A Banana Muffin Saga
Man this is definitely a piece of a writing, the way you explain things project a vivid picture in my brain. You can add some pictures to the characters if you have the time. Hope you keep up the good work and post us regularly.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Hot narration....
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Excellent man!
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Waiting for the update.
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(04-08-2019, 07:24 AM)Renjith Wrote: Super bro

Thank you for this continued support...
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(04-08-2019, 09:36 AM)AmorErotica Wrote: Man this is definitely a piece of a writing, the way you explain things project a vivid picture in my brain. You can add some pictures to the characters if you have the time. Hope you keep up the good work and post us regularly.

Thank you so much for your appreciation...At this point, adding photos arr definitely going to be a tedious work. Initially I planned to do it, but the way the story is going, it is taking too much engagement and time...Will do shortly
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(04-08-2019, 01:01 PM)furihard Wrote: Hot narration....

Thank you for your positive comments...
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(04-08-2019, 01:22 PM)rajat777gup Wrote: Excellent man!

Very much appreciated!!
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(05-08-2019, 07:32 PM)alanalco28 Wrote: Waiting for the update.

Shall post next chapter shortly...Thank you so much...
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when will post
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Abhi stood thunderstruck in front of his laptop screen from living room. His peep video cam kept at the bottom corner of the dressing table captured the magnanimous beauty of the petite woman's semi naked breasts to its entirety. His cock was already out of his boxer and he was pumping all it's blood to bring the boiling cum out of its confines. His bedroom was totally under camera surveillance as it was where he did all his work. Both father and son enjoyed performing the carnal activities and watching them. He just couldn't believe the fact that the demure and nice woman was wearing such a sleazy outfit inside. His eyes roamed all over the naked skin and her fantastically taut body. He got stuck at her tantalizing navel and it perky little belly button hole, which was one of his weaknesses. His tongue came out from mouth as if he was about to lick and push it's tip inside the circle and molest her down. His eyes lingered at her hairy armpits and wished if she would allow him to shave it off. 

