Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
And one more thing...if u want to dominate a girl mentally u shd fuck her soo hard and when she lay on bed tired we need to pour our sperm on her face or spit on her face or throw our sweat on her face... Tat is shw that u have dominated her and this is wat her value after this sex....

So there is nothing wrong as per my opinion
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(28-01-2025, 11:40 PM)Victorjohnson Wrote: To be frank today's update was just average one for me ...


1. Pouring patode sperm into shipra womanhood was given high importance in this story...It didn't connect me at all because shipra is not illiterate not to know about i-pill with which she can prevent from pregnancy... Usually woman forget it due to pleasure or belief...but in this case, shipra was aware Abt pregnancy so I dnt think giving importance to this is of any value.. A WOMAN READY TO REMOVE MANGALSUTRA FEELS BAD TO TAKE I PILL AND PATODE HAD TO GIVE HER ...ALL TAT WAS BUT CRINGE I FELT

2.  Secondly shipra never gave permission to patode to pour his sperm inside her . Patode had to be rude to make things done .. This according to me was not appreciable because patode had already controlled shipra there was no use for him to be angry... Slap given to Shipra was nt at all needed

However namrata character was brilliant...kudos for tat 

Still let me  tell you bro, please concentrate on destroying shipra character rather than just hurting her through slap or violence....

Why do I get a feeling you do not follow what writer is trying to say through his story, but you have been on the agenda to get things done your way lol

Your suggestions won't work esp. because you have been deviating from what is being established here...Idea is not to destroy Shipra's character but only make her submissive to a point when if she realizes how far low she went there is not much she could do as after that point, it would be ordeal for her to do the bidding for Patode or others.

To go there, the writer’s idea is to peel her well-crafted barriers of marriage one by one as you peel onion layers. If you have read the story, Shipra was dominating right from the beginning with Patode as he is her subordinate, and now he has broken her a little and he has a complete upper hand with her, and now he has to further peel more layers before she is truly submissive before he feeds her to others.

I wonder when his recordings and blackmail will come into picture with Shipra and her first encounter with Toppo should be epic as Toppo is the main person who has been behind her for years and his yearning for her has reached peaks and her ordeal with him will be something else to read if it’s long and thorough.

So, I suggest reading and enjoying the story than trying to make the writer write to your definitions of destruction.  

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(29-01-2025, 12:45 AM)RCF Wrote: Why do I get a feeling you do not follow what writer is trying to say through his story, but you have been on the agenda to get things done your way lol

Your suggestions won't work esp. because you have been deviating from what is being established here...Idea is not to destroy Shipra's character but only make her submissive to a point when if she realizes how far low she went there is not much she could do as after that point, it would be ordeal for her to do the bidding for Patode or others.

To go there, the writer’s idea is to peel her well-crafted barriers of marriage one by one as you peel onion layers. If you have read the story, Shipra was dominating right from the beginning with Patode as he is her subordinate, and now he has broken her a little and he has a complete upper hand with her, and now he has to further peel more layers before she is truly submissive before he feeds her to others.

I wonder when his recordings and blackmail will come into picture with Shipra and her first encounter with Toppo should be epic as Toppo is the main person who has been behind her for years and his yearning for her has reached peaks and her ordeal with him will be something else to read if it’s long and thorough.

So, I suggest reading and enjoying the story than trying to make the writer write to your definitions of destruction.  


Firstly since I like this story I am taking time to type and put my comments...secondly if u want to make someone submissive, we should destroy their individuality, degrade them, make them enjoy the degrades and make them get used to it and transform to it... So I feel writer could have used the method which I told rather than the one which he is using now... Also slapping a woman I dnt think so can make her submissive ... Anyway this is my thought, I said is the author's call to take or leave it....anyway I appreciate ur reply because this will give encouragement to post more updates
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(28-01-2025, 11:40 PM)Victorjohnson Wrote: Still let me  tell you bro, please concentrate on destroying shipra character rather than just hurting her through slap or violence....

What's with this destruction and humiliation kink man?
Haha,just let the story go in a quasi-normal,yet a fantasy,way.
Let it be humane and believable.
What's with all the BDSM and Humiliation fetish?
Erotic nature of a story gets killed once it goes into that punishment-BDSM route.
Hope writer doesnt go into that.
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(29-01-2025, 01:54 AM)Victorjohnson Wrote: Firstly since I like this story I am taking time to type and put my comments...secondly if u want to make someone submissive, we should destroy their individuality, degrade them, make them enjoy the degrades and make them get used to it and transform to it... So I feel writer could have used the method which I told rather than the one which he is using now... Also slapping a woman I dnt think so can make her submissive ... Anyway this is my thought, I said is the author's call to take or leave it....anyway I appreciate ur reply because this will give encouragement to post more updates

Submission cycle completion is not the intent here, If Shipra completely submits to Patode then there will be no ordeal lol. She will enjoy sexual pleasures with entire town if submission is complete. Submission to only certain extent will work for women like Shipra, once they realize their true state, she might pull back but her videos and other evidence will force her to submission later, that's ordeal.
[+] 3 users Like RCF's post
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I wish Namrata and Patode has recorded the complete episode of submission secretly, so that it can be used to bed her later.
[+] 2 users Like killthecheats's post
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Good update
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(29-01-2025, 02:50 AM)RCF Wrote: Submission cycle completion is not the intent here, If Shipra completely submits to Patode then there will be no ordeal lol. She will enjoy sexual pleasures with entire town if submission is complete. Submission to only certain extent will work for women like Shipra, once they realize their true state, she might pull back but her videos and other evidence will force her to submission later, that's ordeal.

