Adultery Madhu and Tushar
Tushar is also a wimp like her husband that leaked in few seconds. This drama rehearsel will pave path to many encounters for madhu. nice big update.
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Great update. The husband is a cuck now.
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Amazing update Smile
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[Image: 6919vpz14ei1.jpg]Madhu walked thinking something to herself pulling herself away from Tushar. Madhu after the class was over, decided spend more time on the script given to her by Tushar. Madhu completed reading the script and she was very impressed the way it was presented and thought it would be nice to go with this script if no one else comes up with anything better than this as much time was spend working on it. Madhu made notes from the script to discuss further with Tushar. Madhu called Tushar to her office to discuss about the changes in the scripts and passed it to him to finish the modifications as per the play. Madhu also talked to him and helped him doing the changes and listen to him intently with his ideas and points in which he convinced her not to make changes she had highlighted. Tushar had great sense of humor and at times joked and made Madhu laughed heartily as she was at ease with talking to him. Madhu while laughing and talking to him unknowingly touched his hands couple of time which gave Tushar instantly hard sitting next to her. Tushar who was working along with her finished the modifications and gave it back to her for review.

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Tushar intently looked at Madhu, making corrections every now and then. It was a great script and  important and meant a lot to success of the play. As Madhu leaned forward to point out some noting, Madhu could feel Tushar gaze lingering upon her, admiring her. Madhu forward movement inadvertently popped open her top blouse button. The bra cups fell further than they should have offering Tushar a great view of her breasts. Shit, his eyes are more on my cleavage Madhu thought but stayed like that not adjusting her position.

Madhu felt her nipples tightening under his unapologetic stare. Madhu flushed as her body began responding with a consuming desire with his gaze had aroused inside her. A warm tingling sensation began growing inside Madhu as she felt her clit coming alive and snuck out of its hiding place. Madhu finally moved back and gave him a furtive look. Tushar could barely conceal his emotions. Tushar who was sitting next to her was not able to control his boner and excused himself to washroom and started jerking off while imagining he was in the college making love to Madhu. Tushar stroked his cock at a fast pace trying to imagine to get it to cum in record time.

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Madhu was flattered with Tushar dedication and efforts he had put in to complete the script and make the changes couple of hours without any complaints. As Tushar was not there in the room she quickly went through the modifications and also thought about times she caught Tushar trying to steal glance at her tits through her tank top.

Madhu was also unsure whatever happened earlier in day was accidental or intentional by Tushar. Although she was ok with little bit of teasing but she knew it was definitely a delicate situation to handle as it may get out of hands and encourage Tushar; Madhu did not wanted to let Tushar let go of his focus as he was very important to play and also wonderful guy to talk with as he was very talented and interesting to chat with. Madhu had to try and find a way to balance things and at the same time encourage Tushar to get best out of him. Madhu herself was unsure how to handle it. Soon the college was over as Madhu walked out of the college, Tushar quickly pulled up his car and insisted that Madhu to get in so that they could talk. After she got in, he started talking. Do you feel we can use my poems too in the play and make it somewhat musical too?

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Oh yes Madhu said, I loved the idea. You are very talented and I especially loved the rhymes. Is it really you? Madhu looked at him and said frankly I just thought of you as one rich spoil brat when we had first meet but your writing has made me change my opinion towards you and I must say you should focus on your writing and one day you will be very successful story writer. May be some day can make our college proud. Tushar smiled and said he had not gotten such positive response about his poems or scripts from anyone else till today. Thank you for your time reading those poems. Which poem did you like the most?

Madhu replied they were all so great! But if I had to pick one, it would have to be Pride of girl. Madhu looked at him and said you are really good in writing stories and poems. Tushar said thank you to her.  You are good in writing romantic stories and you put lot of details and have taken care of minute details which is most admiring. Madhu who was curious to know about him more decided to divert the topic to his personal life to know more about him. Madhu smiled at him and said your girlfriend must be lucky to have you. Tushar smiled and said I don’t have girlfriend yet but have someone in mind but when I asked her she got angry on me. Madhu looked at him and said she must have been mistaken with the first impression you make just like I thought about you the first time we meet. You should give some time and may be approach and give her time to judge you. I am sure no one will be able to say no to you once they knows how special and intelligent you are.

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You really are natural and should work to make career in this and I am sure you will be well known if you manage to work hard and keep the good work if you are focused with your work. Madhu was easy to talk to and it wasn't long before Tushar they got friendly. They soon started talking like friends. Tushar was sharing his experiences in drama and college and Madhu was listening to him intently, in amazement and awe and the experiences that he had. Tushar spoke very passionately about the script and play and Madhu praised him again for his skills and said he is gifted and asked him do you love writing plays and managing them? To which Tushar said very much I love them that is my passion. Madhu then looked at him and said so the reason he gave to her to join the drama was not true. Tushar looked at her and said oh no that I did not lie to you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever meet, Tushar said not trying to hide his feelings. Common, this is the biggest lie I have ever heard. Madhu said don’t lie Ratna Mam told me Mr. Roy had brought you to the college because of your experience in drama.

Ok let me try to be honest Mam, Tushar looked at her intently I know it was stupid to write that note and thanked her for not taking it with college management. Emboldened by her smile Tushar continued praising her and then Tushar added to Madhu and said I did not lie to you about one thing that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen .... The moment I saw I was not able to control my emotions and wished you could be my girlfriend as he added that he finds her very attractive. Madhu saw Tushar looking at her as his eyes lit. Tushar could barely conceal his emotions. Although he tried to conceal his emotions, Tushar wasn't able to hide his fierce desire. Madhu could smell it as she thought it was unwise to bring the topic. Madhu looked at Tushar and said let me start out by saying you confessing your feelings for me was one of the most unusual thing that had ever happened to me as no one had dared to behave that way but I am no longer angry with you for that day. You are a sweet young guy and someday you will have a nice young girl or woman very happy to find you.

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Madhu said looking into his eyes. Madhu said I can't be your girlfriend, you should find someone of your age. Tushar not letting the topic to go so easily added just now you said that she will be lucky to find me and within no time you are turning back from your words. Madhu said I was talking about someone else who you will meet someday.
Tushar said thanks Mam but tell me if you would have be not married would you have accepted my proposal. Madhu was flattered as Tushar was good in putting his point across and her cheeks reddened, she couldn't speak and looked away coyly. Tushar then jokingly said ok I understand you are married but for moment tell me what if you were single will you say yes to me? Tushar said I believe love has no boundaries just like I write in my stories but I will be happy if you become my friend at least if not girlfriend.

Adding to that he said, I am not asking too much and I would love to be friend with you and talk freely to you. You can help me to think and write and I can share my new writings with you and you can help me and share your views and ideas to improve. Spending time with you tells me that you are good reader and you can help me make write much better. So I would like to talk openly about and use your experience and knowledge to add new variations in my writing.
Madhu said that is she is glad to be his friend because you are really interesting and talented person. I am really happy to help you and talk to you about the stories you write. Madhu said I'm kind of feeling happy to find friend like you. Tushar gave her flirtatious smile as if saying I know you well and was aware that she was at times tempted thinking about his proposal. Tushar quickly moved to the script not trying to push her to hard as Madhu may dislike his behavior and stop talking to him.
Tushar then looked at her and said can I ask you question about the script? Madhu said please even I wish to discuss with you on the script and if we have to go with this for the play. Dont you think this scripts of yours is too bold to be presented in college drama?

Not at all I know last time the script we used was much more bold than this. Ok tell me why do you feel it is very bold and difficult to use for the drama in college is it because of female lead character of this story. Why do you think as she is living her life on own terms and sometimes bold to take decision for her happiness? Tushar said ok let me ask you is she wrong in wanting to be very happy in life and takes the matter in her own hand and then spends time with some other man who makes her happy and understands her and gives her happiness. So do you think she is wrong in finding happiness?

Madhu felt awkward about talking to Tushar about what he was asking to her but did not feel any wrong as of yet as she was ok as long as they were discussing the characters in the play and giving her opinion on the matter.  I think Madhu said your story talks about the character who is very full of life and her husband is not giving her proper attention and busy in his own world and when she finds someone who is willing to take care of her and pay attention she falls in love with him. So I will not say that she is wrong or guilty of anything and plus it is personal choice. Tushar then said ok let me ask you one follow up question, now imagine yourself in that position and tell me what would you have done in her position? Madhu got uneasy with the question Tushar was asking her. Tushar understood her discomfort and said I am asking you as it is important for me to know what you feel about the character and if Madhu is able to convince him otherwise he will agree to her point. Madhu was little confused how to answer him said it depends on the circumstances and maybe the girl in this story wants an independent life and wanted to enjoy her way and it doesn't matter as long she gets her happiness. Tushar listened to her and asked so don't you think she has the right to think about her own life and be happy?

