Adultery Love Sex And War Part 1 : Age Of Darkness
Hello Everyone , This is Harry Jordan.

I am new to this site and new to writing in general but reading some good stories in this site tempted me to try my talent in storytelling so I am creating and sharing this story with you all.

I will be exploring a lot of themes with this story so I warn readers to not expect sex in every chapters. There will a little of voyeurism explored in this story but let me make it clear , this won't be a cuckold story. There will be some good amount of extra marital affairs and relations that will be explored but at the end of the day I am writing this story to add many elements in it. There will be action , drama , some thriller , maybe some graphic violence and moderate amount of sex.

So without further ado , lets begin this incredible journey.

                                                                                                               LOVE SEX AND WAR PART 1: AGE OF DARKNESS

                                                                                                                                              CHAPTER 1

AUGUST 11 2007.

Somewhere in a remote place in Azerbaijaan. There was smoke , dust and ash everywhere. A complete devastation filled with rubble , some sort of green gas enveloping the entire place. People were coughing , some where suffocating to death. Most of them looked like well armed soldiers but now succumbing to their injuries and leaving the mortal world. The place appeared to be a big industrial factory but everything is burned to the ground and this green gas is enveloping all of it. From that smoke , a burned hand comes out and a man's groan and scream is heard that echoes in that entire region.


The night sky was glittering with the stars and the lights were emanating from the Mumbai skyline. There was an eerie silence in the midnight as a container truck arrived at an abandoned warehouse near the port. A well postured but shady man walked out of the truck as the truck was parked in a hidden spot in that warehouse. He wandered the warehouse and on one part of it ,he opened the shutter of a godown to show a big collection of guns that were mostly old but some new that has been catching dust. He walked through another shutter that had weird packets which had a logo that looked like Satan with horns. 

The man came to the light as he used his phone and called someone.

"Sir , this is Abhimanyu. I have stashed the truck and surveiled the warehouse. This is something far more bigger than you think. Even in the security officer force there are people that are having sleepless nights because of this container missing. This warehouse is loaded with guns and drugs sir."

He was looking around to see if anyone is in close proximity. But the entire place looks deserted and abandoned. But Abhimanyu was getting the feeling of being watched.

"Only I know the location of this place sir. As you instructed I haven't disclosed it to anyone else. My superiors are asking for me sir so I have to go so I will keep you posted."

He ended the call and got back on the truck as it disconnected the trailer container there and drove off. The truck drove off from the warehouse and into a  deserted road and disappeared into the night as darkness engulfed the warehouse in this deepening night.


The next day. The sun rose over Mumbai, lighting up the horizon and waking up the economical capital of India. On one of the high rise residential buildings of Bandra , Hemant Kumar was drinking his tea looking to the view of the Mumbai skyline and the sea far. He could see a few boats driving against the waves going to the sea while someplace he could hear the sounds of the railway announcement coming from the metro station that is located in some distance from here. The sounds of taxi cabs and buses honking really emanated the feeling that Mumbai was waking up.  

He took a few breaths enjoying the feel of the morning cold air of Mumbai. This has always been his morning routine. To wake up and drink some tea and come and stand in this balcony and enjoy the amazing view of the city. It helped him in thinking that his struggles in the past was worth it. It was a huge gamble he made in owning his flat but it was worth it. And now he feels contempt. Everything was worth it now. He just stood there enjoying his tea like an average working man. It was the look of a simple man. 

A man standing there appreciating where he is in his life right now. Everyday it is the same sight , but for some reason repeating this in every morning seems like a muscle memory now. And today the climate was beautiful , it was after all the madness post Diwali and things have simmered down. But at the same time the December cold has came knocking on the doorstep as what was once a warm gush of winds that always hit this balcony has now been replaced with cold breezes. Sipping hot tea in that cold gave a balancing feel to his body. The few was wonderful , it was until now. But then out of the blue he heard a sound. 

The sound of an eagle , that immediately turned his now calm and comfort environment into a nightmare. He closed his eyes and he could hear cries , people screaming. He heard men falling down getting choped and hit. He rubbed his head and opened his eyes and he was back to normal. He looked around and the morning view was just like he saw moments ago. Though the eagle flying in the sky made him a little uneasy. He took some deep breaths and walked back into his house. That few moments of disturbance , it always upsetted him. But lately he has been able to cope with it. He thought he had overcame it , but he hasn't. He just ignored that traumatic episode and went inside the house.

He slowly walked inside from the balcony as he noticed the local news channel running on TV. He decided to see if there was something interesting going on as he turned up some sound.

'Additional Director General Of Mumbai has stated in his press conference today that the rise of Drug Mafia has once again made its footing in Mumbai. The city has been believed to be a hub for not just known local drugs but dangerous foreign drugs as well. ADGP has instructed the citizens of Mumbai to be cautious and report any illegal activity they encounter anywhere in the city. He also states that a big syndicate is behind this and further investigation and breakthrough will eventually bring the real culprits to justice.'

He lowered the sound after hearing the headlines after which he heard the laughter and singing of his son Karan who was in the dining table singing along his favorite song. Seeing his darling boy all happy has always made Hemant forget any problems in his life. His wife Sonarika, 32, looked radiant in the morning light. Her hair, was down, making her look less strict. She was busy with the breakfast for the day cooking away in the kitchen.

Sonarika was making pakodas. The sizzling sound of cooking filled the air. Hemant watched her as he sat on the dining table near Karan. He always loved this sight , the sight of Sonarika and the way she brings her professionalism from her work life into her house when it comes to cooking , but here there is no one to judge. Just two admirers of her. Usually the kitchen is always supposed to be a wife's domain , but Hemant didn't have that mindset. On occasion they have shared the food making duties. Although since Sonarika had a more linear work life with less work hours , she tends to get more time for doing the house duties. She moved easily in her gym clothes after spending an hour working out at a nearby gym of their house. 

She soaked the grains, chopped onions, and mixed her special spices, the kitchen filling with the sound and smell of cooking. Hemant loved the smile she always emits when she does her work. Hemant carefully set the table, placing everything just right. Karan helped by setting out forks, happy to be part of the routine. 

Hemant watched, not just the pakoda but how lovingly she cooked. This is a regular sight for him but it never gets old , all this memories he keeps it cherished in his mind and heart. To an extent this was the best form of comfort to his heart. She would occasionally look up to him and she would raise an eyebrow taunting his stare. In response he would only smile more. This was their flirting , no words , no body contacts. Just the contact of souls and emotions

While Sonarika worked on their breakfast. Hemant was making a cup of coffee for Sonarika , this was his way of giving compliment for her hardwork in kitchen.

Sonarika served the pakoda, golden and tasty. Hemant poured coffee, its smell adding to the breakfast aroma. He added the right amount of sugar and stir and gave the cup to Sonarika to drink. Sonarika sipped one and she felt rejuvenated. She believes there is definitely some magic in her husband's eyes.

"Mmm...I'll never get over the taste of your coffee hubby.." Sonarika said with a smirk.

" is what a loving husband should do.." Hemant countered.

"I wish I could express it to you right now , but Karan is right here.." Sonarika said with a grin. 

"Whoops that is right." Hemant responded as they smiled at each other knowing what they mean't.

They ate, feeling warm and close as a family. Hemant and Karan's praise made Sonarika happy, she liked the queen treatment the two important males in her life gave to her. That is when Anjali comes from the bedroom after her shower and greets the couple. Their family breakfast was more than just eating, it was their time for stories and laughs. Hemant told tales of his day, which thrilled Karan, who listened with wide eyes. It was a coping mechanism that Hemant built , he loved the enthusiasm Karan had hearing his stories. This short stories made him revisionize his dark past and made his inner turmoil and pain subside. And he loved how much his son admires him and feels captivated with his stories.

After eating, Sonarika cleaned up, she went into her room and she put on her work clothes. She wore her usual black suit that gave her an ideal office worker vibe , her thoughts were focused on work now. She had some big important work opportunities coming in her way and she intended to give it her full dedication and make it work. She took a few breather adjusting her low make-up and her costume as she sighed and got ready to leave for work.

When she returned to the hall , she saw Hemant helping Karan with homework. Between them , Sonarika had the early shift so she had to leave first. Anjali , Karan's nanny was still eating her food now. Once Hemant leaves too , it is Anjali who takes care of Karan and sends him to college and recieves him and bring him home. She is a great nanny, and Karan likes the company of his Anju Didi.

Anjali was the daughter of Sonarika's father's close friend. In many ways , Anjali and Sonarika are basically sisters and were raised in a common setting and household in  New Delhi. Sonarika brought her here because she wanted to study medicine and she was enrolled in a nearby medical college and she was doing night classes. That way she could take care of Karan and work on her studies. Hemant treats her as his little sister and ties rakhi from her every year. 

Sonarika looked at Karan and sees despite of his age , he has attention and interest in his studies. A part of her is glad that Karan never became the pampered and naughty child she feared he could be. When her work colleagues often in the past talk about the pressure and pain in parenting raising a young one. Sonarika thanks the fate that Karan wasn't like that , he was quiet a screamer during his much younger days but as age developed he became more calmer and a smiling one for that. In a way she thanks Hemant being the father because she remembers how her co-workers would say their husbands would at times be frustrated and be mean to their children. 

But Hemant was different. He always dealed Karan with patience and determination. He always found time regardless the situation for him and was always present when he needed him. There was a slight jealousy in Sonarika since she believed that the boy childs often tends to be close to their mothers but Karan always go gaga over Hemant. He sees his father as his hero , and to some extent it was true. Sonarika sees the same dedication and humility Hemant has in Karan. 

Karan never showed frustrations with homework and he was always enthusiastic about knowledge. Hemant would often joke to her that his son might become a rocket scientist to which Sonarika would retort he loves the kitchen maybe he will become a world known chef. Karan himself changes his ambition every week because everything he sees , he likes to become one. His childful banter and innocent postures often brought smiles on the couple. 

Hemant's smile was a quiet promise of their love. Sonarika hugged Karan. 

"Give Mummy a kiss.." Sonarika moved her cheek to Karan.

"Ummmaaaa..." Karan happily kissed his mother.

"Study well my little prince....See you Karan.." Sonarika said.

"See you mumma!" Karan said as he leaned down and wrote his homework.

Sonarika turned to Anjali.

"Is his tiffin ready?"

"Its already done Didi..."

"Okay...don't stress about your are doing better than expected Anju...see you in the evening...bye.."

"Bye didi..."

As Sonarika was walking to the front door , Hemant followed her. When they reached the door and stood past it , Sonarika turned to Hemant.

" there no goodbye for me?" Hemant enquired mimicking a sad puppy face.

Sonarika responded by grabbing his face and kissing him hard. He wasn't expecting that kind of a response. Sonarika soon separated her lips from his. Hemant struggled a bit to maintain some composure.

"What did I do to recieve such a wonderful gift this morning?" Hemant asked with exasperation.

"I needed something extra to boost my confidence..I have a big client coming today so I needed much more than a coffee..."

"I know you will do well my Sona.."

"Thank you my Hemant.."

Wishing each other goodbye , Sonarika walked away. She reached the lobby and got on her car and started her drive to her workplace. Driving to work, Sonarika thought about her team, her clients, and her strategies. But mostly, she thought of Hemant and Karan, who were her rocks of confidence. 

