Adultery The Facilitator
The useless husband lost his wife and now the custodianship of the child too. Let him hang himself.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Hopefully, the story won't go on into details about the court hearings, or just follow the route of Kunal exposing Priya and then Esha abusing him even more, instead I hope the author comes up with some exciting and unexpected twists and turns...
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First of all Hats off for your time and efforts. Giving this much big update with so much details desrves a great applause.I liked the way you explained the feelings, situations and court proceedings without any tiresome wordings, instead you went directly to the core avoiding the unnecessary arguments. Also I want to mention that now you become one of my favourite authors in the forum. Once again Thank you so much for your time and efforts.
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Again , Great writing as usual . More Praise for you  . Every update is better than last . This update was kind of Long , But the way you wrote not a single dull moment , Not a single line felt like filler , How could you do it ? If i may ask Whats the average time you spend from writing to editing for single chapter .  Blush

Now , My memory faded a little bit , I forget the starting of the story . 

So, Kunal spilled some cold drink or coffee on Priya's thesis which supposed to be life changing for her . 
So she decide to take revenge On Kunal and His wife Esha , who happens to be her friends too . 

( I know I know , Dont correct me ) 

So , Priya is so called Feminist . Who clearly has no Idea that A women and A wife both are different thing . A women can fuck any man she wants , whenever she wants , She can carry anyone child , Its her body , Its her child , Its her responsibility But A Wife ? Cannot do those things . She herself said that Marriage is Contract and Esha violated that contract does she deserve Penalty for that . 

So , Priya planned revenge to break them off , To destroy their marriage , She manipulated 34 year old women , who happens to be working in prestigious firm filled with intelligent people but of course she was not satisfied with her marriage and lust made people do stupid things . Okay . 

So a Hansome hunk came , And Priya plotted , They fall in love , She cheated on Kunal , Kunal apologize to Esha for making her to cheat on him , Promised to be better husband . But she again cheated on him , Got pregnant . Decided to keep child okay , Fine with me . 

Kunal sent divorce papers , She moved in with Aniket Her lover . Great decision to be honest . 

Okay , Aditya custody Case :-  The highly intellectual Kunal , Who somehow got the Job in USA firm found the worst lawyer for his case , where ESHA found the  best and very cunning lawyer , who literally fucked him in the ass . 

So , Priya got her Revenge from Kunal .
Kunal :- Lost his whole family , Wife cheated , Humiliated him, Got pregnant by His lover while still married to him, His whole world crumble in front of him , His years of hard work just vanished  , Going to loose Custody of his son . Her wife choose to go with man who is better than him in every way .

ESHA :- Got the literally Handsome hunk who loved her , Sexually Satisfy her , Make her feel alive , Ready for marriage , will accept the Responsibility of Aditya and will be better father than Kunal ever be, Also Rich . She literally got massive update . Call her gold digger , bitch , whatever you want , But Jiska husband Kunal jaise C ho uski feeling ko smjho . Big Grin

I know she felt pain and cried and etc etc etc but still does not feel like that she is actually sad , Because She has gain more than she lost . Its very small price for the future she is gonna built with her Lover , ANIKET . 

Priya not only she got her revenge and She helped her friend to find a better Man for her . ESHA ko literally Thanks bolna chahiye Priya , Its because of Her she found the man of her dream , and she is gonna start her new family , Yeah , I know she might lost some respect among her family or peers but no one gives a fuck . And She will gonna get Aditya , How ? Again Priya The mediator . That Stupid Lawyer cannot even argue why Priya is misfit . She is bigger Idiot Than Kunal , Kunal  deserve this lawyer. 

Oh wait , I forget , While his whole world is falling apart , Mr. Kunal decided to become Sherlock Holmes . Okay lets assume eventually he is gonna find out its all Priya , but It still Does not explain or its not reverse the betrayal of ESHA , No matter if Priya literally throws her in the arms of Aniket its still ESHA's choice to fuck him and its still her choice to get pregnant by Him , Its still her choice to have a baby with Aniket  . Priya perfectly Explain this to Mr. Kunal . OKay let him Play His little Detective Adventure . 