His brain lost its control!
Tanvi pulled the tee shirt down through her head to Abhijeet’s dismay and covered her nakedity.
"Oooo Shittt!" Tanvi cursed loudly as she caught her reflection in the mirror and a naughty smile appeared on her lips immediately. The tee was one size smaller than hers and hugged her like a body suit. In addition, it reached till her midriff and exposed her entire waist to be as naked as it could become. 
"Fuccck!" Abhijeet let out a disappointed gasped while he shagged furiously and he wished if she could pull up her tee and sports bra to neck and expose her breasts in the big mirror. His eyes widened with lust as he saw her pulling the tee up once again!!!
Tanvi was in a playful mood once she saw her sleazy version. She pulled the tee up till it reached her armpits and kept it there. She was unable to stop from savoring her own milky meat that was desperately trying to get released through the slit opening. Cold air massaged her exposed part of bottom breasts and persuaded it’s way through the opening to enter her cleavage. She shivered and took a pause. She wanted to see her hardened nipples closely. Her fingers trailed at the upper portion of bra and clutched at the material to pull up to see her nipples.
Abhi's knew his cock was about to sprout and he fumbled to locate the tissue box. There was no time..."She could come out any moment" He frigged hard to bring out the impeding cum. His eyes focused completely on her fingers that clutched the upper side of the bra and he found two nipples about to protrude. They looked mesmerizingly inviting him to suck hard and pinch to bring her scream with pleasure.
Which was exactly what Tanvi also felt at the same time! 
Without waiting to pull up further, her fingers travelled and dug through the insides of the bra and grasped her two nipples and kneaded them inside making her yelp. She wanted them to be suckled with saliva, and at point, she didn’t cared whose saliva should it be – her brain brought back the feeling of Dattu’s rough tongue smothering her previously. Tanvi moaned as her eyes closed automatically from the agony she delivered to her own nipples.
Abhi's eyes exploded at what he saw! 
Though he wanted desperately to walk inside and maul the succulent soft meat of Tanvi, he hesitated before making the entry without her consent and at the same time, his cock was already in motion to fulfill it's destiny. 
Tanvi on the other hand, wanted to get the pressure out and realized where exactly she stood and the awkward delay from her side to exit the bedroom of the young man. The next second, her fingers came out of the bra slit, he got a quick but a clear glimpse of her blood red colored nipples that were puffed out large…Abhijeet felt the heated jolts passing through the cock's veins and the goo getting pumped out into the tissue that he held. At the very moment, his cock choked out the final spurt, he found Tanvi pulling her hands down and walking out. 
"Thank you Abhi for the tee, but this is too small for me!"  Tanvi smiled innocently at the flush faced young man who stood at one corner stumbling on something.
"Wow! Tanvi Didi! Sorry...please don't mind me saying...You are a Bomb!"
"Sorry Didi, I shouldn't have said it...But as you are now my Queen, I have to tell you the truth! You are one beautiful woman and now in this tee...It looks like it was made with you in mind!" His eyes were focused on the protruding nipples that looked like inviting him to jump forward and bite!
"Chiiiiii Abhiii...You are a naughty young man! I am elder than you!! You shouldn't be saying such comments on me!!!"
"Ooouh Didi! But you are!! I am not trying to butter you!"
"Stop it Abhi! I am not anything more than an average woman okay, I know it!"
"Oh my gaaaawd! Didi!! Do you seriously think that you are average? I can't believe it! You are the most beautiful woman in our entire complex and in fact that most gorgeous one that I have ever seen so far in my short life!!"
"Common Abhi! But anyway, I thank you for all this complements...Now I understand the motive…tell me then, what do you want from me? Hahahahah!" 
"Oouh! Would you give me anything I ask?" His question was immediate with high expectancy on his eyes.
"Hmmmm…It depends on what you ask for!" She knew deep inside what he really wanted but her status quo did not allowed her to be blunt.
"Ouh...okay then...I would like to have a photo with you!"
"Ah that's all...I can grant it now!” With a huge heave of relief, Tanvi smiled. Deep inside she was afraid and half expecting that Abhijeet would ask her to see her in inner garments.
She continued “Ooh and by the way, all those photography equipment in your room! Why do you need all this for? Are you a professional photographer Abhijeet?"
"Thank you Didi! Let me start my cellphone, thank you sooo much!!!" He seemed excited. "And yes, I do take professional photos!"
"Wow...I had no idea!" Tanvi smiled and concealed her real emotion. She recalled the various pics from his mobile.
"But why all this set up in your bedroom?" She quizzed.
"Ah that...Didi, actually I specialize in some specific type odd photography, not nature pics!" He seemed excited and wishing to continue but stopped as if it was intimidating.
"What types? If I may ask!"
"Hmmm...Well...It's more personal kind!"
"Ah ok...Maybe you can take mine sometime?" She pushed further.
"Ouh...why not! It would be my pleasure to take your pics! But I don't know if you would prefer my methods and style!" 
"What do you mean? Its just photos!!" She acted as if she had no idea what he had in mind.
"Hmmm…Do one thing Didi...When you reach home, search for this 'Boudoir Photography', you will get an idea of what I specialize in" He smiled with a wicked twist on his lips.
"Oh God! Whatever...!" She replied with a bit of frustration rushing to her face.
"No Didi...See I am a professional in this area and I want you to understand, it is highly personal and many consider this as bad or something like it’s not good thing! That's why...I don't want you to think badly about me or us...ok? Aah my phone is ready...just one photo please!"
"Yeah sure!” Tanvi moved ahead and thought, ”As if I don't know how bad you already are!!!" She got ready for the snap and found Abhijeet walking closer and felt her hardened 
At the same time at Safiya’s bedroom:
"Like hell you will! There is no woman in this world who could end your thirst!" Safiya murmured softly as she laid at one end of the bed while Khurram snorted.
"Why not???" There are millions bitches who would die to get just one session with me!" Khurram took a deep breath and relaxed while his cock still remained engorged and ready for yet another session. "It's just because you stopped training and your stamina is no longer the same how you used to have! Anyway, as you decided to join with Tanvi, it will do good and we will be back as how we used to be!" He paused.
"Oouh so that's the reason for all this sudden excitement! Tanvi!! I should've guessed!!!"
"What the heck are saying my slut Begum!" He checked his wife's and asked the question while he also felt his cock jutting up at Tanvi's name got mentioned.
"What I meant is what I said! You had all eyes for her since she came to this complex, for saying it loud, she's only a kid!" Safiya still didn't look at her husband.
Khurram took an eyeful of the glimmering sweat beads all over his wife's naked back and large brown buttocks. Without hesitation, he moved sideways and hugged his wife into a tight embrace and kissed her neck deep.