The drive to her office was  a short one after all Hemant bought their apartment with her convenience in mind. Within 30 minutes she arrived at Tanishq office. This was her first  year as the COM (Chief Operations Manager). Behind the reception desk Anushka greeted her with a smile as she greeted her and walked in. Then she was greeted by Pragya , Gayathri , Pooja , Aniket , Vishnu and then Tejas. Among the co-workers Tejas is often called Romeo Tejas because he hit on all women in this office and got rejected. It was not like he was bad , but he had a few flaws and his flirting was pretty over the top. Sonarika herself once slapped him which eventually led to him be a good boy. Everyone interacted for a few minutes after which Sonarika went to her cabin and sat on the chair taking a breather. Today was indeed a big day because there is a new investor coming interested in using Tanishq's brand and resources to style the interiors of a hotel they're building. The company was indeed a big name , Bajaj Corp. And the company's vice chairman himself Mr. Vikram Bajaj is coming today to evaluate and see what Tanishq can provide him with.

Vikram Bajaj's direct involvement made it a bit nervous for Sonarika. But then she looked at her family photo she had placed in her table and every worry in her faded away. It was the pick they took on their vacation last year to a beach in Pondicherry. Sonarika focused on her work and revised her presentation. She waited in anticipation as time went by. Soon she was notified that Vikram Bajaj is here so she took her presentation and arrived at the conference room and prepared herself.

She was curious at first on whether it will go well or not. But soon she focused on herself and she stood there motivated ready to welcome the clients. The conference room door opened and in walked Vikram Bajaj , Sonarika was a little intrigued. She has spend a few years in Tanishq and all the clients she had met had this old washed up features. But he was different , he looked like a celebrity. Dressed in a nice blazer suit along with a matching tie looking like a multi-millionaire and he was rightfully so. His complexion somewhat matched Sonarika's as he looked radiant and graceful. The moment he saw Sonarika , he was in a trance of some sort. He had a tough time to look away.

It felt weird for Sonarika to see a man who looked this presentable and charming suddenly staring down at her like a pervert. But it only lasted for a few seconds as soon the man closed his eyes and came back into his senses. The man then moved his hand forward to Sonarika for a handshake.

"Good morning Mr.Vikram Bajaj."

"Good morning and please call me Vikram"

Sonarika gracefully started her presentation. She went through each intricate details with well choosen words to make sure that Vikram understood what her explanation was. She used Venn diagrams and charts , video presentations to show what made Tanishq what it is today. Vikram was really impressed by the presentation , he was aware she didn't have experience in this post for long , but she was showcasing herself as a ten year plus veteran. He was impressed by her easy narration and detailed structure of her presentation. The man that once oogled her when he came was now impressed by her professionalism.

Vikram had his share of dealing with experienced and inexperienced people, but he seemed to like Sonarika's fresh approach , he could easily notice the confidence that emanated from her. Even though it seems she memorized her points , she still didn't budge in explaining the key factors in her presentation. He asked questions to see if she falters.But  Sonarika answered with confidence and he was impressed seeing her respond without taking much time and keeping the professionalism in the same level. 

"I only need the resources for the interiors of my hotel" Vikram stated, his tone neutral. "Why should I choose Tanishq?" 

Sonarika took a deep breath. "Tanishq is not just a leading brand in India , but in the world as well." she said, her eyes sincere and boosted with her work experience. 

"We don't want to say everything we touches turn to gold , but our products and influence of the brand has indeed created masterpieces around the world. So to answer your question , there isn't a better choice than Tanishq" 

They talked about Vikram's hotel infrastructure. Sonarika suggested certain ideas, her approach was very much in detail and pointing out some of the things she believes will make this collaboration much more profitable. Vikram listened, his questions were sharp, he was quiet impressed to see her understand his work style and his design ideas. Sonarika too was impressed with his dedication to his assets. He could've easily sat on the chairman chair and let others do his work but he was more involved in these projects , which definitely sparked an admiration towards him in Sonarika.

Her co-workers outside on occasion looked into the conference room. They could see Sonarika and Vikram engaging in long conversations. They were all impressed by how Sonarika handled herself. The old team leader in her was clearly doing it in full swing. But now being COM to the office has really boosted her work ethic. 

When the meeting ended, Vikram stood, his face slightly nodding in agreement. "Alright , looks like this will be a good collaboration" he said, shaking her hand. "Good job, Ms. Sonarika."

"Thanks for this chance, Mr. Vikram. Looking forward to working with you" Sonarika said, her handshake firm this time, feeling more confident. 

Vikram left, and Sonarika sat back, feeling the weight of what lay ahead but also happy with another successful investment to the company. She also left a relief that the meeting went well and she has impressed her new client. Her superiors were happy and Sonarika gave a short party to her team members in the company cafeteria. As the team members were celebrating with her. A female figure was watching all of them from a distance. It was Meghna Mathur , Sonarika's childhood friend who works in the same building but in a different office , she is a journalist and is working for Mirror News Network that prints newspapers called The Mirror and also have their own news channel Mirror Today. Sonarika noticed her and smiled as Meghna too smiled back.

Meghna and Sonarika often meet here and talk their day and life progresses. Sonarika often liked her company because Meghna was always a much more confident woman. Meghna boasts herself to be a feminist and often showcases her frustrations with the patriarchy and other male related issues with women. She was surprisingly one of the biggest detractors of Sonarika and Hemant's marriage. Meghna often undermines Hemant's qualities and insinuates to Sonarika that she has made a mistake with Hemant. But Sonarika never took it seriously , because she has always loved and felt loved from Hemant.

Everytime Meghna would complain about Hemant , Sonarika would start to embrace him in her heart more. In a way Sonarika and Hemant arranged their own marriage , years ago they met through common friends on a date night. But ever since they met they would share their hobbies and likings and slowly they developed their relationship. Eventually it was Hemant who proposed marriage to her. Sonarika never had that feelings with Hemant but he was always a wonderful human. She loved his company and liked his approach. In many ways he had that liberal mindset , to share the responsibilities of marriage with someone. Sonarika decided to test him and they lived together for 6 months which made her realize that Hemant is the man for her.

She learned to love him and he always loved her. What attracted her more to him is how much he respected her boundaries. In those six months , he never even once tried to initiate a physical intimacy with her. Hemant had always been a very comforting and supportive partner. She had often joked and teased him for his lack of taste in fashion because he is always dressed in covered and long hand clothes. Everything changed post marriage , when the intimacy started between them , they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Sonarika still cherishes her early few months of marriage ,  the sex they had was nothing short of fantastic. Their intimacy was on overdrive. She still remembers their honeymoon on the Kerala backwaters where they spend a night on a house boat and the boat driver heard her screams of pleasure that night. The next day was slightly embarassing considering the driver's constant giggles and Hemant's teases.

Sonarika always teased him telling him that they might've conceived Karan on that night. Hemant would tease right back saying its not true because he knows they concieved Karan on a morning at their home in the kitchen when Anjali went outside to hangout with friends. And he would corroborate it with his math and calculation on Karan's conception. Sonarika sometimes feel miffed by it but she knows Hemant does this only to have a friendly banter with her as a couple.

She always sees Hemant as a rock in their relationship. Bringing the stability in their life and promoting balance in the relationship. He was her biggest hype man , always supporting and motivating her to do better and thrive. She was looking forward to share this recent success with him tonight when she gets home.

Compared to Sonarika's worklife , Hemant's worklife was quiet different. Hemant worked at Quadron Innovations located at the heart of the city. He worked as the Senior Data Configurer with enough work pressure associated with it. But then last year he got his much needed promotion and became a project manager which Hemant celebrated by taking Sonarika and Karan for a short vacation at Pondicherry beach last year. 

Yet despite that , Hemant never pushed for more luxury in himself. He had the money to buy a vehicle but he chose not to because he feels the Metro transit provides him convenience and avoid the traffic issues of Mumbai. He instead saved those money for Karan and Anjali's future educational progresses. His down to earth behavior also brought great admiration between Quadron workers for him because despite of being in a higher position he never showed the ego for it. His humility was his greatest feat.

But he was not devoid of any  office shenanigans. The company's new COO , Priyanka. She had started with Hemant together in Quadron almost 12 years ago , but fate has it 12 years later. She ended up sitting in the higher seat of COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Mumbai sector while Hemant could only reach the level of a Project Manager. Regardless , Hemant never showed disappointment or any type of issues with Priyanka. On the contrary , he was appreciating her hardwork. Priyanka wanted to hate him , but she also had struggles of her own. At times she felt envious seeing his deep love to his son. Somewhere in his banters , she could see her own dad who left her at a young age with a terrible illness. His love for Karan sometimes mirrored her dad's affection towards her. So deep down she couldn't hate Hemant but rather admire him from a distance and never show it. 

This love/hate relationship between them continued in that company. Hemant also had an assistant for his work in Disha who was working as a Senior Analyst. Hemant saw her as his protege and often guided her and showed her the ways of the work. There were voices among the employees gossiping behind Hemant's back calling him he was the "Monkey with a gbang" proverb. Disha was a ravishing woman with a body to die for , men have often oogled at her long legs and she often wore skirts to her office. She had that ideal look of a hot secretary that a fat boss will be enjoying in the side. In this case , Hemant is the fat boss. But Hemant never saw Disha in that way , but he was aware of such gossips and never was bothered with it. Hemant rather had other concerns. The change in his body has somewhat started to create some problems with his health and his life. Many times he thought he must improve his physique but he would either get too much involved in work or other things and he ends up forgetting it. Hemant was waiting for that right time and motivation where he can start pushing himself to improvement.

It was strange for the senior members and Priyanka herself to see Mr. Vardhan Gupta one of the founders of Quadron and now member of the Board Of Directors always treated Hemant to a higher regard. Hemant had no family ties with Vardhan neither he was from another rich family either , but Vardhan often treated him as a son , gave him all sorts of privileges and amenities. He even tried to gift Hemant luxury condos and lavish apartments way above his paygrade when Hemant was house hunting before his marriage , but Hemant insisted on buying on with his own expense. Hemant was given the opportunity to become a rich guy's frat boy son in this office and rule. But he never did that , matter of fact Hemant only used those privileges to gift the under-apprecciated work employees. Which is why many senior members and ex workers of Quadron see Hemant as an ideal person.  

Hemant wasn't bothered by petty gossips behind his back and always chosed to ignore such stupid things. Though there was some exhaustion , he felt he was exhausted in life but Sonarika always brightened him in his life and he always found the right energy to work and live stronger and move forward. Many times his close friends and employees have seen him struggling or maintaining composure in the past. But ever since his marriage and becoming a father , Hemant had evolved into a mature person in the company. Many people see him as a beacon and a source of strength and they all know they can reach upto him when they are in trouble because he has a kind heart.

In the noon when there is lunch break , Hemant would visit the nearby Crossword book shop to either window shop some books or buy one. He wasn't into reading much but Sonarika's has birthed this hobby in him. And like every visit in the last few months , he would be greeted by a beautiful woman sitting in the reading room area noticing him and smiling. For some reason  , Hemant felt a familiarity in her face but he simply couldn't place where he could recognize her. He took his book and left the place still trying to piece the puzzle with that mysterious woman.

When Sonarika left her office ,  her thoughts would shift to home, wondering whether both the males in her life had a good day as well. Sonarika returned to Hemant's warmth, Karan's tales. Returning to them and to their home brought a sense of calm and serenity she craves and that gave her the necessary distraction and relief from all the work obligations. This new role felt like her own spa; it was proving she could balance her life's many parts. Hemant and Karan provided the much needed relief she craved right now. 


