Adultery My Loving Hotwife Meena
(27-01-2025, 02:41 AM)RCF Wrote: …… I was blown away by the simplicity and purity of love between Nadir and Meena. Also felt this is the first time couple truly opened up with each other and talked about their mindset, apprehensions and things that matter and other things are only fun…

……. when she is with other men and that feeling is what is driving her to be more free with other men. Good to know, I have not thought about her encounter so far in this angle. Does she think of Nadir when she is with some one else, how Nadir would react or think when she is n bed with other men? She knows in her mind he might be listening or watching so that could drive as a catalyst for her actions. (1)……

……This confuses me a lot, Meena has had fun with lot of people, most of the times she did knowing Nadir is somewhere watching or knows about it but why would she hesitate about confessing her love for having fun with other men? Is it because Nadir is failing to understand her dynamics previously and it caused them to fight? or was it because she made some mistakes previous where she got closer to other men with out involvement from Nadir? (2)……

Was that true in case of Jalal? I felt with Jalal it just happened and Meena was about to develop a bond with him with out Nadir and his looks involved. I might be wrong though (3) ……

………Need to understand if this is coming from Nadir after realizing his previous mistakes or encounters where he felt jealous and thought he was losing Meena? Is this his new realization now. (4) …….

……. This statement from Meena is absolutely true on many occasions but still feel with Jalal it was an exception, she was involved with him to a certain extent with out any kind of plan from Nadir. Nadir mentioned that she would need to plan but before he returned from his trip she only wanted to set the field ready but got carried away with Jalal being more aggressive towards her and I felt at that time Meena was hesitant and careful but at times was not careful and let situation take control of her. I felt she did not think about Nadir and how he would listen or see but she first time let her go for herself than for Nadir. Would like to know if this is true or am wrong. (5) …….             

……. Really Tahir? How do you know Meena has an eye on you. I wish she is tough nut for you and not a easy prey. I want Meena to make you weak in your knees and work hard for her and not an easy target as you seem to think about her. I like your approach to life as natural but for things like this and for a fine women like Meena you need to work hard Tahir. Nothing is easy lol (6) …….

…… I wish Meena would confess even once that its not only for Nadir but for her own desires she will do have fun, Its not always about Nadir alone (7) …..

Exciting series ahead and lot of fun games about to be played by the couple. I am sure Tahir and Farzan are in for a treat soon Smile


Hier speaks Meena:

Since your questions are more about me and my activities, my husband has asked me to write my own answers here because I can do that better and more precisely...
If we don't categorize the topic under simple and general (main) words like love and sex, many of the questions that arise have already been answered. Unfortunately, one (whether man or woman, I don't make a distinction) is marked absolute, depending on one's inclinations and actions and reactions, to different siruations and relationships.

We should differentiate between physical, mental and emotional sensitivities and sensualities, between where the psyche plays a role, or where hormones gain the upper hand in a certain situation, etc.

I have never intentionally held back, or forced myself not to eat the forbidden fruit... I didn't care what morality, social rules, loyalty rules or promises or feelings of shame dictated to me.

If I behaved like that, it was because my inner feelings and desires decided so. This always affects my relationships with others...
I can't swear (or claim) that Nadir has given me the greatest physical pleasure and joy, and passion and the highest peaks (should I have reached as a woman) in sexuality, in my life.
Perhaps (likely but not necessarily) it was another man... I can't remember who (honestly!), but even during the time I was experiencing it, Nadir was still the highest priority for me and in my conscious, not only because he was my husband...

Now some points you asked about:

(1) if you mean a catalyst (as a cleansing meaning) and not an enzymatic meaning (to ease the conscience and legalize her act!) yes, it may be. But more and simply her most strong pleasure feeling comes directly from feeling Nadir's pleasure, the feeling that Nadir enjoys what she does!

(2) Meena doesn't like to admit that sex with other men causes her joy and pleasure (of course it does, a man, or rather a woman, has to be frigid if it does not!) but why doesn't she admit it? She never denied that, did she?
She doen’t admit it, why? Very simple! Because she knows that Nadir knows that! Nadir knows that Meena generally enjoys sex highly, because he had seen it again and again! Why should she emphasize it additionally and why should she consequently and intentinally unsettle Nadir and give him the false idea that she "enjoys" the other men more?
Your opinion about the cause, why she does not CONFESS, -By the way I do not like this word because confess means that you have done something fraudulent or illegal and now for some reason you HAVE to talk about it! - (Is it because Nadir is failing to understand her dynamics previously and it caused them to fight? or was it because she made some mistakes previous where she got closer to other men with out involvement from Nadir?) is not right!

3) Jala was and is still for Meena a frined, like Mitra oder any other friend, and not more! 
Meena didn't want to form a bond with him because she didn't have any emotional feelings or feeling of love for him. Everything that happened was only because of Jalal's sentimental view of the situation and his feelings of love for her. Meena wanted to seduce him and to get him ready, so far to the point of prephase of their game, what Nadir wanted, but that was Jala who interpreted it differently and misunderstood it. After that phase, it was too late and also difficult for her to clarify the matter as she planned. Meena could not bring herself to admit this at that stage, because of her nature and personality, until Nadie himself became active and organized their (Meena and Jalal’s) only real and full sexual contact. Meena never spoke to Jalal in an emotional way or to declare her love, on the contrary, she always stressed that Nadir was the only man she could consider as her life partner.

4) In such borderline and sensitive conditions and areas that they, Meena and Nadir, move, any male person who loves a woman, becomes sensitive, suspicious and at the end, with the smallest signs, also jealous. Nadir has only recently has gained the complete awareness and high confidence that no matter what happens, he is the only man whom Meena really loves!

5) This statement is not right! Please see my reply (3) on one time more. Meena didn’t lose herself, not emotionally and not physicall. Otherwise, she would have slept with Jalal several times while Nadir was away! She didn't take any action, she just reacted to the situation. If she responded positively physically at certain moments, that was a physiological body reaction. I'm speaking quite frankly here as a woman: Even a woman who is sexually attacked and abused, with the right manipulation, gets wet down there and may even experience a climax! Purely physically and physiologically! We are living creatures and not stones! We have nervous systems and hormones!

6) Right!

7) Unfortunately, Meena cannot and will not make a false ADMIT (not CONFESS!). She has often admitted and shown throughout the history of this story that she loves sex and physical contact in general and enjoys it very much. The point here is that if Nadir should no longer approve of and does not want these sexual adventures, these games, more, she certainly and of course, on her own initiative, will not do such activities.
I'm sorry! Meena is not an unfaithful and disloyal woman and will not be one!

Have A nice time,
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(27-01-2025, 02:41 AM)RCF Wrote: ................
"Oh. Nadie... you're not letting up... Is there a red line between fantasy and reality in your
mind?", Meena asked.

There should be red line Meena else life will spiral out of control. Couple can carefully think and with both hand in hand can always step outside of the red line and have fun but making the red line blur will make life uneasy and uncomfortable. I wish couple realize it before they be in a territory that will push them apart with misunderstandings  ............


