushing on her face. Her eyes glued over the large naked expanse of the sweaty elder woman whose lips were fastened to the right side of her exposed naked navel! The moistness of Safiya's mouth and her tongue creating frisky nibbles forced Tanvi to wriggle uncontrollably from the tickle caused! 
Tanvi realized with shocked angst that she was in fact, standing with her right leg jammed between Safiya's naked thighs!! Her fall from normalcy to the dreamy sleaziness was immediate while she felt a transparent glaziness spreading through her eyes ensuring the fact that she was lost and torn between the guilt and pleasure that her body conveyed to her brain and cunt simultaneously!!!
During the moments when Tanvi froze to react, Safiya's heated and sweaty breasts plastered themselves against her leg making her immobile to move away even if she attempted to. However, Tanvi did not pulled away as her corrupted mind envisioned her limb to become one large cock that Safiya was trying to masturbate between her spectacularly oversized breasts!!!
"Safi...Safiyaji...Pleeeassse, you have to...stooooop…mmm!" Somehow Tanvi tried her best to voice out but failed make her mark. During those fleeting moments of unadulterated and iniquitous pleasure, she had forgotten the fact that Khurram was also inside the Sauna with them! As soon as his presence became intolerably suffocating to her subconscious mind, there was no option to her rational brain than to object! Her eyes pulled away from the latched lips of the older woman to search for the mountain. To her momentary relief, the heavy smoke covered them away from Khurram.
Safiya, on the other hand seemed lost between slurping of the taut skin of the young woman's navel and the pleasure her thighs generated while Tanvi's soft leg got cramped between them. Alongside her double attack on Tanvi, Safiya's hands engulfed the entire lower portion of Tanvi's hips crushing her taut ass cheeks along with the squeeze. She felt the firm muscles of the young woman's butt cheeks getting cushioned inside her grip. Her actions became unrestrained and exhibited her desperation to taste the beautiful creature that she always wanted to savor eventhough she never admitted her desire to do so...till that point of time! Overriding her entire capacity to control her decision from not engaging Tanvi into their depravities; Safiya was lost in her current actions of unobtrusive sexual craving...of pure and visceral yearning!!
"Please...Safiya...Safiyajiii…stoop-lleeese!" Tanvi tried with all her might to remove the grip of the undressed woman and simultaneously strained to suppress a moan getting convert into a slow whispering!
"OOUH...MY...GOD!...KHURRAMJI! HE COULD SEE US!! SSSHIIITTT!!!" Between the thick grayish smoke, she caught the murderous eyes of the vulture that stood head tall and seemed fascinated at his wife crossing beyond all the morality codes...Even in her petrified state, Tanvi's cunt instructed to be stationed at the same place and to wait for what was about to happen...''Maybe they both would keep me here and use me for their pleasure! Maybe this was their plan all these time! Maybe Safiya was actually coaxing me to have sex with her husband all this time!! OOOUUH…MMAAH...Her Tongue!! GODDD!!!" Multiple viewpoints and assumptions circulated inside Tanvi's head immediately and her brain rationalized immediately. 
"Safiyaaajiii! I need to go pleeease...!" Tanvi jumped few times from the pleasuring tickles, which also made Safiya to open her eyes.
"'Sso...sooorry...sssoorry Tanvi...ya alllah...soooorrry!" Safiya jolted away with crestfallen shock once she realized what she had done! That very moment was enough for Tanvi to shook away from the naked female and she ran out of the Sauna. 
"My God...Oh my God...Why? Why am I such…such an imbecile!!!” Tanvi heard the heavy sound of drums making their roar inside her guilt-ridden heart as she walked out of the gym. She fretted and twitched with every step due to the retribution pinch by realizing that she actually crossed the fine line of morality this time - once again - that too with Khurram and Safiya whom she revered at her parent's equal! Tanvi also knew there was lot of pretense in the very same train of thought and with loathing shame, she comprehended that the elder couple no longer represented the category of her parents...they turned and became something else…a completely different monster that she failed to identify what they were…to her!
"Oh God! Ooh God!! Goodnesss!!!" Tanvi’s mind raced along the sinful deeds that she called upon herself that day. The familiar guilt prompted a heavy tug and another strong pull inside her groin muscles creating an enormous amount of pain each time her feet took her towards her home. Despite all the forbidden crimes she committed during past few days and nights, Tanvi felt the wetness in her cunt increasing at an alarming speed with every step. She heard her carnal muscles crying and begging to secrete more of the elastic liquid that continued to seep out with painstaking slowness through her tightly clenched vaginal lips.
"I should be cursed!!! Why? Why the heck did I join them into Sauna?? And why do I always fall to someone else's suggestions??? Am I such a weak person???" Questions of self-degrading and confusion filled Tavni's mind as she reached her home.
"Memsaab, you reached back?" The question from Sharda was the one thing that helped her to regain sentient self. 
"Aah Sharda, you are still here?"
"Ji Memsaab, I was waiting for you"
"I did not know that Sanju had your number!"
"Me too Memsaab, I was scared when I saw an unknown number calling my phone. But, after it rang for more than five times, I picked it!" Sharda seemed a bit scared.
"Don't worry Sharda, you can go now. Also, don't forget to take that Ice Cream from the fridge, for your kids!" Tanvi attempted a weary smile on her face.
"Thank you Madamji! Thank you soo much!! You are the gem!!! Actually, I have to return back again tonight!" Sharda expressed her gratitude and walked out of the house. And she stopped at the threshold as she heard Tanvi telling her something.
"Really? But I did not asked you to come back!"
"Oh no no Madamji, not you! Mehtasaab have some function at his house tonig. They have such things often and sometimes I help in cooking, cleaning and all work. Mostly, their functions continue full night you know?" Sharda seemed excited at the night's plan.
"Oh! Really, What kind of function is this anyway?" Tanvi played dumb as she recalled hundreds of sleazy party photos from Abhijeet's cell phone.
"Mostly they keep some kind of party with many people, you know? There will be many men and many girls dancing and singing and all that. But, I am in charge of everything!!" Sharda's face was proud when we said it and Tanvi nodded for her to continue.
"Not in charge of everything everything, actually I take care of the food, drinks and arrangements of tables and chairs, then finally cleaning up after it gets over!" Sharda explained.
"That's wonderful, I hope they pay you for this additional efforts, yes?" Though she knew she was due to call Sanju, she tried to remove the images of Safiya sucking her navel by engaging with her maid.
"What else to do Memsaab? I am a wife, and a mother with no choice left in life other than to grab any opportunity to make more money!" Sharda's head fell forward immediately as sadness creeped all over her face.
"Oh God! I am sorry Sharda...I mean, you should not have approached Protima in the first place, which is one of the reason why all this makes so complicated!"
"But...But Memsaab, it was Protima Didi who helped me to sort all the mess. As of now, I am doing all additional works to clear her debt. But you know...It is really too much money for this nobody to clear off quickly. That is the one and only reason why I had to work for her!" Sharda made quite an act while explaining her trouble. By watching her struggling, Tanvi smiled herself and felt for her maid at the same time.
"I understand your predicament Sharda, look, everyone have their own set of troubles and issues. But, one need to consider the problem in hand from a third person's point of view if a possible solution needs to be taken, you know?"
"How would I know all these Memasaab, I am, after all, a woman without any education, and one without all worldly knowledge. But you Madamji, you are one person whom I look up to...And I know, you will help me when in need...like you always did!" Sharda looked at Tanvi's face expectantly.
"Of course Sharda...I will...when needed!" Tanvi closed the conversation with a murmur of some understanding between them.
Once Sharda left, Tanvi gave food to her kids and got them to complete their homework and then walked to the toilet with a worried look on her forehead...She knew the reason for her tensed state as it was due to the upcoming confrontation in hand that she could not avoid. Instead of contemplating and calling back her husband, she went ahead and decided to have a nice shower. Once inside the toilet, she made sure the water was hot enough to tantalize every pore of her skin, as if she was cleansing herself away from the sins. She felt the heated water soothing her skin and muscles in due time and the uncomfortably familiar itch returned back its ministrations deep inside her vaginal cavern. Each time her eyelids closed, the image of Khurram's bloodlust eyes staring at her breasts appeared and making it worse, her brain played and replayed over Safiya's lips and tongue frolicking over her nipples as Khurram watched both of them in action. With resigning exasperation, Tanvi turned on the cold water knob of the shower to remove her carnal ponderings away. And it did! She almost leaped in the shower as the chilly needles of cold water hit and washed away the last of impurities from her body - that's what she believed till her fingers discovered the remnants of gooey wetness still alive between her thick pubic hair with utter embarrassment. Yet again, the image of the elder couple playing with her body came forth making her scream at herself inside her head!
Once she came out from shower, Tanvi lingered inside her bedroom deciding what her dress for the evening should be. She could not make up her mind on why she was searching her wardrobe again and again or more specifically what she was searching for. It took almost twenty minutes for her to finalize her mind and the dress. Once she finished what she was doing, Tanvi stood in front of the full sized mirror and smiled at her own image. She looked fabulous! She knew she did!! She could see clearly how much her body had developed from the recent workouts!!!
Tanvi stood with right hand gripped at her waist as if she was modeling to the mirror. She had a sleeveless dark green colored Kurti that reached mid-thigh and had nothing below, leaving her fair legs bare and naked. Her brain whispered and reminded her about this specific top being loose previously and her body never accommodating the apparel or filling inside. But now, her long neck protruded up between the thin shoulder straps making it look more elongated. The thin straps then dropped down to expose an ample stretch of her cleavage as her breasts stood seriously majestic as they got cupped within the semi-bra of the top. 
She giggled at the thought that previously she always had to wear a bra in order to get support of the built-in bra of the top...but now, she was wearing nothing inside, there was no bra supporting her slinky breasts! And somehow, both her breasts looked as if they were crushed at each other...filling the green top...tight...within no time, the familiar image of her rock hard nipples projected from where they stood majestically...thrusting forward...inviting whoever looked at it...to be sucked! 
Somehow she managed to remove her eyes away from the hardened nipples and gazed down through her slim and shapely stomach of which she was really proud and finally rested her eyes at the extra widened hips and the muscular legs. It took few more minutes for her to register the change. Previously, her legs were thin and had more muscles...But now, she still looked thin but with voluptuously shaped hips, in fact she also realized it being her buttocks, and then her thighs crafted out with extra meat covering the muscles and lowering itself to her wonderfully shaped calves and long feet. 
"Maa, HUUNGRRYY!!!" The yell from her kids took Tanvi back from her own erotic musings. Hurriedly, she pulled a panty and legging nearby. Once she wore it, she cursed herself. The panty was in fact a gift from her husband during their early days...It was a semi-thong type lingerie bottom and it did not feel comfortable inside the soothing material of the legging. 
"Maaaaaa!!!" Another yell from the hyperactive kids and she pulled her legging up her hips. In the process, the lingerie bottom also got pulled up from the hips making it to get wedged itself between her ass cheeks making her painfully aware of the sleazy choice of her innerwear. Cursing silently, Tanvi walked out and took care of the kids till they got tucked into bed. As she bid them goodnight, she was glad to finish her own dinner along with them. The food inside her stomach helped her to garner some lost strength to address the inevitable!
"Hello!" Tanvi mumbled silently as she heard her call being picked by Sanjoth.
"Hello!!" She called softly once again into her cellphone's mouthpiece with a beating heart!
"YES! WHY DID YOU CALL?" Sanjoth's voice felt like barking, but not loud.
"You called me before. Was waiting for kids to sleep. So...!" She paused before continuing further.
"OH! SO YOU REMEMBER YOU HAVE KIDS, HUH?" His question was sarcastic.
"Yes Sanju, I do remember! Tell me why you CALLED EARLIER?" Tanvi couldn't control the upcoming anger and her voice went up a notch.
"DO NOT TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME OKAY! YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT!" Sanjoth became furious in no time.
"SANJU! I thought you called me earlier to apologize. Now, as I see you are continuing your ridiculous behavior, I have no intention to continue talking...Bye!" Tanvi had to control her voice for the sake of her children sleeping in their master bedroom and to another extent, she felt glad that he was not picking on anything else.
Despite her rage and wish to stop the communication, Tanvi felt agitated against her husband for bringing Khurram into their domestic trouble. "SANJUU...Please, I am telling you to stop this nonsense. We can talk about this once you reach here!" 
Tanvi had to control her emotions with gargantuan effort. She took a large gulp of air into her lungs and released it slowly before she replied. "I have no idea and cannot understand how or why you are behaving such! You need to know ONE THING! I was not alone with Khurramji at the gym!! Safiyaji was also there!!! And to your information - they were not handling your wife for sex! They were actually helping her to do proper workout!! To build a good physique!!!" Her cunt perspired and allowed few drops of pleasure liquid to spill out into the frill undergarment as she lied to tooth about what happened at the gym!
"Now, if you cannot understand the relation between us, then I suggest keeping this phone now and GO TO HELLL!!!" Tanvi's yell reverberated inside the guest bedroom and suddenly with shock she realized that the large window was open and if anyone was out in the car park, they would have heard her shouting.
"I AM COMING TOMORROW! TO END THIS!! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" Though he shouted, Tani realized the loss of conviction in his tone. Satisfied to herself, she switched off the phone and took the wine bottle and filled her glass to three-fourth of the quantity. The transpiring heat of the wine liquid inside her throat running into her stomach helped Tanvi to breathe properly and to lessen the effect of the recent unfruitful conversation with her husband. She tried her level best to ignore the rage that continued to boil inside her. 
"Tanvi Didi!"