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Madhu was confused what to say innocently she looked at Tushar who was seriously pushing her to think about it. Madhu said I am not sure what to say but it is good that we are having discussion on this which will help us to understand things and we may need to make few changes to script to make it perfect for the play may be. Tushar said sure but we need more time to discuss and finalize. Madhu said sure it is important we spend more time and get it perfect. As honestly she told him I also have pressure from management to make it this time in best three. Tushar said Mam dont worry we will give the best and if you have trust in me I promise this time around we will not just get nominated but win the prize. Then suddenly out of nowhere he said only if you are ok and me be frank and honest with you? Madhu looked at him of course you can be frank and open and I am all ears as long as …. Tushar said well I am just trying to understand the character through your eyes and plus your advice matters to me most. Madhu looked at him and said I must say you are very stubborn and good in trying to convince others to your point. Tushar asked Mam have you ever taken part in drama during your college times. Madhu said yes I use to play lead role in the drama when in college but why do you want to know about it now? Tushar then said what if you play the lead role this year in the drama. Madhu was surprised and laughed and said I am too old for that and I am sure we have talented girls in group who would play the role really well. Renu is good choice plus I have heard she is good actor who can play this role and her acting is good. Tushar said yes you are right about it I hope she do not have issue with being bold on the stage. She has never played such role before like this plus she does not fit the character and as far as I know she may back out considering the challenges and requirement from the character plus she is still young and not mature to understand the character and portray it convincingly with the audience. When I think about you I see you are mature and have the experience what it takes to portray the character on screen much better way than her plus you have played lead role earlier in college so you know the challenges and will take them head on. Will you be able to give it thought? I am just trying to be open and honest about my views about the play and drama and the characters and what is required to make the play a success.

Madhu said well i am not sure where did I come in this? Tushar said I will help you understand the character if you agree to take the role as my view is you can do justice to it than Renu will be able to play it. Tushar asked Madhu so if we do not find her perfect to play the role will you take the role? Madhu said I am thankful that you think I can play this role however I would not be able to act plus I am not sure why you want me to play that role when we have Renu and others who are perfect for this? As a writer and director I feel I should be more open to the ideas and just talk openly which comes from the heart and the person who performs the role should also do justice to my writings. I feel you are the perfect choice for the role. I can help you if you are nervous but I want you to give it a thought. The female we are looking for this role should be married so she understands the character well plus you can always be in love with someone and being married to other as per this script and I think your experience will help. Madhu laughed and said although I am married but I am also not the perfect person if you think that way as I have no experience in real life as per the character.

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I can help you Mam with the experience for the role provided you are happy for me to help. Madhu was quiet as she was not able to understand what Tushar was saying and how he can help her. Tushar said think about it and let me know if I am wrong and then silently kept driving. Madhu was unsure why was he really asking of her to play the role or accept his proposal when he says he can help her get into the character. As they reached near her home, Madhu immediately got out of the car and walk towards her gate. Tushar just waited looking at her feeling how lovely figure she has. Madhu reached the gate and looked back to see Tushar still waiting as she smiled and walked inside waving bye to him.
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Madhu completing the household chores decided to work on the script and highlighted changes to be made so they can fit the drama as per the rules. She was engrossed reading the script so much so that she completely lost track of the time. Tushar has deliberately used her name in the story and as Madhu was reading and for moment imagined herself in the story and the lead role as Tushar had asked. The script made her thinking and Madhu for moment thought about what Tushar was saying and was surprised she even was giving importance to what he was trying to say. She tried to take things out of her mind as thought it was just infatuation as he was young.

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Madhu also gave thought if it was right to talk so openly to student on the subjects when she knows that he is just not looking at her as teacher but also has feelings for her. She was struggling little thinking I am just helping to get best out of him. As she was reading her mind and heart were working in two different directions as she just kept thinking about her mind imagining herself in the character and thoughts of what would happen if she was in the position of the character. She found herself torn between resentment and arousal. Thinking about exploring something like that with outside or even with some man was not she ever had thought about.

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Madhu having feelings like this which are very new to her and she had never done anything in her life which will make her feel guilty or regret about it later.  The only day she got carried was with Manoj and although she was almost ready to get fucked by him which made her excited but still…she was not completely ready to cheat on Baban and was happy to get way on time.
On the other she was enjoying her talks with Tushar as he is very special and she was swept away by his talent and wondered this time she has good opportunity to prove her mettle to the college management by winning the prize and for that Tushar inputs were important. She could not hurt Tushar or ignore him since it was important for her to get the best out of him for the play and use his talent to get the results. Madhu thought what if she can just allow Tushar to be more friendly with her if that makes him happy and focus towards the play and she could just focus on the work in hand to get results out of him and it would be nice for her career growth.

She thought will it be right if she was thinking to be open in her talks with Tushar help to get ahead in her career and use him as pawn.  At the same time, her mind was thinking to the thoughts of some fun outside marriage specially after reading his scripts and talking to him. The thought of the incident with Manoj also had raised her curiosity to try with some other man than her husband. Madhu did not wanted to go back to some stranger guy. She was comfortable with Tushar and had loved talking to Tushar as their likes, dislikes were similar. He was very talkative and charming personality and not to mention handsome and young. Madhu was engrossed in the story so much that she at times imagined herself as the female character. Tushar had managed to put the idea of her to imagine her in the story as the lead character.

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She was in two minds and totally swept away by Tushar writing and way he had managed to write down the story and how good he was exploring the love making without adding any vulgarity or sounding too much erotic. She was surprised that she was actually even thinking about cheating on her husband that also with her student which still now has never crossed her mind even once. Madhu then thought about the morning and how unknowingly she enjoyed being touch by some other person although accidental and how turned on she got and was more curious how it would feel being touched or loved by someone else other than Baban. Madhu was having difficulties for the first time to control her thoughts and sexual desires. Madhu mind said to her "I don't know if I want to actually love to explore the possibility of loved or touched by someone else" but her body was reacting in different manner and asking her to try it. Her body was not in control of her mind. Finally Madhu decided to spend some time on the internet as Baban was not at home yet.

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Madhu was searching for information through many different websites on how to deal in such situations. She found information difficult to understand or explain, she found a lot of advice that could be considered to be old fashioned and then she found few erotic stories. She did not wanted to get involved with anyone outside, so she felt it was really up to her to nip this in the bud and Tushar to look for girls of his own age and stop running after her or thinking about her. Madhu read a few of the personal stories she had found, they all sounded so unbelievable to be true. Could anyone possibly believe stories of teacher seduced by student are real? Madhu found Tushar to be an attractive young guy for his age yet she really could not picture herself having romantically involved with him or even thinking in those lines. As Baban was back from office so she went to kitchen and served him dinner.

Madhu went in bedroom and came out of the bathroom dressed in a night gown that came down to her knees. Madhu laid down on her bed and she put her hand inside her panties and rubbed her pussy waiting for Baban. Madhu stuck a couple of her fingers in her wet pussy and began to finger fuck herself on her bed. Her thumb was gently brushing her sensitive clit as she closed her eyes and thought of Baban when they first time made love in back seat of the car in college.

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As Baban walked in the bedroom she looked at him with pleading eyes and said I want to be loved now. Madhu was really getting hot and shy when it comes to sex but today she was the one who was taking the lead which surprised baban who asked her what was she up to, and she said nothing. Baban who was tired from work did not last long and went to sleep after quick round of sex with Madhu. Madhu who was not satisfied looked at Baban who went to sleep quickly as she slipped on her slippers and got out of bed, she quietly went to washroom so not to wake Baban.

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Madhu stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom and began to fondle her tits, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. Madhu allowed one of her hands to move down her stomach so she had access to her pussy. She eagerly began to play with her very wet pussy. A sudden sexual urge gripped her and for a moment she felt to be loved and fucked hard and managed to touch her well-trimmed pussy with the nervous tip of her fingers. Madhu slowly pushed her middle finger in her pussy. She closed her eyes to frigging herself to a very satisfying orgasm. Madhu waited a moment to calm down and compose her, she found herself going back to sleep next to Baban.
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In the morning Madhu got of the bed thinking about the night and looked around as Baban was outside as she overslept. She finally walked to the bathroom and looked herself in the mirror. She seemed to have a nervous expression on her face. She was admiring herself in the mirror and proud of her body. She ran her palms over her stomach, her sides and her butt. She then walked around the bedroom taking deep breaths and swinging her arms nervously unable to control herself. She went back to the mirror, lowered the front of her panties, and ran her fingers over her pussy for a few seconds. She then lowered the back of her panties watching her naked ass inadvertently and swayed her hips like a seductive cabaret dancer. That nice round creamy ass looked so intensely fuckable.

Then she thought to herself "Shit, what is happening to me? she whispered to herself as she pulled her panties back up. Madhu was getting late so she quickly took bath and decided to not think of  it too much as talks with him was having her aroused and her mind was not in her control. Madhu decided to take cab as she walked from her home towards the road to find cab. Tushar was in his car waiting for her to leave home and stopped near her and asked her to get in, she just could not refuse him when he pulled up the car as she got in. Madhu was little nervous and she was blushing. Tushar looked at her and then looked back on the road.

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Madhu was silent from her expression, Tushar could sense that she was nervous and looking down trying to avoid looking at him and was battling with her feelings internally. Madhu was unable to understand why was she feeling the way she did. So Tushar kept quiet too and after a couple of minutes of silence, Tushar finally asked, Did you get time to go through the script for the modifications we had done? Yes. Madhu replied with nervous smile. Madhu said did you purposely give my name to the character in the story. Tushar said why do you think? Madhu said I don’t know I am asking you. Tushar said Mam we just meet few weeks back and I am writing this story from almost 6 months. He then added quickly never thought of meeting the character of the story in real and see in person how beautiful she is? Madhu blushed by his comments now you don’t start it again as she hit smilingly on his arms.

