Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
Wonderful updates!! The second reboot is what I like the most! Pls continue
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Ordered food from outside and all three of us ate. After finishing lunch, i asked akka, how is married life, she blushed and said good, i asked other things and winked, she said they are also good. I asked akka why don't you join back, it is from 10 to 3:30 and you can be home by only, she said no da, i am fully occupied in house now and my inlaws are caring for me like queen and i cannot disappoint them and start working. Kalpana said, if you need people to work, i have one in mind, you can take an interview of her, i asked who is it? she replied my favourite teacher in school is searching for the job and i can call her now itself and check if she is interested. She took out her cell and called her ex madam and then turned towards me and said if you want she can come down for an interview immediately. I asked akka to take the interview as i was really not sure about hiring new people. Kalpana called her madam and gave the office address. Akka said it is getting late for her, but i called sekhar and informed him that i am hiring someone new and wanted akka to help me with interviews, he asked the phone to be given to akka and told her to finish the work and come. Another half an hour was spent chit chatting and winking at both the females sitting opposite to me.

Kalpana didn't know that me and akka were physically involved and i kept up with the same, although akka knew about kalpana, but the chance was ruined as i could not call her in front of akka. Kalpana's madam came and kalpana introduced her to us. I took the room keys and said we will wait in the next room to akka, akka glanced and signalled not to do anything. We left and kalpana's ex madam was sitting in front of akka. I went to the room and pulled kalpana on my lap and gave a deep kiss to her. moved my hands inside her top and squeezed the boobs, she said akka is there in next room and also i cheated her the last time. I said sorry kalpana for cheating you but you are such an angelic beauty that if i was not married then i would have married you only. She asked who is your wife? i said the one who sat with me for lunch in the marriage. She said, she looked elder to you and i thought another sister of yours may be. I said she is my wife. I went and locked the door and pushed my jeans and jockey till my knees, lifted her dress till her hips and removed her panty and since she was dripping from her pussy, there was no need for any foreplay and reddy slid in without any hassels. I continued kissing her and fondling her boobs and nipple. I pinched her nipples and she said ouch it hurt.

I said not as much as this and pushed a finger in her bum hole, her body jerked with sudden intrusion in her bum hole, she wanted me to remove it, instead, i held her hips and started moving reddy in and out and she got adjusted to her bum hole insertion of my finger. We had a quicke and she released all over me and got up, put her panties back and adjusted her dress and knelt and sucked reddy and milked him for all his worth. I moved my jockey and jeans up and both of us went and unlocked the door and came back and sat on cot. Kalpana said, she enjoys reddy's penetration and that day she couldn't control the emotions and that's why she left in a hurry. She asked sorry, i said we are friends and there should not be any sorry or thank you between us. She said great and also from now on i will not need any boy friends too as you are there and this room is there when ever i need a good fuck. I laughed and said what if akka comes to know, she said, who is going to inform anyone that i am coming here. When ever i feel like i need you i will come and you shouldn't stop me. I said promise but you should also improve in your education and make all of us proud. She promised too. Akka came to the room and asked kalpana to be with her madam and asked me to come outside.

We stood on the terrace and akka said she doesn't have any other experience other than teaching, our work doesn't require much education as you are guiding and we just entering in system. You too talk to her and decide. I asked akka, what about other stuff and smiled. Akka said i don't think that will be a problem as her husband is a low level govt employee and drunkard and she was the one running the house of her inlaws, it is up to you how you tame her, but don't make a mess or talk openly and go slow. I agreed with akka and went inside the office and called both kalpana and her madam. When they came inside, i guided them to sit in front of me.

Asked her name and kalpana interrupted her and said kritika. I told kalpana to go out for sometime as i need to interview kritika now. Kalpana made face and left. Asked kritika about education, she had completed her graduation and also done her B'ed. Asked her why she quit her pervious school job. She said salary was not paid on time and also it was not enough to meet her household expenses. I asked her what salary are you expecting here she said atleast 5k. I understood that she was in dire need of a job, asked her if i agree to pay 5k salary, how long will she work here as tomorrow if someone offers her more she will go and work for them. She said no sir, in previous school also i worked for 3 years and they didn't increase my salary for whole 3 years and when i went to principal and asked for a hike, they turned me down saying i am still a non permanent teacher and they can get a new one in my place for 2k where as i was getting 3k. I told i will verify from school tomorrow about it. She said sure sir and added i approached the management person with my grieviences and he started behaving inappropriately.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I probed further and she said he put his hand on her shoulder and tried to feel her at wrong places, so she quit. I asked her what will she do even if i do the same thing. She was lost with the question and after deliberating for sometime she said, i will quit here also then. I said good, i like your confidence. When can you join i asked her, she said from tomorrow only. I said there are some office rules which i cannot disclose in front of akka or kids, come tomorrow morning by 10, i will tell you the office rules, if you find it that you can adjust then you can start otherwise you can find some other job. Went out with kritika and kalpana waved bye to her and added don't worry my bro will take care of you madam. After kritika left, i looked at kalpana and asked me your bro? she said yes, since you are already taken and you are bro to akka, you are bro to me also. I just nodded my head. She gave a good hug on the terrace only. I whispered in her ears, what about next time, she hit me and said sure. Akka asked sure for what, she said to study properly and get good grades. Got a rick for akka and kalpana and they left. I too reached home and divya was waiting for me impatiently. Had an evening session with divya and another one after dinner.

Got up next morning at 8, divya was still lying nude next to me, her pussy juices had dried mixing with mine. It was too tempting but didn't do anything stupid. Went to balcony and did yoga. Found english madam and asked her if there are any openings she knew of for a Bed teacher where the pay is about 5k, she asked for whom, i said for a friend of mine and gave details of kritika. She said i think there is one, send her after college hours and i will take her to the school. I thanked her and went inside. Divya was awake now and pulled me on her and kissed. Reddy was turned on but hid the excitement and asked her not going to college. She said, no da, not feeling like. I asked her to get ready soon and took her to maruti showroom and showed her zen, she said it is costing 3.5lacs, do you have so much money. I said yes dear and you choose the colour and i will buy it for you. She chose silver colour and i paid the showroom person with cheque, he said it will take 3 days for the cheque to clear and vehicle can be delivered only on thursday. Divya said make it friday morning and we will collect it. We took the receipts and divya agreed to get the necessary documents for registration.

She was very happy. Dropped her back at home and came to office, time was 10:30 already, hurriedly switched on the systems and logged into work. Kritika was waiting for me to tell her something, i asked her to sit down for a while so that i can start work and then talk to her. It took another 30 minutes for me to lift my head up. I ordered 2 coffee's for me and her from the down hotel. Took a smoke and came out to terrace, kritika followed, i asked her to sit inside as i am smoking, she said, its alright sir, i am used to the smoke from my husband. She said sir you wanted to discuss something with me before joining. I said yes, i have asked a friend of mine to get you a job in some school with pay of 5k, will give her number to you, go to college and meet her and she will do the needful. She said sir but you took interview for a job under you right. I said yes kritika, threw the smoke in ashtray and asked her to walk in with me. After we went inside i took the keys of the next room and opened it and showed her inside of it. Came back, locked the room and went back to office.

She was confused and asked me why did i show the room without answering. I said, look kritika, you are from a cultured family, although you have monetary necessity, you are still devoted wife to your husband. I have made the room next to office only for enjoying and i really don't want to trouble you. There was one girl named kavya who was working here, now she has gone to america after her marriage, she had given her whole body and soul to me till her marriage and we enjoyed completely. I am looking for her replacement, one who will work and also take care of me. I have no doubt that you are a good worker but my needs are different, as a friend i want to tell you that i am not a good person to work for. The only help i can do to you is try to get you a teaching job. Leave the conversation here and forget that you gave an interview here, gave her english madam's number and also called madam and informed her that kritika will meet her at 4 near college. Time was almost one and she saw the clock and requested me if she can be here till 3:30 and then go to college and meet madam as her house is a little far and if she travels then she wont be able to make it on time. I said ok and asked her to sit. Was immersed in work and when clock stuck 2, felt hungry.

Asked her about lunch, she said no sir, its ok, ordered lunch from down hotel for both of us and told her don't call me sir, you don't work here, my name is keshav and you can call me that. Work got over at 3:30, kritika wanted to leave, i told her, wait i will drop, my sister also studies there and i can pick her up along. Locked office and came to college with kritika. Introduced english madam to her and requested on behalf of kritika again. Madam said don't worry to me, by then vini came near madam, i told vini, you come with me today as madam is helping a friend of mine. Called divya and said i am with vini and going to her friends place to collect some books of hers and we will come home later. Took vini to office and the next two hours were spent sexploring each other. Vini said after getting dressed, shall i come here from college sometimes, i said, nope, otherwise your anni will get doubt and what if she starts coming. Vini nodded her head and we went home. I drank coffee and left for college. Finished college and went back home, had a good night session with divya and slept. Next morning dropped divya to college and reached office.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Once i reached the terrace there was a surprise waiting for me, it was kritika. I unlocked the door and ordered coffee for me and her. I asked her in surprise, i thought you got that offer for school. She nodded her head and said yes sir. I asked then what are you doing here, she said sir before i tell everything else, i want to work here and have got my inlaws also to show them my new office. They are waiting downstairs, can you please talk to them for 1 minute and then i can send them away and explain. I was surprised with her boldness and said sure get them here. She went and called them, her mother in law was around 50 and her father in law about 70, it was clearly evident that they depended on her income. I called them inside and asked them to sit in front of my table, they thanked me for giving a job to kritika, i said no thank you, she is going to work here and earn it. I should thank you both for letting her work here. They asked me what kind of work will kritika have, i said some accounts and computer related and sometimes travel to head office in chennai to meet big madam, she will be the manager here. They were very happy to hear that there was a super boss in chennai and that too a lady. I told them, one of you will have to accompany her when she travels, they both nodded their heads thinking their daughter in law was in safe hands and if and when travel arose, they will also go with her. They asked me the timings of the office, i told them 10 to 6 in the evening. Also told them saturday is half day sometimes and sometimes holiday and sunday working only during diwali days. They asked me her pay and i looked at kritika and she nodded her head, i said 5k per month. They were very happy to hear it and blessed and left. I took 100rs note and gave kritika and asked her to send them in a rick. She went down, dropped them to an auto and came back. I took a smoke and came out of office, she too came after i had lit the smoke.

