Adultery My Loving Hotwife Meena
Though am glad Nadir got his ultimate pleasure and Meena has once again experienced the thrill in the arms of another man while looking at her husband and his eyes...I over all feel couple rushed this time with out properly taming Tahir and not keeping the rules of the engagement. They also wanted to play this game few days ago by confessing their fantasies and with in couple of weeks they already implemented it.

I feel Tahir is a wild beast and once unleashed could be too demanding. We can already see him taking an aggressor role and talking punishments and good behaviors to Meena assuming the role of Master and giving submissive dame role to Meena. I am sure couple can easily thwart his aggressive advances if needed once they had their thrill but still setting the playground with out initial rules could be problematic later...Hope Tahir doesn't take couple for granted and respect their boundaries and rules of the game.

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.

A few years ago I abruptly ended my story (An old debt has to be paid...) on the former portal, "Xossip".
At the time the reason was lack of time and despite a large number of people interested, I was unable to continue writing for this reason.

Today I have decided to stop here because of a lack of interest from readers.

I cannot claim that I am presenting the best story here but I can expect a small comment, one or two words, positive or negative, from those who read it, not as a thank you but as a sign of attention.

I apologize to some (unfortunately they are at most no more than 8-10 interested readers) who comment and comment or show interest that I have ended the story so abruptly.
Our life was and still is exciting and, in terms of our erotic encounters and adventures, very worth telling.
I will (maybe!) continue it somewhere else.
I still have to look around...
I have decided to say goodbye to Portal soon, in a few days, but I am still here and anyone can contact me via email.

We thank you for your interest and especially our friend, "Lollo", who revived the story of me and Meena after so many years, here, in this portal...

Stay healthy and enjoy life.

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Salir loves to provide these secondary characters with a few tidbits of information and intrigue because
they have little bearing on his life, but they give us, the readers, something to speculate and guess about.

I like a good mystery and guesswork.

We all benefit when the suspense lasts as long as possible and the creativity of the life story grows alongside it.

I hope that Nadir's wish comes true and that Meena finds the path to complete fulfilment together with him.

The beginning has now been made, because he has led Meena to where he wanted to see her, namely as
the object of his and their (Tahir, Farzan) desire, where he can then watch her blossom like a bud and come to full 
life through the fulfilment of his wish (fantasy).

The question is whether Nadir will allow Tahir and Meena to go all the way to physical union at the end or not.

Tension is pre-programmed...

In this sense
All the best

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Hallo mein Freund,

ich kann Deinen Ärger und Deine Enttäuschung verstehen, vielleicht würde ich auch so reagieren, 
wenn ich in einer solchen Situation wäre.

Früher habe ich den Hebel, den ich für mich angesetzt habe, auch für andere Menschen in meinem
Umfeld bzw. in den Kreisen meiner Wirkungsstätten entsprechend hoch angesetzt und auf die gleiche
Resonanz und das gleiche Ergebnis gehofft.
Oft wurde ich enttäuscht und begann an mir zu zweifeln und Fehler in meinem Verhalten zu suchen.
Bis ich mir eines Tages schwor, den Menschen in meiner Umgebung nur so viel Wertschätzung
entgegenzubringen, wie sie ertragen können.
Dies gelang mir, indem ich meine Erwartungen an sie herunterschraubte und das Niveau meiner
Wertschätzung senkte.
In diesem Reifeprozess wurde mir klar, dass es eine große Diskrepanz zwischen meiner Sicht der Dinge
und meiner Wahrnehmung und der vieler anderer Menschen gibt.
So wurden mir diese Menschen in meinem Umfeld irgendwann gleichgültig und ich machte meine
Auftritte, meine Arbeit und alles, was damit zusammenhing, in erster Linie FÜR MICH und erst in zweiter
Linie für andere. 
Diese Entscheidung brachte mir dann Selbstvertrauen, Lust und Freude in fast allem, auch in dem, was
ich in meiner Freizeit meist als Hobby machte...

