Adultery A Sexy Lactating Housewife And Some Ugly Low Class Men
This is one of the best stories i have read here. Please continue the story for the fans who love your story send not stop for the ones who are hurting you. Show them you don't get deterred by some idiots.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(24-09-2024, 09:18 PM)RowdyRathorehi Wrote: Tunkai ?  nospam nospam nospam nospam

Bro first of all the original writer of this story and thread Prince Babul has given permission to Tunkai only so let him continue and stop this whole thing already as it's ruining the whole mood and if you want to write story start your thread and write there nobody is stopping you if your story is good readers will support you too so now stop this spam
[+] 1 user Likes Amino's post
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Tunkai bro will be waiting for update take your time and give some damn erotic update
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(27-09-2024, 12:00 AM)Amino Wrote: Bro first of all the original writer of this story and thread Prince Babul has given permission to Tunkai only so let him continue and stop this whole thing already as it's ruining the whole mood and if you want to write story start your thread and write there nobody is stopping you if your story is good readers will support you too so now stop this spam

Dear all,

I want to clarify the recent blog discussions. Prince Babul personally gave me permission to write a story because he also felt that Tunkai’s updates were getting delayed. This wasn’t a decision made lightly—Prince Babul himself acknowledged the delays and wanted to ensure that the story would continue moving forward, which is why I was asked to contribute.

In a later post, Tunkai mentioned that he had already written two pages, and out of respect for his efforts, I decided to step back temporarily to avoid any overlap. However, despite this, Tunkai has now asked for an additional two weeks, which some of us find disheartening given the earlier delays. This prompted me to ask where the two written pages were, as I felt it was important to check on the progress.

Many users have expressed frustration over the lack of updates, and while some have reached out privately, I don’t intend to reveal anyone’s messages. My goal in starting this conversation was to see if others felt similarly and whether I could step in to help, given that I had already been given permission by Prince Babul.

Unfortunately, the response I received from Tunkai was unexpectedly aggressive. I want to be clear that I am not trying to take over the blog—I only offered to help if Tunkai was too busy or overwhelmed.

If there’s still room for collaboration, I’m happy to work together for the benefit of everyone. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings, and I appreciate everyone’s understanding and support.

Please readthe previous posts and get understanding

Thank you.
[+] 1 user Likes RowdyRathorehi's post
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Hi Tunkai,

I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to ask—forget about me for a moment. If a user from this blog came to you and asked, “What happened to the two pages you mentioned earlier?”, how would you respond?

I’m asking this purely for clarity, as it was something you mentioned in a previous post. I understand things can get busy, but it would be helpful to know where things currently stand.

Thank you for your time and understanding
[+] 4 users Like RowdyRathorehi's post
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To Tunkai
You telling, i will update story next week . and
You say this statement in every week but not doing, did you wants we beg for update ,if you have no time to do update,end the story better once, then spending time with your family
[+] 2 users Like Jhonsaran's post
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(28-09-2024, 03:20 PM)RowdyRathorehi Wrote: Dear all,

I want to clarify the recent blog discussions. Prince Babul personally gave me permission to write a story because he also felt that Tunkai’s updates were getting delayed. This wasn’t a decision made lightly—Prince Babul himself acknowledged the delays and wanted to ensure that the story would continue moving forward, which is why I was asked to contribute.

In a later post, Tunkai mentioned that he had already written two pages, and out of respect for his efforts, I decided to step back temporarily to avoid any overlap. However, despite this, Tunkai has now asked for an additional two weeks, which some of us find disheartening given the earlier delays. This prompted me to ask where the two written pages were, as I felt it was important to check on the progress.

Many users have expressed frustration over the lack of updates, and while some have reached out privately, I don’t intend to reveal anyone’s messages. My goal in starting this conversation was to see if others felt similarly and whether I could step in to help, given that I had already been given permission by Prince Babul.

Unfortunately, the response I received from Tunkai was unexpectedly aggressive. I want to be clear that I am not trying to take over the blog—I only offered to help if Tunkai was too busy or overwhelmed.

If there’s still room for collaboration, I’m happy to work together for the benefit of everyone. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings, and I appreciate everyone’s understanding and support.

Please readthe previous posts and get understanding

Thank you.