Tanvi was surprised at the late night call and quavered herself up from the relaxed posture on her couch as she heard her Maid's and another female voice from her doorstep. She found Sharda and another girl along with Abhijeet standing outside and smiling at her.
"Arre, what happened??" Tanvi was alarmed and wondered why they were there as she opened the door and invited them inside.
"No Didi, it's okay...We shall stay here. Need your help actually!" Abhijeet smiled.
"Sure Abhi, but what do you guys need?"
"Memsaab, actually I need the big tumbler that you have here, they planned to cook Biryani and then realized there was no big sized tumbler to cook for 25 people!" Sharda replied apologetically.
"Twenty Five people!!! Wow! Then I am sure it's a great party!" Tanvi called them inside. All three followed her into her home and Sharda walked into her kitchen searching for the large tumbler.
"Sorry we caught you while you were relaxing Didi!" Abhijeet apologized by nodding at her half finished wine glass.
"Oh no no, it's nothing Abhi...Today was a bit hectic and heavy. So thought to have one drink and relax before sleeping as Sanju is arriving tomorrow" She tried to conceal her embarrassment of being caught of drinking.
"Oh really? You know what Didi? You should join our party tonight then!" Both Abhijeet and the girl exclaimed.
"No no no! No way!! Kids are sleeping and I cannot leave them alone!" She smiled and controlled her cringe while she recalled the events from the nights when she wantonly left the kids alone in the house.
"Didi please! Our house is practically next door to yours! Plus, I can see you have kept child monitors here!" He pointed at the cameras fixed on the wall. "So, you can run in less than few minutes back home if any emergency!"
"Come na Didi!" The girl with Abhijeet also chided.
"I got it!" Sharda returned back carrying the large tumbler in hand.
"Come with us na Didi!" Abhijeet pushed it again.
"Maybe later Abhi...not now...you guys enjoy!" Tanvi deliberately closed the dialogue as the trio walked out of her house. Once outside, Tanvi locked the grille and bid good night to all. As they took few steps away and reached the car parking, Abhijeet looked back at her hesitatingly. Tanvi had to stay at her door waiting for him as she found him running back at her.
"Didi, please, do come okay! I will wait for you!!" Abhijeet looked desperate.
"But Abhi...You know I can't! Sorry dear!" She gave one of her dazzling smile.
"My QUEEN...Pleeeeese come and bless me!! Pleeeeese Did!!!" Abhijeet's face conveyed that he wanted her desperately.
"Ouhgaaaawd Abhiii! Gooo...I will think about it okay! Goooo now!!"
"Didi, I termed you as my Queen in all its sense! Please, it will be a great night!! I assure you that!!!" Abhijeet was not willing to let go.
"Okay baba...ok k, I will come! Now GOOO!" Tanvi smiled at the beaming young man who ran briskly with high expectation.
As she sank herself back to the soft couch with the drink, Tanvi's brain drifted at what had happed for the day. Her vagina still continued to acknowledge the effect of the elder couple and her boldness to go naked with the old man being there, her brain was unable to comprehend and finds any ample excuse for her wrongdoings.

