Adultery Madhu and Tushar
I finished reading this story once. When I came to read it again after a while, the story was completely deleted. I'm happy that you have started writing it again. So please update daily. I am waiting for the drama....
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Good that madhu finally got a fuck from real man.
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Please update the story.
Waiting for the drama rehearsal
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Waiting for next
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Update please
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Throughout the evening Madhu was in a state of dismay. Madhu was sure that Manoj will want to fuck her more and more and she has no escape or excuse to deny him. Madhu finally let it go not thinking much made dinner for Baban and her and did her chores and went to sleep little early and slept well due to hard fucking she had from both. The next day she took cab on time for college. Madhu mind was drifting back to yesterday making her uneasy when she thought how Manoj hard cock fucked her pussy. 

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The images of her getting fucked by Manoj at times aroused as her pussy became wet and her nipples hard. Madhu mind was trying to avoid those thoughts and not allow Manoj to dominate her but heart was looking for more and the thoughts were making her feel guilty as she decided against but still was not able to focus on the classes. All she could think of was the incident. The more Madhu tried to distract and take her mind from it, the more she thought about Manoj. Manoj was very different with her in all sense he was loving, dominating and even very rough with her. But one thing kept Madhu thinking was What a cock! Madhu was mesmerized by it from the moment she saw it when he took off his trousers. All these thoughts turned her on. On the other hand she was not person who will cheat on her husband or wanted to be used by guys like Manoj. 

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Her focus was more on her career and that was more important and cared most about her reputation in college and society. There were many questions in her mind still unanswered. How will she react if he tries to go after her and ask for more? The chain of question was broken when Madhu heard the phone ringing. Madhu wondered who it could be as she did not recognize the number. A thought crossed her mind is it Manoj and should she be really talking to him. Madhu finally answered the phone. "Hello." "Hi. Are you missing me? Her heart skipped and was beating fast as it was Manoj. Manoj? Is that you? Why are you calling me now I can't talk now as I am in middle of classes? she sounded angry. How did you get my number? Oh come on do you want to talk about it now. What do you want? Can you take some time and come down to my place. No I can't as I had taken a leave from work yesterday so I have some extra classes to complete. Plus why do you think I want to be with you at your place she said in angry tone. Manoj promptly replied to her well I thought you wanted to have more fun like yesterday. 

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Hell no whatever happened yesterday was accident and whatever I did as I had no other choice. So you are mistaken that I was happy and willing to do it again so I am not coming to you or your place and please don’t call me again or I will report you as she disconnected the call.