If you have writers permission then write it and if not possible in this thread then open new thread as continuation by you.... Instead of this verbal talks which is delaying update just somebody give some updates
[+] 2 users Like Amino's post
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Let me clear you all. If this man didn't appear suddenly then the update will be here already. I deleted two pages of writings. Then I left the thread. Then people started requesting me again. Is this a joke?
That man insulted me with a woman's pic with a baby in lap. The admin deleted the pic as it was breaking the community law.
I again started writing despite of all my problems.
I've no profit by writing these stories.
I've only Passion for these stories.
And I realized that some readers here never ever can realize a writer's problem. And that is why many good stories destroyed. I'm not telling about all readers. I'm telling about some. They are so impatience.
And after giving so many efforts to the story it's really disappointing to me.
Sorry Elsevivian Sir and Anjali. I've to leave this Xossipy.
I've Lot's of personal problems. And I'm only wasting my time here and getting nothing.
Anyway here is a little writing which I started again.
But stopping here.
Good-by all
When Dipa reached the slum, she saw a little difference in the locals. Now they were not giving any surprised expressions. Means now they also become familiar with Dipa.
Or maybe her ordinary saree was not making any attraction, she thought.
So, I've to wear something more provocative next time, she thought in mind and giggled.
Soon she reached Ramen's house.
Ramen was in a hurry. He was getting ready for his work.
He welcomed Dipa with joy and gratitude.
Ramen: Thank you very much madam. I'll never forget these… he couldn't say anymore.
Tears started coming in his eyes and his throat choked in emotions.
Dipa quickly hugged him and rubbed his back. She was still on the road, outside of his doorstep.
A few slum dwellers were passing by. They were looking at them curiously.
They stopped walking and stood there to watch what's going on.
Ramen was feeling a little embarrassed.
Dipa tapped his back and said, Areee Ramen Bhaiya don't cry. You're getting late. Go to your work. Then she released him from her hugging and stepped back and said, see, bhaiya, I'm here. Now you can go to work. Don't worry I'll take care of you both children.
Ramen held her hands and said, I've no words to show my gratitude to you. I can't ever pay back these debts, madam.
Dipa : You don't have to pay back anything. Now I think you're getting late to your work.
Just do me a favor.
Ramen : Yes madam, please tell me.
Dipa : I'm coming from the polyclinic. So, I don't want to go to the children in this dirty saree.
So please give me something to wear and show me the bathroom.
And Is Ramla masi here?
Ramen : Yes madam, she has come with Tukun babu. But we don't have any bathroom or toilet in our house. You've to go to the common bathroom. But I don't think you should go there..
Dipa : Ah, don't worry. What's the problem?
I'll go there. Now give me a saree of your wife.
Ramen : Really madam? Shall you wear her clothes?
Dipa : Why not?
Ramen : I can't believe it.
Dipa : Listen, if I'm gonna stay in the slum every day then I'll have to adopt your lifestyle and your Arteries also.
Yes or no?
Ramen : Yes, yes madam. Wait a minute.
I'm just coming back.
Ramen rushed into the room and within a minute he brought a very old and cheap lehenga and choli and a used soap and cheap scrubber and a cheap thin bengali towel( gamcha).
He said, madam, these were my wife's best clothes.
Dipa : Thank you, Ramen Bhaiya. Now show me the bathroom.
Ramen : Yes madam, follow me.
And soon they took the narrow and busy lane of the slum and Ramen stopped in front of a 5/5 square foot concrete pavement with a large iron hose pipe fixed beside the lane.
There was no lock or cap on the pipe.
The muddy ganges water was flowing continuously from the pipe.
Ramen : Madam… this is our bathroom..
Dipa looked at him and then looked around.
The narrow lane was busy and two labor class black men were already bathing sitting on the concrete pavement by the lane, wearing just tiny and dirty underwear.
There was a small tea shop just two to three meters away from there.
Dipa became nervous. How could she take an open bath here? What would the people say?
She asked Ramen, Bhaiya, is it your bathroom?
Ramen: Yes madam. 24 hours Ganges water service from Kolkata corporation.
But the problem is the women used to complete their bath within 7 am in the morning. And then we men used to take our baths. Sarala also used to bathe here in the morning.
She used to come around 6- 6.15 in the early morning.
Dipa : Hummm.
Ramen : But if you have a problem then you can go to Usman cacha's house. They have their own toilet and bathroom.
Dipa : That's not a bathroom at all. Only plastic and old clothes covered the area used as a toilet cum bathroom. That is dirtier than this open area.
If your wife Sarala could bathe here or all other women can bathe here then I also can take my bath here.
But the problem is I can't change my clothes here.
Where are the toilets?
Ramen : Ah leave that idea. The common toilet means some makeshift cubicles made by bamboo and plastic sheets over the old canal.
I think you should go to Usman chacha's house.
Dipa : Ah, don't worry. I'll take my bath here.
You take your wife's clothes and put them in your room. I'll go there and change my clothes there.
And you may go now. You're getting late.
Ramen : Are you sure? I mean…..
Dipa : Don't worry. Now go.
Ramen looked at those two people who were taking their bath under the pipe.
He shouted, Hey Kalu and Lalu, please take care of madam. She is our guest. She shouldn't face any trouble…
Kalu : Don't worry,Ramen Da. We will take care of Boudi. You go….
Lalu shouted, Boudi come. Don't worry. We are here.
Dipa nochantly started walking towards the Ganges water pipe.
Ramen stood there with his wife's clothes in hand. Dipa reached there and looked around.
People were around. Passing by on bikes, cycles or walking. The people were gossiping at the tea shop, sitting on wooden benches and frequently looking at her.
Dipa slowly started sitting down. But Lalu stopped her and said, aree madam, what are you doing?
Please remove the saree first..
[+] 3 users Like Tunkai's post
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Dear Tunkai, 