"Why not?" Tanvi's eyes brightened up at the question that her brain popped.

Without losing a second, she stood up and walked into her bedroom and reached out the gift from Sylvie. Mechanically, her hand dived into her legging and through her frill lingerie and parted her slightly wet bush. Her fingers found and spread the well-lubricated vaginal lips and implanted the small digit inside the awaiting hole. A deep groan of satisfaction escaped her throat as her cunt conveyed the wonderful feeling of getting itself stuffed. Without losing a moment, she pressed the remote button to increase the throbbing of the digit.
Tanvi slouched back once again with the last gulp of her drink and contemplated her decision. 
"Why not?" Her brain whispered once again.
She moved with a pace matching a dove. She ensured the bedroom door was locked and stood in front of the half-sized mirror in guest bedroom as she used a gold patterned scarf over her shoulder and hung it from her neck making it's two ends flow through her bosom and covered the braless breasts giving a significant yet hot look. She pulled her gold embroidered heels that looked absolutely gorgeous and exposing her glorious feet to its fullest while she walked out of her home. Once she locked the grille from outside, Tanvi took a moment before moving ahead. It looked like she was waiting for her cunt's permission.
"Why not?" The question repeated itself again.
"Why not? I am not a slave to my husband! I am not doing anything wrong!! So, why the hell not???" Tanvi tried to balance her justification by deliberately avoiding the fact that it was yet another one of her own immoral decision to join Mehta’s party that night.
[+] 2 users Like YLTS's post
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Nice bro
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Good going..nice buildup...expects some game funs at party
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After a very long time update anyway great build up waiting for big update....
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Good to see you again.... Get well soon
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Tanvi sank herself back to the soft couch with the drink, and her brain drifted at what had happed for the day. Her vagina still continued to acknowledge the effect of the elder couple and her boldness to go naked with the old man being there, her brain was unable to comprehend and finds any ample excuse for her wrongdoings.

"Why not?" Tanvi's eyes brightened up at the question that her brain popped.

Without losing a second, she stood up and walked into her bedroom and reached out the gift from Sylvie. Mechanically, her hand dived into her legging and through her frill lingerie and parted her slightly wet bush. Her fingers found and spread the well-lubricated vaginal lips and implanted the small digit inside the awaiting hole. A deep groan of satisfaction escaped her throat as her cunt conveyed the wonderful feeling of getting itself stuffed. Without losing a moment, she pressed the remote button to increase the throbbing of the digit.

Tanvi slouched back once again with the last gulp of her drink and contemplated her decision. 

"Why not?" Her brain whispered once again.

She moved with a pace matching a dove. She ensured the bedroom door was locked and stood in front of the half-sized mirror in guest bedroom as she used a gold patterned scarf over her shoulder and hung it from her neck making it's two ends flow through her bosom and covered the braless breasts giving a significant yet hot look. She pulled her gold embroidered heels that looked absolutely gorgeous and exposing her glorious feet to its fullest while she walked out of her home. Once she locked the grille from outside, Tanvi took a moment before moving ahead. It looked like she was waiting for her cunt's permission.

"Why not?" The question repeated itself again.

"Why not? I am not a slave to my husband! I am not doing anything wrong!! So, why the hell not???" Tanvi tried to balance her justification by deliberately avoiding the fact that it was yet another one of her own immoral decision to join Mehta’s party that night.