I asked her, why didn't you take the school offer, she said before that, i want to thank you for seeing my inlaws, they were worried that i was going to work in some shop like a sales girl and you cleared all their fears. I let her continue, she said, she went to school with madam and they offered her a job and 5k salary, but that school got some bad reputation couple of months back, one lady teacher quit beacuse of some incidents. Madam assured me that it is cleaned up now and after looking around i too believe her. Went home and thought about what you said the whole night and decided, it is better to work for an honest person than carry a bad reputation, even though the school is cleaned but bad reputation is going to be around for the whole of my life. After giving lots of thoughts i decided it is better to work under you losing my chasity than keeping chasity and carrying a bad name for life. I just nodded my head. She then asked me you didn't talk about travel before, but suddenly in front of my inlaws you told i will have to travel. I told her since you decided to work for me, i may as well make full use of you, when i want a break or something, i can take you along later, once or twice they can accompany you, but later you will be left alone, that's why i told them so. We both went inside.

I asked her to come and sit next to me, she pulled a chair and came and sat next to me. I told her kritika, i am impressed with your thinking and are you prepared for everything as i don't want you to repent later that i should have taken school offer only. She said after deep thoughts only sir, i have decided to work for you as you wish and also sorry. I said sorry for what, she said, she also did a little back ground check on me today morning, she found out kavya's place as their neighbours had stayed in the same area. They were praising you, also asked my fil to check with couple of shops and every one of them gave a good impression about you. Only then i concluded that it is the right choice. She added, if i am to take care of work, i have some conditions and i am sure you are going to support them. She said, yesterday we drank coffee and had lunch from hotel, but we were not filing the bills, bills are necessary for year ending tax issues, secondly whatever work you do, please make a note of income and expenses and keep with you and also tally the same with bank account, it will save a lot of headache later. Secondly i and my family need health insurance paid by you, i don't want to be dependent on anyone if someone falls sick. I agreed to both her conditions. She said last one sir and thought about it for a while, i interrupted her thoughts and asked what last one, she made up her mind and said, during my periods i don't want you to touch me thats all sir, if you have to tell me something to clear my mind i am all ears.

I told her, yes i too have some conditions, firstly learn the work properly so that you can work even if i am absent, she nodded her head. Secondly i want complete loyalty and you are not going to quit if someone offers you better role and money because the work here is like that. She said, as long as your office is there i promise not to quit, if you want you can take my certificates and keep them with you since they are no use to me from now on. I continued, periods or no periods when i want you, you will be available to me, she thought for a long time and said will it not affect you, i said that's my headache, but you will not deny me. She this time nodded her head positively. I showed her the empty tables where akka used to sit and said that is also going to be filled up and you will hire and fire for that position from now on and make sure only girls. She nodded her head. I told her, since you agreed to all my terms, you will be my office wifey from now on. She blushed for the first time, it was like a lightning. I asked her what will you do for your boss as a joining gift? She replied anything you want, i am all yours now during daytime and when you take me out, for others and outside world, i am just an employee here. She said then can you start teaching me, i asked her to come near system and began to explain whatever i learnt in classes and tweaks i had learnt from kavya to make sure things work properly. Kritika was a very fast learner and she had made notes about whatever i taught her. We both had lunch and after work got over, she said sir get a office locker or a bereau to keep the files and notes. We closed the office and i gave her the office keys and told her i will collect the spare ones from akka and kavya's home, you keep it. Took her to the bereau shop and she selected one which had cash locker and file locker, there were 3 sets of keys, gave one to her, kept one with myself and other one for home. Dropped kritika back to office and told her to set the bereau and call me, she said ok and went up, went to college and dropped divya back home and went back to office. Kritika was closing the office door, i told her lets go back inside and gave her 5k for office expenses. She said she will take 1k as she needs to buy files and stuff for office. I told her you don't have to tell me everything everyday kritika, do what you feel like, but make sure everything is in place from today itself.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Time showed 5:30, she asked anything else sir. I said yes, can i call you kriti, she said yes sir infact her parents also called her kriti only. I said kriti from tomorrow please wear saree only, she looked with question in her eyes. I took the next room key and took her into it and made her stand in front of mirror. She shied assuming i am going to take her, but i held her salwar and lifted it up a little till her boobs and showed her her hips, see such sexy hips cannot be seen if you wear the salwars kriti, and also from tomorrow after you come to office remove the bra during office time and wear it back when you start for home, that is till someone new joins and also wear your saree below your hips and your beautiful navel should be visible to me, i loved your hips and navel the first time i saw and i don't want to miss such a scenic natural beauty even for a minute when i am in office. She said ok sir and continued, you are definately going to get married for beauty only sir, not for money or status for sure. I told her i am already married, she didn't believe it, showed her some snaps of divya with me, then she believed and said, you are going to be surrounded by wives only sir, madam at home and me in office. I laughed and said, house madam is the biggest boss.

She too joined in laughter and said, wished my hubby was also like you, i said during daytime he will also be, if you are loyal and great at work. She again promised that she will do her best for me. I kissed her cheeks and it turned red now. I told her lets go now, i need to go to college, changed the mind and took her to kavya's house, introduced kriti to aunty, aunty went inside to prepare tea, she prepared tea and all of us had it, there was kavya's younger sister watching from distance with jealousy, i went to her patted her head and gave her choclates i had got for her. Aunty didn't spare a minute to thank me enough for the support provided for marriage. I asked kavya's number and called her, she picked up in an instant and said hi sir, i said i am at your place, please ask mom to give office keys kavya, i have a new hire who will take care of work. Kavya asked me to give the phone to her mom and aunty went to get the keys, kavya continued, is she going to take care of you like me, i said not so sure till it happens but i will keep trying. Didn't spill beans of kriti to her. Kavya said, sir from this month dont worry, i have found a part time work and my hubby is co-operative so i will send money to parents. I said anytime for you kavya, anything you need i am just a call away. Aunty came back with the office and scooty keys, i said aunty keep the scooty, she said no one knows how to drive here and kavya will be out of country for how long i don't know, atleast it will be useful for you if you take it. I asked kriti, do you know driving, she nodded her head with a yes. I took the keys and gave it to her and bid bye to aunty and came out. Kriti asked me when we came out, you got her the bike, i said yes. She happily took the bike, i told her to fill petrol with office money. She added only for travelling to office and back home. I laughed and bid bye to her with a small flying kiss and she too pulled her lips together like kissing.

Came out from there and stood near a roadside tea stall and called sexy to enquire about kid and her health. Saw 2 missed calls from shamili when i cut the call. Called her back and shamili asked what da you don't call or remember me, i told her i was busy with marriage work and stuff and informed about kriti to her. She said be careful da, if in one day some girl changes then you should be very careful with them. I said shall i send her to chennai to your place on some pretext and you can decide if i am right or wrong. She thought for sometime and said send her on friday morning at 10, give her some papers and send her, my inlaws or hubby will not be there and i can spend some time with her and will tell you. I agreed and cut the call. Went home and had dinner and came to balcony for a smoke, english madam also came out and asked why that teacher didn't report to school, i said, she joined my office today and i wanted to call and tell you but got extremely busy, sorry but thanks for the help. She said anytime. I told her come to office sometime, she said, no ways, it took so much time to forget what happened in chennai and you want to remind me that and make me mad. I told her i still remember your shouting, she waved her hand like hitting me and said go inside to your wife otherwise you will jump the balcony i think. Bid bye to her and went inside. It was as usual night and morning till i reached the office.