Was diese/eure Lebensgeschichte betrifft, so bin ich fest davon überzeugt, dass ihre WERTSCHÄTZUNG
bei den Lesern und Besuchern immer mehr zunehmen und entsprechend honoriert werden wird.
Denn ich kann sagen, dass eure Geschichte in drei bis vier Wochen auf diesem Portal fast alternativlos
sein wird.
Wenn wir uns die Anzahl der Postings und Besucher anschauen, werden wir feststellen, dass 
"My Loving Hotwife Meena" in sehr kurzer Zeit geschafft hat, sich unter den Top Ten zu platzieren.
Das ist ein großer Erfolg!

Bitte hört nicht auf zu schreiben, macht weiter!

Liebe Grüße
[+] 2 users Like Lollobionda's post
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Ok I cannot speak for some unknown readers who are reading probably but not commenting or some other readers who are not interested in this story. Also I cannot speak for writer about how many readers would make him enthusiastic or give motivation to continue to write..All these things are out of control for individual reader. Its a collective group of readers on an unknown platform to share thoughts, share stories and experience thrill of reading it. So with no control on the outcome or no power to influence readers all I can say is I respect your decision to end the story if you think the current 8-10 readers could not motivate you enough to continue the story.

I personally would love to read this story to the end and would cherish your experiences. It just took a beautiful turn now with couple having fun for the first time with no jealousy and stress involved and now we cannot read it further and its sad.

Hope you reconsider your decision. I wouldn't say further and wish you all the best in future if there is not going to be any story further.

[+] 2 users Like RCF's post
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Now Nadir and Meena have crossed the threshold. In a sense, they have pushed the door wide open to
the complete fulfilment of their desire.

Farzan has lost the game, according to the motto 
‘One looks, the other takes’.

In any case, it is a new stage in their lives, a hot and exciting stage, full of eroticism and passion.

Meena herself witnesses a sweet and bitter sex act and experiences a new kind of dominance during 
‘sex’. Not even her beloved Uncle Mansi has ever dominated her this hard.

... and she apparently had a lot of fun doing and enjoying it.

Tahir is no longer just part of the game, now he's the challenger.
On the surface, the dynamics of the sexual relationship will continue, because I think exploring the 
source of Nadir and Meena's pleasure and lust will be more fulfilling and passionate with him... 

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Wowww, it was wild.
whether Meena gets punished for being a bad girl or rewarded for being a good one, both have their own intoxicating allure. And she’s not just ready—she’s eager to indulge in every delicious moment of it.
[+] 2 users Like Blackdick11's post
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Finally, Nadir got what he wanted,
kicking off a whole new ride of thrills,
and who knows what else....

A small request—please don’t end it abruptly. Keep the flow going....
[+] 2 users Like ricah43165's post
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solid updates, Boss...
ur writing and narration are incredible...
& feels like I’m right there, seeing it all play out...

[Image: %3E]
[Image: tumblr-nj9free-Qx31u57e0no1-500.gif]
[+] 2 users Like Lovecraft's post
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I know some of you will say he doesn't know what he wants. Every now and then he reports that he stops and then continues again.

For me this activity, I mean writing apart from a quality like an addiction, is like a theater stage.

I am like a director who tells and shows the story on the stage same as a play, with different characters. Some friends enjoy the narrate mostly because I try to make the scene as possible as clear for every reader to be able to „see“ the story, as a friend writes ‘…the scene is playing before my eyes…‘.

A mixture of real life and fantasy light, with a touch of different spices to make the things more tasteful for the satisfaction of my readers.

I seek my satisfaction here, apart from my addiction, in reactions of readers/viewers in theater.

You will confirm that an almost empty theater with few people present is not a sign of success and no motivation to continue...

Especially when only a handful of this small group in a half-empty hall show their emotions about what is happening on stage, whether positive or negative -and I appreciate them sicerely-, and the rest sit there and watch without any mime and stand up and walk away like puppets or robots to smoke a cigarette in break between the acts and maybe come back after pause again and sit there and wait to see the play further...