Tushar was happy to find Madhu open to talks with him and was now more friendly with him and slowly comfortable around talking to him on topics about intimacy. Madhu was not getting offended anymore by his occasional flirting with her. They then discussed about the drama for next hour while reaching the college and how important is for her to win or at least get nominated in top three. Madhu was deeply impressed with his talks and maturity and Tushar avoided flirting with her when they spoke about the drama. She was sure that Tushar was her best chance if they stand any chance to do win or get nominated. Tushar looked at her and said Mam I have suggestion if we have to win or even come close to it we should be making it more of real bold as that would help audience connecting to the play. Madhu listen carefully what Tushar was talking about the drama, both of them soon seemed happy discussing other topics in which they could sense they had similar likes. Soon they reached college and Madhu got of the car as Tushar went to park his car. Sandeep saw Madhu getting down from Tushar car and how freely they were talking to each other. As Tushar parked his car and walked into the college Sandeep, Ravi and Arun meet him and as usual they greeted each other. Sandeep was good friend of his and they started talking
Sandeep: Tushar, looks like you are having your eyes set on Madhu Mam. Is that true?
Tushar:  Nothing like that her car had broke down so I am just giving her lift.
Sandeep: Haha. We can't be sure about that. We know your record plus I can see twinkle in your eyes when I am speaking about her. Let me tell you as friend I am pretty sure that  Madhu Mam is not easy fish for you. Be careful with her dude or you will land in trouble in college if you try something stupid.
Tushar:  She seems to be nice person and friendly. All I am doing is to help her realize what is she missing in her life. If things go to plan after all she is also girl and like all she would also have weakness.  
Sandeep: Let me tell you, you don’t know her well. She has reputation for being strict and students who have tried to flirt with her regretted or thrown out of college. If she comes to know about your plan, I am pretty sure she will make you pay for it.
Tushar:  Come on you talked to me same about Renu and Shama and what happened in the end? Do you have trust in me?
Ravi and Arun were silent and listening to the discussion between Sandeep and Tushar.
Sandeep: Renu and Shama are different they are just college girls and Madhu mam is different. She being friendly and you giving her lift does not mean she is easy for you to seduce?
Tushar:  Yesterday when I dropped her I asked her for coffee and she did not refused or got angry? I also proposed her and although she denied I am here still standing in front of you
and she is still coming to college in my car.  
Sandeep: That is information to me I don’t believe you proposed her and she dint slap you or got you thrown out of college?  

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Tushar:  Listen carefully I am working on plan and initially I was also afraid but from day I saw her in college I decided to transform her and my plan is going well and as we speak about the story and play I think she is also getting friendly with me. I am very sure in few days she on her own will come to me
Sandeep: Stop day dreaming. Madhu Mam will never fall into your trap. If she finds about your reputation I am sure she will quickly understand your intentions.
Tushar:  Are you doubting my skills? Plus to let you know she is very impressed with my writing and she wants to win the college competition and I think we can use our acting talent to help her and return you know….
Sandeep: All I am saying you is to be careful. She is really hot and have lovely body when compared to any other girls in this college. But then she is also known for her no nonsense attitude. So you be careful what you are planning? We do not wish to get in trouble in college
Tushar:  I know it will not be easy to fuck her and we need to plan carefully and I would require help in this from you guys? Plus it is good challenge and something new?
Ravi and Arun who were silently listening to them looked at Tushar said can we also be part of your plan too?
Tushar: Yes of course after all we all share girls between us and with Madhu I have to make her shameless and wake the slut inside her. I want to break her arrogance and make her beg for sex.
Sandeep: What kind of help you are looking from us?
Tushar: I want you to play the lead role in the play with her?

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Sandeep: Why would Madhu mam play the role in the play plus we have Renu and Shama?
Tushar : What if they back out to play the role and she has no choice?
Sandeep: I know Renu well she is pretty ambitious and love attention. She will not back out of the role unless you offer her something in return. It is golden opportunity for her to increase her demand in guys. She also hates Madhu more than anyone and she will never willing give Mam to take the limelight.  
Tushar:  Leave that to me I will take care of her.
Sandeep: How are you planning to do that? And even if she backs out how will you convince Madhu Mam for the role?
Tushar:  I know Madhu Mam is strict and no student could handle her arrogance and attitude. But she is desperate to win that trophy and looking ahead to prove herself in front of the college management. I told you what you need to know.  Just wait and watch and be patience 50% work is already taken care by me now It is up to you if you want to be part of this and help me out.
Arun and Ravi asked Tushar how can we be helpful in this as we trust you completely and would love to fuck Madhu Mam.
Tushar: Of course we all are good friends and you will also get your chance but for now focus on the play and do as I say. Ok now Let's go back to the class now?
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Tushar was working together with Madhu for the drama. Things were going as planned as they both were open with each other and also she was trying to be friendly with the others in the drama group and encourage them to talk as advised by Tushar. Things were working well and she was getting more dependent on Tushar for the drama. Sandeep, Ravi and Arun were now giving suggestions and Madhu listened to them carefully and was more than happy to discuss their ideas and take suggestions.

As the days were near they quickly had to finalize the script and start rehearsals. She spoke to the group in lengths and shared her experience and her ideas. Tushar convinced her if they travel together they can utilize the time discussing and finalize the script. Tushar now regularly dropped her and picked her for college and although her car was back she continued travelling with Tushar.

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As she was about to get down from the car Tushar gave her few papers and said this is new story I am working on it if you get time can you go through this and let me know what you think. Madhu after finishing household work sat on the sofa waiting for Baban to be home. Madhu called up Baban as he said "Oh! Darling? I am really sorry I was about to call you as I was stuck with some client. It will back home by 11. Can you have dinner as I may have to go with client for the dinner. OK said Madhu and disconnected the call little angry with Baban as she already had made food for both. She was getting bored when she remembered about the papers Tushar had given her so she decided to read them. She started reading the story and was very much engrossed. As usual Tushar had written it well although the story still was not complete but it was really romantic and erotic which made Madhu feel little turned on . The story was about young house wife who is attracted to her friends son.

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Just when she was busy reading the story her phone ringed. Madhu was expecting Baban’s call but she was surprised to see Tushar name on her cell. She took the call
Madhu: Hi, Tushar so what made you call me in the night?
Tushar: Hello Mam nothing special just like that wanted to talk with you for sometime!
Madhu: Oh Just like that, why?
Tushar: Mam you have a very beautiful voice and I wanted to hear it as he laughed.
Madhu: Tushar are you trying to flirt with me as she giggled and said ok now tell me why did you called me at this time. You know Baban is home at this time.
Tushar: Sorry I did not mean to disturb you and Sir I called to know if you by any chance have you gone through the story I gave you.
Madhu: Actually I was reading that although I did not complete but whatever I have read I can tell you as usual you are the best when writing stories.
Tushar: So you liked the story?
Madhu: Yes it is very nice and well written but tell me one thing why do you always write romance stories specially about married woman in love with someone other than her husband. Have you never tried writing thriller, mystery or something like that or just plain story about two people in love.
Tushar: I use to write them all the time but nowadays ever since I have meet you, I am only able to manage is write romantic stories...
Madhu: Stop it Tushar I am your teacher? It is not good to flirt with me? Don’t think too much about me and open yourself to new ideas.

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Tushar: No Mam, I thought you are my friend and I can only say what I can imagine and think off and nowadays I think of you most of the time.
Madhu: You should find a girlfriend so you stop thinking about me and you will be able to write much more better than this with her help and stop thinking of me as Madhu laughed it off.
Tushar: Why do I need to find gf when I have friend like you who can help me write and help out with new ideas. I don't think I have meet anyone as beautiful as you Mam yet.
Madhu: Tushar tell me honestly how many girls have you said this before or do you want me to believe you that you do not have gf or flirt with girls in college?
Tushar: No Mam. I did not find one, there are girls who may be beautiful but they are not smart and intelligent like you. You are very friendly and nice and I can take your help when writing story as you understand it very well and help me make it better. Mam did you not like my story I think so I got it so you mean to say the story I have given you is not that good so you are asking me to find gf so I can write much better is that what you are suggesting to me?

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Madhu: I am more than happy to help you with your stories and the story is excellent and I did not mean that way.
Tushar: Mam you are beautiful and very sexy I have ever seen how can I find someone more beautiful with brains than you? Let me know if you find one.. I will go with your choice
Madhu: Ok now enough of buttering me, bye my husband is coming as she disconnected the call quickly.

Madhu after keeping the phone thought about Tushar. Madhu was surprised that she was putting less efforts to discourage Tushar and was allowing him to talk to her freely. Although she did not quite reciprocated in the same way but she was getting excited about it and had already started thinking on those lines. Tushar thoughts were playing with her mind. Madhu was getting this new feelings inside her but the guilty feeling inside her did not allow her to proceed or perhaps she was scared and was waiting for him to ask and convince her again and she may give in this time in to his demands.