Climbed the stairs and opened the office, found kriti's bag inside. Went and switched on my system. Kriti walked in, cream saree with orange border and oragne coloured blouse with some work on it. Just like in main hoon na movie i could feel music playing all around me, with every step she took, her hips shook a little, just like waves in an ocean. Her deep cut blouse without bra and nipples poking and boobs jumping with every step was reminding me of manisha koirala in bombay movie running in blue dress. Something was missing and i realised and stood up and went near her and removed the knot of her hairs and asked her to put her long hairs on one side. When she bent and moved her hair to one side her clevage was clearly visible, i stood like that admiring the beauty of kriti for sometime, she blushed and came near and shook me, i was startled for a minute and then told her till date i have not seen any heroines more beautiful than you, not even kate winslet of titanic. If any director or producer saw you like this then you will definately become the top most heroine in the country. She blushed like a newly married and her smile stuck like a thunder to my heart. Yes i wanted her body, glowing like pearls, shapely like a mermaid. Couldn't control and held her neck and gave small pecks to her cheeks.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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It was very hard to control reddy with the sight but work was priority and asked her to pull the chair and sit next to me. Every now and then i would glance on her clevage and nipples poking her blouse and feel her hips. She couldn't control herself and let her hand on reddy. Told her don't otherwise i will unload immediately. It was lunch time and i had my box and ordered from hotel for her, the hotel guy's eyes didn't move a second when he came to give the food, he was staring at kriti all the time. Even he couldn't believe that yesterday she looked different and today like a superstar from filmdom. Kriti told him to get bills from now on for every order, he nodded smilingly and left. Kriti then came and sat on the next chair and said sir, i can understand that i am looking beautiful today, but i want to dress like this only for you, i don't want any outsider to see me like this please. I said as you wish kriti and what about your husband? she said, he goes early in the morning and come home drunk always so even if i dress like this, he will still lie down as usual. I asked again, so no sex, first time i used the word sex with her. She calmly said, sometimes when he is horny, rides me otherwise just sleep. I again asked her so no satisfaction for you? she said he is strong sir, he makes me cum and then he releases so there is no problem in sex life at home.

I asked her then what about kids, she said, with the position we are in now, i take precautions during my fertile days as we cannot afford kids. I joked to her what if you get preg now with my sperm, she said then it is office expenses sir and both of us laughed heartily. Work got over and i was in two minds whether to enjoy the beauty or drop divya home. Chose the latter and decided to drop divya home. Told kriti any work you finish and lock the door and leave, i am going to college to pick my wife up and drop her home. She asked for the login id for my email and i gave it to her, she said she has spoken to a maid and from tomorrow she will clean the office and the room and her sal is 750rs per month. I told kriti there is one more work and gave her all the manuals from training days and asked her to take xerox of all and also book 2 tickets for herself and family member to chennai for thursday night and return ticket for friday night, gave her shamili's number and told kriti to drop these materials personally to her place. Kriti said ok sir and anything else and bent her body a little.

Reddy was tempted but had to drop divya home, so bid bye to her and went to college, picked up divya and went home and had an immediate session with divya. Divya asked what happened dear, you were so horny. I said i remembered you during work and couldn't control. Asked divya to dress up and took her to a jeweller and asked for a hip chain with diamonds pendant for divya, there were lots of varieties and divya asked me only to choose, i chose and while paying the bill asked the owner if he has something similar in silver too. He nodded his head meaning yes and gave a small smile. I thanked him and came home and put the hip chain to divya and kept looking at her, obviously divya had a better hip i concluded. Divya kept changing positions displaying her hip chain in different angles and i had a huge turn on and immediately disrobed her and mounted her, banged her till i came and lay next to her. Divya asked what happened dear so much love suddenly. I said nothing di, suddenly my heart missed you too much that's all.

She then reminded me to take a break from office on friday as we were getting the car. I informed dad and mom about it and asked them to be ready on friday morning. Dad said he will take leave from office. Asked divya to learn driving immediately. Asked vini to also learn driving. Had another steamy session with divya while kriti's body played out in my mind. Didn't let divya sleep till 4 in the morning, i think she got a small doubt but didn't disclose. She asked me how is my work going and stuff and i answered positively. Slept till 9 and got up and dressed and dropped divya to college and went to office. Kriti was wearing a purple colour saree with matching blouse, she had let her hairs loose and her nipples were poking over her blouse, she had worn a semi transparent blouse and her nipples and areola were partly visible, her areola was normal size and her nipple were matching the size of her boobs. It was a great turn on for reddy, but controlled and after work got over, told her to leave as she needs to go to chennai that night, she put her hand on my jeans and asked nothing for you sir? i told her, i am mesmerised by your beauty and i want to savour it as long as possible, i want to enjoy with you like there is no tomorrow. I want it to be a memorable one for my lifetime. She blushed and said like first night sir? i said yes. Her cheeks turned pink, gave two small pecks on her cheeks and bid bye to her and said be careful with chennai trip. She said ok sir and i left.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Kriti called just after the college and informed that she is taking her mil to chennai and were already in the bus, i wished her bon voyage and cut the call. Went home and had dinner and another usual night. Next morning parents, vini and divya were ready, krish and kiddo went to school. We all went to showroom and after throughly inspecting the car i signed the delivery papers. Showroom manager came to handover the keys to divya, but she asked it to be handed over to my dad. Dad took the delivery of the car and asked me to drive it, i said you drive dad and he happily sat in the drivers seat. I sat in the front seat next to him and ladies occupied the back seat. He drove straight to temple and we did pooja there, dad this time asked me to drive and i sat in the drivers seat, divya beside me and others at the back seat. We took some sweets for neighbours and relatives from the shop nearby and reached home. Mom called neighbours and showed them the car and gave sweets to her friends. After lunch divya said let's go to office. I asked her why, she said just like that. I took her to office, the maid had cleaned the office properly and there was no dust or any hairs of kriti. I thanked all the gods and divya took the beareu keys and opened it and found 2 files, one was expenses and the other was profit or loss statement of each and every single day for last month, kriti had neatly arranged it.

Luckily i had changed the bank account for kavya's and akka's work and also created new mail id for receiving their daily work statements. Divya totalled and also checked my bank account, both were tallying and since expenses were paid with other account, divya didn't get a clue what i was doing. She then told me to give access to my email id and i gave it to her, there was no suspicious emails from anyone. There was one email from some training institute in bombay which said it was a 3 day course starting next wednesday and ending on friday. She opened it and asked if i am going to it, i said i cannot leave you and go anywhere divya, so had decided to drop it. She asked is it important, i said yes divya only if you agree to come. She said she has joined driving classes with vini and she has to finish it and persuaded me to go alone. I acted as though i didn't want to go but agreed only under pressure. I dropped divya home and she informed parents about my training trip to bombay for 3 days. I took bike and left towards college. Shamili called while i was driving and said kriti and her mil have left her place. I parked the bike on the side and asked her what she felt. She said throw her out. I felt sad and asked the reason, shamili said throw them out thats all and cut the call.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Didn't feel like going to college and roamed on the bike aimless, not knowing what to do or where to go. Kriti's smile and her eyes were poking me inside my heart. When the petrol got over, pushed the bike till petrol bunk nearly 2kms away, filled petrol and went home. Had dinner quietly and in room, divya asked what is the matter dear hubby, didn't know what to tell her and lied that i will miss her if i have to go to bombay alone. Dry night after divya gave some speech. Although i was doing earning money for her, i had my life other than money. Got up in the morning and left home as was not feeling good as i couldn't get kriti out of my mind. Went to office and stared at the system, called shamili to know the reason atleast and she cut the call and messaged back, will talk later, don't do anything till then. I decided to go to inlaws place and reached there. Sexy welcomed with both hands and gave a good hug even though uncle was sitting on sofa. Took santoshi in my hands and melted away with her smile. I hadn't taken anything for her, excused myself and went out and purchased lots of toys for her, held her in my hand and played with her for a long time. My worries had melted away playing with her. Decided that i need a kid at home, Santoshi cried a little while later and sexy put her nipple in santoshi's mouth.

After drinking from one breast, santoshi slept in her mom's arms. Sexy called me near and asked to lie down on her thighs, uncle shifted to single seater sofa and i lied down, put my head on sexy's thighs, she opened her blouse and put nipple in my mouth, i sucked it till it was dry and kept sucking a little more while. Sexy unzipped my jeans and pulled out reddy and gave a good mouthing, asked sexy to lie down, she said, the c-section happened and her pussy is still not ready for hard banging, she continued sucking and used her hand occasionaly to relieve pressure from reddy. I wanted to play with santoshi more, but divya called and asked me to come home, i still didn't tell her that i am in her paretnts place. A woman's resolve is more stronger than men and divya was the prime example for it. Went home and went out with divya to park. Dry night again as i was not interested. Next day took vini to periyamma's place and had a good session. Told vini if you were here then i could make time and come, a house i am not getting time for you dear. Periyamma immediately called my parents and gave some story about no kids now in her place and requested my parents to let vini stay with them for a while. My parents agreed reluctantly. Me and vini went home, collected her dresses and books and i dropped her at periyamma's place and came back. Had a single session with divya and slept. It was monday morning and dropped divya to college and reached office. I didn't know how to fire kriti, i had promised her moon and now was in a situation to ditch her.