I don't need applause from them, but I do need a"signs of life"!

Thank you for your interest, your loyalty, your wish and your request to continue ...

I'm still thinking about it! As I said, "addiction"!
[+] 3 users Like Salir's post
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Oh, what an intoxicating evening—rushing like wildfire through veins, an addiction that begged to be fed. A moment where sin felt sacred, where every breath was laced with hunger, and desire refused to be tamed.

Please keep the story going, and don’t stop sharing your incredible storytelling and brilliant writing.
[+] 3 users Like Bakchod Londa's post
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Will Meena visit Tahir in his room before she and Nadir go home and feel the freedom of desire with him
above the clouds’ once again? ... *The Answer Knows Only The Wind* (title of a novel by Johannes Mario Simmel)...

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Eagerly waiting for next episode. Hoping author would change his mind about ending the story and continue it for his dedicated fan base.

[+] 1 user Likes RCF's post
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This update is the short remaining part of chapter 5 that I couldn't finish last time due to lack of time.

A continuation of the story/a new chapter will (possibly!) follow shortly.

Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 5 (V)

Nadir ‘s Narration:

When she was in the library, I took her hand without saying anything and we were soon in our room.
When we were in the room I asked impatiently, "How was it? Tell me..."
"Nadir!" Meena said. "Oh, baby, you saw it, didn’t you?" She embraced me, hugging me tight
and kissing me repeatedly, then she looked at my eyes and whispered, "He's incredible, I... I...".
She was a moment out of balance, I pretty much kept her from falling over by letting her lean
against me. She continued, „Really, you want me to tell everything? You saw us, didn’t you?“.
"Yes, yes, I saw you. Just tell me baby, did you enjoy it?“, I asked.
"Oh, Nadir, I did...I did!" she insisted, caressing my face. "Oh, baby, I did take his… I took his big cock,"
she said, snuggling up against me.
"Ohhhhh, Meena," I gasped, "Oh yessss...!"
"Nadir," she moaned to me, determined to feel my cock and put her hand in my pants, and
grabbed my penis. "Oh, Nadir, what do I do? Tommorrow, he wants me in the morningn, he needs
me again…" Meena hugged me as she spoke and jerked my cock which was newly hard, and
kissed my chest. "Oh Nadir he is going to need to fuck my pussy and cum inside me some
more," she moaned desperately. "Oh I just know it. he needs to give your wife his cock, baby!"
"Ohhh…" I shouted at her, pumping my hips as she stroked me faster.
"Oh, Nadir," Meena moaned. "Oh, baby, cum! I want you to cum!" I looked at her through glazed eyes. She was
caressing my face and stroking my hair. "Nadir?" Meena whined, jerking my cock slower. "Tahir...he..." she said,
fidgeting with my shirt and looking up at me, "...did you like it when I kissed him?"
"Aaahh!" I moaned, grabbing her by the shoulder.
"...and when I wiggled my hips for him?"
"Uhhhh!" I groaned. "Yesss, Meena!"
"Oh, Nadir," she whimpered, "He made me cum..."
"Mmmm… God… Meena!!!" At that I started coming all over the floor.
Meena held me up and kissed me and told me how much she loved me as she jerked the rest of my orgasm
from me. I staggered forward as my body convulsed under her grip, and eventually leaned against her, moaning
into her neck and hugging her tight as I recovered. Meena looked for all embarrassed at her words, hugging me
and telling me not to let her go.
"Nadir," Meena said once we sat down on the bed, "Tahir came inside me."
I held Meena close to me as I looked at the night out of window, panting and catching my own breath.
I felt faint at what she said. But I kept my senses because I knew she needed to address this. I took her hand.
"It happened because he wanted you, Meena. And we let him have you."
"Oh, God, Nadir," she moaned in a whisper.
"And," I continued, "as it happened, I wanted him to like it, Meena, and I wanted you to like it. Are you... worried
about getting…?
"I have something," she said softly, giving me a reassuring smile. I pulled her to me for a hug as she continued.
"After he did that, Nadir," she said, holding her gaze on me, "... and then..."
"What?" I said. "What about then?" I was getting horny again listening to her.
"With him,... God, Nadir he fucked me so hard,...when I came I wanted him to cum with me. Like we do. That's
what I was thinking of when I had my orgasm. That's what made me cum: the thought of him coming with me.
I'm not sure how I feel about that now. But then...God… Nadir."
"Mmmmph, honey, it was so hot watching you reach up to kiss him," I said to Meena hazily. "And, God,
came while he was fucking you." I swallowed hard as I looked at her.
Meena looked up at me dreamily. "Do you think was I a good girl for him? I mean was he satisfied with me?"
"Oh, Meena..."
She smiled, knowing what she said drove me crazy.
"He was so biggg," she said with an exaggerated moan, smiling at the affect she was having on me. "And he took
me so hard... And I knew that all happens in fromt of your eyes... Oh... my God..." she whined softly, rubbing my cock and kissing my neck. "Sooo hard."
"Aaah! God....Meena... the fact that he made you cum. That you orgasmed with his thick cock inside you..." I
swallowed again and gulped. She hugged me tighter.
"I love you, Nadir.". Meena whispered.
I pulled back and looked at her. "I love you. Really, doing all right?"
She nodded and went back to squeezing me tight and holding a kiss on my neck.