Madhu freshened up and got to her next class and decided not think too much about it. As Madhu was walking to her class Tushar walked passed by her and gave her smile. Madhu looked at him and smiled back and thought it would have been better if she would have taken the offer to drive in his car to college yesterday. Mr. Roy had called Madhu to let her know about Tushar and take his help for the drama. The day in the college was usual and it came to her drama classes. As Madhu walked into the drama group classes, Tushar got up and shot her smile and his eyes drifted to her tits and stayed there a moment before returning to her face as he said good evening Mam. "Hello Tushar, good to see you." Madhu said, flashing him a half-smile with some effort. Madhu felt Tushar looking at her intently and seemed to be shamelessly stripping her naked in his mind which reminded her about the looks Manoj had for her in the morning. Madhu was most beautiful teacher and was used to students checking her out and letting their eyes wander. But most students did it without her knowledge and tried to be secret about it. 
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But Tushar was different she had come across in college. From the first day itself he didn't try to hide the fact that he was interested in her and even went ahead to propose her. In fact, he seemed to have made his intentions clear and spoke to her about it very openly. Madhu decided to focus on the group and spoke about drama and explained the class and asked them to be more frank and encouraged them to come up with new ideas for the play. She explained the class about the play they are looking for and gave them assignment to come up with their drama scripts and if she finds it worth they will be working on the script which is the best one out of all the suggested one. She wanted the students to contribute and to understand how important it was for the college to get the award and reclaim their lost glory. It was also important for her as she always wanted to Head the cultural activities department for college and this was good opportunity to prove her worth and move up in her career. As she was talking Tushar raised his hand and said I have script with me as he walked towards her and gave it to her. She took it from his hands as he kept staring at her. There was something charming about Tushar when he looked at her although she disliked the way he looks at her but she also could not ignore him and her attention moved to him during the class more often. Madhu tried to take her mind off Tushar and decided to find a way to learn more about him. As she took the script which was more than 200 pages she thought about the note and muttered to herself if this time he gets flirty with her she will be taking him to task. Finally she looked at the other students and said I give you three days to submit the script/ideas for the play.  The class was dismissed and Madhu called Baban
Hi darling!" she said.
Hi honey, what's up?" Baban asked.
Actually my car was not working so I took cab to college do you mind picking me up as she did not intend to travel again by bus specially after the morning. She was talking to him about the bus experience she had and asked him to pick her up. Baban agreed and said give me 15 mins I will pick you outside the college. Madhu who was about to walk off heard someone calling her and looked back. It was Tushar again standing beside her. As Madhu looked at him and noticed he was looking at her over from head to toe as if he was taking a picture in his mind for later.
Uh Hi Mam. He said.
Hi Tushar." She replied.
Can we talk for 2 minutes? Sure.
Tushar looked at her and said I just wanted to say "I'm sorry I wrote that note to you, That gave you wrong impression about me. Tushar said looking down. Madhu said sometimes things like this happen and it is nice to know that he realized his mistakes and it is ok if he really means what he is saying now. I am glad that you realized your mistake and apologized. As she walked off saying that Madhu had a momentary devilish thought as she walked, what a thrill it would be to have affair with student of hers and how it would feel. She shrugged off the thought and picked her purse and walked outside college waiting for Baban. It was almost 20 mins and Baban was not there so she called him and Baban apologized to her saying I am really sorry but I won't be able to pick you and she has to wait for 1 hour more as he just got call from client who needs some documents urgently. Baban quickly said I am sorry I completely forgot to call you and inform. Madhu little angry said Great. I dint book cab and was waiting for you last 20 mins and now you are also not coming. What am I supposed to do as she disconnected the call little angry with Baban. Madhu started looking for cab as she dint wanted to travel by bus as at this time of the day it would be overcrowded and specially thinking about the morning.  The thought of going by bus gave her goose bumps recalling her incident with Manoj. The cab she booked was supposed to arrive in 15 mins and she waited patiently and was further annoyed as the cab driver cancelled her booking at last moment. She was standing outside the college now for almost 30 mins with no luck. The rain started semisoft slush at Madhu and the drops were hardening as they fell—they had some sting as they struck her, great she said getting annoyed further.

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She was waiting thinking about what to do next when she saw a car stopped beside her. Manoj was in the car and she got scared and nervous looking at him. Get in I will drop you like I said. No, Madhu said firmly, Madhu didn't look towards him as she was too ashamed and tried to ignore him, but Manoj was adamant he moved the car in front of her. Madhu looked around and saw few around them were looking towards them in a strange manner, so to avoid any scene she hopped on the front seat. Both of them were silent as the car picked speed. Madhu was still shocked and looked down, she shivered thinking about what does he have in mind. Never in her life was she forced by anyone and now getting dominated by some young guy. Now stop please, she spoke still looking down. You got what you wanted to have and I am not interested in taking it further be happy that I did not complain. If you wish to complain you can do that but you also need to explain how you did manage to walk to my home so if you are ok now I want to talk to you, Manoj said. But I don't want to talk to you. Get the hell out of here and leave me alone. I will call the cops if you continue harassing me Madhu said. If you wish to get cops should I dial the number for you but I need to talk to you now so let's go somewhere.  Look, I am not going anywhere...okay... stop the car and let me go my husband will be waiting for me at home.

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Manoj didn't bother about what she was saying asking her why are you angry with me? Didn't you enjoy it yesterday? I didn't enjoy anything clear about that... now stop the car and let me go before I start shouting. Manoj said look I am leaving for US in few days and will not be troubling you anymore I just want to do it one more time and I promise I won't bother you again. Look Manoj yesterday we made a mistake, I won't repeat it again. I am not interested in such things. Don't waste your time. All I am asking is let's do it just once, I promise I will not bother you again. Why don't you understand I can't do it? Madhu pleaded. But you did perfectly fine yesterday...what happened today? Manoj asked.

You don't understand...I can't.... Soon the car was on deserted road. There was no one around on the both sides of the road. As Madhu was busy trying to make Manoj understand, she failed to notice the surrounding. Where are you taking me, Madhu looked alarmed when she noticed that they were alone on some lonely road.