Meena's this sentence actually shouldn't have anything to do with the red line in Nadir's serious 'red line'.

Meena means the line between fantasy and reality (maybe not a real 'red' one, but just line!). She wants to say that for Nadir, sometimes the border between fantasy and reality disappears and he wants to mix the two together, or rather make reality out of fantasy...
Nadir's 'red line' is the line or border where purely physical fun and pleasure are on one side and mental, spiritual and emotional dependence and belonging on the other side.
This border must always be taken into account and the moment one crosses it, a life and love catastrophe is inevitable...
This is also the fine line that Meena always warned Nadir about... and in previous parts said that she was unsure whether all the other players would stick to it and not exceed the border, see the story with Jalal that could soon end in a disaster...

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(28-01-2025, 12:52 AM)Salir Wrote: Hier speaks Meena:

Since your questions are more about me and my activities, my husband has asked me to write my own answers here because I can do that better and more precisely...
If we don't categorize the topic under simple and general (main) words like love and sex, many of the questions that arise have already been answered. Unfortunately, one (whether man or woman, I don't make a distinction) is marked absolute, depending on one's inclinations and actions and reactions, to different siruations and relationships.

We should differentiate between physical, mental and emotional sensitivities and sensualities, between where the psyche plays a role, or where hormones gain the upper hand in a certain situation, etc.

I have never intentionally held back, or forced myself not to eat the forbidden fruit... I didn't care what morality, social rules, loyalty rules or promises or feelings of shame dictated to me.

If I behaved like that, it was because my inner feelings and desires decided so. This always affects my relationships with others...
I can't swear (or claim) that Nadir has given me the greatest physical pleasure and joy, and passion and the highest peaks (should I have reached as a woman) in sexuality, in my life.
Perhaps (likely but not necessarily) it was another man... I can't remember who (honestly!), but even during the time I was experiencing it, Nadir was still the highest priority for me and in my conscious, not only because he was my husband...

Now some points you asked about:

(1) if you mean a catalyst (as a cleansing meaning) and not an enzymatic meaning (to ease the conscience and legalize her act!) yes, it may be. But more and simply her most strong pleasure feeling comes directly from feeling Nadir's pleasure, the feeling that Nadir enjoys what she does!

(2) Meena doesn't like to admit that sex with other men causes her joy and pleasure (of course it does, a man, or rather a woman, has to be frigid if it does not!) but why doesn't she admit it? She never denied that, did she?
She doen’t admit it, why? Very simple! Because she knows that Nadir knows that! Nadir knows that Meena generally enjoys sex highly, because he had seen it again and again! Why should she emphasize it additionally and why should she consequently and intentinally unsettle Nadir and give him the false idea that she "enjoys" the other men more?
Your opinion about the cause, why she does not CONFESS, -By the way I do not like this word because confess means that you have done something fraudulent or illegal and now for some reason you HAVE to talk about it! - (Is it because Nadir is failing to understand her dynamics previously and it caused them to fight? or was it because she made some mistakes previous where she got closer to other men with out involvement from Nadir?) is not right!

3) Jala was and is still for Meena a frined, like Mitra oder any other friend, and not more! 
Meena didn't want to form a bond with him because she didn't have any emotional feelings or feeling of love for him. Everything that happened was only because of Jalal's sentimental view of the situation and his feelings of love for her. Meena wanted to seduce him and to get him ready, so far to the point of prephase of their game, what Nadir wanted, but that was Jala who interpreted it differently and misunderstood it. After that phase, it was too late and also difficult for her to clarify the matter as she planned. Meena could not bring herself to admit this at that stage, because of her nature and personality, until Nadie himself became active and organized their (Meena and Jalal’s) only real and full sexual contact. Meena never spoke to Jalal in an emotional way or to declare her love, on the contrary, she always stressed that Nadir was the only man she could consider as her life partner.

4) In such borderline and sensitive conditions and areas that they, Meena and Nadir, move, any male person who loves a woman, becomes sensitive, suspicious and at the end, with the smallest signs, also jealous. Nadir has only recently has gained the complete awareness and high confidence that no matter what happens, he is the only man whom Meena really loves!

5) This statement is not right! Please see my reply (3) on one time more. Meena didn’t lose herself, not emotionally and not physicall. Otherwise, she would have slept with Jalal several times while Nadir was away! She didn't take any action, she just reacted to the situation. If she responded positively physically at certain moments, that was a physiological body reaction. I'm speaking quite frankly here as a woman: Even a woman who is sexually attacked and abused, with the right manipulation, gets wet down there and may even experience a climax! Purely physically and physiologically! We are living creatures and not stones! We have nervous systems and hormones!

6) Right!

7) Unfortunately, Meena cannot and will not make a false ADMIT (not CONFESS!). She has often admitted and shown throughout the history of this story that she loves sex and physical contact in general and enjoys it very much. The point here is that if Nadir should no longer approve of and does not want these sexual adventures, these games, more, she certainly and of course, on her own initiative, will not do such activities.
I'm sorry! Meena is not an unfaithful and disloyal woman and will not be one!

Have A nice time,

Some answers and some misunderstandings! 

1. Yes, when I said Catalyst , its more towards push in one's mind rather than legalize or conscience related.

2. Why would it unsettle Nadir if you agree that you like some one physically? In fact he has been prodding Meena to be open and talk about her desires. Also confess not only means something fraudulent, when some one is hesitant to openly talk or embarrassed or feeling shy also comes into this category though more precisely or usually used for crimes yes but here which is not what I meant. 

3. When I say bond, it doesn't mean love or sex. Its a connection and nothing to do with emotional or physical to an extent that should be considered as cheating. I do not know why you get defensive every time some one asks a question to understand something. Did I mention anywhere in my comment that Meena is falling in love with Jalal? Or Did I mention anywhere that bond means its cheating Nadir? I went and read that part again, I felt there is a connection between Meena and Jalal if you notice what they shared even in theater or their conversations have been intimate when in library but its still a bond of some sort. Maybe it came from a fact that Jalal loved her and she is trying not to upset him so she was dealing it softly but my comments are always misconstrued in wrong way lol, no need for that.

4. Understood
5. I do not think my statement is wrong. I did mean the same thing what you were saying about physical reactions. When I was saying she got carried away my meaning was she let go herself into physical reactions for what Jalal was doing. Nadir was not involved and yes he mentioned that to see if we can set the play field but the meetings went overboard. Meena was always conscious not to indulge in sex but she was also not planning for a heavy kiss and was also not planning Jalal would touch her between the legs and make her lose herself. Nothing is planned with Nadir but it happened and that's exactly I was referring to getting carried away from the initial plan. I was not judging it to be wrong. I was saying I felt it to be different with Jalal compared to others. Please read my statement again.

7. Lol misunderstanding again. Did I say Meena is unfaithful? So if you see a lumberjack and you find him desirable then does it mean unfaithful? No right. Then if you come and tell Nadir that I find him sexy would that mean unfaithful? I was saying same thing that Nadir might want Meena to express such opinions and it could be sexy for him. Maybe Nadir can clarify he doesn't like if Meena tells such a way but I just felt from the story that he likes her to open up and talk about her desires.
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(28-01-2025, 04:09 AM)RCF Wrote: Some answers and some misunderstandings! 