I found her bag inside the office and went and switched on the system. There was 15 more minutes for markets to open. Kriti walked in just like the other days, she had worn a sky blue saree with parrot green border and similar blouse, the material was polyster and transparent. She had let her hairs loose and the wind blew and her hairs started swinging all around her back. It was very difficult to control emotions as well as desire. I told her you have 3 days off as i am going to bombay for some conference, if you want take an off tomorrow and come back next monday. She said ok sir, i will take off from wednesday but will come tomorrow. She wanted to say about her meeting with shamili, i was not interested. I asked her what can you do for me? she said anything, i called her out and gave her a smoke and said smoke. She was hesitant for a minute, i said see you can't do one thing for me when i ask. She said, its not that sir, i am feeling uncomfortable with this dress outside, i will smoke as you wish but please lets go to the room. I asked her to get the key, she opened the room door and went inside. The maid was very good, she had made sure the room was ultra clean. Kriti took the smoke and the lighter and lighted the cig, as she inhaled, she coughed and coughed and tears started flowing from her eyes. I patted her back and gave her some water to drink. After sometime she said, it is choking sir. I then taught her to smoke and after finishing the cig she said she is feeling kind of dizzy. I put my hand on her hips and pinched very hard, she literally shouted at the top of her lungs with pain. She asked sorry for shouting and said, sir you should have told me and i would control the shout. She was listening to whatever i say and do and shamili wanted me to throw her out. I thought, the maximum i will do is feel her hips and then by 1st i will only find her a good job and send her away.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Kriti asked sir going alone to bombay or with madam. I said alone, she asked want me to accompany you? I said your inlaws will also come then, she said, my mil got tired with continuous travel and after she met shamili madam in chennai, i don't think they will travel with me. My mil infact said, please don't call me from now on. I told her i will think about it. Work started and kriti eagerly learnt whatever i taught her. After lunch i told her to use the opposite system and gave her akka's login id and password. Asked her to just make a note of work what i taught, not actual work, but practice without real money. She did and showed the notes after work. She was indeed a very fast learner and had made no mistakes. I wanted to hug her but kept quiet. I told her to go home, she said, she has to file the reports and then will go home. I went and dropped divya home and went to college. The day passed and as usual next day i went to office.

I reached office first and as soon as kriti came, told her not be as usual and went out and lit smoke with her, she had learnt smoking in a day. She said my behaviour has changed from last week. I told her nothing like that, just some tensions about conference thats all. She asked me did i do anything wrong sir. I was lost for words and nodded my head negatively. She kept quiet and after we both went inside, she ordered coffee for both of us. I told her to continue work like yesterday and make notes. She was just like kavya and had taken independant charge of the office and also work, no mistakes from her till lunch. I asked her to enter the trades from lunch till end of day. She had made better profits than me from lunch time till markets ended. I bid bye to her, she said she will wait for me in office and i can drop divya and come and meet her. I said ok and left. Dropped divya and came back to office. Kriti came and sat opposite to me and held my hands and said, is there anything wrong with what i did, did i do some mistake sir.

I told her no nothing like that. She continued, only from last week she is able to lead life like she wants, inlaws are happy that their house will be run smoothly from now on and i too had my desires for owning a scooty and also dressing like how you want me to, i have just started living life after 24 years of suffering and sacrificing and all of it is because of you only sir. If you want i will give my life to prove it. I told her it is not like that, i am really tensed about my conference, i really didn't know how to tackle her and words were not forming in my mind about sending her out. I decided to tell her the truth come what may. Took her to room and offered her a smoke i too lit one. After 4 or 5 puffs, i said, i sent you to chennai only for one reason, how could a girl agree to loose chasity within a day, i was confused and my akka there asked me to send her to you to guage the truth. I don't know what talks happened between you and her, but she told me to keep away from you. Kriti tried to recollect any mistakes she did with her meeting with shamili and she said no sir, i don't recollect doing anything wrong or speaking anything wrong. I think you should call her and check the reason, if she is right then i will find my own way don't worry sir.

I called shamili immediately and she picked the call, i indicated kriti to keep quiet. I asked akka what happened, she asked slowly someone there, i said yes, she said send her out for some time, i indicated kriti to go to office and sit for sometime and she left. Shamili said did you fire her, i said no, was about to, she said don't she is good, she will follow you like a traditional wife anywhere and do whatever you ask her to do. I asked then you said fire her, she said she wanted to confirm whether i will really listen to her. Shamili said thank you for trusting me so much. I said what thank you, you are always helpful to me. I asked shamili what happened that you cut the call and didn't call back for 3 days, she said, her mil came running and informed that my husband met with an accident on some road and i had to cut call and rushed to hospital. He had a major accident and doctor have operated him, removed his right leg and he has fracture to his right hand also. I asked her do you need any monetary help, she said, not as of now, her sister has also joined her and the fixed deposit of her father in law helped to make sure her husband survives. I asked her do you want me to come there? she said no, now he is out of danger and will survive. If there is anything i know where to look she said. I said anytime and cut the call. Called divya and asked her to put my clothes in a bag. Called kriti and told her to book a ticket for herself to chennai and leave immediately. Went home and had dinner and told divya that i will book tickets from chennai to bombay in airport and she and dad dropped me to bus stand. I took an early bus to chennai.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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As thought previously kriti came in the next bus and her mil accompanied her this time. I stood at a distance and gave kriti hospital address and asked her to go there and meet shamili. She took an auto and left. I reached hospital after 15 minutes of her reaching and enquired with shamili about her husband, time was still 7:30, called divya and informed that i have reached chennai and will leave to bombay in a while. She asked me to be careful. I had to pull away kriti from her mil and enjoy, but shamili said thanks for coming and had already arranged for kriti and her mom to stay in her house. I really didn't know what to do and asked divya to also join me. She declined. English madam asked me are you going back and i responded with an yes. She said then i will come too as college has asked me to join back tomorrow. I wanted to take kriti to bombay if she had come alone or if shamili had not arranged for her stay but i was late to hospital and couldn't show my frustration in front of all. Called divya and informed that i am coming back and booked the next flight to native from chennai for myself and english madam. Madam said she doesn't have that much money, i said don't worry about it madam. Called kriti to the side and asked her why mil? she said as she had to leave urgently her mil also accompanied this time. I told her i wanted to take you to bombay. She said then why didn't i tell first, i said for surprise. She said now nothing can be changed and said i shall leave tomorrow night and meet you friday sir, shamili madam has asked me to be with her for 2 days. I said ok, bid bye to shamili and informed her inlaws also that if there is anything i can do feel free to call me. Came out with english madam and asked her same hotel, she said we will miss the flight and we took a cab to airport.

During flight madam started about shamili and said, since their fixed deposit is exhausted now, her inlaws want her to start working and take care of the house, now additional burden on her. I told madam, if she needs any monetary help then i can do. Madam said it is not a one time payment that we can arrange, but a lifelong responsibility. I told madam call her here, she can join my office and smiled, madam said even during such tragedy you are still naughty. I patted her shoulders and said, heart listens and wants to help but he doesn't listen and you know him right? she just smiled and we reached our place. Took a cab and reached home, madam bid bye and left to her place. Went inside and was already feeling horny being with madam, locked the door and leapt on divya. Removed her dress and put my lips on her's, by the time we were done kissing, i had removed her top and bra, loosened her pyjama knot and pushed it down, held her panties and she herself removed it, she knelt down and removed jeans and jockey and put her lips on reddy. She held reddy in one hand and put her tongue inside the foreskin of reddy and licked clean the precum. She was the only one who could do it. After sucking for 10 minutes, she pulled me on bed and held reddy on her pussy and i pushed it inside.

With anticipation her pussy was dripping wet, reddy slid in easily. I put my lips on her neck and chin and licked as much as i wanted. Was moving reddy slowly and then increased the pace, divya said i am about to release, i said me too and due to being horny during the entire flight i unloaded with divya's first release. We slept in each other's arms for some time and then she said, you miss me so much da? i said yes di, i love you and cannot dream to be away from you for a day also. I had mastered lying to wife, probably she knew or didn't but my butter smooth words melted her and she was back to licking reddy again. This time i jumped on her and moved reddy in rythm and slow, we lost count of divya's releases and by the time i released for the second time, i was dead tired and so was divya. After about 30 minutes or so, she said, this was the longest time you were inside me da. I said look what one night of missing you has done to me. She said i want to get preg da, i am going to stop tabs from now on and other things at god's mercy. I said good idea. She wanted to quit college and start something on her own. I asked her what do you want to start dear. She said after kid i will think of something, until then i am going to be home and take care of you and will finish graduation through correspondance. I said as you wish. Had dinner and another steamy session with divya and slept.

Next morning dropped divya to college and reached office. As soon as i reached the office, i recived a call from kriti, i told her i am already missing you dear, she asked do you want me to leave immediately, i said even if you leave now, you will reach later in the night only, better take the reserved bus and come tomorrow to office. She agreed and cut the call. English madam called suddenly and asked if i am free, i told her will be free by college ending time. She asked me to meet her at bank at 4 and i agreed. Finished work and went to bank, madam asked me can you please stand as guarantor for 1 lac as i am pledging the house to pay shamili for her husband's medical expenses. I told her shamili didn't tell me anything and 1 lac i can pay you in cash why loan, but madam insisted and i put my signature as guarantor for her loan. As bank manager was known to me, there was no delay and he said he will transfer the amount to chennai branch tomorrow first thing in the morning and madam's sister can withdraw before 11am tomorrow. I thanked him and also added that if they are unable to pay please let me know. Took english madam to coffee day and asked her what happened, yesterday only i could have paid 1 lac in chennai and she didn't tell me anything of that sort. She said, shamili didn't want to burden you and also they have sold their house as more money was needed to save her husband and still were short of 75k so i pledged the house and paid.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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To change her mood i asked did you get any new proposals, she nodded her head and said you know the company law lecturer, he proposed me long time and keeps asking me the reply, how can i accept with this thing you know. I said he seems a good guy and you should probably discuss it with him. She said no way, she paid the bill and took an auto. I called my friend satish to enquire about company law lecturer, he said he doesn't have the number but stays near ramesh's place. Since i knew ramesh's place, went there directly and their parents were very happy that i visited them. They gave milk for me to drink and chit chatted for sometime. Later i called ramesh out and asked him lecturer's place, he pointed to a house and said that one. I thanked him and wanted to leave, he said want any help, i said no, he took my office address and said will come tomorrow to meet me. I said anytime and reached company law lecturer's house. Knocked the door and one old lady opened the door, i asked for lecturer and she scowled that must be for attendance or marks, i told her i am his ex student and she stopped cursing but called her son loudly, prabhakar some one has come to see you. He invited me inside and asked why divya has stopped coming to college, i told him she wants to stay home and continue studies in correspondence.