Oh wait , Remind me , How old is Kunal ? 11 ? 14 ? 20 ? . He is fucking grown man. Here getting manipulated and shut by Priya . Priya literally made him to apologize . Acting like small child , I will not be surprise if Priya slapped him and make him to write I am sorry and ESHA was right 100 times  ( Oh bhai marro mujhe , Mujhe aap chutti dede , main is duniya se vida lena chahta hoon Big Grin )

Men like Kunal deserved this , Everyone including me  from the start blaming ESHA , I wanna ask could you blame her for choosing Aniket over This chutpaglu Insan ( sorry for my language ) . 

Go girl , you made the right choice , Aniket is better man than Kunal . Judge should give aditya custody to ESHA , atleast he will not end up as stupid as his father . 

Men like Kunal deserve this , I wanna believe ( for this story ) Laws are not Partial towards women , Here if Men like Kunal exist Its necessary The kid wont  raise by Stupid pathetic loser like him. Just Imagine Yourself In place of Judge , Okay i accept ESHA is cheater but she not loser like him , while being pregnant She fought fiercely for her child , She found the best lawyer . And the best part is She could have Destroy Kunal's reputation easily but she choose not to , She showed mercy to him , for this alone Kunal should touch her feet and ask for forgiveness . Namaskar . The Kunal who is acting like He has upper hand on case , Has no Idea ESHA is literally holding herself back , If gives green light To her Lawyer he would chew and spit him out like cheap bugglebum .

Now I think the subject of the story shifted from Child custody Battle to Humiliation of Kunal.

To be honest , I am enjoying this , The last chapter , T was full of fun . I hope ESHA win this battle , She is literally an angel , Cooking biryani for the man she loves so much , and then * i skipped that part its was disgusting , Funny In sex story i am avoiding sex part*  Tongue  . Also a bit sad , This whole encounter shows that She never loved Kunal the way she loves Aniket. Also now there is no coming back , I know it was established earliar that there is no way ESHA can fix her marriage . But Good for her .   

ESHA and ANIKET Best couple You can see their chemistry and They love each other , They deserve a chance to built their family .  sex

I wish in upcoming chapter , Kunal do something stupid and Aniket would beat the shit of him in front of Aditya , So Aditya finally see what a pathetic father he has , He also can finally move on and Accept Aniket as his father . For this story I am with Fierce Brave Feminist , PRIYA AND ESHA  Cool  who is teaching Kunal a male chauvinist .

 I know I know I literally spewed so much poison against Kunal , Coz he deserve it. 

( Note :- This comment is exaggerated comment , only for fun , I am not criticizing the writer or the plot or anything , I read the story and I write the comment based on written material )

Please Please Please Post an update ASAP ! happy
( kidding please take as much as time you need )

[+] 1 user Likes DeanWinchester00007's post
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True love = Strong dick
[+] 1 user Likes Nesamanikumar's post
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Still kunal inlaws does not know that their daughter is carrying another man child and divorced him?
Is esha father alive after hearing the achievements of his daughter
What is the reaction of the esha brother in US. Did kunal meet him during his visit?
Priya made a smart move by pushing esha to go to aniket apartment so that she can permanently erase the memories of kunal.
Being a rich business man, Aniket living in apartment and not in his own bunglaw
Are there no relative for aniket?
Why Aniket did not have a small guilt of spoiling a family?
Esha love for kunal is not described properly as she had zero guilt after doing all these except few cries. She is happily giving blow job for the aniket dick in spite of all these emotional drama going around in her life. This shows she is just a cock hungry slut and nothing more. kunal made a blunder marrying her.
Esha does not love kunal anymore and carrying child of another man and aniket is ready to accept and marry her. Divorce is already on the lines. Still she is acting like a chasty housewife and asking for time. This is bullshit.
Except the bed, there is no single reason what made esha fall in love with aniket. can a woman love all men she sleeps with?
Coming back to his house in mumbai, kunal will get more memories of betrayal and how his wife mated with her lover in his own home. Will he still like to live there or he will sell it and buy a new one.
Now how this wimp kunal life going to be? Since his wife has got pregnant with another man child, everyone will think that kunal is poor in bed and no girl/woman will come forward to marry him. He will either go as sanyasi to varanasi or commit suicide in his home. this story has turned like a boring mega serial with these court drama. Is this sex story and author forced to keep some scenes to show it?  Angel
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(11-02-2025, 04:50 AM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: Again , Great writing as usual . More Praise for you  . Every update is better than last . This update was kind of Long , But the way you wrote not a single dull moment , Not a single line felt like filler , How could you do it ? If i may ask Whats the average time you spend from writing to editing for single chapter .  Blush

Now , My memory faded a little bit , I forget the starting of the story . 

