Humiliated Hubby Akhil leading to cuckold
nice story, i think it deserves more appriciation.. lucky to find this gem
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writer-a yaarkachum theiryumaa?
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I wore my panties in front of Lakshmi , Wife Archana and Sundar and Gardner. After wearing the panties I had a marginal sigh of relief. They all laughed after seeing the sigh of relief I had. They laughed because they knew that they can strip me at their will any time. I am acting as though I have covered myself and that is going to be the end of my humiliation. It is not.

Then Lakshmi went off to kitchen for her duties. Gardner moved out. Sundar was dusting the hall. Archana my wife still moving around in the small towel covering her thongs and a blouse on top. I requested her to wear her saree or nighty. She gave me one slap and asked why should she wear it. I said that Sundar is ogling at her. She called Sundar and Sundar came and stood in front of us. We both were sitting on the sofa.

Archana: Sundar are you ogling at me? Do you like to ogle at me?

Sundar: Mam, .... some times... yes.. not always.

Archana: Akhil, see he is not ogling at me. men will sometimes ogle , that is fine right. What is your problem.

Me: But you are wearing less clothes. So if you cover up it is ok.

Archana: You only asked me to remove my leggins. Now you are asking me to cover up. In fact you asked me to remove my leggins in front of the carpenter, gardener.. sorry two carpenters and one gardener. Do you think I have to remove when you ask me to remove and cover up when you want me to cover up. So to taste the carpenters cock you have made me strip, right? Now there is no cock for you, so you are asking me to cover up? Only you need cock? I don't need is it? If you have one there is no issue. Sissy boy. Remember your place. Sundar, you may take Akhil with you and make him fully under your control and tell me.

Sundar: Ok mam

This guy Sundar must be in early 20s. I am in 30s. I was humiliated and looking down. Lakshmi was also hearing this from the kitchen and laughing now and then. She was coming to the hall under the pretext of something or the other and was watching.

Archana left me in the hall and went to the bed room and locked it. I went behind her and knocked. She refused to open and asked me to be outside only. Then she called up Sundar on phone from inside and asked him to take control of me till tomorrow morning when the carpenters arrive.

Sundar: Akhil boss, now you are under my control. Madam has given full control to me. How you used to boss over me. Now wait and see.

Sundar sat on the sofa and asked me to get up from the sofa. I instinctly followed his command. Lakshmi was watching and she smiled.
Sundar asked me to get water for him. I walked to the kitchen and got him water. Lakshmi was watching and smiling. They were taking me under control by giving me small instructions to see if I will obey.

Sundar was walking out through the front door outside to the compound area. He asked me to follow him. I refused to go out of the main door as it was all day light open to sky and any neighbour or passer by on the road etc may be able to see me in panties.

Sundar: Are you going to come outside or not? ( commanding tone)

Me: Some one may see me in panties. Please I will wear a shorts and obey you fully.

Sundar: If you follow my command you will get less humiliation, if you try to teach me anything you will not even have your panties on you.

I walked outside covering up my front with hands. Lakshmi was smiling watching my state. Sundar asked Lakshmi to lock the main door from inside and do not open it for any one. He instructed Lakshmi to open if only he rings the bell. This means I am locked out of the house in the compound area with Gardener and Sundar. The backyard door also was closed. So I cannot get into the house. The Gardener and Sundar used to stay in the out house near the front gate. So he asked me to follow him there. I ran from main door to the outhouse to find a cover. As we both entered the outhouse, he and gardner were sitting on the chair and made me sit on the floor.

Sundar: Gardener ( Subramanai) , madam was looking so good in the attire. I am fully aroused.

Gardener : Even me too. I think we will get the chance soon.

Sundar: If madam sees your cock, you will be shifted from outhouse to her bedroom permanently. Akhil will come to your place. Ha ha.. ha..

I got worried hearing above statement. I did not know what the gardner Subramani has in store.

Sundar: Akhil go clean the front yard.

Me: Can I do it in the evening?

Sundar: why you donot want others to see you in panties? Then do one thing wear a komanam (Langoti) and go clean.