As she approached Mr. Mehta's house through the parking lot, she hesitated once she heard music and voices of people talking loud from inside. With tentative step and doubts of her decision creeping inside her brain matching the rhythm of the vibrator humming inside her cunt, Tanvi paused at the door.

“Why not? After all this night will not become like my previous escapades for sure! I can always return back home the moment I decide! So why not?” She pushed the door open and entered the living room of Mehtas.

For a fleeting moment, Tanvi was unable to find any focus. Light was dim, music was around, and there were too many people dancing and chattering around the large room. Her first surprise came from the way how dining table was organized. The table stood at the center of the room and had been extended to it's full length. There were small ladders latched at two ends giving it a rough look of a walking ramp...from the initial guess, she calculated the table to be of around twenty feet plus in length. The next surprise was when she found Upendra's wife Maahi seated in the couch between a young man and an elder looking woman whom she guessed to be one of the guest. The biggest surprise was when she heard an exclamation from behind her!

"Ouh! My God!! I never expected you to be here Tanvi!!!" The voice was very familiar to Tanvi but could not place it correctly. She turned back to see who it was. For a moment, she lost her decision on how to react to the person who was beaming at her. Behind her, stood a woman with a grin of recognition written all over her face - It was none other than Hansa Patel!

"How come???" Tanvi's surprise bounded shock allowed her only question.

"Hhahah...This is why wise people always say 'This world is round!' Hahahah!!!" Hansa gave another one of her large smile.

"I had no idea that you both know each other? Surprised!" Abhijeet joined them from side and handed over two beers to Tanvi and Hansa. Though Tanvi took the beer from Abhijeet, she just held it in her hand and restrained from drinking it. Abhijeet saw the hesitance and tried to cheer her up immediately.

"You know Tanvi Didi, Hansaji is a long standing friend of mine. In fact, she is a close friend of my Dad first, then when I started my venture into photography, she became my mentor, you know!" He smiled and gave a friendly nod to Tanvi silently mentioning to sip the beer in hand.

"Nothing like that Tanvi...Nothing at all like what this buffoon just said. I am a good friend of Mehtaji and this naughty one happens to be his son who I have to put up with! Hahaah!" Hansa took a large gulp of the beer indicating that Tanvi should also join.

"Ouh alright...Good to know!" Somehow Tanvi completed one more statement.

"How do you know each other? That's my curiosity!" Abhijeet pushed.

"Ahem...Let's say, we are good friends! Aren't we Tanvi?" Hansa Patel rolled her eyes showing Abhijeet's question was totally out of place. 

As Tanvi joined the playful conversation, she got stopped by Hansa's next words. "You know Tanvi, this scarf should be worn in a different way, wait, let me help you!" As she said, Abhijeet also moved in closer with curious eyes. Tanvi stood temporarily stunned and unable to react while Hansa's hands moved around her neck and regrouped the two ends of her scarf together into a knot right where her cleavage started; there was nothing other than muttering 'thanks' to Hansa's that she could do during those moments.

"Hmmm...Doesn't this look better?" Hansa's question was directed at Abhijeet who seemed to be lost at observing Tavni's chest without blinking. Both Tanvi and Hansa recognized lust creeping up in his wide-opened eyes while his gaze continued to linger all over the luscious breasts that projected forward from Tanvi’s chest.

"Look for yourself, there is mirror in the bedroom!" Hansa shook off the situation and directed Tanvi towards Abhijeet's bedroom. Tanvi saw the living room and the bedroom getting occupied with guests and the girls as she walked into Abhijeet's bedroom. She was surprised to see the bedroom that was totally transformed into a dressing and preparing room for the fashionistas of the night. There were more than twenty girls who were completely focused on preparing themselves. Somehow, they both pushed their way through the crowd and finally as they stood in front of the full-sized mirror, a mini bombshell broke inside Tanvi's brain. "No wonder Abhi seemed freaking lost! Bloody hell!! He was staring at my breasts for God's sake!!!" 

She saw Hansa at her side giving a sly smile and watching her reaction closely. Though Tanvi could not react badly, she tried to conceal her real emotions. The scarf was tied right where her breasts started and a knot was kept as if taking centerstage on her chest and duly making her entire neck look more naked than it already was. Her breasts seemed to be enhanced itself with the scarf's naughty knot and made the two mounds majestically exposed and thrusted upwards. Her eyes caught her two nipples pointing enticingly through the exposure that scarf created by getting itself squeezed between the two breast mounds.

"You look fabulous Tanvi! I told you that already!!" Hansa's voice was mesmerizingly low as if she wanted to avoid someone overhearing them. "One more change I would suggest is...To remove your legging and go bare! There won't be a single woman or girl here tonight who could dare to match that!!" Tanvi shivered as she heard the suggestion and her face blushed heavily confirming the fact that she actually enjoyed the suggestion put forth. She saw Hansa placing yet another of her 'knowing' smile.

"You both look alright to me! Are you going to be in the ramp with us tonight?" A scorn filled comment associated with questions were presented to Tanvi and Hansa from behind. As they both gawked to catch the person, yet another question shot up "Looks like you are from North-East, are you?" This comment was specifically edged to Tanvi and she realized it. They both saw one of the models who had finished her dressing and make-up towering next to them with a twist on her lips. 

While Tanvi contemplated on how to reply to the obnoxious girl, she heard Hansa replying politely."Thank you so much for your nice words...You know, you are a beautiful girl yourself! Why don't you get ready for the show instead of spending your great brain with the hosts?" A curt and neat way of dismissal. Tanvi wondered and thanked silently to Hansa. 

Once they saw the tall girl walking back with another scoff, Hansa turned at Tanvi and stood with an apologetic face. "Tanvi, first I have to pass you a big 'SORRY' for my obnoxious questions at the Mall okay! It was just that I was so looking for 'THE' right model for quite some time and you just walked in there...and I couldn't stop myself from being over curious…Sorry!"

"Oh God! Hansa...Please! There was nothing wrong in what you did. Common, in fact, I think it should me who have to apologize because I behaved bad. You know, it was the first time that someone approached me so directly and I was not prepared for anything such! Please, we are alright!" Tanvi was genuinely pleased with Hansa by the time they both cleared the air between them."Thank God! AND-Thank you Tanvi!" Hansa also seemed relieved.

While they walked back to the living room, they both were greeted with dimmed lights and the large glass sections of the living room front opened up. Tanvi stood wondering at the arrangement. They all were inside the rectangular living room that now had extended itself to outdoors to become one really large are where all the guests could roam around. The seamless access to the front yard from living room after the glass partition removed, was the real catch! She also noticed the lights in the yard was also switched to create a dark partying atmosphere. She felt the familiar sneaky pinch inside her vagina as er cunt trembled from the thought of possibilities of that night!One other thing that Tanvi noticed as she walked out of Abhijeet's bedroom was the dresses that all the models were wearing. Most of them had bikinis and beach shorts inside and were covered with white colored long sleeved tops that that reached till their mid thigh. 