He asked any particular reason that i visited him. I told him can we talk outside please. He got ready and came, he wanted to take his bike, i told him sir i will drop you back and he came with me on my bike. Took him to office and ramesh had followed without my knowledge thinking something wrong. I didn't know but as soon as sir and me came inside, he too followed us and asked any problem da, i said no problem and why did you follow us. He said i am the only friend of his and he got worried that i might be in some trouble. I said nothing of that sort and there is some personal things i wanted to discuss with sir so called him. He pulled a chair and sat down. I requested ramesh to wait outside for sometime and again added please. He went out. I told sir, i will not go round and round but come straight to the point, i am a friend of english madam's younger sister, she is married to her relative in chennai and her husband has met with an accident and undergoing treatment now. I asked her why is madam not getting married and she told me that you proposed to madam. I might be junior to you in age and studies but in marriage i am senior to you sir. He nodded his head and said yes i love her, infact i have shown her to my parents during teachers meeting and they too liked her and she is the one not agreeing to marriage. I told him, there is some shocking news for you sir, she has not got married because she has some sort of physical deformity. He was bewildered for a minute and said her hands and legs are fine as far as i know, and also she is the most helpful teacher in the college. I told him physical deformity which is hidden. He said deformity or not i love her and will marry her, what happens tomorrow no one knows but if she says yes then i will marry her now itself.

I called shamili right away and said one of my previous lecturers was in love with your sister and i am with him right now, he still wants to marry her, what is your opinion about it. Shamili said if she agrees then i have no problem, but did you disclose about her thing to him. I told her i informed him of some deformity but not fully. She said tell him completely what i told you and still if he insists then i will talk to madam. I said thanks akka and cut the call. He asked me what deformity? i told him, one of madam's breasts is not formed as per her sister and it cannot be surgically enhanced without complications, thats the reason why madam has turned down marriage from long time. I asked him do you smoke and he said yes occassionally, i took him out and gave one smoke to him and another to ramesh and all three of us lit. Sir was in deep thoughts and after finishing smoke he said whatever, what if he was not informed before marriage or if something happened after marriage and concluded, i am ready and will be greatful to you if you can convince her. He wanted to leave and i told him sir wait i will drop you, he said no thanks, but try to help me and your madam. I assured that i will try. Called shamili and said akka he agreed to marry your sister as he is in love with her. Shamili said someone with you still, i said yes, she asked lecturer? i said no. She said i will talk to shylu later and tell you. I agreed and cut the call.

Ramesh was still with me, time was showing 9 in the night, he asked for another smoke and later came inside and said you are my only friend, and i need your help da. I said you are such a big person's son and you want my help, i mean you have all you need in hand. He said his father's reputation is bad and i also know about it. He wants to start a micro finance company and his father rejected the idea and said complete the studies. I said i too agree with your dad on this. He said i see my father doing business taking wrong steps and i don't want to follow the same steps, the only thing i know is finance business. I said it is a bad business as you will have to harass people who do not pay in time or not at all. He said that is the wrong notion as people like his father take huge interest and people are burdened and he wants to keep the interest low and help people while making a living out of it. I said what help you need from me, he said help me start the finance with how much ever you can, i will come everyday and give accounts and go, look at it like you are going to help people too decreasing their burden. I told him i need time to think about it and asked what amount you expect from me, he said 25-30k, i told him ramesh you are my friend and in this office only girls or ladies work as work is not so tough and also gets their family the food and shelter needed and i am not sure about it that i can take accounts daily. But let me think and give me a day to decide please. He agreed and said i will come after college tomorrow, i agreed and bid bye to him and went home.

Next morning got up late at 9:30 as there was no dropping divya to college, divya said i am becoming lazy and grow fat if i leave doing yoga, i said only today dear, wake me up early from tomorrow like you always do. She came and hugged me and gave a deep kiss. She said she has learnt driving a little and is confident of taking the car outside. I told her no ways not until you get driving license. I also told her that company law lecturer is in love with english madam and he wants to marry her. Divya asked how come everyone comes to you for their love matters, i said not everyone dear, just the people i know. She said whatever and said keep away from such things in future. Got ready and went to office, found kriti's bag in the chair and understood that she is getting ready in the next room. Went to the next room and told her to be as simple as possible as we will have visitors in office today. Kriti adjusted her saree as normal ladies would wear, tied her hairs like she normally keeps for outside world and in a flash removed her blouse, she was standing showing her back to me and i could not control and went and hugged her from behind. Put my finger in her navel and said you tempted me dear. She wanted to turn towards me and i stopped her and said, decorate this room as if for first night tomorrow and we both will enjoy, but for today this will do and kissed her back to heart's content and pinched her hips again. She said naughty sir, last time you pinched, the mark is still there and pushed her saree a little down and showed it, i kissed the blue mark and said, wear your dress otherwise i will be more tempted and take you here only. She said however you want sir. I left in a hurry and she joined later. Work started and by 12 i called english madam to come to office during lunch break and also called praba sir to also come to office. Madam asked what is the matter i said did i question you when you called yesterday? she said no, then why are you questioning me, please come. She asked i don't want it, i said, it is not for that madam, come to office and you will know.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Praba sir came first and asked what is the matter, i gave him the next room keys and asked him to wait there as madam is also expected anytime now. He went inside the room in a hurry. English madam came and i called shamili and said akka madam is here in front of me, did you speak with her, she said i tried to convince her but she is reluctant still. I told madam, i have arranged a meeting with praba sir, i want you to meet him and discuss and even after meeting him you still think getting married to him is not possible i will never interfere in your life again. She had deep thoughts for sometime and said since you are saying i will meet him but you will not force me to get married. I said i promise. She said call him, i said no call, come with me please and held her hand and took her to the room and called prabha sir and told both of them, please discuss openly whatever concerns you both have and wished them good luck. By the time me and kriti finished work they had still not come out, kriti joked, did they start off in room itself sir, i told her let me check and come and went and knocked the door. Prabha sir opened the door, although it was not locked he came and pulled it open. I looked at both of them and madam bent her head and sir hugged me and said thank you. He added can we use the room for some more time, i said get married first, he laughed and said he has called his parents here and they are expected here anytime now. I said no problem but did you tell her that you smoke, he hit me and said no, i looked at madam and said he smokes occassionally madam, she asked him what if i smoke? he said sure but only with me, i laughed remembering our smoking stories. His parents climbed the stairs and he led them to the room, behind them ramesh walked, i smoked with ramesh and then took him inside.

He was surprised to see kriti in front of one system. He asked me does she work here, i nodded my head as yes. Both of them recognised each other. I asked what is the matter ramesh, do you know her? he said yes, monday evening she had come with her husband to my place to meet my father. Her husband has to pay some money to my father and she requested him to give a month's time and she will start paying as she got a new job. Kriti came and stood in front of me and said, her drunkard husband has taken loan from her father and his goons used to come and harass her and her inlaws, as she had got a new job she went and requested his father for some time, he scolded her using foul language and gave her time till 1st to start paying after heavy pleading. I asked her why didn't you tell me first, she said as i am new to this job how could i ask you. I told her still you are my friend right, she said friendship outside this office sir, here i am your employee. I asked ramesh to sit and he sat opposite to me, he said there are lots more people like her who are willing to pay but are not getting time, i want to help them and also grow as much as possible without my father's name. I told him i understand your eagerness but still i am not so sure about starting finance. He said all the risk is his and needs investment or partnership. I thought about it for sometime and said ok partnership as if it is a loss i don't want you to take money from your father as it is for a noble cause. I called him outside along with kriti and offered her also smoke, he was surprised first and i added i taught her to smoke after joining here. I told kriti, take the cheque and withdraw 50k tomorrow while coming to office and pay him.

I turned towards ramesh and said you please give her accounts daily, as i have to go to evening college. I told him to come after college and give the accounts regularly. He asked her excuse for a minute and asked me what if she takes the money, i said what if you take the money too bro, both of you are my friends but she is also the manager in my office and it is her responsibility to ensure accounts are properly maintained. Dont worry about her, go to bank at 10am tomorrow and she will pay you 50k, he asked why 50k, i said, that is the amount i started with work and pray that you will also be successful with the same thats why. I told him one more thing, here in office when you come to give accounts, please address kriti as madam, i know her problems and i don't want any girl here to pour tears. Also make sure you leave before 5 after giving accounts. He thanked me and bid bye. I didn't know whether what i did was right or wrong, it was definately a leap of faith. After ramesh left, praba sir's mother came and started blessing me with all the words she could, i asked her why aunty, she said for making her son get married, she had been trying from 10 years and had given up that he will marry. She also asked sorry for scolding yesterday. I said its ok aunty. His parents had already spoken with a pandit and their horoscopes had matched, they were leaving to fix the engagement and marriage date. I said praba sir, where is the party for me. He said anytime, all 3 of us will go and showed drinking posture, i was surprised and said madam too, he said what better than wife for company. I just nodded my head. He wanted to drop madam to her place, but his mother insisted that he accompany her to the pandit. Bid bye to him and his parents and came back inside.