Their dinner is always fun , Karan usually does his banter and finished early. Once he is done he goes to the TV and watches his favorite cartoons. Sonarika and Hemant would then discuss about the day , their work progress. This sharing is what made their work life a much easier task. Both of them talked to each other about certain issues they face in work and they find a solution from one another or they discuss about it until there is one. As they finish their dinner , Anjali returns home after their night class and she then sits with Sonarika and Hemant to discuss her study progress. In a way , Hemant and Sonarika acts as parents to Anjali and is now a part of their family. 

As the night progresses they start to get to their sleeping arrangements as Anjali and Karan sleep in their kids room. Sonarika and Hemant then have a small pillow talk in the bed about other social things and stuff after which they both go to bed to their much needed sleep. For both Hemant and Sonarika this was their daily life.


Mumbai Cops have sealed a section to the side of a highway as a news journalist was giving her report of the incident.

'It seems like crime and Mumbai will keep their cold blooded bond of blood as a horrifying murder has rocked the city. Law Officers has retrieved the body of what they claim to be an Undercover Officer who was investigating the nexus of a Drug Mafia now rumored to be growing in Mumbai. Law Enforcement Officials and their representatives have refused to give the victim's identification to the public as they believe this will harm their ongoing investigation ,  though they have voiced strong actions will be taken against the culprits reponsible for this when they are caught. This incident oddly is co-incident to the press conference of the ADGP in the morning where he raised concern about this same alleged Drug Mafia now growing its root again in this city. But now this tragic incident only seems to denote that this will probably end up to be a serious threat to the city before its too late'

The cops made sure the media never reached the place the body was lying. Onto the side of the highway is a gutter flowing as forensic experts and investigating officers were evaluating the scene. They all were standing and doing their work as the lifeless body of Abhimanyu dressed in the same clothes he had last night was lying on the ground lifeless drenched in his own blood with stab and slice marks all over his body.

                                                                                                                        END OF CHAPTER 1.
[+] 7 users Like Harry Jordan's post
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Hello everyone , hope you liked chapter 1. I shared this chapter 1 early because I wanted the readers to get familiar with some of the characters in the story along with the main characters of Hemant , Sonarika and Vikram. Now I hereby showcase to you the plans for my story.

As you can see from the title , it is a Part 1 , which means this is part 1 of this saga of Love , Sex and War. There will be a part 2 which will conclude this whole saga. Each part of the saga will have only 10 chapters. I just shared with you the first chapter which means part 1 will conclude after the coming 9 chapters. Then the next part 2 will have another 10 chapters to conclude the story in whole.

As for when I will update Chapter 2 , honestly this is my first attempt so I want this to be special. So it might take between 1 and 2 weeks. But if things develop in a better way then you can expect an early surprise. However , I won't give you false hope and want you guys to be patient and give me time so that I can write it in the best way possible.

I hope you guys really enjoy this story and stay tuned to see where this ride goes!

With Love ,

Harry Jordan.
[+] 3 users Like Harry Jordan's post
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Nice upddate
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good start
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excellent update please continue
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Good start
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Nice beginning...I can already smell a lot of mystery... I will be eagerly waiting for the next updates...keep them coming all the best
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Is this thriller too?
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Lots of mystery to unfold .... Gud luck mate
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Good beginning. Shall be interested to see how the story unfolds.

Best Luck.
[+] 1 user Likes clearlover's post
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Good start
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When We Get Update Writer?
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please update
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                                                                                                                             CHAPTER 2

A few days later , both Sonarika and Hemant got a half day break. They decided to have some time of their own and went to the nearby beach in. During their walk , they had some casual conversation but most times it was regarding work and other social issues. As it was getting dark they decided to leave for home.

As they were walking through an isolated place in the beach. They both ended up in the close proximity of some anti-social elements. They were hurling whistles and light abuses seeing Sonarika. Hemant shielded her as they maintained some distance.

" are you wasting time with this fat loser...come with us...we will show you the whiteness of heaven in the darkness of this night.."

Sonarika raged up , she was about to pick a fight of insults with them but Hemant played the peacemaker. Luckily for them a bunch of security officermen were patrolling at that spot and they took those men into custody. Hemant was relieved as Sonarika was miffed with the whole experience. That whole evening , Sonarika was a little upset but she hid her dissappointment and coped with it.

The next day , she was having lunch at the office cafeteria with Meghna when she noticed Sonarika looked a little off today.

"What's wrong with you Sonarika today?"


"You seem a bit off...I can say that.."

"Its nothing....something about yesterday evening.."

"What happened?"

" and Hemant went to the beach for some quality time and when we were leaving we were targeted by some anti-social elements..they were hurling abuses..I got mad but thankfully the cops were there...that incident just pisses me off.."

"So...what did Hemant say"

"He remained calm , he insisted we avoid them and I obliged..."

"So are you angry that Hemant didn't reaact?"

"Come on Meghna...I know Hemant...he cannot even hurt a fly...he always like seeing the good in people.."

"Is that so?"

"Why do you think Karan is so sweet...he learns that from his father"

"Yes but don't you think as a husband he should be a bit more...defensive about you?"

"He does that....but he also hates violence...and I like that quality about him..he is the perfect antithesis to my rage"

Meghna made a mental note about that new info. They talked on other things but Meghna was curious about this new detail regarding Hemant.

The next day , Hemant was busy in his work along with Disha when his company had an unexpected visitor. It was the face that employees here had a tough time tolerating to. It was Sandeep Gupta , the rat boy son of millionaire Vardhan Gupta one of founders of Quadron and Hemant's big mentor. Hemant shared the same frustrations everyone had there with him.

"Hemant the are you man" Sandeep said ignoring any decent decorrum. Even Disha was startled by his sudden interjenction.

"Hello Sandy...didn't knew you were in the can get to work Disha.."

Disha stood up and walked away as Sandeep shamelessly oogled at her.

"Looking rad tonight?"

Disha smugged in disgust as she walked away.

"Sandy...that is inappropriate.."

"What? I am just asking for a movie night? Its not like I asked her number?"

"Still that is not the right way to behave in a workplace"

"I own this place.."

Hemant started to feel a bit tensed with his antics.

" don't...your father is a BOD member.."

"Which means this is my company...I am your future boss.."

"Key word..Future.."

Sandeep was silent for a while after that and his demeanor changed quickly.

"Did you just insult me"

"That is not what I mea---"


Sandeep screamed and threw a glass full of water placed on the table straight to Hemant's face. All the employees were startled. Sandeep kept screaming obsenities as guards came and escorted him away.

He kept threatening that Hemant's day in Quadron is done. Priyanka came and consoled Hemant.

"I am sorry for this.."

"Its okay Priyanka...somehow I am getting used to this.."

For Hemant this was the usual , Sandeep always found ways to insult Hemant on important occasions.

"Do you think he was serious with that threat?"

Hemant giggled as he looked at Priyanka.

"Isn't this like the 5th time he threatened that? And I am still here!"

Everyone went back to work and Hemant sat in his cabin waiting for the water to dry up. Though sitting in a wet cloth really made some discomfort for him. Reluctantly Hemant took halfday and walked to the CrossWord bookshop to buy a book he was interested in. And co-incidentally he liked one book but it turns out another person was grabbing the same book. Hemant was startled but he moved to find out who it was. The person came forward to him , it was the same woman that often smiled to him when she noticed him.

"Sorry you can take it if you want"

"No I don't think that is fair"

"No..its alright...I am interested in this specific book...just the theme.."

"If that is the case....then can I recommend another one for you?"


"Have you read this?"


"Then you should...I'll be done when you're done with this..."

"Really? How so?"

"I am kind of a fast reader!"

"Heh okay.."

That was when the woman noticed the wet shirt in Hemant.

"What happened?"

" unusual encounter with the boss's son.."

"Ohh...if you don't mind my place is nearby....we can fix this fast.."

"That would be an inconvenience.."

"Would be a bigger inconvenience walking with a wet shirt like that.."

Hemant thought for a few seconds.

" wouldn't mind.."

"I won't...besides it better than just looking at each other at a book store.."

"Alright..I'll come....but only if I know your good name first.."

The woman looked back at Hemant with a smile.

"Seriously Hemant? still didn't recognize me?"

He was stunned when she told his name , she was not a stranger. Hemant's intuition was right , she was a familiar face.

"I am really sorry...but I am seriously having trouble.."

Hemant said rubbing his head failing to not identify her. The woman put her hands on her hips and she said.

" this what you always want to be....Cheater...Cheater...Cheater!"

The moment she said those words , Hemant's face completely lit up. There were multiple emotions going through. He covered his mouth with his hand.

"OMG...Oh my....Tammu...Tammu....Tamanna!"

The woman was finally identified , Tamanna. Hemant was at loss for words.

"I mean..I..uh...get....Oh my god...its 15 years!"

"Yeah..and here I thought I was a good friend to you.."

"Yeah but my good friend had a telescopic glasses and a bridge on her teeth and...horns?"

They both laughed as they reminisced their old college days. Hemant continued.

"How could I recognize...then you had all that....and look like a Supermodel!"

Tamanna only blushed in response as there was an awkward pause between them. Then she noticed his wet shirt.

"Looks like you had a mishap"

"Yeah...a small skirmish in the office...I was on my way home when I thought of getting a book.."

"Is your home far?"

"Somewhat. I have to board the metro"

"Like this?"

"What choice do I have?"

"Okay how about you can come to my place and I can help you dry this thing and we can catch up to old times.."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course , its been a while so...we can pass time better.."


Soon Hemant started following Tamanna as they walked to her place located nearby. Hemant deduced she must be doing well in life considering she has a place to live in the most expensive part of town.

Tamanna lived in a luxury apartment nearby , they arrived at her place and Hemant was quiet impressed by her setting. Even though it was smaller than his flat , it had much more designer furnitures and lavish interior.

"You have a killer place."

"Thanks , I guess this was one benefit of being in Advertising."

"You work in Advertising."

"For starter yes , now I run an Ad might be familiar , its called Dhrishti Studio"

Hemant was stunned hearing that name.

"Woah! You mean the people behind that new ad for the Mobile Brand?"

"Yup , that's us."

"Oh my god! congratulations on that success , you are doing a great job!"

"Thanks but most credit goes to my crew , they're some real hardworkers!"

Hemant smiled as he looked around. Soon Tamanna came with a robe.

"Wear this and remove your shirt , I'll dry them off."

Hemant was shown the way to a bedroom where Hemant changed to the robe and removed his shirt and gave it to Tamanna. She took it to the washroom as Hemant explored the living room. He noticed there were some photos of Tamanna , and then surprisingly he saw the photos of a little girl with Tamanna. She looked cute , and Hemant could see some facial similarity of Tamanna on her. So he deduced she might be her daughter. But oddly enough there is no photo of her 'husband'. But that doubt was soon gone when he noticed the photo of a man posing with Tamanna and a baby which he deduced might be the daughter since this was an older photo. Tamanna soon returned to the living room.

"Your daughter looks beautiful.."


"She seems to be the same age as my boy"

"You have a son?"

"Yeah..his name is Karan.."

"That explains this.." Tamanna said pointing to Hemant's body.

"What do you mean?" Hemant asked puzzled.

"Your dad body. The Hemant I knew would never look like this.."

"Yeah I guess fate works in different ways...back then I looked good and here I am...and you were at your nerdy best and here you are looking like a heroine"

"Not gonna lie I am surprised about this as well...the Hemant I knew was very much into fitness...guess fatherhood took that away.."

"I guess...I didn't notice it until some of the old folks of ours didn't recognize me.."

"I won't blame were after all the college hearthrob!"

Hemant slightly blushed hearing complements like that.