With that attire, the really looked like they were going for strip contest! "Maybe this could be the surprise factor!" She thought as Abhijeet reached them with another set of beers and handed over."No Abhi, I have not even finished half of my first beer!" Tanvi objected to the second bottle offered to her.

"But, I will have mine!" Hansa was more than happy to see her empty bottle getting replaced.

"Commmon Tanvi Didi, finish it! It's really wonderful that you decided to join. Trust me, you won't regret it!" Abhijeet tried to convince her for the second beer. "And, by the way, meet Sweta and Ronny! And you guys - meet the one and only Tanvi Didi and Hansaji!” Abhijeet’s voice contained full of excitement.

"Hi everyone!" Hansa was the first to respond.

"WOOWW! This is Tanvi Didi! Can’t believe!! Hello Hansaji!“ Tanvi jolted from the excitement she saw from Sweta and Ronny's faces. 

"Well Tanvi Didi, we have been waiting to meet you since Abhi told us about you! And trust me, what he said doesn't do any justice! You are really pretty Tanvi Didi!" Both Sweta and Ronny completed the statements making Tanvi to go really embarrassed and red on her cheeks.

"Hello Sweta, Ronny, it is really nice to meet you...But really, you don't need to give me too many compliments...As I know Abhi can play with his words a lot!!" Somehow Tanvi had to make herself comfortable despite being sheepish. She smiled and took note of the girl who stood in front of her wearing a tank top that hardly covered her midriff and a jean short that again hardly covered her groin, rest every portion of her body was naked except her sneakers. And the guy who beamed at her was taller than Abhijeet and had a loose tee shirt with a matching loose boxer making his skinny leg look even skinnier.

"Common now Didi! I just told them truth! And now as they saw you, they also know that I didn't lied!" Abhi winked at Hansa playfully.

"Ok ok kids! I think you need to let my friend relax! And by the way, where are the twins?" Hansa tried to relieve the situation.

"OOUH!! HEEEY...WE ARE HERE!!!" Two loud shouts made everyone to look outside at the yard. As they all watched through the darkness, Tanvi found a young couple walking through the crowd smiling at them. The guy looked hefty with muscles all around wearing a skin-tight jean torn at the knee caps and super tight tee clearly showing his taut stomach and bare hands. The girl was more demure, wearing a pair of heels, with a sleeveless top reaching right where her belly button showed and completed the look with a legging type of pant that stopped above her knee. Tanvi saw the excitement in the group as the two reached them.

"Ouh niiice...Heey!!!" Excitement poured in between friends as Tanvi and Hansa participated it with warm smiles.

"Hey...Hey guys! Meet Tanvi Didi! And of course Hansaji whom you already know!” Abhijeet paused and continued "Tanvi Didi, meet the 'TWINS" Abhijeet seemed to be really excited and Tanvi guessed the reason to be the the beers he had by now.

"Oh Hi Tanvi Didi!" The girl came forward and embraced a startled Tanvi.

"Wow! This is Tanvi Didi! SERIOUSLY? I was about to come over and ask for a dance in fact if you had not introduced us!" The guy was looking at Abhi and seemed to be disappointed and excited at the same time as Tanvi just blankly looked at them without understanding what was ongoing.

"Ooops! Sorry Didi! Where are my manners? So sorry! I am Fariz and this is Maryam- and we are the 'TWINS!' He also came forward and took an alarmed Tanvi to a bear hug inside his big frame. He was tall as Ronny who was few inches taller than Tanvi, but a lot in width.

"Call us Fari and Mimi ok Didi?” The girl beamed at Tanvi and giggled making her smile with affection.

"So nice to meet you all guys!" Tanvi had to reply back something. For a fleeting moment, she noticed that everyone around her was actually gawking at her...and she felt the heat from three pair of men eyes focused right over her thrusted brests!

"Well, to be honest Abhi, your Tanvi Didi doesn't even look like Didi! I am sure if she comes to college tomorrow, she could easily pass for a newcomer!!" Fariz complemented and looked at Ronni for support. Before she could reply between her blush, she heard Sweta replying "Of course yes, she does! And you know what Fari, if she comes then, you can have your ragging class restarted on our dear Didi as well! Hahahah!" All the youngsters joined for a laugh and got stopped when they got disrupted from a thin looking man entered the group with a tray full of glasses with alcohol filled.

Tanvi's shock had no bounds when she saw the man carrying the drinks tray. It was none other than Dattu who was dressed neatly in a pant and shirt, gawking at her!

"Dattu! You are here too? Where is Sharda?”

"Memsaab, she is in kitchen, preparing the dishes!" As he replied, Tanvi declined another offer for a second beer and she also noticed his lust filled eyes staring her nipples making them extra hard. Her brain pulled her over to the two night where he had crushed her breasts through the gate and then he had munched and slurped breasts while coating her entire chest with his dirty saliva. 

"Memsaab, drink for you?" The question from Dattu brought her eyes back again to the group and adding her embarassment, she found Abhi's, Ronny's, Faris's and Dattu's eyes drinking her body shamelessly. Her cunt wobbled and got crushed between her tightly clenched thighs making her tiny lingerie apparel to smother itself with her overflow...She felt the power of her knees giving away as her groin became slowly drenched.

"No Dattu, I have still with me!" She thanked and saw him moving towards other guests with drinks. Tanvi and Hansa greeted the newcomers who stood at their side with the same warmth they received from them. Sweta was a very attractive girl somewhere around her twenties with a nice figure and a very noticeable bust line for her frame. "She would look amazing when naked! OOH GOD! WHAT AM I THINKING??" A nasty thought went through her brain and Tanvi scolded herself. As the same time, her eyes wandered over to Maryam who was now actively chatting to Ronny and Abhijeet and was leaning back at her brother's arms for support. Her body structure disclosed her firm and medium sized breasts and also a clear outline of her nipples was projecting outwards "Just like mine!" Tanvi thought as her eyes caught the pointed nipples. "But, her major attraction point was her legs! Not muscular like mine, but nice shape!!" A spark of jealousy sprang inside Tanvi's brain as the young girl's legs seemed to be symmetrically superior than hers. "If we both stood together, I am sure people could get confused!" Tanvi watched the young girl with added enthusiasm "Then what are you waiting for?" A low whisper from her head made her wet hole to drip few more drops of gooey liquid into the lingerie bottom.

"Abhi, I think we have to pull these guys, not much time left to begin the show!" Another female voice came from the dark living room. Tanvi recognized it to be none other than his cousin Kavita, whom she met few days before in the car park.