The door opened and Baban looked at Madhu who was reading the story when he greeted her and asked why you did not sleep. I was waiting for you … then she paused as Baban looked at her asked reading something as Madhu was wearing her reading glasses with bunch of papers in her hand. Oh yes just some story script for the drama. Ok said Baban and walked to the bedroom. Madhu quickly had her food and got ready  wearing just gown without bra or panties as she wanted to get loved by Baban but was disappointed when she entered the bedroom as Baban was already sleeping. She looked at him and thought when I badly need to be loved you sleep what should I do now, how do I .....

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Madhu got out of the bed and thought suddenly of Tushar. Madhu thought were unclear in her mind and she did not know what to do as she went outside in the hall and looked at her mobile contacts and selected Tushar number and was about to dial when she stopped. Madhu realized that she cannot go on just imagining the things and even she has to do something about it on her own if she really was interested, but... but she was nervous about it. She was not sure what to talk to him and it was already late in the night so Madhu returned back in her room. She was little restless and tucked inside the bedsheet next to Baban and fell asleep.
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Madhu took the best set of bra and panties. The bra was a half cup which pushes up her supple boobs and the matching pink panties were just two triangular fabrics, barely able to cover her ample ass. She wore a T-shirt barely reaching below her waist and the Jeans. She looked in the mirror and found that the T-shirt was producing an enticing cleavage. After applying light lipstick and little bit of makeup she stepped out of her room. She looked gorgeous in although nothing was revealing but the Jeans fitted her curves and showed her perfectly shaped body. Tushar had decided to take his bike to college instead of car. He called Madhu and informed her about reaching near her home in some time.. Madhu walked outside and was surprised to see Tushar on bike and asked him what happened to your car. Tushar said I thought bike will help us avoid the traffic as it is festival time going on and most of the streets will be crowded today.

Madhu looked little worried and quickly asked what people will think it will not look good me riding with you on bike. Tushar said what is wrong you sitting with me on bike and when we are just going to college. There is nothing wrong in that, why should people say anything. Still if you are not comfortable around me on bike we will drop this at home and I will get the car. Madhu said no its ok for today but it just feels little odd. It is being long time when I have been on bike and that also when I was in college. Tushar said so who was the lucky guy with whom you sat cuddling on the bike. Madhu well the person is now my husband and you stop asking too many questions. Let us go we are getting late now.  

She quickly sat behind Tushar with her legs on both sides but was maintaining distance and not exactly holding him like and sitting too close to him. As Tushar started the bike and travelled for some time and Madhu saw the traffic on the road and thought good that he got his bike as the streets were crowded and traffic was heavy and hardly any place for cars to move.

Since it was sports bike it attracted the attention of all on the street and Tushar was slowly making way through the crowd and finally managed to get out of the crowd where the street was empty. Madhu was still sitting quite behind and Tushar decided to increase the speed so he can make her get close to him. Tushar suddenly raced the bike and due to velocity of the speed Madhu was pushed towards him more. Madhu was little afraid and moved close to Tushar as he was racing the bike. Tushar took the opportunity and raced the bike more as Madhu said please don’t drive so fast I am afraid. Tushar said Mam move forward and hold me and be comfortable. Madhu now moved sitting very close to Tushar as her boobs were touching his back. Tushar asked her Mam has sir ever done willy with you behind on the bike.

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Madhu said no and then Tushar asked her do you want experience it to which quickly she said no please. Tushar said mam don’t worry as he took one of her hands from his shoulder and placed around his waist. Madhu spoke nervously please Tushar is it risky. Tushar said trust me it is experience you will love as he increased the speed and started applying brake which made Madhu boobs crushed more on his back. Tushar said Mam hold me tight and Madhu obliged him sitting very tight with her arms around his waist and leaving no space crushing her boobs into his back. Tushar quickly pressed the clutch and put his weight on the suspension and then in one swing just leaned backwards and pull the bike in air as Madhu hold him tight as possible making her entire boobs crushed into him as Tushar managed to perform willy with his motorcycle for 5-10 seconds. As he put the bike back again and then asked Madhu did you enjoy it Mam. Madhu nervously said yes as it was first time she felt something thrilling and it was adventure.

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Tushar to tease her asked want to try it again and Madhu said Tushar I will not come with you again. Tushar not pushing the subject rode varying the speed of bike and applying sudden brakes in between just to feel her boobs on his back. Madhu also got in good mood and was enjoying riding the sport bike and at times rubbing her boobs on his back on purpose making her horny.  As they were about reaching distance to college Madhu asked Tushar to stop the bike. Tushar pulled off as she got down when Tushar asked why did you get down here. Listen Tushar it won't look good if we both go to college me riding on your bike. Mam don't think unnecessary things. No one will think anything wrong they know you well plus we are not having any affair yet so you need not worry said Tushar almost angry. Madhu looked at him as she found new side of Tushar who usually behaved nicely and had never been angry with her when talking. Little taken back fine said Madhu, sulking a little and sat back on the bike.

Soon they reached college and few of the students noticed them. Sandeep, Arun and Ravi were surprised to see Madhu sitting close to Tushar holding him tightly as finally she got down from the bike and walked inside the college. As she walked she thought how much she loved riding on bike and felt once again like a teenager and remembered how Baban use to pick her from college and drop her. As Madhu walked inside the office, there were flowers; Madhu was surprised to see them. When she opened the card she let out a soft gasp finding out it came from Tushar. Madhu saw the card and was surprised to know that Tushar knew she did not like him being rude and had said sorry using card. Madhu smiled thinking about how romantic and how well he knows her. Madhu could not deny that she too had been caught up in the idea of the student being in love with her, yet she still was not sure if she could allow it to continue to take it to next level.

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Madhu was sitting in her office having her now cold coffee when Ratna walked in. They both greeted each other as Ratna asked Madhu how is the drama going and the other things. Madhu looked at her and said well the script is almost finalized and just few finishing touches. OK that's good Ratna said
Do you need my help in anything let me know but you still did not answer my other question. Madhu asked what other question?
Don't be naïve Madhu. I saw you getting down from bike today with Tushar.
So how is it going between you and him, Madhu? What next?
You think I am dating him? It just that today since it was festival he brought bike instead of his car. So I had no choice but to ride with him. I mean, Tushar is charming and very smart. But I am married plus he is my student so stop trying to make mountain out of mole.

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Ratna a little disappointed said ok, so have you not given thought about how far you're willing to allow him to flirt with you? No! Madhu replied a little too quickly.
Madhu the way he looks at you, talks to you he is trying to get your attention and flirt with you. I must say you are lucky if I were in your place I would have at least given a try. I am not going to have an affair with one my students.
Who's talking about an affair? Just flirt with him sometime and enjoy the moments this will keep him motivated for the time. So wait... I was confused. You are asking me use him for my benefit teasing him. No, dear all I am saying he is probably looking for your attention and that's is what you should also give to him. Just some harmless attention and flirting. Madhu listened and nodded her head in agreement. Ok let's move as I have back to back classes Madhu said to Ratna.

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As Madhu was busy she was not able to meet Tushar and after the final class it was around 6 PM when college got over and Tushar picked Madhu who thanked him for the flowers and card. Soon he passed by students who were little stunned watching Madhu Mam sitting behind on Tushar's bike. Tushar was known more for his flirty attitude with girls and most of the time seen with new girls only exception was last few weeks he was busy with Madhu. Tushar deliberately changed his behavior and tried to improve his image in the college.

Tushar asked Mam if you dont mind shall we take ride as it is cool beautiful evening and you may get some more time on the bike. Madhu said no we will get late, please Tushar insisted and she could not refuse him as he was good in convincing. Finally Madhu agreed and said ok but just 30 mins so they turned to empty road. Madhu saw no one around and moved ahead sitting very close to Tushar. Her boobs were touching his back which was making Tushar horny and his dick started raising slowly. Tushar was varying the speed of his bike. Sometimes very slow, sometimes fast as Madhu was giggling and smiling. Tushar was also applying sudden breaks in between just to feel her boobs more onto his back.

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Madhu was also hugging him tight and sitting very close now that no one was around, leaving no chance for air to pass through them. Madhu did not mind her boobs getting crush as Tushar was applying brakes on full speed and soon she was enjoying the ride. Madhu was holding Tushar by his waist and Tushar dick was having instant hard-on feeling Madhu boobs getting crushed on his back. Accidentally Madhu hand slipped and moved downwards and touched his hard dick. She quickly puller her hands up and felt little awkward as she felt his hardness around her bare hands although over trousers. Madhu felt uncomfortable and she was silent and then managed to ask Tushar let us just go home now as I am getting late as Baban would also be reaching home soon. Tushar said Mam just 10 mins we are almost there I am sure you have never seen this place. Ok but be quick or else it will be dark and this road seems to have no lights.

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Finally they reached the place where Tushar stopped his bike and Madhu looked around and said what is so special about this place. Tushar smiled and said trust me as he asked her to close her eyes and took her hands and was walking upwards on some hill or something like that. Madhu tried to open her eyes and Tushar quickly said Mam please no cheating just one minute. They were almost there when Tushar asked her to open her eyes. Madhu was stunned to see the view as place looked beautiful with view of city at one end and other side beautiful forest with mountains. Tushar said and pointed his finger between the mountains as the sun was setting and the place looked multi-color showing its beauty. Madhu was mesmerized by the view. The place was magic as the day stretching into dusk, the low sun bathing the forest in a beautiful warm glow. Madhu was lost looking at the beauty of the nature and was so happy and felt so relaxed and was speechless.