I thought komanam is better, because it will be at least manly not feminine. Then I asked for a towel to wear it as komanam. He asked me to remove the same panties and wear it as komanam and go. I got shocked. Panties was already in pink color, it was thin lace material. It will not cover as a komanam properly. It will even get worse. There is no string also on my waist. I asked him for a string. He gave me small thread like one to have on my waist. 
Then I pleaded to him for a bigger komanam. He slapped me on my cheeks for the first time, not very hard but a slap. Gardener Subramani started laughing. I was getting more humiliated as I was slapped by my servant and my wife Archana has allowed it. I was not interested in getting hit and slapped by him more. If I allow this he will do it in front of Lakshmi Archana and may be carpenters tomorrow. So i tied the thread around and went to a corner and removed my panties and was trying to fix it as a komanam. Only the front was narrowly covered but it was not coming to the back. I asked Sundar for help.

Sundar: Akhil cover the front and go. It is enough.

I decided no use in pleading for help and tried to use the thread extra hanging length to cover up  through the ass crack and reach tied with the panties hanging in the front. By doing this panties was tightly covering the front so nothing can be seen, but it was narrow and small. Backside was fully seen but there was a thread disappearing into the ass crack.

Sundar: Ok. smart Akhil. Now go and clean the full front yard and report to us.

I walked out slowly. Not knowing how to manage if someone comes to the house or if some neighbour sees me.
I love CFNM. CFNM Humiliation. I am an Exhibitionist. Like to serve females during their party in a semi-dressed situation as per the likes of the group. I am from Chennai and can speak English and Tamil. Namaskar
[+] 3 users Like fancyguyfancy's post
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I might have ignored this update completely if you didn't have that level of writing skills. The only ask is to be regular so that the heat stays on.. Delayed updates just dilutes the intensity of the story, hope you will understand and keep going!
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Wonderful update
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Nice that you brought the koamanam in the play...
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waiting eagerly for next update/..
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This is one of the erotic stories - but least updated!
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Update please
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Update please
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Update please
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Update please
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I was outside in the front yard, wearing just a komanam out of lace panties and cleaning the area. Anyone who comes to our house can see me in that condition. There are some small trees and plants to hide on partially. Not fully. As I was cleaning the area, couple of ladies who sell soaps were knocking on the gate. The moment I saw them, I went behind a tree hiding. They knocked on the gate. Sundar heard them knock and asked me to go see who it is. If I obey Sundar's instruction I have to walk straight in komanam and humiliate myself. If I choose not to obey him, I may be humiliated in a different way. So I was just contemplating what to do behind the tree. Sundar came outside his cottage and was looking for me. He saw the 2 women at the gate too. He saw me hiding too. He laughed seeing my plight and wanted me to get further humiliated. So he asked the women to come inside. The women walked in with their bags carrying soaps. He called me also to come and I cannot refuse him now as he was directly looking at me. There was no more chance of hiding from the women too.

I came out from the hiding and walked towards him and the women now could see me fully. Their eyes were glued on me and they were bit shocked too. As we all went near Sundar, he said to me....

Sundar: Akhil sir, these women brought soaps. You wanted to buy it. Please check.

Sundar called me sir, to show to the women that I am the owner of the house, but in a pitiable clothing. This is another kind of humiliation. If I had been shown as a servant in front of the women, they will not mind much. But He is showing me as the owner.

Sundar to the women: Will your soap be of good quality? In my house sir only washes all the clothes, so last time he did not wash the clothes properly and madam punished him to be in this attire for 1 full day. So he is under punishment now from madam. If you will give good quality soap sir will take madams permission and buy it.

The women and Sundar were all sitting on the floor and a small stool. When I was about to sit on the floor, Sundar slapped on my buttocks, and I cried in pain.
Sundar: Sir, you are not supposed to sit here. The only place you are allowed to sit is on the mud. Not on this verandah.
THe women saw my stage and laughed. I was rubbing my bums to ease the pain for a minute.
Women: Is it still hurting you sir? Better buy our soap and wash, you won't have this punishment in future.
Sundar: Sir gets punished regularly for some reason or the other.