Opinion differs.. But according to me, the main purpose of submission or transformation is destroying a person's self by herself... A woman who was sanskari and called herself pure  shd change herself and destroy herself due to ur influence... I still believe blackmailing or spanking cannot transform a girl the fullest and after point of time that won't be interesting to read...she shd be degraded destroyed and she shd accept it...tat is where real victory is ...

Anyway this is my opinion and I am sure many won't agree to it but I said wat I feel...anyway kudos to author because due to his story we are discussing Abt all this things
[+] 1 user Likes Victorjohnson's post
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Hope this story goes on for 500 pages for a long time.
To the writer,well done for creating a great original story and update the story in regular intervals.This story will be the best in Xossipy history,if this goes on.
[+] 1 user Likes erotichorny71's post
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That was earth shattering transformation and shipra allowed to cum inside her not once but multiple times. Did she take tablets as she was fertile. Shipra and namrata cannot be satisfied with dicks anything less than patodes. Its gonna be a big challenge for them to find a person as good as patode. Shipra will not feel Alok dick inside her.
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What you have created is really really amazing.. I have no words.. Just salute to your rarest of the rarest creation.. This splendid erotica or yours is able to make even impotent persons dick rise.. Ejaculation of Patodes seed inside Shipra was very much kinky and beyond our imagination... My only very humble request is.. Plz do not keep Toppo and Salim waiting too long.. I strongly believe many dicks start shaking just thinking about their sex with Shipra.. That movement is going to be very erotic because of ur magical writing.. I am afraid tht some readers might get a heart attack due to sensation of sex sequence between SHIPRA and TOPPOS or with SALIM..
G. B. U
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(28-01-2025, 10:13 PM)Suraj76626 Wrote: “Hello, Salim bhai. I was waiting for your call,” Patode drawled, lounging comfortably on his plush couch, the phone pressed lazily to his ear. His eyes were fixed on the massive 65-inch LCD TV mounted on the wall in front of him, where a video was playing. The hall was filled with the unmistakable sound of moans and gasps as Namrata and Shipra writhed together on-screen, their passion caught in vivid, unrelenting detail. A smug smile tugged at his lips as he glanced at the screen, reveling in the scene he had orchestrated.

“My ears are waiting for good news, Salim bhai,” he added, his tone smooth yet expectant.

From the other end of the line, Salim’s gruff voice responded. “Saad has agreed,” he confirmed, a note of triumph in his voice. But it was quickly replaced with a tone of demand. “I hope you’ll return this favor as promised, Patode.”

Patode’s grin widened, his satisfaction evident as he leaned further back into the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “That’s wonderful news, Salim bhai,” he said enthusiastically, his voice brimming with approval. “And don’t worry—I never back away from my promises. You know that.” He paused, his eyes flicking back to the screen as another moan echoed through the room, his smirk deepening.

“But,” he continued, his tone turning slightly apologetic, “you’ll have to wait a little longer. Both of these sexy bitches will be out of Ambruj for a few days, but rest assured, Salim bhai, I’ll make the wait worthwhile. I always do.”

There was a momentary silence on the other end of the line before Salim grunted his approval. Patode, still smirking, leaned forward slightly, lowering his voice. “In the meantime, let me send you something to tide you over—a little erotic teaser for your voyeuristic pleasures. I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.”

With that, Patode ended the call, not waiting for a reply. He opened his phone, selecting a particularly explicit clip from the video playing on the screen. With a few taps, the file was sent, and Patode leaned back, raising the volume on the TV until the moans filled the room even louder than before.

“It’s just the beginning, Shipra,” Patode murmured under his breath, his voice low and menacing as he watched her on the screen, her face a mixture of pleasure and surrender. “You have no idea what I have in store for you.”

Reaching for his phone again, he dialed another number, his expression darkening with sinister intent. “Toppo,” he said when the call connected, his tone dripping with authority. “Listen to the plan ahead."

End of Chapter 29: Taste of Submission: Part 2 [image]

As expected, an excellent and erotic update!

Looking forward to the next one..........
[+] 1 user Likes fanofallnature's post
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Very sexy update
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Chapter 29, Part 2: An Amazing Build Up Chapter for the Upcoming Chapters!
As a perfect follow up chapter of Part 1, this is an epic chapter to bridge the previous chapters with the upcoming chapters!

The sexual depictions are mind blowing as always!

The additional gain in this part is that all the characters, including Salim, Saad the Stud and Toppo, are being made live once again with the hints of their significant roles in sure-shot future Ordeals of Shipra as well as Namrata.
The most amazing thing in this chapter is how cunningly Patode has induced recurring sexual bliss in Shipra as a bait for her future NonConsensual Ordeals just like an experienced Predator baits its Prey with a chunk of the most favourite food of the Prey to lure it into a never ending trap of ordeals!
Again hats off to the author for providing such a masterclass of depiction!
Let's all start count down for the beginning of the core of this epic, that is, the most relishing nonconsensual ordeals of these two prime and proper ladies by multiple men in manifold ways in the upcoming chapters!
[+] 3 users Like neelchaand's post
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Please don't use blackmail angle
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(31-01-2025, 03:42 AM)iCuby Wrote: Please don't use blackmail angle

I too agree to it
[+] 3 users Like Victorjohnson's post
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Amazing. Shipra now has no love for Alok or her child.
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[Image: amtrsm-HD-720p-LOW-FR25-mp4-at-Streamtap...sion-2.gif]
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A truly fantastic story. But Namrata is annoying. Throw her to the dogs. And Shipra should take control at some point. She is trying to find justice for the poor women and should emerge victorious at the end.
[+] 2 users Like eslx1212's post
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Please let namrata go outside the life of shipra now as she has completed her need in the story. Patode should take more control of shipra now and "use" her for his career growth and making more money without her knowing. He should make her believe that he is in love with her and do everything and finally ditch her badly.
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