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Madhu was lost watching the beauty of nature when rain interrupted her thoughts. What are we going to do now Madhu looked little worried at Tushar who said let's move to that tree. They both got under the tree, she looked around and said this place is beautiful and looks more beautiful in rain. Madhu leaned forward extending her hands in the pouring rain and said, I love rain but for now we are stuck.

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Tushar was surprised and said really and madhu replied when I was a kid, I always used to run around in the rain like a wild kid. The intensity of rain was increasing and it started pouring. Droplets of water started percolating down the leaves of tree. They were no longer protected from rain under the tree. The rain was not stopping and it was getting  dark and much louder, crash of thunder and Madhu jumped off the ground. Madhu was afraid of two things one is dark and the other was thunder sound. Tushar saw her jumping and laughed loudly saying I thought you said you loved rains.

Dont worry you need not be afraid of the thunder you can come close to me and stand near me! It will be difficult to ride the bike in this rain so we have no choice but to wait here for the right time to move. It was pitch dark soon and rain was not getting slow and Madhu was now hardly able to see anything around her. The mobile light which Tushar had put was the only hope. Madhu hated to admit that she was scared of darkness. They were now in catch situation and the rain was showing no signs and the sound of thunder made Madhu close her eyes and move close to Tushar and soon she was hugging Tushar due to the thundering sound.

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Tushar felt electricity run in his body finding Madhu in his arms said to her I never thought you are so scared of the thundering sound. Madhu squeezed her eyes shut at the flash of the lightening outside. Madhu said I am scared and angry so stop teasing me ok, now you are happy that I admitted, as Madhu moved closer and held Tushar tightly. Tushar touched her chin and said I am sorry I would have not brought you here if I would have known it would rain and we would be late but dont worry I am here with you and there is no need to be afraid. I will take care of you so there is no need for you to be afraid. Madhu was soon soaked wet, completely soaked due to the rain. The downpour was unexpected the result inevitable. Tushar held her close to him and Madhu stayed silently in his arms.

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The rain was slowing down but Madhu was shivering now as she was wet and due to the water drops which were hardening as they fell from the tree. She was completely soaked and wet due to the rain and started to feel cold. Tushar also was wet and saw Madhu shivering. Tushar looked into her eyes and said dont worry its matter of time and the rain will stop and took his jacket and gave it to her and pulled her in his embrace saying this should keep you warm. It must have been more than 15 mins they stood there hugging each other not speaking single word waiting for the rain to stop.

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Madhu was shivering due to cold but unless the rain stopped there was no way for them to travel by bike. The place was really wonderful and excitement of watching the nature in its eternity beauty was long gone and all she prayed was for the rain to stop. The water was dripping off her hair running down her legs making her clothes wet and most uncomfortably made her panties wet too. She looked longingly for the rain to stop. Tushar moved closed to her and put his hands on her bare back and started moving his hands on her back feeling her soft and smooth skin. Madhu stood still there not saying anything as she liked his touch and it made her feel warm. Tushar dick was hard as Madhu was in his arms from long time and slowly he was moving her hands on her back. Tushar stared into her eyes for few seconds. Their eyes met with each other in the dark. Madhu could see the spark in his eyes asking questions to her.

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Tushar's heart was pounding fast as he could feel her erect nipples, pushing through the thin fabric of her shirt as she was all wet and clothes clanged her body. Madhu started to feel discomfort as she could feel Tushar getting erection and tried to move away from him. Tushar allowed her to move away from his hug and she stood next to him with both watching the rain in dark. Madhu's boobs were rising and falling as her heart raced and she breathed again. She thought... for an awful moment and asked how long will it take for this rain to stop as we are getting late.

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Tushar was about to say something when there was loud thunder and she quickly moved closed to Tushar and Tushar pulled her again in his arms and said dont worry I am with you just stay like this it may help you. Madhu wrapped her arms around Tushar and placed her head on his chest. Tushar got charged up and his erection pushed up against her. Madhu was feeling his erection on her stomach yet instead of pushing Tushar she was getting clutched more to him by tightening her arms over his shoulders. Madhu was scared as it was pitch dark and the thundering and lighting continued which was loud enough for her to frighten plus she was stuck in situation where she could not move away from Tushar. Tushar looked at Madhu and said I think we should leave let me get the bike as you will get completely wet if you come with me. Madhu cringed to him and said no wait dont leave me I am afraid let to stand alone here let us wait for 5 mins more as rain is getting slow now and should stop then we will go together please. I dont want to stand alone here please I am afraid of dark. Madhu was shaking with fear as Tushar looked at her and said you dont need to be afraid. Tushar then moved his face to her and said dont be afraid I won't let anything happen to you.

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Madhu felt relieved as Tushar agreed and hugged her tightly as emotions flew high between them. Tushar moved her hair from her face slowly and Madhu felt his warm breath on her skin while Tushar kissed her neck softly making Madhu hiss. Madhu’s heart started beating faster as Tushar hand slowly moved over her ass feeling it over her clothes, while he placed his lips on her Madhu froze not moving her lips as Tushar kept sucking her lips. Her heart was pounding and she felt turned with the situation. Tushar tongue slowly teased her lips, provoking them to part. the first time, she didn't relent, the second time she didn't relent, the third time she moved just slightly and it was enough as Tushar pushed his tongue and his lips closed on hers. Tushar moved her and slowly pushed her towards the tree and started kissing Madhu passionately. Tushar sucked her lips forcing his tongue inside her mouth. She started to shiver not due to cold but with strange sensation. She never thought it could happen in real this way at strange place. She felt numb as if all her strength is gone.

Tushar took full advantage of the opportunity and quickly grabbed her boobs. "Ahhh," she moaned in his mouth as he pinched her nipples over her dress. She grabbed his hand but he continued to molest her, forcing his tongue inside her mouth and squeezing her boobs. Her body was on fire and the heart was beating so fast that she feared her chest will burst. Madhu heart started to race fast. Tushar quickly bunched her top over her chest. He grabbed the bra and pushed it over her boobs. Tushar touched her naked boobs quite firm challenging him. Madhu moaned loud as Tushar placed his mouth over one of the boobs. He sucked on the soft flesh and flicked his tongue over the erect nipple, and then taking it between his teeth he sensually bit it.

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"Ugg... Ugg... Ugg..." she arched her body. Madhu's breathing was heavy as electric current flow through her body. She felt her body vibrating to treatment he was giving her. Please.... ahhh.... please...." her arms and legs felt as if drained out of blood. Just then her cell phone rang and Madhu somehow did stopped Tushar as he tried to push his hands inside her panties and managed to control herself and came back to senses and pulled away from Tushar. Tushar looked at her and Madhu looked back and then said, the rain has stopped let us just go home trying not to make eye contact with him.

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They got to the bike and Madhu was silent and Tushar could feel her heavy breathing. Tushar stayed quiet and did not talk or push her further allowing her to digest what just has happened. Madhu was very nervous not knowing what to say kept quiet and got down from the bike as they reached home.
Tushar said Mam can I call you in the night? May be we can (taking pause) …… the script. Madhu walked away without saying anything feeling guilty as Tushar realized the turmoil Madhu must be

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going through. He had already made his first move. He knew she had enjoyed kissing him and only thing is she needs time to accept.
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Madhu quickly got into the house and stripped down her clothes which were already wet and went for shower. As she stood below the shower Madhu felt a warm sensation ran through her body as she remembered the wonderful feeling being in Tushar arms and kissing him. Madhu felt her pussy moistening up and her body aroused again with the thought of Tushar. Unconsciously she spread her legs and moved her hand to her wet pussy.

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She closed her eyes and started to play with her pussy thinking about Tushar in her mind. Her mind was racing to form an image of Tushar caressing her nipple, making her moan. Madhu soon realized the situation and felt ashamed about the thoughts. She was a teacher fingering herself thinking about a student who was about 7 years younger than her. She got out of the water and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at her body and admired it. Her breasts looked firm and full and her nipples still erect with the thoughts of the evening.

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Madhu quickly got dressed and was waiting for Baban. Madhu got up from her bed with the sound of the bell and removed the lock and opened the door. Baban smiled and entered the house. In the night Madhu joined Baban who was sitting in the room watching TV and Madhu was silent and not talking with Baban but just responding lost in her own world.
Baban looked at her said you look tense. Madhu shrugged off and said nothing just little tired. So how is the work on play going? Baban asked. It is kind of hectic.
Baban there is something I want to discuss with you said Madhu. Yes honey, what is it? What is that bothering you? I am thinking on leaving the drama but I wanted to talk to you about it first and get your opinion. Baban was shocked listening to her and asked why? I thought you will be enjoying the work after college times. Why do you want to leave the drama?
Baban you dont understand the guys from drama try to flirt with me openly and treat me as college girl. I have been trying to avoid but it is becoming little awkward and I feel little odd in front of them. Baban said you are so attractive even if I was in place of them I would have done the same plus you are so hot looking as he laughed and added so who will not want to have that piece of this sexy ass.