"Though I am surprised by this change in profession..last I remember you were on your way to enlist in the army....and now here you are working at a different field completely"

Her enquiry made some discomfort in Hemant , he felt some flashbacks of his past , but surprisingly he was able to overcome those thoughts when he thought about his wife and his boy. That made him feel better than he is able to overcome those memories.

"Oh right...yeah things didn't work out that well.."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Tamanna pushed further upon her curiosity.

"Well , its one thing to serve and another to actually do , I was stationed at a forward operations base when I saw my fellow soldier die in front of my eyes , then I faced another terrrible terror attack , at that moment the fear really kicked in for me and I cowered. I ran away , making it clear to my superiors that I was unfit for military. They were gracious enough not to court martial me and I didn't seek any benefits. Those memories , they were a permanent nightmare in my mind. Until I met Sonarika."


"My wife.."

"Ohh..the mother of your boy.."

"Yup and the love of my life...she brought the light when I was engulfed in darkness..with her I learned to live again and I restarted my life getting rid of my dark past...since then life has been fun..."

"I can see that..I see the glow in your eyes when you mention her name" Tamanna teased him.

Their conversation went on about their other friends from their college and their whereabouts. They reminisced on old and new things but above all Hemant enjoyed the company of Tamanna. Before he left her place , he promised to see her daughter Shraddha next time. But as he was leaving , Shraddha arrived from her college. Tamanna saw the cold stare she had as Tamanna tried to cheer her up

"Shraddha , this is Hemant uncle , your mom's old college friend!"

"Hey young girl , nice to meet you!" Hemant gestured his hand forward for a handshake. 

But Shraddha only stared him back as she soon walked away from them and into the bedroom and closed the door. Tamanna looked upset on Shraddha's behavior. She regained her composure and talked to Hemant.

"Sorry Hemant , Shraddha is not exactly that welcoming to new faces"

"Hmm , so she is definitely her mother's daughter" Hemant said trying to lighten the mood.

Tamanna smiled back as both soon said goodbye to each other as Hemant left Tamanna's place. As Hemant noticed that his shirt has been fixed , he ditched the idea of going home and instead returned to his office.

A day later , that night, while tucking Karan into bed, Sonarika was thinking about the idea of escaping Mumbai's noise. 

Upon coming to bed , she asked Hemant.

"Hemant? How about we surprise Karan with a trip to Matheran this weekend?" 
Hemant, always up for family adventures, was all in. "Sounds perfect. Karan will love it." 
Karan was ecstatic that weekend when he learned what his parents were planning for him. The weekend came with the excitement of a family outing. They packed Karan's games and art stuff in the vehicle. They had hired a separate ride with a driver for this special weekend. The drive was filled with Karan's chatter, his eyes bright with anticipation. 
Arriving in Matheran, they were greeted by cool mist and fresh air. Their cottage, with its big windows overlooking the hills, felt like the perfect spot for family time. Karan ran around the garden, his laughter bouncing off the hills, while Hemant and Sonarika exchanged satisfied looks. Karan wanted to go for trekking but Hemant couldn't since he was not fit like his past self and let Sonarika and Karan go together while he stayed back.
That was the first reminder in Hemant's life that his fitness has been really affected. He often turned blind eye when others pointed it out but today the realization hit him. He was really loosing the groove he once had. In a way deep in his heart he felt hurt , realizing that his dear son Karan never saw him at the height of his physique. He always wondered whether he should return to his old glory but then those nightmares will still come. He has at most times learned to overcome it , but he always wished he could get rid of it completely.

The days were simple and joyful. Sonarika and Karan did two more hikes without Hemant , she once again told Hemant to consider loosing weight. But Sonarika also made sure Karan doesn't feel sad with his father not around and that paved the way for some wonderful mommy and son moments. Karan claimed that one of his friends father told him to be better friends with Karan and push for Karan's mother to be more indulging in Karan's academics. Sonarika could understand the insinuation and she was somewhat miffed , not because some man was attracted to her , but the man is using his son as means to get close to her. She always hated men with those kind of mindsets. Half the reason she fell in love with Hemant is because he was the complete opposite of these kinds of men. 

Sonarika was aware of the office gossips and the kind of things they have said about Hemant and Disha. Even once , Meghna too implied that sentiment , but she trusted Hemant and she knew his heart , he could never see another woman in the same way as herself. Plus , all the times Hemant has talked about Disha , he always talks about her talent and work ethic rather than her looks. Hemant sees an ideal student of his in her , and he genuinly wants her to succeed in life which is why he often mentors her and shows her the right way. But lately , Hemant's overweight has definitely started to bring out problems in their life. Hemant has started to develop breathing problems and struggles to do treks like this. They've been to Matheran before their marriage and Hemant then competed with Sonarika in trekking and he used to do it with ease. Now , he cannot even dare to walk. Sonarika noticed that their life has somewhat mellowed him out. He has become very reserved and not bothering with others. Sonarika kind of like that attitude but she is afraid this much mellow will bring some serious problems in his work life in the future. 

Sonarika remembers how non-chalantly Hemant described the incident in his office this week where Sandeep ruined his shirt and threatened to throw him from the office. Now this has happened before , she still remembers the one time Sandeep openly flirted with her and insulted Hemant which resulted in Sonarika slapping him harshly. Since then Sandeep always managed to stay away from Sonarika , but she is now very much bothered with the cool attitude of Hemant. Hemant has the company founder Vardhan's support and he can handle this swiftly but Hemant never utilizes it. 

Her mind was soon distracted when she saw Karan almost going near the edge of the cliff as she stopped him and told him never to go there. They enjoyed the sight for a while after which fog and cloud started to engulf. Upon returning to Hemant , they went to a nearby bird sanctuary whered Karan had a good time with the birds. He really liked the "tookie tookie" bird he likes from the movie "George Of The Jungle" , the great hornbill. 

After spending the rest of the day in the woods , they returned to the cottage. Karan was soon taking charge engaging in a board game with Sonarika and Hemant. He explained his strategies which only made the couple happy seeing their son's bold ideas.

After a few hours of board game , it was dinner time and they had it together as a family. They soon called Anjali who couldn't be part of this trip because of her extra class. Hemant expressed his disappointment in not having her here which only made Sonarika beam with pride. Anjali was often treated as an outsider since Sonarika's childhood. Her parents raised Anjali after her father was diagnosed with a terminal illness and her mother passed away during her birth. It was the one thing Sonarika had always fought with her mother for. She always treated as an outsider despite of Sonarika's father and Sonarika herself treating her as a sister.

But everything changed for the better when Hemant came in her life. Hemant basically adopted Anjali as his own sister and was very much involved with all of her progresses. There were times when Anjali would confess she feels greatful she has a brother in Hemant Bhaiya now , often crying in joy. And that only made Sonarika to love Hemant even more. He was in many ways a perfect family man or trying to be. But in her eyes , he was pretty successful in family matters.

As Karan was painting after dinner, Sonarika talked to Hemant about work. "I've got this new big client. If it goes well it will make the company a lot of bank!" she said, her eyes shining with pride. 
"That's great" Hemant replied, genuinely interested. 
"It's a massive investment for Tanishq , and everyone has high hopes on me to make it work " Sonarika said. 
Hemant squeezed her hand, smiling. "You're doing amazing, Sona." 
Sonarika felt grateful, leaning in for a soft kiss, appreciating his support. 
Evenings were spent by the fire, Karan's laughter blending with the wood's crackle. Sonarika read stories, her voice comforting, while Hemant watched, heart full, cherishing their time together. 
One night, with Karan asleep, they sat outside. "This was a great idea" Hemant said with his arm around her. "A needed break." 
Sonarika agreed, resting against him. "These moments remind me what's important. No matter how busy work is, this" she gestured to the peaceful view. "is my calm." 

"You know something interesting happened this week." Hemant said with an excited tone.

"What is it?" Sonarika asked curiously.

"I met an old friend..Tamanna..she was my collegemate...she is here with her daughter running an advertising studio in the city...the best part is her studio is the one who did that famous mobile ad I've shown you.."

"Is it? That is awesome. She is a wonderful woman it seems."

"Yeah , but there is also something curious"

"What is it?"

"She had some photos in her home of her family , but a good chunk of them only had herself and her daughter. There is only one photo of her husband."

Sonarika was intrigued by that information. 

"Maybe her husband might be socially awkward? Some people don't like things like that."

"I wondered the same thing , but I also noticed the strange stare and sadness in her eyes when she saw me looking at the photo. Then I also met her daughter and she was way too cold for a child , just staring at me like I am some villain. It was strange."

Sonarika thought about this extra information and she concluded her thinking around it.

"Maybe they're divorced , and they might've had a messy divorce in that matter. Which is why there is so much depression in their behavior. She is probably masking her emotions with smiles and stuff."

"That makes sense , but it was really weird getting that kind of reaction from that little girl...I always enjoyed interacting with kids but that...that made me a little sad.."

"Don't worry Hemant , she will come around once she notices your charm and manners.."

"Maybe...but I am happy though.."


"Tamanna enquired about my past"

Those words from Hemant brought the look of worry in Sonarika's face. Hemant only smiled looking at her and responded.

"And for the first time , I didn't feel anything about that past. Because I had the best medication for it."

"Really? and what is that?"

"This , the memories of my wife and my boy , two people that make me feel proud of what I am today than what I was in the past."

Sonarika smiled in response and leaned forward to kiss her husband in his lips. Within seconds they were smooching intensely. When they separated , both were taking deep breaths.

Sonarika got up and went inside to peak and saw Karan was still asleep on the bed. Sonarika then returned to Hemant with a grin on her face as she extended her hand to him. 

"Come with me Husband."
"Where" Hemant asked with curiosity as he got up.
"Someplace no one will notice us....someplace just for us!" Sonarika giggled.

She led him away from the fireplace and into the woods nearby. Karan was deep asleep in his slumber while his parents were busy making out with each other in the woods behind a tree. They were partially nude and Sonarika was now planted to the tree wrapping her legs around her husband's waist as Hemant was thrusting into her.

"aaahhh.....aaahhh.....aaahhh..." Sonarika moaned with each penetration as she caressed his hair sharing her breath with his. 

Hemant slowly started to show his trouble with breathing but he was too engulfed in this moment with Sonarika that he couldn't care less. This sex wasn't fuelled by sexual thrill , but by the unconditional love they have for each other. She wasn't bothered by his struggled breathing , she just hoped that Hemant could hold on until she could find her own release.

Their moans were both louder, words stopping between them, his body acting on memory with what she liked; he could never forget as her hand fell from his and went to the back of his neck, squeezing him, just as her cunt did. He was struggling but he went on going hoping that he satisfies her.  

A desperate look shared as their eyes met. Everything coming to a head as he didn’t hold back from her. She came around him hard and quick, feeling her squeeze around him, a cry from her lips that is for him only. Hemant couldn’t help but find the joy in the moment. To finally give his wife an orgasm after a long time. Then his own release found him moments later, spilling himself inside of her, another mark that he was all too happy to leave her with.  

It was such a romantic moment for them. He stayed buried in her for a while and not think of anything else. She loved that closeness with him , it was no longer the feeling of sexual relief , but more like embracing their love for each other.

After their tryst , they dressed up and returned to the cottage and joined Karan in the bed and slept together.

Packing up to head back to Mumbai, they felt the sadness of leaving Matheran, knowing they'd soon return to the daily grind. Hemant started to feel the struggles of his health and his breathing conditions , and he realized he was loosing his grip in his fitness. The doubts started to mount him and he was hurt when he realized he might've upset Karan and Sonarika because of his terrible health and not joining them in their treks. In a way he started to get the feeling that this was a wake up call. A wake up call to get a hold of his life together.