So, Kunal spilled some cold drink or coffee on Priya's thesis which supposed to be life changing for her . 
So she decide to take revenge On Kunal and His wife Esha , who happens to be her friends too . 

( I know I know , Dont correct me ) 

So , Priya is so called Feminist . Who clearly has no Idea that A women and A wife both are different thing . A women can fuck any man she wants , whenever she wants , She can carry anyone child , Its her body , Its her child , Its her responsibility But A Wife ? Cannot do those things . She herself said that Marriage is Contract and Esha violated that contract does she deserve Penalty for that . 

So , Priya planned revenge to break them off , To destroy their marriage , She manipulated 34 year old women , who happens to be working in prestigious firm filled with intelligent people but of course she was not satisfied with her marriage and lust made people do stupid things . Okay . 

So a Hansome hunk came , And Priya plotted , They fall in love , She cheated on Kunal , Kunal apologize to Esha for making her to cheat on him , Promised to be better husband . But she again cheated on him , Got pregnant . Decided to keep child okay , Fine with me . 

Kunal sent divorce papers , She moved in with Aniket Her lover . Great decision to be honest . 

Okay , Aditya custody Case :-  The highly intellectual Kunal , Who somehow got the Job in USA firm found the worst lawyer for his case , where ESHA found the  best and very cunning lawyer , who literally fucked him in the ass . 

So , Priya got her Revenge from Kunal .
Kunal :- Lost his whole family , Wife cheated , Humiliated him, Got pregnant by His lover while still married to him, His whole world crumble in front of him , His years of hard work just vanished  , Going to loose Custody of his son . Her wife choose to go with man who is better than him in every way .

ESHA :- Got the literally Handsome hunk who loved her , Sexually Satisfy her , Make her feel alive , Ready for marriage , will accept the Responsibility of Aditya and will be better father than Kunal ever be, Also Rich . She literally got massive update . Call her gold digger , bitch , whatever you want , But Jiska husband Kunal jaise C ho uski feeling ko smjho . Big Grin

I know she felt pain and cried and etc etc etc but still does not feel like that she is actually sad , Because She has gain more than she lost . Its very small price for the future she is gonna built with her Lover , ANIKET . 

Priya not only she got her revenge and She helped her friend to find a better Man for her . ESHA ko literally Thanks bolna chahiye Priya , Its because of Her she found the man of her dream , and she is gonna start her new family , Yeah , I know she might lost some respect among her family or peers but no one gives a fuck . And She will gonna get Aditya , How ? Again Priya The mediator . That Stupid Lawyer cannot even argue why Priya is misfit . She is bigger Idiot Than Kunal , Kunal  deserve this lawyer. 

Oh wait , I forget , While his whole world is falling apart , Mr. Kunal decided to become Sherlock Holmes . Okay lets assume eventually he is gonna find out its all Priya , but It still Does not explain or its not reverse the betrayal of ESHA , No matter if Priya literally throws her in the arms of Aniket its still ESHA's choice to fuck him and its still her choice to get pregnant by Him , Its still her choice to have a baby with Aniket  . Priya perfectly Explain this to Mr. Kunal . OKay let him Play His little Detective Adventure . 

Oh wait , Remind me , How old is Kunal ? 11 ? 14 ? 20 ? . He is fucking grown man. Here getting manipulated and shut by Priya . Priya literally made him to apologize . Acting like small child , I will not be surprise if Priya slapped him and make him to write I am sorry and ESHA was right 100 times  ( Oh bhai marro mujhe , Mujhe aap chutti dede , main is duniya se vida lena chahta hoon Big Grin )

Men like Kunal deserved this , Everyone including me  from the start blaming ESHA , I wanna ask could you blame her for choosing Aniket over This chutpaglu Insan ( sorry for my language ) . 

Go girl , you made the right choice , Aniket is better man than Kunal . Judge should give aditya custody to ESHA , atleast he will not end up as stupid as his father . 