1. Yes, when I said Catalyst , its more towards push in one's mind rather than legalize or conscience related.

2. Why would it unsettle Nadir if you agree that you like some one physically? In fact he has been prodding Meena to be open and talk about her desires. Also confess not only means something fraudulent, when some one is hesitant to openly talk or embarrassed or feeling shy also comes into this category though more precisely or usually used for crimes yes but here which is not what I meant. 

3. When I say bond, it doesn't mean love or sex. Its a connection and nothing to do with emotional or physical to an extent that should be considered as cheating. I do not know why you get defensive every time some one asks a question to understand something. Did I mention anywhere in my comment that Meena is falling in love with Jalal? Or Did I mention anywhere that bond means its cheating Nadir? I went and read that part again, I felt there is a connection between Meena and Jalal if you notice what they shared even in theater or their conversations have been intimate when in library but its still a bond of some sort. Maybe it came from a fact that Jalal loved her and she is trying not to upset him so she was dealing it softly but my comments are always misconstrued in wrong way lol, no need for that.

4. Understood
5. I do not think my statement is wrong. I did mean the same thing what you were saying about physical reactions. When I was saying she got carried away my meaning was she let go herself into physical reactions for what Jalal was doing. Nadir was not involved and yes he mentioned that to see if we can set the play field but the meetings went overboard. Meena was always conscious not to indulge in sex but she was also not planning for a heavy kiss and was also not planning Jalal would touch her between the legs and make her lose herself. Nothing is planned with Nadir but it happened and that's exactly I was referring to getting carried away from the initial plan. I was not judging it to be wrong. I was saying I felt it to be different with Jalal compared to others. Please read my statement again.

7. Lol misunderstanding again. Did I say Meena is unfaithful? So if you see a lumberjack and you find him desirable then does it mean unfaithful? No right. Then if you come and tell Nadir that I find him sexy would that mean unfaithful? I was saying same thing that Nadir might want Meena to express such opinions and it could be sexy for him. Maybe Nadir can clarify he doesn't like if Meena tells such a way but I just felt from the story that he likes her to open up and talk about her desires.

Meena speaking:


If you read my points, you'll notice that I've already 'confessed' (as you mean the word).

I really enjoy sex, but I have no bond with anybody, except him, Nadir, even sexually and physically.

We, me and Nadir, are like a team in the field, and work like a team, if you want to hear it that way, and I've never formed a team - not even a bond - with anyone else, not with Jalal and not even my uncle, Mansi.
The men (who were mostly for me attractive and desireable) have come and gone, some for one night and some for several, but in the end it was just a physical coming together to achieve the goal of this team, namely to experience passion and pleasure and satisfaction.

He is the team captain and I "enjoy" firstly my physical pleasure and climax - is this a confession for you?! - and secondly I get even greater satisfaction through his satisfaction with me and the work of the others, which satisfies me twice as much. Yes for sure I have more fun with one or other of these companions and players (I admitted previously that may be even more physical satisfaction than with Nadir, sometimes), and sometimes less.

In this sense, yes, I admit that I like doing it.

By the way, I have often said and admitted that I find another man sexy and desireable, that is not the point, my point is that I have not formed any other individual BOND with tany one of these men who I found sexy or attractive, except in bed! I mean for sure I enjoy my sexual activities with others, and he knows it. 

I want to try to create a balance through my "deeds" and my "words", what I do and what I say, without endangering anything!

P.S.: I choose my sentences and words perhaps too direct and sometimes harsh, forgive me, but I am not and certainly not hurt and certainly do not feel insulted, especially you as a careful and interested reader and critic (in a positive sense) and analyst, here in this portal I like very much!
(but no hope, we do not form a BOND!) Big Grin

Have a nice time,
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A short remark,

Before I continue the story here, I think it's better to clarify something that I apparently haven't 

expressed clearly yet, for a given reason and also for new readers who discovered this narrate, 


The fantasies I had or still have and comes often in this narrate, which remained fantasies and 

which came true and became reality, and turned me on, inevitably involved situations where my 

wife was with someone else. It wasn't about her cheating,

her special connection with (except Mansour with whom she had a special connection which was 

not- intended from her side), her wanting or falling in love with another person. 

It was simply about the sexual coming together, and mating of other men, and my wife, 

allowing that man or those men to use her, and her dutifully yielding to that goal and that goal 


Of course, she was brought to ecstasy in each case. But the drive wasn't that she was after 

something, it was that someone else was getting something: relief, from her body. Her ultimate

 pleasure was beside the point. It was the essence of "man mates with woman," and it was such a

 taboo turn-on for me when I allowed my fantasy to be reality and pair my wife with a needy man 

or men, older or younger, fit or overweight, nice or not nice, those details didn't matter. In fact, the 

more details there were, the better. Sometimes everyday things and talks triggered a fantasy or our sexual actions, 

sometimes they didn't.

It wasn't that I wanted to be cheated on or replaced. Deep down, I didn't want any of that to 

happen. No case began or ended with my wife falling in love with someone else or ending up

 with someone else, and this is why we are together, still!

 Part of the core or premise of my fantasies was that my wife was... well, my wife, my partner and 

Companion and we were and are a team. 

No fantasy or real happening ever revolved around us living a life with other people, not she or me. 

If "something" happened in there, it was secondary to our unity. 

That's what made it such a hot and deliciously perverse feeling, imagining ansd watching her being used and her 

body and mind being seduced in the process. Taken and manipulated to a level of depravity. 

She liked what was being done for two reasons: Firstly: The physical feeling of being touched, her 

body being seduced and used... whatever, and secondly: She is with me, and I am part of what is 

happening to her.

I wonder if my wife and I would have made it if the trigger, Mansour’s appearance, was not there. 

We've been married at time for ten years (now it is over 25 years!) and loved each other since 

far more years. But after Mansour story, my thoughts and fantasies have begun and gotten more 

and more perverse and keeping them to myself just about impossible. 

That is the reason why the story took the direction you find here (don't forget to read the first book 

here under the name "An Old Debt Has To Be Paid").

Thank you

Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 5

Nadir’s Narration:

We followed the weekend of December 20th, the invitation of Tahir to go to his farm, to celebrate 

die longest night of the year. 

It was a very cold Friday, and his party was planned for the evening and night. Some of his friends 

were there and Farzan and Sara were present as usual. Unfortunately, Mitra couldn't be there 

despite being invited because of a cold. The night was long and very fun. Lots of dancing and 

laughing as well as alcohol was involved.

The next day we slept very late. And when we went into the living room, only Tahir and Farzan 

were there. Many guests had left. Sara too.

As we sat down Meena said it is really cold outside. I confirmed and Farzan said, “ Tahir went out 

for a short while with the dogs. He even goes out in minus forty degrees, probably his parents 

were Eskimos.” We all laughed about it. 

I said, "Then I hope it is not a souvenir from a guest who visited his parents' house!". Meena 

looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Nadir!". 