They were back in Mumbai and the couple was back to their usual grind. But there was some big changes in Sonarika's lifestyle ever since her promotion.

Next week, Sonarika was getting ready for her meeting with Vikram, she had all of her strategies planned out. Her desk was covered with notes and graphs. She was keeping it in order and in a way so that Vikram could understand what her ideas and processes are. Vikram arrived right on time, he handshaked with Sonarika and was looking around seeing all the paperwork and diagrams showing her hardwork and talent. Vikram was quiet impressed by her confidant approach and her professionalism.
"Please, sit" Sonarika said, her voice calm, her smile professional. She felt more assured since their last talk. 
"Thanks" Vikram said, his voice neutral. 
Sonarika jumped into an update on his investments. "I've went through your hotel floorplans and graph closely. Here's what I've noticed from your architectural designs" she said, showing him graphs, highlighting where his money was growing or at risk. 
Vikram paid close attention to the proposal she was implementing ,  he questioned her proposal with precision , seeking whether it is feasible. "How do you deal with the glacing process?" he asked, looking at her intently. 
"Your glacing requirement is quiet low and we have trusted third party fraternity that are experts in this functions." Sonarika replied, pointing to a slide. She explained her plan for the glass structures creation process while taking into consideration the transportation that is needed to be done, watching his reactions. 
They kept it all business. Vikram nodded at her thoroughness, his next questions digging into her strategy. "What's your plan for the sculptures?" he asked, genuinely curious. 
"That is where some good pool of resources will be poured , that will be done by state of the art sculptures who are well known in the market thus making sure to give your hotel the masterpiece of a well known artist as a trademark design." Sonarika said, giving him her proposal of the sculptures which will be built in the hotel premises itself. 
Vikram looked over her suggestions, his face serious. "Good work" he noted, showing he respected her effort. They discussed further, Sonarika quick to respond when Vikram threw in certain hurdles that might be formed in processes like these, suggesting ways to protect his investment, her confidence based on her knowledge. 
As the meeting ended, Sonarika felt proud of how she'd shown her skills. Vikram stood, saying, "Thanks for the insights, Ms. Sonarika. Really looking forward to our collaboaration." Sonarika shook his hand, professional to the end. "Thank you, Mr. Vikram. Though we will have to wait and see the final result to see if our collaboration does it work." 
As Vikram left , Sonarika's superiors were very happy with her progress and showered her with complements. These things were new to Sonarika , all this attention. Lately she hasn't been getting to spend time with her old crew and it seems things weren't looking good. The superiors once chastised them to behave to Sonarika like a boss. And to be honest , there was some blame on them. Tejas decided to throw his weight around since Sonarika was their boss now but Sonarika didn't like this one bit and this culminated in an embarassing situation last week when a senior executive from the head office insulted Tejas in front of everyone in the office. Even Sonarika was blamed in her cabin saying that she is going easy on her subordinates because they were her friends.

And then meeting up with Meghna and seeking her advice didn't help her either. Meghna insinuated the same sentiments of her superiors but used nicer words. 

"Look I am not saying to cut them off completely , just make it clear that you are not someone for them to boast about and claim as some trump card in office politics."

"I've spend almost all of my work life with them in Tanishq Meghna , wouldn't that make me a terrible person?" Sonarika asked worridly.

"If they think of you as some means to manipulate then in their eyes yes , but not in general. At the end of the day Sonarika , its every person for themselves. And you are in a position of power now , don't let them control your process , they are not the manager you are , they are suppose to follow your way so make them. Be a responsible leader and show them the right path"

This conversation created further confliction in Sonarika but she decided to find some common ground and explain to them that her situation. The company was hosting a party to celebrate this special day so everyone was invited. Sonarika decided to bring Hemant with her on this occasion so Hemant put on his best suit to the party while Sonarika wore a golden colored saree. Anjali didn't have a night class for the day which eased the situation for Sonarika and Hemant.

They arrived at the party and it was a grand affair. Hemant was stunned by the setting. The restaurant, chosen for its quiet luxury, was set for a team dinner celebrating a recent win, suggested by Vikram. Sonarika saw it as a chance to show her friendship and compatilbility with her co-workers outside the office. 
Walking in, she was met with the buzz of chatter and people in expensive attire. Vikram was already there looking absolutely dazzling and attractive in his blazer attire. Seeing Sonarika, he walked over with a warm, professional smile. Hemant was too lost in the grandeur of the party
"Ms. Sonarika, glad you could come" Vikram said, his handshake firm. He noticed Hemant and his somewhat disshevelled look making it clear that he put his costume in a rush and no attention to the display. 
"Thanks for inviting me, Vikram. Nice place" Sonarika replied, her smile sincere, her eyes scanning the room. 
"I thought it'd be good for us to unwind outside work" Vikram said, gesturing at the crowd. "It's about getting to know each other." 
"Absolutely" Sonarika agreed, appreciating the idea. She soon got the attention of Hemant and introduced him to Vikram.

"This is Hemant , my husband." Vikram looked a bit off seeing Hemant for the first time. He had some expectations for woman like Sonarika to have a husband as appreciative as her personality. But Hemant gave off the different vibe. He didn't look masculine but was very off considering to the look of Sonarika.

Regardless Vikram decided to be cordial and behaved with him with honesty. They introduced each other and soon Vikram found out certain good qualities of Hemant. Turns out Hemant doesn't drink or smoke , he is always an awkward one in parties like this , not exactly knowing how to kill time.

As the party went on , Vikram and Sonarika went to their separate ways talking with their colleagues and associates while Hemant stood there like a stranger. Eventually he was met up by a guy named Kunal Roy. Upon talking to him Hemant learned Kunal was a businessman in his own right and he was here with his wife Mouni who is a known interior designer in the city. Hemant enjoyed his company because they both shared a similar taste.

Sonarika was with some of her friends until she was joined by Meghna and sometime later some other women. Meghna soon introduced another woman Ragini to Sonarika. Ragini was a businesswoman who runs a textile enterprise in Goa on her own. She is a divorcee and had a rough past with her husband who was abusive towards her. Sonarika has met her on a few occasions when she did business with Tanishq on a small scale. But then she was just an analyst and Ragini usually dealt with the former Manager. Sonarika could feel the same energy and attitude of Meghna from Ragini , which made her understand how they get along very well. But Ragini wasn't as harsh as Meghna. Mouni on the other hand was different , she always talked with some attitude , as if she was some queen. It just seemed that fame has started to rub her in the wrong way.

But then something curious happened , Mouni was greeted by a handsome man wearing race jacket and long hair. She was kissing him passionately in front of everyone. Sonarika was weirded out by that bold gesture. They were in their own world now. 

"Don't they know people are watching?" Sonarika enquired to which Ragini only giggled. Meghna too joined her and laughed in a low tone. Sonarika felt like she was being ridiculed as she seeked answers.

"What's wrong?" 

"Hehe...what you are seeing Sonarika is far more crazy than you think.." Ragini said with a giggle.

"What do you mean?" Sonarika asked.

"That man right there....that is her boyfriend!" Meghna said. Sonarika was shocked.

"But but....isn't she married!!" Sonarika asked confused and stunned.

"Yes..and her husband is....right there....talking with yours" Meghna pointed to Hemant standing far away talking to Kunal.

Sonarika was completely taken aback by this new revelation. This was a complete new scenario that she is not familiar with. To see such bold indulgence in front of her was an unusual experience. She was getting more confused.

"" Sonarika asked puzzled. 

"Her husband is a cuckold. He likes to watch his wife enjoy sexually , that man right there talking to your husband will be sitting in a chair tonight while the man here will be screwing his wife in their bed while he will be shaking his piddle stick enjoying the sight!"

Meghna giggled as she narrated the situation with these folks. Sonarika since then started to feel unease in that party. She tried to pay some attention but she was feeling suffocated in that party. Vikram eventually noticed it and he went to Sonarika and took her aside in private.

"What's the matter Sonarika you look upset."

"Its nothing Mr.Vikram , I am just not feeling well."

"Okay , I think its better you take rest , shall I call your husband"

"No thanks . I'll find him I would just like to leave."

"Is there something wrong with the party?"

"No the party is great Mr.Vikram. I am just not feeling well"

"Okay alright Sonarika , you can go , we'll talk later , good night Sonarika"

"Good night Mr.Vikram."

Sonarika walked away and tried to find her husband. Fortunately she didn't have to look far as she saw Hemant roaming around. Hemant soon saw Sonarika come near him.

"Come on Hemant...lets go.."

"Are we done?"

"Yeah we're done."


Both of them exited the party and began their drive back home. On the way Hemant noticed some disturbance in Sonarika's face.

"Sona...are you ok?"

"I am...its just...some revelations..."

"What's the matter.."

"Its the people Hemant...we're moving above the ladder that we were before and we're among people that are kinda...crazy.."

"Okay...who are these crazy people.."

"Its that Mouni...and her husband"

" mean the cuckold?"

Sonarika was stunned hearing that from Hemant.

"You know?"

"Yeah...I was at first skeptical but then I saw this big long haired man Sagar talking very dominant and insulting towards Kunal , that was when I learned from Vikram that Kunal is actually a cuckold in real life and that Sagar was a close friend of Vikram. Kunal was talking so boldly about his wife and her lover to me that later on I felt unease , he was very talkative about it and I was struggling to get rid of him from that interaction"

"Thank god"

"Honestly , you should thank Vikram rather than God , he was the one who saved me. I would've been hell of trapped in that situation if Vikram didn't save me"

"So , Vikram is a good man after all"

"Surprisingly , he was one of the sanest and the most humblest person I've met in that party tonight"


"Yeah , he is cool"


"I have one request for you Sona"

"What is it"

"From now on would you please not invite me to your parties? I don't think I will ever fit in your , social circles"

"I understand"

"Thank you , its best for all of us. Plus Meghna will be happy not seeing my face"

"She doesn't hate you that much"

"Fine , I'll reverse my decision the day she compliments me"

"So I guess , never"

Both laughed as they continued their drive home. The next few days were their usual grind. Sonarika got piled up with work. She often returned home stressed and Hemant being a responsible husband started to spend more time with Karan making sure he didn't bother her. But a few days later , things turned worse when she was returning from office , her car wouldn't start. She left the car in the office parking lot and contacted the usual workshop where she services it. She came to the main road from the office and looked to find a cab. But then luxury car quickly stopped and moved towards her. It was Vikram.

"Sonarika , what happened to your car?"

"Its broken down , I was leaving the office"

"Its alright , I'll give you a ride"

"No thank you Mr.Vikram , I will hire a cab"

"Come on Sonarika , it's not like I am a complete stranger , come on" 

Sonarika couldn't say no and hence got on the front seat alongside Vikram as he drove off. On their drive they discussed some of the progress of their collaboration work after which Vikram started to clear the air regarding the party last night.

"BTW...I understood you were bothered by the situation with Mouni and Kunal , I am sorry about that"

"Please don't be Mr.Vikram , its not your fault"

"No it kind of is , their bold nature has often resulted in embarassing situations before..I often avoid inviting them"

"I I am guessing you know them close?" Sonarika enquired.

"Not exactly , you see....her boyfriend , I've known him since my college days. He doesn't go anywhere without her so I was often forced to invite them"

"I am just bothered by their open minded approach to it...I mean society will never accept that"

"That is true Sonarika...but then again Society has its own flaws...I sometimes appreciate them because they have the will to face the world even knowing that many will insult their lifestyle"

"I actually feel bad for the husband to be honest"

"Yeah , but then again , love can often be complicated. He still claims he loves his wife , and I guess he isn't concerned with the reality that he cannot satisfy her"

"Does she show any respect to him?"