Madhu was panting and scared, please let me go she pleaded. Why you need to be scared? Manoj asked her. I am teacher and married... I can't do things and risk someone finding it out and ruing my career and hurting my family. Don't worry about that. Look outside no one will know about us. If i wanted to blackmail you i could have easily done that taken few pictures when we were fucking yesterday. So you have to trust me no one will know about us and it is matter of few days as I am leaving to US for my further studies. Why are you thinking so much, I bet you will not regret it. Your husband can never fuck you the way I will. Don't worry I will make you just take care of this as he placed her hand on his hard cock.
No... but...
But what...asked Manoj  
You have to promise if I agree to do one more time with you...You will not call me or bother me again Madhu said looking into his eyes. Manoj looked at her and said gentleman promise plus I will be leaving in 3-4 days to US. Madhu took deep breath and finally said I have certain conditions only after you promise then will you fuck me. First, we are not going to do it today and now you will drop me at home. Second, you will not call Bharat or anyone else and it will be just you and me. Manoj said promise I will drop you home now with the but I also do have some conditions of mine and we will meet tomorrow and you will take complete day with me and come down to the place I tell you completely shaved down there and you will be completely naked when I come into the room waiting for me and third is now open your mouth and come here as I need guarantee that you are not just making it to escape. Manoj said …… and was trying to unzip his fly with his right hand holding steering by left. What are you doing? said Madhu. I just want a blowjob to relax and then I will drop you home as he stopped the car near place where no one was around. Madhu mind was opposing but Manoj cock was the biggest she had ever seen. If Madhu resisted, he would not let her go today. Madhu slowly bent her head as her lips wrapped around Manoj thick naked dick head, and her fingers wrapped around the base. Madhu head bobbed up and down on as she gave him a skilled blowjob. After about five minutes of the dick sucking, Manoj made Madhu straighten and then his hands attacked her tits. Madhu full luscious lips were wrapped tightly around his thick dick, stretched almost to their limit. With every shove of his dick in her face, some of her lipstick rubbed off against his shaft. Madhu took the dick out after a few seconds, coughed a couple of times, and then sticking her tongue out, traced it all the way from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip. She ran it around the tip in a circular motion a couple of times. Manoj suddenly stared moaning loud as Madhu eyes widened, and she was trying to push herself back so his dick would come out of her mouth. You have to swallow it, Madhu. I don't want anything spilled in the car. Manoj held her firm and Madhu stopped resisting, her mouth started getting flooded with his cum trying to swallow it as much she could avoiding to spoil her clothes. Finally she pulled her mouth from his cock and opened one window and she bent over and spit out his load. Manoj gave her water as Madhu did gargle and split it out as Manoj started the car and soon reached near her home. Getting out of the car, Madhu felt like running home. Manoj said see you tomorrow as Madhu nodded and calmed herself down and walked slowly.

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[+] 6 users Like ak81ymail's post
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Fantastic update. you should write the conversations one below another as it is confusing while reading.
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In the morning Madhu saw the clock, it was 8 am. Madhu had a shower and was sitting in the living room with a newspaper in her hand and a coffee mug. But all Madhu kept thinking was about Manoj. There were several questions in her mind. What will he do to me today? Will he keep his promise if she does what he is asking for?

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There was an SMS from Manoj. Madhu took cab and reached the hotel. She walked into the reception as a young man greeted her as she asked something to him. Are you...Madhu? he asked uncertainly. Yes. Here are your keys madam. The receptionist said as he handed the keys to Madhu. Madhu chose not to say a word and didn't look back as she walked towards the room and the latch clicked open and thoughts of backing out was not option available for her. 

The room was neat and clean. There was a huge king bed a glass desk and a chair. And there was a big screen TV. Madhu looked around for a few minutes. Then sat down on the bed. Madhu thought was she doing the right thing? Should she still get out of this mess? What if someone finds out
Her thoughts were interrupted as her phone ranged and she picked it up and said "Hello."
Madhu, it's me. Be ready I will be there in 20 minutes. Manoj casually said. Madhu disconnected the phone and put it on the bed. Madhu started taking her clothes off as she got completely naked, then picked up a towel, and walked towards the bathroom, her full ass swaying gracefully. Before she entered the bathroom, she reached in the purse and took something out. After around 5 mins Madhu walked out with towel wrapped around her and tits rising and falling with each step sat on the bed looking at the clock. Her anxiety levels soared to new heights as it was almost time when Manoj will walk in the room. She heard the door latch move and a saw Manoj entering the room.
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Madhu, it is so nice to see you like, Manoj said looking at her. Give me a minute as he walked towards the bathroom. Shit, what am I doing? Madhu thought to herself as she adjusted the towel around her chest nervously and hold it tight. The bathroom door opened and Manoj walked out. He was completely naked and his cock was erect and ready for action. He looked at Madhu asking her to stand up and remove her towel. Madhu fumbled a little managed to stand and untie the towel around her body and it fell around her legs. She was now completely naked in front of Manoj as he walked towards her slowly, his cock at full attention, pointing towards her. Madhu heart beat faster as he held her close and kissed her lips.