Men like Kunal deserve this , I wanna believe ( for this story ) Laws are not Partial towards women , Here if Men like Kunal exist Its necessary The kid wont  raise by Stupid pathetic loser like him. Just Imagine Yourself In place of Judge , Okay i accept ESHA is cheater but she not loser like him , while being pregnant She fought fiercely for her child , She found the best lawyer . And the best part is She could have Destroy Kunal's reputation easily but she choose not to , She showed mercy to him , for this alone Kunal should touch her feet and ask for forgiveness . Namaskar . The Kunal who is acting like He has upper hand on case , Has no Idea ESHA is literally holding herself back , If gives green light To her Lawyer he would chew and spit him out like cheap bugglebum .

Now I think the subject of the story shifted from Child custody Battle to Humiliation of Kunal.

To be honest , I am enjoying this , The last chapter , T was full of fun . I hope ESHA win this battle , She is literally an angel , Cooking biryani for the man she loves so much , and then * i skipped that part its was disgusting , Funny In sex story i am avoiding sex part*  Tongue  . Also a bit sad , This whole encounter shows that She never loved Kunal the way she loves Aniket. Also now there is no coming back , I know it was established earliar that there is no way ESHA can fix her marriage . But Good for her .   

ESHA and ANIKET Best couple You can see their chemistry and They love each other , They deserve a chance to built their family .  sex

I wish in upcoming chapter , Kunal do something stupid and Aniket would beat the shit of him in front of Aditya , So Aditya finally see what a pathetic father he has , He also can finally move on and Accept Aniket as his father . For this story I am with Fierce Brave Feminist , PRIYA AND ESHA  Cool  who is teaching Kunal a male chauvinist .

 I know I know I literally spewed so much poison against Kunal , Coz he deserve it. 

( Note :- This comment is exaggerated comment , only for fun , I am not criticizing the writer or the plot or anything , I read the story and I write the comment based on written material )

Please Please Please Post an update ASAP ! happy
( kidding please take as much as time you need )


A rational me would've been pissed with this comment but I know you exaggerate which is alright. Although a little correction , Kunal didn't ruin Priya's thesis , It is indeed Esha who spilled the drink on her. 

Priya's revenge is focused on ruining Esha's life but she is conflicted in her mind , and she was always pissed with the marriage of Kunal and Esha because in Priya's mind , Kunal is the one who took Esha away from her , taking Esha away from her companionship.

As for you anger towards Kunal , I can relate to some extent because in many stories like this the husband becomes such a cliche. And here too in this case , even though his anger is justified , Kunal is still being led by his anger. In my eyes , he is a character with a lot of potential , you can actually create a redemption arc for him and turn his life around , show the betrayal of Esha push him to reinvent himself and move to a path of an improved lifestyle and move on just like Esha did. I am sick and tired of portraying men as this "crybaby" men who just shatters themselves when their wife leaves them. If a woman can leave her husband without a second thought , so should the man. 

In my opinion, that kind of arc would elevate this story. Now already Kunal is the odd man out in this game of manipulation of Priya. He should be the trump card in Priya's game and expose her influence on Esha. But at the same time I want Kunal to brighten his mind and elevate himself to raise his standards and show Priya what makes men the most dominant.

On a side note, I have updated new chapter to my own story , it is by far the lengthiest chapter I have written  , so if you like complex characters and arcs , do check it out. Its my first attempt in writing so I cannot bring the writing quality of legends like clearlover here , but I wish to share this story with everyone so they can also have a good time.

Have a good day Dean  Big Grin
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I would love a complete part of the story fully dedicated to Kunal if there is a "Redemption and Improvement" arc for him in the future. The idea is right there. When Kunal returns , he will be haunted by the thoughts of how Esha destroyed their marriage. Kunal would want to sell it but Aditya's innocense forces him not to. But the emotional turmoil and past hauntings starts to bring Kunal to his breaking point. Reluctantly he agrees go the co-parenting terms but he starts to get pissed everytime Aditya talks highly of Esha and her space and how happy she is. This makes him insufferable and that starts to hurt his bond with Aditya as he gets angry on him for small reasons. Eventually Kunal realizes he is ruining himself and thus he decides to take a breather. He makes up a work commitment and sends Aditya to live with Esha for a while as he moves to USA.