Farzan laughed loudly and said, "It's not impossible, he doesn't look like an Eskimo at all, I know 

that Eskimos are very friendly, they offer their guests even their women as gifts."

The fireplace was roaring and crackling and breaking up the silence between our voices. 

I felt silly to plan staying longer, for being told the weather situation and the cold snap and thought 

maybe we shouldn't stay any longer and should go home in this weather, especially because 

heavy snowfall was expected.

At this moment is Tahir with his dogs appeared. Meena asked, "snow?". Tahir replied, "No, but it's 

cold, really cold!"

"Yes, well...I think we caught the wrong weekend to stay longer, Meena, " I said, “Do 

you want to go home?”, and I asked her.

"Oh, I'm sure we can manage for a little bit," she replies and looked at the two dogs.

 The two men looked over and stared. 

“I would like to get some fresh air. Can I go out with my two four-legged friends?” 

Meena's brow dropped and she looked at Tahir. 

It was lousy outside, and it would have been foolish to leave but this is Meena, I 

thought. Tahir nod to draw yes and said, “But be careful, Don’t go to far, should I 

accompany you?”

Meena looked at me, then at Tahir and said, “No need, I come back soon,”. And she 

left for our room to change.

After fifteen minutes Meena came back with two dogs. And said, “It is at the moment 

a rain snow,” She was soaking wet was taking off her shoes and her wet socks.

I noticed that Tahir and Farzan stopped what they were chatting to stare at her. 

Meena looked up at the men and then at me. Her hair was quite wet and still hung 

about her face.

"Oh. I'll just...I'll just step out to our room for a moment." She smiled and walked 

quickly by the men. They watched as she went out the door, then glanced my way. 

I wanted to make nice and keep this comfortable for Meena, so I just smiled.

When Meena came back in, she was wearing long johns and wool socks. Her hair 

wrapped up in a towel.   The long johns were tight and form fitting. I thought this 

quite bold but unintentional, and really the only option since the few things we did 

bring to wear. The two men stopped their chatting again and watched Meena. 

She wiped hair from her face and shyly mumbled, "Excuse me" and sort of tip toed 

past them, picking up her pace as she made her way toward me, I was sitting a bit 

away from the two and looking at a magazine.

 She looked over her shoulder at them. Tahir and Farzan were looking still. With her 

hair wrapped up in a towel and wearing just the long johns, Meena looked quite sexy.

While fiddling with the towel, she accidentally stuck out her chest and arched her 


I looked to see the two friends noticed as well. The room was silent and Meena 

looked up to catch me staring. I didn't think that Tahir and Farzan were doing more 

than looking. But I was beginning to see images of them staring at Meena in my 


She turned to see her two admirers. I could gues that in their looks was a glimpse of 

sexual interest and passion, and Meena as a very sensible female, certainly noticed 

that. The eyes of both of them spoke to her.

"Nadir," she whispered under breath as she turned to look at me. She appeared 

And sounded, ashamed.

"You look good," I said honestly. I shrugged and pulled my sweater over my head. 

Meena looked back at them both.

Tahir said why are you so tense about the weather, it will get better, besides I have enough wood 

to burn.

I won't let you go away in this weather anyway, so relax and we'll have a good time here, okay?

"Okay," I said, not knowing what else to say. 

Meena smiled at him and said, "I said I have no problem; I agree to stay and I am also relaxed," 

and then looked at me.

"You are the nicest young lady I know,” Tahir said and smiled at Meena. She gave him 

a slight smile and looked to me.

"Hey," I said, raising my hands up, "I am fine, we're fine. Right?" I looked to Meena. 

She looked at Tahir and Farzan and nodded. 

" It's beautiful out here even in winter and snow, you are cold come here to fire, 

Meena," Meena went to them and he took her by the hand which was lost in his large 


"Oh, well, I like to be here…" Meena said, turning and giving me the slightest crooked 


"Thank you," I interrupted for her. "And thanks for everything Tahir,"

"Yes, thank you," Meena said, letting Tahir hold her hand to be polite. "Um, I think I 

will go use bathroom and then lay down and read for a while." 

"Read?" Farzan asked. He hasn't been very talkative lately and has just been 

watching Meena. I even thought he was having some kind of fantasy with her and 

that's why he looks so absent.

Meena stopped and turned around. "Yes, why?"

"And what are you reading?" he asked.

" A roman named ‚Romancing Mister Bridgerton’." Meena answered.

"I don’t know the book, unfortunately. Well, how about you, Nadir?" he said to me.

Meena smiled and before I replied, she spoke, "He hates fiction," Meena chuckled to 

Tahir was mostly watching Meena.

"Yeah, yeah, I see," I said, rolling my eyes.

Meena got up and Tahir and Farzan watched her long-underwear-clad butts shake as 

she left the group. I looked at them for reaction to their stares and they just sat there. 

A moment later I excused myself, “I'm coming back. I have to see if my wife needs anything,”.

When I was in the room, I saw that Meena was reading. She looked at me briefly and I asked if 

everything was okay.

"I don’t know… Farzan looks at me kind of funny. Tahir just looks.", she answered and smiled 


"Yeah, I guess they were being a bit obvious. It's too bad we are in this wetter here locked up and 

can’t go outside. But you have not to be scary, they are men, and you know the men, but basically 

they are decent people, and we know them, right? But they, when they, you know..." I stared at 


"But what?", she asked curiously.

"Huh?", I spoke.

" It's too bad we are in this wetter here, but...?" she insisted.

"Nothing…" I answered.

"No?" she asked. "No confused thoughts clouding your brain? Nadir, I know you. I can tell by the 

look on your face. And you know you're going try to make me think about it, and I just want rest 

here, and read, and I will not be able to do so, if you're lying there thinking things."

"Sounds like you're thinking about it as me," I teased. "Okay, seriously, baby. Rest and read. I 

might take a glass of wine from Tahir, but I'll be back shortly.”

To be continued…
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I love reading about Nadir and Meena and all their mainly ‘male secondary’.
They are so different, but also so similar to what I know from my own life! 
They are likeable, interesting and positive. 
I like their lifestyle with all its facets, and this erotic life journal is flawless and a pleasure to read...

It is a long and fascinating journey with you both, but well worth the time and effort, both for the 
author (Salir) and for us readers, fans and followers. 
Thank you for this wonderful story...

Dear Meena, 
I like your direct, sometimes aggressive, tough, but also sweet and passionate side.