"At times yes , but this whole 'cuckold' evolves to a point where the husband loves the humiliation. He likes to stay the loser in the marriage"

"That is a very sad life!"

"I agree , I don't like that kind of mindset. And at first I was worried when I saw your husband walking around him. I mean after everything Meghna told me about him"

"Did Meghna talk about Hemant to you?"

"Yeah , she does. I hope I am not upsetting you and your friendship with her , but it seems she doesn't like Hemant one bit"

"Its alright Mr.Vikram , and to answer your question yes she never likes Hemant to begin with"

"May I ask why?"

"She believes that Hemant changed me to a very conservative woman and is repressing my identity using our marriage. In her eyes , Hemant is one of those silent perpetrators of Toxic Masculinity"

"Oh I see"

"To be frank , I cannot blame her, I have changed in many ways. But it was due to my personal views rather than any influence with Hemant"

"I am curious now , what was the change?"

"Its a typical woman feelings. When I was young , I always believed in some fairy tale type story. Where a prince charming with come and sweep me off my feet. And being born and raised in Delhi didn't help me to think otherwise. But life taught me that will forever be just a fantasy. Then I met Hemant and I learned to love him because he was everything I wanted and would share everything of mine with."

"So what you're saying that you were a Disney Princess"

Vikram laughed after saying that after which Sonarika too laughed with him. She kind of liked this friendly banter with him. She has started to see a side of Vikram she haven't seen in the professional front.

"I like your approach Sonarika. When it matters you have stepped up , but I believe in the idea that sacrifice is not always necessary for a relationship to work."

"Its easy to say but difficuilt in reality , I am contempt in my life right now. So I have no regrets"

"I understand but this isn't about regrets , its about freedom. You have an understanding husband , so you don't need to make certain sacrifice for him because he understands your needs and wishes. Let the freedom provided by him be used for good."

"Like what?"

"Meghna told me that you were an excellent dancer , like in the college and college days you were the hearthrob. Meghna believes that Hemant killed that side of you because he personally doesn't like dancing"

"She always finds reasons to hate Hemant. And no , it wasn't him but rather society that made me stop considering about dance"

"But why?"

"I am a mother Mr.Vikram , I cannot do that"

"That is a very backwards thinking Sonarika. Family doesn't mean you have to take a step back. You've just seen people like Mouni reveal their lifestyle to the public and still not a single person raised objective to it in that party. Because they have the privilege and the power. You have similar power like that Sonarika , you can be what you want to be. And Dancing is not a shameful act that would tarnish your personality"

Sonarika thought about the things Vikram just said. She realized that she can if she wants. Soon Vikram suggested something.

"I'll tell you what , in two months from now , your company is having their founder's day function which will also have certain cultural shows. When I heard about your hidden talent I've been thinking something unique" Vikram said with excitement.

"What is it" Sonarika asked.

"A dance performance , I am an avid dancer as well. Been a huge Michael Jackson fan since childhood. Why don't you join me and my crew which also include some of your coworkers and we can perform that dance on that function"

"No , please no" Sonarika reponded.

"But why?"

"I've been out of practice for years Mr.Vikram. I don't think I can do it"

"Come on Sonarika , you've been doing it for years. Besides there is still two months , a bit of practice and you can get your groove back"

"I don't know , I feel I cannot"

"Okay then how about this , ask your husband whether you should do it. If he agrees , you have to agree. You cannot back away from it"

Sonarika thought about it. She liked that Vikram kept the cordial friend tone in his request and even allowed Hemant's opinion in it. She decided she needs to discuss this with Hemant.

"I'll think about it Mr.Vikram."

"And one more thing Sonarika , would you please stop calling me Mr.Vikram , it makes me feel like I am an old man"

Sonarika giggled at his talk.

"Just call me Vicky like my friends."

"Okay Vicky , my place is near"

Vikram soon moved the vehicle to the side and stopped as Sonarika got out. 

"I wish I could invite you for a cup of coffee"

"I understand Sonarika , its already pretty late. Another time , do let me know your response after your talk with Hemant"

"Good night Sonarika"

"Good night Vicky"

Vikram soon drove off as Sonarika walked to her apartment. As Sonarika arrived home , she was rewarded by the sight of Hemant and Karan singing and laughing as Karan was in the dining table while Hemant was preparing dinner.

"Ohh...rough day again Sona?" Hemant asked seeing her tired face.

"Kind of" Sonarika said as she walked towards Karan and kissed his forehead.

"Go get fresh , Dinner will be ready to serve by then" Hemant obliged.

Sonarika smiled as she walked to the bedroom. When she reached near the bedroom doorway she heard Hemant and Karan resume their singing which always made her smile. During her shower , Sonarika thought about the things Vikram said. To bring some of the old passions back. She remembered the sexy time she shared with Hemant on that night in Matheran. It was good , but she could see the lackluster performance in it. They were so high up in their feelings that they could reach their orgasms somehow. But Hemant really struggled with his body , she remembers she had a tough time to get excited hearing his struggling breath hearing his coughes in between the thrusts.

In a way she missed her old husband. And she has noticed that sex has become a secondary part in their married life. Ever since Karan came , Hemant has almost completely ditched the idea of getting intimate. She still misses the early days of their marriage when they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Now there wasn't that connection  , only the interaction as proud parents and bonding on dinners and pillow talks. She missed the sex part and she didn't want to admit , but she felt some sort of dissatisfaction in their tryst at Matheran. Sonarika got rid of those thoughts and freshened herself as she dressed in her night wear and returned to bed.

She arrived on the dining table as Hemant had already finished making dinner and was serving it on the table. This moment was always wholesome for her , this feeling to be with your loved ones. Its moments like this that make her forget her frustrations and dissatisfaction. In moments like these , she feels more happy to be with Hemant because this feeling of comfort and love  , she could not feel anyplace else. The dinner went on with the funny banter of Karan after that some small talks between Sonarika and Hemant. When dinner was done , Karan was watching his favorite cartoon while Hemant and Sonarika were on the balcony enjoying some night breeze. Sonarika decided to speak her mind to her husband.

"Hemant , I wanted your opinion on something"

"Go ahead Sona"

"Well um , you know there is this founders function that will be happening in two months in my company."

"I am aware"

"Turns out some of my co-workers , they are planning something special , something like a dance performance"

"That is cool"

Sonarika took a breather and then said.

"They want me to be a part of it"

Hemant was surprised with what she said. He looked at her with a surprise smile and wide eyes.

"Do you know how to dance?"

Sonarika sighed and then responded.

"I used to do , way before marriage and now they want me to do it again for something special"

She purposefully avoided using the name of Vikram because she believed Hemant might get upset.

"Wow , I didn't knew you used to dance , why didn't you tell me this?"

"I guess I didn't bother by it then , but now I feel I should do this."

"Okay? Do you wanna do this performance?"

Sonarika took a breather again and contemplated on what to say. After some thought she said.

"Yes , I want to do it"

"Okay , then I would definitely like to see my wife's hidden talent soon!"

Sonarika felt a relief and some sort of strange feeling when she got the green signal from her husband. She has maintained her body but getting back to her dance groove will be a bit difficuilt. But now she felt the confidence after recieving Hemant's support. 
A few minutes later , Anjali arrived from her night class. But she looked dull , the moment Hemant and Sonarika looked at her , they knew something was wrong.

"Anju , is everything ok?"

When they came near her , they noticed tears in her eyes. Now they started to worry for her. They comforted her as she had some tough time to speak.

"Anju , what happened , why are you crying , talk to us girl.."

Anjali only cried as she hugged Sonarika. It took some time for her to talk.


"Anju please tell us what happened honey"

"I was coming from the night class , the entrance way doesn't have any autos so..I have to come to circle to get it...there were some hooligans there...for these few days they were giving some snarky comments and vulgar words on me...but today they crossed the of those men...he is named Rafique...he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me to a van...I shouted and they tried to shut my mouth and..."

She couldn't speak further as she cried. Sonarika looked worried towards Hemant , he too had that look but at the same time maintained some composure.

"My friends screamed which resulted in some of the auto drivers to notice and they came running which is when those men let go off me and ran away in their van..I thought I was going...I was going to be"

She sobbed further and cried again after saying that. Sonarika looked visually very pissed.

"Okay...we're going to station...lets lodge a complaint!" Sonarika said.

"Now? At this night?" Hemant enquired.

"Yes now Hemant , something terrible has happened and this needs to be taken care of"

"I get what you mean Sona , but Anju is very traumatised right now. Let her take rest , I will take her tomorrow morning to the Cops"

"Are you kidding me!" Sonarika only fumed.

"Believe me Sona , I am upset as much as you but right now she needs rest rather than making her go through that trauma again , I will deal with this tomorrow. Let her sleep here with you in the bedroom. I'll sleep with Karan in his room"

Sonarika at the end agreed to Hemant's terms and they did the sleeping arrangment Hemant sujjested. Hemant distracted Karan and explained to his innocent boy what happened in ways he could understand. Throughout the night Anjali often woke up seeing something and sobbed but Sonarika comforted her. 
                                                                                                      (CHAPTER TO BE CONTINUED)
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The next morning as promised Hemant took Anjali to the Law Enforcement Office to lodge a complaint. The official took all the details but then suddenly stopped when Hemant mentioned the name Rafique. He made Anjali to sit outside while he talked to Hemant.
"Sir , this man Rafique , he has several cases in the past. His elder brother is a political hitman. The corporator of that area is their prime funder. Lodging a complaint will only make your life a big problem. Those people have huge influence. Not so long ago , A family dared to complain against him and one night the entire family suddenly vanished from their house with no trace. I am saying this with your best interest sir , instead of lodging a complaint. Go and talk with the corporator of that area. He is a good man and he will find a solution to your problem"

Hemant sat there thinking about it. The officer waited for his response. After some time Hemant finally asked.

"I would like to meet the officer in charge of SDCAW!"

The officer looked more upset hearing Hemant's request.

Anjali was sitting outside with baited breaths. Then Hemant walked out from the room and waved at her. They both were then walking to the upper section of the station. They walked into the SDCAW office. Anjali read the full form of it on the boad.

Special Department for Crimes Against Women.

A Female Officer was sitting on the chair as Anjali  read the name on the plackard below.

Sanjana Ranawat , Deputy Commissioner and Head of SDCAW.

Sanjana rotated and faced Hemant and the moment they looked at each other , it felt like time was stopping down. They both stared at each other longingly. Sanjana was stunned seeing Hemant here , Hemant was stunned seeing Sanjana. When he saw her , only one vision came in his mind.

It was more than 10 years back. It was the one of the hostel room of the girls at the famous St.Xaviers college. Only moans and skin slapping can be heard. In the shower of that hostel room , Sanjana was getting fucked , and fucked real good by Hemant!

"Oh fuck yes!" Sanjana shouted as she bounced her meaty ass of hers back against his cock that was giving her pussy quite the beating. Sanjana didn't mind one bit and only continued to push back against him, screaming and begging for more. His left hand found her breast his right wrapped around her and played with her pulsing clit.

"Hemant! Oh fuck you're going to make me cum. Ooooo shittt!" Was all the warning Hemant was given before she exploded all around his cock. Hemant was close as well but grit his teeth and held on as this ravishing girl who would later be a security officer officer  continued to spasm all around his throbbing cock.