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Baban was little turned on and his hands were moving slowly and mauling her ass when he said you remember Jenny miss from college. Yes nodded Madhu what has she do with what I am trying to tell you. In our college group she was fantasy of all. Everyone wanted to flirt with her even fuck her she was really hot and there was nothing wrong about students fantasizing about her, Baban said. Oh I see I did not know this you never said anything before. So did you also thought about her same way Madhu asked Baban? Her body was work of art I have also fantasized about her but it was natural. I was young and curious about girls. It is just fantasy of students as they are more attracted to their teachers and they will try to impress them with their talks but we respected her and realized reality is different from fantasy.

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Baban started unbuttoning her blouse as Madhu noticed that her husband's was already sporting a erection. Baban hands slipped inside her top and played with her boobs over the bra. Baban then held her arms and pulled her towards the bed. She got on the bed with her knees. He turned her around so she was facing the wall. Madhu placed her elbows on the both side of the bed to balance. Madhu felt Baban hands moving her skirt up. Madhu reached for the zip to take it off but Baban stopped her and said let it be. Soon he had rolled the skirt all the way up around her waist. And he looked at the round curvy buttocks of his wife. Baban slid her panties down to her knees and removed his trousers along with the underwear. Baban looked in hurry so Madhu asked him what's the matter with you? Madhu said so you are horny thinking someone flirting with me...or you just imagining Jenny Miss. Baban felt odd Madhu answering her and did not say anything and shoved his dick inside her in one swift motion. She wasn't completely ready yet and it hurt a little. Slowly darling..." Madhu whispered.

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But Baban didn't even hear it. He was too lost in pounding his wife's cunt hard. He reached around and grabbed her boobs over her bra. Then leaning forward, he bucked her even faster. Baban...slow down a little you are hurting me... Madhu said enjoying the feeling a little anxious.
"Hmmm." he said and slowed down, but only a little. The pace of the fucking was making Madhu's forehead bump against the wall. The bed room was filled with the sound of their thighs slapping against one another. This continued for another minute. Madhu started enjoying when Baban made soft noise and she felt his semen shoot inside her. Madhu just had started to enjoy the sex but was no were near to her satisfaction as Baban pulled out and lied down on the bed. Madhu then walked to the bathroom and she wished he had lasted longer for some more time.

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Baban quickly went to sleep but Madhu was not able to sleep. Her mind was totally filled with the things happened between her and Tushar in the evening. The more she remembered the more the flashes of what she had done made her nervous. Madhu was unable to understand the feelings she was having towards Tushar. All her married life she never had the urge to flirt with another man, let alone have an outright affair with her student. She had her share of romance and sex with Baban and even though he was not so adventurous in bed but Madhu never had the urge to try with someone else. She could manage it pretty well till the incident with Manoj and was more than happy with what she got from her husband. She was thinking too much about it and was not able to sleep, she made her way to the living room. She sat in the dark, slowly sipping her tea thinking.

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Madhu did not wanted to cheat on baban but same time excited thinking about having sex with someone else other than him. Tushar's overtly flirty behavior and his frank talks never hiding his intentions that he was interested in having an affair with her made her excited. It was her own reaction to his overtures that was disturbing her more after kissing him and allowing him to briefly touch her. 

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Madhu was excited to realize that a student wanted to have affair with her. Madhu was thinking about the way Tushar kissed her and felt her body. Tushar was just different there was no denying for that moment she loved feeling his dick. More she thought about the evening it made her breathing heavy. It felt nice to be lusted for but she did not dare to take it further? This was wrong and it had to stop there itself Madhu thought.
Madhu wanted to clear things with Tushar in the morning just then her cellphone rang. Madhu wondered who it could be as she did recognize the number as it was Tushar who was calling her. She answered the phone but didn't know what to talk to him and why is he calling her so late.
Tushar: Hi
Madhu: Hi, Why are you calling me so late. My husband is home. I can't talk to you right now

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Tushar: Actually I was not able to sleep properly thinking about the evening. Mam don't be angry..... I wanted you for so long.... I wanted you be in my arms and want to feel you, his voice was horny. So I called you as I still feel you around me and not able to sleep
Madhu: I don't want to talk about it, you took advantage of me as it was dark and raining knowing well that I was scared.

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Tushar:  Why are you backing now and putting the blame on me and making excuses?
Madhu: That was an accident Tushar and forget about it and we will not talk about it again. I will travel by my car so don’t wait for me to travel with you in the morning.
Tushar: Mam I know you also like me and are afraid to admit. So I will wait in my car tomorrow outside your home. So I leave it up to you to decide if you also like me and want to be with me. Before Madhu could say anything further, the call was disconnected. Madhu sat there thinking how to deal with the situation.
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Madhu was unable to sleep in the night late struggling with her inner desires and woke up late in the morning; Madhu quickly got into the bathroom for getting ready. Madhu came out fully naked, her big tits rising and falling with each step. The towel was wrapped around her wet hair. And there was a spring in her step. Madhu walked across the bed and closer to the closet of her clothes. Madhu picked up a hair dryer and carefully worked on her hair. Madhu slipped on what looked like a new pair of white lace underwear and a matching bra. Once her hair was dried, she put on some basic make-up and then she looked and found tops and full skirt. Madhu got ready, turned the lights off and walked out of the bedroom and went towards the window to see if she could spot Tushar. She saw his car as he was waiting outside the gate for her and her heart sank.

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She was very nervous to face him and she thought of all the possibilities of her life and her emotions. The fear of cheating on her husband with student churned her stomach. The thrill was exciting but she did not dare to take the chance. Madhu was in turmoil and did not know what she was going to do next. Finally she picked her car keys and took the decision. She switched off the lights and locked the door. Madhu walked out of the lift and walked slowly towards the exit of the building compound slow and nervous. She was just out of the gate when the car stopped beside her. Her heart was beating fast as she saw Tushar and felt nervous and looked at him as he opened the door.

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She looked around nervous for the first time as Tushar was looking at her in a strange way. Finally she got inside and sat on the front seat beside him. She stayed silent as the car picked speed. Madhu was sweating and looked down. After some time Tushar just kept looking at her and finally said Mam you are looking beautiful today. Madhu managed to say thanks and kept looking outside the window. Why are you ignoring me, Tushar asked looking to her. Madhu trying to avoid his gaze said Why are you bothering me and what do you mean when you said yesterday that I should decide?
Mam I love you and I want you badly, he looked into her eyes and I know you also like me but afraid to say.
Please, Tushar I am your teacher you should not be talking to me like this.

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Madhu I have never met a girl like you and I want to see you and admire you in all senses. Madhu did not know what to say to him and kept her head down not sure about how to respond to Tushar. Tushar slowly placed his hands on her hand and said you're beautiful, sexy and soft. Madhu could feel something inside her changing, something was transforming inside her. She could feel her elevated heart beat and breath confirmed her arousal but kept quiet. She ignored him and continued looking outside but allowed him to hold her hands.
Tushar now moved his hands on her thighs as she did not say anything or objected to his advances as Tushar continued caressing her thighs over her skirt, slowly he moved his hands down and moved the skirt little up to move his hands inside it.

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Madhu kept still and closed her eyes as Tushar was moving his one hand inside her skirt and managing the steering with one hand. Suddenly Madhu shifted in her seat as Tushar managed to move his hands almost near to hem of her panties. A tight knot began forming in her stomach. Madhu body was sending signals she didn't want him to sense. The situation she found herself in was making her vulnerable as she gasped and removed his hand away. Madhu looked at him and said Tushar please it won't work out between both of us. There are so many things in which we are different plus I cannot give you what you are looking from me. We cannot have future together and it would be nice if you could find some girl whom you can spend your life without being secretive or hiding from the world. Although I don’t want to hurt you or make you sad but you and I are both different. I am married woman and have commitment to my husband and family I can't just be your gf.

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Tushar was happy to know when Madhu acknowledged that deep inside she also wants to be with him and will be happy but is afraid of the society. Tushar asked "Why are you thinking about future and spoiling the present? We have similar taste likes and dislikes also I know that you also like me. There was clearly growing level of comfort between the two and Tushar could feel it. Madhu felt again Tushar hand touch hers. He gently held it as he drive. She looked at him blankly, she could see Tushar radiant eyes and a sparkling smile. A few tense seconds passed before she smiled back and he felt her hand tighten its grip on his. They didn't speak a word to each other for the next several minutes; just sat in silence driving. Madhu was silent, confused and did not know what to do. Tushar then looked at her and said Mam I will not force you to do things and ready to wait when you are comfortable but I am happy at least we are honest to each other about our feelings and may be some day you will understand my love for you……and reciprocate. I will wait for that day.
Have you always been like this? Madhu softly asked.
Like what? unrelenting and how many girls have you been with?
Why do you think like that? Tushar said

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There was complete silence with Madhu breathing heavily and looking down. Madhu wanted to say something, she wanted to say yes to him it yet she couldn't. She couldn't believe how easily her body and mind was betraying her. Madhu breathing was getting heavier by the second and her nipples seemed so hard, she feared they'd rip through the top. Tushar noticed how her nipples were pressing against the fabric of the top and were so clearly visible. Tushar knew Madhu was fighting within herself and torn between him and her family. As they reached the college, Tushar let go off her hand. Madhu was about to get down from the car when Tushar said to her I want to hold you right now and kiss. But I am not sure whether you want me to, Madhu. Do you want to feel my lips on yours? Madhu was herself not sure what she wanted. Whether she wanted to go the distance. Her desires had overpowered her thinking. Her nipples were hard underneath and her body craved for his touch. Madhu looked at him and said I need some time to think.