There Kunal meets a special character , a coworker of Kunal , lets just call him "John". John becomes his close confidant , he senses Kunal looks hurt and distress. Eventually feeling comfortable with John's friendship , Kunal reveals the whole truth about his life to John. John patiently hears and realizes that Kunal needs help or he will succumb in his own turmoil. John decides to show him the right path and point out the mistakes he did. He tells Kunal the flaws in his thinking , that he often expects the love and care he does to be reciprocated. But in reality , that is not something you can expect , you either love someone or you don't. He also pushes for improvements in himself and thus John becomes his guidance coach in fitness and life lessons. Kunal will feel reverbrated and find a new perspective in life , but still Kunal would state to John at the end of the day he is the loser in their marriage. But John will explain to him that even though there were some flaws in Kunal , he actually did nothing wrong , the actual loser in their marriage was Esha who threw away her marriage and her life over some trivial pleasures and now she is leading her life seeking that pleasure. This new life Esha is making is built on the ashes of her past marriage and that will forever haunt her. But Kunal has the luxury to truly move on and live a better life , but this time , do not live life based on expectations , but live it based on fullfillment.

Thus , John will transform Kunal from a raging ex husband to an optimistic man looking forward and not back. He will return from the US with a different mindset and with only one focus of being a good father to Aditya. John would've already started Kunal's fitness routine and Kunal will continue it when he returns to Mumbai. This will change his lifestyle forever , he will seek fullfillment and closure in everything. Eventually he will sell the house he bought with Esha and use the money for a smaller apartment but enough space for himself and Aditya. Aditya will start to enjoy his father's company and how much involved he is with him. Kunal then will start to actually enjoy life as a single parent and as a newly single man hanging out with his coworkers more. Maybe have him meet up with his old friends , hang out with others and show the transformation of how a deeply oriented family man turned to an optimistic man finding joy in life. Eventually Kunal will enter the dating space and maybe start a relation with another woman. 

Priya will try to control him , use her usual "feminist" agenda and tricks to entice him , but Kunal would no longer budge. Because now Kunal is no longer driven by anger , Kunal actually will feel pity for Priya but at the same time be thankful to her that she actually saved him from a worthless woman like Esha who could only think with her body anymore. Eventually Kunal exposes Priya's game to Esha and then he finds closure with Esha and her memories. Kunal finally moves on leaving Esha behind and focus on living a fullfilling life and be a good father to Aditya.

Kunal would eventually find another woman and he would shower her with love , and thanks to his improved physique and some "secret" tips from John regarding improving himself down there. Kunal would end up becoming better in bed ,  taking his woman to new heights of pleasures. Kunal will evolve from a dutiful husband to a generous lover and find happiness in his life. And some of his happy moments will be witnessed by Esha and she will realize what she lost to gain her supposed happiness in life. Eventually Esha will live the rest of her life haunted by the reality that she ruined a wonderful marriage to build this new life , Esha will suffer for eternity realizing that she is no longer part of Kunal's happy moments anymore. And that she lost a diamond in search of Gold.

This is just a short idea I had which I believe can elevate this story. But more importantly this will bring the much needed freshness to the usual cliche of "Loser Husband" stories. This is what I believe Kunal's story should go by. But I can only suggest and make my own headcannon for this. I hope author has a very satisfying arc for Kunal in the story.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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The hero and heroine of the story are not kunal and esha, it is Aniket and esha as they have nothing to lose. Esha won kunal by miles even after betraying him. Also Aniket and esha won the hearts of the readers when Aniket told he is ready to accept Aditya as his child and Esha refused to talk anything against kunal for getting custody of Aditya.

Priya pinching the baby and also moving the cradle is fun. I did not like the sympathy she exhibits. For me, it doesnt look like revenge at all.

kunal is more like a second hero fiddle or america return, who will go back to america after the hero and heroine gets married. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin happy happy happy banana banana
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(11-02-2025, 09:11 AM)Gilmalover Wrote: The hero and heroine of the story are not kunal and esha, it is Aniket and esha as they have nothing to lose.  Esha won kunal by miles even after betraying him. Also Aniket and esha won the hearts of the readers when Aniket told he is ready to accept Aditya as his child and Esha refused to talk anything against kunal for getting custody of Aditya.

Priya pinching the baby and also moving the cradle is fun. I did not like the sympathy she exhibits. For me, it doesnt look like revenge at all.

kunal is more like a second hero fiddle or america return, who will go back to america after the hero and heroine gets married. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin happy happy happy banana banana

And now I understand why "Looser Husbands" thrive in this site. Because the readers themselves want them to be miserable. Now I see why many readers are done with Xossipy after krish_999's recent story had its ending. 

Here good stories aren't celebrated or appreciated , just the constant worship of Masochism.