After we got turns in the bath and we were preparing to go to the bed, I said, "Actually I was wondering,
previously, whether we should try to think of a way we could leave the next morning before breakfast…" I said.
"And now…?" Meena asked.
" I think we could stay as planned up to late morning, I mean after breakfat, but with no new incident and on
good terms. And then we can come back here to stay sometime later, I mean more times... What do you say?"
I thought it best for Meena, and for us, that we be alone after what had just happened. So we could talk in a
more private environment to make sure we were both on the same level and to address any issues we might
have as husband and wife, given what had just transpired.
She looked at me for a moment. "Mm...all right."
The next morning as we woke up, Meena wore her pair of pants which were dry now and a sweater. And we went
for breakfast, together.
From the window in the dining room we saw Tahir playing outside with the dogs, and the servant was preparing
breakfast at the table. After a short while he came in. He was very friendly as always and said hello.
Over breakfast we talked about the weather and everything else and he was the whole time, as always , without
showing any sign of remembering anything about last evening's events.
Meena, on the other hand, was not quite as usual in his presence and one could notice a certain nervousness
in her behaviour.

It was about 11am when we said goodbye and left. Shortly after leaving, I asked Meena if everything was okay?
She looked at me and smiled and asked, "Why do you ask?".
I said, "Your behavior was a bit unusual for you, you were kind of restless and nervous... Was something
bothering you? Didn't you want to stay for breakfast?"
"I have to tell you something, I couldn't speak and react, during breakfast , actually shortly after we started
having breakfast, you know, I was seated next to Tahir at the corner of the table as felt my knee brush against
something under the table. I saw the slight start he gave and realised it was his leg. I immediately drew my leg
away. Then I noticed that he had given me a quick smile, as you were talking about when we are going to leave. I shifted my
position slightly and I waited for a while and then I felt his knee brushing sgainst my leg again. This time I didn't
pull away. He moved his leg a little more and I felt his knee press harder against my upper leg.
We sat like that for a couple of moments. The sensation was incredible. I could feel a warm glow start to form
where our legs were pressing. I could feel I am hot in my face, but he continued to converse as though nothing
at all was the matter. I did likewise, though my sentences were somewhat monosyllabic.
Tahir then started to rub his leg up and down against mine, slowly and softly and then harder against me. I felt
one moment how my lips unvolutaryily parted in a slight gasp, but I did not move away. Soon his leg was
caressing mine hard under the table. You didn’t notice and I was sure if you had noticed, you wouldn't have
tried to stop me from giving in, am I right?", then Meena reached my crotch and she noticed that I have a hard-on, then
she giggled and said, "I knew it baby, you're hard, I know you well,"
I said, „Yes, okay, go on Meena, "
"… Yes, and there was no sign of anything going on from both of us at first but then, I could sence unconscious
and involuntary slight heaving of my bossom and the occasional flick of my tongue against my lips. At this
moment I noticed that Tahir, was having difficulty concentrating on his plate and coffee.
It was getting too hot for me and I was worried that you or the servant who came in and left now and then,
notice something. I looked at his eyes and slightly shook my head ‚no‘. Tahir moved his leg back and looked at
me. I exhaled softly. I think he guessed maybe I had had enough. His attention moved back to the food and the
conversation. If I'm honest, I was a little bit wet between my legs.“
Meena touched and grabbed my cock again, and said, "Should I take it out? Do you want me to play with it?"
"No, not yet, later, at home... Go on, is that all?" I answered.
"Yes, that was all...", she replied.
"No, that's not all, I'm sure he'll be at our door one day..." I said.
"Do you really think so?" she giggled.
"Want to bet?" I asked.
"No! Maybe you're right...", she said.
"And if so... will you mind if he stays the night with us?" I teased.
"If you don't mind, I definitely do not mind either...", she laughed and looked out the side window.