At that juncture Lakshmi came out of the house hearing our conversation outside on the verandah. The women looked at her and could understand she was the maid in the house.
Lakshmi: What Akhil what happened to the panty. Why changed to this komanam.
Sundar: Answer Akhil sir. Answer to Lakshmi
Akhil: I was feeling shy to be panties so changed to komanam with the same panty.
Lakshmi: Everything is visible now. Anyway you are shameless pig.
Sundar was having a stick with him and was scratching my butt with the stick. It was like threatening me that he may beat me any time. As he was rubbing my butt with the stick I was shaking and pleading looking at him. He loved that bossiness and making me plead. Slowly he would poke on my bum with the stick and make me rub.
Sundar took the stick to the front side of the komanam and scratching my cock over the komanam. He pushed my balls through the stick too. The way he was pushing my small cock was getting erect. The way he was pushing the komanam cloth was like it may get removed. I was pleading with my eyes. The women were looking at what Sundar was doing with the stick. Soon it was getting obvious that I was getting erect and Sundar was trying to remove my komanam.
Akhil: Sundar sir, please sir, I will do what you say. Donot do that sir.
Sundar: Do not do what?
Akhil: Sir, please... do not rub...
Sundar: Why you do not want others to know about your small dick?
Akhil : Sorry sir... It is not that small.
The sales woman started laughing keeping their hands on their mouth.
Sundar : Then why you did not go and open the gate when these women came in. Why should I come and call you? why did you hide behind the tree.
Akhil : Sorry sir. I am sorry.
Sundar was still rubbing on the komanam and now managed to push the komanam slightly away and the tip of my cock was coming out of the komanam. The women were seeing it in awe. I realized the tip is coming out and covered it with both my hands crossing it over the komanam and blocking the view from the women. Sundar took the stick and hit me on the knuckles of my hand and I cried in pain and removed my hand immediately.

Sundar: why you need 2 hands to cover your small cock? I will give you one chance, you can use only your small finger of one hand to cover it if you want.
Lakshmi: Ha Ha ha... Super Sundar...
Sales Woman: Sir can we leave or should we stay?
Sundar: You be around. See what he has in store. We are going to buy your soaps for sure.

Now I brought my small finger and tried to cover the tip which was showing out of the komanam. Sundar still used his stick to push the komanam to one side and make more of my cock visible. I pleaded with him to leave it like this..
Sundar: Sir, please. I will do what you say.
Sundar pushed the komanam away and my full cock came out now. I still used only my small finger and covered up 50% of the cock on display. As it was erect more of it was visible.
Sundar put the stick on the waist thread and pulled it and the komanam got removed in total. It was almost falling off where I was holding it between my thighs. Sundar now put the stick inbetween my thighs and tried to bring the komonam down to the floor. I was not giving way for it. Sundar hit me hard on the bums once and by instinct I took both my hands to cover up the bums from getting hurt and my thighs also parted ways. and komanam fell to the ground. My full cock was on display for a few seconds after which I again brought my small finger to cover up. The sale women were laughing. Sundar used his stick and threw the komanam away and the komanam flew in the air and got hanged on the tree near by but at a height of more than 8 feet or so. I saw my only attire hanging out of reach.

Akhil: Sundar sir, please I am sorry.
Sundar : Keep your hands on the side. Show what you have got. If you had behaved properly you would not have been paraded like this..
Sundar used his stick again and pushed my penis, made it hard. It was hard and small.
THen Sundar asked me to take the women to the backyard and wash the clothes with their soap and see if it is good.
Akhil: Can i Take my komanam and wear it.
Sundar: Only 1 min time, try to take it.
I went near the tree and jumped many times could not get it. They were laughing as my cock was dancing and I was humiliated by them. My time was over and the women and I were sent to the back yard. As went first and the sales women followed me. One women pinched my ass and made fun when I cried a bit.
I love CFNM. CFNM Humiliation. I am an Exhibitionist. Like to serve females during their party in a semi-dressed situation as per the likes of the group. I am from Chennai and can speak English and Tamil. Namaskar
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clps clps clps clps clps clps
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Every good imagination.. Keep rocking
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Wow story.... Continue

Nice plot
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