Hey, but no hope, we do not form a BOND‘ ...  Smile 

In this sense
All the best

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Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 5 (II)
Nadir ‘s Narration:
Upon returning to sit with the men, Tahir looked up and asked if everything is all right. Sure, I told him.
"Well, then, let me ask you something,", he spoke.
"Okay," I replied.
"Farzan and I don't mean to be rude, but you gotta understand, we are men, and, if a such a beautiful
and good-looking girl, like Meena, is there, it is normal that we lose somehow our behaviour but
she doesn't need to be afraid of us. We are just enthusiastic and admiring her beauty.
Is that the reason why she left? You are our friends, and we certainly won't do anything stupid...
we are civilized people,”, "I mean, we're not stupid. We know what we look like and how old we are," Tahir said
more to Farzan than to me. "Especially me, who is just a fat and ugly farmer who smells of sheep and
pigs,", “Yes, this guy is better, he's a lawyer, smells better, but still looks and talks like a retarded
student who is a few grades behind!” and then looked at Farzan again and laughed. Farzan
smiled and his head was inclined to confirm.
I thought maybe they spoke something in my absence and was surprised that Meena had
suddenly disappeared in fear. I assumed they felt guilty about it and are now trying to normalize
the atmosphere.
"Hmmm, you are right," Farzan chuckled.
"Aw, listen to me, Tahir. You know what we, and especially Meena thinks about you," I said, "we
don't judge people like that, and besides, we figured you for nice people, You are friends, and we
feel comfortable here."
"Yes?” Tahir nodded, glancing to Farzan. I looked at Farzan who smiled back.
"Well, we might not be too easy on the eyes, but your Meena sure is. Damn, Nadir."
I laughed at Tahir's exclamation about Meena, and to show I wasn't bothered, agreed about her looks
And beauty, "I know friends, she looks very pleasant in her long johns, even fetching and
adoreable…“, Tahir just stared at me. I was somewhat taken off guard at his sudden change of
expression when he spoke again.
"Why you don’t tell her about that and that we were just enchanted by her beauty and
Appearance and we admire and love her for all that ?" he asked and added, „I mean as friends…“.
I thought over what Tahir was saying. I had to be honest with him. I told him he was right that
maybe Meena was a little bit scared from their reaction beforehand.
"Yess, we noticed it… Sorry… The best thing to do is to get her here so that we can tell her personally and
apologize, “, said Tahir.
"you're a very lucky man, I must admit this…" Farzan said, nodding in our room’s direction.
"Thanks," I said to Farzan.
"No," Tahir said, "We don't see so beautiful ones like that around here much."
When I went back, Meena was still reading. She had watched me if she waits me to say something.
"They wanted to see you, they think that they did something wrong, they want to apologize, " I said.
"Oh, they noticed that, too.", Meena replied. Then after a short pause, she added, "I knew it my
loving husband…" Meena said dryly. "I knew you'd bring something up." Before I could fully process
what she'd said, she added," But, if I'm gonna be fair, I have to admit... Nadir, dressed like I am,
and prancing about like this in front them, well, I'm obviously smart enough to know when I am
being checked out."
"Obviously," I said with a serious expression. I liked where this was going.
"So," she smiled. "Got anything you wanna tell me?"
I did, I talked about the way she looked and how sexy it was when she walked there. I told her the
fact that Tahir and Farzan looked delighted and somehow lost while looking at her was a turn
on for me.
This was the decisive point, and Meena said she thought I might have thought that.
"So, does this mean you'll be more sociable to our friends?" I asked.
"Let's be realistic here, Nadir. Don’t go too fast.", Meena said and smiled.
I nodded. "But we know them for sure. They are our frineds and as you know and say, they are just
men but no dangerous. And I have to admit I like the way they look at you, baby. I can't help it.
And their simple conversation is kind of a turn on. Also, I think part of it might be for me that
they are older than us, and, as you said, weathered looking."
"I shouldn't have said anything about staying longer," Meena mumbled.
"Ohhh, you," I pulled her up close to me. I was hard. Meena looked at me.
"I mean it, Nadir. I shouldn't have said to stay because now I'm thinking things and I shouldn't
be." She exhaled and fixed her gaze to the window.
"Hmmm..." I pondered softly. "Now you're thinking of them?"
"I'm thinking that you are. That's bad enough," she said.
"It's enough, all right, for the both of us," I teased.
"Do you really like them looking at me, Nadir?", Meena asked.
"I'm starting to," I said honestly, breathing heavier at my festive words.
Meena squirmed closer. "Mmm," she hummed. "I know I like when you look at me like that, when
you sound like that. I don't care what it's about." She stared in my eyes.
We snuggled close and stayed for smome minutes.
It was now raining so hard and with such low cloud cover it was dark outside. The wind howled,
and blowing. Meena said she likes to speak with them and show that she has no problem with
them and is not hurt and, above all, is not afraid of them and she consider them as our near friends.
Tahir had briefly gone out to take the dogs to his stableboy to clean them, Farzasn said, while
stoking the fire.
Meena said that she wasn't offended at all and that she certainly wasn't afraid of them. On the contrary,
she liked them and enjoyed her stay there and being with them.
When Tahir returned a short while later, our backs were to him, Meena sitting and me standing, so I didn't see
when he came up on us. Meena’s sitting position was so that her thin and tight long underwear showed the
silhouette of her beautiful legs very clearly.  I turned me to tahir and saw him standing near to door and
watching us. I followed his gaze and saw he is looking at her thighs and her tummy that pulled in and
out with each breath.
I sat me next to Meena on the sofa and looked up to Tahir. We were a little further away from Farzan,
who was sitting on an armchair near the fire. I felt bold and placed a hand on Meena's legs.
I left my hand there and looked up at Tahir. His smile was gone and he just stared at my hand on
Meena's thigh. He went to fireplace near Farzan without a word while still looking at Meena.
I began to caress Meena’s upper thigh. Meena looked at my hand and then at me for a short time,
astonished. It was very risky to do that, but my cock was rock hard.
Meena noticed that as she looked at me and then my crotch and for sure saw that I was hard from thinking of
something that just was happening. She knew me and she noticed how Tahir looking at her and my hand.
Tahir asked about lunch, and I looked at Meena, and said I am not hungry , and she said that she is
not hungry as well, but perhaps later.
Tahir told us to take at least a coffee.
"Meena said to me previously that it is okay if you look at her, and she understands it and that
makes her not angry or annoyed, on the contrary, she feels flattered,” I emphasized to relax the
I knew what is going on Meena’s head. I was sure that if we were alone, she would say that it doesn't
sound right what I am speaking and that what I am doing and that I am hard from him looking at her,
and me touching her, all were not right. But fortunately, we were not alone! I couldn’t help it.
Their looking at her, that special sexually excited way, had sort of a turn on me that I couldn’t ignore.
Meena looked at Tahir and Farzan while she pondered my words. I looked at them too and swallowed.
I felt bold again.
She looked then at me, if she knew that if we were alone, I would say, "come on, Meena…
Just look at them and imagine something."
Meena held her gaze on the men across the room and change the theme, "I wanted to take a
shower before but unfortunately the water in our bathroom wasn't warm enough," she said.
Tahir replied," I'm very sorry, unfortunately in that part of the building we've recently