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As they continued kissing, Manoj's hands moved from her waist to her ass. He started squeezing Madhu ass with his hands. Madhu moaned in his mouth, enjoying the treatment her ass was receiving. Manoj grabbed her hand as Madhu immediately pulled her hand free as he made her hold his dick and started shivering.
Manoj placed her hand again on his throbbing cock and said, Feel it, it's your now. Just as Madhu was getting in mood the doorbell rang and Madhu froze. She looked at Manoj did you call anyone. Manoj said nothing it must be the waiter trust me as I thought we should have something before we start as I am yet to have breakfast.

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He gave Madhu towel as she quickly wrapped around her and went to open the door wearing just his underwear. Madhu quickly got into the bed and covered herself with the blanket sitting watching as Manoj opened the door and waiter walked in pushing the food cart. Should I just leave it here, sir? I can come back later for you." The guy asked, wondering if they wanted privacy. Madhu was about to say, yes, come back later. No, please put it on the table and serve us.
Madhu thought she would die of embarrassment. what must that waiter be thinking? The waiter behaved very professionally, taking care not to stare at Madhu. Thank you sir the waiter said after he got a generous tip and left. Madhu was still rooted to the same spot on the bed covered in blanket. Come, let's eat. Manoj said as he pulled her blanket. Madhu walked to the breakfast table and sat naked finishing the sandwiches and the pizza. In the meanwhile Manoj brought the drinks and handed Madhu one. He sat down beside her and brought his glass close and lightly touched it. "Cheers to this occasion!"
[+] 8 users Like ak81ymail's post
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;Amazing update as always, can't wait for the next one Smile
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Excellent update
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If the husband is wimp and impotent, this is how the wife life goes
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title is madhu and tushar, but here hero is manoj
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Fantastic, Hope finally madhu gets impregnated by Manoj and make Boban as father of the child.
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Very hot updates
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Super update
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Nice bro
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Next day while travelling home she again saw Tushar, Tushar called her and Madhu bent over to speak to him through the window. Madhu saw Tushar and said don’t worry I will manage. Tushar looked at her and said the rain is going to get heavy and opened the door and said my house is one the way to your home Mam so if you are ok you can join me and I will drop you near to your home. 

Tushar got down from the car and said we all are working on the drama class and if she is not talking to her own students how he can help her and share new ideas. Also he reminded that he had said sorry to her.

Madhu reluctantly got in his car and said thanks to him. Tushar to start conversation asked Mam what happened to your car? Madhu looked at him and said don’t know really in the morning it was not working hence had to take bus to college. Tushar asked do you mind if I take look at it may be I can help?

That is alright I have already called the Service center guys they must have picked the car from home. Anyways thanks for asking Tushar. Soon as there was traffic on the road Tushar was focused on driving. 

 Tushar looked at Madhu and asked "So mam? What's the plan?" Plan? What plan? Madhu looked at him and said I am not sure what you are talking about as Madhu thought he was again trying to flirt with her. Tushar said I mean Mam have you thought about the drama or do you have anything in mind about how would you approach the play? Madhu said well ok I am looking for the group to be open and speak up and I am sure we can come up with something with ideas from all and then decide. Tushar said Mam the competition we will be facing is tough and I can tell you that as I was the part of college which did managed to win last year. Madhu said I know Ratna Mam told me about it. So what would you suggest how do we approach the competition?

Tushar said Mam you have to be very friendly to the group and make them feel comfortable, as with Ratna, it was always Professor and students talking. If you are friend and mentor of the group then everyone will be happy to share their ideas and views and also help them in their performance so please keep that in mind. 

Madhu well I understand and I am trying to think of new ideas and hence asked students to come up with scripts they have in mind and we can set play post discussion about the best ideas. Madhu was happy talking to Tushar on the topic, although she was reluctant to take lift from him but for now on she was happy to discuss with him about the play. As the traffic cleared Tushar was focused on driving and Madhu was silent and as she decided to take out the script which he had given her to read while they are on the way back home. 

Madhu was reading intently and was impressed with Tushar for his way of writing. Madhu was engrossed reading the script so much that she completely lost she was with Tushar as the car stopped near her home. Madhu thanked him and was about to get out of the car, when Tushar asked her if she would like to have coffee with him so that they can discuss about the play and the script in detail if she has time to spare.