Saw kriti fully confused state. I asked her what happened kriti, she said sir you want to do business with such a person indicating ramesh. I turned towards madam and asked her opinion about ramesh. I told kriti that he is still a student of madam. Madam said atleast now stop calling me madam, either call by name or address me like how you address shamili. I told her i cant call you akka so i will call you shylu only. She said she is ok with that. She then turned towards kriti and told her how ramesh helped her in college when some science students were trying to rag her, he is a good boy. Kriti was not completely assured but nodded her head. Madam asked permission to leave and we bid bye to her. Called shamili and informed about the developments and she was happy, asked her when her husband will be discharged, she said in a day or two. I told her again that if she needed any help please free to ask me, she said sure and cut the call.

Asked kriti how much has your husband taken from ramesh's father, she said 25k, asked her to withdraw that amount also tomorrow and pay him. She said no sir, i will pay with my salary only. I told her here in office you are my wife and i as your husband tell you to pay it off. She said then i have to agree to deduct the amount from her salary. I said sure, you are the accounts manager here and i know you will take care of that too. Asked her any other committments of yours, she said no sir thats all. I told her to call health insurance person on monday to finish the formalities, she said sure sir. She said one more thing sir, i asked what, she said she misses the kiss on her cheeks. I pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks and with her blushing it became pink. She said thank you sir and both of us came out and she locked the office door. As we started leaving i heard a crank sound, i turned and saw that room door was not locked, kriti also turned and saw that room door was not locked. She said sorry sir, my mistake as i should have checked. She went inside to look for the key and i too joined. She bent down to take the key from the cot and her clevage was clearly visible to me. I lost control on reddy and went next to her and held her face and brought it closer to mine, kriti closed her eyes in anticipation, i placed my lips on hers and we both were lost in eternity, her pink lips were one of the sweetest i had tasted and her saliva one of the best. I had lost control on myself and she probably on hers, i pinched her hips and she came back to senses immediately. She pushed herself a little away and said sir, i have ordered flowers and decoration for tomorrow, please can we do it like our first night only. I could not control and pushed her back and started kissing her. Kissed her lips, her eyes, her chin, cheeks and neckline. She gave up as her hand reached reddy. I realised what i was doing was against her wishes and controlled for a minute and said kriti, i agree with what you said but he is too raised to control, she said i can blow him sir and rest we can do it tomorrow.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I asked her to tie her saree below her navel, she loosened the knot and pushed it a little down so that her hips and navel were visible clearly and then asked sir remove the bra too? i said not today dear. She then placed one hand on the hip and walked like a model, her hips movement drove reddy crazy, i myself didn't know how i controlled these days but not today. She went till the door like that and locked it, her bum moved like she was doing cat walk and it was too much for the eyes, eyes are the ones which see beauty and brain then takes over for sometime and later all the blood is pushed to dicks. She had better control than me. She came and opened the zip of jeans and put her hand inside and pulled reddy out. She looked in amazement at the size of reddy, she said it is longer than her husband's rod. She licked clean the pre cum and took reddy as much as she could like a pro. Her tongue worked on reddy relentlessly and took me to heaven. After 30 minutes of sucking, i think her mouth couldn't but she didn't display her pain, instead she climbed the cot and stood on her knees and moved her saree pallu a little so that i can see her navel and hips. Me being a navel man couldn't resist anymore and pushed my tongue inside her navel and kissed her hips to hearts content. She came back down and continued sucking reddy till he released, she swallowed all the cum released by him. I laid down on bed for sometime and relaxed. She too adjusted her dress properly to go home. I pulled her and kissed her another time. She said happy sir, i said yes dear, where did you learn to suck like that. She blushed and said this is the first time she is sucking, i said no way, you did it like an experienced person. She said she always dreamt of sucking a cock and her husband didn't let her so she practiced with brinjals and carrots, but they were not as long as yours sir. I patted her shoulders and said i am very much happy with what you did and added thank you.

She said sorry sir, but she wants to decorate the room like how she dreamt for first night and then wanted me to have her. I asked her are you wet there? she said yes sir. We kissed again for the last time for the day, she said sir come to office after 12 as i need some time to get it decorated. I said sure and we both drove our vehicles out. Next day morning got a call from bank manager saying some lady has come with my cheque for 75k, i said she is my employee and asked him to pay. He said it is better if i come this one time and take the cash. I was in night dress still and took an auto, had forgotten cash and called kriti to pay for auto. I told her sorry came directly as manager called. She paid from office cash and i went inside and introduced her to manager and cashier and introduced them to kriti and kriti to them. Took cash and ramesh was already waiting for it inside bank. Gave him 50k. He thanked me and asked if i wanted drop. I said yes and went in his bike and kriti in her bike to office. He stopped at the tea stall for a smoke and asked directly are you doing to her? i asked what? he said are you having sex with kriti? i told him it is none of his business and added no she is my good friend. I asked why that doubt, he said so much you take care of her so i asked. I told him don't get ideas and also what is sex, if you are successful lots of ladies will themselves offer their love to you. We both laughed it off and he dropped me home. Divya asked where was i, as i had left home in night dress. I said met a friend of mine and we took a smoke break, she said 45 minutes smoke break, i said we also had tea divya. She said i feel like i am loosing you everyday. I said nothing like that dear, just went to enquire about honeymoon package to shimla for us as there is some gift for me and poked her ass, she said like all men you too are only occupied with sex all the time. I said birth defects dear and wanted to kiss her, she pushed me away and went inside the house.

Went to the house, bathed and got ready, had brunch with divya and said have some work dear, will be back by evening and left. While i was half way from office kriti called and said sir i am waiting. I said i am on the way and reached office in the next 10 minutes. I went directly to the room, kriti was in her wedding saree with all bridal makeup and jewellery. I remembered something and told her i will take another 30 minutes and please wait. Her face faded with my words, i rushed to jewellery shop and bought a silver hip chain with small diamonds, the cost came to 10k, looked for an atm but found none, shop owner said sir pay tomorrow, i said please send someone on monday to office and i will keep the cash ready. As he knew my office in the same road, he said sure no problem. I thanked him profousely and came to the room, as soon as i opened the room, the fragrance of rose brushed my nose, kriti was in red saree with bridal make up and the whole room was decorated with flowers of all kinds, bed had pink rose petals, cot borders had red rose petals, walls were stuck with daffodils and tulips, jasmine and fire cracker flowers were hung from ceiling to the bed and kriti stood and took the glass with milk in her hands and bent her head. I went and sat on the cot moving some hanging flowers and she came closer and gave the glass of milk to me. I held her hand and kissed them, moved her saree pallu a little and kissed her navel, she let out a moan aahhhh. I drank half milk and gave her the rest, she too drank and gave back some more to me, i said not this milk dear and she drank the rest and i threw the glass on floor. Held her super hips and pulled her on my lap.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Took the hip chain out from pocket and asked her to close her eyes. Held the chain with both my hands and wrapped it around her hips and joined both the ends, asked her to get up and took her near the mirror and asked her to open her eyes. The reflection of diamonds in mirror showed its shine, the glittering hit her eyes and she bent a little to have a close look, she asked diamonds? i said yes, for a beautiful maiden a beautiful chain with diamonds. Her eyes brightened, i turned her around and kissed her eyes, her nose tip, her fore head, her cheeks and finally put my lips on hers, she opened her mouth and let my tongue inside, i sucked her mouth dry. Held her pink lips on mine for quite a long time and rolled my tongue from all sides. Took my mouth near her ears and held her ear rings with my teeth and pulled slowly, she moaned aaaaah, held the saree covering her head and slowly moved it across, she had put jasmine flowers in her hairs and the scent from the flowers increased the desire in my body. Kissed her neck line and her chest where blouse was not there, turned her back and kissed below her neck slowly and moved my lips till it touched the blouse. My hands started roaming her hips and poking her navel. She was hissing controlling her moans.