had a hot water problem, you know, old house... we have an extra bathroom next door if you want.
Everything you need is there too," and showed the door next to the fireplace that led to another corridor.
Meena thanked and stood up and went to the door for the bathroom.
Tahir asked me and Farzan if we like to accompany him for a short walk to his stable. He wanted to be
sure, whether his horses are feeling well. Farzan got up. I said I would rather wait for Meena.
When Meena came back, the two weren't there yet. I made Meena and me some coffee and we ate some
cookies that were on the table.
"Do you know what you're doing, Nadir? When you put your hand on my leg like that, and what you said,
the two of them...", Meena complained.
"Yes, I know, baby, I told you it kind of seemed to make them happy, right? Well, there's something else,
something Tahir said before…" I replied.
"About me?", Meena asked.
"Not directly, though I don't blame you for asking. Anyway, he said basically that he and Farzan, and in
particular about Tahir himself, basically that they knew they were not the best-looking guys, and he was
surprised when we not only decided to stay, but you, being quite the looker and all, would shake that hot ass of
yours for them like you've been doing."
"No way!" Meena smiled, shoving me. "Nadir, they did not say that!"
I laughed. "No, they commented on your clothing, but not like that." I laughed again and she jabbed my arm,
smiling with me.
"That's too bad. I can't say they are the most charming guys, but they are nice.", she looked at me teasingly
and smiled.
"Yeah?" I said and asked further,"You uh, ... you like them really?"
"Hmmm, I don’t know, I wouldn't say like them,” Meena said, resting her head on me and looking across the to
The fire, "I suppose Tahir likes to protect me all time since we know him, like a big brother… And Farzan… Farzan
is like a lost child sometimes and I have a motherly feeling for him… Yes, I would say I like them both...," Meena
said, standing up and turning her back to fire and squirmed up to me, then tip toed up to me for a kiss.
"Ooooo, you think?" I said, "Okay, he, your big brother protects you and you protect the other one, the lost
child?" I smiled, looking down at her.
I teased, “Does the story have an erotic ending for the satisfaction of your poor husband, Nadir, too? For
example, that at the end of the big brother and alongside the lost child, get that married hot body as reward?”.
"God, Nadir, you always have a way of putting things so I'll "go along" with you." She grinned and punched at my
shoulder. "Like, they can look at me, okay? And flirt if they want. And I'll play along. If we decide to stay, we have
to expect that. And we can talk about it. Just...I mean I'll go along with whatever you want because I trust you to
keep me safe, and... because I want to, for you."
I smiled.
"Nadir, I know I have said it before and I'll say it again, but it fascinates me like three
years before, I never thought possible that you would be turned on by these things we talk about.
Do you hear me? It's hot to me because it is to you, okay?"
"I know, Meena," I smiled, leaning in for a kiss. "And I like hearing you tell me. Never feel you can't."
"I like to tell you everything what I feel," she smiled back."You like me squirming and hyperventilating beneath
that lost boy, Farzan…" she said softly.
"Ehmmm…" I mumbled.
"And... getting fucked by him, Nadir? Good and hard?" Meena said in a husky voice as she looked at fire.
"Come here," I said, pulling her to me, "You saw them… You saw them how they are watching you as if they are
undressing you…" I asked.
"Mmm, hmm," Meena murmured.
"God, it sounds so hot to hear you acknowledge that, Meena.", I said.
"And what about Tahir?" she whispered, pulling herself to me.
"Mmmph. Tahir... Tahir you might have to worry about." I glanced down at Meena.
"Oh?" she said, not bothered by my words. "I have to worry about Tahir, yes…" she said to herself.
"You amuse him in some way, I think. I think you also look like a young fuck bunny to him, too."
"God…. Nadir…" she said, looking flustered.
At this moment we both saw the two men from window which were approaching. the wind had obviously
calmed down and the sleet had stopped.
"We can continue our discussion later this evening, when everyone else is asleep," she said with a wink.
I smiled and let her go. Meena left shortly for bathroom. 
When the two were inside, Tahr said,” You didn't want lunch, then I ordered an earlier dinner around 6pm. There
will be various Italian specialties that will be delivered.
I already know that Meena loves Italian.                          
I told him, "You are so nice, guys, thanks. I know Meena appreciates the thought and attention you both give us."
"She appreciates our attention," Tahir repeated. "That's not hard to spare when it comes to her." What Tahir said
was witty in his own way. I chuckled and said I didn't blame them.
I also said that Meena appreciated it, too. She was always flattered by the looks men gave her, and I said that
with them it had been no exception.
Farzan said that he and Tahir had been up there more time their life, living off the land mostly, and that they
couldn't help but notice Meena's striking figure.
Like Tahir said, Farzan reminded unnecessarily, wasn't Meena a finely shaped woman in her long
underwear? He asked if Meena used to be a gymnast or something, because of her build, and said
he hoped I didn't mind him being so bold.
Not wanting to ruin the atmosphere, I assured Farzan it was all right and that they had been very considerate a
nd Meena and I appreciate being able to share the time with them in such a bad weather out there. And this was
all true.
Tahir pointed out and Farzan agreed that they were thankful then that Meena felt now at ease walking around
them. Farzan nodded.
I thought some more and said to Tahir and Farzan that Meena and I try to be open-minded about things, and not
get offended by others so easily. I was turned on listening to myself, hearing myself tell these two older men in
as delicate a fashion as I could to go ahead and salivate over my wife. To let themselves look at her and
enjoy wanting her. And I wanted to give them every opportunity.
The place went quiet when she opened the door.
"Cold outside?" she smiled to the men and asked, feigning a shiver.
"Not too bad… No raining more,”, Frazan answered.
Meena sauntered across the room, and it was obvious she put a little more wiggle in her walk.
I ws sitting on the sofa in far end of the room again. And the two were near to Fire.
She winked at me as she approached. I told her under my breath that was incredible. She smiled
knowingly and stood next to me, took her coffee cup and sipped the rest of her coffee. Then she
sat down next to me. The two were speaking at first about the weather and the former farm,
stable and animals of Jalal, which should be controlled after this climate condition.
Then Tahir was somewhat whispering to Farzan, and he was answering the same way,
which was not audible for us.
"I was thinking about earlier. What we spoke, actually, and about us talking later.", Meena said to
Me quietly.
Where we were sitting was about four meters away from both of them and they were having a
conversation, so they couldn't hear what we were saying.
"Mmm, I'm glad you want to, you know I spoke about a fantasy play…"
She looked up at me. I ran a hand down over her shoulder and back down. Meena sighed and
leaned into me. "God… Nadir,"
I whispered in her ear. "I bet they talked and even now talk to themselves, too, about you."
She exhaled heavy, watching Tahir and Farzan as they chatted and now and then glanced our
"Okay, now I'm losing it," I grinned. "You walking by them like that is making me lose it. Shall we
go for a small walk in the fresh air?"
Meena stood up.
To be continued…
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Wonderful but it seems the fire in the fireplace isn't doing enough to warm up the room.
[+] 2 users Like Blackdick11's post
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(30-01-2025, 06:08 PM)Blackdick11 Wrote: Wonderful but it seems the fire in the fireplace isn't doing enough to warm up the room.