"Oh! Hi Tanviji! So nice of you to join us at last!! You will just enjoy this night! Trust me!!" Kavita almost yelled to overcome the loud music in the background.

"Oh yes, I would...For sure...As you are the second person tonight who is asking me to trust!" Tanvi raised her eyebrow at Abhijeet in a playful manner.

"AAAND THAT DECISION...My dear Tanvi Didi...You will not regret!" Abhijeet completed the statement with a laugh and nodded to his friends to move towards bedroom leaving Tanvi and Hansa back to themselves. Tanvi took the final gulp to finish her beer and reeled from the cold sensations that it gave to her throat and intestine while her cunt crooned from the heat it received from the lower abdomen. She felt glad for her decision to join the party and also made a mental note to check the kitchen area where Sharda was working.

"TANVIII!! Is that YOUU???" Another voice that was very familiar rose next to where Hansa stood earlier and she found the place vacant. For a moment, Tanvi wondered where and how Hansa disappeared noiselessly. While she tried to look more closely who got excited at her, she was presented with the face of Maahi..."Wife of Upendraji!" Tanvi's face became tense in a moment.

"Yes...Oh...Yess Maahiji! How are you? Surprised to see you here!" Though she was irritated, she tried her best to go with the flow. She dropped into a state of loss while figuring out how to respond to the elder woman who was dressed to kill. Though she had seen Maahi seated in the couch earlier, she was unable to capture what Maahi was wearing. With every second that passed by, Tanvi continued to smile while taking note of the voluptuous older woman who was also making her estimations over Tanvi. Maahi had a mid-thigh dress with one-sided transparent sleeve through her right shoulder making her entire upper body look like she was very much naked. Her hair was tied high up which accentuated her neck and thus the nakedness increased. She had a pump-up strapless bra inside giving her a real slutty look. Her midriff and love handles were visible through the open sides and Tanvi guessed the dress to be backless as well. To make the sluttish outlook complete, the dress topped above mid-thigh and then naked legs dropped into a four or five inch spiked heels which made her look like a giant next to Tanvi.

"You look simply breathtaking Tanvi! You are a natural!! You know what? After you left from our shop, I told Sylvie that you should be modeling to our new line of apparels!" Maahi beamed at a shy looking Tanvi.

“Oh really? If that’s true, then I would keep the 'Finder's Fee'!!!" Hansa's voice made both the women jump a bit.

"Common relax, it's me!" Hansa handed another beer to Tanvi who unwillingly accepted and held her in hand without drinking.

"God...Hansa! You almost made me spill the drink on my dress!" Maahi's voice not complaining, instead Tanvi felt it as some sort of tease.

"Hmmm...You know, I think, I should make my entry once more to make it spill so that you have the excuse to remove that dress from your hot body Maahi!" Hansa also played along making Tanvi to go blinking about what and where the conversation was headed.

"Hhahah...Tanvi, relax...We have known each other since college!" Hansa's comment made her smile and by watching Tanvi relax, both the elder women closed in where she stood.

"I had no idea that you both met!" Maahi nodded at Tanvi and Hansa. 

"Well, you had no idea when and how we met!" Hansa smiled reassuringly at Tanvi who got tensed immediately. “You know, I was actually rolling through my usual routine to locate the right ones...And suddenly Tanvi was in the mall right in front of me! Honest to God! I wanted to hire this one and start snapping right there!!" Hansa continued her smile to a wondered looking Hansa.

"Trust me! No one can miss her!" Maahi also chided in.

"Please stop you both, I mean...commonn!" Though she was embarrassed and heated up, she knew she had to make them stop.

"Like really Maahi, the moment I saw her, my heart brought the images of your new line and how good Tanvi could represent them!" Hansa shrugged and threw away Tanvi's earlier statement to stop.

"OH MY GOD!!! Was it about Tanvi you told me???" Maahi looked genuinely surprised and continued "Well, if she would be willing, I have no doubt that our new line would be the hottest selling one in Indian market within no time!!!" Maahi seemed extremely excited.

“And to answer that question, the person herself is available, you can ask her right here!!!" Hansa smiled and gave the invisible talking pod to Tanvi.

"Maahiji, I am so sorry about this. I had already told Hansa about my decision. Unfortunately, I cannot be part of the modeling, it's simply not me and again, I am a married person with much obligations in my day to day life, I am not looking forward to anything else actually". Tanvi felt that she had put her foot down on the photo modeling topic.

“I can feel you, and what else can I say to you Tanvi? After all, it is you who needs to take a decision. See, I am not sure what Hansa had disclosed about this. But, trust me, it might not be anything that you might be thinking!" Tanvi saw that both Maahi and Hansa nodding at each other trying to find words for convincing her.

"Sorry Maahiji, this is not my cake actually, you would find hundred others who would be more than happy to take this offer. But me? no way...!" 

"Yaar Tanvi, don't get stressed out okay. It is fine with us...We can definitely talk about it another time! But tonight...let's have fun girl!" Hansa was quick to change the slightly tensed atmosphere. To Tanvi's heart, it felt like a boon. They all turned their attention towards the end of the table where the models were supposed to be entering; it was also at the same place where the Kitchen door opened as well.

A sudden hush spread across the dark living room and all the guests from lawn moved closer together. Tanvi was quite dazzled and mesmerized by the arrangements. It really looked like a high fashioned private club's interior and activities. There were few older men and women in the crowd along with younger ones of hers and Sanjoth's age as well. She noticed with a slight shock that herself, Hansa and Maahi were the only ladies without men escorts. All other female inside the house had a man accompanying them. Though she felt it as odd, the booming music that started took her attention and the energized faces of all others ensured that event was starting.

The first model to enter the dining table ramp was the very same obnoxious tall girl who looked down at Tanvi and Hansa earlier inside the bedroom. She walked forward to where Tanvi was and stood at the very edge of the table as if estimating the crowd. Then, with a stony expression on her face, she pulled open her top to both sides exposing what she wore inside. Tanvi heard lots of gasps and few claps and she herself to drawn into the tall girl's aura. She had a two piece black color bathing suit where it almost looked like lingerie. As she turned her back to the guests, more gasps came out including Tanvi involuntarily saying 'Wow!'. It was a backless piece...Her top was connected with transparent strap at the back and bottom was basically just another transparent piece of thin string which went deep inside her ass cheeks giving an absolute naked look. She turned to face her guests once again before climbing down in front of Tanvi. As the girl walked and next to Tanvi and Hansa, she took a pause to look down at them with a smirk on her face before she continued to walk back into the bedroom.

"Her cheek!!! I will show her after this gets over with!" A low and angry growl from Hansa made Tanvi to take her attention away from the swaying naked ass of the tall girl.