Stood on my knees and kissed her hips from back, licked every open part from blouse end till saree beginning on her hip, turned her around and put my mouth on her hips and gave a small bite, she moaned loudly now, siiiiiirrrrrrr and bent her head backwards. She put both her hands on my head and started massaging my hairs. I kissed her hips and licked it till her hips were dripping my saliva. Put my tongue in her navel and rolled it slowly, then put my teeth on her navel and gave a small bite. Her body started shivering with the bite on her navel. Held her hand and kissed her armpits over her blouse and went down till her fingers, put each finger slowly in my mouth and rolled my tongue on all of them. Went back kissing till her shoulders. Moved to the otherside and started kissing her from shoulders till her fingers and again licked all the fingers of the other hand. Went back kissing till her arm pits and then slowly moved her saree a little and put my mouth on the side of her boobs. Moved my lips on her blouse on all sides of the boob and my saliva wet her blouse. Put my hand on her blouse and pressed one melon and kriti made a loud moan, siiiir aaaaaah. She said sir i am not able to control sound sir, i said don't worry this room is sound proof and feel free. I stood up and put my mouth on hers and started squeezing her melons over her blouse. Kriti moved her hand back to remove the bra hooks, i held her hand and whispered, not yet dear.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Removed the last hook of the blouse and her blouse became a little loose, held both the ends of her blouse near the hook and moved it a little up, planted a kiss on the just visible part of her chest which her blouse end had covered. Pulled my tongue out and inserted it inside her blouse edges and moved slowly licking the skin under her blouse edge. Came one round licking her from one end till other and removed another hook of her blouse, her red bra strap was clearly visible now. Held her blouse with both hands and kissed her skin just below bra straps, moved my lips all around her bra straps and finally removed the last remaining hook of her blouse. Her blouse hung on her shoulders. Held her blouse and pushed it back, went back and removed her blouse completely. I pushed her saree pallu down from her shoulders. Lips automatically went near her bra hooks and planted a kiss just above it. Kissed all the skin which was showing at the back and then moved near straps, placed my tongue and my saliva outlined both her bra straps upto her shoulder, turned her around and planted a deep kiss at the beginning of her cleavage. Kriti let out a loud moan. She held my tee and i lifted my hand up, she removed the tee completely. She put both the hands on the buckle and loosened the belt and opened the jeans button and pushed it down. I completed the honours and removed the jeans completely. She kissed my chest and moved her mouth on my nipples, i moved my hands on her bums and squeezed them a little, she took 5 minutes on each nipple and then pulled my hand to the bed. Both of us lay down on the bed. I now moved my hand behind her back and removed the bra hooks.

Turned her and planted kisses on the bra marks. Then moved my lips near her lungs and kissed the lungs outline on her back, moved to the other side and kissed the other lungs then planted a kiss on her spine and went kissing till her saree. turned her around and lifted her bra a little and licked her bottom edge of her boob mounds, she was moaning loudly now, siiiirrr, aaaaaahh, feels too good sir. I moved my lips to the other boob and kissed its edges. Held her bra with both hands and she brought her hands to the front, removed the bra and threw it to a side. Her dark pink areola and nipples was a sight to be relished. I kept staring at them for sometime and kriti blushed just like a newly wed. Put both my hands on each boob, they were not sagging and were hard. I asked her doesn't your hubby press them, she said he only sucks nipples sometimes and not interested in any foreplay sir. I said no wonder they are still hard for 24. She closed her eyes and said sir it wont be from today as my new hubby loves it. I started kneading her boobs without touching her areola or nipples, put my mouth on one areola and licked the edges of it, another loud moan left kriti's mouth. She was in heaven and closed her eyes completely now. I moved my tongue on her areola but did not touch the nipples. Went to the other boob and licked her areola without touching her nipples, she could not control and pulled my head to her nipples. Put one mouth on her nipple and slowly licked it from bottom a couple of times, she was now moaning loudly, held her other nipple and gave a gentle twist and her body too twisted with it. Sucked her nipples for a long time and she could not control i think and she put her hands inside jockey and started massagig reddy. I turned and kriti now came up and pushed jockey out of my legs. She licked the pre cum on reddy with the tip of her tongue, it sent a chilling sensation all over my body. She licked all the sides of reddy and then held her boob and moved her nipple all over reddy, she then cupped the balls below and twisted them a little and then took her mouth and licked and sucked them. She held reddy in one hand and tried deep throating him, she choked and little tears fell down from her eyes. I got up and patted her head and said only one person has been able to take him completely and it needs good practice dear. Held her shoulders and pushed her on bed and went on top of her and gave her lips a good smooch.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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While kissing her lips, reddy was poking her pussy and kriti wanted to push her saree down. Held her hand and went down to her legs, held both her feet together and kissed both of them, left her left leg and then planted kisses around her ankle, lifted her saree a little up and found no hairs on her legs, kissed her leg till her knee on all sides, her milky white skin was shining and without any hint of hairs it was reflecting the light falling on her body. Held her right leg and kissed it too till the knees. Moved the saree a little further up and started massaging one thigh with hand and kissing the other, shifted 3-4 times between her thighs and finally moved her saree a little more up and found her silky red panties completely wet with her nector. Moved on top of her pussy and kissed it once, looked up and kriti had closed her eyes and was shaking her head on either side. Experience came in handy and i pushed my tongue on her panties to find the gap of her pussy and slowly moved a little up till i found the pussy mound. Pushed her panty further in with lips and moved tongue on her pussy mound and kriti released in less than a minute.

This was her first orgasm of the day with many more to follow. Her body shook and she held my head tightly over her pussy and released, i sucked her panties as much as i could and when i could no more, tried to loosen her petticoat knot, she helped and also pushed her saree down. Now she was only in her red silk panty. Gave her 2 minutes to relax and then held her hand and made her stand at the edge of the cot. Asked her to turn and then put my hands on her panty near her hips and slowly moved it a little down. Her bums were visible now, it was shapely and a little big on the back. It too was spotless like her whole body. Placed my lips and savoured the top of her bums, moved her panty a little more down and pushed my tongue in between her bums and licked the bum line, again kissed her bums and then finally moved her panty completely down and she kicked it out of her legs. held both her bums in hands and started squeezing them gently and also kissing them. Pulled my tongue out and again moved it between her bums and this time till her bum hole. What a sight it was, her bum hole was the lightest pink i had ever seen, they were lighter in colour than her lips, lighter pink than baby pink and had small wrinkles around. Couldn't control and gave her bum hole a small bite, she shrieked with pain and turned around.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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As she turned, the sight stuck my eyes like a lightning, the diamond pendent of her hip ring had come down a little and covered the tip of her pussy. Her pussy was cleanly shaved and probaby waxed too. It was clearly evident that it was used sparingly as her pussy lips were still in shape and the inner lips were also not deformed. I pushed my lips on her pussy and started licking her pussy lips, she moaned again, siir aaaaaah. She then held me and lay down on bed and asked me to mount her, that was the invitation i needed and took reddy and placed on her pussy lips and gave a small push, although her pussy was wet, it was not wide and had to apply a little pressure to send reddy's bulb inside. Kriti's body jerked with the intrusion of reddy, she held my back for a minute and said push now sir, i slowly slid reddy till the tip touched the end inside her pussy hole, then adjusted a little and gave a hard push, kriti shouted at the top of her lungs saying i hurt her womb. I kept quiet for sometime so that her tight pussy can get adjusted to reddy's intrusion. She said what length sir, i felt your dick is going to come out of my mouth sir. I smiled and started moving reddy slowly, she pushed my head on her nipples and as soon as my mouth worked on her nipples, she let out another big moan. I started kneading her boobs and she said sir more pressure on boobs, i increased the pressure and kneaded her boobs to the maximum pressure and pleasure i could, increased speed of reddy and after 10 minutes of chap chap sound echoing the room, i could not hold any longer and came along with kriti. Kriti got exhausted and me too, her pussy was still tight after receiving such hard banging and milked reddy till the last drop of his was sucked in that dark hole. I turned and put my head on her boobs and lay down. She said it was her dream come true and she loved the first fuck. I lay like that for about half an hour and kriti wanted to get up and dress, i held her hand and pulled her closer and pushed her head on reddy and said, it is not over still baby.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Reddy started stirring when her lips and tongue worked in tandem. He was ready in no time, i asked her to get down from bed and sit on floor, went and stood near her face and told her it is going to pain a little if you want to take him completely inside your mouth. She nodded her head and said "“Bhojeshu Mata, Karaneshu Mantri, Karyeshu Dasi, Shayaneshu Rambha, Kula Darma Patni,” i said i didn't get it, she said anything for husband in bed sir. I said ok and then held her hairs and pulled it a little back, she said it is paining sir, i said only with this pull can you open your mouth fully, told her to inhale air and breathe through nose and then put reddy inside her mouth, pushed it till her uvala and then adjusted a little and pushed a little more, she was breathing slowly preserving air in her lungs. It was getting tighter for reddy's tip, moved with a little force and pulled her hairs more and finally reddy was buried in her no more virgin throat. It was very tight and i felt pressure on reddy, pulled him back and asked her how was it, she said this is the best experience from her dreams, she always dreamed of cock banging her throat and today her wish got fulfilled.

She opened her mouth again and said sir continue, i said ok, pulled her hairs back and pushed reddy and pumped her mouth for about 2 minutes, she pulled herself back and said sir throat is paining, it will take some time to adjust sir. I said ok and asked her to climb on the bed and held her hips a and pulled it up, she now was on her knees and hands, held reddy in one hand and massaged her pussy lips with him for sometime, when her pussy started dripping juices again, held her bums and pulled it a little wider and then put reddy inside, he slid in easily as her valley walls were fully lubricated. Put my hands on her hips and started grinding her pussy, increased the pace slowly and kriti once again had another orgasm, her dark valley nector coated reddy and started dripping down my balls. I left her and went near her face and asked her to clean it, she hesitated for a minute and said sir is it my release, i corrected, your pussy juice and pushed her head on reddy, she brought out her tongue and licked a little and said shee, it doesn't taste good sir. I said, you taste wonderful, but now i want you to clean your juices, she wanted to take the towel, i said you told something about karyeshu dasi or something like that and looked at her. She cleaned her juices off reddy and the balls and pulled me on top of her and pushed all the saliva from her mouth into mine. I licked her lips clean.