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Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 5 (III)

Nadir ‘s Narration:

Tahir said to us, we should take on some waterproof overcoats, the ones hanging in the closet by the outside 

door, instead of ours. He said turning to Meena,” We don’t like that our beautiful lady, gets sick,” he smiled at 

her., who seriously looked as he spoke. She nodded. No doubt he was giving us and especially, Meena a good 

advice, but I knew what had to be on his mind as he was saying that. I stood up and followed Meena to the door.

Then I noticed Tahir came after. Outside, in the corridor, there was a wardrobe and Tahir opened it and got two 

thick, waterproof overcoats. He gave me one, and helped Meena put on the other one. Tahir adjusting it for her, 

pulling down on it as she said, “Thank you, Tahir, you are so caring, you are a gentleman,”.

Tahir answered,”, not for everyone but for such a pretty girl, always...,” and winked. 

"Oh, thanks, my protector, my dear Tahir." Meena thanked her again, while giving him a kiss gesture.

"Don't mention it, dearest. You want to be sure that you can keep the essentials dry even if you 

don't think you'll be going far. It's easy for anyone to turned around out there, and we noticed the 

gear you two brought wasn't made for extended exposure to moisture." 

"Yes, but we had to go out and walk some minutes. She needs the daily exercise, but at least 

some walking."

"I do not, I am fit, but you!" she said, said with a grin.

"I think I believe her," Tahir said, "But you better be in charge of route. You know how women are 

with directions."

"Uh! Tahir!" she whined, placing her hands on her hips.

"Not you, sorry I forgot that how intelligent and smart you are for a sweet girl, do you forgive me?", Tahir said and 

winked to Meena, then turned and said to me,” This sweet lady professor is the smart one of the bunch here…”.

"See?" Meena looked at me and said, "Tahir knows I'm completely capable." I smiled at Meena.

Then she turned to Tahir, "For once you are forgiven. Next time you'll pay for it.", she replies and smiled.

"Yes, gladly, everything..., I'll give you everything...“ and smiled back.

I pulled her to me. Tahir watched us hug, and I looked at him as I planted a kiss 

on Meena's ear and jabbed her back. With a laugh and a yelp she jumped back into Tahir, turning 

to look up at him as he braced her with his arms. 

"Oops, sorry," she laughed, as he held her back out at arm’s length. 

Meena sent him kissed him again and said, "Better that we get going before things get 


"Yes, I understand," Tahir said, looking over her upper back if her short overcoat, and seemingly resting 

his gaze on her Backside and ass.

"Thanks," Meena replied, at first innocently, but then not so sure because of his stare.

We walked to the door. I followed he as we walked out and once again Meena pointed out loud 

enough for Tahir to hear that only one of us knew how to find the way probably wasn't me. She 

looked back and Tahir nodded in agreement headed outside.

"Thanks again, Tahir," Meena said over her shoulder. "If he comes back without me don't let him 


"And if you come back without me?" I said under my breath.

"Nadir!" Meena muttered, looking back again to see if Tahir heard me before the door shut.

"Thanks, Meena," I said as we headed up the trail.

"For what?"

"Talking with them. Letting Tahir help you." 

"Oh I didn't mind. Besides, he helped us out I think," she said, pointing the low cloud cover. 

We had told the men we had only be gone a while. The wind wasn't so bad but the rain or sleet 

was certainly coming down soon again and so were the temps. After half an hour or so we 

decided to head back. Because the weather was getting worse and rainy, it took us a little longer 

to reach the house.

 We arrived not long after Tahir and Farzan had been out again and back. Tahir was tying up his 

boots and Farzan was just coming inside from a bath. Soaked again, Meena and I went in our 

room to take-off what was wet and put on dry socks and shirts. Meena had still her long johns 


Farzan and Tahir were looking over at us as we came back, sitting near the fireplace and talking 

quietly. We sat down on the sofa again. Meena looked up and saw them staring.

Tahir asked whether we want to get closer to the fire. Meena looked at mebut then said, “No, 

thanks, the room is hot enough,”.

She looked at the window. "It's getting dark, though it is just half past three,", she said looking 

back at them. "Ugh, I know I had one earlier but I'm kind of sweaty, so I'm going to take another 

bath. You don't mind, do you?" 

"'Of course not, young lady,", Tahir replied.

"Okay," she said, exhaling and holding her bag up to her chest.

I watched her walk by the men.

As she passed, Tahir reached for her hand and Meena stopped. He just looked up at her. Meena

 turned to me and I shot her a look of uncertainty, letting her know to go with it for the moment. 

Farzan sat silently on the other side of her. Tahir let go of Meena's hand, still looking up at her. 

She smiled nervously and walked past them to the door, opening it slowly as she looked at all of

 us, and then stepped out. I didn't know what to make of it, but I was turned on. Since all he did

 was touch her hand, I decided to play undecided and not make anything out of it. But I was on

 fire imagining what Meena was thinking.

Tahir and Farzan were talking again, and I didn't want to bother them, so I got a cup of coffee and 

sat there pretending to look over a horse club magazine. but thinking about what had just 

happened. Things had been nice and chummy earlier. Even Meena seemed comfortable talking 

with our two friends and joking around. But now at once they and primarily Tahir, seemed less 

concerned with being sociable and it made me very curious but also a little cautious as to what 

they were thinking.

Meena stayed out even longer this time, and I was just about to check on her when the door 

opened slowly. I pretended not to notice and went about keeping my head buried in the journal, 

stealing quick glances across the room. 

Meena stepped in, looking around before quietly shutting the door behind her. She appeared 

relaxed from her bath and was once again sexy as ever in her now almost dry pair of form-fitting long 

underwear and a towel wrapped around her head.

The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and 

placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her 

abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh." 

"Did,," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background 

as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something 

out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.

I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her 


She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the 

back of her knee and running it up her thigh.

"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."

The two men sat and watched quietly. As she walked between them Farzan reached up and 

placed a hand on Meena's stomach. His fingers were spread wide and his hand covered her 

abdomen. She stopped with a barely audible "oh." 

"Did,," she stuttered. Meena was extremely nervous. The fire crackled in the background 

as she searched for words. "I'm sorry," she said uncertainly and quickly, "I shut, I left something 

out there? Is that why..." She looked at me for help.

I held a finger up to my mouth. Meena looked down at Farzan's hand as it rose and fell under her 


She looked nervously down to Tahir. He slowly reached up behind Meena, placing a hand on the 

back of her knee and running it up her thigh.

"Uhh…" she murmured weakly. "Um...I have to..."

Tahir's hand made its way up to the bottom of Meena's ass and her legs buckled. She placed a 

hand on Farzan's shoulder to steady herself and my cock twitched. 

Meena's eyes closed as she swayed back. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. My chest

 was tight and my palms were sweaty. My mouth hung open but no sound came out.

Meena's eyes opened and she stared right at me. They closed again when Tahir's hand appeared 

in front between her legs. He gripped her inner thigh, and she whimpered. I was standing now.

Farzan slowly pulled his hand away and Meena staggered forward. She caught her balance and 

murmured something else nervously and slowly stepped away. She picked up her pace and 

walked over to me and hugged me. 

"Oh, my God," she said as we embraced.

"What did he say to you?" I asked quietly as I looked at Tahir and Farzan.