Same Thing Over and Over again.

Honestly the reader's expectations with stories in this site sometimes make me hate the stories here now , but I still have faith in clearlover and I definitely hope he will give the righful ending to Kunal in this story.

Literotica feels like heaven now!
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(11-02-2025, 09:42 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: And now I understand why "Looser Husbands" thrive in this site. Because the readers themselves want them to be miserable. Now I see why many readers are done with Xossipy after krish_999's recent story had its ending. 

Here good stories aren't celebrated or appreciated , just the constant worship of Masochism.


Same Thing Over and Over again.

Honestly the reader's expectations with stories in this site sometimes make me hate the stories here now , but I still have faith in clearlover and I definitely hope he will give the righful ending to Kunal in this story.

Literotica feels like heaven now!

You are obsessed with kunal and begging for the justice. Kunal does not deserve it. If so, Esha would have shown some love for him or felt guilty or aborted the child. Esha thinks kunal cheated her for 7 years without fulfilling her desires or bring the bitch out of her. A man should not alway be goody goody and handle woman like a baby. in the bed woman should be treated only like a bitch. Big Grin sex
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don't need another looser husband cuckold story or even a looser to hero transformation story, both in my opinion are unrealistic. I'd rather have a story where Esha and Priya suffer the consequences of cheating and betrayal, and Aniket and Kunal get out of this mess and manipulation, and both find their peace elsewhere...
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(30-12-2024, 10:59 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote: I think there is a small error. I don't think Aditya is a college going kid since Esha is just 32. He might just be a smal kid possibly a 1st standard or Sr. KG student.

(11-02-2025, 04:50 AM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: Again , Great writing as usual . More Praise for you  . Every update is better than last . This update was kind of Long , But the way you wrote not a single dull moment , Not a single line felt like filler , How could you do it ? If i may ask Whats the average time you spend from writing to editing for single chapter .  Blush

Now , My memory faded a little bit , I forget the starting of the story . 

So, Kunal spilled some cold drink or coffee on Priya's thesis which supposed to be life changing for her . 
So she decide to take revenge On Kunal and His wife Esha , who happens to be her friends too . 

( I know I know , Dont correct me ) 

So , Priya is so called Feminist . Who clearly has no Idea that A women and A wife both are different thing . A women can fuck any man she wants , whenever she wants , She can carry anyone child , Its her body , Its her child , Its her responsibility But A Wife ? Cannot do those things . She herself said that Marriage is Contract and Esha violated that contract does she deserve Penalty for that . 

So , Priya planned revenge to break them off , To destroy their marriage , She manipulated 34 year old women , who happens to be working in prestigious firm filled with intelligent people but of course she was not satisfied with her marriage and lust made people do stupid things . Okay . 

So a Hansome hunk came , And Priya plotted , They fall in love , She cheated on Kunal , Kunal apologize to Esha for making her to cheat on him , Promised to be better husband . But she again cheated on him , Got pregnant . Decided to keep child okay , Fine with me . 

Kunal sent divorce papers , She moved in with Aniket Her lover . Great decision to be honest . 

Okay , Aditya custody Case :-  The highly intellectual Kunal , Who somehow got the Job in USA firm found the worst lawyer for his case , where ESHA found the  best and very cunning lawyer , who literally fucked him in the ass . 

So , Priya got her Revenge from Kunal .
Kunal :- Lost his whole family , Wife cheated , Humiliated him, Got pregnant by His lover while still married to him, His whole world crumble in front of him , His years of hard work just vanished  , Going to loose Custody of his son . Her wife choose to go with man who is better than him in every way .

ESHA :- Got the literally Handsome hunk who loved her , Sexually Satisfy her , Make her feel alive , Ready for marriage , will accept the Responsibility of Aditya and will be better father than Kunal ever be, Also Rich . She literally got massive update . Call her gold digger , bitch , whatever you want , But Jiska husband Kunal jaise C ho uski feeling ko smjho . Big Grin

I know she felt pain and cried and etc etc etc but still does not feel like that she is actually sad , Because She has gain more than she lost . Its very small price for the future she is gonna built with her Lover , ANIKET . 