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Madhu got down from the car and walked slowly thinking she was allowing Tushar to explore her body and he was getting bold and she herself was tempted to try things with him. Madhu was having hard time and she was completely torn between moral and immoral thoughts and her hidden desires which she no longer could deny. Her body was burning by desire to be touched. Somehow she finished her first lecture and was walking to the other class as she saw Tushar standing in the hall looking at her. Tushar was looking at her with eager eyes and his eyes were asking questions of her and Madhu walked nervously avoiding to look at him but could not hold for long as she looked up and their eyes meet for instant as he walked towards her making her stand still as he went past her whispering to her I want you, come to me, you need me more than I need you now.

Madhu wanted to say something but before she could say anything, Tushar walked towards his class leaving her shocked. Tushar thoughts was having effect on Madhu and even during the class she was feeling turned on and her nipples hard. Madhu knew all this was wrong. Madhu was confused if she really wants all this to happen and if she really wants to do it. The thought about Tushar send shivers down her spine as she realized that she too wanted it to happen.
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The second lecture was torcher for her as she was not able to focus on teaching and decided to take break. She went to washroom and just splashed cold water on her face and looked in the mirror. When she looked at herself in the mirror all she could see or hear was Tushar's words. Madhu blushed looking at herself in the mirror and felt as college girl in love with someone and just smiled nervously. Madhu was not in control of her feelings or emotions and lost in her thoughts. Her mind was filled with thoughts and she remembered standing naked in front of stranger few days back and how big his dick was. She thought how big Tushar would be and how will it feel to play with it. Somehow she managed to splash cold water on her face and return to the class to complete the lecture. Finally the class was about to get over as she was still very much distracted with the things going in her head and was happy when she heard the bell. She collected the books on the table and moved out of the class and walked towards her office as she had no other lecture for next hour. The corridor was empty but she saw Tushar again standing in the hall and was looking at her more intently and looking for answer.

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Madhu looked at him and first time she felt tingle sensation in her legs and knot in stomach building, this time she looked at him and found how handsome he was. Madhu just could not walk pass him without looking at him. She wanted to walk away from him and avoid him but out of nowhere she turned and walked towards him and asked him if he had some free time as she wanted to discuss with him something in her office.

Tushar was more than happy but just to tease her more asked is it urgent darling as I have a lecture now. Tushar called her darling which Madhu did not notice much or tried to stop him saying that to her. She was lost in the battle within her. Madhu was fighting with the mix of emotions rising through her body and unable to say anything looked at him and just walked away slowly confused cursing her asking him to come to his office. She was in confused state of mind and really did not know why she asked him to meet her in office.

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Madhu was sitting in her office thinking and thing she hated was the guilty feeling she was having when she thought about Tushar again. Madhu was alone in her office as all the other professors were having lecture. Madhu was seriously contemplating adultery with her student was out of question. Madhu didn't have enough courage to accept that she was positive about it.
Madhu heart was beating fast and she felt her temples burning. She did not notice as Tushar walked in her office as she sat lost in thoughts thinking something. She was completely lost and was having hard time to concentrate on anything and take her mind off from his thoughts as Tushar walked inside her office and looked at Madhu who was still not aware about his presence in the room. Interrupting her thoughts he asked Mam you wanted to talk to me about something as he had to skip his important lecture?

Madhu nervously looked around and realized that she herself was unsure why she had called for him and just looked at him and said actually I wanted to ask if to talk…not entirely sure what to say. Finally she took deep breath and said I wanted to say do not skip the drama class today as Mr. Roy will be visiting. Is that it what you wanted to say Tushar looked at her and said you could have told me this in the hall itself why call me to the office . I think you want to say something else… which I think we both know well.

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Madhu stared at him blankly as Tushar was weighing his options to go ahead and make his next move. He was very sure that Madhu was nervous to admit or confess her feelings for him. Tushar understood and knew it was the right time for him to make move as Madhu was most vulnerable at that moment and decided to take the risk for one final push. Tushar knew she was the most fragile at that moment and it was right time to make his move. Tushar walked towards the door as Madhu looked at him wanting him to stop but just kept looking at him thinking how to tell him her answer. Madhu was sad watching Tushar leave her office but to her surprise he was not leaving and had locked the door from inside. Madhu looked at him as he locked the door and walked towards her and started breathing heavily now as Tushar came near to her and reached her and pulled her into his arms.

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Madhu almost shivered when Tushar hugged her. Again, her body was sending her messages that her brain and her conscious mind were refusing to entertain but all she managed to say was Tushar … Someone may come!. Tushar quickly put his finger on her lips saying "Shhh not allowing her to say anything more. The classes are in progress and we still have 30 mins more. No one is going to come before that. Baby please...  Madhu just stared at Tushar blankly and stayed silent as Tushar started hugging her and his hands were caressing her back and he opened her hair which were tied and Madhu noticed his face coming closer to her, but somehow her brain didn't register it, or didn't know what to do next. She felt his breath on her chin. She saw the quiver in his lips as he moved his face close to her.

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And soon, she felt his lips on her lips. His hands moved behind her head as his lips pressed into her. Madhu was frozen as he started kissing her. Her brain told her to stop but her lips refused to leave his lips. Madhu enjoyed feeling his lips on her and found herself kissing him back, after what seemed like an eternity, but was just a couple of seconds, Madhu pulled away and just stared silently and the only reaction she had was heavy breathing and rapid heartbeat.  Why are you doing this to me? she asked Tushar. You know very well I can't be your gf plus I am your teacher.
Spending time with you makes me happy. I would like to enjoy the time with you in my arms he said. Before Madhu could respond to him Tushar just took his finger and placed it on her lips and said shh…and pulled her in his arms again and started kissing her hungrily. Madhu also responded by kissing him back with passion. Finally Madhu looked into his eyes and said Tushar please don't do this to me.... not sure about what to say next. Madhu, I know you also want me but afraid to say it. Tushar said, again leaning towards her until his lips meet her. Madhu closed her eyes and was shivering and acting like a teenager with a huge crush on the coolest guy in college when Tushar pushed his tongue inside and played with her tongue.

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Tushar now gently rolled his tongue into her mouth; Madhu was completely off guard by all of this at the moment. Madhu also did found her tongue dueling with his. Madhu allowed the kiss to continue but whenever one of his hands was trying to explore her body she stopped it. Tushar managed to get a couple of quick feels of one of her firm 34b breasts before she stopped him. He tried to get his hand up one her soft legs so he could feel her down, she quickly stopped him again. The two of them must have kissed for around five minutes when Madhu finally pulled her head away from his. Madhu I don't want to think about anything else, all I want is you. He said pulling her back in his arms

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Again looking into her eyes now, Tushar said, I love you, mam. Please, say it once I want to hear it from you I know you also love me. I want to listen it once from your mouth. Tushar looked at her with pleading eyes and finally Madhu had to also confess her feelings to Tushar. Madhu took deep breath to control her breathing which was making her shiver and  managed to say I also love you and then slowly closed her eyes and kissed him.

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Tushar knew that Madhu was in his complete control and wanted to exploit her further to his wishes as he gets his cock up her pussy. Not only he wanted to fuck the hottest teacher but also wanted to use her and share her with his close group as his achievement. Tushar could read the expressions on her face. Madhu had already surrendered herself to Tushar letting him take control. Tushar kept sucking her lower lip like a candy and sucked on it. He smothered his lips onto her. Their kissing made slurp sounds and Madhu only pulled away from him when she heard the bell rang.

Madhu who still now was lost in her emotions and doing things to please Tushar stared at him in guilt and pushed him back as she realized it was her office and someone might come and notice the door locked from inside. She quickly moved away and said you should go now we will talk later about this...."trying to move away from him in a hurry to open the door. She quickly adjusted her clothes and hair and started gathering the books that were spread on the table and stuffing them into her bag quickly walking towards the door. Tushar pulled her towards him not allowing her to walk away from him and put his finger on her lips and said Mam, I don't want you to go. I need you now. Madhu looked at him almost pleading with her eyes and said you should leave me now as someone might walk in and find the door locked from inside and may get suspicious.
[+] 3 users Like ak81ymail's post
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Excellent update
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Lovely bro
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Tushar quietly looked at her and she looked back almost pleading with him to leave. Then she almost pleadingly said, please let me go now we will continue in the 

evening. Tushar looked at her and said do you promise me. Yes whatever you say but please now let me go Madhu said as Tushar finally walked towards the door 

and opened it and looked around and quickly went out and soon Madhu followed him out of her room and looked around and was relieved to find the corridor still 
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empty. She walked nervously in the hall but deep down was thinking about what happened between her and Tushar in the office. She felt tingle between her legs as 

she thought what next.
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Tushar and Madhu both were not able to concentrate on rest of the day and was waiting for the day to get over. Mr. Roy had visited the drama classes and was happy with the progress. The day was over which was agonizing as Madhu clearly was distracted so was Tushar eager to get back in his car with Madhu.
Finally they decided to leave and Madhu got into the car with Tushar. She was nervous and looked around to see if anyone was watching them as if it was first time she was going by his car. Madhu looked at Tushar and bit her lower lip while looking nervously at him and said Promise me "No one will know about this and stays between us, do you promise it will be our secret? Don't worry no one will know it will be our secret Tushar said. Do you trust me Madhu and have faith in me?