"Do you know her before?" Tanvi hushed her voice as she found another girl walking to the other end of the ramp to start her walk. 

"Of course!!! I gave her the first and biggest break in fashion industry few years back. And now, when I need her the most, she ditches our relationship and fucked me over!!!" Hansa seemed furious.

"Relax Hansaji, I am sure this is not the venue that you need to have this sorted!" 

"Yes, I know...Thank you Tanvi...I appreciate you being here! I will show her...I am not in this position just because I know how to handle a camera!" Hansa took a big gulp from her Beer bottle and finished it at once.

"Easy...easy Hansa!" Tanvi tried to support the older woman while her attention got focused at the end of the dining table ramp where the model was already standing and about to walk forward. The girl was shorter than the first one and she seemed to have a fuller body than the skinnier one. Tanvi was watching closely how this girl walked with sexy sway of her hips and with a nice smile making everyone to feel for her. She came and stood at the same spot where the tall one stood earlier and with painful slowness, opened her top! Tanvi's eyes flew out wide and her brain got filled with shame when she saw the girl standing in one piece covering her vagina! "Oh Shiiittt!!! It's not one piece!! She's wearing nipple stickers! Gaaawd!" She heard her brain yelling out as her eyes wandered all over the voluptous body of the young woman on top of the table who was now flaunting her backside to the audience. Her bottom was also same like the tall one. As she did not had anything on top other than nipple stickers, her entire backside was stark naked! She smiled once again as she turned towards them and climbed down. Tanvi saw few of the guests engaging the girl and even one of the older man taking her into a tight embrace and cupping her ass cheeks with letting her go with a sloppy smooch on her lips. She also felt an unknown craving to touch the girl as she walked by and somehow she controlled her urge. 

"A hot one, huh?" Tanvi was startled at Maahi's voice next to her. She had no idea when Hansa slipped away and then Maahi took her place. She had to decline the beer that Maahi gave her as she was still lingering over her second one.

"Look out for the next one!" Another prompt from Maahi made her take the attention away from the crowd towards the next entrant.

Tanvi had to take a large gulp as she finally realized the person that climbed up to the dining table ramp. It was none other than the broad shouldered and muscled Fariz. He had a naughty smile plastered on his face as he walked forward. Tanvi's lips contorted as she found him covered only a loin cloth knotted at his hips, almost right at his groin reaching till his knees and leaving all the rest of his body naked. The material was the same sheer white colored apparel giving away his nakedity clearly to all who were present. She noticed how very handsome and well-built he looked and a pang of jealousy snapped inside her heart while her brain flashed the image of her her own husband's slouched body got compared. She was intently looking at his groin while she failed to notice that Fariz was looking right at her face as he stood at the corner end of the table and was about to let go his loin cloth. Tanvi was lost in her own imaginative world as her eyes got stuck at the lump that projected through Fariz's groin. Though it felt like slow-motion, her eyes never left what he was doing. Fariz on the other hand was making a real effort to showcase his body. He used both his hands to untie the knot and opened one side exposing the entire left side from top to feet bare and he smiled broadly as he got encouraging gasps and claps. As she watched intently, she found his opening the left side of his loin cloth exposing his groin thrusted forward! Numerous gasps and lewd comments from females confirmed the one fact that she was not willing to accept...Every female 'including herself' was turned on!!! 

"Real stud, huh?" The soft voice of Maahi pulled her back and the very same moment, her eyes caught Fariz who also was continuing his stare right at her. The shame of getting caught was too much for her poor soul and she diverted the attention to her bottle and sipped the last portion of the beer. She was stunned to hear her own loud gasp along with other female voices as she found Fariz's engorged manhood cramping itself inside his G-String. 

"GOOOOONESSS! HE'S WEARING A THONG!!! SHIITTT...JUS LOOOK AT THAT THING!!!" Her brain yelled inside and she heard the same comments from other females around as he flaunted his manhood inside the dark colored bikini type thong. Yet another round of gasps and moans filled the room despite the loud music when he turned his back towards them...Fariz stood with his ass muscles clenching and unclenching towards them...His thong was also the very same design...its back tail disappeared inside his buttocks giving a pure and total naked look to his backside. He kept on flexing and unflexing his cheeks to entice the women and Tanvi was not an exception there! She let out a large groan when he climbed down and a woman groped him into a sloppy kiss and forced him to pinch her breasts while continuing her molestation. Fariz seemed more than willing to oblige as everyone stood watching the couple in action. He continued munching her tongue by making sleazy noises while he used his hands to lift the woman's gown and bunched it to her waist. It was so clear to everyone who next to them that his manhood was plastered to her cunt separated by her panty and his thong while he pulled her panty from back to uncover her ass cheeks as if she had a thin strip of thong between her buttocks. Even though it seemed to be forever, Fariz pulled away from the humping and left her wobbling while the man next to her whispered something to her ears and grinned broadly as he gave his shoulder for support. While the woman smiled dreamily at Fariz, he glided smoothly between the crowd groping few and allowing to squeeze his cock and ass cheeks when someone needed. 

As he reached near Tanvi, he moved forward with an alarming speed and Tanvi's eyes widened out in shocked disbelieve. Though her cunt cried out and screamed for pacifying, her brain stopped herself from reacting...She was so sure that if he touches her body, she would melt and all her defenses would fade. As seconds moved like years, she saw his hands moving past her shoulders and grabbing Maahi who had her mouth parted with an open invitation. As the horror continued inside her brain, she saw Fariz gulping the red tongue that jutted out of Maahi's mouth but he continued to keep her eyes caught within his. It seemed as if he was chewing and slurping her own tongue! It felt as if his muscular chest her own hardened nipples! Her cunt bellowed and puked out a mini orgasm through the vibrator that gave her an image of his fingers grabbing and forcing through her moistness! Adding to her horror filled orgasmic state, her eyes caught where he was looking at...Through her stunned realization, another silent orgasm forced its way out through the humming vibrator and drenched the panty which was already overflowing! Fariz was shamelessly gawking at her protruding nipples and munching Maahi's lips as if he was sucking her breasts! Fariz continued to gyrate Maahi's body for a bit more time and let her go limp, just like the other female and then walked towards the bedroom making delibeate flexes of his ass cheeks towards Tanvi and others.

"UUUUFFF! THAT WAS SOMETHING OUT OF THE WORLD!!" Maahi's shameless voice rose next to her and Tanvi had no choice other than responding back with a smile."I mean, commmmon...That boy is a damned good kisser!" Maahi was blabbering as is there was no one else around. "Shiiittt...Tanvi! Please, please do not spill this to Khurramji or Safiyaji ok!" Maahi suddenly looked terrified.

"Okay ok, you relax Maahiji!" Tanvi tried to aid the elder woman who still seemed to be under the magical effect of Fariz's lips.