Priya not only she got her revenge and She helped her friend to find a better Man for her . ESHA ko literally Thanks bolna chahiye Priya , Its because of Her she found the man of her dream , and she is gonna start her new family , Yeah , I know she might lost some respect among her family or peers but no one gives a fuck . And She will gonna get Aditya , How ? Again Priya The mediator . That Stupid Lawyer cannot even argue why Priya is misfit . She is bigger Idiot Than Kunal , Kunal  deserve this lawyer. 

Oh wait , I forget , While his whole world is falling apart , Mr. Kunal decided to become Sherlock Holmes . Okay lets assume eventually he is gonna find out its all Priya , but It still Does not explain or its not reverse the betrayal of ESHA , No matter if Priya literally throws her in the arms of Aniket its still ESHA's choice to fuck him and its still her choice to get pregnant by Him , Its still her choice to have a baby with Aniket  . Priya perfectly Explain this to Mr. Kunal . OKay let him Play His little Detective Adventure . 

Oh wait , Remind me , How old is Kunal ? 11 ? 14 ? 20 ? . He is fucking grown man. Here getting manipulated and shut by Priya . Priya literally made him to apologize . Acting like small child , I will not be surprise if Priya slapped him and make him to write I am sorry and ESHA was right 100 times  ( Oh bhai marro mujhe , Mujhe aap chutti dede , main is duniya se vida lena chahta hoon Big Grin )

Men like Kunal deserved this , Everyone including me  from the start blaming ESHA , I wanna ask could you blame her for choosing Aniket over This chutpaglu Insan ( sorry for my language ) . 

Go girl , you made the right choice , Aniket is better man than Kunal . Judge should give aditya custody to ESHA , atleast he will not end up as stupid as his father . 

Men like Kunal deserve this , I wanna believe ( for this story ) Laws are not Partial towards women , Here if Men like Kunal exist Its necessary The kid wont  raise by Stupid pathetic loser like him. Just Imagine Yourself In place of Judge , Okay i accept ESHA is cheater but she not loser like him , while being pregnant She fought fiercely for her child , She found the best lawyer . And the best part is She could have Destroy Kunal's reputation easily but she choose not to , She showed mercy to him , for this alone Kunal should touch her feet and ask for forgiveness . Namaskar . The Kunal who is acting like He has upper hand on case , Has no Idea ESHA is literally holding herself back , If gives green light To her Lawyer he would chew and spit him out like cheap bugglebum .

Now I think the subject of the story shifted from Child custody Battle to Humiliation of Kunal.

To be honest , I am enjoying this , The last chapter , T was full of fun . I hope ESHA win this battle , She is literally an angel , Cooking biryani for the man she loves so much , and then * i skipped that part its was disgusting , Funny In sex story i am avoiding sex part*  Tongue  . Also a bit sad , This whole encounter shows that She never loved Kunal the way she loves Aniket. Also now there is no coming back , I know it was established earliar that there is no way ESHA can fix her marriage . But Good for her .   

ESHA and ANIKET Best couple You can see their chemistry and They love each other , They deserve a chance to built their family .  sex

I wish in upcoming chapter , Kunal do something stupid and Aniket would beat the shit of him in front of Aditya , So Aditya finally see what a pathetic father he has , He also can finally move on and Accept Aniket as his father . For this story I am with Fierce Brave Feminist , PRIYA AND ESHA  Cool  who is teaching Kunal a male chauvinist .

 I know I know I literally spewed so much poison against Kunal , Coz he deserve it. 

( Note :- This comment is exaggerated comment , only for fun , I am not criticizing the writer or the plot or anything , I read the story and I write the comment based on written material )

Please Please Please Post an update ASAP ! happy
( kidding please take as much as time you need )


Thank you for your lovely comment; I am indebted. At this juncture, I would like to inform you that this story is a collaborative effort between my girlfriend and me. As students of literature, she provides a lot of input on maintaining flow, breaking monotony, and avoiding unnecessary details. Although the idea for the story is mine, her female perspective has been instrumental in moving the project forward. As I mentioned before, I believe every character has positive and negative aspects. The story does not aim to portray anyone as a villain or a hero; it's about the characters' perspectives, leaving it to the readers to decide who is right or wrong. I would also like to confess that the original idea was to publish the story on Amazon, which we might pursue based on the final response we receive here. Like many of you, my girlfriend is also critical of some of the ideas here, lol.