To be continued...
[+] 6 users Like Salir's post
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(10-02-2025, 11:49 PM)RCF Wrote: Eagerly waiting for next episode. Hoping author would change his mind about ending the story and continue it for his dedicated fan base.


Dear RCF, 

I like your comments very much and the readers like you (although unfortunately not many!) encourage me to continue... 

Have a nice time.
[+] 2 users Like Salir's post
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(09-02-2025, 02:07 PM)Bakchod Londa Wrote: Oh, what an intoxicating evening—rushing like wildfire through veins, an addiction that begged to be fed. A moment where sin felt sacred, where every breath was laced with hunger, and desire refused to be tamed.

Please keep the story going, and don’t stop sharing your incredible storytelling and brilliant writing.

Thank you very much friend,

I decided zo continue just because of you and some other friends who are always present here, by me, and encourage me to go on...

Have a niche time,

[+] 1 user Likes Salir's post
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I would like to thank Salir for thinking about us and continuing to write the story. I know how difficult it is to write for few people and keep the level of motivation intact and at the same give personal time and commitment to continue to write for us.

We might not be able to contribute in bringing more readers as no control to influence others but I would like to tell you, few of us who are interested in this story immensely enjoy reading your life history.

As for latest chapter, I think Nadir did a wise thing by suggesting to leave before any new incident starts to unfold. This thoughtful gesture helps in few things listed below.

1. Would give time for Meena to adjust to the new adventure and at the same time come to the terms of what happened before night. It will give enough space for her also to process her thoughts to face Tahir with better confidence, she is feeling very shy right now.
2. Taking a break here would give time for the couple to discuss everything in detail and help them to identify any missteps so Tahir doesn't take them for granted.
3. Also this gap gives them time to plan for further meetings with Tahir and Also gives them to talk about how Farzan can fit into this new equation between the couple and Tahir.

[+] 2 users Like RCF's post
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I have a feeling that Meena has some concerns about Farzan, she is not completely free and safe 
when he is with her.

Unlike Tahir, Farzan as a lawyer has a different social environment which makes Meena feel a bit
uncomfortable and which Farzan may try to involve Meena in, which could lead to some complications
down the line.
An inner voice warns Meena to keep her hands off Farzan.

If I judge Meena correctly and hint at her behaviour (sometimes restrained and cautious when Farzan 
is also present), she will talk to Nadir about it and discuss her concerns with him...

Maybe I am just thinking too loudly, I do not know ...

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Bro please continue. And include little bit cheating as well from meena. Like meera with krish
[+] 2 users Like Anu.007's post
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You know you are brilliant writer and you have such great plot. You can make it the most erotic novel.
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