Please take care of personal life first. I really appreciate your efforts to take this story forward and the way you write is beautiful. AI images were amazing too..
I don't know how you feel about the readers, but many people who enjoy these threads are not even logged in to leave any kind of feedback.. so I would say please dont get discouraged by any kind of negative remarks. This thread has a lot of shared interests and therefore bound to have more conflicts.. "Too many cooks spoil the broth". So when you do get time and interest, please continue with your own thread.
You are a wonderful writer !
[+] 3 users Like tomdickharry2024's post
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(30-09-2024, 08:07 AM)tomdickharry2024 Wrote: Dear Tunkai, 

Please take care of personal life first. I really appreciate your efforts to take this story forward and the way you write is beautiful. AI images were amazing too..
I don't know how you feel about the readers, but many people who enjoy these threads are not even logged in to leave any kind of feedback.. so I would say please dont get discouraged by any kind of negative remarks. This thread has a lot of shared interests and therefore bound to have more conflicts.. "Too many cooks spoil the broth". So when you do get time and interest, please continue with your own thread.
You are a wonderful writer !

Heart thank you Sir. I realized that this guy opened a account just on 11.9.24 and started just comments in this thread only and against me. Just like a guy opened a account recently and commenting just on Purva's story. 
Anyway I've been in Exbii from's been almost 12 years. And I am greateful and lucky that I found a dozen of friends from this forum. But I think  I need This experience. This like a lesson. From now I'll never try to waste my time to write others story.
I've Purva. I'll take care of her and create new stories. My own stories. And I'll not write for likes and comments. I've my own ideological thoughts. I'll stay on my thoughts.
Thank you sir again. 
And to this thread. Goodby for the last time.
[+] 8 users Like Tunkai's post
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So this is the end of this thread ?
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Missing deepa so much
[+] 1 user Likes Jhonsaran's post
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Lease come back and continue this story tunkai. Prince babul please .
[+] 1 user Likes AnitaMathur's post
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Please consider Deepa and her fans.
[Image: IMG-7113.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes Herbiee's post
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I want start a new story which have breastfeeding plots
[+] 3 users Like Smd10's post
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awesome story  clps still waiting
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Missing deepa
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Why did the fight of writers erupted...

I think this story is just going to be vague and boring as Dipa has started going all out. There is no secrecy nor a point that the characters are going to build up the atmosphere to seduce. Dipa shouldn't be a cheap whore. She should be helpful and a woman with dignity who also cares for her family! Just finish the story on a high note as it started. Call it a end!

Thank you to the original writer and the contributors.
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Some slum dwellers miss her a lot. They are still wait for her kindness.So please stop fight and please let her go free.
[Image: IMG-8310.jpg]
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