Note:-As I said before, this forum changes "SCH00L" to "College", read accordingly.
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(11-02-2025, 09:51 AM)Gilmalover Wrote: You are obsessed with kunal and begging for the justice. Kunal does not deserve it. If so, Esha would have shown some love for him or felt guilty or aborted the child. Esha thinks kunal cheated her for 7 years without fulfilling her desires or bring the bitch out of her. A man should not alway be goody goody and handle woman like a baby. in the bed woman should be treated only like a bitch. Big Grin sex

Thanks for proving my point. Reader Comprehension in Xossipy is an all time low. No wonder the best authors are pretty much done with this site.  Dodgy
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(11-02-2025, 06:42 AM)Nesamanikumar Wrote: True love = Strong dick

Yes bro, these days woman fall in love only with good fuckers. Their itchy cunts need more and more. Kunal is never a good husband material nor a lover. He lost the respect when he failed to react like this first time and brought a dildo for his. He is such a shameless guy and Esha has taken a right decision to throw that bastard out of her life.  Iex banghead
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(11-02-2025, 10:31 AM)clearlover Wrote: Thank you for your lovely comment; I am indebted. At this juncture, I would like to inform you that this story is a collaborative effort between my girlfriend and me. As students of literature, she provides a lot of input on maintaining flow, breaking monotony, and avoiding unnecessary details. Although the idea for the story is mine, her female perspective has been instrumental in moving the project forward. As I mentioned before, I believe every character has positive and negative aspects. The story does not aim to portray anyone as a villain or a hero; it's about the characters' perspectives, leaving it to the readers to decide who is right or wrong. I would also like to confess that the original idea was to publish the story on Amazon, which we might pursue based on the final response we receive here. Like many of you, my girlfriend is also critical of some of the ideas here, lol.

Note:-As I said before, this forum changes "SCH00L" to "College", read accordingly.

I am glad to hear that there is a collaborative approach to the story. And I applaud you both for the job well done because both you guys have some really good skills in literature. I get your approach of positives and negatives but at the end of the day , there needs to be definitive trait to characters that eventually reveal their nature that solidifies their aspect. I understand even a villain will consider him/herself the hero in this story and I can say that about a certain character in this story.

For now , I can say good job with this story because there is a lot of thought process involved with each chapter and everything is done very meticulously. All the best for the future chapters and the eventual conclusion of this story.

Wishing You Well.

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Esha happy to bend for the big dick. Priya, is she a saint and not interested in sex or she is a transgender? Like any woman, she should also be interested in it right? Will Aditya change the Initial from K to A. At least now Esha had inlaws to leave the children, going forward, to whom she will leave while going for work? The story is not just about individiuals, it is about families..
[+] 1 user Likes Jayam Ramana's post
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(11-02-2025, 10:31 AM)Jayam Ramana Wrote: Yes bro, these days woman fall in love only with good fuckers. Their itchy cunts need more and more. Kunal is never a good husband material nor a lover. He lost the respect when he failed to react like this first time and brought a dildo for his. He is such a shameless guy and Esha has taken a right decision to throw that bastard out of her life.  Iex banghead

You talk as if Esha is some victim in this. She cheated on him behind his back. Regardless I am sick and tired of "looser Husband" stories. I hope the story deviates and bring some improvement on Kunal or else this story too will be lost in the long list of "Masochism" lover's favorite wet dream stories.

Xossipy's standard is getting lower and lower. This site had incredible stories once , now its just "Wimp Husband" story festival!  Dodgy
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(11-02-2025, 10:45 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: Xossipy's standard is getting lower and lower. This site had incredible stories once , now its just "Wimp Husband" story festival!  Dodgy

BULL SHIT.  Angry devil2 banghead
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(11-02-2025, 10:40 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: I am glad to hear that there is a collaborative approach to the story. And I applaud you both for the job well done because both you guys have some really good skills in literature. I get your approach of positives and negatives but at the end of the day , there needs to be definitive trait to characters that eventually reveal their nature that solidifies their aspect. I understand even a villain will consider him/herself the hero in this story and I can say that about a certain character in this story.

For now , I can say good job with this story because there is a lot of thought process involved with each chapter and everything is done very meticulously. All the best for the future chapters and the eventual conclusion of this story.

Wishing You Well.


The idea for the story stems from a scenario where a wife cheats on her husband and subsequently becomes pregnant by her lover. We explored various outcomes instead of a predictable ending, in this story. A human emotions are not command to robot , so the emotional complexities need to be explored. 
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