"Begum...Gone are the days when we both enjoyed company of others into our games! Despite Upendra's constant calls, I still avoid it, as you know! See, you are my everything...And when I say anything, it means everything to me! I agree that Tanvi is a diamond, no doubt about it...But you are the love of my life Begum!"
"Ouh yes yes, I know how you can play with words! But I have to thank you again for stopping that madness in our life! Please don't bring back those memories! I can feel the effect of that Upendra using me those days! So please, as I told you last week, please…please don't use use me again and especially NOT IN THERE!!!" Safiya indicated her molested asshole.
"Ji Begum...But what should I do when it needs that special heat from your frunace???" Khurram lovingly kissed his wife.
"Eeeeessssh Khurramji!! You are really a....!"
"What what? What am I in real???"
"A sex monster!"
"Hahahah...Begum, you realize it after all these years??"
"Oh noooo, I knew it since you started coaching me! And what I don't understand is why you are not letting me to release the plastic underneath my breasts? It is really giving me much pain now a days!"
"Begum...I live your tits...In fact, I can't consider a day without having a feel of these two wonderful babies in my hands and inside my mouth! So no...it's not time to let it go!!"
"Find someone else then you monster!!"
"Hmmmppfff...If you are really not willing to continue with this, I may have to find someone who have such beautiful pair of jugs!!"
"And what will you do when you find one??"
"Hahahah...It depends!"
"Ouh My God!!! Yaaa Khudaaaaa!!! You already found one!!!" And this time, Safiya turned to look at her husband for locating the truth.
"No one Begum...No one!"
"God...No wonder you are so excited to go for evening workout! It’s Tanv isn’t it???"
"Whaaaatttt...Don't be ridiculous Begum, she's only a kid, like you said!”
"Aah yes, a kid with kids of her own! Oh Khurramji...Please tell me you haven't done anything wrong with that lovely girl!" Safiya looked horrified.
"No...nothing Begum, I told you before as well, I will not break your trust as I did earlier! And that life is long forgotten!" Though Khurram made a straight face, Safiya's response conveyed that she didn't buy anything what he blabbered.
Khurram closed his eyes while his brain whispered “Not yet Begum…I haven’t done anything yet…But it won’t take much longer from now!”
At Mehta’s house:
Abhijeet walked and stood next to Tanvi and held his cellphone high up in a side angle. He was not touching her, but close enough to transpire his body's heat. Tanvi shivered and looked at the selfie stick and smiled. Though they were standing close, the intimacy was not reflecting in both their expression.
"Didi, could you come into the frame a bit more?" He asked with an innocent face.
"Yeah sure!" Even she wanted to get closer...Deep inside, her body wanted a touch! She took one stop next to him and was now real close; they almost stood as if touching, but not!
"Hmmm…let me put this phone to correct angle, as now it looks like we are just two strangers!"
"But we are not!" She saw them both in the wide screen of the camera that looked as if there was no space between them.
"Okay Didi, smile!"
Abhi took the mobile from the selfie stick to his hand and made a quick smirk. As she peered into the screen, she also felt the missing point. They looked okay but it still didn't show the closeness between them. She felt some incompleteness on it.
"Didi…Sorry I know it's a bit odd to ask, but would it be fine if you could put your hand on my shoulder, if you do mind?" He asked timidly.
"Hmm...Why not?" Tanvi got a bit more closer to Abhijeet. He was a little taller than her...Same height as her husband. As she stood more closely, her right breast touched softly with his left arm. Though slight touch, it made her shiver "What the heck am I doing?" She questioned herself but still stood the ground and moved her right hand to clutch his shoulder through his back. She jolted from the heat from Abhijeet's body. At the same time, her right breast got squeezed between his bicep and she did not tired to pull away her right breast while it got pushed outwards. Abhijeet positioned his selfie stick high above to her side and took one more snap as they both smiled at the screen. 
"One more Didi!" Before Tanvi could remove her hand and stand away he positioned the selfie stick down and angled it from his side. Tanvi looked down sideways and smiled. One thing she failed to notice was Abhi's left hand encircling her navel, but he made sure his fingers  did not touched her. 
"Hmmm...This one came out good!" He murmured with satisfied tone.
"Show me" Tanvi asked as Abhijeet brought the cell phone and opened the gallery to show her the second photo.
"Ouow wow!" She gasped and her mouth gaped looking at the two consecutive pics taken. It was then she found how her breasts were pumped outwards in an extremely provocative manner. They both looked like colleges kids who were taking some fun snaps and the girl accidentally spilling her jugs. She also noticed how he made the second photo to look as if they were a couple...The angle from down made sure that his other hand looked like he was groping her waist tightly, but in fact he was not.
“Didi, just one more…the last two snaps looks awesome, but what I would actually love to see is if we both are projects ourselves as real close friends…One more please??” He made an angel eye and pleaded.
“Uffff Abhiii…You are really becoming a sweet pest! Okay, one more…But that’s it!”
“Ouuhkkaay…Just one more…for now!” He replied with a full smile.
"Abhi...Please don't share this with anyone...I trust you!" She smiled and made a mental comment "Of course now both you and your pervy Dad will masturbate with this! My boobs are the only things that you captured!!" She solemnly smirked at her real thought.
"Of course Didi, this is my Queen's wish and I will obey! So, for the last pic, I would need you to pick this seven up bottle and show as pouring to my glass, and we both standing here itself but with both of us hugging!”
“Whaaatt! But why hugging?” Though she knew the purpose, she played dumb.
“Well Didi, I need the photo to convey a message of hard friends meeting after a long time and enjoying!”
“Aah…ok…It seems fine! Let’s do it…So, how exactly do you prefer the hug?” Tanvi’s eyes blinked with naughtiness, but her face projected an angelic innocence.
“Let me show you how” Abhijeet’s spent cock was rock hard and oscillated when he moved dangerously close to the hot Bhabhi.
[+] 1 user Likes YLTS's post
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Shall post longer update shortly...
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Superb, please keep going. Good to see your updates after a long time.
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Super bro
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waiting for updates dude! great writing!
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Great writing
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Waiting for next update

Please speed up story

only seduction happened until Now. So its the time to bang bang bang
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(07-08-2019, 04:16 PM)Askk2me Wrote: Superb, please keep going. Good to see your updates after a long time.

Thank you soo much (appreciate your effort to read this!)...posting shortly
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(08-08-2019, 10:54 AM)Renjith Wrote: Super bro

Thank you sooo much!!
[+] 1 user Likes YLTS's post
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