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Madhu looked at him and said thanks for dropping off but I have some work to do, so maybe we can talk tomorrow in college about it. Tushar gave her smile and said ok then see you tomorrow morning mam and if you get time read the script and let me know what you think of it. Tushar watched Madhu walk out of the car, the sway of her well rounded ass in the skirts she was wearing was only adding to the hard on in his pants. Tushar waited until she got inside the building gate. 

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Tushar also reached his home and quickly got his cock out and began to stroke it as he needed to relieve himself in thirty seconds or less. As Soon as he jerked he shot his cum in large thick jets onto the door of the bathroom. Tushar stood there for a moment to catch his breath and watched cum slowly trickle down the door. Then he got a small handful of toilet paper and wiped off his cock and then the door. He could only imagine the fantasies he had about sleeping with Madhu.
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Madhu got fresh and was still in a bit of a daze, still lost in a storm of emotions. She had no idea how exactly she was carried and tempted to do things with some stranger. She decided to cook not giving too much thought about it as mistake trying to sort out her thoughts and feelings. Soon, Baban was back from office and apologized to Madhu and she said never mind I just got lift from student of mine. You know today one of my students gave me his script for the play and I was not so serious about it but after reading his script I think he is good writer as she passed Baban his script. 

Baban flipped pages and just turned around and gave it back to her as he was tired from work. Baban asked her would she be joining him in the bedroom. Madhu said I will be there in sometime as I need to read this for some more time if you can wait. Madhu was reading the script and was very impressed with the characters portrayed by him. It needed few changes as it was very bold story. Madhu was also soon tired and started feeling sleepy and decided to join Baban in the bedroom who was eagerly waiting for her.

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She walked in bedroom as Baban was waiting for her. Baban pulled Madhu closed to him and said so you completed reading the script. Not exactly but it is very nicely written but will take some time to complete. Baban asked her so who is this guy? Madhu said just student of mine. Madhu thought about telling Baban about the note she got from him but decided against it. Madhu said today, when Tushar drove me here and I was about to get out of the car, he asked me if I'd like to go have coffee with him. she said, blushing a bit. Can you believe he was asking me out for coffee as if I am some girl student from college. Oh I see and what did you say?

I said some other time? Oh you said some other time Baban quizzed as he kissed her neck and slides her gown and starts to undress her and play with her tits. Madhu said I know but I was just sort of not sounding rude to outright reject him for asking me out for coffee, plus he gave me lift. Hmmm. OK. So what do you think about this student, Baban asked? How does he look? He is smart and handsome and after reading his script he is very intelligent too? So you still open for the going out on coffee date he teased Madhu further?

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Actually he is part of college which won the competition last year. So Mr. Roy had asked me to work with him to finalize the play. Well then I think you should take his help and his experience you can use to set up the drama. As his help will be vital for the play. Yes I was also thinking the same...but there is one problem he is not like other guys and he is little different than others.
Different in what way? asked Baban

I have been observing him and it seems he is trying to flirt with me and open about it not like other students discreet and today he asked me out for a coffee like I said. Nowadays this young guys can flirt with anyone even there teacher which is really surprising at times so I am trying to avoid him and I dont want to encourage his flirty behavior. Oh... poor guy, Baban said to Madhu who looked annoyingly at his smiling face. I thought maybe you would flirt with him and get his help and keep him motivated after all he also deserves something in return for the help.
Shut up! She hit him on the shoulder you have a naughty mind.
Baban said You're a bomb, and you know it. I dont blame him for that.

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Baban! she said blushing.
Oh yeah, you're a bomb, In fact if you were my teacher and I would have been your student, I'd go after you. Baban said, pulling her in his arms.
Yeah... ok my naughty little student now come and fuck me hard.
So you want me to play with you as one of your student and fuck you ... do you want to roleplay?
Hehe, you're such a rogue, she said, and hid her face in his chest. Well I do not know about that all I know is fuck me hard please for long time and make me happy. You have such a sexy and hot body and I will not be surprised if any students of you are lusting after you. Baban never spoke to her in such ways earlier but the talks excited him and he continued the talks while playing with her body. Madhu although asked him to shut up several time but she too enjoyed it as it also made her more hot. Baban made her legs spread wide and quickly pulled his shorts down to reveal his hard throbbing cock. Oh my someone is really mad.
Madhu said teasingly I was not expecting this. You take care of this and I will allow you to go for date with your student he said laughingly.