Tushar I do trust you and I can never thank you enough for helping me with the play and I love talking to you and spending time but having said that for me to be your friend is something unusual as I am your teacher and you are my student.

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Madhu was grappling with her own conflicting emotions of arousal and lust. After marriage this was the second time she was with another guy talking about having relation. The earlier incident was in bus which she had not much choice but in this she was equally involved. Tushar was handsome. Look Madhu I will be honest with you. Then he took her hand in his and placed it on his trousers and said see what your beauty is doing to me pointing to his dick which was hard and straining to break free in his trousers. I will be ok if you do not wish to feel it but allow me now to at show you what you have been missing. Madhu looked at his legs looking at the bulge forming in his trousers. Madhu slowly moved her hands on top of the bulge in his trousers to feel it as her pussy was aching for the feel of it more than anything. She parted her legs a bit to allow some air to pass.

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Tushar leaned towards her and gave her kiss on her cheeks. Madhu just closed her eyes as Tushar rubbed his one hands on her thighs and was slowly moving her skirt upwards. Madhu pushed his hand away. Tushar looked at her with twinkle in his eyes and Madhu just gave him a quick look and said not in the car. Tushar smiled and said let us go to my place so we will have complete privacy. Madhu did not say anything and simply nodded her head in agreement. Tushar drove his car to his apartment. Madhu quickly walked inside his apartment as she was scared that someone known may notice her going alone with Tushar in his home.

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Tushar closed the door quickly and grabbed Madhu by her waist and started kissing wildly. Tushar took her hand and placed it on his heart and said feel it how it is beating for you. Madhu didn't resist and she kept her hands on his chest feeling his heart beats. Same time, Tushar hands were exploring all over her back. Tushar pushed her to the wall and started kissing her beautiful lips, putting his tongue inside her mouth and fighting with her tongue.

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Tushar was standing in his home, holding his teacher in his arms. And she was clutching on to him. In a very close embrace. Madhu was now in his arms.  His instincts took over and suddenly he found his focus shifting towards her body. Madhu's thought process was a bit more fuzzy and she was shy to respond to Tushar. He tightened his grip around her and placed both hands on each of her boobs, over her dress. Tushar was happy that Madhu was not trying to run away or stop him and responding to his kisses and he could see her shyness crumble and he felt her boobs while kissing her. Tushar dick had never felt harder than it did right then, and he felt it was going to explode and tear his trousers and come out. Tushar took Madhu one hand and slowly slid her hand up and down over the trousers making her feel his dick and he said feel it how much it is hot for you now. Madhu was a little hesitant but without saying a word she just started to feel it over his trousers rubbing it slowly.

Tushar grabbed the back of Madhu's T-shirt and pulled it up. Madhu looked into his eyes and did what Tushar wanted by slowly unzipping her skirt. It fell on the floor and she stepped out of it. Her panties were wet. Tushar quickly moved his hands down and was touching her round ass over her panties. He squeezed them hard as Madhu shivered in his arms.
Tushar was teasing her and asked her "Do tell me if you wish to stop...don't be shy? Tushar whispered. Please do what you like don't ask me I will tell you if I want to stop!" she said in a low voice. Tushar kissed her as he groped her full round ass over her panties. Then slowly he slipped a hand into the panties feeling her naked ass. Madhu in the meanwhile started sticking her tongue into his mouth. Madhu felt him pressing her ass and feeling it and blushed.

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As their tongues pressed together and Tushar moved his focus to her boobs and began squeezing both her breasts. His cock was rubbing against her belly as his right hand applied pressure on her nipples from over her bra. Then Tushar moved back and released her from his hot embrace.

Madhu took a couple of stumbling steps backwards, and fell on the sofa on her ass breathing heavily. Tushar noticed how much her big boobs swung up and down because of it, even contained in the bra. And he got a first good look at her figure, clad only in a bra and panties. Tushar stood facing her and came in front of her. Her eyes were still closed, her boobs heaving with each breath she sucked in with her partly open lips. Madhu heard the sound of his zip coming down. She opened her eyes wide.

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Tushar, please. I think we've gone too far already, pleaded Madhu can we stop now. Her big, brown eyes looked pleadingly into his face. Tushar just ignored her and said your bra and her animal instincts responded positively. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, slipping it off. This made her boobs fall free, and Tushar got his first look at them. His eyes widened. They were smooth tight and round. Tushar slipped his jeans off and stood there in his jockeys, a sizeable bulge visible. Madhu stared at that bulge and slid backwards on her elbows towards the pillow. She was staring at his dick and he was staring at her boobs moving up and down due to her breathing. They had not made eye contact in a while and just a few days back, neither of them had even dreamed of anything like this.

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Tushar slowly removed his jockey teasing Madhu who stared dumbfounded at his cock. It was big, handsome. The knob was smooth and he was circumcised.
Tushar asked her to remove her panties. Then as if in a trance, Madhu got up from the sofa turned to her right and began sliding down her panties on her own. She stooped to remove them and then stood up. Slowly she turned back to face him. She was clean shaven. Her pussy glistened with juice and sweat. Her wet lips were engorged and the pink inner lips were swollen. Tushar went down on his knees in front of her, his face close to her pussy. He closed his eyes and deeply inhaled her womanly smell.

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Madhu closed her eyes and sighed, cooed and moaned as Tushar's moved his finger trying to explore her clit with his index finger while rubbing her pussy. He moved his finger inside her and she drew a sharp breath as she felt his fingers inside her. She closed her eyes and said nothing but responded in moans of approval. 

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Soon Tushar settled in rhythm with fingers moving in and out of her and his fingers wriggling on her clit.  Madhu felt orgasm build inside her that's when her phone rang. Madhu asked Tushar to get her phone as she was ecstasy to move from her place. I think it is your husband, he said, handing her the phone. Madhu felt guilty and ashamed as she was lost in the pleasure and lust and suddenly she realized she is married woman and have family.  She felt ashamed to pick up the phone naked in front of Tushar but decided to receive Baban call and listened. Hi honey. Where are you? Still in college? Baban asked. Yeah, have extra classes as she lied to him for the first time. Do you want me to pick you up asked Baban? Madhu panicked little as she was at Tushar home. Madhu quickly said no need I may be little late. How late are you going to be?" Baban said. Then added, "If you wish I will wait outside your college"

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No please as one of my students will drop me home by his car, you please reach home and I will manage to finish some work" Madhu said. Baban ok then I will leave now for home but asked teasingly is this the same student who asked you out for coffee? Madhu little angry said "Will you stop it". Of course Baban quickly said adding I was just teasing you. Madhu understood she had overreacted and said sorry, I am just little busy with some work. Should be home by about 8.30. Ok then see you at home as Baban disconnected the call adding "Love you darling".
[+] 2 users Like ak81ymail's post
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Very good update
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Tushar is almost there Smile, Amazing update as always keep them coming Smile
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Is madhu still feeling the wimp husband dick inside her after opening her legs to Maanoj. Nice one
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As Madhu disconnected the call she looked down and she was remorse for lying to her husband. Madhu knew she had just put her marriage, her life and 

everything on the line in a blinding moment of lust. Madhu felt sad as tears formed in her eyes and started to flow down her cheeks. Tushar understood her 

situation and came close to her and wiped her tears and pulled her close to him and took her in his arms.

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Madhu was crying softly as he held her in his arms. Tushar then looked into her eyes and said you dont have to cry Mam. Whatever happened between us stays 

between us. I know this exactly how you are feeling and you must be feeling guilty but I love you and you love me. We are not doing anything wrong so please 

don't cry. Tushar said anyone can fall in love and there is nothing wrong in that and it has nothing to do with age, marriage, relations. Is it wrong for you and me 

to find few moments of love and express to each other? Can a person not be in love with other just because she is married to someone or have family? He took 

her hands in his and said the last few hours we spend together are the most beautiful moments of my life. Madhu looked at him and said Maybe. I mean...until 

recently, I never thought of anyone else than Baban. What if Baban finds this out?" Madhu said. How will Baban or anyone else know?

We are not going to announce it and we will meet and keep things between us. Don't worry Mam. Madhu looked at Tushar said "Would it be correct for us, 

Tushar?" pausing to take a hurried breath and continued, "Are you sure this is what we want, Tushar?

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Come on Madhu Mam, what do you say? Feel my heart, how it throbs, how it beats for you! Why can you deny this? Deny what you feel for me? I love you! I 

want you so desperately. This is what we both want, each other. We can't back out now.

Tushar pulled her close back tightly against his cock. Madhu felt his one hand slowly slipping behind onto her ass cheeks. Madhu was confused not knowing what 

to do, she stood still. It's alright, he whispered slowly into her ears and held her. Sorry Tushar we will talk later on this, I need to....leave now. I am getting late as 

Baban will be reaching home in sometime and will be waiting for me. 

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Madhu quickly picked her clothes and got dressed as Tushar said It's okay. I understand. He 

came up to her and gave her a short but gentle kiss on her lips. Madhu got in the car looking out the window, wondering why she was feeling so shy sitting with 

Tushar. What surprised Madhu was that she wasn't able to say no to Tushar and was in love with him not thinking much about anything else. They drove silently 

and they both said bye to each other

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