"No no, you don't understand...They can never know I was here okay? Please do me that favor Tanvi! There are lots of things that you are not aware of and I don't want to create any more mess than there is already! So...Please do not tell the okay!”

"Sure Maahiji, It's okay...I won't!" Tanvi tried to sooth the agitated lady next to her. 

Both the women shook out from their situatoin as their attention got captured by the next entrant walking over the dining table ramp. It was Sweta who was proudly walking towards their end by giving away flying kisses and seductive swaying of her hips! Once she reached the end, the entire crowd went silent in anticipation. She took her own sweet time to disrobe. As she let the covering apparel fall through her shoulders to floor, Tanvi had to close her ears to stop the loud applause that everyone gave her. With disbelief written all over her face and eyes, Tanvi stared at Sweta who stood proudly displaying every portion of her naked body covered only with body paint! Her breasts and nipples were painted in white, making her dark areoles and nipples to jutt outwards pointing at everyone as if inviting for a taste! And her groin painted in blue as if she was wearing a skin-tight short over his hips. It was the shaved smoothness of her groin that gave her away! There was no apparel in the whole world that could give such a barren look! Tanvi got lost from the view as her eyes continued to capture the pure nakedness of the girl's vaginal lips painted in blue and the engorged clitoral cover disclosing the pink tip and the way her ass cheeks projected while she turned her back at them! 

With yet another flying kiss to the public, Sweta stepped down from the ramp and walked towards Dattu who stood transfixed with the drinks on his hand and seemed he was dead! Sweat gyrated her naked body as much she could and took a whiskey from his hand and looked and lunged forward to give a nice kiss over his dark lips. Even in his stunned state, Tanvi saw the same cock that had pleasured her previously standing erect and pointed through his pant. Once she had her drink, Sweat moved through the guests who groped, pinched and some of them sucked her nipples while fingering her cunt simultaneously making her squirm and moan from pleasure. As she walked past Tanvi and was about to enter the bedroom, a young man of Abhi's age pulled her back and made her lean against him. From where Tanvi stood, she saw him dry humping Sweta's backside and she seemed encouraging him by jerking her body backwards. Before the scene got more sleazier, she gave yet another flying kiss to everyone and disappeared into the bedroom.

"Maahji, I think it's time for me to leave!" Somehow Tanvi let another person know about her intentions.

"Oh God Tanvi! Be a sport...These are all part of the parties! No one will cross the line, don't worry!" Even though Maahi seemed blushed, she knew how to handle such situations very well. 

They both had to turn towards the end of the ramp as new entrants started walking onwards. One by one, almost twenty or more girls and guys walked in sleazy innerwear showing off more and more of their body assets. With each model passing by, Tanvi's cunt became further and further smothered with her juices and in turn made her more uncomfortable to continue standing. The two beers also added to her intoxicated suffocation."You guys are here!" Tanvi and Maahi turned to meet the smiling face of Hansa who had beers in her hand for her friends for the night. Though she did not wanted to drink further, Tanvi was thankful for the beer. She sipped small quantity to extend her comradeship to the two women who seemed to be in a really excited state. Despite the good times, deep inside Tanvi was worried about her kids sleeping alone and she wanted check on them to ensure they were alright. 

"I will go and check the kids okay!" She conveyed the message as if addressing to both the women.

"No no Tanvi, not yet...Next one is the last entrant and showstopper for the show. Just finished your drink and this will over in next few more minutes!" This time it was Hansa who held her back. Tanvi saw her continuing with a surprised expression and yelling with excitement 

"Oohmy! It seems we are getting a couple this time!" She nodded with her eyes towards the other end of dining table ramp making Tanvi also look at that side. 

Tanvi saw Maryam and Ronny walking up the table and giving the guests their initial look. Then she saw both of them walking and finally reaching the end where she stood. Aligning to the music, both of them swayed rhythmically and stopped abruptly along with the music that also stopped making it a pin drop silence inside the dark room.

Her eyes almost popped out and heart stood still when she saw what the couple hided inside their white robe. Once they pulled the outer cover away from their bodies, a spell-bound audience got presented with the most raunchiest attire of the night! Maryam had a single piece red colored thong set that covered her vagina with a V-shaped piece and the same continuing up her navel and passing through her breasts with another V-shaped piece covering her nipples and ended up by hooking it at her neck. While Ronny had a red colored short similar to what Fariz had worn but the difference was, this one had a transparent pouch in front carrying Ronny’s balls and showing the entire length and size of Ronny’s shaft to the viewers. 

"Gosh, it looks like that white spandex short of Khurramji wore that day in gym!" An immediate reflection and comparison to Khurram's cock took place inside Tanvi's brain. "Ronny's cock was bigger than her husband's and also longer than Dattu's...But nothing could be compared to the dimensions of Khurramji's demon thing!" Her cunt whispered by milking few more pleasure liquid out from her heated tunnel. Tanvi wanted to walk out from the dark living room but stopped herself once she found the couple climbing down and engaging with the cheering crowd. 

Adding to her already shocked state, she found Ronny walking next to her and taking the elder woman who was just waiting to seize the moment. She jolted away from the perverted actions in front of her. Ronny used one of his hands to pull Maahi's dress up and had his other hand dive deep into her ass crevice making her to moan loudly into his open mouth. 

While she was immersed in the activities, Tanvi failed to notice the semi-naked Maryam walking towards her and standing next to her. She turned her head towards Maryam at the very moment when she felt the presence of her body heat. Before even her brain could register the surprise, her open lips got engulfed into the sloppy mouth of the young woman who also enclosed her body into a tight embrace. Despite her struggles and shocked state, her cunt ensured her body to go limp in the hands of the female whose naked body started to grind against hers as if inviting her to explore her body further. To make the matter worse, Tanvi's eyes got closed as part of her body's response to her vaginal call, she felt Maryam's naked thigh entering through the gap of her legs and resting firm at her drenched groin and at the same time, the top portion of her right thigh felt the marvelous softness of Maryam's vagina separated through their thin apparels. 

As she squirmed and wiggled against the heat of the young female who was thrashing against her body, she tried her best to move away from Maryam’s invading tongue to scream out and yell to stop. Instead, her hips jerked and she felt strong jolts of electric current rising from Maryam's groin ensuring both the women that they both were cumming right in front of the spellbound audience! Their moans got muffled between the music and they both realized their respective cunt’s continuing it's magic along with the cheering of the people sparking yet another orgasm while they both continued their gyrating movements as they stood in tight caress.
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Dear all,
Once again apologies for delay and not being able to respond back promptly...Still going on being not well...Will return back shortly again...

Thank you sooo much for your kind patience...and great words of motivation!!!
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Nice bro
Take care
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Good update and take your time for next update...
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