Just then we heard a Noise. The men were both standing, not saying anything. Just staring at 


"Nadir?" she said, looking up at me. I leaned and wrapped my arms around her. 

"Baby, everything okay… I am here…" I whispered in her ear. 

Now the two were talking. At least Tahir was. He whispered something while his eyes were fixed 

on us, and Farzan nodded. 

Visions of Farzan's hand on Meena's stomach flashed through my mind. I imagined him and 

Tahir towering over Meena's washed and wet body. I imagined her looking up at them as they 

licked their lips. I envisioned Meena's towel-covered head jerking around as they fucked her all 

over the room.

"Are we okay?" Meena said in a hushed voice.

"I think so. They like us." I said, pulling her close to me. 

"You mean me," Meena said. "Oh, Nadir, hold me. Tighter, okay?"

Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked 

at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.

"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.

I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy 

in my arms and looked at me.

"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.  

Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,

pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance. 

She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed.

Tahir and Farzan were looking at me. I could sense a determination in their eyes, and they looked 

at my wife in my arms. Meena followed my gaze over her shoulder.

"Oh my," she exhaled. I could hear her breathing as she stared back at them.

I leaned forward and whispered to her as she looked back at the men. I sensed that she felt dizzy 

in my arms and looked at me.

"… trust our friends, give them just a little chance, you know they like you…" I added.  

Meena stared at me for a long moment. Then, slowly, she pushed against me and slipped back,

pushing out her long-underwear-covered ass and put her feet straight to maintain balance. 

She gave me a questioning look. I gulped and swallowed. 

“Yes, relax, give them a chance, they are friends and don't be afraid, I'm here...," I said. 

Meena hesitated, then, slowly pushed her ass out even more, and looking back at the men. From 

I could imagine the incredibly erotic prospect of my wife’s backside and ass, that the two of 

them now have.

"God… Yes baby," I murmured. "That's... good."

To be continued...
[+] 6 users Like Salir's post
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(30-01-2025, 06:08 PM)Blackdick11 Wrote: Wonderful but it seems the fire in the fireplace isn't doing enough to warm up the room.

The fire does not ignite and does not spread because the two ‘firemen’ (Tahir, Farzan) do not agree and instead 
of lighting the fire, they prevent each other from doing so by each claiming to ‘put out the fire’ in their eagerness 
to extinguish their own inner fire.

This does not make it warmer, but seems to keep it lukewarm...

The ‘fire angel" (Meena) will soon leave the place and has no interest in a dispute between the two ‘firemen’, 
in which each claims to be the better fireman... 

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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(30-01-2025, 09:12 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: The fire does not ignite and does not spread because the two ‘firemen’ (Tahir, Farzan) do not agree and instead 
of lighting the fire, they prevent each other from doing so by each claiming to ‘put out the fire’ in their eagerness 
to extinguish their own inner fire.

This does not make it warmer, but seems to keep it lukewarm...

The ‘fire angel" (Meena) will soon leave the place and has no interest in a dispute between the two ‘firemen’, 
in which each claims to be the better fireman... 


You are right...

If two are pulling in the same rope, they should agree on the direction...

In the last installment (above), it seems so if the two fire men understood this...

We'll see further if it helps them...

Joyfull times,

[+] 1 user Likes Salir's post
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(28-01-2025, 04:09 AM)RCF Wrote: Some answers and some misunderstandings! 

1. Yes, when I said Catalyst , its more ......    I was saying same thing that Nadir might want Meena to express such opinions and it could be sexy for him. Maybe Nadir can clarify he doesn't like if Meena tells such a way but I just felt from the story that he likes her to open up and talk about her desires.

Dear RCF,

We miss your nice, masterful way of writing and your precise comments...

Where are you?

Joyful times, 
[+] 1 user Likes Salir's post
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Their staring? Yeah, it's adding a predatory tension to the scene, like sparrowhawks watching a lone bird, patiently waiting for the moment to pounce.
[+] 2 users Like ricah43165's post
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Right now, an unspoken tension hangs in the air.

No need to panic though—Tahir and Farzan have assured us they’re both civilized people...they won’t do anything stupid... at least, that’s what they’ve said ;)
[+] 2 users Like Blackdick11's post
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Wow, what's going on here....Nadir is fast tracking seduction process and giving Tahir and Farzan golden tickets to Meena.

Very excited for next chapter. Lets see how far Nadir and Meena want to go with old men Smile
[+] 2 users Like RCF's post
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(31-01-2025, 02:55 PM)RCF Wrote: Wow, what's going on here....Nadir is fast tracking seduction process and giving Tahir and Farzan golden tickets to Meena.

Very excited for next chapter. Lets see how far Nadir and Meena want to go with old men Smile

I read this some years ago, I am not sure where it come from and where I read it, but it touched 
my soul and my heart… 
“If a stranger appears at your door,
before you ask who he is... and why he is there…and where he comes from.. and where is he headed…
feed him for three days...
After these three days he’ll have enough strength to answer all them… 
Or, by then you’ll be such good friends you don’t care.”
[+] 2 users Like Salir's post
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I have the feeling that Nadir is not interpreting and assessing Meena's concern and reticence quite correctly.
He says himself that she is asking him with her looks to help her and free her from this situation
And yet he goes one step further by giving the two old men a “license” to carry on through his gestures and behaviour.

Nadir must see that Meena is not prepared to give herself to the two men. And that she does not feel the slightest "lust", 
as she did with Mansour and once with Jalal.

He can not be so blind as to ignore that ...

I think in the end it will be Meena who acts rationally and puts an end to it all. Because Nadir is trapped in his fantasy 
and is no help to her ...

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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(31-01-2025, 03:48 PM)Salir Wrote: I read this some years ago, I am not sure where it come from and where I read it, but it touched 
my soul and my heart… 
“If a stranger appears at your door,
before you ask who he is... and why he is there…and where he comes from.. and where is he headed…
feed him for three days...
After these three days he’ll have enough strength to answer all them… 
Or, by then you’ll be such good friends you don’t care.”

I think years ago (during my studies, but I am not one hundred percent sure!)
in the Berlin State Library in the work by:

Kashgarli Mahmud
Divanü Lügat-it Türk

* Turkish hospitality *

to have read something similar ...

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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(31-01-2025, 08:05 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: I have the feeling that Nadir is not interpreting and assessing Meena's concern and reticence quite correctly.
He says himself that she is asking him with her looks to help her and free her from this situation
And yet he goes one step further by giving the two old men a “license” to carry on through his gestures and behaviour.

Nadir must see that Meena is not prepared to give herself to the two men. And that she does not feel the slightest "lust", 
as she did with Mansour and once with Jalal.

He can not be so blind as to ignore that ...

I think in the end it will be Meena who acts rationally and puts an end to it all. Because Nadir is trapped in his fantasy 
and is no help to her ...

In this sense
All the best


I agree, Last time when Nadir acted impulsively over his fantasies is when he pushed Jalal into Meena's room. Though this is not same and different as couple spoke with each other now and are on same page when it comes to exploring their fantasies, this time Meena might go and fulfill Nadir's desires willingly. 

We might see some night action before fire lol

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