Hemant turned Sanjana around again once her orgasm had passed. He kissed her as he lifted her from her feet and pressed her against the shower wall. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and soon enough Hemant was back to fucking her wonderful pussy once more.

Hemant was close to Cumming and he was no longer holding back. His strokes were strong hard and erratic. He only had one thing in mind. He wanted to fill this beautiful lady with all of his cum. She had wanted it, she had earned it and she was going to get it.

"Oh Sanju, oh my god... Sanju ooohhhh fuck!" Hemant groaned as he felt his cock explode and send what felt like a gallon of cum into her demanding pussy. Hemant rested his head against her shoulder as he erupted until there was nothing left in him.

Hemant gently brought Sanjana back to her feet and kissed her once more as the after effects of their orgasms wore off.

"Oh Hemant!"

"Oh Hemant!"

Hemant returned to reality as he noticed Anjali calling him. Anjali was confused seeing Hemant in a trance. Hemant gained some composure.

"Umm , good morning Mrs.Sanjana , I came here to file a complaint regarding an incident with my sister"

Anjali liked the way Hemant called her his sister.

"Sure , what can I do for you , and what is your name young lady"

"Umm , Anjali , Anjali Sharma."

"Okay Anjali , tell me what happened."

Anjali then went in detail on what happened. Sanjana listened to her complete story in patience and attention. After hearing her complete story , Sanjana sat there thinking about it. After some time , Sanjana told Anjali to sit outside so she could talk to Hemant in private.

Anjali once again sat at the outside bench. This time she didn't had to sit there for longer than she did downstairs as Hemant walked out.

"Let's go Anju."

"Is it done"

"Yeah , I've taken care of it , there won't be a problem anymore"

Both Hemant and Anjali arrived at Sonarika's office place. Sonarika was there arriving at the lobby along with Meghna and Vikram.

"So , everything went well?" Sonarika asked.

"Yeah , we've taken care of it. I need to speak with the corporator of that area. I hear he is a reasonable individual and we can sort this issue without any ruckus further"

"Ruckus? What are you talking about?"

"The folks involved are some highly influential people , and if we file a legal complaint we will be creating new problems in the future. The people involved behind this are quiet influential"

"Yeah so what? We just back off. This ain't 1990 Hemant?"

"I understand"

"Did you not file the complaint"

"No bu---"

"OMG I cannot believe this"

"Sona list--"

"There are things that cannot be solved with sweet talks and pat on the back Mr. Hemant Kumar...I actually believed you were man enough to defend your family but you are far worse" Meghna went on a rant making a scene.

"Anju...come with me...I'll deal with this.." Sonarika said in an angry tone.

"I am coming with you Sonarika" Meghna said violently pushing Hemant off the way.

"Sona listen---" Hemant once again asked.

"NOT ANOTHER WORD HEMANT , NOT ANOTHER WORD!" Sonarika gave a complete angry glare towards Hemant as he stood there dissappointed.

"That was a bad call Hemant" Vikram said as he walked to his car seemingly following Sonarika's.

Hemant stood there with some people watching him passing gossips. Hemant walked away. He has taken a day off from the office so he decided to roam in one of his favorite gardens. Upon reaching the park, he chose to sit on a bench to take a breather.

After some time, a group of men strolled past, clearly enjoying themselves. Among them, a familiar face appeared and glanced in Hemant's direction.



The two old friends greeted each other with joy. Hemant could hardly believe it—it was Roy Harper, his old friend from training camp after college. Their friendship went way back, and Roy knew much of Hemant’s past as if it were an open book. However, they had lost touch over the years, and now was the time to reconnect and reminisce about old times.

They conversed about many things—life, family, marriage, and profession. Roy, who was now built like a rock, couldn’t resist taking quick jabs at Hemant for being out of shape. As the conversation went on, Hemant began sharing details about his life, and soon the discussion took a more interesting turn.

" Woa......I gotta say.........I am really surprised seeing this......."

" Its been a while Harper......"

" yeah........and it seems time wasn't fair with you........."

" What do you mean? "

" I knew you since were a hardcore action type of who stands in the fore front............and now here you are sitting on your overweight ass doing desk jobs........"

" Well......its pays well.........better than you to be honest........"

" Yeah.....and at what cost.........this? " Harper said pointing to his pot belly.

" Hey...I am a father after all....."

" have a kid! "

" Yes I am a boy dad! "

" How old is he."

" He is 6....a real good boy!"

" He better be....his daddy sacrificed his body for him..."

" Nothing is a sacrifice for him....its just life.."

Harper took a few seconds of silence before talking to Hemant.

" Hey man...I am saying this honestly...I am happy that you're living.."

Hemant nodded in agreement.

"I mean...after found your path!"

Just that mention made Hemant remember some of the traumatic moments. Harper noticed him struggling and his hands tensing.

"Hey...relax...I am sorry.."

"Don't be Roy...Its just..."

"I know...I can understand"

"You can?"

"I've been in the field for years now...I too have my share of trauma...but...the loved ones...they always make those trauma feel like just a need to see it that way man...."

Hemant stayed calm as Harper continued.

"You don't need to move on need to need to seek the best parts of you and create a you that empowers and builds you with will...because right now  I am just seeing a man trying to punish himself..."

Harper put a hand on Hemant's shoulder , patting him making him understand.

"Your loved ones don't deserve that...if you learn to evolve...the past won't haunt can reshape your mindset and you can truly adapt...become the hero you project to your son..."

"Why do you say that Roy? Why should I do that?"

"Because you're holding yourself back...this dismay of comes to you because deep missed what you were...but then there is the fear...which justifies your current state.."

Hemant understood his wording and realized the wisdom in his talks.

" So you're free for the day...." Harper asked.

" Yup....." Hemant responded.

" Fantastic.....lets go to my camp.......I wanna introduce you to my new recruits......"

Harper seemed more excited than Hemant as they finally arrived at a private camp in Madh Island. Hemant noticed the logo of ANVIL, a private military corporation, displayed prominently. He observed the training procedures and exercises the new recruits underwent, feeling a mix of admiration and unease. While he found it fascinating, it also reignited the guilt he had carried for years. Eventually, Harper gathered his recruits and brought Hemant to the shooting gallery.

“Now everyone is familiar with handling a gun… but another important factor in this is memory” Harper announced, his word choices striking Hemant as peculiar.

Harper continued

“Now, here’s my old pal. He used to be a warrior, and some habits die hard. Right now, you’re going to see him run our usual firing course—with just a Desert Eagle!”

Hemant was stunned. He hadn’t touched a gun in over ten years, and now Harper wanted him to run a shooting session. The thought of embarrassing himself in front of everyone filled him with dread. Nervously, he pulled Harper aside.

“Are you crazy? I haven’t practiced in a lifetime. If I do this, I’ll embarrass myself,” Hemant whispered urgently.

“Relax, Egghead” Harper said with a reassuring grin. “You’ll understand why I’m doing this once you run the course. I’m already sending you in with kid gloves—in the shape of a Desert Eagle.”

“Roy, you don’t underst—”

“Just run it. Trust me. Your life will change the moment you complete this course.”

Conflicted and scared, Hemant reluctantly stepped into the gallery and collected the Desert Eagle. The armorer handed him four additional magazines, indicating a slightly lengthy course ahead. Hemant prepared himself, though his nerves made the handgun feel heavier than it was. Soon, the speaker announced, “STAGE 1.”

Targets appeared, and Hemant started shooting. Though the recoil was difficult to manage, he hit his targets, regardless of precision. By the end of Stage 1, Hemant felt his fear dissipate, replaced by a newfound confidence he hadn’t experienced in years.

Stage 2 began, this time with moving targets instead of stationary ones. Hemant continued to perform, hitting most of the targets and catching Harper’s approving smile. By the end of the stage, Hemant was surprised at how much his confidence had grown.

When Stage 3 commenced, Hemant was more focused and determined than he had been in years. This stage combined the popping targets of Stage 1 with the moving targets of Stage 2, presenting a greater challenge. Despite the difficulty, Hemant pushed himself to his limits and managed to hit all the targets. As the stage concluded, he stood motionless for a few moments, catching his breath. Sweat dripped from his face as he placed the gun down. Looking up, he saw Harper standing nearby, listening to the armorer whisper something in his ear. Harper’s smile widened, and Hemant grew curious.

Harper called him over, and Hemant walked to his side, uncertain of what to expect.

“Boys” Harper began, addressing the recruits “This is my good friend. Years ago, he trained alongside me just like you’re doing now. But for the last ten years, he hasn’t touched a gun or been in the field. No practice. No exercise.”

The recruits chuckled, and Hemant felt a pang of embarrassment.

“But despite all that” Harper continued “He just ran our toughest shooting course with a handgun. And guess what? Seeing the results…” Harper paused for dramatic effect.

Hemant braced himself for a critique but was stunned when Harper declared “Ten years of no practice, and he still made it into the TOP 5 of our best shooting rankings!”

The recruits broke into applause as Hemant stood speechless. Though he managed a smile, he was still processing the revelation.

“This is what being a soldier is all about” Harper said, addressing the recruits. “My friend here might’ve lost his physique, his durability, and his strength, but he never lost his focus, commitment, and will. That’s why, even after spending a decade in the corporate world, he still made a name for himself today. Muscle memory is powerful. Push yourselves like he and I did, and I promise, what you learn here will stay with you for life.”

After dismissing the recruits, Harper and Hemant spent time interacting with the top performers, sharing tips and discussing new tools used in modern warfare. As the day went on, Hemant felt more at home than he had in years.

“Seeing something you miss?” Harper asked knowingly.

“Something like that” Hemant admitted. “Thank you, Roy, for making me see.”

“Don’t thank me” Harper replied. “It doesn’t matter which path you choose. Just don’t lose yourself along the way. There’s always a way back. You can do it.”

“What makes you so sure?” Hemant asked.

“I know you. And from my experience, you’re the only one who can. It’s time to move forward. Don’t walk—run.”

Hemant was standing outside the camp feeling a new sense of hope and determination. Something he haven't felt in a while. Harper's words made him see a clear path ahead , a path of change , a path of redemption , a path of a better tomorrow. And at that moment , Hemant made the decision. He was going to better himself , he was going to build back stronger. After leaving the camp , he arrived at his office building but rather going to the office he went to the fitness center on the ground he once used to visit.

There at the gym reception , his old colleague Venkat aka Venky was sitting.

"Hemant , long time no see"

"Don't worry , you will see me a lot from now on"


"I am here to restart my membership , I am going to hit the gym from tomorrow morning"

"That is great news Hemant , Welcome Back!"

"Thanks , just keep the details under wraps. I want to surprise my colleagues with my improvements in due time!"

"Anytime Boss"

"See you tomorrow"

"See you Brother!"

When Hemant returned he had a sense of hope and determination. He had a different mindset now , to improve , to adapt , to evolve. He can finally be the superhero that his son sees in his dad. When he walked out from the building into the open , he felt a sense of hope , a new chapter in his life. A chapter of development , a chapter of improvement , a life where he will be better. Now the traumas no longer hurt anymore. As he saw in a distance in the sky an eagle gliding rotating over his head. He didn't feel the sense of deja vu but rather a doorway being opened. For new possiblities. , a new beginning. For the first time in a long time , he smiled seeing the eagle flying above him. This was a different Hemant  now , this was no longer a man frustrated with his work life , this was a man focused on doing something better.

He left that place and happily commuted to his home with a new attitude and cheer.

When Sonarika arrived at the Law Enforcement Office , she was surprised when she noticed Vikram followed her in his own vehicle. They once again came to the same inspector Hemant and Anjali initially met , Anjali felt suffocated already to visit this place again. Meghna went on a rant on that inspector creating another scene in the office. Soon Vikram calmed them down.