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Madhu looked at Baban dick and thought about the morning which made her feel guilty, till today she knowingly unknowingly played with some strange guys dick and allowed him to play with her and was nearly about to get fucked by him if his friend would not have come on time. Madhu felt ashamed and guilty remembering morning activities even though it was just an accident but having allowed someone else was something she never thought that also when he gave her choice to decide. Although she could never share that with Baban but here she was talking openly discussing to Baban about some student. I will see what I can do. Madhu said smilingly trying to measure and compare his size with the guy from the bus.

She leaned forward and reached out for the hard cock in front of her. Madhu gently took Baban cock into her well-manicured hand and began to stroke it up and down. Her other hand reached underneath and cupped his balls, she fondled them softly. Madhu leaned forward and engulfed his cock into her mouth; Baban threw his head back and let out a moan. Madhu mouth was so warm and wet, she was obviously very skilled in oral sex as she lovingly licked and sucked him. Baban pulled his cock out of her mouth and leaned down to kiss her, she instantly stuck her tongue into his mouth. Baban was sucking her tits and got down on his knees; he pulled the skirt off, then her panties making her complete naked. Madhu raised her legs so he could get them all of the way off of her. Madhu spread her legs and Baban dove in between them to eat her wet pussy. Oh fuck baby that feels good, she moaned. Baban continued to lick her clit and then he slid one, then two and then a third finger in her fuck hole. He started to finger fuck her with his strong muscular hand and arm all the while licking her clit.

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Oh fuck fuck, oh yes oh yes fuck yes fuck fuck. She called over and over. Oh oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck Baban I'm cumming. Baban waited for her to finish having her orgasm; he got on top of her and slid his cock into her easily. He fucked her missionary style; he loved the feeling of her well-shaped legs locking around his mid-section. Her legs slid up and down his mid-section as he fucked her good on the couch.
Oh my god, you fuck me so good today, fuck me hard and made me enjoy it.
Baban brought her to another orgasm and then got off her; he rolled her over onto all fours and fucked her doggie style. Madhu met his every thrust as he fucked another orgasm into her and then another. He reached under her with one hand and fondled one of her tits and put the other under her to rub her clit.
Fuck I'm going to cum again, oh shit there it is oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck I'm cumming, Madhu whispered.
It seems  you are charged up today, thinking about me going out with student for coffee she asked.
Yesss, he pumped harder.
Oh god, Baban groaned as he pumped several loads of his cum into her. God that was awesome. She sighed catching her breath and closed her eyes and one point the guy from the bus face flashed before her eyes and she groaned loudly feeling little awkward.

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Baban then pulled Madhu close to him and said today you are different in bed and noisy is it because of the guy in college. I dont mind you going out with that guy Tushar for coffee as I can see it really made you turned on also Baban said. Madhu laughed at Baban suggestion and asked teasingly do you really mean it?
Baban: Mean what?
Madhu: Asking me to go out with my student for coffee date?
Baban: Why not I trust you completely? You can always have some fun around as long as it is harmless.
Madhu: Haha. These things are easy to say. Will you not be jealous about some guy flirting with me? What if I also flirt with him?
Baban: Not a problem for me. You should sometimes enjoy flirting with this young guys in college If that makes you and me hot in the bed doing sex .. hahaha
Madhu: Wow.. What an understanding husband I have got? She winked at him
Madhu smiled as the two of them lay on the couch together and shared a laugh over it as Madhu gently hit him you are such a rogue Mr. before going to sleep
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Madhu in the morning thought about last night how Baban managed to give her pleasure after long time. She glanced at Baban, he looked perfectly normal and was getting ready for his office. Madhu asked Baban to drop her on his way to office as her car was out for repair and would take couple of days. Madhu has no classes so she was reading the script in her office. The script was little bold for the liking to be set for drama but it was really well written and she liked it a lot. She wanted to discuss with Tushar to make few changes if they need to take this ahead for the play.

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After reading for some time Madhu opened her bag to keep the script back inside when she saw the card and took it out. Madhu looked at it and knew it was Manoj card. The thought of calling that guy and trying something send shivers down her spine as she realized that she should have thrown the card away instead of keeping it in her bag. Madhu never had any other man in her life except Baban and never she felt as if she is missing something or eager to try till that experience. Madhu looked at the card for some time and kept it back in her purse instead throwing in the dust-bin.

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Madhu was in the drama class and spoke to everyone for couple of mins as she wanted the group to talk and open up. As she was about to leave Tushar walked to her and asked her did she get time to read the script to which she said yes well, the script is really nice. Really? Thanks, but I'm sure you're just saying like that. No, I am serious. I love reading novels and sometimes my husband also write stories and I have to spend hours correcting typos and spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Your script is pristine. It's was pleasure to read, really although I am not able to read it completely. I may finish it today. Oh, so you mean to say you liked it because I can spell and I know grammar well? he sounded a little disappointed. Maybe he was expecting more lavish praise from madhu for his script.