Went on her and put reddy in her love hole, cupped her boobs with both hands and gave a strong squeeze, she shouted with pain and said sir it hurt, i said i applied more pressure last time, she said that pain is only now showing sir. I kneaded her boobs softly and then put my lips on her neck and kissed till her ears, put my lips on either side of her ear and gave a small bite and licked it, she was back in the game like a wild tigress and pushed me on bed and jumped on reddy, held reddy in one hand and guided him into her love hole and sat on my waist. She then held her boobs and kneaded them and also started moving on reddy, she left her boobs, put her legs to front and asked my hand for grip, she then started pounding reddy vigorously, her boobs were jumping up and down with her every stroke. her humping and moaning sounds were echoing in the whole room, her hip chain was hitting my navel every time she went up and came down, her stamina was superb, she went on humping reddy for about 20-30 minutes and finally her body stiffened, her breathing increased and her pussy gripped reddy like a snake grips its prey and kriti had another of her releases.

It flowed like water covering reddy and over the balls till the bedsheet. She fell down next to me and said it was awesome sir. I mounted her again and after another 15 minutes she had another release and i too wanted to release with her but she was way too fast in her release. Pulled reddy out and said to her, see he is still standing. She said sir my pussy can't take any more pressure, i will use mouth for him and tried to pull me closer to her face. I told her there is one more place to unload and she looked confused, i moved my face near her pussy, drank her nector a little and then lifted both her legs and kissed her bum hole. I licked her bum hole a little more and said here dear.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Kriti said sir isn't it the dirty hole, never heard anyone do it there sir. I said don't worry kriti, i know what i am doing. Held her hips and turned her and then pulled her near the cot edge and pulled her hips up, she was standing on her knees now, asked her to bend forward and use her hands for grip, she did accordingly, now whe was in position. Went and got some coconnut oil from dressing table and applied generously on reddy and dipped a finger and poked a finger in her bum hole, she shrieked and said sir it is paining too much, Held reddy with other hand and massaged her pussy lips, she said sir pussy is paining already, i kept moving reddy on her pussy lips and she was back in heat. Removed the finger and placed reddy on her bum hole and told her it will pain a little for the first time and later it will be good. She nodded her head. Gave a strong push for reddy and his head went into her bum hole, her skin was still stopping reddy. Kriti left her hands and put her head on the pillow and started beating the pillow controlling the pain. I adusted a little and gave another slight push and reddy's head was completely inside her bum hole and free. Moved reddy slowly with small pushes till he was buried completely in her bum hole. She was still beating the pillow, i told her to give one hand back, she took grip in her left hand and pushed her right hand back, i took it near her bum hole and she was surprised that reddy was fully inside. Her bum hole was tight and squeezing reddy, it let her ex vigrin hole get adjusted to the size and sweetness of reddy for sometime and pushed one finger inside her pussy while holding her hips with other hand. After 15 minutes or so of finger fucking, she said sir continue. I left her pussy and held her hips tightly and pulled reddy slowly out and pushed him in again, the oil had helped and he slid in easily.

Pressure had built in reddy now with the tightness of her bum hole and i couldn't control anymore and pulled reddy till the tip and pushed it in one stroke, a loud moan left kriti's mouth, if the room was not sound proofed, the whole city would have heard her moans. I told her i am about to shoot, she said sir me too, increased the pace but didn't pull out reddy completely, left half of him inside and moved with little force and both of us released together, her pussy started dripping her juices like a tap but her bum hole squeezed every drop of my cum inside. After reddy limped back to normal, i went and lay down next to her. Both of us were tired and seeing the ceiling for a long time. Finally she asked, sir anything else. I asked her one more round later in the evening. She said cannot sir, pussy was already paining and now ass is also paining. I told her to take some painkiller tabs while going home. Later we both got up and cleaned each other. I wore jeans and tees and kriti had got herself a spare salwar set and she wore that. I asked her what about saree, she said she will preserve it for her life as this was the sweetest memory she had. We kissed each other again with a lot of passion. She had got some badam milk prepared and put it in a glass, i pulled her on my lap and she pushed her nipple on mine, we both drank and came out locking the room. I asked her wanna have coffee, she said no sir, but i insisted and took her to coffeeday and we sat in the same place as me and divya usually sit. Ordered cold coffee for both of us. I asked kriti, did you like it. She said yes sir, never knew myself that i can have so much pleasure and orgasms, she spoke the word orgasms softly. She then asked me how did you feel sir, i said as good as my first night with wifey. Coffee came, she took out 25k from her purse and gave it to me and said, sir i will ask my inlaws or hubby to come and collect it from you, otherwise it will give a wrong impression about me at home. I said anytime kriti and kept it in pocket. We had coffee and left.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I was feeling too tired and wanted some rest before going home, went near office and remembered i had to pay for the hip chain, went to jewellery store and paid him 10k. He was a very old man, i thanked him for the trust and wanted to come out. He called me inside and made me sit in front of him. I asked him what sir, he came directly he point and said, i know you are young and earning, he gave gyan saying before you do any business, understand something first think about your losses and then take a decision whether you can survive after taking the maximum losses otherwise you will spoil your life as well as your dependents. He added i am selling gold since make was a kid and want to tell you something, i feel like you are also my kid and try to make as much gold as possible now, rates are hovering around 500rs per gram but in 10 years it will become 2k and and in 20 years it will reach 5k per gram. Gold in hand anyday will increase your leverage capability and provide stability to your house and family. I asked him are you sure that the prices will increase so much. He said in 70's the gold was in 70's, in 90's it reaced 300, that is in twenty years it increased 4 times, now it is in 500's and will easily cross 2k in 10 years and add another 3k in the next ten years, gold will give you 1000% percent return in just 20 years. I thanked him for the info and assured him that if i buy gold i will buy from him only and left.

Went to office and switched on the system and searched in yahoo search about gold prices for last 20 years, it showed last 100 years prices and found what the old jeweller had said to be correct. Went back to the jeweller and asked him if i can select the designs today or tomorrow and pay him on monday and collect the jewels. He was very kind and said give me the cheque and i will send someone to collect cash from bank and then you can collect jewels while going home from office. I thanked him and called my parents and kid and vini and divya to get ready and come near office immediately. They reached after 1 hour and called me, i told them to wait downstairs and took them to jewellery store. Asked them to pick up some gold for each of them. Mom chose some daily wear bangles and it reached 80 grams, told mom to pick up something more for herself, but she said let's start preparing for vini and kid. Vini chose a set of bracelets and bangles and two chain sets, it came to 300grams, mom chose ear rings and a chain for kiddo the total reached 500gms, i asked the jeweller to check the price so that i can decide for divya, he calculated price for 22ct and added wastage and making charges and said 2.6lac, i asked divya to buy something for herself, she took gold hair clips, bangles, chains and another hip chain, it came to 400gms, i chose one set of earing for each of them and a finger ring for myself, dad and krish.

The total now reached 1kg exactly. I asked the jeweller to total the amount and he said it comes to 5.2 lacs, divya and mom bargained and finally settled down for 4.9 lacs. Parents and divya were surprised that i had bought so much gold, i told them will take delivery on monday after paying and will discuss other things at home. We started and the jeweller came and gave the jewels to us and said sir don't miss payment on monday. We thanked him and came home. Parents and divya were furious that i spent so much money on gold without informing them. I told them, this is my earning and finally i am able to buy you all gold as much as i wanted to, also don't worry the prices are going to go up from now on. Father said it is already 500rs per gram now how much further will it go, you should have kept some money in fixed deposit. I assured all of them that from next time i will keep the money in FD, but now they should stop scolding me. Calculated and found my bank balance going down to less than 50k now. Divya took me to the room and asked me to give my atm card and cheque book to her so that she will deecide from now on otherwise i will spend all the money. I agreed and gave her the debit card and cheque book, took one cheque leaf and wrote 4.9lacs on it for self.

Remembered the other bank account and decided will check the balance tomorrow. Divya was still scolding me and her phone rang, it was one of her relating or i like to call BSI(blood sucking Insects), she spoke at length and gave the phone to me. I was wondering who it was, it was one of divya's cousins and they wanted to invite me and divya to their new house warming ceremony the next day. I looked at divya and she nodded her head as an yes, i assured them we will come tomorrow for sure and thanked them for inviting us. Divya cooled down a little bit but mom was still angry during dinner. She said, you may have become big, but you are still my son and will always be my kid. After having lunch i went to kitchen and assured mom that gold prices are going to go up in a short while so i spent all my savings on buying gold otherwise i would not have spent a single rupee. She said her nathana, my father's younger brother's wife had called her and asked for some financial help as her husband's factory is in strike and they have not got paid from 6 months. She continued how can i not help our people in times of their need. I asked mom how much they wanted, she said about 25k, i took out the 15k i had which kriti had given back and gave mom and said, rest 10k i will ask divya to withdraw and give it to you on monday, pay them. Mom don't get angry on me, if you don't tell me how will i know what is going on in your mind. Mom was convinced now, i came back to room and lay on bed.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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