"Relax Meghna , I know just to person to see , come with me"

Vikram led the way as everyone followed him upstairs. Sonarika felt a different sort of feeling towards Vikram , it was like a spark. It felt weird at first but then the feeling gave her mind some relief. They were all standing at the door to Sanjana's cabin. Vikram turned to the women.

"There is a new division in Law Enforcement called SDCAW which means Special Department for Crimes Against Women , they specialise in criminal activities like this , we will file a complaint there"

They all walked in and was greeted by Sanjana.

"Good afternoon Mam , we're here to file a complaint regarding a situation regarding this lady"
Sanjana instantly recognized Anjali Sharma.

"This is Anjali Sharma right? The Kidnapping attempt case near the medical college?"

"Yes Mam , but unfortunately due to some mysogynistic behavior from some chauvinistc idiot , her complaint wasn't filed"

Meghna said with a cold hearted tone. Sonarika was miffed by the harsh remarks Meghna used on Hemant. Sanjana couldn't help but only laugh for a few seconds.

"Have any of you talked with Hemant?" Sanjana asked.

"We came here when we learned he didn't file a complaint Mam" Vikram explained.
Sanjana chuckled.

"Then for your kind information...he did a much better thing than lodging a complaint.."

Everyone was stunned as Sonarika looked at her astonished.

"Here in SDCAW , we don't file complaints , but rather we store people who come here with problems in a log of watchlist. Anjali has been enrolled in our watchlist program and her mobile has been bugged for us to track her. And not just that , from now on , our special team will surveil her place of education and her home locations 24/7. And the man Anjali mentioned Rafique , he has been warned and has been put on special offendor list. He can no longer come to even a meter radius of Anjali's location and if he does a warrant will be out. So in short , Anjali is from now on safe and secure"

Sonarika felt a relief and then embarassment for jumping to conclusions on her emotions. Then she asked Sanjana.

"Then why didn't Anjali tell me this?"

"If you haven't noticed Ms.Sonarika. Anjali is still healing from the trauma , she still is recovering from that situation. I request to give her a few days break so that she can recover better. And I assure you , Rafique and his gang will never bother Anjali ever again!"

"I am sorry Mam , its just , she is very close to me. And I could never tolerate something bad happening to her" Sonarika said with sadness.

"On the same note , I believe your husband shares the same sentiments , which is why rather than file an FIR , he did the much better and effective option."

Sonarika now felt shameful and upset because of her burst of outrage towards Hemant some minutes ago. She decided to take a break from the office today. She was pissed at Meghna as Meghna kept her mouth shut and looked annoyed from the recent developments. Vikram on the other hand was surprised by Hemant's action but also complimented him for what he did. He realized his mistake and told Sonarika.

"I was wrong Sonarika. Hemant truely is a smart man!"

This didn't help Sonarika in her situation though because she only felt more guilty for blaming Hemant and his actions. On the ride home , she was hoping Hemant was at home so she could apolgize.

When they left , Sanjana called the officer from downstairs to her cabin.

"Yes Madam"

"Contact that corporator Moideen and his henchmen and tell their men to stay away from that girl from now on"

"Yes Madam"

"And one more thing , tell them very clearly. That is it not me or the security officer force they should be worried about if they try to mess with that girl again!"

The officer was intrigued with her tone as he walked away. Sanjana sat on her chair rotating the paper holder on the table in her hand and clenching her hand on it.

Sadly , when she reached home , Hemant wasn't there. Believing he might've gone to his office , Sonarika took care of Anjali and instructed her to not go to her night class for few days. Anjali said she will talk to her friends to arrange the notes for these missing days. It was time to recieve Karan from his college so Sonarika went and told Anjali to stay in the house.

After Sonarika left , Hemant arrived at the home about half hour later. Hemant went to Anjali who hugged him and cried a little. Hemant comforted her and gave her some motivational words. After that he went to his metal box he always stored in his wardrobe. Sonarika hated that box because it was old and it weighed a lot. She often teased Hemant to be an old man to carry something ancient and stupid like that.

Hemant picked out a small box that looked like a spectacle container. He took it to his work bench and looked for something in it. Anjali could not see clearly but she could hear some metal rubbing and moving. Soon Hemant came towards Anjali with a ring.

"Anju , wear this ring from now"

"What is this bhaiya?"

"Just a small craftmanship from my old past , its a tactical ring."

Anjali looked at it curiously.

"See the tip , there is no diamond but there is a disk to it , if you rotate it and touch someone with that ring , then the person will be tased with an electric shock double powerful than a taser."

"Bhaiya that is dangerous!"

"Don't worry , its kind of non lethal. But this will help until dangerous situation. Have it"


"Now remember, use it only for safety or to defend yourself. Don't turn this into a weapon"

"Yes Bhaiya"

"Fear is a powerful emotion. If you succumb to it , you will already start to loose the battle. These scum , they rely on their victim's fear. Never show it , because if you dare , then they themselves will loose their own confidence. Fight it , overcome it and stand for yourself. In life , the greatest backup you can get is yourself. Remember that."

"I will always remember this Bhaiya!"

"Good Girl!"

Hemant walked letting her rest on the bedroom. He was in a joyous mood today despite the confrontation in Sonarika's office. He used his phone and talked with Harper once again for few minutes. Harper too likes the conversation and was happy to see that Hemant was indeed changing for the better. For the first time in his life , he doesn't feel afraid of his nightmares anymore. Now he just sees a wonderful future ahead,  a future of new adventures.

Sometime later , Sonarika returned with Karan and Karan was ecstatic to see his father already in home. Sonarika left an sigh and was happy to see Hemant here. The family decided to cheer up Anjali and soon after some bonding , Anjali started to lighten up. They spend the day going to the beach and having a good time like a happy family.

That night during dinner , Hemant stated that from tomorrow he will be going to office early because he has some special assignments to do. He was obviously lying because he wanted to keep his return to the gym a secret. He wanted to surprise his family with his improved body in about few months. White they were getting ready for bed to sleep , Sonarika snuggled towards Hemant. Hemant was startled but liked her closeness.

"I am sorry Hemant!"

"Sorry for what honey"

"I shouldn't have behaved angry with you on the morning"

"I understand Sona , you did it for Anjali. I understand your situation , you acted the same way a big sister would do"

"But still what I did was wrong"

"Sona , its okay. As long as you're here like this , hugging me. You can be as much mad as with me you want"

"Is that what you want? For me to stay mad at you all the time?"

"Never honey , I like you close like you are here. As long as you come back to me , I will always be happy with you"

"You're never getting rid of me husband , not in this lifetime!"

"That is all I want to hear"

Hemant kissed her as they snuggled and went to sleep.

                                                                                                       LATER THAT NIGHT SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE MUMBAI.

A bunch of men were busy roaming and guarding some containers in a factory at the outskirts of Mumbai. They all were dressed as bodyguards as their shirt had the logo of Regal Corp printed at the side chest. One of the man dialled a number on his phone.

Somewhere at the heart of the city , a big gathering is being held on the famous Emerald Palace building one of the landmark building of Mumbai and home to the super rich and highly influential Mehta Family , the owners of Regal Enterprise , one of the largest business empire of not just the country but in the world. The women of the house were talking and discussinng things with each other , the elder daughter ,  Pranitha dressed in a miniskirt looking like a diva was navigating the inside of the house saying hi and hello to everyone she meets as she arrives at the outdoor section converted to a big patio overlooking the city.

There on the patio stood Hansraj Mehta Chairman of Regal Corporation talking to Home Minister Jagdish Bhosle. Pranitha walked up to them.

"Dad...there is a call from Mr.Pradhan.."

She hands over the phone to Hansraj as he talks on the phone. Pranitha looks to the upper section as she sees her older brother Siddharth Mehta standing in his tech room surrounded by computer hackers working on computers and laptops.

"Hey Sid...we got it..I've hacked the trustfund mainframe..."

"Good" Siddharth said with a grin.

He walked to the printout and checked the printout papers coming from it. With a smile , he held those papers and walked outside to walk towards his dad and the minister.

"Dad...I told you...your son makes the impossible possible....I got my money..."

"Good job Sid.."

"I need to get going dad...I have a meeting with Rosario regarding...The Devil's Breath...I'll see you in two days.."

Saying that Siddharth walked away upstairs. Hansraj smiled as he saw the papers. Bhosle was curious.

"What is it Mehta sir?"

"The talent of my son...he just hacked through the state's flood relief fund and retrieved all the money to use it to increase our stronghold supports from here to Goa.."

Bhosle smiled.

"There was no need to hack sir. This was Government's money , and you made this government so basically you just stole from your own wallet Haha"

Hansraj then clarified.

"Then you won't understand the chessplay Mr.Bhosle. My son is making sure our family or Regal has any direct connection to the Devil's Breath or The Syndicate...when the money will be gone from the fund people will get desperate for work and look for work and food...and that opens business for the Syndicate and big profits for us..."

"Unity in Diversity....Haha..."

Those men laughed as the party in the building went on. Siddharth walked to the rooftop which had a helipad and a helicopter was whirling its fanblades in full swing. He boarded it along with his own bodyguards as the helicopter lifted off and moved away from the building.

The Containers were still in that factory goddown but the men guarding it have moved away. Inside the trucks were poor and weak women and girls aging from 30 to as young as 10. They were all in terrible conditions with torn clothes and scratch marks. One of the girl was trying to lift herself to look through the gap of the top of the container to see if she can see anyone. But all she could see was the open field in the backyard of a factory.

"What are they going to do with us?" A weak young girl asks the other older ones. Some of them were crying , some have lost hope to live. Most of them have accepted their fate. One of the girl who had her cheeks swell from dried tears speak up.

"Wherever it is...death awaits us.."

"Please Shweta...don't scare these girls..."

"Its better they accept their fates all have this mark right.."

Shweta twisted the arms of her shirt and revealed something like a stamp on her right arm near the shoulder. The stamp took the shape of a design of Satan in blue color itched into their skins. Some of the girls also looked at their own hands and saw stamps on them.

"This is not an ordinary mark...we are all marked for the Devil...there is no escape....we're all gonna die.."

The other girl was still looking through the gap. A frustrated Shweta shouted at her.

"Fo god's shake Nidhi get is pointless....everything is pointless....just pray...pray that when the end won't be painful.."

She once again started to cry. Just then a silent woman sitting in the corner with injury marks on her body with torn clothes spoke.

"No...we will survive...someone....someone will come to save us!!"

Her tone and her demeanor made Shweta silent. The small girls started to smile hearing the words from that woman. And then as Nidhi was peaking out of the container gap. She saw a giant banner far away glowing from the lights showcased on it. It was a teaser poster of some upcoming movie but what caught her attention was the image. It was a Giant Eagle sprawling its wings flying down with its sharp claws. And below it only one thing was written

                                                                                                                                 HE IS COMING!

                                                                                                                              END OF CHAPTER 2
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Thank you for all the warm feedbacks. I would like to make it clear that since this is my first attempt I am working on this process a bit slower. As a result , I humbly request the readers to give me atleast two weeks time for each updates. Sometimes , I might complete it early and update you sooner with new chapters but I would like to maintain the 2 weeks timeline so that I can distribute my time in writing and polishing this story. I hope you all understand and have a good read.

Your's Truly.

Harry Jordan!
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extraordinary update keep going
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Intresting start and Im your fan seeing your comments on KMWIYKM 3 krish story....
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Please Update The Story We Are Waiting
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