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Madhu quickly corrected him and said that is most of what is needed in the script . Tushar looked little sad for the first time. Madhu looked at him feeling sorry as she did not mean to hurt him and said I mean...don't get me wrong, Tushar your writing is really good even beyond the basic stuff like spelling and grammar. For instance..."she tried to remember stuff he had written. ".... That was wonderful. So detailed yet very heartfelt. I loved it. I am looking forward for the scripts, ideas from other students and yours is pretty up to be selected. She spoke for few more mins talking about the parts of the scripts with enthusiasm. Tushar was excited by her praise and thanked her and back smiling again.

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And as the conversation continued and flowered. The two found themselves bonding over a shared love of the same kind. Tushar was clever and good with his writing. At times, when he was deeply into explaining some finer points of the play, Madhu would gaze at his firm jaw line, his masculine features unintentionally. Madhu was good listener and listened intently as Tushar talked about his favorite writers, screenplay and poems. She noted a lot of them down in her diary to check out later and was impressed with Tushar about his knowledge in literature, novels & screenplay.

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With each passing day Tushar gained in confidence and his body language changed when he was around Madhu. Madhu also started talking to him and get his help and was happy to find friend to help for the drama. Things went on as usual with Madhu and Tushar talking to each other about the drama and finalizing the scripts. Tushar did enjoy helping and spending time more with Madhu to help her out but was focused on his real intentions. Soon they both became more frank with each other and comfortable. Tushar used to talk more about his scripts and hobbies etc.

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Baban was in the meantime dropping and picking her for the college which Tushar had noticed and asked if you don't mind I can pick you and drop and on the way we will have more time to discuss about the drama and the play and work on that. Madhu said I don’t want to inconvenience you but I will think about it. Madhu was very much happy and impressed and understood why Mr. Roy must have added Tushar to the drama group. It was exciting talking to him as Tushar was very knowledgeable but she couldn't trust him completely or even her around him. Madhu started to take better care of her body with daily yoga, etc. She started to enjoy her new self, the looks of admiration from Tushar.

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The next day Madhu was sitting in her office with Ratna Mam. Madhu.... How is the drama classes going? Well things are on track Madhu said politely. So how is the group working and have you planned something what would be the play about? Madhu all are working hard and looked focused, Tushar has submitted me his script and I was going through it and talking to him and making necessary changes. Tushar I see the guy who Mr. Roy introduced well yes he is good looking, smart, and looks interesting to me. I never had chance to interact much with him but noticed him while talking to you once or twice in corridor. Madhu decided to check with Ratna what she thinks about him and brought up the subject of Tushar and said he is good in writing but there is only one problem with him. Ratna looked at her and said what problem? Madhu told her about his flirty behavior and Ratna giggled mischievously after listening to her.
Why you laughing... That is why I didn't want to tell you anything, Madhu said little annoyed. Ratna said look you are young and just 27 plus with your body maybe he don't think you as teacher but more like college girl. One thing you have to keep in mind is Mr. Roy is very serious about the drama this year and if he has said something and promised you promotion it is good thing for you but you need to be careful if things dont go the way he wants you can be in bad books with him so focus on getting the best out of everyone.

Just as they were talking about Tushar they were interrupted by Tushar itself who knocked and walked in the office and looked at Ratna Mam also in the office. He quickly said oh I am sorry I thought you were alone Madhu mam and came to discuss about the script.

Ratna looked at Tushar and said never mind give me 2 mins as I am just about to head out for my classes. Tushar was standing near the door as Ratna said it seems he likes you Madhu and he clearly fancies you. I can see it the way he looks at you. Before madhu could say anything to her Ratna quickly walked outside and said ok Tushar, so I am off to the classes you guys can have privacy. Ratna couldn't suppress a smile as she walked away. Tushar smiled at her comments and walked in as Madhu offered him chair next to her. Tushar while taking seat glanced at her big boobs pushing against her kurta and then looked back at her and said You are looking very beautiful today Mam. There was silence as Madhu did not know what to say. I am sorry if I you dont like me saying it openly to you, but I could not stop myself praising you after looking at you. Madhu was looking down, not saying anything. Tushar to ease the situation quickly apologized to Madhu, don't mind for being straight forward but if you dont like I will keep that in mind. Madhu blushed a little hearing praise from Tushar but she avoided saying anything but soon after couple of minutes they spoke about the script and drama.

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While talking and discussing with Tushar Madhu got up and stood next to him as Tushar was making changes suggested by her. As he was typing she leaned and put her hand on the computer table so her face was right next to his. Tushar could smell her shampoo from that close distance and Madhu just stayed like that looking at the screen reading something, her cheeks just a couple of inches from his. He could almost feel the warmth from her breath. Madhu looked so beautiful, even in those regular clothes and without any make-up. Madhu saw Tushar looking intently at her and ignored it and continued talking and making corrections and changes to the script.

Tushar moved closer to Madhu, as Madhu tends to highlight something in the script. Tushar moved his hands little closer to her as Madhu was busy talking with him and placed it in such way that it brushed her ass couple of times while she was talking. The little brushing of his hand on her warm skin made Tushar excited. Tushar kept an eye on Madhu to see her reaction, each time his hand made contact with her soft and firm ass. Madhu was busy with the work in hand and didn't shift her position either or noticed his hands brush her ass accidentally. The excitement of touching her ass made Tushar cock hard like a steel rod. A sizable bulge was forming on his trouser which was slowly hard to control for him. 

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Madhu accidentally saw the bulge but said nothing. She just looked back at him and gave him a smile, and then again got busy with the work not giving much thought to it. Finally after 30 mins of discussion Madhu was having classes so informed Tushar that we will discuss the other things later and turned and started to gather her things and put it back in bag.
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Tushar was tempted by the situation looking at her figure and decided to take the opportunity and asked Mam can we discuss on the way if you can come with me in the car. That way we will get more time to work on this and utilize the time spend during the travel. Madhu gave him smile but said nothing and was about to walk out but stopped as Tushar caught her hand. Madhu was about to say something but Tushar said Mam can I ask you something you still dont like me or trust me, do you? Madhu replied I do trust you but now I am getting late for my classes. I will think about it and let you know but I don’t want to bother you much.

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Mam that day also you said the same thing but never replied so please tell me can you come with me in the car as your home is on the way so I don’t think there is any problem for me to pick and drop you plus I can get more ideas and insight from you. Tushar was insisting with pleading eyes as Madhu looked back to say something when her eyes saw the sizable bulge formed on his trouser which was clearly visible. Madhu stared into at it for few seconds but then turned her head back to him saying we will talk later and decided to walk out of the office for her classes. Tushar who was trying to persuade her did not let go her hand as Madhu tried to walk away from him quickly.

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Since Tushar was still holding her hand made Madhu pulled back towards him as she tried to walk away not realizing that Tushar was holding her hands little tight to her comfort. The moment she tried to walk away but was halted and pulled back by the force since Tushar did not let go of her hand. Madhu almost lost her footing and her balance went back as Tushar quickly moved closer to her from behind to stop her from falling and quickly wrapped his hands on her waist to stop her from failing on the ground.

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Madhu was in Tushar embrace whose hands were on her waist now. Tushar taking the opportunity positioned nicely behind her that his bulge was directly pocking at Madhu's soft round ass. Tushar felt like he was in heaven for few seconds, as Madhu remained still as things happen so quickly that it took her moment to realize that Tushar had wrapped his hands around her waist and pressed himself on her while his bulge was directly pocking at Madhu's soft round ass. Tushar pretending to prevent her from falling took the opportunity and started to press his bulge into her soft ass trying to comfort her from falling. Madhu was in trance and took her time to snapped out of the trance as she stayed still  instead of moving away from Tushar.

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Soon she looked back at Tushar who was enjoying the moment and pretended to help her took his time to release his grip around her waist rubbing his hard on her soft tender ass. Madhu remembered her experience in bus with Manoj as goosebumps appeared on her hands thinking about it as felt something poking on her ass. She bit her lips as she felt his hard dick into her soft ass. The tension was slowly spreading all the way through her body the way Tushar was holding her. Her nipples stood erect in no time and were poking through the thin material of her blouse by his touch and thinking about the same experience she had in bus. 

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Madhu felt nervous thinking about Manoj and finally tried to pull away from his clutch as she avoided looking at Tushar and said without turning I have class to attend and we can talk later about this. Tushar who was embolden by the situation they were in still was not letting her go and continued enjoy the soft ness of her ass onto his dick. Madhu looked at him nervously to unwrap his hands around her waist said ok we will talk on the way in the car and managed to get away from him. Tushar had a smile hearing Madhu and thanked her.
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